Introduction The following is a student project representing the re-branding of Abbotsford International Airport. Basic research indicated that the brand was outdated and did not suit the image that the airport wished to convey: modern, efficient, convenient. My work set out to develop a new brand that communicated those key signifiers to the target audience: air travelers in the Fraser Valley seeking a better choice than Vancouver International Airport for their needs.
New Brand: Logo Description
The new logo combines a dynamic brandmark at left, with stylized forms representing the Y, X and X of the airport’s code, in a bright blue, a pure white (utilizing the negative space) and a dark blue, combined with a vertically centered logotype in orange. The logotype is specifically smaller than the height of the brandmark to lend balance and contribute to the dynamic feel.
Color Variations
the color logo
the black and white logo and the palette
There are three variations possible. Aside from the original logo, there is a monochrome version, as represented at top right, for use in facsimiles.
the color signature
A reversed version, as represented above, is for use on the stationery reverse and on the lamppost banners. The reversed version features the stylized Y, X and X in white, dark blue (the negative space) and orange, and the logotype in white.
Color Palette
The colors used within the various forms of the logo are, from left, black, dark blue, bright blue, white and orange. CMYK formulations are presented for printing purposes, and RGB formulations are presented for online display purposes.
Typefaces Myriad Pro Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789
The typeface used for the logotype is Myriad Pro Regular. It is a clean, modern face, and fits in well with the brand notions of modern efficiency and convenience.
Myriad Pro Semibold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789
Myriad Pro Semibold is used on the business cards, together with Garamond Premier Pro Semibold (in small caps).
Sharik Sans Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 Sharik Sans Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 Garamond Premier Pro Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 Garamond Premier Pro Semibold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Sharik Sans Regular and Sharik Sans Bold are used for the letterhead, for the airport’s address and the listing of key airport personnel. Body copy on the letterhead is to be typed using Garamond Premier Pro Regular.
This is the exterior signage for the airport. As you can see, the overall look and feel is outdated; the use of color is more appropriate to the 1980s, and the type selections are very staid and boring.
Before This is an example of the lamppost banners in use around the airport. Although the color usage is slightly more more modern than that of the exterior signage, we’re still not up to date. And the simple use of type is not very compelling either. A logomark would have a more profound effect in this situation.
Applications: Business Card