1 minute read
t-norms and t-conorms in Neutrosophic Operators
Myself, I straightforwardly extended from crisp numbers to continuous functions for the neutrosophic operators. But there might be a different possibility to design (new) 'continuous neutrosophic operators', instead of 'discrete neutrosophic operators' as used previously. The fact, that the degree of membership of the same element x with respect to the same set S varies, is real. For example, a worker can be hired to work 50% (parttimer), then later he can be changed to work 75%, and so on. We need some good practical possible example, where the neutrosophic degree of the membership of an element x with respect to a set S changes continuously upon time. For example the quality degree of a product: very high at the beginning, but little by little it degrades over time.
t-norms and t-conorms in Neutrosophic Operators
To Mumtaz Ali About the proposal with t-norms and t-conorms used in neutrosophic operators { let's say: <t1, i1, f1>∧<t2, i2, f2> = <t1∧t2, i1∨i2, f1∨f2>, where ∧ and ∨ are any fuzzy t-norm and respectively any fuzzy t-conorm, not necessarily only min / max respectively}.