1 minute read
T% + F% + I% < = > 100
(or on what is the prevalence: optimistic, pessimistic, etc.). For example, in many cases I is considered that T∧I = I. But there may be examples to solve where the expert, being too optimistic, might take T∧I = T. Or we may take a lower bound (pessimistic) and upper bound (optimistic) for a truth-value. Yes, about the absorbent. I defined in the same book: 7.5 Absorbance Law, which actually is subjective too. We say that one symbol absorbs another. For example, if
T∧I = I we say that I absorbs T, and am also defined a order of the symbols T, I, F in terms of this absorbance law.
T% + F% + I% < = > 100%
Jean Dezert For example, instead of considering "m(A)=0.5" as if we were sure that this numerical assignment is correct, then you consider that the assignment "m(A)=0.5" is
T% correct, F% false and I% indeterminate {either correct or incorrect, or maybe both if we admit third include middle possible, or something else (what?)}, with T%+F%+I%=100 to work with consistent information.