Virtual Diva Magazine December 2017

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Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Jena Adder. Thank you so much Jena for all the delighted to share with all of





support. You are just perfect in every single thing


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In Virtual Diva Magazine, we want to give

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we had the pleasure last year to name the Fashion Icon of the Year to our dear Hikaru Enimo, and this year we decided to have six Fashion Icons. We want to say thank you to these talented people for all you do every day in Second Life that keep us inspired. This edition, is also a Christmas one! And so of course, we have for you a lot of Christmas season trends, surprises and articles. Thank you for these past two years and thank you all for believing in this project. Wishing the best for you, your family and friends this Christmas, and only blessings and success for the coming year.

Angels Kristan


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Winter 2017


EDITOR’S LETTER For my first letter as Editor in Chief, I want to recognize the people who made this magazine what it is today. Thank you! You truly are exceptional. You made my first attempt as Editor in Chief a worthwhile experience. This magazine celebrates not only two years of Virtual Diva excellence, but also two years of amazing talent and excellence that is its people.

As I write this note on the last leg of a very special Second Anniversary issue of Virtual Diva Magazine, I think back at the process and all of the fabulous people who got us to the final stretch, those who made this vehicle so worthy of the extra premium gas that was put into it. It is the people and always will be the people: the writers who put in the extra effort to write the perfect article, the photographers who put in the extra hour to make that photo shine brighter than expected, the models who styled so amazingly but were always willing to change whatever was necessary to fulfill the goal of the shoot, and everyone who showed us so much respect and patience as we powered through all that was needed to get it done.


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

In this Second Anniversary issue, we interview six Fashion Icons of 2017, starting with Thalia Heckroth on the cover, June Monteiro, Hikaru Enimo, Skip Staheli, AdonisLubomir and Euridice Qork all featured inside. Milla Crumb showcases her Must Haves in Winter Activewear, The Fantasy Angels style up (or should I say bundle up) in attire inspired by Winter’s Fury, Jee Crazyboi writes about the lack of High Fashion in SL, Shantal Gravois shows us how different cultures celebrate Christmas in style, a congratulatory message to the winner of MISTER SL 2018 Tony Lee Heron, and we showcase the magnificent stylings from October’s “Heaven Can Wait” Show by The Fantasy Angels. This and so much more. Enjoy the read. Thank you Angels Kristan for the opportunity to work with you and your phenomenal team. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Jena Adder Editor in Chief

WINTER 2017 STAFF Publisher Angels Kristan

Models/Stylists in this issue

Editor in Chief Jena Adder

Ahn Avion, Amity Sorbet,

Graphic Design Angels Kristan

Caesar Langer, Daneen Sands,

Fashion Editor Shantal Gravois

Danity Mynx, Federica Galtier,

Marketing Jena Adder, Saddii

Juwel Innovia, Khronoz, Geoffrey


Firehawk, Jaily Bailey, Indigo Avonside,

Angels Kristan, AriannaJasmine,

Jamee Sandalwood, Leezah Kaddour, Lua

Jena Adder, Maya-el Kusumah,

Vendetta, LukaBenton, Milla Crumb,

Sarahelisebeth Brenham, Shantal Gravois

Misoindite Romano, Morgan Whitfield,

Contributing Writer Jee Crazyboi

Njegovanka, Roxaane Fyanucci,


SaianSamuel, Sydney Ashbourne,

Angels Kristan, Caesar Langer,

Tryska Moon

Lessthen Zero, Maya-el Kusumah, Milla Crumb, Shantal Gravois,

Virtual Diva Models

Susanne Drechsler, Valeria Endrizzi

The Fantasy Angels

©2017, Virtual Diva Magazine. All rights reserved. Second Life™ is a registered trademark of Linden Research, Inc. No infringement is intended.

Winter 2017


winter furry

heaven can wait

CONT where sl takeS us...


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

cover story fashion icons 2017


fashion trends

bloggers of the month

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Each year the Virtual Diva Magazine team sets out to find FASHION ICONS who have made a noticeable impact in Second Life fashion. We look for people who are well known in the industry for their creativity, growth, ability to innovate and inspire, and their tireless efforts to bring awareness to the incredible talents of others in SL. They are business savvy, charitable and very important to the economy on SL. This year we’ve chosen six talented individuals who are business owners, fashion designers, bloggers, models, photographers, educators and professionals in the fashion business. FASHION ICONS FOR 2017 are:

Thalia Heckroth June Monteiro (jumofashion) AdonisLubomir Hikaru Enimo Skip Staheli Euridice Qork


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Owner & Designer - Thalia Heckroth Thalia Heckroth Main Store


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

THALIA HECKROTH Tell us about your start in Second Llife fashion. My initial creative outlet in Second Life was photography, but over time I came to admire the work of many talented and artistic clothing designers and felt inspired to try my hand at content creation. It was a steep learning curve to begin with, but once I found my feet with it I couldn’t stop! What motivates and inspires you to do what you do on SL? For me, it’s a feeling of intense satisfaction when an idea in my mind manifests itself in reality. It’s an experience that is almost addictive, and really motivates you to make each piece more exciting and innovative than the last. Who were the people who influenced you or played an important role (professionally and personally) to get you where you are now? Ison (Harry Hyx), Deadwool (Masa Plympton), Murray (Herve

Faenzo). They all played an enormous role in shaping my approach to creation. Their work has always been and continues to be impeccable, with forwardthinking ideas and flawless execution. In the beginning, I knew that if I could reach anywhere near that level, I was on the right track. Describe three special moments in your long journey that had a profound impact on the choices you make today. My top special moment was making my first piece of clothing. It was far below the standard I’d expect from myself now, but I look back at it with intensely fond memories and appreciation. Second, receiving my first review on the Marketplace. It was a really complimentary and thoughtful comment, but I think I’d even have been grateful if it was critical. It was just wonderful to have some feedback from the community on something I’d worked long and hard on. Third, opening my

Winter 2017



I always strive to make the best content I possibly can, but it’s easy to become your own worst enemy at times and be highly critical of your own work. mainstore. It’s a momentous occasion opening the doors to your very own store. Having all your efforts out in full display is both a nerve wracking and highly rewarding experience. Tell us about three of the challenges you faced as a professional in SL fashion and how you overcame them. My main issue is secondguessing myself. I always strive to make the best content I possibly can, but it’s easy to become your own worst enemy at times and be highly critical of your own work. I try my best to overcome any doubts I have in my ability! I prefer to work under my


own terms and time-limits, which make it hard for me to get involved in most events. It’s where a lot of the money in SL goes nowadays, so it means I have to really push the boundaries to compete. But I’m someone who doesn’t mind a challenge! Criticism from others about your work can be quite hurtful. Even if people come from a constructive place, it can be hard to take comments objectively sometimes. After all, your items are like your babies! You’ve nurtured and brought them up from nothing, so it can be tough hearing any negativity. That said, I am always grateful to my customers for any and all feedback I receive. I strive to

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

always improve. When you aren’t working, what are three of your favourite things to do on SL? I love spending time with some of the wonderful friends I’ve made in world, many of those people are fellow creators who have helped me in various ways throughout the years. I also enjoy expressing myself through my avatar. Experimenting with bold new looks is a wonderful way to pass the time. A real passion is photography. It’s a wonderful feeling being able to capture a moment that has significance for you. Most of my images reflect my mood and the things I’m experiencing in my life.

Who are some of YOUR favourite fashion icons on SL? Ison, Deadwool, Murray, Tetra, Maitreya. What three things do you have on your WISH LIST that you want improved on SL? Three things on my wish list are: Less lag. It’s no doubt an unrealistic expectation, but who doesn’t want this? 2) A way to easily fit clothing to all the various mesh bodies in SL! I’d love to cater for all body types, but I’d never have the time to release if I tried to! 3) A more streamlined upload process. Some of my more complex creations require some tweaking before I can even bring them in-world!

Winter 2017



Fashion Model “Apprentice of everything, and teacher of nothing” Euridice’s Flickr


Tell us about your start in Second Life fashion. It was something that I was not looking for, or maybe yes...I think everybody who likes fashion dreams of being a model. When I discover SL, in the beginning I thought there was only role play sims and stores. Then, I found a great RL friend, Karessa Karas, who played SL too, and she took me to all the stores she knew. I was mesmerized with all the creativity inworld. Thanks to her I discovered that SL was more than sex, role play and stores.

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

I was looking for a store once and a guy IMed me asking me if I was a model. I said to him that this was not a very original way to flirt. He told me that was not his intention—I looked like a model and he was a modeling student. He suggested to me an academy. I was surprised because I didn’t even know there were modeling academies in SL. In that time, I was very happy learning about building and creating my forest and a Mayan jungle with all detail...and of course breeding horses. But the


conversation with that guy stuck round in my mind, so I decided to contact that school. I remember the name: Next Generation Modeling Academy, the owner was Falbala Fairey. I started my walk through this world with Falbala. Then I was so fascinated by this work that I continued my training at three other academies. I was a model for great agencies at that time, but someone told me that contests were the best place to continue learning. I don’t have a crown, but what I lived and learned in each

contest, the people I met were my best reward. Now, I like to share (better than teach) all those experiences with other people who are willing to be a model, a stylist. I am conscious of not being the owner of the absolute truth in the world of fashion in SL, but I continue to learn day after day. It moves very fast and changes every day. What motivates and inspires you to do what you do on SL? The desire of learning and doing new things and the desire of

being better than I was yesterday motivates me. Who were the people who influenced you or played an important role (professionally and personally) to get you where you are now? I’ve had a lot of good and great influences in the fashion world in SL: Falbala Fairey, Wicca Merlin, Draakje Dailey, Ava Jhamin, Mimmi Boa, Ponchituti Boucher, Locuala Madruga, Algezares Magic. Some of them were my teachers in different

Winter 2017


FASHION ICONS 2017 The very first one was my first graduation where I didn’t make it. I learnt that this world is not easy, that I could find more “no” than “yes” and it forced me to work harder. The second one has happened to me several times, which is to notice that anyone has something to teach you. We learn in SL every day, not only on things related to fashion. The third one and the most important was learn to hear and take the advices given to you by people who can help you, no matter if they know more than you or not. You’ll never know who can give you a big help. Tell us about three of the challenges you faced as a professional in SL fashion and how you have overcome them. Every step I’ve done in my career has been a challenge. In the beginning because I was too classy, I was reluctant to change. It was a big challenge for me to face that change, and I was really lucky to have near me the correct people that helped me in all my path.

In the past, I loved to spend time with my friends, doing nothing and just talking or going anywhere, or... shopping!!!! Now, unfortunately, my RL doesn’t allow me to be in SL as much as I used to be, so now I am in SL just for work. Who are some of YOUR favourite fashion icons on SL? Ohhh! I have a lot. Let me put in alpha order...some of them are no longer active: AnnaG Pfeffer, Beatrice Serendipity, Diconay Boa, Draakje Dailey, Locuala Madruga, Memole Gia, Ponchituti Boucher, Wicca Merlin, and I am sure I forget a lot of them. What three things do you have on your WISH LIST that you want improved on SL. I do not have a wish list for that. I just hope that we can have SL for a long time. The things that I would love to improve in SL come from RL and we can’t change that.

When you aren’t working, what are three of your favourite things to do on SL?

...learn to hear and take the advices given to you by people who can help you, no matter if they know more than you or not. 26

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



HIKARU ENIMO Editor-In-Chief, L’Homme Magazine SL Model/Photographer/Stylist/Blogger [Gabriel Store/Blogger Manager] [Gizza Blogger Manager] [ReaEvil Blogger Manager]


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Hikaru’s Website Hikaru’s Flickr Hickaru’s Facebook

L’Homme Magazine Website L’Homme Magazine Facebook

L’Homme Magazine to provide a platform to keep the men inspired and informed on current trends in male fashion... Tell us about your start in Second Life fashion. In 2010, I made my Second Life account and I met so many talented and creative individuals, many of whom are in the fashion industry. Very soon I started modeling, on the runway and in print. I became an active model on the runway with a lot of agencies, some of which include BLVD Agency, AVENUE Models, Dream Seeker Production, BeStyle District Agency, Opium Evolution, Look Elite Model, Asymetrique Models, ELEGANCIA Agency and Passion - The Fashion Agency. I was also a print model for Too Sexy Magazine and male stylist for ICON Lifestyle Magazine. I was photographer and stylist for AVENUE Magazine at that time too. My blogging for Costa Rica, BeStyle and KMADD, possibly garnered some good attention for me as I was soon voted the Costa Rica Sims Production Top Model of the year in 2011 and Costa Roca SL Hottest Bachelor in the year 2011. The timing was then perfect for me to take on a further challenge upon myself to join the Mister Virtual

World 2012, which gained me the finalist title MR. VIRTUAL ♛ NORWAY 2012 and from there on, the string of events within one year, lead to my career in Second Life Fashion Industry to continue on and I got to learn more and have been fortunate to work with many many talented creative people in the industry! I had an amazing time , it was a great start! What motivates and inspires you to do what you do on SL? My motivation started as a challenge on myself to improve my own styling and modeling to higher levels, and to meet more people with the same interests in the fashion industry. This motivation has grown and developed into my main goal and vision for my magazine, L’Homme Magazine SL, and that is to provide a platform to keep the men inspired and informed on current trends in male fashion across the grid. It also provide male models with an opportunity to showcase their styling abilities, and we hope it keeps our very talented pool of Designers inspired to create even more male fashion and products

geared towards men!! We have also recently launched and presented our inaugural L’Homme Magazine Fashion Show, produced by Miss SL Agency, a day after the publication of our 4th November 2017 issue! If you did not catch it live, you are most welcomed to watch the live video we have made by Belle ( GLKzcq). Hope you can join us for our following fashion shows!! Who were the people who influenced you or played an important role (professionally and personally) to get you where you are now? My interest and curiosity of the Fashion World took me to the right places as I explored Second Life, and I was fortunate to meet the right people who pushed me beyond the interest level and into a proper career too. To date I am still humbled and grateful to have met these awesome talents who chose to give me the attention and help, and point me to the right direction. I would also say the time and effort I had invested into my foundation in the fashion industry gave me the strength

Winter 2017


FASHION ICONS 2017 and knowledge to my successful career. Right from the beginning, I went to three academies to learn as much as I can: Opium Academy, Miss Virtual World Modeling Academy, and Avenue Academy. I learned how to pose, walk and style—this helped me to enhance my personal style and evolve with time. That was a start and I continue to learn. Describe three special moments in your long journey that had a profound impact on the choices you make today. The first special moment would be the one nudge that made me step forward into the fashion world in Second Life. I was like many residents, exploring Second Life from sim to sim, events after another. I find myself dressing up for clubbing and attending fashion events and getting to know more fashion people, which piqued my interest in the fashion industry. That very first opportunity given to me to model had sparked a career that continues to be my main passion in Second Life. This second special moment gives me the confidence to step beyond my comfort zone and dare to


take on new challenges, experience new things, and hold true to my passion towards a vibrant Second Life mens fashion. In 2013, I was given the reigns of a wellestablished Men’s Magazine in Second Life, L’Homme Magazine SL. After careful deliberation I accepted, and with my team, in August 2014 launched a fresh new look of the magazine. I was still very active as a runway and print model and blogger, and I took on this project partly to prove to the naysayers that I could do it. Beyond that it rekindled my passion for my work to a broader scope in the fashion industry. To date I am Editor-In-Chief of L’Homme Magazine SL, working closely with the best designers, photographers, models and stylists to create the Top Male Magazine with a current readers base of more than 14000 in-world group members. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. The third special moment was like an intervention to remind me I can slow down and be more selective in my activities, I was hospitalised. Life is short and precious, and to have another -- a Second Life to go home to each day, after work in first life, we

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

should enjoy it and make the most of it. It reminded me to focus on enjoying the interactions with the many people in my life and to enjoy the vast array of things we can learn in our virtual world, and not to allow any negativity ruin our progress and creativity. Tell us about three of the challenges you faced as a professional in SL fashion and how you have overcome them. One main challenge is that my timezone makes for quite a rough struggle to attend most events in Second Life. It has come to a point where it is no longer clear if I was a fortunate insomniac adept or an insomniac fortunate in finding the right platform to spend time in. When I commit to join a runway show I will be there. Power-naps is my answer! Another challenge is learning to handle public attention, both positive and negative. Some view the people who appear in the limelight as self-proclaimed famous, making a big deal out of virtual ‘play-activity’. In truth, a lot of the events and activities in Second Life are as

real if not more intensely so compared to First-Life work. We put in the time and effort, and real money, to create and contribute to keep our virtual world alive with events and shows, and it is a very real platform open for the artist in each and every resident to express their creativity. A third challenge worth a mention is how to say “No” or to give a truthful opinion with no sugar-coating and no fear of offending a client or show organiser, or just about anyone, when you know what will work better for the show or photoshoot. Fortunately, most are happy to work together and exchange ideas. When you aren’t working, what are three of your favourite things to do on SL? As you may realise, I am now married with Marcus Lefevre - Enimo, Owner and founder of MISS SL Organization, and there is so much we both do on Second Life, be it our own events or attending and supporting others, that what little time we have when not working, I will want to have some qualitytime with him. I am always working, but over the years I’ve somehow naturally weave in some fun

times with friends to go along with my busy schedule. Many of my friends and family understand that I may be partying with them and at the same time work could just happen, but we still enjoy some time together. Another favourite thing to do, always will be a favourite thing, you should guess it by now, shopping. I love it when I see more quality products available at events and shops and I enjoy discovering new creative designers too. I am glad we still have a good talent pool who continues to create in our Second Life. Who are some of YOUR favourite fashion icons on SL? There are so many designers, photographers, bloggers, models and stylists, that I look up to as all fashion icons on Second Life. Some of whom I get to work with more often and a few more closely as I am their designated Blogger Manager or Store Manager, like Takuya Jinn of ::GABRIEL:: , Giz Seorn of GIZ SEORN, and

Crashnoww of RealEvil Industries. What three things do you have on your WISH LIST that you want improved on SL. Second Life is still up and running which is a good thing in itself, and it continues to improve and evolve. I am thankful for having access to this versatile virtual platform. I wish something can be done to get rid of lag and crashes for everyone to enjoy the shows and events in Second Life without having to compromise on visual quality. It is sad and does not make sense to hear someone having to derender half the room to be at a party. I am a blogger and I shop a lot too, which means my inventory count very quickly accumulates over time. Should outfit sets have an inventory count at all? Sometimes I wish for a right-click to ‘repack’ items in inventory! It could be more pleasant to get random ‘sticker’ than a random “hello” message that ends in awkward silence!

Winter 2017



Fashion Designer and Owner of JUMO Luxury Fashion House JUMO Main Store JUMO Flickr


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue


Tell us about your start in Second Life fashion. I started in SL in 2013. I came from another game where I already worked as a designer, but I was surprised by Second Life and how the fashion world seems so strong here. I’ve tried to get a job at big brands (haha) success! My avatar was very new and people did not trust that someone so young in SL could give “good fruit”. The second option was to start my shop by myself. I tried to read and watched many tutorials because I did not know how to rezz objects (hahaha). What motivates and inspires you to do what you do on SL? I’ve always worked with fashion all my real life, could not be different here. But what attracts me and stimulates me in fashion is that you can “be” whatever you want. I mean, fashion is the greatest form of human expression….after all, you wear what you are, even if you do not like fashion. But SL has

something more, a PLUS that you can not only be what you want, but it can be anything you imagine. It makes the job of any designer challenging, seductive...and that’s what inspires me! Who were the people who influenced you or played an important role (professionally and personally) to get you where you are now? In SL I had great and wonderful designers that I always followed and admired, and some that I reverence til today, like Mimi Juneau, Giz Seorn, Mami Jewel, Saby Clary, Mohna Lisa...among others. But the people who helped me are perhaps less famous in some cases. They represent a lot to me, people who believed not in what I was, but in what I could become. They gave me support, helped me and taught me a lot. People such as Nice Wildrose, my sister’s soul and partner, Lady Luy’s friend and companion, Yeriakth Couturier, Lolita Paragorn, Jasmine Hera, Madeleine Zenfold, Cherry

Winter 2017


FASHION ICONS 2017 Christa Ravinelli. I do not want to forget to mention anyone. Thank God I have a wonderful team who has been with me since I started. I love all of them and thank God for the presence of each one in my life. Describe three special moments in your long journey that had a profound impact on the choices you make today. When I entered my first big event, that was amazing. I had never seen so many famous people in front of me (hahaha), and the supermodels were parading for me...that was wonderful and exiting! That’s when I met Fuzz Lennie and Nice Wildrose. The second highlight was when I met Mimi Juneau

(Mimi’s Choice). She was and still is one of my Fashion icons. She gave me the generous opportunity to be in her mall amongst big brands. The third moment was a watershed in my life in SL. I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Zuri Rayna from Zuri Jewelry, a great jewelry professional who, with her enormous generosity, taught me much more than I expected. She is always incredible since that time until now. Tell us about three of the challenges you faced as a professional in SL fashion and how you have overcome them. (Laughs) The challenges are daily, there is no rest in SL. You are challenged to learn a new thing every day! But

one of the hardest things I had to learn was modeling in Blender. This was a challenge in SL and RL. I only got it because of the support of my husband, who insisted that I would get it! Another difficult thing I had to overcome was the language. English was always very difficult for me, it still is, but I think I lost the fear of making mistakes and I’m getting myself understood (haha), even with many mistakes, but I still learn. When you aren’t working, what are three of your favourite things to do on SL? I love shopping, photography and dancing! Who are some of YOUR favourite fashion icons on SL? OMG this is super hard because my list is too long

When I entered my first big event, that was amazing. I had never seen so many famous people in front of me...


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

(hahaha). DOUX, MULLOY, Murray, Pixicat, Tres Blah, Ryvolter, Death Dolls, Masoom, Giz Seorn, Blueberry, Gabriel, Virtual Diva, L´Etre, AZOURY, Boudoir, FOXCITY, Ison, list is huge and will take weeks to mention all of them! What three things do you have on your WISH LIST that you want improved on SL. My original mesh jewelry, my original clothes for mesh bodies, my photo.



Founder & Owner of Swank Events SWANK EVENTS


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

ADONIS LUBOMIR Tell us about your start in Second Life fashion. Years ago I met some wonderful friends that later became family to me. The entire family was involved in fashion and modeling. This was a great experience and learning curve I’m for always grateful. What motivates and inspires you to do what you do on SL? I loved to model and in doing so, I met wonderful designers and other models, bloggers, instructors. The entire industry and everyone involved was amazing, but also influenced and manipulated. I wanted to be more involved and have more of a role then modeling. I wanted to work closer with the designers and bringing something together that represented the designers and customers both. A place where designers and customers have choices that they make not the industry. We had sales events in SL, but so much that could be done

better. I wanted to do it better and with that came Swank Events— Quality Products from names we may or may not know but for sure find something to love about each one, presented in a setting and style that’s easy to shop and enjoy the experience, and where all designers are hand picked for quality and creative abilities and never just on brand. We will never be just another sales event. Just like this December round, we have an entire Winter Wonderland to explore and designers set gifts all over the land to find. We love bringing that together for everyone. Who were the people who influenced you or played an important role (professionally and personally) to get you where you are now? There are so many to mention and not fair to mention just one or two. So many showed so much support and encouragement, and you all know who you are and how

Winter 2017


FASHION ICONS 2017 important you have been to me, but Journey and Aella from PRISM really helped me take a thought and manifest it into something real. The hard work and dedication of these friends are unimaginable. I’m grateful beyond words can ever express. Describe three special moments in your long journey that had a profound impact on the choices you make today. When you run a large sales event of this size for as long as I have, you get to know so many people and all of them bring a profound impact to the choices I make every day. It’s not just work, we play, we are friends, we are family, we impact each others lives and touch each others hearts. These are special moments that are gifts that keep on giving every day.

Tell us about three of the challenges you faced as a professional in SL fashion and how you have overcome them. As the old saying goes, if you have nothing good to say then don’t say anything at all. I will say that in every heavenly beautiful vibrant garden there is at least one snake in the grass and always the need to keep an eye on diseases that destroys your beautiful work. Be always aware and you never stop creating that special place around you and in your heart. When you aren’t working, what are three of your favourite things to do on SL? Top most thing is to spend quality time with those that matter to me most, with that I keep my SL and RL very personal. As much as I would love to share my personal experiences, I’ve learned that

I’m not here for anyone elses entertainment in that regard. Second, is reaching out to those you don’t get to smile to every day and let them know you think of them. Third, I always hear who’s struggling with what and how can I help lessen those struggles. Who are some of YOUR favourite fashion icons on SL? Well...lets see. I run a sales event so about 150 of them (wink). What three things do you have on your WISH LIST that you want improved on SL? RL is so hard as it is in politics and government and influential people of wealth that the little guys are diminished. I wish SL could be a place where you can drop the politics and not praise the influentials for wealth because what you praise is actually manipulating

When you run a large sales event of this size for as long as I have, you get to know so many people and all of them bring a profound impact to the choices I make...


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

you and you don’t see it. A virtual world to work and play on common ground. Drop the power, control and manipulation game and support whoever and whatever anyone wants to do and be. Drop the Real and live the DREAM! We give power and we give control in RL every day and when you give it you lose it for yourself. In SL I wish more people realize that in this world you don’t have to give it, but that you can take it back! Live your Virtual World. Enjoy the freedom of being the Kings and Queens of what’s in your hearts without judgment!

Winter 2017



...gain inspiration from other artists, but NEVER copy. You best always stay close to yourself and make sure you have your own signature.

SL Photographer Skip’s Flickr


Can you tell us about how you decided to become a photographer in SL and what was your inspiration to do so? In fact I never decided I “wanted” to be a photographer. In 2007, I just started to do pictures for friends, just for fun, and soon their friends also wanted pics... etc etc, and like a snowball it grew bigger and bigger. Before I knew, it seemed I was a photographer!

special you see as the vision comes to mind. Most of the time, I make work for clients, so I listen to their wish, to their story. Often they give me an example picture, a poem to read, or a Youtube video as inspiration. Also I like to chat some with them during the shoot so I can feel their personality a little. That helps me when I start editing in Photoshop.

What goes through your mind when you are doing your photography—what are you looking for in your visions? There must be something

Did you find it a challenge to get started? What would you say was the hardest part of beginning to get your name out there within SL?

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

SKIP STAHELI Yeah...well I know many people struggle to find their spot and get their name on the map in SL. To be honest, it never was hard for me. Probably I started at the right moment and fell in hands of the right people...I don’t know. It went all very natural and very fast, and it was a busy business right from the start. If you could offer advice to our readers, what would you tell the Photographer who is just starting out in this industry— what would they need to consider when starting to reach for their vision and goals?

As I look back 10 years ago, in my beginning time, I was all the time making work just for fun for friends. Also I did loads of Pile Ups on Flickr, which is a fantastic way to practice your creativity. Keep playing, trying, failing, falling and stand up again—create with your heart. Always be kind and supportive to others and fellow photographers. In the first years I started with a fee, almost for free (truly! LOL). I created five photo packages for 1500L$ (LOL), so start small and give it time. Also Rome wasn’t built over one night. Also important, gain inspiration from other artists, but NEVER copy.

You best always stay close to yourself and make sure you have your own signature. Tell us about one of the most impactful pictures you’ve made and why it has such an impact? Hmm...I think that is the picture I created the other year for my wife. Why? Well that’s a very personal story. It’s about her loss and my feelings for her: https:// N05/30740715484/in/dateposted-

Winter 2017



Lolita Paragon


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Daneen Sands


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Nikita Daviau


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Joys Cuttita


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Lory Novo


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Must Have!


Models Milla Crumb & Jena Adder Written by Jena Adder / Photographed by Milla Crumb

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue


he best way to beat the winter blues is to get outside and get active. Some of the most fun sporty activities are done in the winter, and with that comes cool activewear to appease the fashionista in all of us. Spending time with friends during the chilly months is sure to warm the hearts and provide memories that last forever.

AR Winter 2017


STYLE CREDITS - JENA Jumpsuit: Blueberry - Daisy Jumpsuit (Cloud) Sweater: Cynful - Fuzzy Cardigan (White) Skates: Pink Pearl Designs - Star Girl Ice Skates Scarf: Sin & Virtue Fashion Store - Knitted Scarf Hair: ICONIC - Harlow (Tonal) at ON9 Dec2017


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

STYLE CREDITS - MILLA Sweater: Poeme - Chaleur Sweater (Spruce) Skates: Pink Pearl Designs - Star Girl Ice Skates Makeup: MK Le Dolls by Alge’s Designs Animated Gentleman Snowman (v2.3) - Challis Production

Winter 2017


Ice Ska Jena and Milla made the most of their afternoon together by taking advantage of the beautiful snow-covered sim at Ghee where they skated around the huge ice rink, had a few snowball fights, and even posed for a quick selfie with Frosty himself. Their musthave jumpsuits, sweaters and skates were specially hand picked for an outdoor activity 74

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

ating STYLE CREDITS - MILLA Skates: Pink Pearl Designs - Star Girl Ice Skates Hair: Tableau Vivant - My Day @ Gym Makeup: MK Le Dolls by Alge’s Designs

Winter 2017




Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

arding S

nowboarding down the mountains isn’t for amateurs. Milla is well prepared for such a feat in her warm must-have ski jacket, snow boots, beanie and earmuffs. This outdoor activity is meant for those who like to take risks on the slopes. You can go as high or as low as you want, and maybe even show off some of those tricks you learned, such as frontside and backside, flips, grabs, slides, stalls

STYLE CREDITS - MILLA Jacket: Ghee Jacket Marina Pants: Asteria “Ava” Baggy Pants (Black) Scarf: Ghee Essential Winter Knit Scarf w HUD Hair: Nutmeg & Entwined. - Cameron Hair Makeup: MK Le Dolls by Alge’s Designs Boots: FLite. A-Solo Snow Boots (Cheetah) Snowboard: SUR - Paint the Stars Snowboard

Winter 2017




Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue



aydreams of weekend getaways to the slopes is now a reality for Milla. Her must haves for her mountain top adventure include a warm coat, corduroy pants, hat and mitts, snug booties and of course skis. Facing the wintry conditions isn’t an issue for Milla as she swoops down the slippery slopes with confidence. She loves going outside in the winter and doing fun, sporty activities like this. Now if only she can master her 360 full rotation, she’d be WINNING! STYLE CREDITS - MILLA Coat: Ghee Puffa Coat Pants: Ghee Fall17 Jumbo Cords Pants Beanie: Rebellion “Venom” Beanie Mitts: Ghee Cream Cable Knit Mittens Boots: Ghee Snug Bootie Hair: EMO-tions *Anna 2.0* Glasses: Kryptonix Goggles Skis: Aeon Ski Stick Board and Poses

To the readers of Virtual Diva Magazine, thank you for an incredible year and for checking out my Must Haves. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Winter 2017


Winter’s furry featuring

The Fantasy Angels


inter, for many, can unleash some of the harshest weather on the planet: blinding snowstorms, unrelenting winds, blistering cold temperatures, and lakes and rivers that transform into sheets of ice, giving life to incredible winter wonderlands and breathtaking sceneries. On the following pages, the Fantasy Angels capture the elements and beauty in stylings inspired by Winter’s Fury.


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Saiansamuel & Caesar Langer


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Photographer: Caesar Langer SAIAN’S STYLE CREDITS: Top: Codex - Ulysses shoulder Pants: Girld - Skinny pants Boots: Roc - Combat boots Wings: Yokai - Ice kingdom Bracelets: RealEvil - Ikal Claws: RealEvil - Savage Claws & Rings Eyapatch: Finesmith - Frost Explosion eye decor Hair: Damselfly - Daxter Beard: Aii - Tintable Beard CAESAR’S STYLE CREDITS: Jacket: Gabriel - Offshoulder Fur Torso Wraps: Gabriel - Cross Body Belt Pants: Diram - Kanye Pants Boots: Just Design - Apache Wings: Acios - Angel of Winter WIngs Headdress: PurpleMoon - Ice Queen Crown Necklace: Enfant Terrible - Moonchild Makeup: Arte - Frost Mask Hair: Tableu Vivant - Victor

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Danity Mynx Photographer: Maya el Kusumah (Syataha) STYLE CREDITS: Top & Skirt: Gulabi - Sitara Coat: Moon Elixer - Sultry Fur Coat Shoes: Breathe - Nanami Heels Wings: Lyrical Bizarre - Holly Wings Hair: Tableau Vivant - Tempest Headpiece: PurpleMoo - Ice Queen Antlers and Crown Necklace: PurpleMoon - Ice Blast Neckpiece Body Glitter: EVE - Body Glitter Makeup: Alaskametro - Aquatica Eyebrows: Mad - Plumes Brows

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Juwel Innovia Photographer: Maya el Kusumah (Syataha) STYLE CREDITS: Lashes: The Annex - Snow Queen Lingerie: ViSion - Lingerie Alessa Earrings: The Annex - Snow Queen Pearl Gloves: Masoom - Claire Wings, Headpiece & Leg Ribbons: Astralia - Winter Solstice Fur: NOCHE - Paris Off Shoulder Hair: Tableau Vivant - Hairplay Front Blow Leg Chain: PerveTTe - Lovely Applier & Makeup Eyes: Glam Affair Applier Geer Lipstick: Glam Affair Makeup Bento

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Khronoz Photographer: Maya el Kusumah (Syataha) STYLE CREDITS: Fur Stole: CX - Cuffed Stole - Snow Fox Fur Gold Armor: Gabriel - Shoulder Armor Hair: Burley - Matt Gloves: ContraptioN - The Saboteur’s Gloves II Leggings: Riot - Syrio Men’s Leggings

Boots: Gabriel - Armor Boots Wings: #1 Blueberry - Iconic Doll - Wings - Gold / RARE #2 Blueberry - Angelberry - Wings - Pure / RARE

Winter 2017


Jaily Bailey Photographer: Susanne Drechsler STYLE CREDITS: Fur: Enfant Terrible - Vintage Girl Fur shoulder and Hip Furs (Brown) - edited by model Boots: Oh Pair - Dahlia Boots Hair: Wasabi Pills - Veronica (Powder) Necklace, Bracelet and Earrings: Chop Zuey - Nitty Ka LODE - Thorns and Grace - Dark Wings: NSP - Phoenix Rising Angelic Flyer Nails: CAZIMI - Foliage Ears: Mandala - Steking Ears Elf Makeup: Izzie’s - Evening Glitter Eyeshadow Studio Exposure - Coolgirl Lipglossy Studio Exposure - Hug MeDiva Lipglossy Virtual Magazine/Special 94


Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Geoffrey Firehawk Photographer: Susanne Drechsler STYLE CREDITS: Shirt: Gabriel - Gladiator Long Shirt (White) Pants: Gabriel - Gladiator (White) Fur: Gabriel - Gladiator Shoulder Fur (White RARE) Hair: Tableau Vivant - Mon hair (Black + Whites) Beard: Nivaro - Applier Beards (BigNFull) Tattoo: Apocalyptic Tattoo - Wolf Tattoo Bracelet: Mandala Sinra2 Bracelet Set/Silver Moon Headpiece: PurpleMoon - Ice Queen Crown Wings: INU-YA - Whitewings Eyes: IKON - Odyssey Eyes (Wight) Makeup: Zibska - Alviss

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Indigo Avonside Photographer: Valeria Endrizzi STYLE CREDITS: Dress: !gO! - Luci dress / .aisling. Velasco Headdress: C L A Vv. - Shattered Angel - Antlers RARE Wings: C L A Vv. - Shattered Angel - Wings RARE Eyes: CURELESS [+] - Collyrium Eyes (Silver) Shoes: N-core - Alyssa for Maitreya Lara Hair: Tableau Vivant - Aeolian (B+W) Jewelry: The Annex - Winter Queen Gacha - Cuff & Earrings Skin: irrISIStible - Ice Queen Mesh Skin

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Jamee Sandalwood Photographer: Valeria Endrizzi STYLE CREDITS: Bikini: Gulabi - Sitara Skirt and Top in Water Stole: Fame Femme - Merlin Fur Stole 04 Choker: Gulabi - Sitara Choker Necklace: Real Evil Industries - Cora Necklace Gloves: Wuzan iGu - LW Gloves Maitreya Boots: Pink Pearl Designs - In The Zone thigh High Ugg Boots Headpiece: Aisling - Savage Winter Crown Headpiece Wings: Finesmith - Ice Angel Lipstick: Shiny Stuffs - I Feel Pretty Appliers Lashes: Euphoric - Luxury Lashes Applier Catwa

Winter 2017


Lua Vendetta Photographer: Valeria Endrizzi STYLE CREDITS: Top, Boots & Cape: irrISIStible - Ice Queen Mesh Bodice Hair: Tableau Vivant - Aeolian Hair Wings: Miracles Wings Antlers & Crown: PurpleMoon - Ice Queen Jewelry: ChopZuey - Snow Dance Earrings & Necklace Makeup: Zibska Dafne and Zibska Tonia Nails: LUNA - Body Art - Glittery Xmas - Maitreya Nails HUD


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue


Written by Jena Adder Official Photo By Hikaru Enimo, MISS SL Organization Congratulations to MR SL UK 2018 Tony Lee Heron (Dragonguyuk), WINNER of the MR SL 2018 Pageant. Tony represented the United Kingdom with impeccable grace and style, and competed against ten very talented stylists and fellow candidates in the Finale on Saturday, November 18, 2017. As they took the stage to await the final decision, the top three candidates were chosen with Tony coming out on top with the crown. Congratulations also to First Runner Up MR SL Spain 2018, Catalino Karsin (Cataligna90), and Second Runner Up MR SL Ecuador 2018, Emilio Cordewa (Mishi2223). Get all of the highlights and results on the MISS SL website. In his busy schedule, I was lucky to catch Tony for a quick chat about his journey during the competition. “I learned three things after I received feedback from the judges: poses and following the stories behind the challenges are so important, Researching the challenge task, and finding something that makes you think outside of the

box with your styling is very useful.” He adds, “One of my family members gave me an advice: be yourself and boost confidence with each challenge.” I asked Tony to talk about the people in his professional and private life who were inspirational to him and encouraged him to reach for the top. He thanked many of those people in a heartfelt and lengthy Facebook post after the final show, but for our chat he mentioned one person in particular who left a profound impression on him. “Saian Aristocrat Langer (MR SL 2016) was truly inspiring because I got to see him walk some of the runway shows—he is an amazing model.” He says, “I also attended his workshop at MR SL Pageant and learned some tips from him.” It’s clear that Tony values the advice and experience of those before him, and that has undoubtedly worked in his favor. It’s well reported by some men how challenging it can be to find the range of opportunities in fashion that is so widely available to women on SL. It’s

nice to see that the number of competitions for men have increased in recent years, so I asked Tony what advice he would give to guys who want to compete and what it takes to succeed in competitions like MR SL. “I am happy to give advice to guys if they want to enter MR SL next year. Remember, if you are creative and artistic with your amazing styling, I believe you can do it!” He adds, “Make a big impression on the judges.” Tony joined the cast of The Fantasy Angels (TFA) in September this year, and as COO of TFA, I was very happy to see one of our own win MR SL 2018. On behalf of Angels Kristan, Owner & CEO of TFA and Virtual Diva, I want to wish Tony all the best in his reign as MR SL 2018, and much success and happiness as he expands his career further in the fashion world on SL. Tony impressed us with his superior styling abilities and I know he will inspire not just men, but anyone wishing to up their game in competitions like the MR SL Pageant.

Click to visit and follow Tony’s Blog.

Winter 2017


Where SL takes us... By Maya-el Kusumah


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

[INSPIRED] Winter Resort


inter is right in front of our door and the time has come for seasonal sims, events, fashion and decorations. Whilst Christmas is coming nearer, this month is considered to be a special moment for many in Second Life. [Inspired] Winter Resort is a beautiful seasonal-themed sim that can be so relaxing, you can not resist the urge to shoot pictures around the place. To keep your holiday spirit, this picturesque place features many activities such as skiing, ice skating and even a chocolate bar. Romancing the sim? This is also possible as there are some spots for couples to cuddle. There is one bench covered with thick snow where couples can sit together with the two foxes sitting and staring at them. This might be an appealing holiday photo scene—houses with Christmas decorations thickening the Christmas spirit for everyone.

Winter 2017


By Jee Crazyboi Photographer: Jena Adder Models: Misoindite Romano, Federica Gal tier, Tryska Moon


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue


Where have all he high fashion gone? We’ve all seen it, but not really noticed it. We’ve all been there, without realizing it. We’ve needed to dress up for a party or an evening out, and tried desperately to get into a Monthly event to buy the newest out there, only to find ourselves lost in endless rows of well designed… Sweatpants. The trendy word for it is now Joggers, but while it doesn’t matter the name, it’s not for dressing up. Which leads to the question, “Where have all the high fashion gone?” On the highest scale of Fashion, you will find the most coveted labels in the genre of Avant Garde and Haute Couture. Just for the differentiation of the two, let’s clarify: Avant Garde is an art piece born of an experimental idea that is usually out of the norm. It’s daring, sometimes radical, but always innovative and beautiful. Think Lady Gaga’s meat dress circa 2010. Haute Couture, on the other hand, can easily balance on that of the norm. However, Haute Couture is the creation of exclusive clothing, handmade of the best material. Think your

favorite SL designer creating a custom gown just for you, that only you will ever own. There was a time where people clamored to get their hands on the latest daring looks, work with the best clothing makers and collaborate on the most breathtaking creations. Now a days, in both SL and RL, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Fashion Icon Iris Apfel recently said to CNN, “No one dresses appropriate anymore. People wear gym clothes to a dinner party.” Have we become so comfortable being comfortable that we’ve stifled the creativity of designers today? I get it. Not all of us can pull off Avant Garde and wear a birdcage on our head...not many would want to. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t all be creative individuals. Famous artists like Lady Gaga, Madonna, Cher and Bowie have held careers that span decades and their most iconic images are of them wearing Avant Garde looks. We can debate the loose use of the term Haute Couture in SL. Especially, when the designers are selling their designs through multiple vendors by the hundreds,

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

but we rarely see designers making dresses or gowns anymore. Each of us have seen the sign on designers profiles and doors stating they will not do custom work. Sadly, as one SL designer, who wanted to remain nameless, put it “I can design something high fashion, and it hardly sells. I put out a pair of denim shorts and it blows out of the store.” We waited all these years to have the perfect mesh body, just to put on sweatpants? Isn’t SL supposed to be where we take risks? Wear what you can’t in real life, push the boundaries. Most of us are at home in our pajamas. Why are our avatars wearing them too? Let’s bring the creativity back. Designers, if you feel the inspiration to create something out of worldly, do it! Let the world see your imagination. There isn’t a designer in the world that would simplify their line and brand to appease the masses. Take down that “No Custom” sign and challenge yourself to make a real Haute Couture gown. Models and Bloggers, inspire your followers to try something new. Style yourselves differently than other bloggers. Push the envelope further than the designer intended you to wear their creation. Shoppers and Readers, dress to impress. This you already knew. Always be appropriate. Try something out of the norm, and remember – it’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed. You’d be amazed how much fun pushing the limits of your creativity can be, and how many compliments you’ll get when you stand out from the crowd.

Winter 2017




Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue


WINTER 2017/18 AND SPRING 2018

Written & Photographed by AriannaJasmine Models: AriannaJasmine Federica Galtier Leezah Kaddour Milla Crumb Morgan Whitfield Roxaane Fyanucci Sydney Ashbourn

Winter 2017



s we bundle up for cold weather in many parts of the world we look to the silhouettes and colors of the season. The Pantone Color Institute has given us ten delightful colors for winter ranging from the bright clear red of grenadine to the warm pumpkin pie color called, autumn maple. For a complete look at all the color trends reported in this article visit the Pantone Color Institute website. The trends on the runway incorporate these warm tones in the bohemian, folksy looks put forth by designers like Alexander McQueen and Gucci. A mix match of prints, trimming and stitching create a feast for the eyes. Also popular on the runways for the season is the multicolored fur look. Designers like Fendi and Prada brought an array of furry patchwork coats and outer

garments with contrasting colors on collars, cuffs and oversized pockets. An exception to incorporating the Pantone colors of winter would be the polka dot trend shown by designers like Balenciaga and Giambattista Valli. Polka dots everywhere is definitely in style, just make sure they are only in black and white. Other honorable mentions of the season include denim mixed with denim, plenty of ostrich feathers, cozy knits, glen plaid, galactic prints, black patent leather, and square shoulder pads. For the guys winning trends include seventies vintage shown on the runways by designers such as Fendi and Prada as well as the business look with a slightly sinister touch shown by Balenciaga and Martine Rose. For the ladies hair on trend includes shoulder length locks with a center part in softly tousled waves or straight with a deep side part. Also in style is a partial loose double or single top knot with the remaining hair down. For the men a textured crop cut or modern slicked back look keeps you on fashion point.


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

WINTER 2017/18 The “key” trend for jewelry is just that: keys... keys everywhere. This is mostly seen in the collections of Balenciaga and Marc Jacobs. Whether they show up as a single earring in a bold chunky metallic or as a necklace adorned with crystals. Fur scarves whether wide or narrow, in bold or muted colors are a must as shown on the runways by designers such as Missoni, Dennis Basso, Michael

Kors and Versace. Thin chainsaw belts accentuating the waist are in as well, shown in the collections of Chanel and Moschino. Lastly, that one accessory that transcends the seasons and is never out of the fashion focal point is sunglasses. For our winter fashion story look for those that are in interesting shapes such as the square “playing cards” by Dolce & Gabbana.

Winter 2017


Federica Galtier Jacket: Giz Seorn - Chi-Chi Outfit Pants: Madd* - Spot Me Leggings Boots: Gos Boutique - Kendall - Metallics Gloves: Masoom - Sibyl Bento Glove Collar and Headpiece: Dead Dollz - Bejeweled Hair: Opale Danna Nails: Alme - Nudes



(left to right) Milla Crumb Jumpsuit: BYRNE - Chance Jumpsuit (White) Jacket: titzuki - Oversize classic fur Shoes: Ghee - Zooey Pumps Gray Slink flat Hair: DUE - Watermelon Makeup: Alaskametro - rose gold lelutka Roxaane Fyanucci Dress: Kaithleen’s - Glossy Romper & Fur top dress Hoodie: Gabriel - Fur Hoodie Maitreya Brown Accessories: JUMO Originals - Rhonda Earrings Shoes: -:zk:- Maeva Boots Customizable Hair: Truth - Makena Makeup: DS’ELLES - Eyeshadow Series 6 & Seduction lips Morgan Whitfield Coat: Amiable - Fur Pocket Winter Coat #06 Dress: GizzA - Cordelia Dress -Ethnic Tights: Ghee - FW15 - Persimmon Tights with Appliers Top: !IC* - Cashmere Collar and Turtleneck - Grey Shoes: Heels - TONI Ankle Boots - Port Rings: Amala - The Lumi Rings Hair: Magika - Trouble Makeup: DeeTaleZ - Lipgloss Appliers for CATWA



SPRING 2018 Turning our attention to the spring we find Pantone bringing us color trends ranging from a bold golden meadowlark to a lime punch. Everything’s coming up floral with sweeping, floating romantic prints as shown by Dolce & Gabbana, Givenchy, and Prada. Of course, with flowers come butterflies in pale and vibrant shades as evidenced on the runways of Versace, Moschino and Saint Laurent. There was also a frenzy of fringe going on as shown in the collections of Calvin Klein, Paco Rabanne, Balmain, and Dior. Other trends for spring include plastic, artsy prints, sequins and glitter. Men’s trends for spring include vertical stripes whether thick or thin as shown by Versace and the all white look from head to toe as presented in the collections of Xander Zhou and Officine Generale. Women’s hairstyles for spring include low and loose ponytails, shaggy cuts, teased cotton candy top knots, and slim close fitting braids.


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

For men its side swept styles with short sides and clean shaven faces and the longer on top blown dry look. Spring accessories brings us bold chokers with dangling jewels as shown on the runways of Alexander McQueen and Chanel. Woven leather handbags with studs were popular on many runways including Loewe. Belts were shown tied in knots around the waist instead of worn the traditional way by designers such as Maison Margiela and Louis Vuitton. Finally gloves are back in style as an elegant accessory! Long gloves were spotted in the collections of Betsey Johnson, Marc Jacobs and Gucci. Lastly, going into the fashion and beauty trends of 2018, hair colors include blonde with dark roots, dark browns with golden highlights and fantasy colors painting the bottom of long and short tresses. Make-up includes the cateye done in glittery black, a nude lip with slightly smudged brown eyeliner and pink toned eye shadow and lipstick. Stay tuned for the next issue which, includes the fashion and beauty trends for the 2018 summer and resort season.

Winter 2017


(left to right) Morgan Whitfield Dress: ASO! - Motownwei - retro flower Heels: ZAKS - Fringy Shoes Bangles: LUXE. - Ekstrax Bangles Gold Rings: Meva - Bento Maitreya Rings Gold Hair: Tram - G0310 hair Makeup: L’Etre - Lipstick Kittie #2 Catwa - Eyeliner Arianna Jasmine Dress: Maitreya - Tiered floral dress in pink Shoes: Essenz - Buenos Aires Makeup: Arte - Natural Lipgloss Hair: Truth - Rumor Accessories: Chaos, Panic and Disorder - Key to My Heart Necklace by



(left to right) Sydney Ashbourne Pants: Addams - Zara Pants with Fringe Top: Elegance Boutique - Eva Top Fringe Shoes: Halle High - Kokoia Sandals Makeup: ARTE - Hummingbird Eyeshadow, Nude lips Hair: Truth - Azalea Accessories: Eclat - Ari Choker Earrings: Bowtique - Colored Feather Earrings Bangles: Formanails - Asian Silver Bangles Rings: Earthstones - Chavea Rings Arianna Jasmine Dress: United Colors - Fringe Bandage Dress in pink Shoes: KC Creations - Sura Hells Makeup: YS & YS - Nude Lips Hair: Vanity Hair - Same Girl Accessories: Maxi Gossamer - Pink Lacquered Bangle Leezah Kaddour Dress: United Colors - Ashley fringe dress wine Shoes: Heels - Dignity Port Earrings: Supernatural - Mary Gold Hair: booN - YNO421 hair mat





Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Getting Cultural for the

Holidays Writen & Photographed by Shantal Gravois Models: Amity Sorbet, Daneen Sands, Jaily Bailey, LukaBenton, Njegovanka, Roxaane Fyanucci, Ahn Avion

Different countries, different traditions and a single party that unites us - Christmas. A time to give and a time where we all share the same language...the language of love.

RENDS Winter 2017


Romania Amity Sorbet

Among Christmas carols and poems, Romanía celebrates its Christmas. There is a mixture of traditions, Santa Claus is celebrated, but also the spirit of winter, so the white of snow and the red of love are the predominant colors when choosing Christmas attire.


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

STYLE CREDITS: Headpiece: Purple Moon - Merry Headpiece Jewelry: Yummy - Boho Beaded Earrings Top: Luas - Hippy Days Blouse Skirt: Lyrical B!zarre Templates - Romanian 1 Hair: Boon - Lab.004

Winter 2017


Brazil Njegovanka

Brazil celebrates its Christmas with all the joy and celebration that characterizes its people. Trees, lights, nativity scene reproductions everywhere and festivals where dance, music, fantasy and party reign.

STYLE CREDITS: Headpiece: Antlers With Presents and Astralia folden angel headpiece (RARE gacha item) Top: Belle epoque (Wild Spirit) Boots Leopard Upper arm bracelets: Astralia Golden angel set (Ribbon bracelet red) Bracers and skirt: Belle epoque (Wild Spirit) Hair: Countess Pose and Prop: Le Poppycock *La Paix* Bliss (Deer B) 146

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Australian Jaily Bailey

In Australia, Christmas is celebrated outdoors with a resplendent summer. Activities such as surfing, picnics or barbecues are common to celebrate Christmas. In fashion, the prints, textures and bright colors prevail as we can appreciate in this style inspired by Australian aborigines.

STYLE CREDITS: Top: Mute - Denim Bustier (Fuschia) Skirt: Viva - Elegance Boutique Skirt (Red) Lingerie: Female Poison - Lace Panties (Gold) Hair: No.Match - No.Waste Necklace & Earrings: Chop Zuey - Tensha Beads Bangles: Eleseren Brianna - Old Ivory bangles (retextured by Jaily) 148

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Headpiece: LODE - Head Accessory - Ice Berries Accessories: Thunk! NO SYNC Didgeridoo Makeup: Studio Exposure - Tumblr Girl eyeshadow / Dramatic lipstick Tattoos: Mad - Tribal FaceTattoo - green / Mad - Tribal BodyTattoo - green / Encore Shades of Red

Winter 2017


STYLE CREDITS: Artizana - DUGUJE (katien) mesh ball gown blouse Artizana - DUGUJE (katien) mesh ball gown skirt Artizana - Marcia (Rage) - Headwrap Jewelry: Finesmith - Midbar Jewelry Set Shoes: Glamistry - Freesia Heels Accessories: Slipper - Autumn Rings


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Africa Daneen Sands

Unlike America and Europe, Africa is a continent with less consumerism, so we live a more spiritual Christmas. It is until after long religious ceremonies enlivened with incredible choirs, that Africans celebrate with their families and friends. Vibrant colors, geometric prints, turbans and dress exuberance are part of the African Christmas.

Winter 2017


USA (Cowboy) Luka Benton

Lights, sleighs, reindeer, stockings over the fireplace, decorated tree, mistletoe, gifts, snowmen...the United States represents the union of many traditions of the world to celebrate Christmas. The Christmas holidays are an opportunity to look fashionable. 152

Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

STYLE CREDITS: Hat: Roosters and cHix - Christmas Hat Shirt: Steelhead Outfitters - Western Shirt Vest: XK Designs - Cowboy Vest White (edited) Collar: Timber Creek Outfitters - Brown Cowboy Coat Fleece Collar Boutonniere: LDG - Holly leaf and berries big Pants: A&D Clothing - Austin Boots: 69 Park Ave GQ - Rodeo Dr. Urban Boots

Winter 2017


STYLE CREDITS: Nails: SG - Diana Mesh nails Hair: Magika sparkle w/lights Gloves: Masoom - Octavia bento gloves Outfit: Hypnose - Christmas shoes, dress corset / Xmas choker, earrings, teddy bear Top: Diram - KimKY Top & LEXIE Fur Body Enhancers: Izzie’s - Glitter body


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue


Roxaane Fyanucci

France lights up their parties with candles in the windows and there are so loving laws where every letter written to Santa Claus is officially answered with a postcard. The shop windows are fascinating and the movement of department stores unstoppable. The streets become footbridges to admire the styles inspired by the era.

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Russia Ahn Avion

Ded Moroz (Grandfather of the cold) is what we know as Santa Claus. This is also accompanied by a snow maiden. This pair of characters preside over Russian Christmas, where Snow abounds, fireworks, coats and bright colors.

STYLE CREDITS: Hair: NO.MATCH - No Treasure Rings: Exquisite - Love in Chains / RealEvil Industries - Elegance Rings Jacket: AITUI - Napoleon - La Revolution Pants, boots, hat: Skitzofrenik Designs - Russian Mans Costume

Winter 2017


ALMA MAKEUP YOU GOT THE LOOK Photographed & Modeled by Milla Crumb Wri te n by S a ra h e l i s e b e t h B re n h a m


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue




Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

ALMA Makeup Onyx Noor - Owner & Designer ALMA Mainstore When putting together a look, what is the last thing you add to it? Your cosmetics, right? Well, at ALMA Makeup, it is their hope that their products INSPIRE your stylings!

ideas, new heads and better bodies. If I have to talk only about makeup, I can say that colours and RL trends are important to me. Makeup in SL is a way of self expression.”

When Onix Noir (onix1997), the owner of ALMA Makeup, was asked how cosmetics plays a part in the Second Life fashion community, this is what she had to say, “SL Fashion is similar with RL fashion. Everything in SL is developing each day and becomes better. New designers, new

And at ALMA Makeup, you will get plenty of ideas for your future looks with their wide range of products for both men and women!

Be sure to check out ALMA Makeup at their mainstore and their newest satellite shop on the Posesion sim!

Model Milla Crumb wears Lingerie by You Got The Look and Makeup by ALMA

It is often said that ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend’, but my diamonds are also lingerie. All pretty ladies, different shapes and sizes, need both in her wardrobe. With the You Got The Look by Darla “Peek-A-Boo 2-Piece Lace Lingerie Set” (includes Black, White and Pink), you too can find the sexiest you for that special (wink wink) occasion. We are all beautiful, whether thin, thick, bootylicious or busty. You won’t be shy about showing off your curves in sexy lingerie by You Got The Look.

Express the pretty inside on the outside with ALMA Makeup. The right makeup can make your beauty wishes come true like ALMA’s Fall Lipstick, One Eyes Applier and All Blacks eyeliner, which adds mystery to my sexy look. Try them in many shades to suit your mood and taste.

Winter 2017



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

You Got The Look Darlaangels - Owner & Designer You Got The Look Main Store

Are you one of those people that hasn’t fully transitioned to mesh yet? Or are you looking to build your arsenal of great but affordable cosmetics for your mesh head? Then You Got The Look by Darla is the perfect shop for you! When the owner of You Got The Look by Darla, Darla Angels, was questioned on why she opened her fantastic store, this is what she had to say, “I began my creative journey on SL in September 2015. I wanted to bring unique makeups, skins, enhancements, and due to demand,

Ihave now expanded my product line to include clothing for the people of SL.” Darla’s customers are her constant inspiration as she works tirelessly to create fabulous new looks for their avatars. She says, “It is a pleasure to bring joy to my customers because they are the lookers.” So, head on over to You Got The Look by Darla right now for makeup, tattoos and clothing that will add a little flare to your style.

Winter 2017


he Fantasy Angels “Heaven Can Wait” Show took place on October 22, 2017, and was an amazing success! The dramatic, theatrical presentation of lost souls, dangerous encounters and triumph of good over evil featured the Angels in spectacular “Dark Fantasy” themed costumes. With upwards of 100 in attendance, the audience watched and listened as our hosts told the epic story of the Fantasy Angels embarking into worlds where all creatures were condemned to eternal darkness and chaos. One brave Angel, Luka, was sent by the Heavens to save his friends, and his journey took him into four very different worlds where the Angels, dangerous and defiant, unabashedly displayed their dark powers and beauty. The show was produced and directed by Jena Adder, written by the talented Serenity Couerblanc, and starred Angels Boniefacio, Daneen Sands, Desireme Fallen, Federica Galtier, Indigo Avonside, Jamee Sandalwood, JonelleDevonshire, Joys Cuttita, LeezahKaddour, Lolita Paragorn, Lua Vendetta, LukaBenton, Memole Giha, Milla Crumb, Nacarz, Njegovanka, Payton Heron, Ramsa Luv, Redtess69, Rehana Seljan, Rodrigo9997, Sienna Bellios, Spirit Llewellyn, Tryska1104, Valeria Endrizzi, Winter Jefferson.

The team had a fun time putting their looks together and appreciated the opportunity to do something a little different at The Fantasy Angels Company. Everyone was blown away by the Angels’ styling, special effects and animations. The thrilling battle scenes captivated the audience and made the show even more memorable. Thank you to all of the Angels for their dedication and for making the show the success that it was. A very special thank you to the Sponsors – Virtual Diva, irrISIStible, Ghee, !dM deviousMind, ALMA Makeup, Alge Designs and You Got The Look by Darla; and Media Partners – Virtual Diva Magazine, SWANK Events, ModeLS Magazine, Miss SL Magazine and L’Homme Magazine. Many thanks to the production crew: Monica Querrien, DJ Eostri, Angels Kristan, Redtess69, Milla Crumb and Sofia Corleone. This show would not be possible without the vision of a very special lady, Angels Kristan, Owner & CEO of The Fantasy Angels Company. Angy opened her heart and her mind to the idea of such a daring show, and we thank her for allowing us to think big and to do big things. Read the full recap of the show on The Fantasy Angels website. —Jena Adder

The following pages showcase the Angels in their Heaven Can Wait stylings and include excerpts from the Story written by Serenity Couerblanc.


Luka Benton Character: The Savior

Photographer: Shantal Gravois A strong, agile Angel...a soldier amongst his peers, summoned by the voices of heaven to save the other Angels from eternal darkness. His mission: find his friends, defeat the ‘Darkest Angel’ and return all of the Angels to their heavenly home.





Federica Galtier Character: Autumn Goddess

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Federica is all the fiery warmth of Autumn in a riot of foliage and fauna from irrISIStible’s “v2 Autumn Goddess” (outfit Sponsor). The cool winds of winter approach baring her beauty as the leaves are stripped away. A harvest season goddess is intended to represent the ripe fertility of Summer being appreciated before the onset of a bleak winter…But here she looks ready to resist the change of season. 171


Tryska Moon Character: Nyx Goddess

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Tryska is aligned with the Dark Pantheon. Her appearance simmers a dark sensuality in “Nyx” attire from Virtual Diva (outfit Sponsor). This is to be expected with her dark wings and features, but her eyes...they’re so cold and empty. Her passion and fiery heat appears to have been replaced by a cold disdain for all around her, she sneers at the sight of other denizens whether of light or dark.


Indigo Avonside Character: Egyptian Goddess

Indigo Avonside Indigo glimmers with gold from her crown, outstretched wings to the tips of her strappy sandals. Elements of “Bastet” from !dM deviousMind (outfit Sponsor) drapes this golden Goddess, who is the object of desire by the Character: most powerful of go Egyptian Goddess

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Indigo glimmers with gold from her crown, outstretched wings to the tips of her strappy sandals. Elements of “Bastet” from !dM deviousMind (outfit Sponsor) drapes this golden Goddess, who is the object of desire by the most powerful of gods.



Red Jess

Character: Winter Goddess

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Feel the icy chill of Red Jess with her cold glare and icicles that drip from her wings as winter sets in and the temperature drops. Her stark outfit named “Wicca� from !dM deviousMind (outfit Sponsor) is adorned with the barren branches of trees visible through a flurry of snow. 176



Rodrigo Colt

Character: Horus the Falcon-headed God

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Rodrigo (or Horus) is well known for his ability to lure the goddesses of this world, but he also uses his power and cunning maneuvers to command an army and rule over those who cower in the shadows of his mighty wings as he soars above them all.


Ramsa Luv Character: Necromance God

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Ramsa has been afflicted with the same haughtiness as the other Angels and is now the embodiment of a Necromance God. There is an anger, a rage that he can barely contain, and this may not be a problem, but within his Angel being there is an internal struggle that will be taking its toll upon him.


Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue

Winter 2017


Njegovanka Character: Dark Geisha Goddess

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Vanka resides within the Celestial Palace, known for their grace and poise. It’s no wonder she is garbed in elements of irrISIStible’s “2017 China Dragon Kiss” (outfit Sponsor). She takes on the appears of a Dark Geisha Goddesses whose focus seems to be to cause mischief and unrest through their overtly flirtatious ways and provocative manner. 182


Leezah Kaddour Character: Sun Goddess

Photographer: Shantal Gravois Leezah embodies Summer Sun, the season of warmth when nature glories in abundance, ripening and blooming in full splendor. She wears “Mama Ocllo” accessories from Ghee (outfit Sponsor) and Moon & Sun makeup from ALMA (makeup Sponsor). Glimmering in gold dust, radiating warmth with her glorious rays of sunshine, it’s no wonder this Goddess is adored by so many.




Memole Giha Character: Mutant Reptile

Photographer: Susanne Drechsler Memole will steal your breath away as a Mutant Reptile in the world of Nera. Her silvery, shimmery scales and ornate “Lamia Jewel Naga Tail” from !dM deviousMind (outfit Sponsor) are designed to ensnare at a glimpse. This Angelic beauty has undergone an advanced mutation and has taken on such reptilian features as her own. It is no longer clear that she ever looked other than this.


Sienna Bellios Character: Maleficent

Photographer: Angels Kristan Sienna is the magnificent Maleficent whose very lifeblood pulses black with power. Her dark purposes in this world is of seduction and spurning, of grieving and torment - such cruel allure. Wearing “Maleficent Couture Gown� by Virtual Diva Couture (outfit Sponsor), Sienna may just be the dark spirit that turned the head of our young Swan...or were they both swayed by a more corrupt being.




Ruby De Zubiria (Nacarz)

Character: Air Spirit

Photographer: Susanne Drechsler Nacarz, in “Harpyia - Air Spirit” and “Harpyia - Tribal Bra&Belt” by !dM deviousMind (outfit Sponsor) and “MK le Glitter Olga” makeup by Alge Designs (makeup Sponsor), is no less treacherous as she takes to the air to stir up trouble of one kind or another.




Desireme Fallen Character: Sea Spirit

As Sea Spirit, Desireme is clothed in elements of “Sparkling Mesh Mermaid� by irrISIStible (outfit Sponsor). She is accompanied by her slippery sea serpent friends in her quest to cause unrest along the coast. .




Boniefacio Character: Warrior Stag

Boniefacio stares us down as a Warrior Stag wearing elements of “Sexy Dear� by irrISIStible (outfit Sponsor). He has been roaming free over the wooded hills and forests of this world -- really running wild. As an Angel Bonefacio is intensely loyal and this is now expressed in his loyalty to the wildlife of his surroundings. His stance and manner shouts of his confidence, his determination to remain free, and the unbinding of an aggression that has been previously tamed. 197



Rehana Seljan Character: Sorceress

Photographer: Angels Kristan Rehana is a powerful Sorceress who seems to exude the static charge of an imminent storm. Her beauty is undeniable in her outfit “Precious Octopus” by irrISIStible (outfit Sponsor). She stands before us as bold as a siren luring travelers to the watery depths…and their doom. Yet she seeks more than destroying those she meets. It’s as if she is seeking to control nature to aid in that destruction.




Joys Cuttita Character: Dark Swan

Photographer: Angels Kristan Corruption spreads its evil wings and encircles the beautiful Dark Swan that is Joys. Wearing the “Dark Swan� outfit from Virtual Diva Couture (outfit Sponsor), Joys evokes images of graceful beauty that has turned to dark. This young Swan has clearly been swayed by the dark spirits.



Virtual Diva Magazine/Special Issue


Winter 2017



Jamee Sandalwood Character: Valkyrie

Photographer: Angels Kristan Jamee wears !dM deviousMind’s “Valkyrie” armor (outfit Sponsor), and it is clear she believes her purpose to be of an important and noble one. The design and embellishments indicate she has had many successes in her role as an avenger of Valhalla. But does she remember nothing of her Angelic duties?





Lolita Paragorn Character: Dirae� in Heaven

Photographer: Angels Kristan One of the Furies believed to have previously dwelt in Heaven, Lolita wears Dark Angel (Purple) and Laced Ultra Thigh Highs (Leather Edition) by Ghee (outfit Sponsor), who now appears to seek to cause physical pain and suffering to those who are deemed to deserve punishment. 206






Milla Crumb Character: “Eumenides� in Hell

Photographer: Angels Kristan Milla is Eumenides borne of the pits of Hell itself. This Furie seeks to condemn all those who have wronged to flaming purgatory. She wears Dark Angel (Night) outfit and boots by Ghee (outfit Sponsor), and has no interest in recompense or forgiveness, wrongdoers must suffer!





Daneen Sands Character: Cleo

Photographer: Angels Kristan It appears we are in the presence of royalty for Daneen shines as as Cleo. Known for her beauty but also her seductive knowledge of how to wield power over others, it is easy to see why so many are enamored on sight. A vision of wealth, prestige and power - golden not only in attire from the “Iset - Gold Egyptian Silk” collection by !dM deviousMind (outfit Sponsor) and Anubis makeup by Alge’s Designs (makeup Sponsor)… but her entire being. 211


Jonelle Devonshire Character: ““Furiae” on Earth

Photographer: Susanne Drechsler Jonelle as a Furiae of Earth, perhaps thought to be the most approachable by humankind the corruption has warped this being. Flawless in Dark Angel (Forest Green) and Laced Ultra Thigh Highs by Ghee (outfit Sponsor), she now seeks to torment and torture others to the point of madness.



Payton Heron Character: Princess Cleo 3059

Photographer: Susanne Drechsler Payton wearing “Cleo” Egyptian Scarab Headdress by !dM deviousMind (accessories sponsor) and “Dark Romance” makeup by ALMA (makeup Sponsor), is one of the Angels focusing their efforts on uniting former enemies. She is not prepared to let this destruction continue, and joins forces with fellow Princess Lilith Elemental to be heard and seen. 216

Spirit Llewellyn

Character: Princess Lilith Elemental

Spirit wearing “Lilith Bodysuit” by Ghee (outfit Sponsor) and “Nova” makeup by ALMA (makeup Sponsor). United with Princes Cleo 3059, they are a force to be reckoned with, but what is unclear is whether they seek to halt or speed up the decay of this increasingly volatile planet.

Photographer: Susanne Drechsler 217



Winter Jefferson Character: Moon Prince

Photographer: Susanne Drechsler Winter is the new Moon Prince of Kartos. His appearance in its chilling skeletal form leads all to believe the worst. He wears “MK Le Sunlight & Lips” by Alge Designs (makeup Sponsor). He emits waves of desire -deceit -discord -destruction, and all have combined in an explosive manner destined to lead to the destruction of all worlds where our Angels currently dwell. Winter stands before us as the symbol of imminent disaster...he is the ‘Darkest Angel’.


Lua Vendetta

Character: (Resident) Evil Alice

Photographer: Susanne Drechsler Lua is an Evil Alice, wearing “Freakshow - Latex Woman” by Ghee (output Sponsor). She is leading the underground fighters in a war against anyone and everyone. The lines of good and evil have been blurred midst the chaos of this world’s collapse, and Alice has grabbed the opportunity to make money out of mayhem. 221

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