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Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

There may also be hybrids of all three categories:

Fuzzy + Intuitionistic Fuzzy + Neutrosophic Graphs


[Numerical + Numerical + Numerical], when the graph edges’ and vertexes’ values or some of them have degrees of membership as subsets of [0, 1], others have degrees of membership and nonmembership as subsets of [0, 1], and the last ones have degrees of membership and indeterminacy and nonmembership as subsets of [0, 1].

Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

To Hojjatollah Farahani, W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Said

Broumi, Mumtaz Ali So far one has used {-1, 0, 1, I} in neutrosophic graphs in

Cognitive Neutrosophic Maps. Meaning, the relation (or edge) between two vertexes A and B into a directed graph, or A → B, can be: -1 (strongly negative), 0 (no relation), 1 (strongly positive), I (indeterminate relation). But we might also consider that a vertex A influences vertex B, or A → B in a (T, I, F) percentage, i.e. A influences B in the following way: T% positively, F% negatively, and I% indeterminately (or neutrally, i.e. neither positive nor negative) influence. We can use this in psychology too defining (t,i,f)neutrosophic psychological graphs.

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