1 minute read
Special Theory of Relativity
Scilogs, V: joining the dots
considered where we should be able to define a metric and the differential rules. In the general Smarandache Geometrical case this cannot be done since the metrics and rules are very different from each other.
Special Theory of Relativity
To Waldyr Rodrigues I interpreted the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) from a different viewpoint. I do not follow the mainstream dogma; I pass everything through my logos. I do not talk about clocks, since the clock is an instrument to measure the time, instrument that may not work properly in certain conditions (for example because of an electromagnetic field the functioning of the clock may get distorted). I considered the STR from the Absolute Time perspective.
In this case, the two elapsed times Δt' = Δt.
Then I solved for the speed and got a superluminal speed.
What I did wrongly herein? I have the right to consider an Absolute Time {as Galilee (1564-1642) and Newton (1643-1727) did}, why not? What is my misconception? Please tell me the truth - I learn from you.