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DSm Reliability (DSmRel
qualitative sense, not in numerical sense) value of a criteria weight, i is the degree of indeteminate value, and f is the degree of negative (in the qualitative sense) value of a criterion weight. Of course, t, i, f are numbers (and in general subsets) of the interval [0, 1]. Similarly for the neutrosophic alternatives, whose values are not crisp, but similarly (t, i,f) – values.
DSm Reliability (DSmRel)
To Jean Dezert A better discounting reliability, than that done by Shafer, in
Dempster-Shafer Theory, is that after applying the discounting reliability factor α ∈ [0, 1], for each hypothesis A in the focal frame of discernment: α·m(A),
the loosing mass:
(1- α)·m(A) should be transferred, not to the total ignorance θ as in
Shafer’s reliability method, but to the smallest partial ignorances that include A. It is a more refined redistribution, a better redistribution.
Example: Let the frame of discernment θ = {A, B, C}, the source m(), and DSm reliability factor α = 0.8.