May 2016
Family Festival Just one month away
Volunteers Needed For Spring Clean Up
Applause Rural Tour Of Stones in His Pocket
Page 21
Page 55
Page 61
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Editorial As you will see we have moved back
to develop so comments on that are
to the A5 format. As mentioned last
month this was a decision discussed at great length among the team and
There are a number of events this
based on feedback from both readers
month to encourage you to get out
and advertisers. Hopefully this for-
in the Spring air and appreciate the
mat will remain for the foreseeable
countryside around you. There is the
Bluebell Walk on the 1st to support the Heart of Kent Hospice. And for
We would still appreciate your com-
the really keen, the Dawn Chorus
ments on the format, or any other
Walk on the 5th with a 4:30am start.
aspect of the magazine. If you think
I am sure it will be an amazing walk
there are further improvements to
and any photos or articles people
be made or if you think we are doing
want to send in on this or any other
something particularly well let us
local event would always be welcome.
know. Don’t forget we have the website now as well which we are looking
By James Collett
Editorial: James Collett 07927 308740 |
Proofing: Jayne Hewish, Katy B
Advertising: Annie Drylie 07593 340744 |
Interviews: Jim Myers
Finance: Mark Dunbar 07808863227 | lenhamfocusinvoices@
Social: Georgia Hewish Printed by: Mike Kingsman, Gemini Print
Distribution: Gez Clark 07784 447200
Advertising Rates (September 2012)
Advert Sizes (HxW)
1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Inside Cover 1/2 Page Inside Cover Full Page Outside Back Cover
£13 £21 £38 £69 £58 £79 £88
Front Cover (available once a year per advertiser)
45x61mm 92x61mm 92x123mm 185x123mm
Advert Formats We require adverts to be submitted in high resolution (300dpi) PDF format in the appropriate size. If artwork is not supplied as a PDF we cannot guarantee the correct reproduction.
Print & Deliver Single Sided A5 Insert Double Sided A5 Insert
£250 £275
Photography: Andy Flood
Design: FALCON
Andy has been providing photography to the focus since the launch of the new design. Consistently he has provided amazing shots, especially the front covers.
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Dates for your Diary 1 May
16 May
Bluebell Walk
Lenham Players Workshop
6 mile sponsored walk for Heart of Kent
Lenham Community Centre 8pm
21 May
5 May
Applause Rural Tour
Dawn Chorus Walk
See Page 60 for details
Enjoy a free walk amongst the orchards
9 to 12 June
and fields of Lenham and listen to the bird song. 4:30 am at the Cherry Downs
Lenham Family Festival
Picnic area.
Come and enjoy some of the events being organised over the weekend.
7 May
11 June
Military Wives Choir Lenham Community Centre 7pm
Lenham Wanderers Football Club Presentation Day
15 May
24 June
Gallants Manor Visits Kent Life’s garden of the month
New Craft Class Taster Session
and help support Heart of Kent Hospice.
Come and see what we do, Lenham
Gallants Lane, East Farleigh
Community Centre 9:30 to 12.
One Hundred Years Ago...
winner of the draw received a chair
By Amy Myers
Kent was suffering greatly this month,
carved by Mr Reeves at Grafty Green, and the VAD hospital raised £16 14s for its funds. however. This was the month of the
he Military Service Act was
gunpowder factory explosion in
biting hard in Lenham, as
Faversham, which killed 106 people
elsewhere. Farm waggoner
and injured 66 more. The South
Edward Stedman, who was thirty-five
Eastern Gazette also recorded that in
and had seven children all under the
her grief the sweetheart of one of the
age of 12, was lucky to be given by the
victims hung herself. There were also
Hollingbourne Rural Tribunal a six
were several severe Zeppelin raids.
month respite from conscription, but
On a lighter note, one of the Zeppelins
even so his forthcoming departure for
dropped its bomb in a village vicarage
the forces must have hung like a black
garden with the results that a nearby
cloud over the whole family. Lenham’s
sycamore tree was blown over a
vicar, the Revd Francis Etherington
duckling coop. The press reported that
would shortly be leaving for Egypt
the ducklings escaped injury.
with the forces, but on 3rd May in St
On the Western Front both sides were
Andrews Westminster, he was able to
preparing for the summer offensive,
marry Captain John Longuet-Higgins
though fighting had not stopped and
to the Hon Cara Akers-Douglas, the
every day saw raids on the front line
younger daughter of the Lord and
trenches. The good news was that the
Lady Chilston. The Revd Longuet-
French were holding out at Verdun,
Higgins – probably the captain’s
but the Austrians were launching a
father – had been one of Etherington’s
heavy attack on the Italians on the
predecessors at the Lenham Vicarage.
Trentino front. Winston Churchill
The Lenham VAD hospital, which
had now returned from serving six
currently had 30 wounded soldier
months in the trenches on the Western
patients under the care of Dr
Front and reported to Parliament
Temperley Grey and his staff, was busy
that every twenty four hours nearly
fundraising with a whist drive. The
l,000 British men ‘are knocked into
Forthcoming Events 28 May Skatacus
Ticket Only. Members £6. Guests £8. T&Cs apply
2 Jul
Dean Martin tribute
Ticket Only. Members £6. Guests £8. T&Cs apply
Bingo: every Tuesday and Sunday Night 8pm Quiz Night: first Tuesday of every month Whist Drive: every Friday 7.30pm Summer Beer Garden, Monthly Sea Angling Club Outside Bar,Hire. Marque, BBQ & Bouncy CastleNight for Hire Private very Tuesday Sunday Members and Guests Only. All eventsand start at 8pm. Private Hire. veryTuesday Tuesday and Sunday Night 10
Monday 5.45 - 6.45 : Children’s Ballroom & Latin (8-16yrs) 7.30 - 8.15 : Adult’s Ballroom & Latin (Beginners)
GDC School of Dancing Lenham Dance Studios 8 Faversham Road Lenham Kent ME17 2PN Tel: 01622 850 800 Mob: 07831 718 628 Follow us: Twitter@GDCdancing Facebook/GDCSchoolofDancing
8.15 - 9.00 : Adult’s Ballroom & Latin (Intermediate) Wednesday 4.30 - 5.15 : Under 8’s Ballroom & Latin (4-8yrs)
PLUS Wednesday Zumba Classes £5/person 8.15 - 9.00 : Zumba Fitness (12yrs+ only) Private lessons also available for individuals and couples, please contact the Studio for more information
bundles of bloody rags’ while they, in
have dinner and go to bed. It’s a long
the homeland, were able to go home to
way from ducklings.
Dick the Vic to retire
begin and take shape. It has been a
By Rev Dick Venn & Helen
forgetting Sandway, Platts Heath and
privilege to work among everyone in the villages of Harrietsham, Ulcombe, Boughton Malherbe and Lenham – not others, too!
have been Priest in Charge of the Len Valley Benefice since October
We shall be moving to Malmesbury in
2008 and Helen and I have decided
Wiltshire where we hope to be able to
that now is the time to retire. Our last
enter into community life and make new
day here will be September 30th.
We have had a challenging, stimulating
We will miss you sorely!
and exciting time in the Len Valley and have been pleased to see lots of initiatives
Clubs & Societies
of classes that will be open at the Lenham Garden Show in August. These list wull be available at the May meeting so get your copy and start planning.
Lenham Gardening Society Thats it for now. Nearly 70 members and visitors came
Happy gardening.
to our March meeting the speaker, Mrs
Buckingham, gave a very informative talk
Chair LGS
on UK wild flowers which proved to be of great interest to all. It was pleasing to see
New Craft Club
so many people attending and hope that our visitors enjoyed the evening, so much
Starting in Lenham soon at the
so that they may consider joining you will
Community Centre.
be most welcome.
Come and see what we do at our ‘taster’ morning 9.30 - 12.00 in the
The next meeting will be on 19th May;
Appleton Room on the 24th June.
our speaker will be Mr. March who’s talk
is called ‘The Secrets of a Walled Garden’
Make a card and impress yourself and friends!
sounds interesting? The competitions are
No experience needed
‘Three Sprays of Spring Blossom and/or
Everything provided including tea/
One Tealoaf’
coffee and biscuits. •
A reminder, tickets for the outing to
Classes will be fortnightly on Friday mornings.
Batemans on Tuesday 12th July will be on
For more information ring Irene: 07341-
sale at the May and June meetings The
343518 or Pauline: 07766-768180.
price will be £10 for members who are also NT members and £19 for members
Lenham Heritage
who are not NT members, a Cream Tea will be included. The coach will leave the
Not a lot to tell you this month our
Dog and Bear at 9.30 sharp.
interesting talks on the last Wed of the month continue, except there is a walk in
The committee have agreed the final list
July and no meetings in August.
£6 £7 £8
9-6 CLOSED 8-3
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April 27th is set for member’s short talks
have done this back in the 30s and 40s.
on a variety of subjects.
They are called the Lindy Hoppers. I
May 25th is “Railway wars in Kent “a talk
believe this came from Harlem when Jazz
by Frank Andrews
was the music to listen to . Sounds like a
June 29th “The Forgotten village of
great afternoon.
Denton” by Christophe Bull July a walk and /or visit
We look forward to seeing you all.
Sept 28th “Progress at Bigbury Camp” by
A big thank you to all who give their time
Chris Sparey-Green
to help.
Oct 26th “Aviation in the Medway area“ by Jim Preston
Martin, Olive, Sue, Jackie, Kath, Jacky, Fred, Jenny and Nina.
Lesley Feakes 8502745
Len Valley Community Hub Club
Royal British Legion Women’s Section
Hi everyone hope you are all fit and This month we shall meet for lunch at
well. We are going to Dobbies for lunch
12:30 for 1pm. Venue to be advised as the
this month. There will be plenty of time
April meeting but it will be local, date
to walk round and find a few bits and
26th May.
pieces once lunch is finished. This is on Thursday 05/05/16. We will meet at the
Do hope as many as possible of the
Dog and Bear in the morning times have
members will join us for this social
been arranged.
occasion. Enid La Plain If anyone is in need of a lift please contact
Young At Heart 60+
Jenny Lloyd 01622859208 John, Martin, Fred, Jenny and Nina.
Hello I hope you are keeping fit. Our
Lenham WI
next meeting is Thursday 19/05/16 2.004.00pm at the Community Centre. We have some dancers coming to entertain
Our talk on ‘Medical Detection Dogs’
us and some of our older members may
in March proved to be very interesting
and informative and we enjoyed Antonia
visit it will only cost you £1-00 and the
Gallup’s talk about her trip acros India
only qualification necessary is that you
on a motorbike in April.This was very
are a woman. Meetings 7-30 on the 2nd
different from the previous visit we had
Thursday of each month.
from her when she told us about her experiences whilst ‘Carriage Driving’.
Gill Simes
Another of our members and I
The Constitutional Monarchy Association
had a lovely time at Denman,the,learning how to create beautiful jewellery using ‘silver clay’. This was a wonderful opportunity to
Our aim is to support our monarchy;
discover design talents we didn’t know
we will be holding a meeting at the Dog
we posessed,and we returned home with
& Bear Hotel, Lenham, on Saturday
some completely unique and individual
23rd April (St. George’s Day) at 1.30
pieces of jewellery. This could however
p.m., at which Dr. Barry Twigg MBE will
prove to be a very expensive hobby and I
talk about ‘The Seven Georges’, and we
have had to refrain from heading to the
will celebrate the 90th Birthday of Her
internet to stock up on equipment!!
Majesty The Queen.
In May ,we will be having our A.G.M. and an evening of competitions for our
The cost is £7.50, which includes tea or
members.I hope we have managed to
coffee and biscuits.
include at least one category for every member although some people will
For further information contact Mrs.
enter several .The categories are: a
Wendy Henderson on 01732 451769 or
knitted ,crochet or fabric item,a flower
look on our website http://www.cmakent.
arrangement in a teacup,4 cheese
scones,a card for a special occasion and 4 decorated cup cakes.
Lenham Bowls Club
Our June speaker is Ian Porter telling us
With spring well under way and the
about ‘Job Opportunities for Women in
outdoor bowling season having only just
Victorian and Edwardian Times.
started, if you have been toying with the
If you would like to come along for a
idea of having a go at bowls now would be
GB LISTER Produce you can trust Lenham’s Traditional Family Butcher & Greengrocer
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a good time to do something about it.
Trevor Green, Club Secretary
We are a lively and successful local
Saturday Health Walks
club (up Maidstone Road, just before Swadelands School) and we are on the lookout for new members.
We have now started walking on a Saturday morning to encourage those
You don’t have to know anything about
who are unable to join us during
the game – Tom, our club coach, likes
the week. The walks start from the
nothing better than showing new bowlers
Community Centre car park and will
the ropes and he’s just about to start a
be about three miles in length and of a
short course for ‘complete beginners’.
moderate pace. We will vary the walks for
We even have bowls you may borrow until
interest and according to conditions.
you are ready to get your own.
If you are interested please contact me before starting on 850657 or e-mail:
In addition to our excellent green we have
a great clubhouse with good facilities,
Marjie Darby
including a well-stocked bar! Take a peek at the pictures on our Web site: www. If you decide it’s just what you’re looking for – friendly people, pleasant surroundings, useful exercise (although not too strenuous) and a bit of social life – please get in touch. You will be made to feel most welcome. Give me a call on 01622 859642 if you would like a chat about what we can offer. I will be glad to answer any questions and more than happy to arrange a no obligation visit.
Lenham Family Festival
works by Pachelbel, Vivaldi, Finzi and
By Lenham Festival Committee
for our posters and flyers around the
Rutter. Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased from Lenham Village Store and Len Valley News. Look out village which contain full details.
he 2016 Lenham Family Festival takes place from the
We also have still more news about
9th to 12th June 2016.
Saturday June 11th, the main day of
This fabulous annual event brings
the Festival, when we will have a great
the whole community together in
line up of talented bands performing
a weekend of music, drama, dance
on the main stage in the Community
and entertainment. The ethos of the
Centre car park. These will include
Festival is to provide an inclusive
Blackshot 21, Samz and Son, Jamie
event that can be enjoyed by people of
Middleton, Kentish Sax and Renegade.
all ages and is affordable for families,
We have also had confirmation that
as well as raising money for good
John Nye’s band will be performing
causes. This year, the Festival aims
on the indoor stage. This band has
to raise funds for Lenham Nursery
reformed after 50 years!
School and The Heart of Kent Hospice, two very deserving local
Lenham Social Club will be providing
the bar, serving both alcoholic and soft drinks throughout the day and evening.
Not long to go now, and the Committee
We also have news that Andrea,
are busy planning to make this year’s
our Hungarian Soprano, will be
event the biggest and best yet.
singing “Songs from the Shows” at St
As reported last month, the City of
Mary’s Church on Sunday July 3rd
Rochester Symphony Orchestra will
accompanied by her pianist, John.
perform ‘A Taste of the Classics’ with
Although this does not fall within the
special guests Platts Heath Primary
Festival weekend, all proceeds from
School Choir on the evening of Friday
this event will go to the Festival’s
June 10th at the historic and beautiful
chosen charities. The concert will
Tithe Barn. The evening will include
start at 7pm and during the interval
Family Breakfast Service SHORT INFORMAL SERVICE SUNDAYS AT 9.30am St Mary’s Church, Lenham
there will be light refreshments for
joining the committee or volunteering
sale. Andrea says she will be singing a
at any of the festival events, you will be
varied selection of songs from English
given a very warm welcome.
and American musicals. This year, for the first time, her performance
If you would like to enquire about
will also include some songs from
volunteering, email lenhamfestival@
Hungarian musicals. or ring 01622 859412. Look out for further details in next
The final meeting of the Festival
month’s edition of the Lenham
Committee prior to the Festival
Focus and see our website at
itself will take place on May 26th at
7.15pm in the Appleton Room at the Community Centre. As mentioned in previous months, we are particularly looking for helpers on the main day to assist with the event’s success. Even if you can only give an hour of your time it will be very helpful and much appreciated. If you are interested in
Paradise Lost at Atwater
were there goldfish in the pond but
By Jacqui Cannings
would stand a decoy heron on the edge
also numerous coi carp. At times when the heron was about, particularly in the spring when feeding young, Beryl of the pond, this did for some reason
Some years ago a very dear friend of
keep theft of the fish down. Hope this
mine and her husband were managers
of Atwater Court. At that time not only
Garden tip for Clematis/rose fanatics
2� panel pins and some long, fairly narrow, canes. Hammer panel pins into the posts in positions every foot (or 30cm) but only hammer them in half way.
By Lesley Feakes
Bend each one ( by tapping with the
his week I was struck by the
hammer) round the end of the cane so
price of wooden trellis and
it makes an upward facing hook to hold
then when one has purchased
the cane in place but so that the cane
it, how does one put it up on the fence
can also be slid out. Then dig 2 small
or wall? If it is your neighbours fence
holes to place the posts in position
of course one is not allowed to knock
(adding a small amount of ready mix
nails in! A wall is also a problem‌.so‌
concrete) make sure the posts are
I devised a way of making a reasonable
upright and just slightly less than the
clematis or climbing rose support
canes length apart. Leave the concrete
system that stands independently from
to set for a few days. Then slide the
the fence. Buy two 6ft (1.8m) pressure
canes into the slots and there you
stained garden posts (1.8m tall and
have a free standing clematis support.
3cm square), a small pack of steel
Train the growths along the bottom cane first and additional side shoots
will find their own way up the frame.
Tidying up for next year is also easy
To screw nails or hooks into the posts
as most large flowered clematis need
after you have put them up is far more
pruning hard ‌slide out the upper
canes and clip off the growths then they are clear for the next season. (It
By high summer the fence with the
would probably work for sweet peas as
frame standing just in front should
look something like this sketch. The clematis will no doubt find its own way
Lesley Feakes 850275 (phone for help
to the top of the fence (hopefully your
if instructions are not clear)
neighbours appreciate the flowers also!)
Stall Holders Required
oin Aiden’s Labradors on Sunday 19th June at Market Hall Place, Lockmeadow,
Maidstone ME16 8LW for the annual charity dog show in aid of Heart of Kent Hospice. This all day event is family friendly and free for spectators to attend. If you would like to have a stall at this event please contact rebecca.beard@ for more information . Your stall fee will be donated to Heart of Kent Hospice.
Spring has Sprung
Lettuce/ Spinach/ Rocket
New Potatoes
Purple Sprouting Broccoli
By GB Lister
Spring Greens
pring is renewed life & the
Seasonal Fruit
promise of summer. The days are
getting lighter, the temperature
is getting warmer & blossom on the trees. It’s also a turning point, where in the winter we had limited choice, to a parade of refreshing options. It is the best time of the year to start to enjoy
local, seasonal produce. Produce that
A key ingredient to make the most of
is higher in vitamins, fibre and iron.
this month is Asparagus. The Asparagus
Food becomes colourful. Inspirational, lighter. Look out for:
season only lasts 6 weeks, May into July.
Seasonal Veg
are the young shoots of a cultivated lily
plant. Planted as a crown, the Asparagus
Labour-intensive to grow, asparagus
take two years to establish, but once in
with a knife halfway down the spear.
production, the asparagus crowns can
Serve immediately with a knob of butter.
be productive for ten years or more.
Blanch your asparagus spears in salted,
Asparagus has been used from very
boiling water for one minute. Remove
early times as a vegetable and medicine,
and shake off the water. Fry on a hot
due to its delicate flavour and diuretic
griddle pan or frying pan in some olive
properties. Asparagus was cultivated
oil until the spears are golden-brown in
by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and
places. Season with freshly ground black
Romans. Fresh asparagus was eaten fresh
pepper and sea salt flakes.
when in season and the asparagus was then dried for use during the rest of the
Raw. Use a vegetable peeler to cut thin
year. They’re considered to be one of the
shavings into a salad and dressing it with
delicacies of the vegetable world, with a
a lemon vinaigrette, or serve it whole
price tag to match.
with aioli for dipping. White asparagus is particularly good raw.
The delicious green spears are known for their intense and nutty taste. Asparagus
Bake. Cover a shallow baking tray with
is often referred to as a “Super Food”
foil, lay out the asparagus, drizzle with
because it’s low in calories, contains no
olive oil, season. Place in a preheated
fat or cholesterol, very low in sodium,
oven, at 200C, for 8 – 10 minutes. Spears
high in vitamin A and C, as well as folic
should be lightly brown. Drizzle with
acid, fibre, and are also a good source of
some lemon juice.
iron. Grill. Preheat the grill to medium hot.
Cooking Asparagus
Roll the spears in a little olive oil, place at an angle on the metal bars, sprinkle
No need to buy an asparagus steamer, or
on a little salt and pepper, check after
binding into bundles & cooking upright
2-3 minutes, roll them over & leave for
in a pan. Cooking asparagus is quick &
another 2-3 minutes. Serve immediately.
Visit our website for more information on seasonal foods www.lenham-butchers.
Simmer in a frying pan of boiling salted
water. Check the asparagus by testing
Lenham & Kent Orchards for Everyone Project
Join a Dawn Chorus Walk amongst the orchards and fields of Lenham Thursday, 5th May, 2016 at 4.30am led by Simon Ginnaw Meet at Cherry Downs Picnic site, Rayner’s Hill, Lenham ME17 2PE We would love to see children and families discover which birds are singing their hearts out before we wake in the morning. Event is free Please wear sensible clothing and footwear Contact Pippa Palmar 01303 815170
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Regular Daily & Weekly Events Daily
Activate Fitness Facilites
St Johns Ambulance
Activate Sports Swadelands
Messy Mums Babies + Toddlers Line Dancing LenARA Bridge Club Brownies 2nd Lenham Pilates classes Line Dancing Redbacks Explorer Scouts Guides 1st Lenham H/sham&Lenham Scouts Judo Club Lenham Youth Club Activate Fitness Facilites French Books for Children Tea/Coffee/Cakes Sunday Schools
7am-8.30am & 5pm-9pm St Johns Hall, Ham Lane 4.30-6.00pm 7.00-9.15pm Community Centre 8-10.00pm St Mary’s Church 7:30pm Community Centre 10-11am Community Centre 9.30-11.30am (8-11 years) 6.30-8pm Community Centre 8pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.00-9.30pm Harrietsham Scout Hut Cadets (10-18) 6.00-8.00pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.00-9.30pm Community Centre 7.00pm-8.00pm 8.30-9.30pm St Mary’s Church 10.30-12 Term Community Centre 7.30-9.00pm Community Centre 1.30-4.30pm Lenham Primary Sch 6.15-7.45pm Community Centre 11.30-12.30pm St Edmunds Platts Hth 8pm Kingswood Scout Hut 7.15-9.15pm Community Centre 7.00-9.00pm Harrietsham Scout Hut 7.30-9.30pm Community Centre 5.30-8.30pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.30-10.00pm Activate Sports Hall Swadelands 8am-5pm Harrietsham Primary School 9.30-11.30am St Mary’s Church 10.00-12.00 see separate church services page
2nd Tuesday 1st Tuesday 1st Wednesday 4th Wednesday Last Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Thursday 3rd Thursday 2nd Sunday
Royal British Legion Lenham Valley Parish Council Meeting LenARA (active retired) Archaeology Club Reading Group Women’s Institute Lenham Gardening Soc. Lenham Country Market
Lenham Social Club Business Association Community Centre Community Centre Community Centre Lenham Library Community Centre Community Centre The Village Square
Badminton (Feathers) Bell Ring Monday Music Mayhem Parent & Toddlers Group Harr & Lenham Cubs Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Youth Club H/sham&Lenham Beavers St Johns Ambulance Lenham Youth Club Pilates classes
8pm 6-8pm 7.30pm 2pm 7.30pm 4.45-5.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 9-1.00pm
Advertiser Numbers Accounting & Business Services Alarm Systems Alterations Architectural Services Barbers Builders/decorators
Butchers/Meat Carpentry Carpets/Flooring Caterers Catteries Charted Surveyor Childminder Chimney Sweep Chiropody Cleaning/Housekeeping Coal Merchant Computer Services Dance Dog Grooming Dressmaking & Alterations Electricians/Gas fitters Estate Agents Fitness Foot Practitioner Funeral Directors Garages Grocers
Stonebridge Associates Cybereye Security Curtains to Corsets Kent Design Studio Sweeney Todd Andy and Paul Apollo Elwood (Painter/decorators) KRS Building/decorating Stuttle Dyer (painters/decorators) G B Lister Carpentry and General Building P Humpries Carpets direct Beaubray Caterers Little Dene Boarding Cattery Inkstand cattery James Collett Debbie Brett Invicta Chimney Sweep Heathers Chiropody Surgery Amy McLaughlin Phynix Domestic cleaning Edmed Coal Harrietsham Computers Lynn MS Computer services Lenham Ballet School GDC School of Dancing Cuts for Mutts Pam Barrie Weston Contractor MGI Electrical Philip Jarvis Activate Body and Soul Mrs Afsaneh Smith A W Court Gowers Garage Lenham Village Store
851542 858612 07541 000969 01580 230413 07734950329 850437 07808414965 01634308933 851126 01233 840004 858220 850364 858719 01233714999 763269 858510 859469 850608 01233714247 01622 632641 850376 07813030527 880028 260515 859442 745654 859969 850329 850800 07738 088169 858827 01233712663 850055 01622 858241 853750 01622 853640 850840 858210 858255
Hairdressers Hall Hire Handbags and Jewellery Locksmiths Logs Nail Technician Newsagents Osteopathy Parish Council Pest Control Photographer Plumbers Pool Services Pubs Restaurant Riding School Roofing Schools Solar Panel Installation Solicitors Takeaway Taxi TV Aerials Veterinary Surgery Will Services Window Cleaning
Phase Hairdressing Smarty’s Lenham Comm Centre Charing Heath Hall Immyblingy A Short Seasoned Logs Beauty Nails Len Valley news Chris Tempest D.O. M.Ost GOsc Reg Lenham Parish Council Pest Purge Andy Flood Photography All Fix Plumbing Epic Plumbimg Pure Plumbing J W Engineering Services Dirty Habit Lenham Social Club Red Lion Leeds Castle Uplands Riding School Paul Grant Roofing Lorenden Greenman Solar Setfords Soicitors Thornloe and Co. Chequers Fish Bar Arshed Mahmood Gez Clark R & P TV Aerial services Harrietsham Vets Maidstone Wills and trusts Sparkles
850001 851150 853800 01233 713317 298129 07738658751 07733328715 07460 393777 858262 07749 980096 01622 859682 842481 07443 633385 851186 210298 769722 851713 880880 858890 858531 767777 01233 712289 850855 01795590030 01233 612082 01622 231784 859416 859878 07770725129 07784447200 631717 858666 01580 292320 07856 110682
General / Social Numbers Badminton Badminton Club Feathers Bowling Club Bridge Club Brownies (2nd Lenham) Drama Gardening Society Guides (1st Lenham) Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Heritage Lenham Nursery School Lenham Players Lenham Wanderers Lenham Social Club Harrietsham & Lenham Beavers Harrietsham and Lenham Scouts Harrietsham and Lenham Cubs Mother’s Union Pilates Classes Redback Explorer Scouts Royal British Legion Women’s Institute St Edmunds Platts Heath Country Ways Quilters Lenham Valley Business Association Borough Councillors: Kent Highway Services Dog Warden Cat Protection Drugs Helpline Heaths Countryside Corridor Lenham Enhancement Ass. Lenham Country Market Lenham Community Centre Lenham Heath Parish Hall LenValley Practice Non-Emergency NHS Care Member of Parliament Parish Council Clerk Parish Police PCSO Rural Community Warden Vicar
Linda Bird Neil Rouse Lyn Fuller Keith Rylands Andrea French Gail Kelly Keith Varney Mrs J Thomsett Mrs Pat Abson Lesley Feakes Sarah Siddons Janet Moll Steve Campbell Club Events Duncan Keenan Nick Still Mrs A Seales Mrs J Thomsett Vivien Elcomb Mark Horlock Mr W Peter Mrs C Toner Karen Yardley Jan Haines Alan Reading Tom Sams Janetta Sams (Roads, Pavements) Lost and Found FREE CALL Ruth Lovering Brian Llong Kevin Fitzsimons Margaret Mitchell Sharon Reed Doctors Surgery NHS Helen Whately MP Margo McFarlane John Boyd Martin Sherwood Rev Millie Hart Church Office
01233 756762 01622 840207 01622 851538 01622 891964 01622 851646 01622 850671 01622 850228 01622 859009 01622 858561 01622 850275 07967 128056 01622 850747 01622 851022 01622 858890 07768 926654 01622 859789 01622 859829 01622 859009 01622 853887 07789 226516 01622 850520 01622 850048 01622 858208 01233 714699 01622 820841 01622 859412 07891901831 / 859412 03000 418181 01622 602117 01732 847572 0800 776600 01622 842257 01622 859733 01622 679709 01622 853800 (am) 01622 858581 (pm) 01233 713317 01622 858341/859204 111 01622 859682 07870 252421 07977 981993 297296 850604
Lenham Ballet School
R.A.D. Ballet I.S.T.D. Tap & Modern 3 years to senior level
Meetings are held at the Lenham Community Centre at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Planning Committee first Monday of the month (except bank holiday)
Adult Tap & Street Dance
01622 850329
more than a ballet school
Parish Council first Wednesday of the month (except September) Finance & General Purposes Committee third Wednesday of the month followed by the Planning Committee.
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For more details contact the Parish Clerk 01622 859682 (between 9am and 1pm)
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what happens and that won’t be what you want. Trusts can protect your assets for your family and save many £’000s - ask us how.
Tuesday afternoons at Downswood Community Hall (1 pm start)
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs): Over 2 million people of all ages have lost capacity. If that happens spouse/partner CAN’T just take over. They must apply to the Court but it can take ages and cost thousands. An LPA can avoid all this. Once you’ve lost capacity it’s too late to get one. Act Now.
Prepaid Funeral Plans: funeral costs have risen massively and will continue to do so. These plans “lock in” at today’s prices & will cover the cost whenever it’s needed. Guaranteed acceptance regardless of age or health. Make things so much easier for your family with no funeral expenses or difficult decisions to make at the worst possible time.
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Duplicate, ladder pairs and handicap competitions.
The standard of play is varied, but some experience is desirable, even though we only play for fun. Unfortunately we can't generally provide partners, so newcomers would need to come as a pair. Also, we don't offer tuition, despite our name. The explanation for this, and other useful information, can be found on our website
We come to you. Low cost efficient service. Fully insured. All work underwritten by our legal dept.
Friday evenings at Bearsted W.I. Hall (7.30 pm).
Maidstone Wills & Trusts Ltd
Thursday afternoons at Lenham Community Hall (1.30
For more information, telephone the club secretary Keith Rylands on 01622 891964 or e-mail him at, or just turn up at a session (and ask to speak to the director) to see what goes on.
Lenham Cricket Club
Rodmersham CC - 2nd XI Sat 4th June
Higham & Mockbeggar CC - Saturday XI
By Mat Revitt
The Sunday Team, led by Dan Russell,
ello and welcome to the
had another enjoyable season of friendly
preview for the 2016 season –
fixtures with a great atmosphere and
it seems like an age since our
some excellent cricket too. The season
last game and we are hoping for a season
looks forwards to the normal array of
full of enjoyable cricket with plenty of
local fixtures and good spirit, both pre
runs and wickets, and of course good
and post match.
weather for all.
The Sunday (Friendly) Fixtures are :-
The Saturday team, led again by skipper
Sun 1st May
Adrian Longley, had a superb season last year and following promotion are looking forwards to this year in the Kent Regional Cricket League 1B Central Division. Upcoming Saturday league fixtures are (All games start at 13:30) :Sat 30th April
Home Vs
Holborough Anchorians CC – Saturday 2nd XI Sat 07th May
Home Away Home
Sun 8th May
Great Chart
2pm Start
Sun 15th May
2pm Start
Sun 22nd May
2pm Start
Sun 29th May
11am Start
Sun 5th June
2pm Start
July 3rd Pixies Annual Fun Day – open to all ages - get your teams ready for a great
day of fun
Minster (Sheppy) CC - 3rd XI Sat 28th May
2pm Start
Events for your calendar –
Rainham (Kent) CC - 3rd XI Sat 21st May
East Sutton
Boughton & Eastwell
Bapchild CC - 3rd XI Sat 14th May
July 24th Presidents Day
Pre-season work has been under way for a few months now, however there is always more to do to make the ground, pavilion and facilities a nicer place for players and our guests. A big thank you needs to go out to both George and Tony for many hours of works. If you have some spare time please come along and help out. As always the club welcomes anyone wishing to play cricket, volunteer to help with maintenance or teas, sponsor our club improvements or to just watch and enjoy. This years fixtures cards are currently at the printers but will be strategically placed in the Dog & Bear and Red Lion, as well as the club house, for anyone wanting one.
Lenham Surgery Tel: 858341 Mondays to Fridays 8:30am6:30pm. Closed 1-2pm Dispensary 8:30am-6:30pm Closed 12:30-2pm Urgent matters out of hours telephone. 0845 1450121 (6-6.30pm only) IC24. 111 (from 6.30pm) 39
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Christian Message
he himself was becoming isolated as he
By Reverend Millie Hart
closeness, their fondness for each other.
cared for her, but how he loved to spend time with his daughter when she visited them. It was such a joy to see their This daughter and her father didn’t
hat did, or does your
always agree. They argued about all
father mean to you? The
sorts of things, mostly about football and
shops are already full of
politics, and who made the best coffee.
cards for father’s day which, this year
Do you wonder if Jesus meant us to think
will be on Sunday June 19th. Maybe
of God as that sort of father? Someone
you are beginning to think if you might
we can argue with? We might not always
be marking the occasion this year, and
understand what he is thinking, but it
how you might be doing this. My own
is okay to talk to him about that and
Father died several years ago now, but I
still love him, just as the daughter I
still like to give thanks for him. And now
mentioned did with her father.
I watch my children as they show their
But Jesus said our Father, not my father.
appreciation for their father, all year
He said Our Father in heaven. That’s
round. Of course, this is how it should be
what I’m suggesting is important. Not my
in a loving family with good father role
father but ours, mine, yours, everybody’s!
models. I wonder what sort of father you
Maybe you would like to explore what
sort of Father he really is? Maybe you
Our Father … the first two words of the
think that Jesus, our Lord meant that our
Lord’s Prayer. They are words that Jesus
heavenly Father is like all the best bits
of Nazareth taught his followers to say.
of everybody’s dad, all rolled into one.
Do you ever wonder what sort of Father
Good, like the father I remember caring
he is, our Father God?
for his wife as he carefully held the cup to
As I have visited some of you in your
her lips to make sure that she had enough
homes I have seen how wonderfully
to drink.
close some of you are to your fathers
Or maybe you think he should be like
who might now be elderly. I remember
another father of a younger family that
one father who was carer for his wife,
I’m thinking of. It seems to me that this
she was suffering with Alzheimer’s, and
father lets his children do what they like,
he would say, because he loves them, but
one of His family. God, our Father, thank
Our Father can help us see that ‘doing our
you for being Father to all of us. Help us
own thing’ can bring pain to others, and
today to live as one family. Help us make
actually it isn’t good for us or our world
you laugh with pleasure, and help us to
either! Our Father in heaven does give us
love others the way you love us. Amen.
guidance to follow. He is our role model
Len Valley Churches Rose Service
and Jesus has taught us about him. Maybe Our Father hopes that we will find out more about him maybe even go to church or say some prayers and give him
Our Annual Rose Service will be at 3pm
thanks for being the sort of Father he is.
on Sunday May 8th and this year it will
Do you wonder if Our Father laughs when
be at St John the Baptist Church in
we’re all happy together, as my father
Harrietsham. It’s a service organised by
used to. And do you wonder if Our Father
the Len Valley Churches when we can
is there with us in our disappointments
remember those who have died. During
and our sadness as well. As Christians we
this time we have the opportunity to light
know him to be our loving Father who is
a candle during the service and to either
always there for us.
bring a rose or collect one as you arrive at the church. There is also time for
I suppose the best bit is that Our Father is
reflection, a time for our memories and
ours, whatever our own dad is or has been
for giving thanks for all our loved ones
like. Even if we have never known our
have meant to us and for all they will go
earthly father. Yes, our Father in heaven
on meaning to us. Everyone is welcome
is ours! All we have to do is recognize
to join us and we will be pleased to see
him as just that. Whatever you might be
you but if you would like to talk to one
experiencing at this moment, whether
of us please ring Rev Dick Venn 01622
it’s grief, sadness, of sheer joy I encourage
858195 or Rev Millie Hart 01622 297296
you to share your feelings with Our
Funeral Services
Father. So, Lord Jesus, thank you for sharing your Father with us and for telling us that he is
A lot of effort goes into planning wedding
our Father too. Thank you for letting us
services and the date (of course) is
know that he thinks of each one of us as
known. It’s true that not everyone gets
DO YOU NEED A FAMILY LAWYER? Fixed fee appointment available at times and venues convenient to you. • Collaboratively trained practitioner • Divorce & separation • Pre nuptial agreements • Financial settlements • Children • Cohabitation Please contact our local specialist Rebecca Bell on 01622 231 784 or email
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Greenman Solar have designed and installed over 400 solar arrays in Kent , with nearly 200 on Romney Marsh. Our reputation for quality of service, reliability and honesty are second to none. Don’t take our word for it, read what our customers have to say about us online. We will design and install the best solar array for you, at an unbeatable price. We don’t take a deposit, there will be no pressure to make a decision or sign anything and we fill in all of the paperwork needed to claim the Feed In Tariff for you. A typical 4kW, 16 panel system costs less than £7,000 fully installed, including VAT and scaffolding, there will be no extras. We only install the best modules and inverters (usually German).
married but everyone dies. The date is
Len Valley Churches Ladies Breakfast
not known. The bridal couple choose the hymns and songs which are important to them.
Join us at The Dog and Bear, Lenham on
Sadly, some funeral services do not
Saturday May 7th at 8.30 am
include the preferences of the loved one who has died. This is not necessarily
A chance to enjoy a cooked or continental
due to lack of care by families but an
breakfast, meet new friends and listen
inevitable part of modern life where
to an inspiring speaker. This month it
mourners of the deceased live some
will be Faith Woodcock who works with
distance away and may be unaware of
Family Trust in Maidstone.
preferences. A recent funeral service
Family Trust visit local Primary Schools
in one of the Len Valley churches was
delivering a wide range of activities
arranged, prior to her own death, by a
including assemblies and Kingsquads.
church member. As a result, the service
To book your place, please ring or
was particularly appropriate.
email the church office on 850604 or
The Church of England has made
available a booklet, ‘Ideas for my funeral service.’ If you would like a copy please
St Mary’s Church Flowers and brass cleaning
ask Millie Hart, Joan Drury, Pamela Cuerden or me and we will give one to you. This booklet can be used by
April 9th and 16th - Mrs Jones
members of all denominations and can be
April 23rd and 30th - Mrs Humphrey
lodged with a Funeral Director or with a
Brass Cleaning - Mrs Congdon
family member. You may also like to know that Church
Thank you for the Easter flowers
of England clergy and Readers are
Sue Greenwood
allowed to conduct services for burials in woodland sites.
Messy Church
Rev Dick Venn
May Messy Church is on Saturday May 14th at 4pm followed by tea, at Lenham Church.
Nigel Godfrey
that we have received on the passing of Nigel. And a special thanks you to all who managed to attend his funeral. This gave
By The Godfrey Family
us much needed strength that truly made the day a special one.
he Godfrey family would like to say a heartfelt thank you for all the cards, flowers and messages
Free Tennis Coaching
F We also hope to offer some family fun tennis events this summer – please look out for details.
or 5-8 year olds commences on Sunday June 12th and runs for 6
Normal playing times are 6:30pm on
weeks from 9-10am. The Head
Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 2pm
Coach of the SE Tennis Academy, Julian
on Sundays with a special session for
Squiers will be running the coaching
Juniors from 4pm on Thursdays.
in the Village Hall. Please register in
For further details please contact Andrew
advance as places are limited – phone
Rogers on 859352 or visit our website :
details below or register on-line at
Paul Grant Roofing Contractors All aspects of roofing work undertaken. Listed Building Specialist Strip / Re-tile / Kent Peg / Slating / Leadwork 35 years experience All work fully guaranteed For a free quotation and friendly advice on any roofing matter. OďŹƒce: 01622 296843 Mobile: 07850740637 Card payments accepted
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No.8 The Square,Lenham, ME17 2PQ
07749 980096
Lenham Wanderers FC
amazing village club to the next level. The
By Mike Kingsman
you the experience and skill to work with
Club can send you on courses with regard to First Aid, Safe Guarding Children, Coaching, Refereeing etc which will give kids.
s the season draws to end
There is an AGM being held on the 13th
the junior teams at Lenham
June at the Lenham Social Club stating at
Wanderers find its been
8pm where you can hear more about how
another successful year for the club. With
the club is run and a great opportunity to
the Youth teams growing in numbers
get involved.
and performing well we have certainly made an impact in all the Maidstone
Leagues. With several teams winning their leagues, all the managers have been
It was always going to be a difficult start
pleased with the effort and performance
to the season with a new manager and
of their teams. To celebrate all the players
coach (Mark Homes and Paul Hewish)
achievement there is a Presentation Day
taking on the responsibility of running
for the Junior Teams on the 11th June
the team. As they prepared to start their
where they will be presented with their
first season in the Maidstone Minor
medals for all their hard work throughout
League they had three key players leave
the season. Everyone is welcome and
and six new players join so it wasn’t
on the day there will be food, games and
going to be an easy season for their team.
football matches for everyone who wants
Although mid table in the First Division
to get involved - so bring your trainers !.
in the Maidstone Minor League they did make it to the semi-finals of the cup.
For the club to continue its success and
grow we need more people to help with the administration, coaching and the
They have won their league this season
managing of teams so we can achieve
and will now be promoted to Division
our long term plan of obtaining Charter
One in the Maidstone Express Cabs. With
Standard. The infrastructure is in place
a good strong physical side they have
but we need more help to take this
dominated this division and it will be a
good test for them next season.
at the beginning of the year and has a great first season with the team winning
22 games and losing only 4 games out of 36 games. The boys really enjoyed their
They had a successful season and with
first season in the football league and
6 games still to play and they have a
showed how well they can now pass the
chance of finishing 3rd in the league .
ball. The team will move up to nine a side
The team reached the League Cup Semi
next season as they move to a bigger pitch
Final where they were beat in extra time
and bigger goals.
by Barming Blues who are 2nd in the League. These boys have really come on
Youth Development
this year and looking forward to finishing the season strong and being more
With regards to the Youth Development
successful next season .
the club has seen this grown and we now have a good solid squad of over
30 kids who train on Sunday morning. They practise skills and do drills and
After being relegated last year in the
always finish with a match and then the
Maidstone Invicta Primary League it’s
important penalty shootout. (they are
been a tricky season as a few players left
never going to lose a game on a penalty
halfway through this season leaving the
shootout !)
team with only ten players. As the new players started to perform this very
This September the club wants to enter
small squad managed to go on and win
an U9’s and U10’s team so the kids can
their league without losing a game plus
play competitive league football. Philip
they are in the semi-finals of the cup.
Jarvis has run the Youth Development
We are now looking for new players for
Squad for the last 12 months and is
next season as they join the Maidstone
looking for help to take these teams
Express Cabs League playing on Sunday
forward. If you are interested in helping
please contact him on 07714 088502 or refer to
U10’s Manager Richard Percy took on this team
The Red Lion - Lenham 01622 858531
A Traditional 14th Century Inn located in the Medieval Village of Lenham Home Cooked food served daily. Mon-Fri 12-2:30pm & 6-9pm Sat & Sun 12-9pm including bank holidays Senior Citizens Specials Hot Stone Dining Experience Traditional Log Fires Cask Marque Awarded Real Ales Function Room Available Monthly Quiz & Theme Nights Mobile Bars & Catering service available for hire
Lenham is for Transport (LIFT)
Craig: 07739124749 Ben: 07730450602
Volunteers Needed LIFT is a service taking less able villagers to the GP surgery & Hospitals for their appointments. Currently we are very busy and need more volunteer drivers. If you are able to spare an hour or two either weekly/monthly/ or on an occasional basis for either of the above, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Bob on 07542 625277 for more details
Church Services Sunday 1st May
Sunday 15th May
9.30 am Lenham: Breakfast service
9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service
9.30 am Boughton Malherbe: Holy
9.30am Harrietsham: Morning Worship
Communion (Prayer Book)
9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Holy
10.30 am Ulcombe: Family Worship
11.00 am Lenham: Holy Communion
10.45am Ulcombe: Morning Worship
3.30 pm Harrietsham: GIFT family
11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion
Wednesday 18th May
Wednesday 4th May
10.30am Holy Communion:
9.30 am Lenham: Holy Communion
Chippendayle Lodge
Saturday 7th May
Sunday 22nd May
8.30am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Ladies
8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion
(Prayer Book) 9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion
Sunday 8th May
9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Family
8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion
(Prayer Book)
10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion
9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service
11.00am Lenham: Family Worship
9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion
Saturday 28th May
11.00am Lenham: Morning Worship
8.00am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Men’s
3.00pm Harrietsham: Rose Service
6.30pm Boughton Malherbe: Evensong
5.00pm Harrietsham: Prayer and Praise
Saturday 14th May
Sunday 29th May
4.00pm Lenham Church: Messy Church
10.00am Ulcombe: Joint Len Valley Churches Celebration Service
Volunteers for Lenham
picks around the Square, Maidstone Road
By Lenham Parish Council
volunteer group.
car park and the William Pitt field and the four roads into the Square. Other areas could perhaps be litter picked by the
he Parish Council has been
This is simply a suggestion of useful
approached by several
tasks; you may have ideas as to how we
residents who are keen to
can improve the parish amenities and
undertake a general tidy up and spring
areas which you feel would benefit from
clean of the village.
some attention. Working together we can identify the best way to improve the
Because of the financial cut backs, the
general environment of the area.
parish receives fewer regular services from both Kent County Council (KCC)
We are always pleased to hear from the
and Maidstone Borough Council (MBC).
parishioners, and welcome your input.
For instance, road side signs used to
If you are interested in joining the
be cleaned regularly by the KCC. This
volunteer group and could spare an hour
service is no longer provided, so it would
or so at your convenience to join with
be useful if a team of volunteers could
like-minded people to help improve your
undertake cleaning the street name
surroundings, please con-tact the Clerk.
signs and low height road signs. Cutting
We look forward to hearing from you.
back vegetation which obscures the signs would also be useful. Removal of
Margo McFarlane Parish Clerk
unofficial signs which are often posted
01622 859682 (9am – 1pm Monday to
on lamp posts and railings could be
undertaken at the same time.
Litter is the perennial problem, whilst MBC do a limited litter pick in and around the village centre, the outlying areas and hamlets are often neglected. The Parish Council fund regular litter
New Church to open it’s door! By Lenham Parish Council
athways Church will launch its inaugural service on Sunday 1 May at 10am meeting at Lenham
Community Centre. Some say the Church has lost its relevance and no longer has a place in today’s world. Apparently not according to Aaqil Ahmed head of Religion & Ethics at the BBC. In a post originally written for the Independent he explains the thinking behind a recent
institutional baggage that may prevent
programme on BBC One, The Battle for
them from adapting to the needs of a
Christianity. The programme examined
changing world. The Len Valley and the
the reasons behind a rise in popularity in
surrounding area will no doubt continue
Christianity which shows how confident,
to welcome newcomers in the fu-ture and
assertive faith is experiencing an upsurge.
Pathways Church, together with existing churches in the community, would love to
Why a new church?
serve them.
New churches often best reach the new
Why the name Pathways Church?
generation, new residents and new people groups. Across all denominations
We are all on a pathway of some kind, and
there is a growth in Christians from
sometimes not sure where it will lead us.
diverse backgrounds partly due to
Path-ways Church will endeavour to help
migration from other countries and also
you find a pathway to a new or renewed
exciting growth of home grown churches,
faith, helping you live a purpose filled life
according to Mr Ahmed. New churches
and reach your full potential and destiny.
also often don’t carry traditional and
Psalms 16:11 You make known to me the
path of life: you fill me with joy in your
Where will Pathways Church be meeting on Sunday mornings?
presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Pathways Church will be meeting at the “You can choose a direction that will take
Lenham Community Centre on the 1st
you into something that isn’t going to
and 3rd Sunday morning of each month.
take you where you want to go, or you can
What are Pathways Church’s beliefs and guiding principles?
choose another direction which is down the right path-way.” - Kerry Stokes
The Bible is the highest authority for
What part of the Valley will Pathways Church serve?
Pathways Church. We are a family church which has a passion to keep Jesus at the centre as we serve the community in
Pathways Church will be a regional
practical ways. We love children, fun is
church serving the greater Len Valley
fundamental, we love to build people up,
and the surround-ing area. We welcome
and do things with excellence.
people from the entire valley to our church services and through the week we
Interested? Drop in and say hello! We’d
will be holding small group meetings in multiple locations across the area.
Applause Rural Touring
Stones in his Pockets. In this hilarious play a quiet Irish village community is turned upside
By David Abson (01622 858561)
down with the arrival of a Hollywood
pplause is an organisation,
film crew looking for the “real” Ireland
sponsored by the Arts
for their latest schmaltzy blockbuster.
Council of England that
A pair of extras, Charlie and Jake,
brings high quality professional shows
watch with amazement, envy and
to rural venues at very advantageous
delight as cultures clash, divas strop,
and everyone fights over the last portion of lemon meringue pie.
This means that you can go and have
This play has made a deep connection
a great evening at a local spot, your
with audiences in over 30 countries.
Community Centre, with no big travel
Don’t miss it. Tickets are on sales now
expenses and bring your own drinks
at the Community Centre and at Len
and nibbles to complete your pleasure
Valley News, priced at only £10 each.
without bumping up the cost. Your next opportunity to avail yourselves of such a bargain is on Saturday 21st May at 7:45pm when Applause are bringing us
A Thank You from the family of Bertha Rose
Kent Air Ambulance after the death of our Mum Bertha Rose on 21st February. It was lovely to see famil-iar faces from both Harrietsham and Lenham at her funeral and at the gathering after-wards. With kindest regards from Paula, Jenny,
We would like to thank everyone who
Lita and Derek.
sent sympathy cards and donations to
Prize Crossword
Across clues
Down clues
1. Military sounding conductor. (8) 5. Reactor, lacking oxygen, exploded in a hole. (6) 8. A month can. (3) 9. Work out the next chess tactic. Hurry up! (3,1,4,2) 10. Phone lady, or maybe she isn’t! (4,4) 11. Shoot passed and drop empty boy. (4,2) 12. Puts down half a bank. (4) 14. This bird would not be held by a cobweb. (10) 17. Flower seller. (10) 20. This sort of smash could be grand. (4) 23. Dislike gift that lacks quiet. (6) 24. Something in the decorator’s armoury?. (5,3) 25. Continuing to finish old city in parts of Galloway. (10) 26. They French?! (3) 27. Frenchman finished and put together. (6) 28. Surrogate feeder to care for after effect of rain. (3,5)
1. Having half a large intestine is a sign to take a breath. (9) 2. The Queen’s payment for work done. (7) 3. Have a conversation and get into gear. (6) 4. Almost complete character of friend, of course. (9) 5. Air coat while changing in this country? (7) 6. Postponements cease by an explosion. (9) 7. Give greater dignity to three French words with the middle one put back. (7) 13. Delayed as held up. (9) 15. Drink for false agony to the ear. (9) 16. Remember car in crumbly scree. (9) 18. Window cleaners instrument. (7) 19. In bed is what happened to injured cricketer. (7) 21. More spindly horse in French article. That is right. (7) 22. Is it possible over there you find something ‘Grand’? (6)
Last month’s winner! Previous winner: Audrey Holmes of Bearsted. Please leave your completed crossword entry at Lenham Library on or before the 15th of the month.
and be listed on the site. Visit
Online Advertising The Lenham Focus has launched a new website. Advertisers can place adverts
Contact us for more details.
Volume 18 Edition 5 (May 2016) Circulation 2000
and not the publishers. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of the magazine to ensure that they are correct and accurate at the time of printing and the publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions.
Copy Deadline:
5pm 7th of the preceding month. Please leave copy at 24 Maidstone Road, or contact us.
The publication of advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the publishers. Authors of articles and advertisements in Focus take full responsibility to ensure they obtain any prior permission for us.
Focus is Distributed by Volunteers to: Lenham Village, Lenham Heath, Platts Heath, Sandway, West Street, Woodside Green and Warren Street.
For ‘Out of Town’ Readers Distribution:
The Focus can forward any complaint directly to an author of any article which a reader finds displeasing in order for them to respond directly. Every reader has the opportunity to a ‘right of reply’ to publish their view in the Focus as long as a name, committee group or organisation is named.
Lenham Community Centre, Chequers Fish Bar, Lenham Post Office, Len Valley Newsagents and Harrietsham Post Office.
Published by Lenham Focus
Lenham Focus is published by the Lenham Focus Team. Any opinions expressed are those of the contributors