January 2017
Bill’s Round raises £530
RBL Remembrance Ceremony
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Page 9
Page 27
Page 50
Editorial Happy New Year to all our readers,
want to write a series of these. Such
contributors, advertisers and
as the popular ‘Focus on Nature’
distributors. We hope you had a good
provided by Derek Budge. Any ideas
Christmas and New Year and are now
welcome, please send them through.
looking forward to 2017.
They must be informative, so try to
If you are looking for a new
avoid selling a business or service but
challenge this year there are some
you can mention it if it is appropriate
opportunities. The Lenham Family
to the article. The length should be
Festival is looking for volunteers
no more than 500 words but we can
to help organise this year’s event.
accommodate more if appropriate.
Or if you are looking for something
We don’t have any restriction on
different the Fire Service is looking
subject but every article will need
for recruits to help cover the local
to be credited to an individual or an
fire stations including Lenham. Or
if you are looking for a more sedate challenge come and help on the
Finally if you have any ideas or
suggestions to help make the Focus better please get in touch.
At the Focus we are always looking for new articles, particularly if you By James Collett
Editorial: James Collett 07927 308740 | editorialslf@gmail.com
Proofing: Jayne Hewish, Katy B
Advertising: Katy B, Jim Myers 07593 340744 | advertslf@gmail.com
Interviews: Jim Myers
Finance: Mark Dunbar 07808863227 | lenhamfocusinvoices@ gmail.com
Social Media: Georgia Hewish Printed by: Mike Kingsman, Gemini Print
Distribution: Gez Clark 07784 447200
Advertising Rates (September 2012)
Advert Sizes (HxW)
1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Inside Cover 1/2 Page Inside Cover Full Page Outside Back Cover
£13 £21 £38 £69 £58 £79 £88
Front Cover (available once a year per advertiser)
45x61mm 92x61mm 92x123mm 185x123mm
Advert Formats We require adverts to be submitted in high resolution (300dpi) PDF format in the appropriate size. If artwork is not supplied as a PDF we cannot guarantee the correct reproduction.
Print & Deliver Single Sided A5 Insert Double Sided A5 Insert
£250 £275
Photography: Andy Flood
Design: FALCON
Andy has been providing photography to the focus since the launch of the new design. Consistently he has provided amazing shots, especially the front covers.
Falcon is an award winning design and digital agency based in Kent. They build websites and brands for companies big and small.
Check out his website! www.andyfloodphotography.co.uk
Check out their website! www.madebyfalcon.co.uk
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Dates for your Diary
No dates to remember this month but don’t forget to let us know if you have an event coming up that you would like us to include.
Bill’s “Bonfire” Round golfers raise £530 for the RNLI
Howard, the current ladies captain of Chart Hills Golf Club. The best team proved to be Alan Fineman, John Goad, Alan Joynson and David Nickson, all from Ashford. Fines on players, imposed by Mike
he 39th Bill’s Round charity
Kingsman, and “heads ‘n tails” run by
golf took place at Cobtree
Dave Verga helped boost the takings.
Manor Park golf course on 4
The fines included losing the team
November when 32 people played (30
ball, wearing shorts, and teeing off
men, 2 women); the highest number
badly on the first hole.
since 34 turned out seven years ago. David Nickson of Ashford Golf Club
The next Bill’s Round charity golf
and John Millett of Faversham Golf
event will take place in May or June
Club tied on 44 stableford points but
2017 with the date and venue to be
David was declared the winner due to
made known early in the new year.
scoring more points on the last nine
Men and women of all standards are
holes. He chose the Royal National
welcome to take part – new faces are
Lifeboat Institution to benefit from
always very welcome and we had seven
the £530 raised.
new people this time. You could e-mail me at roger.bevan@btinternet.com or
Two nearest the pin holes were won by
phone on 07860-821306 if you would
Mick Stanley and Paul Keenor, both
like to know more.
playing in Bill’s Round for the first
Roger Bevan
time, whilst the best lady was Katrina
Forthcoming Events
28 Jan
Quiz with Chinese Bingo
18 Feb
Rod Stewart Tribute 9pm to late.
Starts 7.30pm
Ticket only. Members £7 Guests £9
Bingo: every Tuesday and Sunday Night 8pm Quiz Night: first Tuesday of every month Whist Drive: every Friday 7.30pm Summer Beer Garden, Monthly Sea Angling Club Outside Bar, Marque, BBQ & Bouncy Castle for Hire
Members and Guests Only. All eventsand start at 8pm. Private Hire. very Tuesday Sunday Night Private Hire. veryTuesday Tuesday and Sunday Night
Socialise with the Focus Follow us on Twitter: @LenhamFocus Find us on Facebook facebook.com/LenhamFocus
08/01/17 & 12/02/2017
Clubs & Societies
why not bring a friend, they may even
Lenham Gardening Society
Chair LGS
A happy New Year to all you gardeners of
Lenham Heritage
enjoy it and want to join? Keith
Lenham. Let’s hope it’s a better year than Our last talk in 2016 was by Keith Parfitt
last for growing.
on Roman Villas in NE Kent. At the AGM in November your officers
We had a good turnout of 20 interested
and committee were re-elected for a
people. Our first meeting of 2017
further year, no surprise there then.
is the AGM with the evening added to by
A list of suggested outings was available
short talks from members.
for members to show which they
Hopefully by then our talks programme
preferred, the results will be announced
will be in place for the whole year.
at the January meeting. TIME LINES: The cheese and wine party held after
Always when writing this article
the AGM was the usual success with
something turns up “out of the blue”.
members enjoying the food and wine
This month is no exception. I was going
while completing the quiz. Thanks to Pat
to write about the feature we have “lost”
and her team for their hard work.
in the church that now has to hide behind
The January meeting will be held on
a box in the new Wash Room. Time stands
Thursday 19th at which the speaker
still, the sun no longer shines on the
will be Janet Bryant who will talk about
Scratch Dial, once on the outside south
Winter Flowers. The competition will be
‘a homemade calendar’ and/or ‘bunch of hedgerow foliage’ - good luck to you all. Please remember that subs are due in January, they remain at £7. Look forward to seeing you all in January,
But on Dec 1st a friend asked to meet me in St Mary’s to look at all the lesser known features, including the green man carving. As she was examining that closely, I wandered over to St Edmund’s Chapel realising there was another
Heel-ball rubbing of letters
carved misericorde chair that I had never before noticed. I lifted the seat
MD rrr L Vi (that is what I think it is)
expecting it to be plain like the other 16 ….
“r” …could stand for retro … backwards or
and gasped! For there was a carving. My
subtracting from the L .
friend came over quickly to see and said…
Equal to three decades before 50 = 20
it’s a date! I should have known as the
which would make the date --
LMD of my own initials I knew added up
1526 The reason X X X was not used is
separately to 1550 in Roman numerals.
likely the fragility of the wood when
But the strokes on this beautifully carved
carved against the grain (reason the V has
cartouche seemed to suggest the 19th C
broken ? )
… “that can’t be right” we both agreed in chorus. So after making a sketch and
BUT apparently my deductions are all
taking a photo I pondered on it at home.
I went back for a better photo and a heel-
The official listed date is 1862.
ball rubbing to be sure. The date appears
How is that possible? I leave you to
to me as 1526 rather than 1826. Here is a
ponder on that. Apparently the “r”s
description and pictures: -
are chopped off “C”s (adding on & not subtracting ) but if you look carefully at the “r” bases they flare very slightly as if they are meant to be “r”s and not “c” s M = 1000 D = 500
Cartouche on the misericorde seat in St
C = 100
Mary’s Lenham
L = 50 V=5 If made in 1862 then the chances that the
other 16 misericordes were
Royal British Legion Women’s Section
Medieval is very slim indeed! Looking so similar, why were they made at all? By 1540 most monks were dispersed, so
We meet this month on the 26th at
no need of special seats in churches.
2:30pm in the Community Centre. The
BUT researching the net: - Apparently in
talk this month is Pearls and Princesses.
Germany, Medieval “Gothic” script alters
Should be interesting. There will be the
how the Latin numerals were written. 19
usual tea and biscuits pus the raffle.
was written “rir” in other words the “r”
Enid LaPlain
has a value of 10 (“i” subtracts from the following 10)
Lenham WI
Using this “Gothic” script, between 1350- 1550, date riddles were developed
Well, here we are at the start of another
that concealed riddles within Latin verse.
year. A happy New Year from Lenham
W.I. Our November speaker, Kate Nash,
“Three horse shoes chosen” meant CCC
was very interesting, and we learnt a lot
or three hundred years. In our case we
about her silver jewellery, how a hobby
do not have any written verse to connect
became an enjoyable business sideline,
the inscription, but could this apparent
and about the finer points of hallmarking.
‘date’ conceal another that they thought
We also had the opportunity to purchase
was important? Perhaps it was the end of
some of her creations, (obviously I didn’t
the age that medieval people thought was
take much persuading, I’m a sucker for
definitely going to happen!
In other words their end of age = 1862 has already passed!
As I write this we are anticipating our
Look at the pictures carefully, see what
Christmas meeting when we are being
you think and please get back to me with
entertained by Marian Martin. We
any ideas or information
also collect gifts of food for Maidstone Christian Care and enjoy mulled wine
Happy New Year.
and food provided by all the members.
Lesley Feakes 8502745
I trust 2017 will be an enjoyable year for our W.I. and have no doubt that the speakers for this year will be as good and
varied as they have been in the past. We
club 2.00-4.00pm. We hope to see you all
meet on the second Thursday of each
month, in Lenham Community Centre, and always welcome new members.
A big thank you to all the people that help.
Gill Simes
Martin, Fred, Jenny and Nina
Zumba Gold Young At Heart 60+ On behalf of Dance Vision and Lenara Hi to one and all. We hope you had a great
may we wish you all a happy and healthy
Christmas and New Year. There is no
New Year.
meeting in January. The first meeting is February 16th at the Community centre
Zumba Gold will re start on 11th January
2.00-4.00pm. We look forward to seeing
2017 at the Lenham Community Centre
you all again.
at 9.30am, please come a few minutes early to enrol.
Thank you to the many helpers. Without them we would not be able to hold these
The cost will be ÂŁ5 per session which
is the best in the area and real value for money.
Olive, Sue, Kath, Jackie, Ann, Jacky, Martin, Fred, Jenny and Nina
If you have not had a go yet why not come along and try us out, you will come away
Len Valley Community Hub Club
feeling invigorated and fit. Looking forward to seeing you all on the 11th.
Hello every one hope you all had a merry Christmas and happy new year. We have
Dance Vision/Lenara
no meeting in January. Our first meeting
of the year is February 2nd at the Social
Heart of Flavour
Kent Hospice. There is a choice of two
a range of meals and snacks served daily
meats and all the trimmings for £6.50. We also offer 2 courses for £10 or 3 courses for £12.00. For the less hungry we offer from Monday to Friday.
f you need a hearty meal to get you through the working day or
All proceeds from Heart of Flavour
shopping spree or are just looking
for a venue to meet up with friends and
support Heart of Kent Hospice so you
family why not come to Heart of Flavour
can enjoy great food and drink while
each Wednesday lunchtime for a mid-
supporting a great local cause.
week roast and help support Heart of
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Socialise with the Focus Follow us on Twitter: @LenhamFocus Find us on Facebook facebook.com/LenhamFocus
Yours from as little as ÂŁ13 per month.
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Upper Street, Hollingbourne, Kent ME17 1UW 01622 880 880 www.thedirtyhabit.net
Lenham Family Festival
the Community Centre. The City of Rochester Symphony Orchestra will be returning for another
he Lenham Family Festival
performance to be held in the historic
is an annual event that takes
and very beautiful Tithe Barn. This
place over a weekend in June.
will take place the following weekend,
It’s a fun event that brings the whole
on Saturday 17 June 2017.
community together, is affordable for families, and raises funds for deserving
Festival Committee meetings take
place on the last Monday of each month at 7.15pm in the Appleton
Last month we announced the
Room at the Community Centre.
first of the two charities we will be
If you are interested in becoming
supporting with the funds to be raised
involved, please come along to one of
from the 2017 Festival - The Katie
our meetings and you will be warmly
Piper Foundation. This month we
are pleased to announce that we will also be supporting Lenham Primary
School and at the time of writing we are just waiting to hear what specific
If you are not able to join the
project the monies raised will be going
Committee but would like to be
involved in a smaller way, we always need volunteers to help out on the
As announced last month, the main
main day of the Festival with a
day of the 2017 Festival is Saturday
variety of tasks, none of which are
10 June 2017. There will be a large
particularly onerous. Even if you can
variety of stalls in the Community
only volunteer an hour of your time,
Centre car park, refreshments
it will be much appreciated and it is
for sale, and music from local
always great fun and very rewarding
bands. Performances from various
being part of a community event such
local groups, including dance and
as this. You will probably find you get
theatricals will also take place inside
much more out of it than you need to
put in! If you would like to be involved
Look out for further news from the
in this way, please contact Gail on
Lenham Family Festival Committee in
01622 850126. She will be compiling
each month’s edition of the Lenham
a list of names and contact details of
willing helpers to be contacted nearer the time.
Fundraising For The Katie Piper Foundation
home what a marvellous community I am lucky enough to live in. The Katie Piper Foundation relies solely on donations as they receive no Government funding. My next fundraising effort is to sell
s many of you will know
raffle tickets – as many as possible,
I have been fundraising
(obviously!) at £5 each for 3 chances
recently to go a little way
to win 4 tickets for the Leeds Castle
towards repaying the Katie Piper
Classical Concert on 8th July 2017.
Foundation for the help they have
Heritage Events were kind and
given me over the last few months.
generous enough to donate 12 tickets
My skydive went ahead on Friday
for the event, which takes place
4th November and was a terrific
annually, to support an auction we will
experience – once I had got over the
talk about later. These tickets have a
nerves! The views from over two miles
face value of £35 each so your fiver
above Headcorn are amazing and I
could win a prize worth £140!!! The
would recommend it to anyone. I have
reason we have decided to raffle them
raised over £6,000 in total so far,
instead of auction them is that the date
and would like to offer my thanks to
for our auction is only 2 weeks before
everyone in Lenham for their support
the Concert! You can purchase raffle
and compassion, and above all, your
tickets from Gez, Jan or me, we will be
donations, especially to the Red Lion
at the January market and we will be
for their huge donation from their
around the village between now and
Harvest Auction. It really brings
the raffle draw at the end of January. If
you have trouble finding us please call
painting by Vic Reeves, 2 tickets for
or text Gez on 07784447200.
the final of the X Factor2017, entry
Also (a bit of advance warning here!)
and an overnight stay for 4 at Port
we will be running a Masked Ball on
Lympne Safari Park, a 45 minute flight
24th June for the same cause. This
in a light aircraft from Headcorn, a
will be a tremendous event, taking
glider flight at Charing Gliding Club
place in the Tithe Barn, starting with
and more. Tickets are on sale now
a champagne and canape Reception,
at ÂŁ50 each, please contact Jan on
then a sit down meal. Feel free to
07949024200 or email jan.clark@
buy drinks at the licensed bar run
by the Red Lion while The Choos, a very professional and versatile band
Hope you all had a wonderful
will entertain us during the evening
Christmas, here’s looking to 2017!!
after a speech by Katie Piper and an auction run by Vic Reeves and Nancy
Danielle Branch
Sorrell. Auction lots include a 3/4 bed
house in France for a week, a signed
Royal British Legion Remembrance Ceremony
at St Mary’s Church. Members of
at St Mary’s Church at 11:00am on 11
The remembrance tribute was spoken
November, 2016
by Royal British Legion Member Bill
the local Royal British Legion and spouses were present as well as a most welcome delegation of students from Swadelands School, one of whom placed the customary wreath at the base of the monument- see photos.
Peter. lovely morning weather wise set the stage for the annual
Text and photos by Jim Myers
two-minute silence in front
of the World War I & II monument
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Regular Daily & Weekly Events Daily
Activate Fitness Facilites
Badminton (Feathers) Bell Ring Monday Music Mayhem Parent & Toddlers Group Len ARA Short Mat Bowls Harr & Lenham Cubs Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Youth Club H/sham & Lenham Cubs H/sham & Lenham Beavers Lenham Youth Club Pilates classes
Activate Sports Swadelands
Messy Mums Babies + Toddlers Line Dancing LenARA Bridge Club Brownies 2nd Lenham Pilates classes Line Dancing Redbacks Explorer Scouts Guides 1st Lenham H/sham&Lenham Scouts Judo Club Lenham Youth Club Activate Fitness Facilites French Books for Children Tea/Coffee/Cakes Sunday Schools
7am-8.30am & 5pm-9pm Community Centre 8-10.00pm St Mary’s Church 7:30pm Community Centre 10-11am Community Centre 9.30-11.30am Community Centre 1.45pm-4.30pm (8-11 years) 6.30-8pm Community Centre 8pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.00-9.30pm Lenham Primary School 6:30-8:00pm Harrietsham Scout Hut 5:45-7:15pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.00-9.30pm Community Centre 7.00pm-8.00pm 8.30-9.30pm St Mary’s Church 10.30-12 Term Community Centre 7.30-9.00pm Community Centre 1.30-4.30pm Lenham Primary Sch 6.15-7.45pm Community Centre 11.30-12.30pm St Edmunds Platts Hth 8pm Kingswood Scout Hut 7.15-9.15pm Community Centre 7.00-9.00pm Harrietsham Scout Hut 7.30-9.30pm Community Centre 5.30-8.30pm Swadelands Ham Lane 7.30-10.00pm Activate Sports Hall Swadelands 8am-5pm Harrietsham Primary School 9.30-11.30am St Mary’s Church 10.00-12.00 see separate church services page
2nd Tuesday 1st Tuesday 1st Wednesday 4th Wednesday Last Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Thursday 3rd Thursday 2nd Sunday
Royal British Legion Lenham Valley Parish Council Meeting LenARA (active retired) Archaeology Club Reading Group Women’s Institute Lenham Gardening Soc. Lenham Country Market
Lenham Social Club Business Association Community Centre Community Centre Community Centre Lenham Library Community Centre Community Centre The Village Square
8pm 6-8pm 7.30pm 2pm 7.30pm 4.45-5.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 9-1.00pm
Advertiser Numbers Accounting & Business Services Alarm Systems Architectural Services Barbers Builders/decorators
Butchers/Meat Carpentry Carpets/Flooring Caterers Catteries Chartered Surveyor Childminder Chimney Sweep Chiropody Cleaning/Housekeeping Coal Merchant Computer Services Dance Dog Grooming Dressmaking & Alterations Electricians/Gas fitters Estate Agents Fitness Foot Practitioner Funeral Directors Garages
Stonebridge Associates Cybereye Security Kent Design Studio Sweeney Todd Andy and Paul Apollo Elwood (Painter/decorators) KRS Building/decorating KSE Home Improvements Stuttle Dyer (painters/decorators) G B Lister Carpentry and General Building P Humpries Carpets direct Beaubray Caterers Little Dene Boarding Cattery Inkstand cattery James Collett Debbie Brett Invicta Chimney Sweep Heather’s Chiropody Surgery Amy McLaughlin Phynix Domestic cleaning Edmed Coal Harrietsham Computers Lynn MS Computer services Lenham Ballet School GDC School of Dancing Cuts for Mutts Pam Barrie Weston Contractor MGI Electrical Philip Jarvis Activate Body and Soul Mrs Afsaneh Smith Kristina Smith A W Court Gowers Garage
851542 858612 01580 230413 07734950329 850437 07808414965 01634308933 851126 851400 01233 840004 858220 850364 858719 01233714999 763269 858510 859469 850608 01233714247 01622 632641 850376 07813030527 880028 260515 859442 745654 859969 850329 850800 07738 088169 858827 01233712663 850055 01622 858241 853750 01622 853640 07882 170231 850840 858210
Grocers Hairdressers Hall Hire Locksmiths Logs Nail Technician Osteopathy Parish Council Pest Control Photographer Plumbers Pool Services Pubs Restaurant Riding School Schools Solar Panel Installation Solicitors Takeaway Taxi TV Aerials Veterinary Surgery Will Services Window Cleaning
Lenham Village Store Phase Hairdressing Smarty’s Lenham Comm Centre Charing Heath Hall A Short Seasoned Logs Beauty Nails Chris Tempest D.O. M.Ost GOsc Reg Lenham Parish Council Pest Purge Andy Flood Photography All Fix Plumbing Epic Plumbimg Pure Plumbing J W Engineering Services Dirty Habit Lenham Social Club Red Lion Leeds Castle Uplands Riding School Lorenden Greenman Solar Setfords Solicitors Thorneloe & Co. Chequers Fish Bar Arshed Mahmood Gez Clark R & P TV Aerial services Harrietsham Vets Maidstone Wills and trusts Sparkles
858255 850001 851150 853800 01233 713317 07738658751 07733328715 07460 393777 07749 980096 01622 859682 842481 07443 633385 851186 210298 769722 851713 880880 858890 858531 767777 01233 712289 01795590030 01233 612082 01622 231784 859416 859878 07770725129 07784447200 631717 858666 01580 292320 07856 110682
General / Social Numbers Badminton Badminton Club Feathers Bowling Club Bridge Club Brownies (2nd Lenham) Drama Gardening Society Guides (1st Lenham) LenARA Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Heritage Lenham Nursery School Lenham Players Lenham Wanderers Lenham Social Club Harrietsham & Lenham Beavers Harrietsham and Lenham Scouts Harrietsham and Lenham Cubs Mothers’ Union Pilates Classes Redback Explorer Scouts Royal British Legion Women’s Institute St Edmunds Platts Heath Country Ways Quilters Lenham Valley Business Association Borough Councillors: Kent Highway Services Dog Warden Cat Protection Drugs Helpline Heaths Countryside Corridor Lenham Country Market Lenham Community Centre Lenham Heath Parish Hall LenValley Practice Non-Emergency NHS Care Member of Parliament Parish Council Clerk Parish Police PCSO Rural Community Warden Vicar
Linda Bird Neil Rouse Lyn Fuller Keith Rylands Andrea French Gail Kelly Keith Varney Mrs J Thomsett Christine Godden Mrs Pat Abson Lesley Feakes Sarah Siddons Janet Moll Russell Young Club Events Duncan Keenan Nick Still Mrs A Seales Mrs J Thomsett Vivien Elcomb Mark Horlock Mr W Peter Mrs C Toner Karen Yardley Rosemary Waldron Alan Reading Tom Sams Janetta Sams (Roads, Pavements) Lost and Found FREE CALL Ruth Lovering Kevin Fitzsimons Margaret Mitchell Sharon Reed Doctors Surgery NHS Helen Whately MP Margo McFarlane John Boyd Martin Sherwood Rev Millie Hart Church Office
01233 756762 01622 840207 01622 851538 01622 891964 01622 851646 01622 850671 01622 850228 01622 859009 01622 858658 01622 858561 01622 850275 07967 128056 01622 850747 07594 206818 01622 858890 07768 926654 01622 859789 01622 859829 01622 859009 01622 853887 07789 226516 01622 850520 01622 850048 01622 858208 01233 622271 01622 820841 01622 859412 07891901831 / 859412 03000 418181 01622 602117 01732 847572 0800 776600 01622 842257 01622 679709 01622 853800 (am) 01622 858581 (pm) 01233 713317 01622 858341/859204 111 helenwhately.co.uk 01622 859682 07870 252421 07977 981993 297296 850604
Advertise to 2000 people from ÂŁ13pm.
Advertise to 2000 people from ÂŁ13pm.
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Success comes from working together.
Happy & Prosperous New Y ear.
If you’ve not been business networking before then make your life a little easier, try it soon. Most people find Lenham Valley Business Association the ideal place to meet new customers and even new suppliers. The monthly meetings are the ideal times to ask questions of people who know the answers. Professionals who don’t mind helping you with all aspects of business, including legal, financial, on marketing, design and property. If it will be your first time then you couldn’t find a better place to start. Everyone is friendly, the association rules are not complicated or restrictive (like some franchise run groups) and the benefits can be great. The meetings are always local and sometimes provide chances to see inside places you might not ordinarily visit. The people you meet are generally outstanding in their own fields - very useful contacts. Above is Sunil Rupasinha (left) who is a barrister who has practised at the London Criminal Bar for 25 years. He has prosecuted and defended in the full range of criminal courts. He now runs Kent Traffic Law and presented “Why I defend the Guilty” at our December meeting at Chilston Park Hotel. Pity you missed it!! Don’t miss this years events. The other guy in the photo (above on the right) is Alan Reading who was asked, by Lenham Parish Council and the Lenham Business Group (in 2009), to start a bigger business association group encompassing other villages and areas. LVBA has never looked back!.
sier a e le tt li a s s e in s u b Making R.O.A.R. Right of admission reserved.
Keep up to date & to join www.lenhambusiness.co.uk or call 01622 820841
Friends of St Mary’s, Lenham The Friends of St Mary’s, Lenham is now nearly four years old and during this time it has carried out vital restoration projects for the beautiful listed building that is St Mary’s Church (the Friends is a separate Registered Charity No 1160993).
Thanks to the local support received so far, major projects completed include refurbishment and cleaning of the clock (£5700), major repair and restoration of several stained-glass windows (£26,000), stonework repairs (£5800), tablet cleaning (£400) and installation of information paddles (£300).
The East Window As for events, the Friends have in recent months presented a military wives' choir concert, an autumn barn dance and social coffee mornings at Grovelands and Atwater Court. In the coming months, the Friends will be helping with further restoration projects ranging from comprehensive roof repairs and the renewal of the lighting system to wall repairs and decoration. They will also be holding social events including a Garden Party in June and other events currently in the planning stages." Why not come along and get to know this active local group? The Friends are working hard to increase membership to 100! Do you care about our heritage and the preservation of an ancient and beautiful building? By joining The Friends of St Mary’s Church, Lenham you can make a difference by helping the Trustees to maintain our heritage for future generations. Please contact our Membership Secretary: John Arthur Boyd Court Lodge Farm High Street Lenham ME17 2QD Phone: 01622 858403
Email: jarthurboyd@aol.com
Text by Jim Myers
Lenham Surgery Tel: 858341 Mondays to Fridays 8:30am6:30pm. Closed 1-2pm Dispensary 8:30am-6:30pm Closed 12:30-2pm Urgent matters out of hours telephone. 0845 1450121 (66.30pm only) IC24. 111 (from 6.30pm)
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Christian Message
verse 34. He suffered misunderstanding, prejudice and hatred on a considerable scale, but
omeone once told me that “true
responded in love and made the ultimate
friends make you feel good about
sacrifice for us all. He underpinned
yourself and leave you wanting
all that he did in prayer and by doing
to go back for more”. In a world filled
likewise, we have all the tools we need.
with conflict and suffering, it might
‘Tit for tat’ attitudes need to be left in the
sound simplistic and trite to talk about
gutter where they belong, so that bigotry,
friendship and love, but it is precisely
fear and anger, have no chance to fester
because of so much evil that the subject
and grow. We may not be able to wipe out
needs addressing and revisiting regularly.
conflict and suffering on an international
When we hear people ask us leading
scale, but as individuals we can ensure
questions using the phrases of a mutual
that we care for those around us, rise
associate, the tittle-tattle, or back-
above any hurt or resentment, and open
stabbing, that has taken place in our
our doors to welcome others in, however
absence can be all too easy to recognise.
we feel they may treat us.
It’s so tempting to react to curt or jeering
If we put misunderstandings to rest and
retorts by lashing out and retaliating in
truly love our enemies, they will have no
order to defend ourselves, or retreating
cause to respond negatively and may even
into a world of hurt isolation. How much
be left “wanting to come back for more”.
harder it is to break the chain, to show
Better still, they may reciprocate with
love to our friends, casual acquaintances
and even our adversaries, and set an example to all those we meet.
‘Let us love one another, for love comes
It may be hard, but it is essential if our
from God.’ (1 John 4:7).
society is to progress. In fact Jesus insisted on it:
Many of us make resolutions at the start
“A new command I give you:
of a New Year. This would be a good one
Love one another.
for all of us in 2017.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13
Pamela Cuerden
Church Services Wednesday 18th January
Sunday 1st January
10.30am Holy Communion: Chippendayle Lodge
Wednesday 4th January 9.30 am Lenham: Holy Communion
Sunday 22nd January
Sunday 8th January
8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion
8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion
(Prayer Book)
(Prayer Book)
9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion
9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service
9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Family
9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion
11.00am Ulcombe: Holy Communion
10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion
11.00am Lenham: Morning Worship
11.00am Lenham: Family Worship
3.30pm Boughton Malherbe: Choral Evensong
Saturday 28th January
Sunday 15th January
8.00am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Men’s
9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service
Sunday 29th January
9.30am Harrietsham: Morning Worship
10.00am Ulcombe: Joint Len Valley
9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Holy
Churches Celebration Service
Communion 11.00am Ulcombe: Morning Worship 11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion
Time Eternal
and billions of years to go! BUT by misinterpreting the ancient texts and by saying that the end of
finished writing the Lenham
the world was nigh priests had a ‘fear
Heritage article this month yet
of God’ hold over poor frightened
the date 1526 stuck in my mind.
Medieval people. Even now some
It is the year that William Tyndale
people seem to think the doom
managed to print his translation of
prediction is true.
the New Testament using a printing press in Germany. Many people do
The present theory re our solar system
not realise that it was his translations
is that our Sun is a pulsar and although
that were used for the basis of many
its pulsations are relatively slow
other Bibles later printed. He was
and not that noticeable it does have
determined to enable everyone to have
distinct cycles.
access to the scriptures in English and his dying words were reputedly “Lord,
I am a scientist who is on the opposite
open the King of England’s eyes”.
fence to most. I think the recent global
Three years later after his death,
warming is primarily a sun cycle.
this prayer was answered as Henry
The CO2 graph level lags behind the
VIII introduced the ‘Great Bible’
temperature curve and that would
translation for every church.
denote that CO2 is the effect and not the cause. CO2 is used up by
There is no such thing as a looming
plants and changed into Oxygen, it is
‘End of the World’. The biblical texts
other more lethal chemicals we are
do not say that, they talk about the
producing that are more destructive to
End of the Age. Our Sun has been
the environment. But I am not going to
shining as a Main Sequence Star for
discuss that here.
some 4.6 billion years and should last another 7 billion years hence, before it
Our brains operate by electro-
starts expanding to form a Red Giant.
magnetism. Magnetism, that of the
Sequence after that is thought to be a
Earth is failing in strength so does the
Planetary nebula leading to a White
level fluctuate and rise again? Yes, it
dwarf and then a Black dwarf. Billions
does and perhaps low levels are what
is causing some human problems. The
also electricity and light, and the field
Geologists tell us the poles are about
it opens is so large and I think rich.”
to flip. The question is not will they, but when will they. We just do not
— Michael Faraday
know and do not know what happens except that humans will survive as a
And what did Jesus say about the Light
race on Earth.
of the World? He put his finger on the button of what makes humanity tick.
It is possible that an increase in
Light, electricity and magnetism are
Earth’s magnetism recharges our
all forms of the same thing, everything
brains and we understand so much
we are is light because all of our being
more about everything especially
came originally from the Sun.
about being happy = the universal joy.
Watch out for aurora borealis in the
I found the words that describe just
next months, courtesy of the Sun. Not
that situation on the net:
a prediction but just information via Spaceweather.com a very interesting
Imagine a world in which the power of
magnetism is so strong that it makes people so much happier than now.
Happy New Year.
One of our greatest British Scientists that ever was, Michael Faraday said:
Lesley Feakes
“I happen to have discovered a direct relation between magnetism and light,
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
controlling mood, sleep and appetite. Symptoms of SAD are wide ranging and can include feelings of being ‘down’ or depressed, lack of energy, problems with concentration, anxiety, loss of libido, relationship problems and sudden mood
ow that the excitement
of Christmas is over, starting back to work in
You may feel you need to speak with your
January can cause many people to feel
GP who can give you the best advice, but
quite miserable, sad or just generally
the following information may also be
despondent. We are in the depths of
helpful to you.
winter and the spring time and summer holidays can seem a long way off. We still
There are many simple things you can
have a while before the Spring equinox
try that may help improve your feelings,
when the clocks go forward and the days
these include taking walks out in the
begin to get a bit longer. Although we can
natural light when you can and making
have those lovely crisp winter days when
your home as light and airy as possible.
the sun shines and there is a blanket of
Taking regular exercise can often lift your
frost, the UK can have many of those grey
mood, along with a healthy balanced diet.
days that linger on and on and we barely
Talk to your family and friends about
see the sun for weeks on end.
SAD, so they understand how your mood
Many people find that they suffer with
changes during the winter. This can
SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
help them to be more supportive and
particularly at this time of year.
What is SAD?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
SAD can feel like depressive illness. It
If you decide to seek out counselling
is thought to be most likely triggered by
a form of therapy called Cognitive
the lack of sunlight in winter. This can
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can also help.
affects levels of hormones (melatonin and serotonin) in the part of the brain
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
individual or for you and your partner
takes the view that there are helpful and
please call us at Counselling Ashford on
unhelpful ways of reacting to a situation
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- which is determined by the meaning we attach to it. If we have a tendency to view
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a situation in a negative, unhelpful way,
based on interpretation rather than fact, then it can lead to negative emotions; such as anxiety (worry) hurt, depression or SAD, anger, shame, guilt, jealousy or unhealthy envy. If you feel that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help you as either an
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What’s Great to Eat… in January! By GB Lister
cleansing oranges & lemons and hearty game of venison & partridges! Here is a brief guide: Oranges & Lemons
he Romans named it January
Both loaded with vitamins, low in fat,
after Janus, the God of
low in calories, & can help lower the
gateways. Janus has 2 heads,
risk of many diseases. They add colour
one to look back at the old year and
and great flavour to many dishes
one to look forward towards the new
including salads, cakes, vinaigrettes
year! January can be a bleak month,
and marmalades. Try chicken, orange,
but the food you eat doesn’t have to be.
fennel & brown rice salad for a packed
Food that is in season now contains
lunch or slow cooker chicken with
properties that can help beat the post-
lemon & olives for a midweek tea.
Christmas weight gain & winter blues, from energy-rich root vegetables,
Swedes, Turnips & Parsnips
are many tasty recipes that contain cabbage. Savoy cabbage with oatmeal,
Parsnip contains more sugar than
Kohlrabi, savoy cabbage and lamb
carrots & swedes, but is full of soluble
bake, simply sautéed cabbage with
and insoluble dietary fibre.
nutmeg or spicy braised red cabbage
Swedes are low in saturated fat &
Hearty game of venison & partridge
cholesterol, high in dietary fibre, Vitamin C and much more. Swedes are
Venison & partridge, both low in fat,
great to maintain good general health
have less calories than chicken, full
& help weight loss.
of iron, high in protein and have no carbohydrates. As they have little fat,
Turnips have a rounded flavour -
they benefit from quickly roasting,
sweet and slightly peppery - and are
cooking in liquid or wrapping in
nutritionally rich. A turnip’s root is
bacon. Both these meats are easy to
high in vitamin C and the green leaves
cook and can offer a great alternative.
of the turnip top are a good source of
Try roasted partridge with orange &
vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, vitamin K
honey, venison cobbler, venison jerky,
and calcium
or paper wrapped partridge.
Cabbage & Kale
Have we tickled your taste buds? Visit our website, www.lenham-butchers.
Kale is full of vitamin B which is key
co.uk, to see the recipes mentioned in
for brain development. It contains
this article & more.
protein to keep you fuller for longer, and omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the heart. Don’t just boil or steam, make fritters, pesto, cake, cookies, hummus, paella, or crisps. Cabbage is low in calories, full of vitamin C and can help reduce “bad cholesterol” levels in the blood. There
Lenham Parish Council
will be organised to determine where a new double compost bin will be placed, subject to agreement at full council. The project to improve the site will be ongoing and budget recommendations
will be decided at the finance and general
Due to an issue with the measurements
purposes committee, for consideration at
of the actual allotment area, the Land
full council.
Agent acting for St John Ambulance has
ward. The parish wards are north and
revisited the site twice more. He now
south of the railway line. Full details are
agrees to submit the measurements
available from the Clerk.
as suggested by the Allotment Association members and the parish
council. Providing the client agrees
the measurements the next step will be
As reported last month the independent
to discuss heads of terms to be drawn
examination of the Maidstone Local
up for discussion. It is hoped that the
development plan took place during
Parish Council will be able to purchase
November. Thank you to all those who
the allotment section of the plot as a
attended the examination at the Town
community asset, which will safe guard
Hall. The results have not yet been
the land from future development.
formally published but we could hear the Inspectors summary via the web-cam.
Thus, it appears the Maidstone Local
The large diseased beech tree in the
Plan and the Lenham Neighbourhood
south-east corner has been felled and
Plan will require extensive modification.
the site cleared; this will allow for the
The Lenham Neighbourhood Plan
completion of the last section of the
group will start meeting again regularly
installation of rabbit-proof fencing
from January to align the Lenham
around the entire boundary hopefully
Neighbourhood Plan with the inspector’s
in early spring, subject to funding. The
findings, following which a consultation
contractor will be asked to quote for mole
will be undertaken to inform residents
removal measures and a site meeting
of the changes made to the plan. The
parish council have agreed in principal to
considered in full by the council. The aim
continue funding this initiative and will
of the survey is to identify possible safety
agree a 2017 -2018 budget allocation for
improvements for both pedestrians and
submission to full council.
motorists in a bid to slow traffic and
Please continue your support of the plan
improve sight lines. The parish council
group who will make the finding of the
are aware of the ever-increasing demand
examination available in the new year as
for parking facilities throughout the
soon as received from MBC.
village. A project to specifically look at the issue of the lack of suitable parking
places will be undertaken this year.
The new fuse control panel and timer
Please report any parking issues to MBC
switch have been installed to operate
or KCC who are the bodies responsible
the churchyard flood lighting and this
for highway issues.
has resolved the problematic timing issues. The light at the Lych gate was also
The planning inspector dismissed the appeal APP/U2235/W/16/3143679 for the
use of a motocross track for motorcycle
The Len Bus facility has now been
riding on 28 days per annum. The site
formally withdrawn and the company
is on land south east of Runham Lane
wound up. Proceeds from the insurance
Sandway ME17 1HT. The refusal to allow
claim of approximately ÂŁ5,500 will be
the activity identified three main issues:
transferred to the James Hatch Charity
the effect on protected species, the effect
who work with the Lenham Lift Group to
on living conditions of surrounding
provide transportation throughout the
occupiers and the effect on the character
and appearance of the countryside. The
If you need help with transport, please
full details are available on the MBC web-
contact the LIFT group directly.
site planning portal.
HIGHWAYS The initial assessment from the approved
KCC Highways Consultant in respect of
The full application details for a
the junction at Ham Lane and the High
proposed housing development on land
Street has been received and will be
west of Loder Close is available on the
MBC planning portal 16/508039. The
ward and we would welcome parishioners
consultation period closes mid-January.
who might be interested in joining the Council, and who live in the hamlets of
Sandway, Platts Heath or Lenham Heath,
Maidstone Borough Council is no longer
to consider co-option. The Council
supplying dog bins to the parish and
has thirteen members in total, nine
is removing the seven bins in situ and
representing the north ward and four
replacing with one commingled bin
from the south
opposite the post box in Ham Lane. The parish council will be discussing the
options and taking advice as to the best
The parish council recognises and thanks
way to ensure there is enough provision
the many individuals and groups who
on the well-used dog walking routes.
help foster community cohesion and
As most dog owners responsibly pick
provide much-needed social inclusion
up after their animals the bins are an
events and meetings.
important facility.
The assorted clubs offer a variety of active past times from badminton,
keep fit, line dancing, short mat bowls,
The High-Street beds on the bank have
pilates classes, bowling club, walking
been cut back and weeded and the loose
groups, swimming club alongside the
stones on the pavement on the west side
forever popular football and cricket clubs
of the road have been reinstalled and
and of course bell ringing helps you keep
made safe. The Limes in the Square have
fit too. For a real work out help erect the
had all the shooting branches cut off and
wonderful Christmas lights and join in
the path swept clear of leaves; leaves were
the switching on event, a busy day for all
also swept along the south side of Old
those involved in the hugely successful
Ashford Road. The parish council intends
annual get together.
to continue renovating, maintaining and
The younger generation are well catered
improving the open spaces throughout
for with Parent and Toddlers Group,
the village.
Music Mayhem, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Brownies, Girl Guides, Messy Church and
Sunday School, Youth Club, Ballet and
There is now one vacancy for the south
Dance Schools, working in harmony with
all the facilities offered by the Nursery
informal setting.
School, Primary Schools and Swadelands,
The Lenham Family Festival is always
means there is never a reason to say I’m
keen to encourage parishioners to join
and help organise the popular annual
If you prefer a gentler pace, you can
join the reading group at the well-used
For those of you with an artistic
Lenham Library or play Bridge every
preference, Lenham boasts a thriving
Thursday. For those interested in
Art Group, Sewing and Craft Clubs and if
history and archaeology join the Lenham
you prefer to perform, why not join the
Heritage group. Keeping digging in
Lenham Players?
mind, you could meet with like-minded
The Focus magazine keeps us all
gardeners, who enjoy an occasional day
informed and always welcomes articles.
trip and social evening.
Now, no doubt, I have forgotten a group
The perennial Women’s Institute and
or club, if so, why not write an article and
Royal British Legion groups always
let us know your news!
have interesting activities and offer a warm welcome to new members. New
Margo McFarlane 01622 859682 (Mon –
members are also welcome to join the
Friday 9am to 1pm) hello@lenhamparish.
Young at Heart 60+ and Len Valley
Community Hub, where you have an opportunity to meet up with friends in an
What Can I Do With Unwanted Toys
Toys which are at the end of
their useful life •
Unwanted soft toys, unless they
are new or in as-new condition •
Toys which have suffered
significant damage.
irstly you need to consider
In other words only donate toys in a
which toys should really go in
condition that you yourself would buy.
the rubbish and which can safely
If you have the original packing or
be given away. You should not donate:
manufacturer’s instructions give them
away with the toy.
of the sale. Buyers place bids for these
Secondly you need to decide whether you
goods in the usual way, knowing their
want to donate used toys or make a bit of
money will go to a worthwhile cause.
spare change from selling them.
JumbleAID is another online answer to
The following 10 ideas cover unwanted
your mountainous toy problem – they let
toy donation to worthy causes:
you post adverts for your unwanted toys
1. Donate Toys to Charity Shops
(and other things) online and anyone can
Pop into your local charity shops and ask
pledge a donation for them. It is free and
if they accept second hand toys. Don’t
easy to use and all of the funds raised go
be offended if they don’t because due to
to your chosen charity.
health & safety regulations it often costs
3. Donate Toys to Hospitals
the charity more money (in terms of staff
This is only really appropriate for new
time having to check for loose threads/
toys due to safety/infection concerns
parts/batteries etc) than actually buying
but sometimes we all find toys that our
them brand new. If they will accept your
children received two of or perhaps some
donations do not forget to sign the Gift
that they were not so keen on that never
Aid declaration form, to boost the value
left the box.
of your donation by 28%.
4. Donate Toys to Childrens’ Homes
Charity shops obviously benefit the
Children in homes are typically older
charity they are supporting, be that
so when considering which toys would
children’s charities, medical charities
be suitable go with an average age of
etc. If you would prefer your toys to go
about 14. Find your nearest home using
directly to less fortunate children ideas
a service using an online search to see if
3-11 may be more appealing.
these children could benefit from part of
2. Donate Toys to Charities Online
your unwanted toy stash.
By using the Ebay For Charity initiative,
5. Donate Toys to Women’s Refuges
you can sell your unwanted toys and
Women’s refuges help hundreds of
the proceeds will be sent directly to the
thousands of women and children escape
charity. Items being sold for charity
domestic violence each year. Often
are identified with a distinctive ribbon
they flee their homes leaving all of their
symbol along with a description of the
possession behind. Find the number of
charity that will be receiving the proceeds
your local Domestic Violence service
online through an organisation such as
accept second hand toys.
Women’s Aid, to offer your help through
10. Donating Unwanted Toys to Toy
your used toy donation.
6. Donate Toys To Orphanages Abroad
Toy libraries offer services to local
There are many orphanages, child health
children, families and carers based on
homes and day care centers abroad who
regular toy loan for a nominal fee (and
are in need of toys. Some encourage
sometimes for free). Contact the National
you to send your toys, old and new, to
Association of Toy & Lei-sure Libraries
improve the lives of these children as
online to find a library nearest to you.
well as monetary donations. To find
11. Use The Freecycle Network
addresses of orphanages that do accept
Freecycle is an online network of groups
toy donations, search on Google for “send
that match people who have things they
toys to African orphanages” or “Chinese
want to get rid of with people who can use
orphanages” or something similar and
them. Their goal is to keep usable items
find their donations page. Some only
out of landfills. Find your local group
accept monetary donations but you can
from their website and send the details of
find addresses if you are persistent.
the toy you are offering in an e-mail. All
7. Donate Second Hand Toys to Family
items must be offered for free.
Centres Contact your local Social Services Department to see if they know of any family centres near you that will take and get good use from your second hand toys. 8. Ask Your Local Church If you do not know where to donate toys, ask your local church if they know of families who could benefit from your unwanted toys. 9. Donate Old Toys to Special Needs Schools, Playgroups or Nurseries Find your nearest special needs school, playgroup or nursery and ask if they will
Tanyards Farm by Peter Bailey
(Planning application for 155 houses on farmland East of Lenham village?) Tanyards Farm O’ Tanyards Farm! Loss of your fields does Lenham harm. Aspects from the North Down Cross, When once defiled; A total loss. East of village, special land, Too sensitive to ‘out of hand’ Build houses for a ‘Local Plan’, Rejected by each Lenham man. This planning application means Old Lenham’s left in smithereens! Do WE now ‘give up the plot’ And hand ‘developers’ the lot? Communities can stand so much!! ‘Localism’ views, as such, Can be ignored as planners push To meet the Country’s housing rush. Fight this injustice as a team. Demonstrate, petitions too, MP’s support, ‘objection’ stream, Rejecting this obnoxious brew!
s a m t s i r Ch
More stands, more to do, more room and more people saw Lenham annual lights switch on day this year. A week earlier than usual meant the November weather helped the day along and clearly a good time was had by all. Father Christmas was busy from 1 until 5pm, the horse and carriage provided rides all afternoon. Everyone was entertained by Lenham’s own Holigans, Rochester Singers and Kyla Wight. Thank you to all who helped make it happen on the day. Photos: Singer Kyla Wight surrounded by Harrietsham Amateur Musical Society. Left: Debbie Sharp presented Constance Lamb a seasonal bouquet for switching the Lenham Christmas lights on. Winner of Christmas Window competition: Tracey Smith and her winning team from Sweeney Todd Hairdressing. Bottom photo, some of the crowd on the night! Next year: Sunday 26 November 2017. The person to contact for events on the day is Alan Reading 01622 820841. The deadline is 30 June 2017. Please do not erect stands or stalls without booking space first! There is a plan!!!
Prize Crossword
Across clues
2. One time soviet politician and a type of explosive cocktail (7) 3. Freely. (9) 5. The adoption of increasingly extreme political or religious views. (14) 6. The chief executive official of a city, town or village. (5) 7. Cruel or brutal. (7) 8.To show discontent in a disgruntled way. (6) 9. Plants with religious symbolism. (7,7) 16. Boys two generations from someone. (9) 17. An almond flavoured Italian liqueur. (8) 19. The second largest port in France. (2,5) 21. It describes something that has never been surpassed. (3,4) 22. An outer garment designed to keep the body warm and dry. (6) 24. Writing paper is sometimes this. (5)
1. Archbishop of Canterbury from 1942-1944. (6) 4. Full to overflowing. (8) 10. On which an advertisement may be displayed. (9) 11. A barbarian or thug. (5) 12. Obtains money through force or threat. (7) 13. Made of clay and permanently hardened by heat. (7) 14. A heavy iron object on which to beat metals. (5) 15. Willing or eager to do favours. (8) 18. Extra games arranged to settle ties. (4,4) 20. Disquiet or panic. (5) 23. Shakespearean tragedy. (7) 25. A small child that has just started walking. (7) 26. A gathering of witches. (5) 27. A person who deals with money on a large scale. (9) 28. To take too much of a medicine. (8) 29. A city on Lake Ontario. (6)
12. Expectant. ‘To wait with ….. breath’. (5) 14. Awake and ready. (5) 15. Adolescent spots. (4) 17. Adam’s partner. (3)
Down clues 1. It sits under your plate at meal times. (5,3)
Last month’s winner! Previous winner: Caroline Budgen of Lenham. Please leave your completed crossword entry at Lenham Library on or before the 15th of the month.
and be listed on the site. Visit www.lenhamfocus.co.uk.
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Volume 19 Edition 01 (January 2017) Circulation 2000
and not the publishers. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of the magazine to ensure that they are correct and accurate at the time of printing and the publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions.
Copy Deadline:
5pm 7th of the preceding month. Please leave copy at 24 Maidstone Road, or contact us.
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Focus is Distributed by Volunteers to: Lenham Village, Lenham Heath, Platts Heath, Sandway, West Street, Woodside Green and Warren Street.
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The Focus can forward any complaint directly to an author of any article which a reader finds displeasing in order for them to respond directly. Every reader has the opportunity to a ‘right of reply’ to publish their view in the Focus as long as a name, committee group or organisation is named.
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Published by Lenham Focus
Lenham Focus is published by the Lenham Focus Team. Any opinions expressed are those of the contributors
all sorts of people can be
on-call firefighters
visit www.kent.fire-uk.org/oncall Chailee, 31
Quantity surveyor
Jack, 28
Office administrator Favourite food: Curry
Special skill: Watercolours
Elena, 23
Fashion designer
Yusuf, 47 Teacher
Favourite animal: Cat
Supports: West Ham Utd