AUGUST 2013 VOLUME 15 ISSUE 8 Visit lenhamfocus.co.uk Follow us @lenhamfocus
Meet The Team Matthew Gilbert MNAEA -Sales Manager Matthew has been involved in the estate agency business since 2003. He has built on a solid experience and has quickly become involved in all aspects of residential sales including market appraisals and sales progression. His knowledge and expertise in this field have helped to ensure the company goes from strength to strength.
Prior to this, Matthew began his career working as a Para-Legal within a criminal law firm in London and has spent some time working for an insolvency company. He began working for Philip Jarvis Estate Agent in 2009, passed his professional qualifications and is committed to ensuring the continued growth and development of the company What is important - Matthew is completely focussed on the business objectives and is dedicated to ensuring the company continues to grow from strength to strength whilst maintaining quality customer service at all times.
Hobbies - Matthew is a keen runner and has a general interest in keeping fit at the gym. He also enjoys travelling and socialising with friends.
Matthew’s Showcase Property..... This is one of Matt’s favourite properties available to buy at the moment due to it’s cul-de-sac location and the fact there is a great deal of potential to extend the property. The accommodation is arranged to include an entrance lobby, living room and separate kitchen/diner with modern kitchen units. Upstairs there are the two bedrooms and bathroom. Kingswood is an ideal location for young families or people considering retirement and provides excellent access to the local motorways and there are mainline stations at Lenham, Harrietsham and Headcorn. If you would like to view Elder Close or any property we currently have available, please do give Matt or the team a call on 01622 858241.
30 Elder Close, Kingswood, ME17 3PR
t: 01622 858241 a: 1 The Square, Lenham e: homes@philipjarvis.co.uk w: philipjarvis.co.uk Advertisers
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Welcome... ...to our new look Lenham Focus. This has been very kindly put together by Flowbox Agency. You can read more about who they are and what they do in their article later in the magazine. We want to hear what you think of the new design, good or bad. We are trying to update the design while still keeping the good mix of articles to ensure it stays topical and local. If you think there are further improvements just let us know. We would like to thank Will and Ed of Flowbox for their time and effort in redesigning the magazine and for their continued support. 04
As part of the redesign we will also be updating the Facebook and Twitter pages do keep your eye out for these. We also have some updates from around the village from Margo so please take time to read these. We have an update from Emilia’s Little Heart plus details of their second Ball in October. As ever any articles you would like to submit please send them through.
James Collett Focus Editor 01622 850608 lenham-focus@tiscali.co.uk
Lenham Focus Volume 15 Issue 8 | August 2013 Circulation 2000
AUG 13 Editor: James Collett 01622 850608 | lenham-focus@tiscali.co.uk Advertising: Annie Drylie (On maternity leave) Please contact James | focusadverts@gmail.com Treasurer: Sue Marchant 01622 858511 | 07788163828 | lenhamfocusinvoices@gmail.com Distribution: Gez Clark 07784 447200 Proof Reader: Jane Hewish Social: Jemma Cockell Printed by: MD Printers
Copy Deadline: 7th of the preceding month. Please leave copy at 24 Maidstone road or contact us.
Advertising rates (Sep 2012) Eighth page Quarter Page Half Page Inside Cover Full Page Inside Cover Half Page Full Page Outside Back Cover
£13 £21 £38 £79 £58 £69 £88
Front cover available once a year per advertiser
Print + Deliver one A5 insert
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Your Focus Team We are the team behind the Lenham Focus, we build the magazine from start to finish every month. For you.
Our people From left to right: Annie Drylie and James Collett (More to come in next issue!)
Photography: Elliott Round Elliott is a student who has just graduated from Maidstone Grammar School. He has been providing his photography to Flowbox for around a year now. His style is normally contemporary studio weddings. For this magazine, Elliott was commissioned to produce a high-quality, focused and creative set of photographs that embraces the new Lenham Focus brand, and the village ethos. elliottroundphotography.co.uk
Flowbox. 07
Writing: James Collett
Design: Will Beeching and Ed Craddock
Although James is not, and never has been, involved in publishing he works on the Focus to ensure the village is always up to date with events and to provide local businesses with a low cost publication to advertise in. As with all the team he gives up his time in between work and family and is always grateful to the contributors who make the job so much easier.
Flowbox are an innovative young creative agency based in Maidstone. Established in 2012 they have been providing the Focus with their time and design services for free. Flowbox works with all sorts of clients from one-man bands to huge corporations. If there’s something you’re after, get in touch! thinkflowbox.co.uk Visit lenhamfocus.co.uk Follow us @lenhamfocus
Borough Council Corner Report from Councillor Tom Sams At last summer has arrived, well it has at the time of writing...and we have a Wimbledon Champion! I have spent a lot of time running around (literally) and have found the usual issues that crop up each year at this time. Overgrown hedges, brambles across footpaths, signs covered in vegetation, nettles around post boxes and of course potholes!
I appreciate that KCC are responsible for much and should do a better job...but, when walking down a path and nearly walking off into the gutter because a hedge is overgrown, sometimes, it is the responsibility of the landowner and could be cut. Particularly for the elderly, the disabled, parents with children, it just makes it more difficult and dangerous. Let’s do what we can. Finally enjoy the rest of the summer, there are many local events in our villages to support and perhaps the sunshine might just stretch until September!
Cllr Tom Sams Harrietsham & Lenham Ward t: 01622 859412 m: 07718173329 tomsamscllr@gmail.com
Hedge Cutting The Parish Council has received several reports of residential boundary hedges encroaching onto public footpaths; which in turn narrows the width of the path and could possibly be dangerous, particularly near busy roads. Please ensure boundary hedges are cut back on a regular basis, so as not to endanger pedestrians. Lenham Parish Council will write to households where the overgrown hedges are deemed to cause an obstruction to the footpaths. Thank you for your cooperation. Margo McFarlane (Clerk)
Borough Council Corner
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Lenham Parish Council Public Participation: Members of the public who wished to speak; Mr. Brian Long requested on behalf of the Ham Lane Allotment Association, that the Allotments be registered as an area which is an asset to Lenham Parish.
Cllr. Newman advised that this could be done, but the registration of any assets in the Parishes had to go through MBC; B/L acknowledged this, and requested the LPC look in to the registration of the area, as it was rumoured that the owners were looking to sell the land off, then it would be for the LPC to acquire the same amount of land in the parish for allotments. The LPC agreed to look at the paperwork involved and then to advise B/L of the best way forward with his request. B/L also requested that the LPC have the grass cut at the Church before the 20th July, as he was organising a clean-up of the whole church area, but the grass was too long around the back to carry out the task; the Parish Clerk agreed to advise the grass cutting contractor that a cut needed to take place before the 20th July. Mr Ian George asked if the LPC could write to South East Railways to request that they carry out a weed clearing programme on their pathways that lead in to Lenham Station from Robins Avenue and the pathway that leads in to the Lenham Storage site, as they were becoming overgrown with, thistles, nettles and other weeds; the LPC agreed to write a letter to SE Railways explaining the problem and requesting them
Lenham Parish Council
Meeting held: 3rd July
to clear the footpaths back so that they can be traversed by the general public in safety. Mr. Norbury Colbran advised those at the meeting that St John’s was being re-organised in to larger divisions, contractors were now being employed to look after all the St. John’s buildings, and it was just a malicious rumour going round, that the St. John’s were looking in to the selling off of the allotment land for future development. Boro Cllr. T. Sams advised that he would work with the Ham Lane Allotment Association to have the area of land put on to the Parish Asset Register. T/S had been advised by the Kent Community Warden Martin Sherwood that heavy smoke from a fire in Groveland’s had caused a nuisance to immediate neighbours. T/S also reported that the public footpath that runs along the North-side of the A20 from the Texaco garage to East Lenham Farm needed to be cleaned up as the pathway was very narrow in some places with trees overgrowing as well; the Parish Clerk will write to the Kent Highways Services to advise them of the problem and ask for a clearance of the footpath ASAP. KCW Martin Sherwood reported that a lot of parishioners were getting silent phone call problems; if people had on-going problems with this would they please contact M/S, who might be able to help. M/S also reported that distraction burglaries were rife in the Maidstone area at the moment and advised people to make sure one of
their doors were locked so that there was only one entrance point; again if anybody has experienced this lately please contact M/S, he also advised that he could get door security chains fitted to households, but there would be a cost. PCSO Dave Rowley read out the monthly reported crime figures; there were a total of three, with no pattern. D/R also advised that a Home Safety event will take place on the 27th July between 10-00 am and 1-00 pm at Lenham Community Centre, there will be several security associations/ company representatives at the event. D/R advised that there had been no telephone calls reporting anti-social behaviour this last month. KCC Ward member Jenny Whittle had given her apologies for not attending the meeting due to heavy work load, but advised that she would be attending the August meeting. The Chairman opened the main meeting: Matters Arising: Sunday market attendance: The Chairman advised that there had been no LPC representatives at the last month’s farmers market although it had been agreed that two representatives would attend the market from April to September, there had been no apologies given, so replacement councillors to attend were not sought. The Chairman advised it was time for the LPC to make a final decision to attend the market or not; it was agreed that
representatives of the LPC would attend all future markets up to September, and then the issue would be debated again for the following year. Telephone Box: The Parish Clerk had written to MBC to advise them that LPC wished to adopt the kiosk, and would the MBC advise British Telecom of its decision. WC’s lease: The Parish Clerk advised that MBC had deposited £2,500 in to LPC account, even though no agreement had been reached and no new lease signed by the LPC on the building; however the LPC Chairman had advised MBC that it had been decided by the full Council, that an audit should be undertaken of the public conveniences to ascertain the 15 cost of a much needed refurbishment. Cllr. Willis had agreed to undertake the audit, then the LPC would advise MBC of the cost, and request some match funding to carry out any proposed work. Web-site presentation by Cllrs Drylie and Osborn: Cllrs. Drylie and Osborn gave a very good presentation on the costs and how a new web-site could be set up. Cllr. Gillett requested that LPC contact the KCC web-master and ask them how they intend in the future to roll out their web-site, and then make a decision on whether or not to set up a new independent web-site: Cllr. Attwater, Harrietsham Parish Council representative advised the LPC that HPC were looking to set up their own web-site, along with many other Parishes. Further action will be taken as and when KCC have given Visit lenhamfocus.co.uk Follow us @lenhamfocus
Cont... their reply to the LPC question on the future of their web-site. Cllrs Drylie and Osborn requested that Councillors advise them on what they believe should be included on the new website, should it be agreed to go ahead with the project at some later date. Reports & Committees/ Spokespersons:
Finance & General Purpose: The Chairman bought to the attention of the full LPC that a series of quotes needed to be voted on that had been recommended by the F&GP committee; all quotes went through unanimously. Cllr. Greenwood gave a report on the decision Kent Association of Local Councils meeting had made on the Parish Services Scheme funding arrangements; KALC Maidstone Area had questioned some of the wording in the paperwork pertaining to the scheme, but this had now been agreed upon, and the advice from KALC Maidstone Area committee was for parishes to go ahead and sign the agreement. One of the present grass cutting contractors JFDI had given the LPC a month’s notice of ending their contract with the LPC, the Chairman advised that a new company had come forward who would take over the grass cutting contract that JFDI had relinquished for the same quote that was already in place; it was agreed by the full LPC to award what was left of the contract to Mr. Simon Birchet, and the chairman requested the Parish Clerk gain copies of all the necessary insurances and legal paperwork that will be needed by the
new contractor before he starts work for the LPC on 1st August 2013. Planning: Cllr. Gillett had distributed his reports and asked if any Councillors had any questions on his written reports on the Planning meetings held on 19th June/ 1st July 2013; questions were raised on the response to a letter concerning the Public Inquiry about the proposed creation of a motocross track. Cllr. Newman had drafted a letter of response advising that the LPC were opposed to the development of the motocross track, and the full LPC had endorsed the draft letter to be sent in to the Public Inquiry, and will be read out at the appropriate time at the inquiry. The Old Iron Mongers site at 8 Faversham Road Lenham: The LPC had received a letter from Barton Willmore over the future development of the site. Cllr. Gillett read out the letter, which will be displayed on all the LPC notice boards, as well as the web-site for the general public to read. It was agreed that the LPC will not be committed to a decision until it has discussed the Planning Application, as and when it is submitted. Groom-Way Development: Cllr. Osborn advised that Golding Homes had sent out their surveyor to give an appraisal on what he would recommend could be built on the land that the LPC had designated for affordable homes on the site. The surveyor’s conclusion was that a pair of 2 bedroom houses and maybe a single bedroom bungalow could be built on the site without the
area looking overcrowded; Golding Homes will bore two exploratory holes in to the proposed site area to enable them to select the right footings material to be used in the build, this will be carried out soon. Cllr. Osborn reported that the selling off of LPC land for development in the Groom Way was still on-going. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr. A. Newman advised that there had not been a lot of progress this last month; he had contacted the 2 volunteers who had agreed to draw up a report on the Walk About event in the Village, the report is nearly ready, and the LPC would like to thank the volunteers for all their hard work they had undertaken in producing the report. Cllr. Newman reported that the LPC hoped to liaise with MBC Planners over the SHLAA sites put forward, and that an autumn presentation could take place for the general public to comment on the proposed sites. Highways and Transportation: The Chairman reported that highways repairs were taking place throughout the Parish, all be it slowly, this was because of the large amounts of highways repairs that need to be carried out in the Maidstone area. The Chairman advised that KHS had said that the Old Ashford Road from the Post Office to Groom Way was to be re-surfaced in June, this has not happened, the Chairman will ask KHS when are they going to start the work, and also the Faversham Road/A20 junction improvements start date. Law & Order:The Chairman reported
that he was going to attend a meeting of the Parishes with the Police on the 4th July at Headcorn Village Hall, he would report back after that had taken place. Environment: Cllr. Greenwood reported that; a quote for removing ivy from some of the trees at the cemetery had been gained and the working group will meet up at the Cemetery to agree a maintenance schedule for the future. Cllr. Greenwood also advised that the new trees that had been planted in the entrance to the cemetery had been regularly watered by Mr. Simon Birchet; further clearance work at the Cemetery had already been quoted for and agreed by the full LPC, this will start ASAP.
Reports from outside meetings: Cllr. Greenwood gave a verbal report on the KALC meeting he had attended.
If you would like to get in touch with the parish council please don’t hesitate to contact: Mrs Margo McFarlane Parish Clerk 13 Mercer Drive Harrietsham ME17 1AY Tel: 01622 859682 Website: http://goo.gl/CNHbh
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Dates for Your Diary AUG
Len Valley Practice Health Walk Lenham Community Centre Hub Club Age UK Mystery Afternoon Lenham Social Club 2:00pm
3 20
Friend’s of St John the Baptish Afternoon Tea Lake House, Church Road, Harietsham 3:00pm
The Changeling Theatre production of Richard III The Tithe Barn, 7:30pm
60+ Young at Heart Strawberry Tea Tythe Barn 2:00pm
On 3rd August The Friends of St John the Baptist’s Church will once again be holding a traditional garden party in order to raise funds for the upkeep of the building. This has been a very popular event in the past and we are grateful to Gio and Alan Clements for allowing us to use their garden at Lake House, Church Road, Harrietsham starting at 3.00pm. As before, attractions will include refreshments, a garden quiz and some music. Tickets , to include a traditional English tea: £7.50 (children £3.50 – under five free) from Paul Wallace 01622 859693 or Stuart Bligh 01622 850490
The Changeling Theatre Will be bringing their unique version of Shakespeare’s epic play R I C H A R D III to The Tithe Barn, Lenham on Wednesday 7th August 2013 at 7.30pm Set in a gothic world of murder, plot and intrigue, Changeling’s Richard III will feature a brilliant ensemble cast, original music and a directional twist. We guarantee you a show you will never forget. Tickets from £8.50 available from Hazlitt Box Office 01622 758611 Information: Valerie Woollven 01622 850624
Dates for Your Diary
Headcorn Morris Dancing Red Lion, Lenham 8:15pm On the 22nd August Headcorn Morris will be dancing at the Red Lion from 8.15 pm
Lenham Gardening Society Show Lenham Community Centre
Emilia’s Little Heart 80’s Disco The White Horse, Sandway, 7:30pm
60+ Young at Heart Late Lunch
Friends of St Mary’s Barn Dance Tithe Barn
Lenham Garden Show Just under two months to go before the show. Saturday August 31st, Lenham Community Centre the venue for the revival of this annual event. I hope everybody has been working hard growing those flowers, fruit and vegetables all ready for the day. Entry forms are available at the Library, Village Store, Community Centre and other locations around the village, the cost will be 25 pence per entry. Entries to be submitted to the Show Secretary Lesley Feakes either by post or Email by Thursday 29th August. Exhibitors should stage their entries between 10.00 am & noon at the centre, judging will take place from noon onwards and the show will be open to the public from 2.00 pm, entry to the show will be 50 pence. Tea & cakes available to purchase during the afternoon.
Please come along and exhibit, you don’t have to be an expert , all are welcome. It is intended to be competitive but at the same time fun. Winners will receive certificates and the prestige of winning. This is the first Lenham Garden Show for over 10 years so lets make it a good one, your support as an exhibitor or visitor is vital, as we would like to make it an annual event once again. Keith Varney Chair LGS Visit lenhamfocus.co.uk Follow us @lenhamfocus
Emilia’s Little Heart A busy few months for fundraising for the charity has been happening and continues for the next couple of months. In July one of the founders of the charity Darren Webb along with his team from West Malling C of E school took part in the KM Dragon Boat race held at Mote Park. We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who took part, and I hope to inform you of how much was raised next month as money is still coming in. 22
On 7th September there is an 80s Disco Night, to be held at The White Horse, Sandway from 7:30pm. Tickets are £5 and can be bought from Immy Blingy (The Corner House, Lenham) or Claire Webb, please email to emiliaslittleheart@gmail.com. Thank you to Tony the landlord and Steve Campbell who will be entertaining us all evening with his 80s disco sounds. It would be lovely to see local people enjoying an evening of reminiscing for some. All are welcome, so please come and support the charity as well as have a fun evening. The Hope Ball preparations are now in full swing, and please check out the website at www.thehopeball.co.uk for more details. You can use the contact form to reserve your tickets for Saturday 19th October at the Mecure Hotel. Please spread the word to your
Emilia’s Little Heart
family and friends about this event, as it is the charity’s way of celebrating a year of the charity and thanking people for their support and fundraising efforts. It is also an evening where we raise money for a larger project for one of the hospitals that we support. This year we hope to be able to provide the money to have an app created for the Paediatric Intensive Care Department at the Evelina Children’s Hospital, St. Thomas’, to help children deal with the intensive care department. We are currently working with a company and the Intensive Care Play Specialist to determine how much needs to be raised to make this happen. We look forward to sharing the evening with many who attended last year and we hope if you didn’t come along you might like to join us this year. We would like to thank the Village Store and Phase Hairdressers for having one of our collection boxes. We really appreciate the public putting in your loose change, as this raised £30 last month and has paid for two packs of stickers (350 in each). Even a small amount really makes a difference to the children we provide for. Look out for our new pin badges which can be found in Immy Blingy, Amanda’s Party Place (The Corner House) and Phase (High Street). Thank you to those
Emilia’s Little Heart 80’s Disco The White Horse, Sandway, 7:30pm
of you who have already made your donation and are wearing your badge with pride. I popped in to Slimming World, Lenham to share with them the work of the charity as they had chosen us at the beginning of the year as their charity of the year. I would like to thank them for making me feel so welcome and again for the money they have raised so far. The hospitals last month received summer art and craft materials, new certificates and stickers. We would like to thank the 3rd Allington Brownies for taking part in the poster competition for the deisgn of the new certificates and their donation. If you would like to keep up to date on what is going on with the charity please take a look at the website or please follow us on facebook - Emilia’s Little Heart Foundation or on twitter.
Facebook http://goo.gl/nkbgr Twitter @emiliaslitheart
You have helped us raise
towards preserving the emotional wellbeing of children in hospital.
Donate http://goo.gl/BCMtY www.emiliaslittleheart.org.uk
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Lenham Cricket Club This month’s update kicks off with a Saturday fixture against Betsham. Lenham won the toss and elected to bowl first. Lenham dismissed the opposition inside 37 overs for 127 runs. Tom Curtis picked up 5 wickets for 36, supported well by Jack Ambrose who took 4 for 37. Lenham chased down their target off 32 overs losing 5 wickets in the process. The top four all made good contributions, Alan Barr 25, Adrian Longley 22, Tom Curtis 35 and Pete Humphries not out 35. The Sunday side travelled to Kennington. Captained by Richard Cuckow for the day Lenham lost the toss and were put in the field. Lenham managed to restrict Kennington to 147 runs, a good effort with 10 players. The bowling was shared around with everyone turning their arms over. Steve Livesey and Dave Seales each took 3 wickets. In response Lenham got off to a good start, Matt Revitt 27 and Adrian Longley 23 the main contributors. However a middle order collapse led to Lenham being bowled out for 101. Next up for the league side were Milstead. Milstead reached 161, which could have been considerably less but for plenty of extras being bowled. Dave Gardner was the pick of the Lenham bowling attack taking 4 for 20. Adrian Longley picked up 2 for 33. Alan Barr’s good form continued as he reached 96 not out. Lenham lost just Pete Humphries for 30 in chasing
down their target. Tom Curtis the other not out batsman, 28. The Sunday side entertained the Priory for the second time this season. Lenham were beaten by the weather the first time the sides met, but it wasn’t enough to save the Priory this time round. Lenham batted first and scored 167 off their 40 overs. Matt Rivett batted well scoring 63. Skipper Dan Russell with the other score of note, 36. Lenham bowled The Priory out for 153, seeing them fall 13 short of their target. Tom Curtis took 3 wickets and Dave Seaman 2. 27
Despite poor weather Saturday 22nd June was Presidents Day. A new format this year with a 6 a side tournament. The games consisted of 5 eight ball overs, with each player retiring at 25. Thank you to The Dog & Bear, Lenham Social Club and The Red Lion for sponsoring three teams with shirts. The Presidents team made up the quartet. The Day started a little late and in drizzle! With the Dog & Bear taking on Lenham Social Club (LSC). LSC, captained by Dan Russell had a comprehensive victory against The Dog & Bear captained by Nick Rutledge. The Dog & Bear were dismissed for just 45.
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Cont.. LSC never looked in danger of not reaching the modest target they had been set and lost just one wicket in the process. The next game featured the Presidents, captained by Alan Barr, and The Red Lion led by Steve Livesey. Some big hitting by Jack ‘Master Blaster’ Ambrose, who retired upon reaching 25, saw the Presidents side reach 79 for the loss of 2 wickets. The Red Lion fell short of their target. Dave Bunch scored 27 not out and Howard Nurden 25 not out.
The Red Lion were back in action in the following game taking on The Dog & Bear. The Red Lion batted first and scored 58. Adrian Longley scoring 20 runs. The Dog & Bear chased down the target without losing a wicket. Nick Rutledge and Matt Revitt each retiring upon reaching 25. Next up were the Presidents and LSC. The Presidents batted first and scored 54. Jack Ambrose could not repeat his efforts from earlier in the day, out for 4 bowled by Ambrose senior! Alex Gray was well set on 17 when he had to retire hurt, after he decided to hit the ball into his own face! LSC made short work of knocking off the runs. Stuart Wilson, who had swapped his football boots for a cricket bat for the day, retired on 26, Dan Russell scored 18. The next game, The Dog & Bear v The Presidents, this would see the winners go through to play LSC in the final. The Dog & Bear restricted The Presidents to 68, Alan Barr 28 not out and Jack
Ambrose 24 with some big blows. The target proved a little too many for The Dog & Bear to chase down, despite scoring 32 off the first over! They managed 49, Nick Rutledge 24 not out. Before the final the last group game saw The Red Lion, looking to break their duck, take on LSC. The Red Lion batted first and scored 71. Dave Bunch and Adrian Longley both retiring having reached 25. Some powerful hitting from Tony Ambrose and Craig Haynes, who both retired, saw LSC take the victory. With numb hands all round the final took place between The Presidents & LSC. The Presidents batted first and scored 65, Stuart Russell 23 and Alan Barr 30 not out. Craig Haynes continued his good run scoring 30 not out and was well supported by Dan Russell 17 not out. However, they were unable to reach the target falling just 1 run short! The winners of the Cup were The Presidents, LSC 2nd, Dog & Bear 3rd and 4th place went to The Red Lion. Despite awful whether the day was well supported. Thanks to all of those who attended on the day and assisted in the preparation for the day. Special thanks to Lyn Humphries and Sally Rutledge for getting the pavilion presentable for the day, a second thanks to Sally for arranging the music, sorry this got on your nerves Mr Scorer! Richard Cuckow for arranging the BBQ, and Tony Ambrose for the ground looking great! Hopefully the weather will be a little kinder next year!
The Sunday side got back to conventional cricket and entertained Willesborough the following Day. Willesborough batted first and scored 148. Richard Cuckow and Dave Seales each picked up 3 wickets. LCC got off to a good start, but a collapse saw them all out for 102. Adrian Longley 33 and Dave Seales 22, the main contributors with the bat. The league side had a rest on Saturday 29th June. The last round up this month saw the Sunday side host Newington. In what was probably the most exciting game of the season yet! And certainly the warmest! Lenham batted first and scored 105. Some poor shots saw many players simply give their wickets away. Adrian Longley hit 42 and took full advantage of being dropped twice. With Lenham being dismissed inside 30 overs of a 40 over game it looked like it was going to be an early finish. Especially when at tea Newtington were 50 without loss! However, the tea break bought new fight to the Lenham players who took wickets with great regularity and saw Newington collapse from 59 for no wicket to all out for 93! And LCC take a 12 run victory. Tom Curtis took 4 for 33 with some hostile bowling and a disciplined spell of bowling from Mike Ricknor saw him pick up 3 for 16. Our next few fixtures are as follows; Saturday 10th August Marden home, Sunday 11th August Otham home, Saturday 17th August West Farleigh away, Sunday 18th August Newington away, Saturday 24th August Great Chart away, Sunday 25th August
Crusaiders home, Saturday 31st August Staplehurst home, Sunday 01st September Detling home, Saturday 07th September Sheldwich away, Sunday 08th September Hartley away, Saturday 14th September Otham home, Sunday 15th September Harrietsham home, Saturday 21st September TBC, Sunday 22nd September Smarden away, Saturday 28th September TBC, Sunday 25th September Sissinghurst home. If you’re interested in joining the club, please contact us at lenhamcc@ gmail.com and remember, visitors are always welcome on match days!
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Contact Numbers
Archaeological Society Badgers (St John Ambulance) Badminton Bowling Club Brownies (2nd Lenham) Drama Gardening Society Guides (1st Lenham) Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Nursery School Lenham Players Lenham Wanderers Lenham Social Club Harrietsham & Lenham Scouts Harrietsham & Lenham Cubs Mothers’ Union Pilates Classes Royal British Legion St John Ambulance Women’s Institute Youth Centre St Edmunds Platts Heath Country Ways Quilters and Stitchers Lenham Valley Business Ass. Borough Councillors Kent Highway Services Cat Protection Dog Warden Drugs Helpline Heaths Countryside Corridor Lenham Enhancement Assn Lenham Country Market Manager Lenham Community Centre Lenham Community Centre Lenham Heath Parish Hall LenValley Practice ON CALL CARE NHS Direct Member of Parliament Parish Council Clerk Parish Police PCSO Police Constable Rural Community Warden St Edmonds Platts Heath Reporting Potholes
Lesley Feakes Mrs Manley Linda Bird Lyn Fuller Andrea French Gail Kelly Keith Varney Mrs J Thomsett Mrs Pat Abson Ami Rathmill David Abson Alf Smith Club Events Nick Still Mrs A Seales Mrs J Thomsett Vivien Elcomb Mr W Peter Mrs Bond Mrs C Toner Nicki Folland-Smith Karen Yardley Jan Haines Alan Reading
850275 842603 01233756762 851538 851646 850671 850228 859009 858561 07967 128056 858561 859802 858890 859789 859829 859009 853887 850520 205452 850048 859171 858208 01233 714699 820841
Tom Sams 859412 John Barned 851142 (Roads, Pavements) 08458 247 800 Lost & Found 01732 847572 Lost & Found 602117 free call >> 0800 776600 Ruth Lovering 842257 Brian Llong 859733 Manager Kevin Fitzsimons 679709 Margaret Mitchell (Mornings) 853800 Margaret Mitchell 858581 Mrs Sharon Reed 01233 713317 DOCTORS Surgery 858341/859204 South East Health 03000 242424 Out of hours medical advice 0845 4647 Hugh Robertson MP 851616 Mrs M McFarlane 859682 Dave Rowley 07772 226097 Brian Waghorne 07870 252317 Colin Davey 07977 981993 Patricia Dibly 858891 08458 274800
Accounting & Business Services Air Conditioners ALARM Systems Antiques/Collectables Beauty Parlours & Therapists Body and Soul Boiler (oil) & Pool CARPENTRY Specialists & Builders Carpets, FLOORING Catteries & PETS Services & Retreats Chartered Surveyor Childminder Chimney Sweep Chiropodists/Foot Health Practices Computer Services Cosmetics Clinic Curtains and Soft Furnishings DANCE & Fitness Dressmaking Ladies/Gents Alterations ELECTRICIANS & GAS Fitters
Estate Agents Fried Fish Bar & Kebabs Funeral Directors Guitar & Bass HOME Tuition Garage Services MOT’s Glass and Glazing Hairdressers, Stylists, Unisex Handbags and Jewellery
Stonebridge Associates RB Air Cybereye Security Hazaars Antiques Emporium Beauty Therapist (mobile) Zumba Fitness Activate Body and Soul J W Engineering Carpentry & General Build BDC Designs Joinery Specialist P Humpries Carpenter /Builder Carpets & Vinyls Carpets Direct Diamond Flooring Little Dene Boarding Cattery Inkstand Cattery Inkstand Animal Services Cutts for Mutts James Collett Surveyor Debbie Brett Invicta Chimney Sweep Christine Griffiths Afsaneh Smith mobile foot service Heathers Chiropody Surgery Harrietsham Computers A.C. Computers MS Computer Services The Len Valley Cosmetic Clinic Damask Design Leigh Mills dance & Fitness Lenham Ballet School Pam Hills alterations
851542 07751 466536 858612 851531 07738 505575 07912 177385 853750 851713 850364 07857 530343 858719 843019 01233 714999 01233 733288 858510 859469 859469 07738 088169 850608 01233 714247 0800 3289877 01233 664702 853640 850376 859442 850462 859969 852905 851549 01795 890149 850329 858827
AD Pink Electrics 884774 Barrie Weston Contractor 01233 712663 Medway Electrical Services 858728 MGI Electrical 850055 INVICTA Power Services & GAS fitters 850930 Electrical Solutions 858794 Phillip Jarvis (The Square) 858241 The Chequers The Square 859878 A W Court 850840 Call Cris (Kent Tutor) 07957214822 Registered Guitar Tutors 851505 Gowers Garage (stn approch) 858210 BSL Body Repairs 851638 Glass-n-Glaze 01233 840768 Phase Hairdressing 850001 Smarty’s at Honeywood Rd 851150 Immyblingy 298129 Visit lenhamfocus.co.uk Follow us @lenhamfocus
Builders / Home repairs Services
Call Paul or Andy Health & FITNESS Clubs/Clinics Home CLEANING Services House Clearance Insurance Brokers (Commercial) Ironmongers Landscape,Paving & Tarmacing: Lingerie Locksmiths Meat Newsagents Nurseries & Pre-schools
Osteopathy Pest Controls & Electrics Pharmacy Photos Studio PLUMBERS, Central Heating,Gas
Printers, Leaflets, booklets, cards Restaurants, Hotels & Clubs
ROOFING Solicitors TAXI , Village Private Hire Cars Telephone Problems & Extensions TV Aerial Services Tree Surgeons Veterinary (Surgery) Websites Will Services Window Cleaners- Gutter Cleaning Windows Replacement UPVC Cont..
ALL FIX plumbing 851186 Stuttle Dyer (Paint/Decorators) 859675 SR Interiors (Paint/Decorators) 737225 Elwood (Paint/Decorators) 01634 308933 Orchid Interior Decorators 01622 858001 All- Plumbing -Woodwork, Decking etc 850437 Osteopathy/ Acupuncture clinic 858030 Harrietsham After School Club 07902 219126 Activate (Swadelands) 853750 Home Cleaning Services 07825 778759 Home needs a Facelift? 07541 000969 House Clearance All Clear 851531 Insure PMR (Pladdy/Mans/Rowe) 842300 Lenham Ironmongers 858286 Maidstone Landscapes & Paving 851222 Ireland Landscapes 844605 Femme Fatale 851444 A ShortLocksmih 07738 658 751 Open Lock 01233 640020 Snoad Farm 01795 890700 Len Valley News 858262 Lenham Nursery School 07967 128056 Lenham Toddlers 850608 Simon Kemp Osteopathy 858030/07765119857 AD Pink Pest Control 884774 Saxon Warrior (the Square) 858287 Photogenixs 858728 CentralHeating,Gas Pure Plumbing 769722 Dial a Plumber 07711 666656 Epic Plumbing Boiler Service 210298 Invicta Power Serv. see also Electrics 850930 All-Fix Plumbing 01622 851186 Custom Marketing Resources 820841 Chilston Park Hotel 859803 Marriott Hotel & Country Club 734334 Lenham Social Club 858890 A Grade Roofing 851239 R& D Roofing 858291 Thorneloe & Co 859416 Arshed Mahmood 07770 725129 Gez Clark Private hire 07784 447200 Dave 850075 R&P TV Aerial Services 631717 Brian Jones- Ambilly Tree Surgeons 859113 Harrietsham Vets 858666 Custom Marketing Resources 820841 The Will Foundation 01580 211211 Paul’s Panes 858047 Weatherman Windows 01233 643242
Regular Daily & Weekly Events Daily
Line Dancing LenARA Brownies 2nd Lenham Pilates classes Line Dancing Redbacks Explorer Scouts
Activate Sports Swadelands 7am--8.30am & 5pm--9pm St Johns Hall, Ham Lane 4.30- 6.00pm 7.00-9.15pm Community Centre 8.-10.00pm Community Centre 9.30-11.30am (8-11 years) 6.30- 8.pm Great Chart Golf Ctre 10.30am Community Centre 8.pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.00-9.30pm Cadets (10-18) 6.00-8.00pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.00-9.30pm 7.00pm-8.00pm Community Centre 8.30 -9.30pm Community Centre 7.30- 9.00pm Lenham Primary Sch 6.15- 7.45pm Community Centre 11.30-12.30pm 8.pm St Edmunds Platts Hth Booth Hall Harrietsham 7.30.-9.30pm
H/sham&Lenham Beavers Guides 1st Lenham H/sham&Lenham Scouts Judo Club LenARA Keep Fit Lenham Youth Club
Harrietsham Scout Hut Community Centre Harrietsham Scout Hut Community Centre Community Centre Swadelands Ham Lane
Activate Fitness Facilites French Books for Children Tea/Coffee/Cakes Sunday Schools
Activate Sports Hall Swadelands 8am- 5pm Harrietsham Primary School 9.30-11.30am St Mary’s Church 10.00-12.00noon see separate church services page
Monday Tuesday
Activate Fitness Facilites St Johns Ambulance Badminton (Feathers) Parent & Toddlers Group Harr & Lenham Cubs LenARA Pitch & Putt Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Youth Club St Johns Ambulance Lenham Youth Club Pilates classes
2nd Tuesday Derby & Joan 2nd Tuesday Royal British Legion 2nd Tuesday Citizens Advice Bureau 1st Tuesday Lenham Valley 1st Wednesday Parish Council Meeting 4th Wednesday LenARA (active retired) Last Wednesday Archaeology Club 1st Thursday Reading Group 2nd Thursday Women’s Institute 3rd Thursday Last Saturday Len&Har. Disability Grp 2nd Sunday Lenham Country Market
Lenham House Lenham Social Club Harrietsham Village Hall Business Association Community Centre Community Centre Community Centre Lenham Library Community Centre Community Centre Lenham House The Village Square
5.45- 7.15.pm 7.00- 9.00pm 7.30- 9.30pm 5.30- 8.30pm 2.00- 3.30pm 7.30-10.00pm
2.00pm 8.pm 10.-12noon 6-8pm 7.30pm 2.pm 7.30pm 4.45--5.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 10.30am 9.- 1.00pm
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We can print + deliver your loose A5 insert Get in touch for more details!
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Š Andy Flood Photography This photo was supplied by Andy Flood, a photographer based on the outskirts of Maidstone.
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Clubs, Societies, Organisations and Gatherings Lenham Archaeological Society As always in June and July we have outside walks and meetings but the one at Cherry Downs on Wed June 26th was very poorly attended which was a pity. Six members only, but it was a beautiful evening with clear views across the Weald as far as Hastings. 38
We walked down to the wild flower meadow (not then at its peak) then back up to the ash-wood opposite the gateway. Walking through the wood it was impossible to see any clues that there was once a house, bar a few scraps of blue & white pottery of about 1800 date. According to Hasted in his History of Kent the house was called Downe Court or the Manor of Downe. It was owned in 1785 by the Honywood family, Filmer Honywood then lived in Markshall, Essex and perhaps it was he who allowed it to become derelict as it is not marked on modern maps although it does still make the 1841 tithe map. The well for the house is marked on the map and is well protected by old ash trees a fence and a grill. One would guess from the map contours that it is very deep, over 100 feet. The footpath goes west towards
Clubs, Societies, Organisations and Gatherings
Pivington Farm and on the edge of the wood we found pieces of iron slag and wall of the kiln, matching finds made several years ago when a new water main crossed the Pilgrim’s Way. So all along the Downs Iron Age people had small “cottage industry” 2000 years ago, smelting iron from local (rather low grade) ore. They were smelting ore at Hastings too (Cliffend has an IA site ) so one can imagine them, not exactly waving to their cousins but perhaps sending smoke signals! “Firing tonight?” July meeting is a walk at Hothfield Common. Please phone me if you need a lift (if this gets printed in time). August meeting was going to be a dig …..but it is unlikely that will materialise . Andrew Rayfield on 850425 is the one to phone for info on the autumn meetings. Lesley Feakes 01622 850275 606@feakes.com Lenham Gardening Society We had a very interesting talk at our June meeting on the gardens of Tuscany and Venice, if you have been to the region you will know how wonderful the area is. Our speaker for August is Mr Hobely who will talk about the work at Brogdale so please come along and
find out about the National Apple collection and the work they do to improve apples and help keep old varieties alive. The competition will be ‘Five Tomatoes of the same variety and/ or A Corsage’ August 6th is the date for our final outing of the year, Scotney Castle, which is a National Trust property, is the venue and the coach will leave the Square at 10 am sharp we expect to leave Scotney about 4 pm. Tickets are available from Pat on 859084 at the following prices LGS member & NT member £8 LGS member but not NT member £18.50 Non LGS member but NT member £10 Non LGS member & Non NT member £21 A reminder that the AGM & Cheese & Wine party (members only) will be on November 21st tickets will be available from the September meeting. Time to think about suggestions for outings, speakers or topics for next year. Also need to consider election of officers and committee. I will have completed three years by then time for new blood and fresh ideas? Please come along to our next meeting, new members always welcome. Keith Varney Royal British Legion The Annual Poppy Appeal year ends on 31st October and to date the branch has collected £5350. This money is used to support ex-service men, women and their dependants who have fallen on hard times and need assistance. Whether that military service ended yesterday or 70 years ago is immaterial. If you are ex-military
or know of somebody in need of help please contact Mr Bill Peter, 850520, and he will put you in contact with our welfare staff. The branch meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 8.00pm at the Lenham Social Club and we would be delighted to welcome potential new members. The Autumn Buffet at the Dog and Bear will be held on the 4th October – tickets from Mr Mike Gurr, 858478. Finally may we take this opportunity to thank the small band of volunteers who weeded and manually shovelled tons of fresh chalk onto the hillside cross, once again making it clearly visible. Lenham W.I. Well here we are again, it’s already August, where has this year disappeared to! Our speaker in June was from the Air Ambulance, I always find it amazing what an enormous difference their quick response ability can make to the survival possibilities in serious accidents. We were given several scenarios in which the intervention of the Air Ambulance literally meant the difference between life and death. At the end of the evening I think we all realised that this is a charity that we should all make an effort to support.
In June several members took the opportunity to attend West Kent Federation’s 95th birthday celebrations at Aylesford Priory. The high spot of the day was the wonderful Flower Festival with floral arrangements representing ‘Inspiring Women’. These were produced by Districts throughout the County and were truly magnificent. We also had the opportunity to see the results of various challenges set to individual W.I.s, to design a pincushion, create a ‘Scrappy Sam’ and keep a journal of things we had done Visit lenhamfocus.co.uk Follow us @lenhamfocus
Cont.. incorporating ‘95’ (We also had Henry VIII strolling about among us, still with an eye for the ladies). Our July speaker is Julia Davies, her subject, Silks and Cottons of India. Members are asked to bring along a piece of exotic material, clothing or embroidery. In August, Sue Hollings will be talking about her ‘Life as a Couture Dressmaker’. Any ladies are welcome to come along and visit to see what we get up to!! Gill Simes 60+ YOUNG AT HEART CLUB 40
We were all very sad to hear of the passing of our dear friends Maureen our sandwich queen who died after being in and out of hospital for several months, also Wendy who has been ill for some time now with Motor Neurone Disease a battle bravely fought but unfortunately lost on Thursday 20th June 2013. They will both be sadly missed. Our deepest sympathy to both families August 15th is our Strawberry Tea in the Tithe Barn. Our thanks go to Val and John Arthur for hosting this day for us which is from 2.00-4.00pm. Please make sure Jenny has your name if you wish to come.
Our next meeting will be September 19th when we have our “late lunch” of Fish and Chips provided by our friend Les. If anyone requires a lift please contact Jenny on 01622859208 Jenny, Olive, Martin, Tom, Sue, Zoe and Nina HUB CLUB AGE UK Our trip on the Allington Belle was great. The weather could have been kinder but we managed to sail down the Medway eating our fish and chips and a few of us enjoying a “glass of wine”. There was a lot to see and hopefully we can have a repeat trip next year with some sunshine! Our next meeting will be 01/08/13 at the Social Club 2.00-4.00pm. A mystery afternoon?? We look forward to seeing everyone next month. From all the Age UK Team Martin, John, Tom, Jenny, Zoe and Nina
The Hope Ball 2013
Saturday 19th October - 7pm at the Mecure Hotel, Maidstone
Charity Ball including***Drinks reception *** Three course set meal with half a bottle of wine*** guest speaker***raffle and auction*** live music from local band 'Paris' For further information and to purchase/reserve tickets visit www.thehopeball.co.uk or contact Claire Webb on 07727274288/emiliaslittleheart@gmail.com
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Bike duo put Air Ambulances on the map A pair of bikers are setting off this weekend on a nationwide tour of Air Ambulance bases in a bid to raise £32,000 for the life-saving charity helicopters.
Philip Summerfield, 38, and Jonathan Porter, 34, will start their epic 3,400mile journey from East Midlands Airport on Saturday (June 22nd). In total, they will visit 19 Air Ambulance charities across 30 helicopter bases in England, Scotland and Wales and will combine their whistlestop tour with a trip to Land’s End and John O’Groats. On Wednesday, (June 26th) they will stop off at the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance headquarters at Marden where they will meet the pilot, doctor and paramedic. Philip said: “Everyone uses the road network whether for work, home or pleasure, so with an average of around 45% of Air Ambulance call-outs being to road traffic accidents, this places us all in need of the service. “Being a keen motorcyclist for more than 22 years, I’m fully aware of the importance of the role a helicopter can play in the rapid response to a medical emergency.” Philip, from Derby, and Jonathan, from Cheltenham, estimate that their average distance each day will be 245 miles over 10 hours and that both bikes will have used 725 litres of fuel by the time they complete a full circuit of Great Britain on July 5th. Philip added: “We are asking people
Bike duo put Air Ambulances on the map
To sponsor Philip and Jonathan go to: http://goo.gl/r32CM
to consider supporting our efforts to raise funds and awareness of the Air Ambulance services that provide vital emergency medical assistance for every person in every part of the country.”
Swadelands Garden Project I was invited to attend the gardening club organised by Brian & Jo Llong from Lenham Enhancement Association and Chris Ward, a teacher with a real commitment to his students. I found that together with the students they have created a raised garden for their fruit and vegetables in the school and on the occasion I attended they were busy watering, weeding and harvesting. The carrots were sweet and beautiful, and the potatoes were free from the usual slug and blight problems in my garden! The students were enthusiastic and knowledgable, and listened to the advice Brian and Jo gave them. They showed me how the garden could be expanded. I began to remember how Mr Clarke, a rural science teacher at the school back in 1972 inspired me as a young student to be a gardener! So can we please make an appeal for help.Phase 1 of our project. We have an area basically 11m x 6m which we would like to make into a raised bed. We need timber 9”x 2” which will need to be treated (protected from rotting) to divide up the plot. We need approximately 15 cubic metres of top soil and the ability to have it delivered and tipped. So if you can help please contact 01622 859412
Tom Sams Borough Councillor
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Climate Change is happening
Two phrases are increasingly commonly used in relation to food production: ‘sustainable agriculture’ and ‘sustainable intensification’. Increasing global demand for agricultural and horticulture production (‘farming’) that takes account of environmental needs is at the root of this thinking. Desert, ice, rock and boreal land account for a considerable portion of the earth’s surface. It is estimated that – globally -38% of land is used to produce food. The predicted vastly increased global population will put additional pressures on land usage and we are already witnessing pressure being put on the release of agricultural land in favour of house building and the supporting infrastructure. In order for farming to be ‘sustainable’ without having unwanted impact on the environment, account must be taken of wider issues – for example, consumer health, rural welfare and profitability. The delivery of sustainable agriculture (and related productive systems) involves producing sufficient food to satisfy human needs without causing unsustainable impacts on the environment. Agriculture – ‘farming’ – is dependent on what scientists generally term ‘ecosystem services’ including water quality and quantity, soil, fertility, genetic variability, pollinators, et cetera. Food production cannot be sustainable if demands on ecosystems services
Saving You Money
exceed capacity for replacement. The aim is thus to produce more food – intensify production – while at the same time reducing inputs and avoiding land degradation. The need for more efficient nutrient use is increasingly urgent because, for example, the known economicallyviable reserves of phosphorous are forecast to be depleted within the next 50-100 years. The fact that agriculture, horticulture – and gardening – are currently heavily dependent on phosphorous indicates the urgency of research. Policy makers, researchers and the agriculture and horticulture industries worldwide are increasingly concerned but, largely due to the current economic climate, governments around the world have reduced investment in research. The good news is that interest and awareness are growing globally. Recognition of the seriousness and breadth of the impending problems is encouraging people to form lobbying groups in countries all round the world. We need action now in order to safeguard the future. In this country interest in food is rising up the agenda. Fired by celebrity chefs, food writers, nutritionists and various sectors in the food industry, greater emphasis is being placed on ‘local’, ‘regional’ and ‘seasonal’ produce. At the same time, we take for granted the availability of virtually everything type of foodstuff throughout the entire year.
Today the proportion of UK household budgets spent on food is one of the lowest in the world - and foods that were luxuries not that many years ago are affordable. This begs the question: can this happy state of affairs continue if increased demand cannot be met sustainably? The facts suggest ‘sustainable agriculture’ and ‘sustainable intensification’ might be the only answer. Pat Crawford, press officer, Hadlow College: pat.crawford@hadlow.ac.uk 07771 635684
Defib Dr Hagan intially aquired 4 defibs, After a lot of work in planning and training, I was asked to co-ordinate to initial setup. 1 now has been placed in the Community Centre, (as you walk into the Centre it is on the Right Hand Wall next to the second doors, in a case made for the Defib and painted a bright yellow is the defibrillator.) Other defibs will be placed in Harrietsham and other locations.
the patient in the initial stages of resuscitation. The box in the community centre is alarmed! To alert other its being used and to deter the curious. I feel with a few more in the Village and surrounds more lives can be saved in the event of a cardiac arrest, time is the greatest factor and if prompt action is taken then there is more of a chance of recovery. As Community Responder, I find that many people are willing to help and by doing a simple First Aid Course those initial actions made are important to aid the recovery of the patient. Thanks to all that have helped me in getting this service operational. Frank Bradshaw Community First Responder Kent Ambulance Service
I have trained a number of people in its use and also in basic First Aid should it be needed, courses are ongoing with one being planned for the Village and one for Harrietsham later in the year, Harrietsham will have a Defibrillator very soon. The Defib is simple to use and most will be able to operate it in an emergency, open the case and follow the instructions from the machine, it is always better to have some form of First Aid Training as this will help Visit lenhamfocus.co.uk Follow us @lenhamfocus
Golf and race day raises £6,000 for Air Ambulance
Grand National winner Bob Champion, MBE, was the special guest at a charity golf and race day which raised more than £6,000 for Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance. The former jump jockey, who rode Aldaniti to victory in 1981, was the charity’s celebrity tipster at the flat racing event at Lingfield Park in Surrey on Tuesday (June 11th) Bob also presented awards to the golf teams including Air Ambulance crew members who were the overall winners of the competition on the 18hole championship course. He said: “Being in racing, I know how much the Air Ambulance has helped an awful lot of jockeys. That’s just on the jockey side but there are a lot of people who ride horses and motorbikes, and car drivers, and the helicopter always picks them up. “The pilot, doctor and paramedic do a fantastic job in all weathers and often in difficult locations.”
Golf and race day raises £6,000 for Air Ambulance
Air Ambulance golf team Chief Pilot, Captain Blaine Ashurst, and paramedics Chris Fudge, Alan Cowley and David Wright kindly donated their prize to a fundraising silent auction. Other auction prizes included tickets to the British Superbikes at Brands Hatch, A BMW driving experience, a VIP race day at Lingfield and a signed artist’s copy print of Frankel – the highest-rated horse in history after winning all 14 of his career races. Before the racing got underway, flags flew at half mast and there was a oneminute’s silence for Frankel’s trainer Sir Henry Cecil who died that day aged 70 after a battle with cancer. The golf and race day was sponsored by Gallagher Group, 4 Delivery, Holiday Extras, Baker Tilly, Precision Golf, Unibind Digital, Day Aggregates and Sussex Transport, and supported by Vines BMW Gatwick. Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust chairman Anthony Monteuuis told them: “2013 is a very exciting year for the Air Ambulance as we are about to start our foray into night flying. “Our new helicopter equipped for night flying arrives in about two weeks and this will add another £1million to our
Lenham Village Store Newsletter annual outlay so we now need to raise £6million a year. “We are a charity and the money we get is raised by the people and businesses of Kent, Surrey & Sussex, and we are profoundly grateful for that.” Each call-out of the helicopter costs about £2,500 so the £6,209 raised from the golf and race day will fund at least two potentially life-saving missions.
Wow! What a turnaround in the weather – I do hope that the weather continues to be nice for us all. As I write this the sun is shining and we are just off to stock up on some more ice cubes and BBQ food! I have just read July’s Lenham Focus and what a positive one it is; there are some great articles about what people have achieved and also some lovely messages of thanks. It makes me very proud to live and work in such a great village! We have our last summer bank holiday this year at the end of August so I hope that it is a good one for you all, we are open 10 – 6 on the bank holiday Monday so do pop in and see us, I keep my fingers crossed that the sun continues to shine so we can enjoy this last bank holiday. We can do takeaway Salads from our Deli if you are planning a family get together – Please do ask if you need anything and we will do our best to get in what you need.
We hope that you have a great August bank Holiday.
Lenham Toddlers - every Tuesday 9:3011:30 am Community Centre, Lenham NEED 2/3 PEOPLE TO RUN THE GROUP FROM SEPTEMBER OR AFTER 10 YEARS THE GROUP WILL HAVE TO FOLD Role: purchasing snacks, creating an art and craft activity, putting the toys and chairs out and away. Please contact Claire Webb on 07727274288 if you would like to take on this role
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Friends of St Mary’s Church Lenham Do you care about our heritage and the preservation of an ancient and beautiful building?
Or alternatively please e mail lyn. fuller@hotmail.co.uk for a joining form.
The ‘Friends’ are organising ‘The Village Barn Dance’, to be held in the Tithe Barn; courtesy of Valerie and John Arthur, on Saturday 21 September. Tickets will go on sale beginning of September £8.00 each, bring your own drinks and nibbles; look out for the posters for details on where to purchase your tickets. The Friends aim is to make this an annual village event and would like to see as many people there as possible. Please put this date in your diary, this gives you plenty of time to dust off your dancing boots.
Thank you
Another date for your diary is an evening of ‘Fine Arts Brass’, a five piece brass ensemble, in St Mary’s Church on Saturday 26 October. Tickets will be £10.00 each, which will include a glass of wine/soft drink plus nibbles. It will be an evening you will not want to miss. Check out their website www.fineartsbrass.co.uk. The Friends, with your help, would like to preserve this historic building for generations to come. We often take it for granted that the village church will always be there……………… unfortunately church funds are not what they use to be and repairs and preservation are always on going. Please support us by attending the above events or by joining the Friends; joining forms are on display in the church.
Friends of St Mary’s Church Lenham
Hedge Cutting The Parish Council has received several reports of residential boundary hedges encroaching onto public footpaths; which in turn narrows the width of the path and could possibly be dangerous, particularly near busy roads. Please ensure boundary hedges are cut back on a regular basis, so as not to endanger pedestrians. Lenham Parish Council will write to households where the overgrown hedges are deemed to cause an obstruction to the footpaths. Thank you for your cooperation. Margo McFarlane (Clerk)
Family Festival Plans for the three day Family Festival in June 2014 are taking shape and well underway. Thank you to all those who joined us at the July meeting held at the Community Centre (next meeting 7.15pm Thursday 29th September) We are working on the many good ideas and suggestions from that meeting and would welcome more input from parishioners. We are pleased to confirm we will be organising a Grand Christmas Raffle which will be drawn at the Switching on of the Christmas Lights Day. If you can spare a raffle prize we would appreciate the gift, we can collect or you can leave your prize
at the Community Centre. All local clubs, groups and associations are invited to join us and help make this a village community event to remember.
For full details please contact: Mrs Margo McFarlane Parish Clerk Tel: 01622 859682
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Len Valley Practice Health Walks the walkers in order to discuss your needs. I am able to do a very, very short walk prior to the main one if you prefer to test out your ability. Marjorie Darby 01622 850657
Well, what an excellent start to our new venture of Walking for Health! Commencing in the middle of June we have walked once a week from Harrietsham and it has already become a regular feature for many people. The inaugural walk was led by Brian Hall and me with the able assistance of Guy Smith, who seemed to spend most of the time walking backwards describing the route! We chatted to Percy the Pilgrim who sits contemplatively considering the rest of his journey to Canterbury. Not that we wish to emulate him! This month, August, we will be walking from Lenham, meeting in the Community Hall Car Park, on Thursday 1st August, in the morning. Please contact me if you wish to join
Len Valley Practice Health Walks
Dance, Dance, Dance Lenham Ballet School (est 1975) offers not only RAD Ballet classes to all ages but a wide range of exciting and fun-packed classes including ISTD Tap, ISTD Modern and, NEW for September, Street Dance for children and Adult Tap!! Taught by fully qualified teachers, students are entered for examinations on a regular basis as well as having essential performance opportunities. Children are taught in a friendly environment and are encouraged to develop not only a variety of dance techniques but also self-esteem and confidence as well as co-ordination and interaction. Some of our current students have recently gained experience with the Ballet Boyz Company, Loop dance company and are continuing their training throughout the summer by attending Bird College summer school and appearing in English Youth Ballet’s production of SWAN LAKE at the Marlowe Theatre on 23/24 August. So no matter what age or ability you are, please contact us for further information on our range of classes. Vivienne Lawrence RAD RTS, AISTD Erica McCabe AISTD, AIDTA 01622 850329 viviennelawrence@rocketmail. com
More ways to contact your neighbourhood police officer As part of a new initiative, Police Contact Points have been launched in the east of the county in July, and will come to West Kent in August, and North Kent in September. Police Contact Points are held each day from Wednesday through to Sunday, mainly in rural locations, on a rolling two-week schedule. Our police vans stop at a prominent location for one and a half hours per visit, enabling residents to drop by and speak to a neighbourhood officer about any policing concerns or issues they may 53 have. The new Contact Points are in addition to the existing surgeries, meetings and online question and answer sessions local officers hold each month. The contact points are currently available in Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Shepway and Thanet and by the autumn will be available across the county. Residents can follow their progress on dedicated Twitter accounts. For times and locations of the Police Contact Points, and to find out about other ways of contacting Kent Police in your area, please visit the Kent Police website (www.kent.police.uk) and follow the links from the home page. You can also follow us on Twitter: @ kent_police
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Safety & Security Hard Knock
Blows and injuries to the head are potentially dangerous, in some cases fatal. They require medical assessment, particularly if consciousness is impaired. The brain is free to move slightly within the skull and if shaken by a violent blow forcing the brain to the opposite side of the head, this can cause damage to opposite blood vessels or a skull fracture as sustained by rugby, football, and cricket players or victims of car accidents. Damaged blood vessels can slowly leak, flooding the brain before a patient realises they have a problem, which can occur whilst asleep. If headache, sickenss or unusual tiredness occurs, seek medical advice immediately. Clear fluid or watery blood from the ear or nose are signs of serious injury, dial 999 for an ambulance at once. Plum Time Raw fruit is ripening especially plums and apples, the wasps’ favourite, causing them to get sleepy when they can give you a painful sting, which can be very dangerous if stung in the mouth resulting in swelling and obstruction of the airway which could be fatal. In the event of such a sting give the patient ice to suck, sips of cold water or ice cream and get them to hospital immediately. Some people allergic to stings and bites can rapidly develop anaphylactic shock, causing swelling to the tongue and throat,
Safety & Security
wide spread red blotchy skin, puffiness around the eyes and shortness of breath. Some people carry an auto injection of adrenalin for self administration but should still seek hospital treatment. Other parts of the body can be treated with bicarbonate of soda, vinegar or a cold compress. If the sting is visible, brush or scrape off sideways with your fingernail or edge of a credit card. Do not use tweezers because more poison may be injected into the wound. Remember do not pick up dead wasps with bare hands. When a wasp dies its sting sticks out and can sting you up to four days later. Always check children’s drinks, ice cream and sweets as well as your own. N.T.Colbran SJAB
Swadelands School commended for rapidly improved GCSE results William Pitt Field Swadelands School has received national recognition for achieving some of the fastest improving GCSE results in the country. Swadelands School qualified as one of the top 20% of schools in England by improving its GCSE results year-onyear from 2009 to 2012 by at least 17 percentage points overall. Every school in the country has been ranked according to how much progress they made in improving their GCSE results between 2009 and 2012 by SSAT – the representative body for schools. The award is only made to schools which have shown continuous improvement over that time. Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT said: “Swadelands School should be congratulated for their stunning achievement in improving their GCSE results. Swadelands School has proved itself to be one of the best schools in the country at improving GCSE outcomes for their students. There is plenty that other schools could learn from Swadelands School’s success. These results are testament to the commitment and hard work of the students, teachers and leadership team at Swadelands School and a vindication of their belief in high expectations, good teaching and ambition for every young person. Successful schools like Swadelands School understand the value of data in helping to ensure all young people perform to the very best of their ability.”
It is very disappointing to discover not only copious amounts of rubbish in and around the William Pitt Field but also dog excrement in an area designated as ‘NO DOGS ALLOWED’ (see sign at the entrance) The skateboard ramps are very popular and used on a regular basis; with school holidays upon us, this facility will no doubt be even busier. It is a well known fact that allowing your dog to foul without picking up and bagging the excrement and disposing in a bin, is both an illegal act and completely anti-social. The Lenham Wanderers Football Club in conjunction with the Parish Council work hard to keep the football pitches and surrounding field in good condition. A full maintenance programme which includes renewal of the ramp surfaces, re-painting and venting the ramp and installing new litter bins has been undertaken by the Parish Council; the CCTV system will also be upgraded. We hope to actively work with the user group and take on board their suggestions for ongoing improvements. Please desist from taking dogs onto the field as there are plenty of other areas that dogs can be walked. Thank you. Margo McFarlane Parish Clerk
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Thoughts & Reports Time out Christian Message August 2013
August is the month when many of us will be going on holiday. Some will find somewhere warm to laze on the beach and swim; some will visit foreign lands and explore different cultures, cuisines and fascinating buildings from the past; others will exert themselves with new endeavours – cycling, sailing, scuba diving, mountaineering; and yet others will travel to foreign parts to meet up with families that have moved away. Then there are those who choose to stay at home and enjoy not having to work for a week or two in the comfort of their own home. Whatever the chosen activity, holidays are a time for relaxing and re-charging one’s batteries. Sadly, of course, there are those who have no opportunity of going away, even if they would like to, and one realises we do not live in an equal society. But at least, in this country, we enjoy a peace and a freedom that others, especially in the Middle East, long for in the midst of all their suffering. Holidays are a time for reflection and re-evaluation of one’s life. My last holiday, just before Christmas, was a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. There we were made very aware of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. We met with a number of leading Palestinians who told us about
Thoughts & Reports
the terrible things that were going on: Palestinian land forcibly taken for Jewish settlements; Palestinians forbidden to build on their own land; Palestinians forbidden to connect up to electricity and water even though the settlements round them had both; homes built by Palestinian forbears snatched by the Israeli authorities and given to Jewish families; Palestinians living just outside but working in Jerusalem, having to get up at 4 am in order to get though the check-out gate, manned by armed soldiers, in time for work. We visited an Arab refugee building which housed three thousand people cramped together. The manager told us that soldiers would arrive unannounced, and arrest people - who were never seen again. The stories went on and on, and we all felt anger at the way the Palestinians were being treated. But then, after a visit to the Holocaust Museum, we were, once more, overwhelmed by horror, and a deep sympathy for the Jews who had suffered such appalling atrocities by the Nazis before and during the Second World War. This tempered our anger, but left us feeling that such horror should have elicited compassion for the Palestinians rather than the opposite – and we came away deeply saddened. But our pilgrimage was an amazing experience. We visited all the places where Jesus preached, taught his disciples, and healed the sick and
needy. Wonderful churches, built over the centuries, marked the sites of the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Sermon on the Mount, the Transfiguration, the Garden of Gethsemane – to name but a few. We visited the River Jordan where John the Baptist baptised Christ, we sailed on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus calmed the storm, and we walked the Via Dolorosa where Jesus walked to his Crucifixion. At each place we visited, we had a brief act of worship – finding a corner in the church or in one of the side chapels. There were so many pilgrims from all over the world doing the same thing that it wasn’t always possible to find a space in the church, so we often sat out in the garden to read the relevant Gospel passage, sing a hymn, and pray. With people from so many different nations surrounding us, with their different languages and costumes, but all doing the same thing, we felt part of a world-wide Christian family, and it was wonderful. As we travelled by coach from Galilee to Jerusalem, it amazed me to discover what huge distances Jesus and his disciples must have travelled during his three year’s mission. Israel is long and thin – a bit like the British Isles – and Galilee is in the north while Jerusalem towards the south. They didn’t have public transport like we have – but did all their travelling on foot.
Heavenly Father. The Gospels record many times when he went off to pray – especially those times before major events – when choosing his disciples, and when facing arrest and crucifixion. The disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, and He gave them the Lord’s Prayer which is now translated into most of the languages of the world. He also taught the disciples that God, his Father, is not only the Lord God Almighty, He is also a loving Father. He taught them to pray to God as Abba – father – the equivalent of our word Daddy. What better way to start our holidays – our time out – by saying quietly the Lord’s Prayer?
Molly Poulter Informal Service There will not be an informal service at the end of August but watch this space for details about the September service, where we will be continuing in our study of the Lord’s Prayer. If you would be interested in joining the planning group and contributing to the worship at future services, then please do let me know. Pamela Cuerden
Jesus took time out too – time that he spent in the hills communing with his
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Church Services in Lenvally Benefice Services in June 4th August – 10th Sunday after Trinity 8am Lenham BCP Holy Communion 8am Harrietsham BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Harrietsham Family Worship 9.30am Boughton Holy Communion 11am Lenham Holy Communion 11.15am Ulcombe Family Worship 11th August – 11th Sunday after Trinity 8am Lenham BCP Holy Communion 09.30am Harrietsham Holy Communion 11.00am Lenham Morning Worship 11.15am Ulcombe Holy Communion 6.30pm Boughton Choral Evensong
18th August – 12th Sunday after Trinity 8am Lenham BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Harrietsham Morning Worship 9.30am Boughton Holy Communion 11am Lenham Holy Communion 11.15am Ulcombe Morning Worship 25th August – 13th Sunday after Trinity 8am Lenham BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Harrietsham Holy Communion 9.30am Boughton Family Worship 11am Lenham Family Worship 11.15am Ulcombe Holy Communion
Church Services in Lenvally Benefice
Prize Crossword Please leave your completed crossword entry at LENHAM LIBRARY on or before the 20th of the month Answers to last months crossword on page 66
Across clues
Down clues
1. Go in once, to become a 5d. and12. (8) 5. You said ‘smile’ for a change- eating this? (6) 8. 5d. and 12 for dad. (3) 9. Joanna with one girl back inside for 5d. and 12. (10) 10. Telling story returns in gang. (8) 11. Agree to accident-prone aircraft, by the sound of it. (6) 12. See 5d. 14. Beat, beat, beat in the bar for a 5d. and 12! (6,4) 17. Find terra firma after a nauseating period maybe! (4,6) 20. A 5d. and 12 is key French opener. (4) 23. 5d. and 12 is so smooth. (6) 24. In the process of growing, friend takes in super German volunteer. (8) 25. Became an unwelcome visitor. (10) 26. Note a jasmine for example. (3) 27. Speedy Italian is a 5d. and 12. (6) 28. Shimmer when Eric dies convulsing. (8)
1. Write up 5d. and 12 contained by his unpleasant condition. (9) 2. Like a fruit container. (7) 3. Difficult to control, being out of bed with shame. (6) 4. NNE. (4,5) 5 and 12ac. One of three, maybe, for fiddle students. (7,4) 6. How Churchill found Russia. (9) 7. Changing into a big feline. (7) 13. They plan to show you the way. (3,6) 15. Hammer with rubber. (9) 16. Old friend was leafy but shed surface cells. (9) 18. This bird is a loud speaker! (7) 19. Sign of a tailless stinger. (7) 21. Tie lost when altered. That is an understatement. (7) 22. Ranked but heard to have given way. (6)
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