1 minute read
Neutrosophic Entities in Pauling Spheron Model
So, we have, T1, T2, and F1, F2. Another approach: bipolar neutrosophic offlogic. You, if necessarily, need the bipolar neutrosophic, then still have to use the bipolar neutrosophic offlogic/offset since we have the values -3 and +3, outside of the interval [0, 1]:
T+ = +3, T- = -3;
F+ = +3, F- = -3;
I+ = some noise when processing the positive values, I= some noise when processing the negative values. Not sure at I+ and I- what to say? They may be empty (or close to empty) sets as well (see in physics how the signal works).
Neutrosophic Entities in Pauling Spheron Model
Bill Harrington Your concept of "neutrosophic entities". From our work, it would appear that they are highly involved in the
Pauling "spheron" model. Pairs of them define a triangle not organized in any particular dimensional base. They also define each of the dimensions up through 7, plus 11. It was never an initial intention for our research to enter the area of the Standard Model, because when our