New Head Teacher at Lenham Primary School
Lenham Wanderers AGM on the 8th June
Lenham Family Festival 11th to 14th June
Lenham Family Festival Fun Day 13th June
Nest Building Together
PAGE 2 JUNE 2015
To discuss your moving requirements
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Monday Morning Mayhem! Sing, Dance and Play, the Music Mayhem Way! Music Mayhem is an established music group for babies, toddlers and pre-school children. We currently run sessions all over Kent, including Lenham, where we have been making Mayhem for over 2 years. From week commencing 20th April 2015, our Lenham session will now take place on Mondays (instead of Thursdays). Sessions continue in the Osborne Room at the Community Centre between 10am and 11am, with Steph. Unlike many other groups, we run in term time and holidays. We provide fun and education through music, movement and songs, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Our 1 hour session includes singing a mixture of traditional and new songs, dancing, actions, musical instrument time, bubbles, as well as a well earned drink and biscuit! Key benefits: Sharing Coordination Listening skills Making friends Physical activity Learning actions Social interaction Confidence building Encourages self expression Learning new words and songs Developing new skills e.g. hopping, marching etc.
The session costs £4 per child (£1 for each additional sibling) No need to book – we operate a 'play as you go' system!
PLATTS HEATH SCHOOL SUMMER SUMMER FAYRE Saturday 20th June 2015 12pm – 3pm
Platts Heath Primary School, Headcorn Road
Stalls include:
*Bottle Tombola *Chocolate Raffle *Bar *BBQ *Refreshments *Face Painting *Grand Prize Raffle *Toy stall *Hook-a-duck *Splat-the-rat *Sand Art *Design a T-shirt *Guess the name of the Teddy We will also be holding a cake competition, with prizes in three categories: Men’s, Women’s and Children’s. Bake your favourite cake and bring along by 12.30pm. Please be prepared to share it!
Please bring your family and friends along for a fun day, all in support of Platts Heath Primary School.
For more information, please contact Steph on 07894 160906 Visit our website: www.music-mayhem.co.uk
Follow us on Facebook: music mayhem children’s preschool music groups
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PAGE 4 JUNE 2015
Welcome to the June edition of the Lenham Focus. We have had lots of feedback on the new format, most of it has been positive, but we are always interested to hear
James Collett Editor
01622 850608 editorialslf@gmail. com
from our readers. The Lenham Focus is a community magazine and as such it should be shaped by the community. Any ideas are welcome and where possible they will be incorporated and if they can’t be we will let you know why. Coming up this month we have the Lenham Family Festival and we would encourage everyone to get involved. There is a great weekend of events planned for all the family. Some of our readers also noted that the wrong date was used in the advert for the Lenham Primary School summer fayre. This is on the 4th July not the 27th June as previously noted, again please help support this great event.
We omitted to thank Mike Cockett for May’s front cover so thank you Mike and also to Andy Flood for consistently forwarding beautiful and artistic front covers for us to use. I would like to finish with my usual plea for help and support on the magazine. It is put together by a small but dedicated team and distributed by a small army of residents but, as always, more help would be appreciated. Anything you think you can help with please let one of the team know or if you have some free time and just want to help out there are always things to do.
Editorial: James Collett 01622 850608 | editorialslf@gmail.com
Distribution: Gez Clark 07784 447200
Social: Jemma Cockell, Liz Webb
Advertising: Annie Drylie 07956 629772 | advertslf@gmail.com
Proofing: Jayne Hewish, Katy Bennett
Overviewer: Margo McFarlane
Finance: Mark Dunbar 07808863227 | lenhamfocusinvoices@gmail.com
Interviews: Jim Myers
Printed by: Gemini Print
Focus is Distributed by Volunteers to: Lenham Village, Lenham Heath, Platts Heath, Sandway, West Street, Woodside Green and Warren Street.
V17 E6
Volume 17 Edition 6 (June 2015) Circulation 2000 Copy Deadline: 5pm 7th of the preceding month. Please leave copy at 24 Maidstone Road, or contact us.
For ‘Out of Town’ Readers Distribution: Lenham Community Centre, Chequers Fish Bar, Lenham Post Office, Len Valley Newsagents and Harrietsham Post Office. Published by Lenham Focus Lenham Focus is published by the Lenham Focus Team. Any
opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not the publishers. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of the magazine to ensure that they are correct and accurate at the time of printing and the publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. The publication of advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the publishers. Authors of articles and advertisements in Focus take full responsibility to ensure they obtain any prior permission for use of copyright materials.
Advertising Rates (May 2015)
Advertising Guidelines
WxH 61x45mm 61x92mm 123x92mm 123x185mm 194x281mm
1/16 Page (Formerly 1/8) 1/8 Page (Formerly 1/4) 1/4 Page (Formerly 1/2) 1/2 Page (Formerly Full Page) Full Page (New with this edition) Inside Cover 1/2 Page Inside Cover Full Page Outside Back Cover
£13 £21 £38 £69 £125 £89 £145 £176
1/16 Page (Formerly 1/8) 1/8 Page (Formerly 1/4) 1/4 Page (Formerly 1/2) 1/2 Page (Formerly Full Page) Full Page (New with this edition)
Front Cover (available once a year per advertiser)
We require adverts to be submitted in high resolution (300dpi) PDF format in the appropriate size.
Print & Deliver Single Sided A5 Insert Double Sided A5 Insert
£250 £275
Advert Formats If artwork is not supplied as a PDF we cannot guarantee the correct reproduction of the advert.
Online Advertising The Lenham Focus will soon be be launching a new website. Advertisers will be able to place
adverts and be listed on the site similar to the primrose pages. Contact us for more details.
Creative Team
MIDSUMMER MUSIC Photography: Andy Flood Andy has been providing photography to the focus since the launch of the new design. Consistently he has provided amazing shots, especially the front covers. Check out his Flickr Photostream! http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 35132157@N04/
MAIDSTONE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH WEEK STREET WEDNESDAYS JUNE 3rd to JULY 29th Church open from 12.30p.m. Music begins at 1.00p.m. JUNE 3 10
BEL CANTO – Brian White - bass-baritone Kathryn Norman - soprano THE TAMARISK STRING QUARTET
rags & tangos by Joplin, Gershwin et al
FRIDAY’S MUSIC – recorder consort
Design: FALCON We design brands and digital experiences that strategically connect people and companies for clients across the world from our studio in the heart of Kent. If you’d like to get in touch, give us a bell on 01233 624664 or send us a message at hey@madebyfalcon.co.uk Alternatively visit our hip and happenin’ website at: madebyfalcon.co.uk Article Filler Photos: PicJumbo www.picjumbo.com
pianoforte duo
LAURENCE LONG - pianoforte
Retiring collection to be shared between Maidstone URC and Hi Kent
Lenham Parish Council PAGE 6 JUNE 2015
The meeting on Wednesday 6th May was the last meeting of the present LPC before the election. An AGM of the LPC will be held on Wednesday 13th May at which the Chairman and committee members will be elected.
Martin Sherwood the Community Warden has been delivering leaflets concerning the MBC Dog Watch initiative. Martin and PCSO John Boyd requested that any incidences of criminal damage be reported on the 101 contact number. The importance of reporting immediately means evidence can be collected and incidences logged for investigation.
V17 E6
Six nominations for the position of Parish Councillor have been delivered to MBC. As there are thirteen positions available the six nominations are uncontested. If parishioners are interested in joining the LPC the option of co-option is available for the remaining seven seats. Please contact the Clerk for details. The lime trees in the Square have been pruned and will be pruned each year, the next schedule of works will be February 2016. The contentious planning application for the development of the United Reform Church site raises health and safety concerns for the continuation of cricket being played in the adjacent field. MBC have stated consultation with the developers, LPC and the Cricket Club will be undertaken, and clarification of meeting dates will be sought. Following a site meeting to discuss the problem of diseased trees along the boundary between the Community Centre and the Paddock to the rear of Grovelands, the developers have offered to remove the trees and replant the area
at no cost to the parish. Cllrs. agreed to accept the offer subject to clarification of removal schedule, replacement species and agreed contractor. Further discussions with the MBC tree officer will take place and advice taken accordingly. Several environmental issues were discussed and it was agreed that following the AGM when the next LPC are in office, projects would be identified and carried forward. Projects which will need attention include the William Pitt field, Cemetery, Maidstone Road car park, CCTV and web-site. The Parish Council would appreciate support from residents to complete the projects and
would welcome new Cllrs. to join the council. Meeting dates for June. Monday 1st June Planning, Wednesday 3rd June LPC, Wednesday 17th June Planning followed by Finance and General Purposes. All meetings are held at the Community Centre and start at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings. For details contact Margo McFarlane LPC Clerk 01622 859682 hello@ lenhamparish.org.uk
Dates for your Diary Keep up-to-date with the latest goings on in and around Lenham. 8 June Lenham Wanderers AGM Lenham Social Club 8pm 11 to 14 June Lenham Family Festival Lots of events throughout the weekend, please see page 30 for more details. 13 June Lenham Family Festival Fun Day Lenham Community Centre, 12pm till 9pm, please see page 31 for more details.
JUNE ‘15 20 June Platts Heath School Summer Fayre Platts Heath Primary School, Headcorn Road – starting at 12pm 4 July Lenham Primary School Summer Fayre Lenham Primary School – starting at 12pm
Lenham Wanderers Youth Team Presentation William Pitt field 12pm 20 June Messy Church Lenham Churchyard 4pm, bring your own picnic. Lenham Festival continued Hungarian soprano Andrea Turner and pianist John Summerfield will be giving a charity concert ‘songs from the shows’ as part of the Lenham Family Festival on Saturday, 20th June 2015 at 8pm at St. Mary’s Church, Lenham.
BALLROOM & LATIN CLASSES Have we missed an event, or do you know about something coming up? Let us know by emailing editorialslf@gmail.com and we’ll include it in the next edition, or on our social media.
Monday 5.45 - 6.45 : Children’s Ballroom & Latin (8-16yrs) 7.30 - 8.15 : Adult’s Ballroom & Latin (Beginners)
GDC School of Dancing Lenham Dance Studios 8 Faversham Road Lenham Kent ME17 2PN Tel: 01622 850 800 Mob: 07831 718 628 Follow us: Twitter@GDCdancing Facebook/GDCSchoolofDancing www.gdcschoolofdancing.co.uk
8.15 - 9.00 : Adult’s Ballroom & Latin (Intermediate) Wednesday 4.30 - 5.15 : Under 8’s Ballroom & Latin (4-8yrs)
PLUS Wednesday Zumba Classes £5/person 8.15 - 9.00 : Zumba Fitness (12yrs+ only) Private lessons also available for individuals and couples, please contact the Studio for more information
Lenham Garden Show by Keith Varney PAGE 8
JUNE 2015
nly three months to go, August 29th at Lenham Community Centre. The schedule of classes has been issued and is available from Lesley on 850275, Pat on 859084 or myself on 850228. The full programme should be available by the end of the month and can be picked up from the Library, General Store etc. Please remember that the show is open to everybody living in Lenham, you do not have to be a member of the LGS to enter. The hall will be open at 10.00am for exhibitors, judging will take place at 12 noon and visitors at 2pm, cups will be presented at approximately 4pm. There will be an entry charge for exhibitors of 25p per exhibit, eight or more fixed at £2. Visitors will be charged 50p; tea and cakes will
be on sale during the afternoon. The Harrietsham Garden Society have suggested an Inter Village Garden Society competition whereby each will exhibit a few classes which will be judged by an Independent judge. The successful winner will be presented with a Silver Platter
kindly donated by the HGS. Next year the HGS will host the competition and maybe some of the other local societies may wish to take part. So please start planning your exhibits and let’s try and make this show bigger and better. Chair LGS
Garden Show
Do you like the new design? Let us know your comments by emailing editorialslf@gmail.com
V17 E6
One Hundred Years Ago… by Amy Myers
he Western Front was in the throes of battle on Vimy Ridge, Gallipoli was the scene of fierce struggle and a new war front was opening up in Italy. June was the month that saw another local resident, John Barton, leave Boughton Malherbe for the Buffs, but it was also the month that reservist and musician Harry Giles of the Royal West Kents returned to his wife and family in Lenham after being discharged. He had joined the regular army in 1905, but as a reservist had been
recalled in August 1914. He had only been in France a few days when he was wounded. On the home front, there were different war concerns. Lenham’s vicar, Francis Etherington, was attending a high-powered diocesan conference in Maidstone, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Many issues were discussed, including ‘exaggerated reports of war babies’ together with standards of life now that so many army units were billeted locally. The Bishop of Croydon referred to the close connection between ‘drink and impurity’ and the ‘tendency of drink on young people and others in normal health to inflame the passions, obscure the judgment and weaken the moral power’.
Canon Galpin from Saltwood raised the question of ‘How best to deal with unmarried mothers and their babies’. The general feeling was ‘with sympathy’, although the habit of young girls to hang around army camps ‘was deplored’. Other weighty matters were being decided by a harassed Kent Education Committee faced with budget restrictions. Lenham Council School was urged to ask the Local Sanitary Authority if it might defer its payment of £180 for drainage, and Platt’s Heath School, also facing problems, was advised to seek help in getting a loan of £250 so that the school might be enlarged. Cuts? Where have we heard that before?
Lenham Players by Jan Moll
ur War Time Revue production on the 2nd May was a great success and a fun evening. It was good to see so many from Lenham. Thank you all for your support. A donation from the ticket sales was made to the British Legion, as well as the Boiler fund at the Community Centre. We shall be performing a one
act sketch from Talking Heads at the Lenham Festival in June and our Autumn production, The Ghost Train, will be staged on the 23rd/24th October. We are always looking for new members, whether on stage or behind the scenes, so whether you are interested in acting or in helping to build or paint a set/find the right piece of furniture or prop/make a costume – or any of the many other things which go to make a successful production, please contact our Chairman, Mary Tapsfield on 01622
880448 or myself as secretary of Lenham Players on 01622 850747 for more information. Better still, come along to our AGM at Lenham Community Centre in September; meet other Lenham Players over a glass of wine, or cheese and biscuits. I shall post the date in the August edition of Focus. In the meantime, if you would like to be added to our mailing list to find out more about events we are planning, please email or give me a call on above number. Jemoll859@gmail.com
We would like to thank our advertisers. Please help us show appreciation by supporting local businesses and services, their participation allows this magazine to come to you FREE of charge. Don’t forget to mention that you saw their advert in Lenham Focus. If you would like to place an advert please refer to page 4 for contact details, rates and page 5 for advertising guidelines
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Lenham Bowls Club by Trevor Green PAGE 10 JUNE 2015
ere you fascinated by the lawn bowls shown on TV from the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow last July? How would you like to have a go yourself and find out what it’s all about? We are a lively and successful local club (just over the parish boundary on the road into Lenham) and we are on the lookout for new members. You
Lenham Cricket Club – Preview to 2015 Season
Clubs & Soc.
by Mat Revitt
V17 E6
enham Cricket Club would again like to thank everyone who has assisted us, either with time or through provision of materials, in our preseason ground and clubhouse preparations. Special thanks to those who mustered when our windows were vandalised just before the start of the season. The early weekends within the cricket season are never easy to predict, with the scarcity of players due to football commitments and the inevitable April/May showers, getting a game in isn’t easy. Our first weekend of planned cricket this year became a victim and saw no play. Our next weekend, Sunday 3rd May, we travelled away to East Sutton and the sun broke through in time to enable play. This Sunday friendly fixture is a club regular with two equally matched teams. We won the toss and decided to bowl first. East Sutton scored 184 for the loss of 5 wickets, which is a very reasonable score on early season subdued wickets. Dave Seales and Tom Curtis both contributed by taking 2
don’t have to know anything about the game – Tom, our County Qualified coach likes nothing better than showing new bowlers the ropes. And the club has bowls you may borrow until you decide to get your own. In addition to our excellent green we have a great clubhouse with good facilities, including a bar! Take a peek at the pictures on our Web site: www. lenhambowlingclub.org.uk. If you decide it’s just what you’re looking for – friendly people, pleasant surroundings, useful exercise and a bit of social life – please get in touch.
You will be made to feel most welcome. Have a word with Brian Fuller (Men’s Captain) or Lyn Fuller (Ladies’ Captain), both on 01622 851538 if you want a chat about what we can offer. Alternatively, contact Trevor Green (Club Secretary) on 01622 859642 who will be happy to answer any questions and arrange a visit. With the weather getting better and the outdoor season just starting, now would be the best time to get involved. So don’t put it off – pick up the phone today! Trevor Green, Club Secretary
wickets each and Jack Ambrose added a run out. Stuart Russell bowled 13 overs for few runs but wickets were not forthcoming despite two dropped catches. In the chase we lost 3 wickets, two very early on, however Adrian Longley and Mike Rickner dug in and chased down the total with 3 overs remaining. Adrian scored 76 and Mike 83, this also saw Mike score his maiden 50 for the club. What a great start to the season and we will be hoping that the runs and wickets for Lenham are plentiful this year. With only one match having being played before the editorial deadline match reports are somewhat sparse. This does
however leave some space to give a preview into the coming months’ fixtures. Looking forwards however June has a full agenda with 8 Home games and 2 Away games. Saturday League Games Sat 30th May (home) Willesborough 1.30pm Start Sat 6th June (home) Milstead 2nds 1.30pm Start Sat 13th June (away) Hunton 2nds 1.30pm Start Sat 20th June (home) Rumwood 1sts 1.30pm Start Sat 27th June (home) Headcorn 2nds 1.30pm Start
Sunday Friendly Fixtures Sun 31st May (away) Murston 2pm Start Sun 7th June (home) Boughton& Eastwell 2pm Start Sun 14th June (home) Priory 2pm Start Sun 21st June (home) Willesborough 2pm Start Sun 28th June (home) Newington 2pm Start
A perfect opportunity to break out the picnic blankets and enjoy an afternoon on the green. The cricket is free to watch and can be very entertaining.
Royal British Legion Women’s Section by Enid La Plain
ummer has arrived so we shall be holding our Annual Strawberry Tea on the 25th June. This will be in the Community Centre 3pm for 3.30pm. Tickets £6 available from Eve on 858478.
Lenham Surgery Tel: 858341 Mondays to Fridays 8:30am6:30pm. Closed 1-2pm Dispensary 8:30am-6:30pm Closed 12:30-2pm Urgent matters out of hours telephone. 0845 1450121 (6-6.30pm only) IC24. 111 (from 6.30pm)
Lenham Gardening Society by Keith Varney
ur April speaker gave a very informative talk on the history of Sissinghurst. We thought we knew all about the place but Steve Harmer soon put us right with some very interesting facts about the people who lived there over the past 400 years and the stories concerning their behaviour. We will certainly look at Sissinghurst with a different light. Our June speaker will be Steve
Bradley from BBC Radio Kent Garden show, the topic will be a surprise to us all but he promises us some serious bits and some funny bits, well worth coming and we hope that as many as possible will come, please bring a friend. Remember it’s on Friday 19th June, one day later than normal. The competitions will be A Single Rose and/or A Summer Photo. July 16th is the date for our Pimm’s & Strawberries social, please make a date in your diary, tickets will be available at the June meeting. There will be a tombola, raffle and a produce stall so grateful for any items for these please.
July 21st will be our outing to the Secret Garden, coach will be leaving Lenham (Dog & Bear) promptly at 14.00hrs or 2pm, whichever comes first. The cost will be £12 for members and £17 for non-members, price includes a cream tea. Tickets available at the June meeting and from Pat on 859084. Reminder that we will be having a stall at the Lenham Family Festival on Saturday 13th June, so why not come along and see us, maybe take a turn on the stall? Well that’s it for now hope you are all preparing for the Lenham Garden Show Keith Chair LGS
Lenham Heritage by Lesley Feakes PAGE 12 JUNE 2015
s usual we had a very good talk from Bronwen Sadler on The Slave Trade. As usual it was not that well attended but those who came thoroughly enjoyed it. You very nearly did not get this article as I have not been too well and my brain is a little slow. Archaeology has been in the news recently regarding health, they have discovered that DNA can be extracted from ancient bones and the DNA of people’s
Lenham W.I Report
Clubs & Soc.
by Gill Simes
V17 E6
ur April speaker,Ian Porter, gave a brilliant talk on Suffragettes. We were all absolutely enthralled and learned a lot about the single minded and brave ladies who fought so hard, and suffered so much to gain the vote for women.Nobody who listened to that talk would miss the opportunity to vote in an election having heard what the campaigners for ‘Women’s Rights’ went through to prove that the female sex were intellectually on a par with men ,and capable of making their own decisions!!!!! Mr Porter is a published author and we had the opportunity to buy his latest book, a novel about the suffragette era. Our May meeting was the A.G.M. where the resolution for 2015 was discussed, and the committee elected. The resolution this year is ‘Failing to care - an assessment of need in long-term care’ a topic that all of us in time may find relevant. In June the National A.G.M. will be held at ‘The Royal Albert Hall’.This will be in
diseases also located and identified. I knew that for some time they could identify those who had died of the plague by this method, but now it is also some of the more unusual conditions also. Folk in Lenham had long told me that tetanus was very common in this area “because of the horses” and I had still wondered why, as horses were everywhere. But it is of course because they were horses working the land and these local fields show evidence of being arable for millennia. Clay with flints type land is ideal for cereal crops but the poor horses (and oxen) must have frequently cut their feet on the flints. The bacteria then gave them tetanus
(that they obviously survived) and because they became carriers it passed back into the soil to infect others. So the cycle was continuous. Even now I would advise people to make sure their tetanus boosters are up to date (every 10 years ) and do not be persuaded that “ Oh , you are immune in later life” ….this just is not so! It’s a very nasty disease that needs continual vigilance, especially in our area. Deep puncture wounds in the garden? Please review your tetanus protection! I am not sure whether we shall be organising evening walks this year. I will keep you posted. Lesley Feakes 850275 or email 606@feakes.com
the presence of H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth,The Princess Royal, and The Countess of Wessex. Since this is the W.I. Centenary the meeting is being streamed live to various venues throughout the country.West Kent Federation is staging an event locally with a buffet lunch, which several of our members are attending. Our June speaker is Paul Beard whose subject is ‘Barnardo’s’ and in July Antonia Gallup will be telling us about her ‘Trip across India on a Motorbike’. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in W.I. catering. Without the revenue
earned by these ladies our W.I. would find it impossible to survive financially and their hard work is sincerely appreciated. If you feel that you would like to come and have a taster of a W.I. meeting, we meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month except August at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.
Forthcoming Events 12 June 15 June 20 June 27 June 12 July
Music Quiz. Lenham Festival Mixed Darts Competition Pool Competition Jersey Boys Tribute Night Charity Bike Ride & BBQ
Bingo: every Tuesday and Sunday Night Quiz Night: first Tuesday of every month New members always welcome, apply to club Members and Guests Only. All events start at 8pm.
Young At Heart 60+
i everyone, hope you are all keeping well. I can’t believe its June. 2015 has gone by in a flash. This month we have a fashion
Len Valley Community Hub Club
show. The clothes are from Bon Marche and 2 or 3 of us will be sashaying down the room to show how good they look when on. We have done this several times now and it is always a lot of fun. The meeting is on Thursday 21/06/15 2.00-4.00pm. It is being held at the Community Hall. We
i everyone, hope you are all well. This month we have Swadelands School Entertains. Really looking forward to it. It’s on Thursday 11/06/15 2.00-4.00pm at the Social
hope to see you there. A big thank you to that help make these afternoons such fun and a big success. If you are in need of a lift please ring Jenny Lloyd on 01622 859208. Martin, Sue, Olive, Jackie, Jenny and Nina
Club. It will be a good afternoon. Our thanks to all who help make these afternoons a success. Martin, John, Fred, Jenny and Nina
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The Royal British Legion
PAGE 14 JUNE 2015
£6 £7 £8
9-6 CLOSED 8-3
Clubs & Soc.
V17 E6
ince our last report a party of twenty visited The National Memorial Arboretum. We arrived in time to participate in a short Act of Remembrance, held in the Memorial Chapel, during which the Last Post was played and a minute’s silence was observed at 11 o’clock. This was followed by a fifty minute land-train tour of the major memorials. We then dispersed to wander the garden. We all found the Far East pavilion very moving and harrowing as the displays showed the horrors that were inflicted on their captives by the Japanese military. The next day we visited the Royal Air Force museum at Cosford before sampling the delights of the M25 on a late afternoon at the start of a bank holiday weekend. The Imperial War Museum is holding The Battle of Britain Anniversary Air Show at Duxford on the weekend 19/20 September. Entry is by pre-booked ticket only. The Branch is considering a trip to Duxford on Sunday 20 September provided there is sufficient support to justify hiring a coach. The maximum cost, which includes the £25 entry fee, would be £40. If you are interested in going, then please contact either Bill Peter on 850520 or Barry Wood on 850702.
Do you have an article or story that you would like published? Email us at editorialslf@gmail. com
Neighbourhood Plan
he straw poll organised on Thursday 7th May at the Tithe barn was well attended with a steady stream of parishioners looking at the display materials and taking the opportunity to read the latest draft version 1 plan. Thank you to the team of volunteers who did a wonderful job of organising the poll from 7am to 10pm. A full report with results of the poll will be in the July Focus. Neighbourhood Plan team
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Do you live in Sandway, Old Ham Lane, Glebe Gardens, Royton Avenue or Chilston Road? We need distributors for Focus for these areas – if you can help please call Gez on 859595, call or text 07784447200 or email gezclark@tiscali.co.uk. Also if you live in the parish of Lenham and have to collect your magazine from one of the outlets in the village, please let me know and I’ll see if we can find a distributor for your area. Would you like to volunteer to deliver by car to a few points in the village or surrounding areas? I am trying to split the bulk deliveries down so that 4 people can spend approximately 45 minutes each as opposed to 1 person spending half a day on it! Contact details as above. Thanks in anticipation, Gez.
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Christian Message June by Pamela Cuerden PAGE 16
JUNE 2015
V17 E6
ool’s paradise “Ouch!” The straps of my swimming costume twanged against my
back. “It’s O.K. dear. You were all caught up. Just trying to help.” Forcing back an Anglo-Saxon reaction, I managed a faint smile and made a dash for the pool. Thora - we’ll call her Thora because she reminded me of various characters from ‘Talking Heads’ - walked out to the pool and started barking at her friends: “It’s no use coming tumurra Frank. Tumurra is a Bank Holiday and ‘B’ members can’t use the pool when the hotel is busy.” “That’s not what we was told. We was told we was welcome.” Thora repeated her theory as if this would give it more credence, then made a dash for the hotel reception. Peace at last? No. Frank started thrashing past at a furious pace with his arms flailing in a front crawl. All too quickly Thora returned. Hands on hips, feet apart, swaying back and forth with an air of authority: “No Frank, I’m right, we’re not welcome tumurra. Hotel guests only on Bank Holidays. ‘B’ members excluded.” “Thank goodness for that” I felt my mouth saying to my brain. If my mouth uttered anything so uncharitable, my brain ensured it was done silently. Thora shared her jewel of information with every ‘B’ member who turned up after her, and, as if dissatisfied that the strap-twanging had not had enough of an effect, followed me back into the changing room. “Filthy wet floor” she exploded, as she picked up a mop and sent a shower of water straight towards the skirt I was stepping into. “Roll on the Bank Holiday” Mouth muttered to Brain. I do hope Brain kept the volume down. The next morning Oliver was
holding court. If his belly flops into the pool were not Olympian, his voice certainly was. Oliver did not ask for, he demanded attention. “Bring back the ‘B’ team” I heard Mouth say to Brain. For 15 minutes Mummy Oliver yelled at and cajoled her boy, then gave up and left. Dad took over with about as much effect as Mummy. I tried to carry on practicing my breast stroke and was soon lost in my own world as a secret agent trying to board a ship, so having to swim as silently as possible towards the hull by nightfall. Oliver might be nine but he didn’t have the monopoly on silly games and I’ve watched far too many James Bond films. My mind wandered further and I started to think about Thora, Frank and Oliver. “Love your neighbours” Brain said to mouth. “Stop scowling and love your neighbours.” “Trust you to start coming over all reasonable” muttered Mouth. “It’s Good Friday” explained Brain. “Remember what that means. On Good Friday we remember Christ giving up his life for you, Thora, Frank and Oliver.” “Well yes, but Thora pinged my costume and invaded my social space.” “She was just being friendly.” “But she sluiced water towards my skirt.” “It didn’t reach and she made the floor safe.” “But she yelled her head off.” “And saved all her friends from a wasted journey.” “Oh alright, alright... but what about Frank splashing away? Front crawl is definitely a man thing. He was annoying.” “And you weren’t annoying, doing widths when the ‘B’ members were all swimming lengths? Did any of them tell you off for getting in their way, even once, all week? No, not one.” “No, I suppose not… but what about Oliver, yelling, splashing and ignoring his parents?” “Weren’t you ever young? Oliver gave up his time willingly, playing with a much younger lad, Tim, and keeping him entertained.” Oh alright, alright, you win. Love your neighbour, tolerate others
and don’t be grumpy about the little things.” That’s more like it. Jesus went to the cross and suffered a dreadful death in order that you could be saved and enjoy eternal life. Now, if you could just manage a little smile?” “I would smile but then I’d get water in my mouth, gurgle and never get to the battleship in silence.” Brain sighed and left Mouth to make up its own mind. God leaves us all to make up our own minds. As if crucifixion, resurrection and loving us unconditionally is not enough, we all have free will as well! I pray that you love your neighbours, even the really annoying ones who swim widths and not lengths, and I thank the Lord that you are almost certainly, far more tolerant than me… St Mary’s Church Flowers and Brass cleaning Church Flower and Brass cleaning Rota for June
June 6th Mrs Jones June 13th/20th Mrs Humphrey June 27th/July 4th Mrs Nahab Brass cleaning Mrs Greenwood Sue Greenwood Messy Church Next Messy Church June 20th in Lenham churchyard. Bring your own picnic tea. 4.00pm
Len Valley Churches Service Times Sunday 7th June 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast service 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 10.45am Ulcombe: Family Worship 11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion 12pm – 4pm Harrietsham Big Lunch, Booth Field Sunday 14th June 8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service 9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion 11.00am Lenham: Morning Worship 6.30pm Boughton Malherbe: Evensong Saturday 20th June 4.00pm Messy Church – Lenham Church Sunday 21st June 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service 9.30am Harrietsham: Morning Worship 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Holy Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Morning Worship 11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion Saturday 27th June 8.00am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Men’s breakfast
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Family Breakfast Service SHORT INFORMAL SERVICE SUNDAYS AT 9.30am St Mary’s Church, Lenham
Saturday 27th June 5.00pm Harrietsham: Prayer and Praise Sunday 28th June 8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Family Worship 10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion 11.00am Lenham: Family Worship
Paul Grant Roofing Contractors All aspects of roofing work undertaken. Listed Building Specialist Strip / Re-tile / Kent Peg / Slating / Leadwork 35 years experience All work fully guaranteed For a free quotation and friendly advice on any roofing matter. Office: 01622 850855 Mobile: 07850740637 paulgrant747@gmail.com www.paulgrantroofingcontractors.co.uk Card payments accepted
Lenham Parish Council Clerk: Margo McFarlane 13 Mercer Drive Harrietsham ME17 1AY Telephone 01622 859682
Vacancies on Parish Council (North Ward)
Following the uncontested Parish Council elections there are four vacancies on the North Ward. Which must be filled by co-option. Anyone wishing their name to be put forward for co-option should contact the Clerk details as above
Weekly & Regular Events
PAGE 18 JUNE 2015
Activate Fitness Facilites
Activate Sports Swadelands
St Johns Ambulance
St Johns Hall, Ham Lane
Badminton (Feathers) Bell Ring Monday Music Mayhem Parent & Toddlers Group Harr & Lenham Cubs Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Youth Club H/sham&Lenham Beavers St Johns Ambulance Lenham Youth Club Pilates classes
Community Centre St Mary’s Church Community Centre Community Centre (8-11 years) Community Centre Swadelands Ham Lane Harrietsham Scout Hut Cadets (10-18) Swadelands Ham Lane Community Centre
Messy Mums Babies + Toddlers Line Dancing LenARA Brownies 2nd Lenham Pilates classes Line Dancing Redbacks Explorer Scouts Guides 1st Lenham H/sham&Lenham Scouts Judo Club Lenham Youth Club
St Mary’s Church Community Centre Lenham Primary Sch Community Centre St Edmunds Platts Hth Kingswood Scout Hut Community Centre Harrietsham Scout Hut Community Centre Swadelands Ham Lane Activate Sports Hall Swadelands Harrietsham Primary School St Mary’s Church see separate church services page
8am-5pm 9.30-11.30am 10.00-12.00
Activate Fitness Facilites French Books for Children Tea/Coffee/Cakes Sunday Schools
2nd Tuesday 1st Tuesday 1st Wednesday 4th Wednesday Last Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Thursday 3rd Thursday 2nd Sunday
Royal British Legion Lenham Valley Parish Council Meeting LenARA (active retired) Archaeology Club Reading Group Women’s Institute Lenham Gardening Soc. Lenham Country Market
Lenham Social Club Business Association Community Centre Community Centre Community Centre Lenham Library Community Centre Community Centre The Village Square
8pm 6-8pm 7.30pm 2pm 7.30pm 4.45-5.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 9-1.00pm
Primrose Pages Accounting & Business Services Alarm Systems Alterations Architectural Services Barbers Builders/decorators
Butchers/Meat Cafés Carpentry V17 E6
7am-8.30am & 5pm-9pm 4.30-6.00pm 7.00-9.15pm 8-10.00pm 7:30pm 10-11am 9.30-11.30am 6.30-8pm 8pm 7.00-9.30pm 5.45-7.15.pm 6.00-8.00pm 7.00-9.30pm 7.00pm-8.00pm 8.30-9.30pm 10.30-12 Term 7.30-9.00pm 6.15-7.45pm 11.30-12.30pm 8pm 7.15-9.15pm 7.00-9.00pm 7.30-9.30pm 5.30-8.30pm 7.30-10.00pm
Stonebridge Associates Cybereye Security Curtains to Corsets Kent Design Studio Sweeney Todd Andy and Paul Apollo Elwood (Painter/decorators) KRS Building/decorating Stuttle Dyer (painters/decorators) G B Lister Lilypie Café Carpentry and General Building
851542 858612 07541 000969 01580 230413 07734950329 850437 07808414965 01634308933 851126 01233 840004 858220 01622 844590 850364
Carpets/Flooring Caterers Catteries Charted Surveyor Childminder Chimney Sweep Chip Shop Chiropody Cleaning/Housekeeping Coal Merchant Commuter Service Computer Services
Dance Dressmaking & Alterations Electricians/Gas fitters Estate Agents Fitness Funeral Directors Gardeners Garages Grocers Hairdressers Hall Hire Handbags and Jewellery Landscaping Lawnmower Repairs Locksmiths Logs Martial Arts Nail Technician Newsagents Osteopathy Parish Council Pest Control Pharmacy Plumbers Pool Services Pubs Restaurant Roofing Schools Solar Panel Installation Solicitors Taxi Tree Surgeons TV Aerials Veterinary Surgery Will Services Window Cleaning
P Humpries Carpets direct Beaubray Caterers Little Dene Boarding Cattery Inkstand cattery James Collett Debbie Brett Beth Pierson-Smith Invicta Chimney Sweep Chequers Fish Bar Heathers Chiropody Surgery Amy McLaughlin Phynix Domestic cleaning Edmed Coal Buzzlines A.C. Computers Harrietsham Computers Lynn MS Computer services Lenham Ballet School GDC School of Dancing Pam AD Pink Electrics Barrie Weston Contractor MGI Electrical Philip Jarvis Activate Body and Soul A W Court Mower Repairs Gowers Garage Lenham Village Store Phase Hairdressing Smarty’s Lenham Comm Centre Charing Heath Hall Immyblingy Ireland Landscapes Maidstone Landscapes and Paving Mowtastic A Short Seasoned Logs Tai Chi Beauty Nails Len Valley news Graham Yates Bsc Ost (Hons) Tempest Healthcare Lenham Parish Council A D Pink Pest Purge Saxon Warrior All Fix Plumbing Epic Plumbimg Pure Plumbing J W Engineering Services Dirty Habit Lenham Social Club Red Lion Leeds Castle R and D Roofing Paul Grant Roofing Lorenden Greenman Solar Thornloe and Co. Arshed Mahmood Gez Clark Ambilly Tree Surgeons R & P TV Aerial services Harrietsham Vets Maidstone Wills and trusts Sparkles
858719 01233714999 763269 858510 859469 850608 01233714247 07809 249176 01622 632641 859878 850376 07813030527 880028 260515 01303 261870 850462 859442 745654 859969 850329 850800 858827 884774 01233712663 850055 858241 853750 850840 07989333145 858210 858255 850001 851150 853800 01233 713317 298129 844605 851222 07989 333145 07738658751 07733328715 07734108683 07460 393777 858262 01304379954 07749 980096 01622 859682 884774 842481 858287 851186 210298 769722 851713 880880 858890 858341 767777 858291 850855 01795590030 01233 612082 859416 07770725129 07784447200 859113 631717 858666 01580 292320 07856 110682
General/Social Numbers
JUNE 2015
V17 E6
Badgers (St Johns Ambulance) Badminton Bowling Club Brownies (2nd Lenham) Drama Gardening Society Guides (1st Lenham) Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Heritage Lenham Nursery School Lenham Players Lenham Wanderers Lenham Social Club Harrietsham & Lenham Beavers Harrietsham and Lenham Scouts Harrietsham and Lenham Cubs Mother’s Union Pilates Classes Redback Explorer Scouts Royal British Legion St John Ambulance Women’s Institute St Edmunds Platts Heath Country Ways Quilters and stitchers Lenham Valley Business Association
Mrs Manley Linda Bird Lyn Fuller Andrea French Gail Kelly Keith Varney Mrs J Thomsett Mrs Pat Abson Lesley Feakes Ami Rathmill Janet Moll Steve Campbell Club Events Duncan Keenan Nick Still Mrs A Seales Mrs J Thomsett Vivien Elcomb Mark Horlock Mr W Peter Mrs Bond Mrs C Toner Karen Yardley Jan Haines Alan Reading
01622 842603 01233 756762 01622 851538 01622 851646 01622 850671 01622 850228 01622 859009 01622 858561 01622 850275 07967 128056 01622 850747 01622 851022 01622 858890 07768 926654 01622 859789 01622 859829 01622 859009 01622 853887 07789 226516 01622 850520 01622 205452 01622 850048 01622 858208 01233 714699 01622 820841
Borough Councillors:
Tom Sams Janetta Sams (Roads, Pavements)
01622 859412 07891901831 / 859412 03000 418181 01622 602117 01732 847572 0800 776600 01622 842257 01622 859733 01622 679709 01622 853800 (am) 01622 858581 (pm) 01233 713317 01622 858341/859204 111 helenwhately.co.uk 01622 859682 07772 226097 07870 252317 07977 981993 858195 297296 850604
Kent Highway Services Dog Warden Cat Protection Drugs Helpline Heaths Countryside Corridor Lenham Enhancement Ass. Lenham Country Market Lenham Community Centre Lenham Heath Parish Hall LenValley Practice Non-Emergency NHS Care Member of Parliament Parish Council Clerk Parish Police PCSO Police Constable Rural Community Warden Vicar
Lost and Found FREE CALL Ruth Lovering Brian Llong Kevin Fitzsimons Margaret Mitchell Sharon Reed Doctors Surgery NHS Helen Whately MP Margo McFarlane Dave Rowley Brian Waghorne Martin Sherwood Rev Dr Dick Venn Rev Millie Hart Church Office
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Barbeque Season’s Here! by GB Lister Butchers PAGE 22
JUNE 2015
e’ve had some great weather over the last few weeks and hopefully there’s more of the same over the coming months; it must mean it’s time to get the barbeque out! There’s more to barbequing that just putting a sausage or burger on the grill; it’s a healthy, tasty and sociable way to eat and a variety of different foods can be cooked in this way. Before you even start putting food on the barbeque make sure it’s at the right temperature – too hot and it’ll burn the food on the outside and leave raw meat inside but if it’s not hot enough it’ll take forever to cook anything. When the coals are glowing orange and there is a layer of grey/white ash on top it’s time to start adding meat to the grill. Lots of food can be barbequed; pork chops, beef steak (sirloin and rump), lamb cutlets, chicken legs, spare ribs, pork belly or, if you’re feeling more adventurous perhaps you could cook a spatchcock chicken or butterflied leg of lamb. At GB Lister Butchers, we have lots of different types of meats in our shop that are perfect for
a barbeque as well as a wide selection of marinades if you’d like to give the meat a different twist. There’s almost no end to what you can cook on the barbeque but remember the same food safety rules apply to cooking food outside as well as inside. Make sure that any meat cooked has a core temperature of at least 75C and that no cooked meat is placed on a plate that has had raw meat on. An additional tip is to try not to push meat down on the grill to try to get it tocook faster – this makes all the delicious juices run out and will
BBQ Season
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leave you with a drier and less flavoursome meat. It’s not only meat that can be barbequed; there are a number of vegetables that can be cooked outside too; onions, peppers, tomatoes, corn and jacket potatoes are all great choices. Bananas are also fantastic – mix together equal quantities of butter and brown sugar and place in some foil with a banana, then wrap the foil to make a parcel and place on the barbeque until the butter’s melted and the sugar’s dissolved. What’s the most unusual food you’ve cooked on the barbeque? We’d love to hear your barbeque recipes. For our local customers we’ve put together a special barbeque meat pack: for only £10 you can buy 2 x 4oz chicken fillets, 2 x 4oz beef burgers, 2 x lamb cutlets, 2 x belly slices and 4 x sausages. Have you got a large summer party coming up soon? We can take the catering stress away by providing a barbeque or hog roast service for your event. Just contact us via our website (www.lenhambutchers.co.uk) or pop into the shop and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements with you.
Heart of Kent Hospice Upcoming Events The Peace Garden and Tree Trail Aylesford Priory, The Friars, ME20 7BX Tuesday 2nd June 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Discover the sensory and contemplative Peace Garden created in the original entrance to the Friars Gatehouse. The garden can be viewed as a whole or as several areas of themed gardens divided by upright sleepers . You will also be able to follow a woodland trail with some ancient and specimen trees.
Security and Electrical Services
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Celebrate Fathers Day at this beautiful cottage style garden with herbaceous borders , secret garden and glorious views of the Downs. The suggested donation of £5.00 includes entrance to the 15th Century House with its wonderful collections of furniture, wood and metal work. Limited wheelchair access. Dogs on leads welcome. Children must be supervised. Refreshments available.
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Entry is by way of a suggested donation of £5.00. Limited wheelchair access. Dogs on leads welcome. Children must be supervised. Refreshments available.
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New Headteacher At Lenham Primary School by Mrs Adams
JUNE 2015
V17 E6
t’s with great pleasure that I write to you to introduce myself as Lenham Primary School’s new Headteacher.
I started just after the Easter Holidays and I have been busy spending my first few weeks getting to know the school, teachers, governors and of course the children. I have been out on the playground most mornings and at the brilliant football tournament, so am also starting to get to know the community. It’s a very crucial time of year for the school with the SATs and financial years starting and ending but the staff and governors have been incredibly welcoming and collectively we are working hard to ensure a smooth transition. I’m a firm believer that we are in
Many Thanks by Margo McFarlane
t the meeting on Wednesday 6th May, the last meeting of the present Parish Council before the General & Local Election, the traditional order of business was changed. The reason for the change was to make a presentation. Cllr. Nigel Godfrey, well-known by many of you in the village, retired from the council. Having served the community for twenty years and being involved in some of the major projects throughout the parish, Nigel felt it was time to stand down. Nigel joined the LPC to offer his services to help improve the village. One of his main projects was the installation of the very well-used BMX and Skateboard ramp at William Pitt field. He
a partnership with parents and I will be communicating regularly with families about the work the school is doing. This will include running regular parent workshops to keep families updated on all the national changes to the curriculum and assessment and to also give practical ideas about how parents can support their children with learning at home. From next term I would also like to start running some parent forums to get views and opinions on some whole school issues. It will obviously take a few more weeks to get to know everyone, but to help you get to know me a little better, here is a brief autobiography: • I have taught for 21 years (I had to do several recounts on that one!). • My last role was at Hornbeam School in Deal
worked with the local youths to fund raise the money for the equipment and took the advice of the user group, ensuring the equipment installed was their preference. Nigel also helped provide new play equipment at the Cherry Close play area and was often seen undertaking regular health and safety risk assessments to ensure all three play areas were up to the required standard. Lenham Parish Council was well represented by Nigel at many training sessions, Kent Association of Local Council, AGMs, Maidstone Borough Council planning meetings and various other meetings with outside bodies. I was fortunate to start my tenure as Clerk to the Parish Council under the guidance of Nigel, who was Chairman at the time. He always offered help and
where I was the Deputy Headteacher. Prior to that I was Curriculum and Foundation Stage Leader at Rye Primary in East Sussex. • My specialist subjects are Literature and History. • I believe passionately in equality and the potential that education has to empower and enrich lives. • My hobbies include long distance walking, my allotment (though due to recent inactivity I have been downgraded to shed monitor…) and anything that involves food. • I’m married and have one football mad stepson, two dogs and two chickens. I’m incredibly excited about becoming the school’s Headteacher and hope to strengthen and celebrate all the things that are already great about the school whilst moving it forward to meet ever increasing national expectations.
advice and used his extensive knowledge of local government to ensure LPC were abreast of the ever-changing laws. Cllr. Andrew Barr who has worked with Nigel for the past twenty years said a few words and gave a brief outline of Nigel’s accomplishments. LPC are grateful for the dedication shown by Nigel and thanked him, and his wife, Jeannie, who has supported Nigel throughout, with a presentation of a voucher for a family photographic portrait and of course a bouquet for Jeannie. Thank you Nigel for all your hard work, you will be missed!
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Success comes from working together.
Business Networking is about . . . getting the best advice! If you are in business there is nothing worse than having to find out about something and not been able to get an answer from an experienced, professional person you can trust. You need someone who’s been there, done it, knows the pitfalls and, more importantly, how to avoid them. In the main much of the LVBA membership is made up of people just like that. Professional business people who are willing to share what they know and don’t always expect you to pay for it. It is part of local business, people want to be helpful and provide answers to help and assist you. We try to select speakers who are even more than that and will present to a group, not to try to sell them something but to inform the audience. Provide knowledge and experience. If that wasn’t the case the lot in the photo below wouldn’t bother coming would they! See our new networking webpage for the 2015 programme. There’s no meeting in June. There’s a Facebook too, page and group. Like and register both please.
Try it - you just might like it. New members and one off visitors welcome, you can try it out for free - we are sure you’ll like networking with LVBA. Register on our website, on the registration page. Events are organised and presented by Alan Reading who has been networking from before it was even called networking! Keep up to date (& to join) www.lenhambusiness.co.uk or call 01622 820841
Focus on Nature by Derek Budge PAGE 26
JUNE 2015
V17 E6
Alas, my normally regular brisk walk across farmland up to the white cross which dramatically dominates the local landscape, then following a short stretch of the Pilgrims’ Way returns me back to Lenham village, has had to be abandoned after a fall which landed me in hospital with fractured ribs (Wow! Painful!!). I’m back home now, slowly making progress and recently I managed a slow, short walk from Grovelands to the nearby pond, following the banks of the stream a little way. My priceless reward was the truly wondrous and uplifting sight of several clumps of Marsh Marigolds, ...Calthiapalustris, radiating their own bursts of brilliant sunshine along the partially shaded banks of the stream. I have never before experienced this wild flower growing so vigorously. It is a plant of northern latitudes growing in the UK since the ice age, and which has been highly prized ever since, as witnessed by a remarkably long list of local names which would completely fill several pages of Focus! So just to mention a few :- ‘Goldilocks’, ‘May-flower’, ‘Mary-buds’, ‘Bulls eyes’, ‘Monkey bells’, ‘Water babes’ and ‘Yellow blobs’. Gerard praised these blooms in his famous Herbal, and perhaps Shakespeare also had the plant in mind when, in Cymbelline, he wrote, ‘the winking Marybells begin to open their eyes’. In those days, May-Day was a very important festival, and also considered to be a rather
dangerous time when witches, elves and malevolent fairies were thought to be active. So bunches of Marsh Marigolds were picked to hang over the main cottage door to provide full and valuable protection. Also along the stream bank were Lesser Celandines, Ranunculus ficaria, radiating their own brand of golden light but in a much more modest way. The generic name is a diminutive of the Latin ‘Rana’ ... frog, indicating their growth occurs in the same damp, shady environment where frogs can usually be found. Ficaria comes from another Latin word ... ficus, meaning ‘fig’, which refers to the distinctive shape of the root tubers which store substantial food reserves during the winter months, thus ensuring early development in the spring. Yet another reproductive system can be seen in development of bulbils, which are small bulb-like swellings usually found in the axils of the leaves. Later in the season they drop off and over-winter in the soil, thus adding yet another
supply of plants for the future. These flowers are very sensitive to sunlight, soon closing towards evening or in cloudy conditions, and as the plants mature, the yellow pigment bleaches out, leaving patches of pure white on the petals. Wordsworth loved this widespread and very pretty plant ... ‘There is a flower, the Lesser celandine that shrinks, lyme many more from cold and rain; and, the first moment that the sun may shine, bright as the sun himself, tis out again!’ Focus readers may recall a childhood memory, when, as in the case of other Buttercups, one of the flowers was held under the chin of a friend whilst asking the question “Do you like butter?” In my case, the resultant golden glow on my chin would always motivate my response, “Yes, Yes, Yes!!”.
If you have an article or story that you’d like published. Email us at editorialslf@gmail.com
Lenham Wanderers by Mike Kingsman
What a unique season this is turning out to be for LENHAM WANDERERS TWO SENIOR SIDES, with both teams winning their respective Finals of the M&D Challenge Cup. The 1st Team took on fellow Premier Division LEEDS S.V. side & won with goals from JOE SMITH 2, HARRY JUDGE 1 & 1 from JOSH WALKER,
Story Time by Karen Gambrell
ould you like to share more stories with your children? Storytime is on every Monday afternoon, 2.15pm-2.45pm, in the children’s corner at Lenham Library. Following a recent re-launch Storytime is now run by the parents for all children, birth to pre-school, in Lenham and the surrounding villages. It remains free of charge. We would love to see you for half an hour of stories and nursery rhymes very soon. Why not take advantage and borrow some more stories to take home from the library’s excellent collection? Bookstart bear and the team look forward to meeting you!
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giving them victory in a very exciting Final. The RESERVES, not to be outdone by the 1st Team, beat DITTON MINORS by 2 goals to 1, the goals coming from Captain STUART WILSON + 1 OWN GOAL. The RESERVES were following up their success of last Season when they beat THE EARLY BIRD in the BENEVOLENT CUP FINAL. Also Lenham Wanderers Football Club is holding its Youth Teams Presentation day on Saturday 13th June at William Pitt Field which will be
starting at midday. On the day there will be lots of games and plenty of fun for the younger kids who are welcome to join in. At 4pm the club will present the kids from the teams of the Youth Development, U9s and U10s with their trophies for all their hard work and commitment throughout the season. Please note the club’s AGM is on the 8th June at Lenham Social Club starting at 8pm. Everyone is welcome and it’s a good opportunity for you to have your say about how our football club is run.
Philip & Faye Jarvis by Jim Myers PAGE 28
JUNE 2015
t’s only seven years since Philip and Faye Jarvis opened their estate agency in Lenham Square and yet from the word go they have seemed part of the Lenham landscape. Phil Jarvis had been an estate agent locally for fifteen years when he opened his agency; a brave thing to do as in 2008 the economy was depressed and many estate agents were closing down due to financial difficulties. Both Phil and Faye are Kentish born, Phil having been born and educated in Canterbury and Faye in the Maidstone area. They fully integrated themselves into the Lenham community, supporting a range of community events, including the Pilgrims’ Way Artists’ Exhibition, the Family Festival and the Christmas Lights. On the sports side, Phil runs the Lenham Wanderers development squad – his son is in the team; and Phil is also a governor of Swadelands School. Faye is an active member of the PTA at Lenham Primary School and also organises the Christmas Grotto at the Lenham Lights Switch-on each year. Faye and Phil explain that ‘we chose Lenham because it is such a lovely place to live. There is a real community here and excellent commuter links for London and the Continent’.
Philip Jarvis
Phil and Faye are enthusiastic
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about their work at the agency. ‘No two days are ever the same,’ Phil explained. They enjoy all the angles to it, sharing and helping their customers with all the ups and downs involved in the mov-
ing process and steering them to that all important moment when ‘the keys are picked up’. ‘Moving house is a stressful time and we try to minimise this for people looking to move’.
If you have an article or story that you’d like published. Email us at editorialslf@gmail.com
Pest Control Services WASPS RATS MICE
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07749 980096 www.chris-tempest.co.uk
The Lenham Swimming Club
Meetings are held at the Lenham Community Centre at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Parish Council first Wednesday of the month (except September) Planning Committee first Monday of the month (except Bank Holiday) Planning Committee third Wednesday of the month followed by Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. For more details contact the Parish Clerk 01622 859682 (during office hours)
hello@lenhamparish.org.uk lenhamparish.org.uk
The Village Pool is Back! Family-friendly Heated Outdoor Pool 20m x 8m Lifeguards on duty Run by volunteers Family Sessions
GB LISTER Produce you can trust Lenham’s Traditional Family Butcher & Greengrocer
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Saturday and Sunday
6.00 – 7.30pm 2.30 – 4.00pm
Tuesday Friday
7.45 – 8.30pm 7.00 – 8.30pm
Adult Only Lane/Fitness Sessions
Open now until end of August Membership Fee
Locally sourced meat which hasn’t had to travel thousands of miles before it reaches you.
10% DISCOUNT and FREE DELIVERY for senior citizens on Tuesdays. Tel: 01622 858220 Email: gblister@live.com 13 The Square, Lenham, Maidstone, ME17 2PQ
Adult - £5.00 Child - £3.00
Charge per Swimming Session Members Non-Members £2.50 £3.50 £1.50 £2.50
Come and find us at Swadelands School, Ham Lane, Lenham For further information contact Chris Hills on 859174 / chills99@btinternet.com Like us (Lenham Swimming Club) on facebook
We look forward to welcoming you to the Club
Lenham Family Festival 11th – 14th June. PAGE 30 JUNE 2015
Laugh.Play.Sing.Dance … a celebration of fun for all the family. Lenham Festival is a four day family festival that takes place in various locations in Lenham. The Festival started in 2012 and has gained momentum each year, in 2014 we raised £2,160 and with your help we hope to raise more this year for our chosen charities, Alzheimer’s Society, Cancer Research UK and Demelza Hospice Care. Please refer to our website for updates, times and a final line up http://lenhamfamilyfestival.co.uk/ Below is our current programme of events:
Thursday 11th •
Social Club: entertainment from Swadelands School for the Age UK Hub with raffle prizes from 2pm to 4pm
Friday 12th •
Social Club: Musical mystery Quiz evening.
Main Event Fun Day Saturday 13th Lenham Community Centre 12 noon till 9pm Outside stages •
• • • • • • V17 E6
The Invicta Ukulele Club Ukulele and Banjo music for all tastes Dirk Wickenden – Awardwinning saxophonist SamsandSon - Our local favourites Bev Grove – Jazz & Classics For the Kicks - A lively alternative rock band Nathan Hood - A vocal talent not to be missed Johanna Coulson - Singer and Ukulele player extraordinaire Renegade - A young and upcoming rock/metal band
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• •
Students from Creative Arts Academy (CAA) - Pure quality for your ears Jamie Middleton – talented local musician Fred Clark - Fred Clark is one of the most exciting acoustic singer/songwriters in Kent The Paul Kloppers band – Pop & dance to get you moving Blackshot 21 - Our headliners from 2014 are back!
Outside the Community Centre •
Inside the Community Centre • •
• •
• • • •
Fred Thurnham - light organ music Lenham Players – our local Amateur Dramatic group will perform a ‘Talking Heads’ production Charlie Hewish – junior magician Music Mayhem with Steph – music and entertainment for babies and toddlers Baby and Toddler group – arts and crafts GDC Dancing School Vivienne Lawrence’s Ballet School The Lenham Ladies will provide delicious cakes & tea & coffee whilst you relax and enjoy the performances in the main hall.
Bouncy castle, egg & spoon, pony rides, children’s games area & fairground games. Various stalls including: The 60+ club (darts), Age Concern (bowl a pig), Guides (tombola), Pick a straw, Alpaca woollen products, Messy Church balloons, Jubilee Church mini golf, nail bar & face painting, Gardening Society, Kent Crafts, Little Gem, Ann Clark Jewellery Stall, Greetings Cards and many more.
There will also be a selection of food stalls; White Horse at Sandway Hog Roast, Lenara Cakes, Sweets & Candy Floss, Ice Cream, Sandwiches & Marshmallow heaven, Lenham Social Club will be supplying a bar and our very own town crier Gez Clark will be on the mic introducing acts throughout the day. Sunday 14th June •
The Square: Sixpenny Piece will play an acoustic mix of diverse styles with a rocky, folky heart during the Lenham Market.
In addition on Saturday 20th June Hungarian soprano Andrea Turner and pianist John Summerfield will be giving a charity concert ‘Songs from the shows’ at 8pm at St. Mary’s Church, Lenham. All entry to the venues is free of charge, donation to charities only. All contributors will be performing free of charge and funds raised will be donated to this year’s chosen charities: Cancer Research UK, Demelza Hospice Care for Children and The Alzheimer’s Society. There are no parking facilities (apart from disabled parking) on the Community Centre site in order to make the environment as child-friendly as possible. Please do not bring your car if you are within walking distance. Where is the Festival? Lenham Social Club, High Street ME17 2QB Lenham Community Centre, Groom Way ME17 2QT Lenham Square/Lenham Market ME17 2PG St Mary’s Church, Church Square ME17 2PJ Stalls, acts and venues subject to change at committee’s discretion. We look forward to seeing you there. Lenham Festival Organising Group
Beauty Nails
Contact Ping 07460 393777 by Appointment Parties welcome
Cash only
Lenham, Maidstone, Kent
Beauty Nails Acrylic Tips Full Set In-fill French Manicure Single Nail Tip Take off & Full Set Take off Acrylic
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Pedicures will take off all hard skin on your heels and help to fix ingrowing toe nails. Overlay Full Set Manicure Pedicure Manicure & Pedicure Polish Change Nail Repairs
£23 £10 £20 £30 £6 £2 each
Shellac File & Paints File & Paint White Tips Manicure & Shellac Pedicure & Shellac Acrylic Fullset Acrylic Infuse Take off Fullset Take off
£20 £20 £25 £32 £33 £25 £40 £5 each
Hungarian soprano Andrea Turner and pianist John Summerfield will be giving a charity concert ‘songs from the shows’ as part of the Lenham festival on Saturday, 20th June 2015 at 8pm at st. Mary’s church, Lenham.
! !
Collected funds will be going to cancer research UK, Demelza house and Alzheimer’s society. Entry by donations on the day.
Prize Crossword for Younger People PAGE 32 JUNE 2015
ACROSS 1. Rage or bad temper. (5) 4. Another name for a student. (5) 7. Unsolved problems are described as these. (9) 8. Short name for a sweet fizzy drink. (4) 10. Written works by students. (6) 12. Village where The Focus Magazine is centred. (6) 13. Our county. (4) 16. Mars is known as this. (3,6) 18. Children often describe delicious food as this. (5) 19. Something that flies, and a carpenter’s tool. (5)
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Down clues 1. A space at the top of a house. (5) 2. Another name for a precious stone. (3) 3. A lovely smelling summer flower. (4) 4. What polite people say if they want something. (6) 5. The lowest rank in the army. (7) 6. The opposite of ‘wins’. (5) 9. ‘The United ……. . (7) 11. A grain used when making beer. (6) 12. A vehicle that carries goods. (5) 14. Kind of string used for baling. (5) 15. A children’s card game. (4)
Please leave your completed crossword entry at Lenham Library on or before the 15th of the month.
Last months Crossword solution. Last months winner: Fred Jarman of Lenham.
The Red Lion - Lenham 01622 858531 www.redlionlenham.co.uk
A Traditional 14th Century Inn located in the Medieval Village of Lenham Home Cooked food served daily. Mon-Fri 12-2:30pm & 6-9pm Sat & Sun 12-9pm including bank holidays Senior Citizens Specials Hot Stone Dining Experience Traditional Log Fires Cask Marque Awarded Real Ales Function Room Available Monthly Quiz & Theme Nights Mobile Bars & Catering service available for hire
Advertise here for £13 per month. Email: advertslf@gmail.com
Scarves • Silver Jewellery • Purses • Hair Accessories • Fashion Bags • Costume Jewellery • Occasion Bags • Fascinators
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Ofsted Registered Childminder based in Honywood Road, Lenham PACEY member. Very flexible hours. Free for 3 and 4 year old funding now available Please contact Beth on 07809 249176 / 01622 297499 bethpierson-smith@hotmail.co.uk
Heart of Kent Hospice 10K Run
PAGE 34 JUNE 2015
oin us for the second Brands Hatch chiptimed 10K run taking place entirely on the track of the world famous circuit. Over 550 runners took part last year and this year promises to be even bigger! The Hospice is also introducing a 2K Family Fun Run of one lap of the Indy Circuit which gives you a chance to experience the famous track whatever your ability or age.
The event takes place on Friday 12th June – 6 pm start for the Fun Run and 7 pm for the 10K with registration starting one hour prior to each event. The cost of entry is £20.00 per runner for the 10K (reduction to £18.00 for UKA members). The cost of the fun run is £5.00 per runner including children – children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. For further information or to book your place please visit our website www.hokh. org , email fundraising@hokh. co.uk or telephone 01622 790195.
London to Paris
H V17 E6
eart of Kent Hospice is delighted to offer cyclists the unforgettable experience of riding between two of the world’s most iconic cities - London and Paris from 9th to 13th September this year. This is the charity bike ride challenge of a lifetime taking you through beautiful English
Villages and into the stunning countryside of rural France . You will pass historical landmarks and famous battlefields of the First World War until you reach Paris, undoubtedly one of the most magical cities on earth. If you want to join our team of new and existing riders as you cycle your way to your greatest
achievement yet then please contact Becky in the Fundraising Team on 01622 790195.
Charing Concert
Len Valley Practice
Exciting New Development! From Tuesday 4TH November we are commencing a free medication delivery service for our patients who are: •Housebound •MDS Patients •Under District Nursing Care •Requiring Dressings/B12s •Have serious difficulty in collecting medication Please direct any enquiries to our Dispensary Manager, Elaine Moles on (01622) 852 901
Lenham Parish Council Clerk: Margo McFarlane 13 Mercer Drive Harrietsham ME17 1AY Telephone 01622 859682
Vacancies on Parish Council (South Ward)
Following the uncontested Parish Council elections there are three vacancies on the South Ward. Which must be filled by co-option. Anyone wishing their name to be put forward for co-option should contact the Clerk details as above
From the beginning of March Buzzlines will introduce a new commuter coach service to connect the A20 corridor between Hothfield and Hollingbourne with the Jubilee Line at North Greenwich. The timetable is shown overleaf. Free trial seats will be available to new passengers from the inception of the service on 2nd March, capacity permitting. By using North Greenwich we avoid the Blackwall Tunnel and connect to the Jubilee Line for onward services into Canary Wharf (one stop) and the City and Westminster. Commuters heading for Canary Wharf and the City should also find their journey times substantially reduced. Even allowing for London Travelcard costs, commuters using these services will expect to save well over £1,000 annually against the costs of a rail commute. Commuters able to save car and parking expenses will find their savings climbing even higher. Bikes are accommodated at no charge and there is at-seat power and wifi.
CALLING ALL COMMUTERS MORNING 06:35 06:39 06:46 06:50 06:53 08:00
£2,550.00 £255.00 £90.00 £20.00
EVENING 19:29 19:25 19:18 19:14 19:10 18:00
There are heavily-discounted season ticket opportunities for one or two regular travellers who are happy to act as our on-board ticket managers and to help with marketing the service locally.
The single-journey carnets are designed to help those working part-time or who split their weeks between working in London or at home. The validity of single-journey carnets is open-ended so this provides an especially economical alternative for occasional travellers to pre 10am day Travelcards.
Prices will be reviewed annually and any inflationary increases will not exceed those applied to the equivalent rail journeys.
Annual Season Ticket Monthly Season Ticket Carnet of 10 singles (one-way) Day ticket (single or return)
Hothfield A20 Charing A20 Lenham Square Harrietsham A20 Hollingbourne A20 N Greenwich Jubilee Line