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m-Valued Refined Neutrosophic Triplet
So, we may have <A, neut(A), anti(A)>, as in neutrosophy, where all A, neut(A), anti(A) are sets. Why did I extended from a single element "a" to a set of elements "A"? Because in our everyday life, we may have a group of people (may be an association, a country, etc.) A, their enemies anti(A), and their neutrals neut(A). Now, the interesting part is that the intersections among
A, neut(A), anti(A) may be empty or non-empty (depending on the application to solve) - because some elements from neut(A) or from anti(A) may be spies for or against A, or some elements from any of these three sets may be spies, or double or triple spying agents, for the others.
m-Valued Refined Neutrosophic Triplet
We can go further and extend our Neutrosophic Triplet (a, neut(a), anti(a)) to a m-valued refined neutrosophic triplet, in a similar way as it was done for T1, T2, ...; I1, I2, ...; F1,
F2, ... (i.e. the refinement of neutrosophic components). Instead of single refined neutrosophic set, we can extend it to interval refined neutrosophic set, which means that each T1, T2, ..., I1, I2, ..., F1, F2, ... can be intervals (or at least one of them to be an interval of [0, 1] ). It will work in some cases, depending on the composition law *. It depends on each * how many neutrals and anti's there is for each element "a".