1 minute read
Neutrosophic Soft Ditopological Space, and Neutrosophic Soft Cotopological Space
And there is no paper on Neutrosophic Triplet Topology (NTT). I and Mumtaz Ali (2017) published a paper on the definition and properties of neutrosophic triplets, neutrosophic triplet sets and neutrosophic triplet groups. In addition, one may develop: intuitionistic topology [different from intuitionistic fuzzy topology], paraconsistent topology, faillibilist topology, paradoxist topology, pseudo-paradoxist topology, tautological topology, nihilist topology, dialetheist topology, and trivialist topology
(http://fs.unm.edu/DefinitionsDerivedFromNeutrosophics.pdf); or neutrosophic overtopology (topology on neutrosophic overset, when degrees are strictly greater than 1), or neutrosophic undertopology (topology on neutrosophic underset, when degrees are strictly less than 0), or neutrosophic offtopology (topology on neutrosophic offset, when some degrees are strictly greater than 1, and other degrees are strictly less than 0): http://fs.unm.edu/NSS/DegreesOf-Over-Under-Off-
Membership.pdf .
Neutrosophic Soft Ditopological Space, and Neutrosophic Soft Cotopological Space
We have straightforwardly extended the fuzzy soft ditopological and cotopological spaces to neutrosophic soft ditopological and cotopological spaces respectively.