Week 6 Studio Journal
Xinyu Shi (585924)
After in-class analysis and presentation for our case study building ERC, we got some basic knowledge of its structural system. We were supposed to select a part from the building and construct a framework model. After discussion, we decide to select a simple part to from the drawing map to make it. As shown in the picture below.
At first, we planned to make a model for all part on the map. Due to the time is limited; we changed our plan and decided to take an easy part.
We bought materials before the studio, materials used for this model are: balsa, bamboo stick, glue, pins, blue tack, scissors, cutter, pasteboard, cutting board and ruler. The scale of structure on the drawing plan was 1:100, we decided to double it, and so our scale of the structure is 1:50. After deciding the scale, we began to measure the structure, calculate the dimensions for our model and then draw our plan on the paste board.
Then we cut the balsa into stripes based on our measurements and tried to use glue to connect the stripes together to construct the framework. However, we found the glue take time to be dry and then we change it to pins. Also, we found it is hard to connect the beams, if we cut them into stripes and glue them, and then we needed to be really careful with the cut section of the stripes and have to ensure that they appear to be a straight line after gluing them with the long stipe. So we cut a gap on the stripes but did not break them into different pieces and then connected them together with an overlapping joint, as shown in the pictures below.
Then we started to work on the columns, we used two materials to represent the columns as the drawing plan shown that the actual structure use universal columns and square hollow sections.
After finishing the columns, we used blue tack to place the structure on the pasteboard. We were planning to make a roof for the structure in the beginning of the studio. However, due to limiting of time, we did not do it. We should work faster and be more efficient.
In week 4 to 6, we learnt how to read the drawing plans and gain information about the buildings. We learnt things about the structural systems (footing systems, foundation, primary structure and secondary structure) of buildings, such as structural materials, joints and fixings. We also did research on sustainability of structural systems and environmental impacts. With the foundations and footing system, ERC uses concrete pad footing and with a universal column on a base plate held together with non-shrink grout. With the primary structure, parallel flange channel and universal beams with various lengths are used horizontally. Vertically, the universal columns and square hollow section columns are used. With its secondary structure, floor joists and purlins are used.
The structural materials used are: concrete, steel (frames, purlins, mullions, beams), zinc (cladding) and plywood. Fixings are: bolts, purlins, cap plate, concrete fixing cleat and HVU anchors. With its environmental impacts, we found that the building uses materials such as timber and concrete they have low embodied energy. However, materials like steel, aluminium and zinc are also used and they have embodied energy. On the whole, the embodied energy is high. However, some materials used such as concrete, glass, metal can be recycled and produced with used materials.