1 minute read

Applications of Complex Neutrosophic Numbers

Scilogs, V: joining the dots

I have defined directly the N-norm/pseudonorm and Nconorm/pseudoconorm that do not depend on fuzzy tnorm/conorm, herein:


http://fs.unm.edu/N-normN-conorm.pdf . See if you like to use them or not. It would be a different way of using neutrosophic aggregation operations, in order to avoid self-plagiarism. Another idea is in the paper about the fuzzy and neutrosophic logics treated from a different perspective - trying to change the style, so we do not repeat.

Applications of Complex Neutrosophic Numbers

Narmada Devi I have doubt in complex neutrosophic set theory, where the complex grade values play role in our real life situation and how? Please give some examples about the complex neutrosophic set in our real life situation? Florentin Smarandache With the Neutrosophic Complex Set we have: amplitude (the real part), and phase (the imaginary part) – as in wave’s physics.

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