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西安是首批中国优秀旅游城市,文化遗存具有资源密度大、保存好、级 别高的特点。
西安地域文化氛围浓厚,面食、秦腔、皮影这些地域文化的代表,为西 安增添了别样的城市魅力。
Xi’an International Silkroad
Center Plot A2
Adjacent to the 498m international silkroad tower which is the highest building in northwest China, A2 lot plays an important role in the node of ancient and modern silkroad.
As a renaissance of the traditional urban context of Tang Dynasty, the MLP layout includes clusters of diverse scales - market, street and courtyard. The facade design also reflect this composition. Inspired by the display of Mogao Grottoes and the classical Modrian, various sizes of framed eye-catching boxes located right in the "grottoes" and display vibrant commercial activities.
This architecture language goes through the facade design of whole project, from shopping mall to tower and street retail. Mondrian motif echos and completes the narrative of the site.
Location Xi’an, China
Type Retail + Apartment
Size 45,834 m2 / 147,161 m2
Stage Competition + Conceptural Design + SD + DD
Position Project Manager + Key Architectural Designer