1 minute read
Neutrosophic Logic vs. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic
Feng Liu It might turn to look for <neutA> for mathematically reasonable solutions. It is not correct in knowledge. For example, crescent, full moon and no moon are all correct regarding to the existence of moon. Form and emptiness are both correct regarding to matter (Buddhism, e.g. Heart Sutra). Florentin Smarandache With respect to Indeterminacy/Neutrality, it may also be zero, i.e. <neutA> = 0, so it is not a contradiction in your above example if you use neutrosophic logic. Feng Liu The truth is variable in terms of time and other factors: yes, it is right. You can denote T(v1, v2, ...) meaning the truth depending on the variables v1, v2, ... . Florentin Smarandache The distinction between Yin - Yang and Neutrosophy is that neutrosophy adds the <neutA> (the neutral / indeterminate part between the Chinese opposites Yin and Yang).
Neutrosophic Logic vs. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic
To Said Broumi In the example you sent me with: 7 red balls, 2 blue balls, and 1 ball black:
T(red) = 0.7.