1 minute read
Addition and Multiplication of Neutrosophic Numbers
R.K. Mohanty In decision making applications how to sort in best to worse (higher truth value is better) order for following: (T, I, F): (1,0,0) (1,0,1), (1,1,0), (1,1,1), (0,0,0), (0,1,1), (0,1,0) ? Florentin Smarandache Sorting depends on each specific application criterion. On the triplets (T, I, F) we have partial orders, but total orders can be defined as well. T has a positive quality, while I and F have negative quality. We may say that: (T1, I1, F1) > (T2, I2, F2) if T1 > T2 and I1 ≤ I2, F1 ≤ F2. Other orders can be defined too on the triplets, depending on the optimistic or pessimistic point of view.
Addition and Multiplication of Neutrosophic Numbers
To Nouran Radwan If you have, for example, two singles valued neutrosophic numbers A1 = (T1, I1, I1) of weight w1, A2 = (T2, I2, F2) of weight w2, then Jun Ye used the below formula for multiplying a neutrosophic number with a scalar: w1A1 = ( 1-(1-T1)w1 , 1-(1-I1)w1, 1-(1-F1)w1 ), w2A2 = ( 1-(1-T2)w2, 1-(1-I2)w2, 1-(1-F2)w2 ),