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Ningbo Urban Museum Renovation
寧波城建展覽館改造 (2020)
This renovation contains the architectural vision for the new development within the old Bund of Ningbo. The proposed design creates a strong and iconic vision for the district, becoming the signature urban statement within the development, announcing the importance of the district to the wider urban context.
The design identified a unique opportunity to create an urban statement for the proposed development by creating a new public destination within the district. The linking of different levels creates a striking ramp profile, signifying the visual observatory to the development from the waterfront to the Ningbo CBD. The renovation also signifies the district as a oculus to the future, relating to all the historical buildings located in the district.
Location Ningbo, China
Type Renovation
Size 1,794 m2 / 6,729m2
SCOPE 2D + 3D + Presentation
Stage Conceptual Design
Position Independently Accomplished
Tianding Lake Service Station
天頂湖環湖綠道驛站 (2021)
The architecture form is inspired by the winding water front and the hilly landscape in the island.
Trying to integrate the building into the surroundings, the primary goal of the design is to create the architecture that works in harmony with the nature.
The design proposal abstracts the deep eaves image of traditional architecture roof, creating the indoor and outdoor grey space and vibrant courtyards
Location Wenzhou, China
Type Service Station
Size 3,000 m2
Scope 2D + 3D + Presentation
Stage Conceptural Design
Position Independently Accomplished