1 minute read
Neutrosophic Triplet Group vs. Classical Group and Molaei General Group
In general, let X be a universe of discourse and P(X) the power set of X. Then: (P(X), ∪, ∩) is a neutrosophic extended triplet commutative field. The neutrosophic extended triplets with respect to the union of sets ∪ are: <A, A, B>∪, where A, B ∈ P(X), with
B ⊆A. If A = φ, then its only neutrosophic extended triplet is < φ, φ, φ >∪. And the neutrosophic extended triplets with respect to the intersection of sets ∩ are: <A, A, C>∩, where A, C ∈
P(X), with C A. If A = X, then its only neutrosophic extended triplet is < X, X, X >∩.
Neutrosophic Triplet Group vs. Classical Group and Molaei General Group
To Tèmítópé Gbóláhàn Jaíyéolá We have proved that when all elements of Neutrosophic
Triplet Group (NTG) are cancellable, then NTG becomes a Classical Group (CG). Also, there are cases when NTG reduces to a Molaei General Group (MGG) as you observed, but deeper research herein is required.