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Neutrosophic Overset/Underset/Offset Graphs
implication, etc.) we apply them on all T, F, and I (so indeterminacy "I" is taken into consideration. The degree of a neutrosophic variable is formed by three sub-degrees: for T, for F, and for I, while the fuzzy variable does not have a degree of indeterminacy.
Neutrosophic Overset/Underset/Offset Graphs
To Said Broumi We can do some work on the neutrosophic overset / underset / offset GRAPHS (never done before). You can consider single-valued or interval-valued cases. Neutrosophic overset/underset/offset are thus [Single
Valued Neutrosophic Soft Over / Under / Offsets, done by P.
Geetha, K. Anitha, International Journal of Science and
Research (IJSR), Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016, 13521356] getting momentum since they reflect our reality (people working overtime [for overset, when membership degree > 1], people not working and doing more damage to the company by destroying machinery etc. [for underset, when membership degree < 0] etc.