InternationalResearchJournalof ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

S.P. Priyadharshini *1, F. Nirmala Irudayam *2
*1ResearchScholar,DepartmentofMathematics,NirmalaCollegeforWomen,Coimbatore, TamilNadu,India.
*2AssistantProfessor,DepartmentofMathematics,NirmalaCollegeforWomen,Coimbatore, TamilNadu,India.
In decision-making problems with sub-attributes Refined Plithogenic Neutrosophic Sets(RPNS) are efficiently used by considering their reality, indeterminacy and falsehood components. In this article a few concepts of RPNS along with union, intersection, complement and partial orders are introduced in a unique approach to cope up with uncertain and conflicting data. Some ideal properties of RPNS based on these perceptions have alsobeenstudied.Wewillimplementtheconceptinordertoevaluatetheefficacyoftheproposedmethodology ofRPNSinmulticriteriadecisionmakingwiththenumericalexamples.
Keywords: Plithogenic set, Neutrosophic Set, Refined Plithogenic Neutrosophic Set, Multi criteria decision making.
Numerous concepts for dealing with ambiguity, inconsistency and incoherence have recently been implemented.Probabilistic theory, fuzzy set theory, intuitionist fuzzy set, rough set theory, etc. are constantly usedasimpactfultechniquestohandlewithvarioustypesofcomplexitiesandinaccuracyinembeddedmethod. Allthesehypothesesmentionedconsequentlyhavefailedtodealwithundefinedandcontradictoryinformation intheworldview.
FlorentinSmarandacheintroducedtheNeutrosophicset(NS)theoryin1998anditwasdevelopedfromanew field of study, namely Neutrosophy. NS is capable of managing volatility, indeterminacy and contradictory information. NS approaches are appropriate for analysing complexity, indeterminacy and contradictory informationproblemsinwhichtechnicalexpertiseisrequiredandhumanassessmentisessential.
Yager[21]firstproposedthemulti-settheoryasarepresentationoftheframeworkofnumbertheory,andafter thatthemulti-set wasestablishedbyCaludeetal [3].A varietyofgeneralizationsof themulti-settheoryhave been made by many scholars from different perspectives. Sebastian and Ramakrishnan [9, 10] introduced a newtechniquetermedmultifuzzysets,whichisamulti-setgeneralization.Eversince,manyresearchers[4,5, 6, 7] have addressed more multi-fuzzy set properties and they expanded the idea of fuzzy multi-sets to an intuitionistic fuzzy set called intuitionistic fuzzy multi-sets (IFMS). Since then, many exemplary methods have been suggested by the researchers in the IFMS analysis [2, 6, 12, 20]. A multi fuzzy set component can occur quiteoftenwithpossiblythesameordifferentmembershipfunctions,althoughanintuitionisticfuzzymulti-set techniquerequiresmembershipandnon-membershipvaluestooccurfrequently.FMSandIFMSdefinitionsfail todealwithindeterminacy.
In 2013, by refining each neutrosophical component t, i, f into t1, t2, ..., ts and i1, i2, ..., ir and f1, f2, ..., fm Smarandache [17] generalized traditional neutrosophical logic to n-value refined neutrosophical logic. The definitionofrefined(multi-set)neutrosophicalsets(RNS)wasrecentlyusedbyDelietal.[3] Ye[20]andsome of their basic properties were studied by Said Broumi and Irfan Deli. RNS is the generalization of fuzzy multisetsandintuitionisticfuzzymulti-sets.
Plithogeny which was introduced in 2017 by Florentine Smarandache is the origination, existence, development, growth and emergence of various entities from technologies and organic combinations of old objects that are conflicting and/or neutral and/or non-contradictory. A plithogenic set P is a set whose membersarecharacterizedbyoneormoreattributesandtheremaybeseveralvaluesforeachattribute. The motive of this article is an attempt to study Plithogenic Neutrosophic Sets to Refined Plithogenic Neutrosophic Sets (RPNS). The manuscript is carried out in the following manner. In Section 2, we introduce some concepts and perceptions of PNS and RPNS theory which will support us in the subsequent study. We
Volume:03/Issue:04/May-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com www.irjmets.com @InternationalResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience
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Volume:03/Issue:05/May-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
examinetheoperatorsofPNRSinSection3.Insection4,wemakeanapplicationforPNRSindecision-making. Finally,weconcludethisarticlewiththefuturework.
Inthissection,werefertothenoteworthyfundamentalpreliminariesandinparticular,theworkofZadeh[23] Attanassov[1],AtiqeUrRahmanetal[2],I.Delietal[5]and Smarandache[15]whointroducedthePlithogenic Setwhichinvestigatesthecomplexitiesofseveraltypesofoppositesandtheirneutralsandnon-opposites.
Definition 2.1 [15] Plithogenicset(PS)isageneralisationofacrispset,afuzzyset(FS),anintuitionisticfuzzy set (IFS) and a neutrosophic set (NS), while these four categories are represented by a single attribute value (appurtenance):singlevalue(belonging)-foracrispsetandaFS,twovalues(belonging,non-belonging)-foran IFS, or triple values (belonging, non-belonging and indeterminacy) for NS. In general, PS is a set whose membersaredeterminedbyasetofelementswithfourormorevaluesofattributes.
Definition 2.2 [8] LetUbeauniverseofdiscourse,andPanon-emptysetofelements,P U,then (P, ,R,d,C)iscalledaPNSwhere Theattributeis =“appurtenance”
ThesetofattributevaluesR={belonging,indeterminacy,non-belonging},whosecardinal|R|=3; TheDominantAttributeValue=belonging; Theattributevalueappurtenancegradefunction: 0,1 : R P d , [0,1] ) , ( [0,1], ) , ( [0,1], ) , ( belonging non y d indeterminacy y d belonging y d with 3; ) , ( ) min det , ( ) , ( 0 nonbelonging y d acy er in y d belonging y d andtheattributevaluecontradictiongradefunction: [0,1], : R R C 0, , ( ) ( ) , ( nonbelonging nonbelonging C indeterminacy,indeterminacy C belonging belonging C 0, ) , ( nonbelonging belonging C 2, 1 ) , ( ) , ( indeterminacy nonbelonging c indeterminacy belonging C WhichmeansthatforthePNSaggregationoperators(Intersection,Union,Complementetc.),ifoneappliesthe norm onbelongingfunction,thenonehastoapplythe conorm onnon-belonging(andmutually),whileon indeterminacyoneappliestheaverageof norm and conorm (i.e) ab b a b a fuzzy ab b a fuzzy f conorm f norm & .

In this section we will consider some possible definitions for the fundamental concepts of the RPNS and its operators.
Definition 3.1 LetUbeauniverseofdiscourse,andPanon-emptysetofelements,P U,then C D rpn , , , , where‘rpn’standsfor refinedplithogenicneutrosophiciscalled RPNSifatleastoneofthevaluesofattribute A ai issplitintotwoormoresubvaluesofattribute: A a a i i , , 2 1 ,withthesubvalueappurtenancedegree functionofattribute 1,2, , 0,1 P ) , ( 3
s for a z D si Definition 3.2 Asinglevaluedfinitelyrefined PNShastheform
l x b
4, , int 1 , ,
, , , ; , , ; , , , 2 1 2 1 2 1 l q and x j b k for N H M all and l x b with egers are l x b where N N N H H H M M M q j K
}. {1,2, } {1,2, , 1,2, 0,1, , ,
Theattribute =“appurtenance”. Thesetofattributevalues } , , ; , , ; , , { 2 1 2 1 2 1 l x b y y y e e e t t t A
@InternationalResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [736]
InternationalResearchJournalof ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience Volume:03/Issue:05/May-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
Thedominantattributevalue(DAV)= bt t t , , 2 1 ;
Thevalueofattributeappurtenancedegreefunction: 0,1, : A P D
k 0, ) , ( ) , ( ) , ( 2 1 2 1 1
u x r

l q v x j
w u x
) ,1 ; 1 ; ,1 ( ) ,1 ; 1 ; ,1 (
In this section, we refine the existing attributes into sub-attributes in order to achieve a better accurateness whichreallyhelpstomakedecisionswhenattemptingtodealwithmulti-attributescenarios. (i)ConsideraUniattribute“Evaluation”(of5attributevalues)PNSforselectingtheCandidateinaninterview isrepresentedby
1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 deg bad very bad Fair good good very Appurtenance of Degree value Attribute ree disimilarity z
1 075 05 025 0 deg bad very bad Fair good good very Appurtenance of Degree value Attribute ree disimilarity z PN
7 5,0 2,0 0 6 1,0 9,0 0 5 8,0 2,0 0 4,06,03 0 1 2,03,0 0 ,
1 075 5 0 25 0 0 deg bad very good below Fair bad above good very Appurtenance of Degree value Attribute ree disimilarity z PN
0.2,0.5,0.7 0.9,0.1,0.6 0.2,0.8,0.5 0.4,0.6,0.3 0.2,0.3,0.1 ,
bad very bad fair good good very A , , , ,
Andhasbeenpartiallyrefinedinto verybad belowgood fair abovebad good very A fined , , , , Re Where , , bad good belowgood abovebad
(ii)Considerauni-attribute(of4attributevalues)PNSfortheattribute“Proficiency”ofselectingthestudents inaclassthathasthefollowingattributevalues:Excellent(thedominantone),good,average,poor.
1 75 0 5 0 0 Appurtenance of Degrees
Excellent good average poor AttributeValues contradiction of Degrees
6) 9,0 8,0 (0 4) 3,0 9,0 (0 6) 8,0 4,0 (0 4) 3,0 2,0 (0
1 9 0 8 0 5 0 3 0 1 0 0 Appurtenance of Degree
contradiction of Degree
Excellent best good Average good anti lessaverage best anti poor above poor Attributevalues
6) 9,0 8,0 (0 7) 6,0 5,0 (0 4) 3,0 9,0 (0 6) 8,0 4,0 (0 4) 2,0 8,0 (0 6) 5,0 4,0 (0 4) 3,0 2,0 (0 ) ( ) (
Thecomplementoftheattributevalue“Excellent”whichis80%dissimilaritywith“good”,willbeanattribute valuewhichis1-0.8=0.2=20%dissimilaritywith“Excellent”,soitwillbeequalto Average Excellent 2 1 .Letus callit“lessaverage”,whosedegreeofappurtenanceis 3). 2,0 8,0 (0 4 3,0 9,0 0 1
Iftheattribute“Proficiency”hasothervalues“Excellent”beingthedominant. Thenegationofbestis1-0.9=0.1=10%dissimilaritydegreewiththedominantattributevalue“Excellent”,so itisinbetweenExcellentandAverage,wemaysayitisincludedintotheattributevalueinterval average Excellent , muchclosertoExcellentthantoAverage.Letuscall “abovepoor”,whosedegreeof appurtenanceis (0.7,0.8,0.3). 0.8,0.9,0.4 1
Inthisarticle,wehavedefined the RPNS byintroducingitscoreoperators. Wehavepresent anapplicationof RPNS in multi criteria decision making. In future work, we will extend this concept to study the correlation measuresofRPNSandalsoitselementaryproperties.

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