Farmers Review Africa March-April 2019

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Volume 7. Issue 2. March/April 2019

Is fruit fly high infestation really the farmers' fault? The Brazilian industry of machinery and equipment prepares the Agrishow 2019 P10


The Important Role of Maintenance Free Heavy-Duty Couplings in the Sugar Sector P18


Agricultural Equipment Lubrication Essential for sustainable farming businesses P35

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March - April 2019 | 1

Volume 7. Issue 2. March/April 2019


Volume 7. Issue 2. March/April 2019

Editor’s Note Is fruit fly high infestation really the farmers' fault? Zimbabwe’s tobacco export earnings close 2018 on a high P09




Fairtrade launches agrofood Algeria 2019 P13

Top SA citrus producer bumps up production by 40% in one year P23

Cyclone idai affects wheat transportation in Zimbabwe......... 03

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Cover: Is fruit fly high infestation really the

Kenya sets aside funds for fish processing plant.............................04

farmers fault?

Malawi, Tanzania launch Songwe River Basin commission........ 05

Executive Editor Nita Karume Writers - Silimina Derick, Bertha M. Contributing Writers Nqobile Bhebhe Zimbabwe Oscar Nkala Botswana Bertha M South Africa Nita Karume Kenya East Africa Advertising Executives Mercy Cherono, Ken Tobby, Anthony Kiganda Project Manager Victor Ndlovu Graphic Design & Layout Faith Omudho Art Director Augustine Ombwa Correspondents - Isabel Banda Sales & Marketing Glad Moren Mandla M. Kholwani. D Polite Mkhize East African Liaison Arobia Creative Consultancy P. O. Box 2922-00200, Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 772 187334, 790 153505 Published by Mailing Times Media +27 11 044 8986

SA to experience shortage in maize output.....................................09

Opinion Crop estimates still positive but not enough to lift agriculture GDP in the near term................................................................................... 14

Events The Brazilian industry of machinery and equipment prepares the Agrishow 2019........................................................................................ 10 GEM showcases ideal SANY equipment for agriculture at NAMPO 2019_approved........................................................................... 15

Features Case IH Versum.................................................................................................20 Is fruit fly high infestation really the farmers’ fault?.........................22 Arrigoni green solution in cherry growing.........................................24 Irrigation trends in agriculture...................................................................25 Harvesting with LED based Horticulture Lighting........................ 27 Milk cooling for robotic systems ............................................................ 31 Youth employability a key issue for agri sector................................ 33 Agricultural equipment lubrication..........................................................35

Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expr essed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd

2 |March - April 2019


ello and welcome to yet another issue of Farmers Review Africa! We are not only the premier agriculture magazine in Africa, but also the one stop shop for all your agricultural needs whether you are a consumer, producer or stakeholder in agriculture from all corners of Africa. This issue takes a special focus on fruit fly infestation and the role of farmers on the same. Known to be among the most important pests of fruits and vegetables in the world, fruit flies have also been known to cause the most devastating harm to crops. FRA brings in experts in the field to draw a line between healthy and unhealthy fruit fly activity and what it means for farmers. There are also a number of stories to read through as well as supporting features. Lastly true to the gradual growth that is technological advancements, FRA has a special feature on irrigation trends as a means of acquiring sustainable solutions to prevalent issues in the agricultural sector across Africa. This month has two shows to look forward to; the International Trade Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action to be held in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil from April 29th to May 3rd. This show will focus on Agricultural Machinery and Food processing industries. Secondly and most importantly is South Africa’s Nampo Harvest Day, an annually organized trade fair held for supplementing the farmers in the region with a complete perspective into the latest farming products and equipment. The fair is set to take place from the 14th-17th May in Nampo Park, South Africa

Nita Karume




affects wheat transportation in Zimbabwe


yclone Idai, which hit earlier on this week has affected the transportation of wheat in Zimbabwe. The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) chairman, Tafadzwa Musarara said the cyclone, in battering parts of Mozambique and Zimbabwe’s eastern region, caused the disruption in the transporation of wheat from the Mozambican port city of Beira;the

port has since been rendered unaccessible. Fortunately, under the current wheat shortages caused by the forex crunch, Musarara asserted that his organization has been able to supply up to 50% wheat demand by local bakers. This is contrary to claims the millers representative group entrusted with public funds was doing little to ease recurrent shortages of the staple food in the country.

According to Musarara, wheat supplies are set to improve in the next coming few weeks once a new plan has been effected. GMAZ was paid approximately US $25m by RBZ in 2018 to source wheat for the country. At the moment, he said, more than 100 trucks were still stuck in Beira because of the disaster.

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March - April 2019 | 3


Kenyan government sets aside budget for fish processing plant


he Kenya government, through the Nakuru County government, has set aside US $103,404 for setting up a fish processing plant. The plant will be located on the shores of Lake Naivasha. The plant, according to the Nakuru County Fisheries Officer Mathew Ngila, is projected to reach completion within in the next two months. The county officer further disclosed that the facility would also include a fish market. As such, those currently selling fish in the open-air market are to be relocated to the new establishment. Mr. Ngila explained that the plant is expected to process about two to three tonnes of fish daily. This, he adds, will act as a major boost of income for the fish stakeholders Mr Ngila said that the processing plant would include a bulking unit with cold storage facilities for value addition of fish products and to improve on hygiene in handling fish. He further added that those selling fish at the various termini have already been alerted of the relocation plan by the county government. Meanwhile, there is an initiative to establish model roadside fish market along NaivashaNairobi highway to control fish hawking and at the same time create more jobs for the youth. Furthermore, a second tender for building small units to host fish traders has already been awarded. Mr. Ngila added that they expect to hire out the new units to those who will do value addition. To make fishing sustainable, he said the county has restocked over 100,000 fingerlings. He also added that the current restocking phase targets another 100,000 this financial year Fishing in Lake Naivasha directly supports at least 700 fishermen. At the same time, more than 5,000 people are indirectly involved in the fish value chain.

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Malawi, Tanzania launch US $829m Songwe River Basin commission


alawi and Tanzania have jointly launched the US $829m Songwe River Basin Commission in the Tanzanian border town of Keyla. The launch was presided over by Malawi’s Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water development, Joseph Mwanamvekaand his Tanzanian counterpart Deputy Minister of Water, Jumaah Aweso. The commission is set to oversee the management of the project. According to the minister, the project had successfully concluded feasibility studies, detailed design and investment preparation as well as establishment of a Joint Songwe River Commission. He also added that the launch is a sign of continued commitment between the two

countries to transform the Songwe River Basin. The minister further added that the move will serve to not only improve Malawi’s agricultural and the Songwe environment management activities through the dams of irrigation, but will also drive basin activities including ecosystem management. The dams are projected to generate approximately 180 megawatts, an amount which will no doubt benefit the population of the Basin distributed equally between the two countries. Mwanamvekha also implored the commission to strengthen transboundary cooperation and integrated natural resources management. The launch is projected to speed up construction of the

lower Songwe Dam and Hydro Project, construction of several village-based schemes, two major irrigation schemes and construction of the Songwe and Kasumulu towns’ water supply schemes. Speaking at the function, Tanzanian Minister of Water, Jumaah Aweso expressed his enthusiasm for the project and highlighted that this signifies a continuing rise in positive relationships between Malawi and Tanzania. The Project’s first phase will run for 10 years. It is expected to attract support from several donors including the African Development Bank. Earlier on, Mwanamveka thanked the 2 countries’ presidents for cultivating excellent bilateral relationships between the two countries.

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Poland to invest in Tanzania’s agriculture sector through irrigation farming


oland is looking to invest in Tanzania’s sector through irrigation farming. The investments will thus capitalize on irrigation farming with a view to steering the economic outlook of the East African nation. According to the World Food Programme (WFP), 25% of Tanzania’s GDP emanates from agriculture. As such, the sector plays a huge factor in the country’s economy. It not only feeds the country’s citizens, but is also a source of livelihood to a higher percentage of the nation’s population. Furthermore, the sector has the potential to be a crucial food hub in the East African region. However, setbacks such as food insecurity act as

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a hindrance to the achievement of the same. Poland has highly benefitted from irrigation farming, a scheme that has transformed the face of agriculture in the country. The government has since invested in large-scale irrigation farming to elevate the sector’s competitiveness and harvest more from the industry. The European country has also offered support to Tanzania’s agriculture and water sectors in funds and expertise. Polish Ambassador to Tanzania Mr. Krzysztof Buzalski highlighted that cooperation and investments in such areas as irrigation must involve several actors representing the private sector, research and government. This, he said,

is in addition to there being careful consideration in implementation. Poland and Tanzania have enjoyed long and healthy bilateral relations that cut across agriculture to trade, investment, water supply and education. Last year, Poland’s foreign investment in Tanzania had reached US $110m. This is according to the Deputy Director at the Department of Economic Cooperation in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Konrad Pawlik. According to NIC National Irrigation Master Plan (NIMP, 2002), Tanzania has at least 29.4m ha suitable for irrigation. Out of the potential area only 475, 052 ha under irrigation has been developed.


South Africa to experience shortage in maize output following drought


outh Africa is projected to experience shortage in maize output following the drought. Furthermore, supplies of the staple maize are anticipated to decline to their lowest level this month. Fortunately, the country’s stocks are set to satisfy needs in graindeficit countries for the remainder of the 2018/19 farming season.

The positive developments come despite South Africa expecting below-average maize harvests alongside Zambia and Zimbabwe. According to FEW NET, maize supplies in the region were falling seasonally on major markets in the region as the lean season peaked. FEW NET reported export similarity prices for white maize grain increased marginally in January and were 55% above their year-earlier levels.

On the other hand, South Africa’s exports to the international market will likely decline in the coming months due to less competitive prices. This is according to the Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) after year another unfavorable farming season mostly due to erratic rains.

At between US $0.20 and 0.22 per kg, the competitiveness of South Africa’s white and yellow maize grain prices weakened against US and Argentinean prices that were trending at US $0.17. Locally, maize grain prices were stable in Zambia

and Tanzania while increasing rapidly in Malawi and Zimbabwe as supplies dwindled. In Zimbabwe, maize grain prices increased by up to 87% and were respectively 197 and 155% above their 2018- and five-year average levels. This has been partly attributed to ongoing fiscal and monetary challenges. In Malawi, maize grain prices increased by up to 31% as market supplied declined sharply. In Mozambique, maize prices were increased by up to 44% and were above levels recorded a year earlier. Tanzania has ample supplies compared to previous seasons.

March - April 2019 | 7


Third One Planet Summit gets underway in Nairobi on March 14, it will make history while also making a crucial point about climate change This is the first time the One Planet Summit, launched by French president Emmanuel Macron in December 2017, is held in Africa


he venue will under-line our planetary interconnectedness in a way previous summits – the first was in Paris, the second in New York – arguably could not. Africa is responsible for only four per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, but 65 per cent of its population is thought to be directly affected by climate change. So, in Nairobi, the One Planet Summit ( will illustrate the core truth at the heart of the climate change debate: global warming has an impact on everyone on the planet, whether or not they contribute substantially to it. The OPS Nairobi Summit will showcase Africa’s strengths as a vibrant place for climate innovation and investments with advances in sustainable business models, climate smart agriculture, green bonds, and renewable energy Confirmed by French Republic President Macron, « We have all the means to act to fight against climate change. But one country or one business alone can’t save everyone. That’s why we need the international meetings and coalitions to coordinate our efforts and strike hard. We need to act now to achieve our main goal: reduce our production of carbon which destabilizes the climate balance and causes

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impacts on our security and health. The next months will be full of opportunities to strengthen our joint effort and to create new partnerships”. This is a response to Africa’s disproportionate burden as the result of climate change, the complex shifts that affect our planet’s weather and climate systems. Climate change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events, rising seas, and shifting wildlife populations and habitats. Africa’s vast ecological wealth and unique natural ecosystems are especially susceptible, which is why Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta will launch a call to action at the Summit “to prevent, halt and reverse the loss of Africa’s forests”. Already the hottest continent, Africa is expected to warm up to 1.5 times faster than the global average, causing longer, more severe droughts, raging storms and floods and unpredictable rainfall. This will make it harder for African farmers to grow key crops such as wheat, rice and maize, thereby endangering food security. Add to that the expected population spurt in Africa, the youngest continent, and the challenges are daunting. According to a UN

report, Africa will have an additional 1.3 billion people by 2050. Most of the growth will happen in the cities, posing a challenge for African governments to ensure smart and sustainable urban planning. This is the context within which Kenya’s decision to co-host the One Planet Summit and actively fight climate change becomes significant. In the run-up to the Summit, Monica Juma, cabinet secretary in Kenya’s ministry of foreign affairs, said, “We’ve begun to frame Nairobi as the world global environmental capital.” She indicated that Kenya was determined to upscale discussions on the sustainable use of natural resources in line with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. A lot of jargon has been thrown around – better land management, biodiversity protection, the promotion of renewable energy and the need to foster resilience and adaptation among populations vulnerable to the effects of climate change. These are not merely symbolic for Africa. They are substantial. The continent is uniquely placed in the climate change debate. It has both immense challenges and extraordinary opportunities.

Preservation of biodiversity is a key issue for the African continent. Experts say climate change, alongside land degradation and habitat loss, could cause some African animal species to decline by as much as 50 per cent by the end of the century. The threat to Africa’s forests is dire. Nearly 20 per cent of the African continent is covered by forests, including the world’s secondlargest tropical rainforest, the Congo Basin Forest, known as the “green lung of Africa.” As President Kenyatta will say in his call to action at the One Planet Summit, “forests constitute a resource of great economic, cultural, spiritual and scientific value whose disappearance would be irrecoverable”. In November, Patricia Espinsoa, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, said: “Few other places on earth suffer the devastating impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss like the continent of Africa.” Some African entrepreneurs are already investing in innovation and green energy. Malian Samba Bathily, CEO of Africa Development Solutions, recently said that as he crossed the continent, he felt proud to have been “… involved in the production of more than 1,000 MW of hydro-electric power… the creation of data centres and solar installations in more than 1,600 localities, benefiting between nine and 10m people”. Bathily incidentally supports the two-year-old Ghana-headquartered AfroChampions Initiative, which seeks to build up homegrown multi-national companies across the continent. In itself, AfroChampions is a powerful indicator of African optimism and opportunity, despite the challenges. Accordingly, the One Planet Summit in Nairobi could usefully signal to the wider world both an urgent need to act as well as deliberative intent.

How? The One Planet Summit seems to be built for innovation. Unlike other, more crusty United Nations climate change conferences, this summit is young. It was born on a whim and a prayer in December 2017, when Macron hosted more than 50 world leaders in Paris to celebrate the anniversary of the UN climate compact agreed in the French capital in 2015. America’s newly elected president Donald Trump had announced the withdrawal from the Paris pact of the United States, the world’s second biggest polluter after China. The painfully forged international consensus on climate action seemed to be unravelling. There seemed little certainty about the fate of the pledges produced in Paris, under the aegis of the UN, to hold the increase in the global average temperature to “well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels”. Macron’s One Planet Summit might well have been a one-off, an ambitious irrelevance. It was not as the next One Planet Summit in New York was to reveal with greater adepts. All the talk in New York was about green finance, collaboration and investing in the transition to de-carbonized economies. Disparate countries reported on actual progress as well as their very real problems. There was mention of two pan-African science skills courses, which were launched in July 2018 in Nairobi and Dakar. This will be important in building an African scientific community to prepare for climate change and agricultural adaptation. Reported accomplishments included the incubation of seven programmes to support trans-boundary river

basin organizations by the Agence Française de Development and the World Bank is supporting the Niger Basin Authority. The 2018 One Planet Summit said 1.5 million euros had been committed to 30 countries in Africa, where 20 adaptation projects had already been identified. This could be the right way to invest in the future. Joyce Msuya, a Tanzanian microbiologist who serves as Acting Executive Director of UN Environment, recently pointed to an example of African “ingenuity” when faced with climate change. “On February 7,” she said, “a boat made entirely of recycled plastic — the world’s first — cruised into a quiet harbour in Zanzibar after two weeks at sea.” It was, Msuya added, a remarkable example of human ingenuity and offered the possibility Africa can affect “systemic change”. Will it have the resources for it? Strategic assistance will be essential. After 2018, it became clear that the One Planet Summit was actively engaging and recruiting public and private actors in the fight against climate change. This will be key for Africa. According to the African Development Bank (AfDB), the continent will need $20 to 30 billion every year for the next two decades to help fund climate change adaptation and resilience and accelerate the transition towards a low-carbon economy. When the Paris pact was being signed four years ago, AfDB president Akinwumi Adesina declared “Africa has been short-changed by climate change. Africa must not be short-changed by climate finance.” The Nairobi Summit, which will bring together key world figures, CEOs and civil society leaders, must respond to the call to action.

March - April 2019 | 9


The Brazilian industry of machinery and equipment prepares the Agrishow 2019 equipment, with foreign buyers (importers, distributors and representatives), coming to Brazil especially for this purpose. This is a commercial promotion action organized by the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program, a result of the partnership between the Brazilian Agency of Promotion of Export and Investments (ApexBrasil) and the Brazilian Machinery Builders´ Association (ABIMAQ). Named the Buyer Project, this International Round of Business has the main purpose of potentializing the contact and negotiations between Brazilian manufacturers and importers from the most diverse countries. During two to three days, the BMS Program organizes dozens of meetings between the stakeholders, in which the companies from the sector present their products to foreign visitors.


he 26th International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action – Agrishow 2019, Brazil’s largest agricultural technology fair and one of the three largest in the world, will be held from April 29th to May 03rd, in Ribeirão Preto – São Paulo. It is an event recognized as a scenario for launching the main trends and innovations for the agribusiness, in which solutions are presented for all kinds of cultures and properties. In 25 years, it has become a reference for the sector in the whole world. In its last edition, in 2018, it brought together more than 800 exhibitor brands, received 160 thousand qualified visitors from more than 80 countries and summed R$ 2.7 billion in business initiated during the event.

The Agrishow is an initiative that brings together relevant Brazilian entities: together with the Brazilian Machinery Builders´ Association (ABIMAQ) are the Brazilian Agribusiness Association (ABAG), the National Association for Diffusion of Fertilizers (ANDA), the Agriculture and Cattle Breeding Federation of the State of São Paulo (FAESP) and the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB). The 2019 edition of the Agrishow shall count with an area of 520,000 m2, bringing what is newest in agricultural technology and integrating the exhibition areas of agricultural machinery, equipment and implements and of field demonstrations. With this, various spaces shall be added for companies from the segments of seeds, defensives and fertilizers, which can carry out experiments with various cultures. International Round of Business During the Agrishow 2019, it will take place the 20th International Business Meetings, which will bring together Brazilian manufacturers of machinery, agricultural implements and irrigation

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In the International Round of Business carried out during the Agrishow 2018, around 60 Brazilian manufacturers with 16 foreign buyers, coming from countries such as South Africa, Ethiopia, Iran, Nigeria, Peru, Kenya, Russia and Zimbabwe, in more than 520 meetings. At the time, a volume of business in the order of US$ 24 million, between immediate and future sales for the following twelve months, was registered. Importers from various countries are already being contacted for the 2019 edition. Image Project The Agrishow 2019 shall also be contemplated with the Image Project, which purpose is to promote and disclose the Brazilian industry of machinery and equipment to the international market, by means of visit from journalists, opinion makers and specialists to Brazil to get to know the sector. The action is also developed by the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program and made viable by Apex-Brasil, in a partnership with the ABIMAQ. The visits are planned in conjunction with the organizers of the fairs and take into account the interests and highlights of the Brazilian products of the sector in the various markets from the invited countries. For this edition of the Image Project, the BMS Program shall receive journalists from various countries; with a visit confirmed, we



highlight the Magazine Farmer´s Review Africa, headquartered in Johannesburg, in South Africa. This figures as one of the target markets of the machinery and equipment sector, i.e., one of the priority countries for the commercial promotion actions defined for the BMS Program. The African market as a whole has been receiving special attention from the sector. In 2018, the Brazilian exports of agricultural machinery and equipment to the African continent came to a total of US$ 56 million, representing a growth of 5% in relation to 2017. South Africa is the country that appears in the first place as the main buyer of these Brazilian products, with imports in the order of US$ 17.44 million, which represents a 60% growth in two years. In sequence, the main importers are: Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, Sudan, completing the ranking of the five largest destinations of the Brazilian exports directed towards the agribusiness segment of Africa. About Apex-Brasil – The Brazilian Agency of

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Promotion of Export and Investments (ApexBrasil) acts to promote the Brazilian products and services abroad and to attract foreign investments for strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The Agency carries out diversified actions of commercial promotion, such as prospective and trade missions, business rounds, support to the participation of Brazilian companies in large international fairs, and visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to get to know the Brazilian productive framework. More information: . About ABIMAQ – The Brazilian Machinery Builders´ Association (ABIMAQ) was founded in 1937, with the purpose of acting on behalf of strengthening the national industry, mobilizing the sector, carrying out actions next to the political and economic instances, stimulating international trade and cooperation and contributing to improve their performance in terms of technology, capacitation of human resources and managerial upgrading. More information: .

About the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program – The fruit of the partnership between the Brazilian Agency of Promotion of Export and Investments (ApexBrasil) and the Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ), the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program seeks the promotion of the Brazilian exports of machinery and equipment, as well as to strengthen Brazil’s image as a manufacturer of mechanical capital assets with technology and competitiveness. The BMS Program has, currently, around 400 members, among industries from various sectors, such as agricultural, textile, mining, plastics, packing, among others. In 2018, the companies associated to the BMS Program registered exports to 159 countries. To become associated to the Program and for more information, access:


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Brand members of the PETKUS Group March - April 2019 | 13


Crop estimates still positive but not enough to lift agriculture GDP in the near term Comment by Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB Agri-Business


s expected, the latest Crop Estimates Committee’s (CEC) production estimate report showed an upward revision to the February estimate for maize to 10.56 million tons. This follows good rains since early January that stimulated farmers to increase the pace of planting. Although the current estimate is down 16% year-on-year (y/y), but up 1% on the February estimate, it is better than earlier expectations of a further cut in maize output. The expected carry over stock of 3.2 million tons by the end of the 2018/19 marketing season will bring the total supplies for 2019/20 to 13.76 million tons which will meet the country’s consumption requirements. Thus, we expect limited upside for maize prices in the medium term should the rand/ US dollar exchange rate continue to trade at current levels. As with maize, the oilseed complex also faces a decrease in output due to the reduced area

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relative to last year. The sunflower production forecast came in unchanged at 563,590 tons and is still down 35% y/y, which poses upside risk to the price outlook. Soybeans have seen a decrease in both planted area and the production estimate, coming in down 7% and 17% respectively relative to the previous season. The soybean production estimate came in at 1.28 million tons which is still a third record crop, for the crop. The domestic oilseeds situation therefore indicates a tightening supply outlook which will boost prices in the medium term. In the case of winter crops, the better wheat season particularly in the Western Cape (WC) has ensured a good crop of 1.84 million tons which will help reduce the import demand by almost 36% y/y to just over 1 million tons. Weather will be critical for the WC as we head into the new planting season for winter crops.

For the summer grains, the season is off to a good end with good rains boosting crop prospects. The only concern is the possible crop damage if frost comes in earlier than expected in areas where the maize plantings were very late. The short to medium term weather outlook still calls for rains across the producing areas which bodes well for the developing crops and a good finish to the 2018/19 summer crop season. On the consumer front, adequate supplies of grain for the year ahead will help limit further food price acceleration in the medium term. This is good for interest rates which are expected to remain flat. The agriculture GDP is expected to still disappoint in the near term but will rebound marginally in the second half of 2019 and thereafter accelerate into 2020.


GEM showcases ideal SANY equipment for agriculture at NAMPO 2019 Goscor Earth Moving (GEM), the official distributor of SANY, the fifthlargest construction and related equipment manufacturer in the world, will showcase its front-end loader and excavator range at Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day from 14 to 17 May in Bothaville in the Free State.


ith the agricultural sector representing a potential growth area for the brand in Africa, NAMPO 2019 is the ideal opportunity to have the farming community get up close and personal with the SANY range, according to Murray Leith, who heads up SANY Operations at GEM.

The positive flow hydraulic system has also reduced fuel consumption by 10%, due to advanced dynamic control technology providing a real-time match between engine power and main pump power. Fuel economy is optimised further by means of four power modes for added flexibility. Part of the Goscor Group, GEM offers SANY excavators, front-end loaders, motor graders and rollers for the construction, mining, agriculture, sand and stone, forestry, roadworks, and planthire sectors. With its primary focus on the mining industry in Africa at the moment, agriculture is nevertheless an important market that GEM is focusing its attention on.

The SYL 956H1 front-end loader will take centre stage at the Goscor Group stand at NAMPO 2019. This machine is built tough, with a bucket capacity from 3 m3 to 4.6 m3 to ensure it is wellsuited for the agricultural sector. The highly-efficient drive system features a rotary automatic gearbox that boosts travel speed by 10%, and increases towing force by over 6%. The rated load is 5 000 kg, rated power is 164 kW, and the break-out force is 175 kN.

Murray Leith, who heads up SANY Operations at GEM

The SY215C medium excavator has an operating weight of 21 900 kg, an engine output of 114 kW, and a 1 m3 bucket capacity. Features include a customised engine, strengthened components, high operating efficiency, low fuel consumption, easy maintenance, and an ergonomic cabin to promote operator comfort and productivity.

At NAMPO 2018, it showcased a range of SANY compact equipment that is ideal for agricultural applications, with great success. The penetration into such diverse markets also represents GEM’s ongoing investment in the SANY brand, which is quickly gaining a major footprint in Africa. “The advantage of SANY for our agricultural customers is not only highly competitive pricing in the industry, but also the best return on your investment with technology that has been adapted especially for arduous African operating conditions. In addition, our association with the Goscor Group means that not only do we have an extensive branch network, but can offer superlative customer service and technical backup,” Leith concludes.

The operating efficiency of the SY215C has been boosted by 8% thanks to an innovative controller that reduces the response time of the hydraulic components, as well as lowering the internal power loss of the system, and boosting the output power.

Visit Goscor Earth Moving (GEM), part of the Goscor Group, and official SANY distributor, at Stand C17 at NAMPO 2019. For more information go to nampo/nampo-home.

The SY215C medium excavator features a customize engine and strengthened components

March - April 2019 | 15



AGRICULTURE need deeper wells to continue tapping local groundwater sources. Smart Irrigation: Less Is More Merely spraying water onto plants used to qualify as good irrigation, but research in recent years found that there are immense gains in efficiency – unbelievably obvious ones – to be made with the integration of some rather basic technology. The problem has not been a mistake on the part of farmers, rather their irrigation systems have been stuck in the 1950s. Smarter systems are being developed at every scale, from nursery farms up to large fields.


he United Nations estimates that farmers will need to grow 70% more food to feed the population by 2050 while available fresh water resources will continue to shrink.

that don’t need to be watered. For instance, the system can be set to shut off flow to the nozzles as they pass over farm roads, ponds, or patches of fallow ground.

Faced with multiple challenges related to water availability including drought and decreasing groundwater, here are growing trends in farm irrigation.

Measuring Water Flow Precise measurement of water usage with water flowmeters can prevent overwatering and reduce costs for farmers. As water resources become more limited and expensive it will be more important to have accurate data on how much water is being used to irrigate. Additionally, soil sensors can track soil moisture to determine how much water should be used and allow farmers to make water-saving adjustments.

Drought-Resistant Seeds Biotech companies are using advanced genomics to create seeds for crops that need less water and are more tolerant of drought conditions. For example, drought resistant crops may have deeper roots or stomata that close sooner to hold more moisture. Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation allows for precise control of the application of water and fertilizer, which can greatly reduce the amount of water needed for crop irrigation. Although it can cost up to $ 1 million to install, many farmers are seeing the appeal of saving water, which can be used to plant more crops or reduce costs.

Data Analytics New software products that crunch large amounts of data can provide farmers with important information that they previously didn’t have access to. Using data such as local weather as well as data collected from their equipment, farmers can receive recommendations and better understand how much water is needed to optimize production while minimizing water waste.

New variable flow nozzles have turned watering into more of a precision process than ever. Farmers are able to program their irrigators to turn off when they reach places on the farm

Drilling More Wells Farmers are relying more on groundwater sources for irrigation and as the water table falls due to unsustainable levels of pumping, farmers

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Every gallon that doesn’t get pumped onto a field equates to savings (electrical costs) in a farmer’s pocket, and it means more water is staying in local waterways and aquifers. Most important, proper irrigation means better crop yields, because overwatering can be just as harmful to crops as underwatering. The next big gains in water management will come from weather prediction. Free systems like the SmartIrrigation Apps help farmers develop irrigation plans for various crops; for instance, SmartIrrigation offers four different apps for citrus, strawberry, and cotton crops as well as for “Urban Lawn.” The goal is to help farmers avoid running their irrigation systems if rain is in their future – or worse, running their systems while the rain is actually falling. More and more, watering will become a matter of using a tablet computer than actually turning valves. As farms continue to develop, economics will favor producers who can produce more with less water, the right plants, less fertilizer, and lower energy costs. It pays to work green.


Uralkali battles low nutrient efficiency with DripKALI.


ralkali launches water soluble grade Muriate of Potash (MOP) for fertigation. The product is available for purchase and is marketed under the brand name DripKALI. Uralkali is focused on sustainable agriculture and the demand for increased crop production per acre of arable land. DripKALI developed and produced by Uralkali is focused on reducing the environmental impact of cropping systems by increasing water use efficiency in agriculture. It is well known that the simultaneous application of water and mineral fertilizers to a crop positively influences its growth and output. Fertigation allows to adjust mineral nutrients supply according to the specific crop needs in terms of application rates and application timing. This technique is widely used not only in arid regions, where water resources

are scarce or limited, but is applicable in general for the purpose to have more flexibility in scheduling planting and other crop management activities, control additional applications of nutrients and agro chemicals, increase crop production. Nutrients applied to a crop with water are distributed more evenly compared to dry fertilizer. Furthermore dry application makes growers reliant on weather conditions or simply on the amount of rain, which should be right enough to dissolve fertilizer, but leave it in a top 20-40 cm soil layer for assimilation by roots. MOP is commonly used in fertigation for a variety of crops, it is highly soluble in water and is the most concentrated source of potassium among potash fertilizers. It contains 62% K2O compared to 50% K2O in potassium sulphate and 46% K2O in potassium nitrate.

Besides, MOP is compatible with all types of water-soluble fertilizers and can be safely used in fertigation systems. DripKALI is completely water soluble and is marketed in branded 25 kg bags, which makes it recognizable and easy to handle. Uralkali is the leading global manufacturer of muriate of potash (MOP), mineral fertilizer that contains potassium – one of the vital chemical elements for all living organisms. The company produces annually about 20% of total world MOP production. Uralkali controls the full supply chain, beginning with ore mining and finishing with shipping the final product to a customer. Export sales are done through Uralkali Trading SIA with its branch offices strategically located all around the globe. For more information about Uralkali and products please visit

March - April 2019 | 17


The Important Role of Maintenance-Free Heavy-Duty Couplings in the Sugar Sector


MG works closely with chief engineers in the sugar industry, providing engineering solutions and technical services, to enhance production efficiencies at every mill and refinery. “The company’s extensive range of quality branded components, engineering solutions and technical services are geared specifically for every industry, including the sugar sector,” says

Carlo Beukes, BMG’s business unit manager, Power Transmission. “BMG’s specialist services to the sugar sector include bearing and gearbox inspection, bearing and chain refurbishment, large size bearing assembly, alignment and balancing, as well as customised product design. BMG also offers a troubleshooting and maintenance service, condition monitoring and training.

“BMG’s team of mobile technicians conducts breakdown and routine maintenance on site. This team carries out troubleshooting at sugar mills and advises on possible productivity improvements, to ensure the highest level of plant output and reliability. “The company launches new products and advanced systems, to meet exact industry requirements, which are constantly evolving. Important power transmission components for sugar mills and refineries include maintenancefree, heavy-duty engineering couplings - Timken Quick-Flex (QF) and Vulkan GBN heavy industrial couplings – designed for efficient performance, low maintenance and extended service life in harsh operating conditions. These components extend from light-duty, high speed/ low torque drives, to extremely heavy-duty, low speed/high torque drives. “The overall features and benefits of these two couplings are similar, with one major difference - the QF coupling is ideal for shaft sizes up to 232 mm, while the GBN series accommodates bigger shaft sizes, up to 600 mm. “Through BMG’s assistance with careful and accurate product selection, correct installation and appropriate care of couplings, substantial

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savings can be made in reduced maintenance costs and minimal downtime. These procedures also increase the L10 lifetime of the product.” The primary purpose of couplings is to transmit torque from a driving shaft to a driven shaft and to accommodate shaft misalignment within the drive. Couplings also dampen vibration, torque fluctuations and torsional shock loads, even in arduous applications. Timken Quick-Flex couplings consist of two steel coupling hubs, which are attached to the drive and driven shaft. A urethane element wraps around the two hubs and provides a simple, yet effective, drive mechanism. The only spare part required, is a standby element that can be quickly changed when necessary. Inserts, which are resistant to chemicals, are manufactured from different grades of urethane to suit various industries. The red insert is suitable for most high-speed applications with high levels of vibration, the stiffer blue insert is designed for higher torque applications and the black insert can withstand extremely high torque requirements, replacing grid and gear couplings. An advantage of these flexible couplings over conventional units, is direct replacement with virtually all comparable sized couplings. QuickFlex couplings require no lubrication and are also easy to install and maintain. Due to the high torque capacity of this range, the selected QF solution is often smaller than the replaced coupling. This leads to a major weight-saving on the drive and also reduces stress on other components. Three different elements per size are available, each with a different torque rating. The flexibility of this design makes the range suitable for many applications - from high speed/low torque/ excessive vibration drives, to a low-speed/hightorque application. Important features include excellent balance, allowing for high speed applications up to 12 000 RPM, low maintenance with no lubrication requirements and substantially reduced downtime. These couplings accept angular misalignment up to 2º and parallel shaft displacement up to 7.92 mm. Once the two coupling hubs, insert and cover have been installed and aligned for the first time, the coupling hubs do not need to be moved again for the life of the equipment. Unlike standard jaw-type or gear couplings, there is no metal-tometal contact between the hubs. This prevents

any possible damage to the ironware during an element failure. The urethane insert can be easily changed, without moving the hubs or shafts and no re-alignment of components is necessary. Quick-Flex couplings are compatible with shaft sizes from 10 mm to 286 mm and can accommodate a wide speed range – from below 100 rpm, to 12 000 rpm. Torque ratings range from 43 Nm to 188 795 Nm, depending on the selected element and cover design based on the blue element specifications. BMG’s Vulkan Flexomax GBN maintenancefree couplings are suitable for applications that include low speed shafts of machinery driven by electric motors. For example, sugar mills, conveyor belts and tippers, as well as all machinery with high loads. These compact couplings allow for compensating axial, radial and angular misalignments and also protect the drivetrain from shock loads. This range has a modular design that enables the integration of brake discs, pulleys, shear devices and spacer shafts within the coupling. Radial removability of the coupling elements is possible, without having to move the connected

machinery. No lubrication is required during assembly or disassembly. These torsional flexible couplings have a maximum torque of 1 288 800 Nm and shaft diameters up to 600 mm. This range is equipped with specially designed elastic elements, which work in compression, allowing for maximum torque transfer, heat dissipation and product longevity. These polyurethane elements are resistant to water, oil and dust. Vulkan Flexomax GBN couplings are available in 16 sizes with nine designs and have customisable options to meet the requirements of restricted applications. BMG supplies a wide range of products, selected especially for the sugar industry throughout Africa. These components include carrier and diffuser chain, knife and shredder bearing housings, custom sprockets and gear couplings, as well as steam gaskets, heat exchangers and hydraulic tools. Diffuser and mill gearboxes, in addition to mill lubrication and hydraulic systems, form a critical part of this range.

March - April 2019 | 19


Case IH Versum CVXDrive with Stage V engine and Quadtrac CVXDrive are awarded “Machine of the Year 2019” Case IH has long been a pioneer in CVT transmission technology / Benefits of proven continuously-variable transmission from 100-540hp recognised by judges / Awarded for both its recently launched compact Versum range and Quadtrac high horse power tractor range


ase IH’s Versum CVXDrive with Stage V engine and Quadtrac CVXDrive have won the 2019 Machine of the Year titles, respectively in the “mid-size” tractors and “XL” tractors categories, awarded at the biennial SIMA exhibition in Paris. Judged by a panel of European agricultural magazine editors, the accolades were given in recognition of the benefits of the proven continuously-variable transmission, a unique feature to Case IH, as well as the fuel efficiency and operating benefits brought to the articulated tracked tractor market. The prizes add to a run of awards won recently by Case IH which recognise the brand’s focus on

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innovative technological developments designed to help enhance the sustainability, productivity and profitability of farm businesses. They range from a bronze medal in the SIMA Innovation Awards for Case IH XPower digital weed control technology to the 2019 Tractor of the Year title for the Maxxum 145 ActiveDrive 8.

package, drives through a standard CVXDrive continuously-variable transmission. Where large amounts of road travel or field tasks such as mowing, baling, light tillage and specialist operations where it may be beneficial to separate engine speed and forward speed are concerned, this has significant advantages.

The 4.5-litre turbocharged and intercooled engine in the four-model 100-130hp Versum tractor range, which meets EU Stage V emissions legislation by combining patented under-hood after-treatment technology with a diesel oxidation catalyst and diesel exhaust fluid (AdBlue) injector in a compact all-in-one

The CVXDrive transmission in the Versum range provides stepless travel up to 40 km/h, which can be attained at reduced engine rpm. The incorporation of double clutch technology means that, at the point it takes place, the change between the transmission’s two mechanical ranges is seamless, and full

tractive power available across the whole speed range. An Active Hold Control feature allows the tractor to be easily stopped on hills and at road junctions without using the footbrakes. Versum CVXDrive tractors also feature Automatic Productivity Management (APM) this feature optimises the engine and transmission setting for either a target engine or forward speed set by the operator. Continuously-variable transmissions have never before been available in an articulated tracked tractor, and Case IH remains the only manufacturer to offer CVT in this type of highhorsepower machine. The CVX transmission in the Quadtrac 470, 500 and 540 CVX models improves ease of use, particularly for

inexperienced operators, accelerates faster to field or road speed, reduces operator fatigue, makes full power available at low ground speeds for special applications or implements. The transmission provides stepless travel from 0-43km/h, and 0-17km/h in reverse. It is possible to set three target speeds from 0-43km/h, and these are adjustable via the thumb-wheel and buttons on the Multicontroller joystick, part of the tractors’ Multicontroller armrest. Acceleration is boosted by a kick-down feature, while 40km/h is achieved at just 1,440rpm, to further enhance fuel economy. The transmission incorporates four mechanical ranges with automated range-changing, changed without power interruption by four multi-

plate wet clutch packs on the four planetary gear sets. Active Hold Control, where the hydrostatic motor eliminates the input speed from the engine, means the tractor, when brought to a halt on a hill, can remain static without the operator applying foot or hand brake. The Machine of the Year award is judged by journalists from across a number of international agricultural publications, who make their overall selection from 14 categories ranging tractors and other self-propelled equipment to implements. The winners of each category are then revealed in mid-November, before the overall MOTY winner selected is revealed at SIMA. “We are delighted to win the 2019 Machine of the Year award with the Versum CVXDrive with Stage V engine and Quadtrac CVXDrive,” says Thierry Panadero, Vice-President Case IH Europe. “It’s a fitting recognition of the focus Case IH places on providing its customers with products to help their businesses become more sustainable, more productive and more profitable.”

March - April 2019 | 21


Is fruit fly high infestation really the farmers’ fault?


uring my 30 years in the field of fruit flies and pest management, I had endless conversations with farmers, experts, regulators, officials, scientists from the agrichemical industry, etc. We talked about endless subjects related to pest control.

the beginning of a new era and relationships between farmers and researchers, experts, government officials, and agri-chemical personnel. The mutual goal of quality results can create an open discussion based on needs and results or requirements.

However, it took me a while to notice the following behavior: whenever fruit fly control is going well, we tend to contribute it to the fact that ‘the solution’ is good. Yet, when results are not good, we tend to focus mainly on the farmer and the things he did wrong, or not as he should have.

Let me share with you a typical conversation/ phone call that I manage almost on a daily basis when on the other side of the line there is a

Again, when things go wrong… no word about the quality of the solution, or technology... instead we focus on the farmer. This is so inherent that even the farmer himself believes it is his fault. Out of respect to all those involved in pest management, I think this must be discussed because there is something deeply wrong in such approach where the blame is on the user and not attributed to the product characteristics.Furthermore, I believe that a deep understanding of this issue may be

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farmer/a counselor/an expert, etc. (in short, FCE). FCE: Hi Dr. Nimrod, how are you? Nimrod: Thanks, good, how can I help? FCE: Everything is fine, but fruit fly infestation is higher than I would like it to be, and there is a lot of labor and high cost involved in the fruit fly control, which influences the business results of the farm.

Nimrod: please tell me; (a) What is the order of importance you give to each of the three problems you mentioned? (b) What are the control actions you take? and (c) What are the results you have received? FCE: The order of importance in my case is: fruit infestation is the #1, and for the other 2 I relate similar importance. As to fruit fly control - I do sanitation, use traps, and obviously spraying. Yet, I am frustrated because after all this infestation is still too high! What am I doing wrong? What else can I do? I just don’t understand it anymore! There are situations and problems where doing ‘more of the same’ is simply not the solution. In such cases, you need to ‘dig deeper’ and understand the situation and cope with the true nature of the problem. Now let’s think for a moment about ‘consumer products’. Do you remember the days when you had to be a programmer just to use your videotape machine? Or the days when we received a computer program with a very thick instruction book? Well, those days are over. They passed when the consumer goods manufacturers realized that their clients are not computer programmers or engineers. Finally, they understood that their clients want goods that are easy to use. Any expert in any field should keep in mind that all the others are not experts. Therefore, he

should design any solution to be easy-to-use for everybody else (meaning, for us the ordinary people). Basically users, in all fields, want the same thing - a quality product, simple and easy to operate which will deliver and do the task or work we expect. That’s why we all use smartphones that are smart and sophisticated but at the same time also easy-to-use (much more than in the past). Even a PC popular operating systems failed in the smartphone world. Why? Because it was less convenient to operate than its alternatives. Now let’s get back to agriculture and fruit fly management. Here, too, we have a User and a Provider.

elements, also the following: • Results – the extent of damage by fruit flies (and more generally, by pests) – infestation below the economic threshold. • Low Labor demands. • Safety of usage – for humans and the environment. • Convenience and simplicity of operation (low complexity). One thing is certain - when we encounter a repeated problem with pest management – we at Biofeed do not blame the farmer. It’s that simple and so understandable. If you are a farmer, just remember that you have all the right to demand from The Providers - a better fruit fly control solutions.

1. User = Farmer.

The farmer role is to produce food (fruits, vegetables, etc.) and live from the revenue it will bring. For that end, he needs to use pest control solutions, such as for fruit fly control. The farmer expects the same as every user - a product that provides a solution to his problems; cost-effective, safe and simple to operate. One thing is certain - when we encounter a repeated problem with pest management - do not blame the farmer.

2. Goods and Service Providers

(‘The Providers’) = Industry, state, researchers, NGO’s, etc. I consider the responsibility of the Goods and Service Providers to include, in addition to other

March - April 2019 | 23


ARRIGONI GREEN SOLUTION against excessive rainfalls and insects in cherry growing


herry cultivation is one of the most complex and delicate crops. Like other fruits such as kiwi, peach or plum, it can suffer important negative effects from excessive rainfall, increasingly common in the season of fruit ripening (starting from the second decade of May).

Leading international player in the technical textile sector for agriculture, Arrigoni proposes new solutions that improve cultivation practices. Moreover, it combines the possibility of protecting crops from the attack of harmful insects, such as the dreaded Drosophila Suzukii and other species to the advantages of defense against atmospheric agents. “Until now – explains Giuseppe Netti, agronomist from Arrigoni – damages of rain on cherries was prevented by means of plastic film covers. In several cases this solution produces satisfactory results. However, it is not 100% effective. This is due to the fact that a totally “waterproof” product reduces the air passage (which remains only in the horizontal direction) and favors a moist environment on sunny days, altering the microclimate of the orchard and causing an excess of humidity. Consequences are damage or reduction of the harvest. Moreover, such a cover can cause serious damage to the structure in the event of strong winds”.

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“Arrigoni research has thus developed a specific innovative product: PROTECTA®. This is a new concept of coverage – Netti continues – which guarantees multiple advantages: reduction in the percentage of water flow; maintaining sufficient air flow and a good microclimate; high mechanical strength; long life (over 6 years in Italy); hail, wind, frost and sun protection”. PROTECTA® by Arrigoni is made of high tenacity ARLENE HT® monofilament and contains special additives to increase its durability and favor the sliding of rain outside rows. The resulting mesh fabric is very dense (39 threads per square centimeter), which allows to break up the drop and reduce the passage of water by about 90%. “The tests on PROTECTA® – Netti specifies – were carried out by subjecting the fabric to a very high rainfall intensity: 60 mm/h, or the same

conditions as a heavy downpour”. To combine the advantages of a safe rain protection with those of excluding the most invasive insect species from orchards, Arrigoni has also developed PROTECTA® SYSTEM. In this case, the rainproof fabric is complemented by the side protection provided by BIORETE® screens, which are effective in preventing harmful insects from reaching the crops and causing damage in fruit-growing. The insect protection system consequently reduces the need for pesticides, with solutions that manage to counter the attacks of Drosophila Suzukii and other harmful insects. “To these highly technological proposals – concludes Netti – we combined great ease of installation and collection operations. For example, with PROTECTA® SYSTEM installed row by row, BIORETE® screens must simply be rolled up, otherwise the plants are always sheltered and protected”. For more information, visit the new website Jessica Sabatini Arrigoni Press Office c/o fruitecom Tel: +39 338 73 07 649


John Deere Welcomes Initiatives to Support Emerging Farmers Announced in 2019 Budget


ohn Deere has welcomed the R3.7billion allocation announced in the 2019 Budget Speech to assist emerging black farmers in acquiring land and title deeds, which it believes will complement the proposed blended finance model and assist in building a more inclusive agricultural sector for the benefit of all South Africans.

John Deere has also pioneered a contractor model in Kenya and neighbouring Uganda, which assists small farmers with acquiring tractors to not only plough their own lands but those of smaller farmers in their vicinity who may not have the financial resources to acquire expensive mechanization equipment.

Land reform was a key focus for Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s maiden budget speech which saw him allocate R1.8 billion for the implementation of 262 priority land-reform projects over the next three years in addition to the R3.7 billion set aside to assist emerging farmers seeking to acquire land to farm. Mboweni also announced that the Land Bank will support smallholders, and leverage partnerships with other financial institutions by disbursing R3 billion in the next fiscal year.

As a member of AgBiz, the body who represents agribusinesses, John Deere is also actively involved in discussions with Government and other key stakeholders in promoting both support of small-scale emerging farmers as well as the continued growth of commercial farming operations which play an enormous role in job creation and food security in the country.

“We acknowledge that the unfavorable macroeconomic conditions largely due to weak economic growth and rising demand for government expenditure left very little room for the Finance Minister to increase budget allocations but we believe he has done very well in the circumstances,” said Jacques Taylor, Managing Director for Sub-Saharan Africa at John Deere. “Transparency in how the funds will be allocated as well as collaboration with the private sector could go a long way towards ensuring the sustainability of the projects.” John Deere operates across Africa and is heavily involved in providing mechanization solutions to both large and small-scale famers across the continent. In South Africa specifically, John Deere through John Deere Financial, has for the past four years been involved with Grain SA’s New Age Farmer project where it sponsors a John Deere tractor to the winner of the New Age Farmer of the year.

“Economic growth is at the center of discussions today,” said Taylor. “As John Deere, we believe transformation of the agricultural sector has to be off the back of growth in the industry.” Another notable feature of the 2019 budget speech was the increase in the fuel levy, which amounted to total of 29 cents per litre for petrol and 30 cents per litre for diesel (including the carbon tax of 9c a litre on petrol and 10c on diesel). The good news for the agriculture sector was that the diesel refund increased from R3.22 per litre to R3.33 per litre on 80% of eligible use. “Agriculture is, to a large degree, a price taker both on the input side as well as the output side so any increase in cost has a direct impact on the producers’ profitability and cost structure,” said Taylor. “The increase of 11c in the diesel rebate for agriculture is welcomed and will offer some relief.” The proposed Carbon Tax Bill is expected to come into effect in June 2019, subject to sign-off by the President. Based on The Carbon Tax Bill tabled by Treasury in November 2018, indications are that Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use will be exempt from the first phase of implementation.

“We are supportive of any initiatives to limit any possible negative impact of agriculture on the environment,” said Taylor. “John Deere supports sustainable agriculture and we are continuously working to ensure our machines’ emissions meets the requirements of the markets in which we operate.” One bugbear for a segment of the agriculture sector to emerge from the 2019 budget speech was the increase in the sugar tax from 2.1c to 2.21c per gram of sugar per 100ml, with the first four grams of sugar still exempted from taxation. The tax, which came into effect on 1 April 2018, has R2.3bn in revenue for the fiscus, according to Treasury. The SA Canegrowers Association has said the tax has cost the sugar industry nearly R1 billion since its implementation. It has also argued that the sugar tax has decreased local demand by 200,000 tons which puts 6,000 jobs at risk “With the lower local demand and weaker export prices, we expect the sugar producers to be more price conscious with capital expenditure,” said Taylor. “We are actively looking at ways in which we can provide cost effective solutions for this part of the industry as well as elsewhere where cost pressures may be impacting purchasing and investment decisions.”

March - April 2019 | 25


New knowledge on how stable flies choose the best sites to lay their eggs could lead to trapping baits for the insects In a study published on the journal Scientific Reports, the team emphasizes the importance of these findings, as they could lead to the development of odour baited traps for these highly destructive, extremely adaptive, yet little studied insects

carvone, found in donkey dung and sheep dung, respectively.

Stable flies are a serious challenge for livestock and people across the world in general, and in Africa specifically. These blood-sucking insects transmit various pathogens, for example trypanosomes that cause the deadly trypanosomiasis,” noted icipe scientist Dr Merid Getahun, who led the study.

“These results have great potential. For example, these chemicals could be used in baiting traps to attract pregnant stable flies, hence reducing populations one generation to another,” Baleba further observed.

In addition, the painful bites of the flies lead to loss of blood, reduced weight gain and poor lactation in afflicted livestock, severely diminishing productivity. The icipe-led study, conducted by Bernard Baleba as part of his PhD research at the Centre, registered at the University of Pretoria, demonstrates that even when numerous choices are available, stable flies have a strong preference to lay their eggs in donkey dung and sheep dung. “We found these two types of droppings to

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have better nutrient content that improves the development of the eggs that hatch faster, while the young ones gain weight quicker, leading to more robust flies,” explains Baleba. Further, the researchers established the flies’ choice to be guided by two compounds known scientifically as beta citronellene and

Dr Dan Masiga, Head, icipe Animal Health Theme added: “Any tools that improve control of vectors of animal diseases enhance the potential of African farmers to be productive. Therefore, this research is especially exciting because we can work in partnership with industry to translate into technologies and disseminate them to communities”. Such a goal will be supported by icipe’s longstanding success in utilising chemical odours in insects to modify their behaviour, as a way of controlling them.



Harvesting new opportunities with LED based Horticulture Lighting

ight is crucial for most life-forms. Plants relay on light for photosynthesis. Utilizing artificial light to support this process enables farmers to control the development, shape, and flowering period of plants. The quantity of light, its spectral composition and light duration have an effect on plant properties in the growth process. Therefore, lighting is a crucial variable in today’s horticultural industry. While High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) based lighting is still widely spread, farmers and greenhouse owners increasingly experience the benefits LED based lighting solutions offer in comparison. These include a more targeted influence through specific color spectrums and wavelengths, lower power consumption and longer lifespan, resulting in lower maintenance and operational costs.

high power consumption and the heat of HPS luminaires also demand a significant distance between light source and plants, leaving them primarily suitable for top-lighting. LED based solutions in comparison produce almost no heat and can therefore also be used for multi-layer or ‘vertical’ cultivation.

growth, among other things. The right mix and the temporary addition of certain wavelengths – adapted specifically to the individual needs of the plant – can then trigger the desired effect in line with the grower’s goals.

Since the discovery that the spectrum of light offered to plants can change plant properties (for example, blossom and fruit growth rates), there has been an enormous increase in the interest by the horticultural industry in LEDs.

LEDs are particularly well suited to this application field. Leading experts for horticulture LED technology, such as OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, over the last decade have broadened their portfolio and provide options for all types of plants, enabling the grower to adapt the light exactly to the needs of various crops.

Plants predominantly use blue light (430 to 490 nm) and red light (640 to 700 nm) for photosynthesis and producing energy, but also have other absorption bands e.g. around 730 nm in the infrared range. This range controls plant

Today, LED lighting can stimulate plant growth by up to 40 per cent. As LEDs are very energyefficient and have a longer life-span they also save costs and are an environmentally friendly alternative to standard horticultural lighting

Optimizing the conditions for plants is important to any grower aiming to achieve two of the key goals: a maximum yield in quantity and quality (e.g. yield per harvest, fruit size, weight, color and flavor) and control of speed, cost and material efficiency (e.g. time to germinate, cycles per season, minimizing water and energy per plant, speed of growth). The LED can provide these benefits by additionally saving around 30% electrical energy compared to HPS fixtures. Lighting systems are key to support these goals, especially in tightly packed growing environments. HPS lamps produce over 100 lm/W, but over a wide wavelength range. The

March - April 2019 | 27


Full agri range from Pratley Adhesives, Pratley Minerals at NAMPO 2019 The full range of products from Pratley Adhesives and Pratley Minerals for the agricultural industry will be on display at Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day 2019, the leading event of its kind for the farming community.


ratley has been exhibiting at NAMPO for about 20 years, and sees the event as a major platform to engage with cooperatives, wholesalers, and the general public. “We see agriculture and farming as a significant growth market for Pratley,” comments Pratley National Sales & Marketing Manager Mark Bell. Products on display from the Pratley Minerals division include Pratley Clinomix® livestock feed additive. Benefits of Clinomix® include increased non-protein nitrogen (NPN) for ruminants, and a major a reduction in odour and faecal moisture. Pratley Clinomix® is also a highly-effective mycotoxin binder that improves the flowability and anti-caking of feed. Another major feature is that it effectively alleviates acute and chronic diarrhoea and/or scouring in high-density feedlots and farms. Pratley Clinoxin® is a broad-spectrum mycotoxin binder, particularly in the poultry industry. It controls mould proliferation, and selectively binds mycotoxins, especially aflatoxins, in contaminated animal feed. It also has the major benefit of reducing ammonia levels and faecal moisture in poultry houses. Both Clinoxin® and Clinomix® are registered remedies with the South African Department of Agriculture.

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Pratley National Sales and Marketing Manager Mark Bell Products on display from the Pratley Adhesives range include those used for general repair, farm maintenance, and specific repairs of agricultural and mechanical equipment. Along with their traditional high-performance epoxy and acrylic products, Pratley will also showcase their new Superglue range, and brand-new RTV Silicone Gasket Maker.

“NAMPO is an extremely important showcase for us. Every year we attract new customers, as well as catch up with the cooperatives that service the agricultural industry,” Mark notes. Pratley also focuses on cooperatives in the broader Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. This year the Pratley stand will be represented by Mark himself, as well as Mark Edwards, Graeme Cefferty, Ian Houston and Louis Klopper on the adhesives side. Marketing Director Eldon Kruger and Minerals Sales Representative Louis Buys will be on hand to give expert advice on Pratley’s agricultural and mineral products. Visit Pratley at NAMPO 2019 at Stands 19 and 20 in the Zest WEG Hall from 14 to 17 May in Bothaville in the Free State. For further information, go to https:// nampo-home. Connect with Pratley on Social Media to receive the company’s latest news Facebook: PratleySA/ Twitter:




I have been using Calkonutrium® for the past two years, and I got a higher yield every time.

My corn could handle the drought better than usual because they had a bigger root system.

Get a better re-growth (Rye, Oats, barley ...) ? I got very good results on my re-growth of my feeds. I had my livestock feeds analysied by an independent livestock feed company , and the results were very impressive.

The past three years we had a drought, and often I could not believe how good my crops where looking under these circumstances. And the only reason I could find was, Calkonutrium®.

Rudi Van Den Berg, Bothaville, Free State.

Jannie Schlebush, Lady Grey, Eastern Cape


n 2014 Dfert Fertilizer (South Africa) took hands with FCA Fertilisants (France). FCA Fertilisants has made it possible for Dfert Fertilizer to import a Biological product in a granule form called Calkonutrium®. This product can become part of every farmers Fertilizer application program.

Four years of trials on different crops has shown us a very positive effect. This has also shown us that Biological Fertilizer is the answer for sustainable fertility for the future. In the past season (2018) we interviewed a few farmers regarding their use of Calkonutrium® in there Fertilization Program. This is the farmers view of the product : In your opinion, is there a future for Biological fertilizer like Calkonutrium® ? Yes, for sure. I am a sheep farmer, so it is very important to me to have good quality feed, as well as to keep the soil healthy. Calkonutrium® takes care of both.

Definitely, the re-growth was much better. Alf Ross, Lady Gray, Eastern Cape

Get a higher profit per hectare ? Yes, because of the good quality feed, my sheep was market ready. Yes,

Definitely, I will never plant without Calkonutrium® again. If I had to choose between conventional fertilizer and Calkonutrium®, I would choose Calkonutrium®. For farmers that are unfamiliar with this product, I would encourage you to use this product to increase your crop yield. Calkonutrium® is undoubtedly one of the easiest products to use to increase your yield.

Johan Potgieter ,Ventersburg, Free State


Rudi Van Den Berg, Bothaville, Free State

Was it easy to use? Yes, the fact that Calkonutrium® can be blended with other fertilizer makes it very easy to apply. Yes, The product was easily applied. Johan Potgieter ,Ventersburg, Free State

Yes, The fact that it is in a granule form, makes it very easy to apply. Rudi Van Den Berg, Bothaville, Free State

Did you notice any physiologicaldifference in plants that was Fertilized with Calkonutrium® and those that was not ? I noticed a clear difference in my feed. Yes, My crops had a bigger root system and they looked much healthier than usual.

I think that biological fertilizer is our future. The future of farming is without an doubt regenerative farming, and this goes hand in hand with biological organisms. There is nothing that mankind can do, that mother earth can’t do. Alf Ross, Lady Gray, Eastern Cape

With the use of Calkonutrium® did you: Get a higher yield? (Sunflower, corn, maize potatoes ...) ? I planted Soya and corn and I got a higher yield on both crops. Johan Potgieter ,Ventersburg, Free State

Alf Ross, Lady Gray, Eastern Cape

Jannie Schlebush, Lady Grey, Eastern Cape

Yes, without a doubt.

Rudi Van Den Berg, Bothaville, Free State

Would you use Calkonutrium® again? And would you recommend it to other farmers? Yes, Definitely. Calkonutrium® led to beautiful and quickly marketable lambs. Efficient pasture management and soil health will lead to conservation of my land for future generations. I will recommend it to other farmers. Jannie Schlebush, Lady Grey, Eastern Cape

Jannie Schlebush, Lady Grey, Eastern Cape

Yes, definitely.

Alf Ross, Lady Gray, Eastern Cape

JannieSchlebush, Lady Grey, Eastern Cape

Jannie Schlebush, Lady Grey, Eastern Cape

Johan Potgieter ,Ventersburg, Free State

Rudi Van Den Berg, Bothaville, Free State

Johan Potgieter ,Ventersburg, Free State .

My Crops appeared to be much stronger and they had a much bigger root system. Rudi Van Den Berg, Bothaville, Free State

Definitely, The plants looked much healthier and the livestock clearly preferred grazing the fields that where fertilized with Calkonutrium. This was a very interesting aspect of the product. Alf Ross, Lady Gray, Eastern Cape

What effects did you notice about the fertilization of Calkonutrium® during a drought ? I could see that my plants, especially my corn had a better resistance during a drought and it also recovered faster than usual after it had rained.

FCA Fertilisants and Dfert will also be a part of the Nampo Exhibition 2019. Our booth will be by the French Pavillion. Please come and visit us for further information and any questions about this unique product.

To contact us : Mr. Sébastien DAVID + Mr. Christophe MONNOT +

Johan Potgieter ,Ventersburg, Free State

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Full line-up of tough Bobcat agricultural machines at NAMPO 2019 From fencing to trenching and excavating to loading and cleaning, and even grapples for bales, Bobcat Equipment South Africa will have a full line-up of equipment ideal for the agricultural industry on display at Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day from 14 to 17 May in Bothaville in the Free State. Bobcat will once again have a significant presence at the Goscor Group stand at this leading event for the farming community, according to National Sales Manager Brian Rachman. “The agricultural industry is an important growth market for Bobcat, and therefore the exposure we obtain by attending this exhibition is very important for our brand visibility.” The Bobcat B730 is a versatile ‘back-to-basics’ backhoe loader for trenching, breaking, or even materials-handling. Features include a 100 hp turbocharged engine, a powershift transmission as standard, 18” front tyres and two-wheel steer, superior breakout force with double loader bucket cylinders, and reduced maintenance costs due to a bolt-type cylinder head design. The Bobcat B730 delivers the power that customers need for the most demanding agricultural applications, while reducing operating costs. It features a high-quality filtration system for longer life, while the singleside service components take the effort out of any maintenance or daily checks. The Bobcat E55 Compact Excavator is ideal for agricultural applications such as fruit farming. This conventional tail-swing model is easy to manoeuvre through tight spaces, increasing

its versatility and flexibility. Features include exceptional performance, dig depth, and dump height. Tier 4-compliant, the E55 is available with a clamp-ready extendable-arm configuration for additional length when fully extended. This allows for extended reach without having to upsize the machine, representing a significant cost-saving for farmers. An angle-blade option is also available. Bobcat also has a range of auger attachments to dig holes quickly and accurately. Heavy-duty hydraulics make these attachments ideal for any soil conditions. Farmers can choose between a direct-drive auger for an optimum balance between torque and RPM, or a gear-driven planetary auger for applications that require the most torque. Multiple bit types and teeth enhance the flexibility of these attachments even further.

The range of agricultural attachments available from Bobcat extends to buckets, fertilisers, and grain loaders for large-scale agricultural jobs, and grapples and graders for tough forestry work, diggers and drop hammers for construction, concrete mixers for laying down groundwork, or angle brooms for clean-up. Visit Bobcat Equipment South Africa, part of the Goscor Group, at Stand C17 at NAMPO 2019. For more information go to pages/nampo/nampo-home.

The Bobcat B730 delivers the power that customers need for the most demanding agricultural applications

30 |March - April 2019


Paul Mueller

milk cooling equipment expands into Kenya


he storage of milk is a very important factor in dairy farming. Dairy farms rely on highly efficient cooling of the milk to keep the milk at a consistent temperature of about 4°C in the milk tanks until the milk is collected for further processing. As the average dairy size continues to grow, much of today’s milk cooling remains outdated and inefficient. With increasing restrictions on energy consumption nationwide, as well as the rebates available for refrigeration system replacements or retrofits in some areas, it’s an issue every producer and service professional should educate themselves on. There are a myriad of new technologies available in the refrigeration industry. A few are beginning to make their way into dairy

refrigeration. Utilizing these advancements can help a dairy’s bottom line. Paul Mueller Company designs and manufactures processing equipment for use in dairy farms; and various applications in food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. Paul Mueller is a global company with representation in all continents. In Kenya, Mueller have partnered with EuroDairy Equipment Limited as their sole distributor to import and install Mueller milk cooling equipment. The Kenyan dairy sector is rapidly growing and is dominated by smallholder dairy farmers. Total raw milk production in Kenya is currently estimated at 5 billion liters per year.

This figure may be higher because not all the production within the informal sector may be account for. Only about 600million liters are collected and processed formally. Reports from processors indicate a challenge with the quality of milk supplied to the processors. This is as a result of weak milking practices, fragmented small- scale dairy farming system and weak infrastructure in terms of roads and electricity connectivity, posing lack of milk cooling and storage facilities on the farms, hence milk spoilage and loss. This in turn causes huge losses to the farmers and compromises efforts by farmers to embrace technology that increases productivity.

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to source for markets with competitive prices from potential buyers/processor. This in turn would enhance the quality of milk supplied to the consumers and directly impact on health standards for safe food production. The current scenario is a health scare given that when processors reject low quality milk, farmers have the temptation to preserve milk using unconventional ways including introducing harmful chemicals adulterating the milk then supplies the bad milk to unsuspecting buyers through the unstructured outlets. More information is available from this this website

As a result the dairy processing industry in Kenya is struggling with getting sufficient milk for processing and is forced to reject low quality raw milk or risk compromising quality. Low quality milk reduces acceptability and shelf life of processed milk and prevents participation in the highly potential export market. Mueller through EuroDairy supplies a wide range of

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equipment that provide post-harvest solutions. Other than new cooling tanks Paul Mueller supplies reconditioned milk cooling equipment that are highly affordable and adoptive to the levels of electricity supply in the farmland areas. Having raw milk collection centers and equipping them with Mueller milk cooling tanks offers the small holder farmers an opportunity to collectively store the raw milk and enables them

Mueller offers technical training and ensures availability of spares to EuroDairy, who work hand in hand with its principal partner Kanters Holland Bv. This ensures that customers enjoy premier after sales round the clock technical support, preventive maintenance services and spare parts with minimum downtime. In sum, Kanters Holland BV in collaboration with EuroDairy provides milk harvesting solutions (Milking Machines) and Mueller in partnership with EuroDairy steps in to cure the post-harvesting challenges.


Youth employability a key issue for agri sector


he agriculture sector – which employs just under 1 million people in South Africa according to StatsSA – is crying out for a solution to its youth employability challenge. This was one of the key takeaways from the Youth Employment Service (YES) participation at the recent CGA Citrus Summit held in Port Elizabeth. “Lack of viable and sustainable youth employability solutions was a clear issue for all stakeholders,” says Lara Grieve, YES business development manager. Grieve added: “What was clear from the event was that the agriculture sector is looking for ways to bring a more collaborative approach to the unemployment challenge, bringing government and the commercial players in the agriculture sector together.” Borne out of the CEO Initiative, YES has become one of the highest impact programs in SA, creating on average nearly 700 work opportunities each week in its first five months. These opportunities provide unemployed black youth (18 – 35 years old), the chance to access

the workforce, gain valuable skills and earn a basic wage. Furthermore, these YES youth are equipped with smartphone devices to learn valuable skills including work readiness, health and safety, financial wellness and more through the YES application. YES also enjoys a strategic partnership with LinkedIn. This means that YES youth can access one of the largest professional networks in the world, and build CVs and references that put them in front of potential future employers.

Ismail-Saville says that South Africa would benefit from a decentralized workforce where jobs are created in developing parts of the economy. “By creating employment in the agriculture sector, salaries and skills are retained in these regions, contributing to economic development. If we create 1,000 entry-level jobs in a region such as Limpopo or Nelspruit, we add R42m to the local economy.”

A further benefit of YES is that it offers attractive benefits to businesses looking to improve their Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) scorecard rating. Qualifying businesses can improve their B-BBEE rating by either 1 or 2 levels by employing and absorbing YES youth, in line with the Practice Note issued in October 2018. “Agriculture is an important sector for the South African economy,” says YES chief executive Tashmia Ismail-Saville, who points out that there is an over-concentration of youth looking for work opportunities in Gauteng, but finding themselves competing with highly-skilled people for entry-level jobs.

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Cargill and Heifer launch Hatching Hope Global Initiative to improve nutrition and bolster livelihoods of 100 million people Program will engage women poultry farmers to tackle hunger and poverty through the power of poultry


argill and Heifer International have joined forces to create The Hatching Hope Global Initiative. The bold initiative aims to improve the nutrition and economic livelihoods of 100 million people by 2030 through the production, promotion and consumption of poultry. Hatching Hope will work directly with women smallholder farmers, initially in India, Mexico and Kenya. The program helps farmers not only feed their families but also become part of the solution to bridging the global food and nutrition security gap, while boosting local economies and providing nutrition education. “We believe that the key to ending hunger and poverty is for farmers to be able to earn a living income,” said Pierre Ferrari, president and CEO of Heifer International. “Through Hatching Hope, we’re investing in smart, resourceful women farmers, working with them to improve their products and access new markets. We’re excited to launch Hatching Hope as it can be quickly scaled up, supporting more farmers around the world.” Hatching Hope will drive awareness of the nutritional benefits of poultry and eggs and stoke demand through local and national education campaigns. Farmers will be connected to markets and equipped with the goods and services they need to be successful participants in the poultry value chain.

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“Millions of people worldwide go hungry every day and lack access to nutrients they need to grow and thrive,” said Chuck Warta, president of Cargill’s premix and nutrition business. “While donations of food and money provide shortterm relief, we can create sustainable change by teaching and sharing what we know, and helping transform subsistence farmers into productive, successful entrepreneurs who have the economic means to feed their children, send them to school and lift their families and communities out of poverty. We believe the 800 million smallholder farmers around the world need to be part of the solution to help us feed 10 billion people by 2050.”

knowledge in the poultry industry and global market. Both have a strong global footprint and on-the-ground presence in developing countries and the ability to mobilize staff to address specific issues facing the poultry value chain in the countries where Hatching Hope will operate. “We think poultry offers a unique set of advantages that set farmers up for success,” said Warta. “Meat and eggs present an opportunity to involve all members of the household –from women to children to the elderly. The poultry growing cycle is also fastpaced, so it can deliver meat and eggs quickly and provide a valuable nutritional source – particularly for children.

Cargill and Heifer share a common belief in the value of safe and affordable animal protein in the diet and a commitment to improving livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Heifer has long-term presence, development expertise and strong relationships in rural communities that build social capital. Cargill has best-in-class expertise in animal health and productivity with deep

Cargill and Heifer partnered on an initiative in China two years ago to equip 450 women-led poultry farms with chicks, training and access to nutritional expertise and other services. The success of that project became the inspiration for Hatching Hope. “The magic of the Heifer model is that every person that takes part in the project commits to pass on knowledge and expertise, and maybe even chickens to another family,” Ferrari added. “Farmers see not only that change is possible, but that it’s worth their time. Together, we build strong networks between farmers and link communities into markets – and this is how the reach and impact of Hatching Hope will continue to grow.”


AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT LUBRICATION Essential for sustainable farming businesses


armers need machines that work as long and hard as they do. In order to create a sustainable business in the agricultural sector, good equipment maintenance is critical. Farming equipment has to work for long hours, and usually in tough conditions. Machinery components such as engines, axles and transmissions need the correct lubrication reliability solution to increase their longevity and sustain the productivity required to keep a farming or agriculture business profitable.

In engines, effective lubrication should protect against corrosion, dirt build-up, component wear and premature aging of engine oil. In terms of corrosion prevention, quality lubricants like those supplied by Lubrication Engineers (LE) South Africa neutralize the gases and acids that are produced as part of the engine combustion process. Counteracting gases and acids also help to stop engine oil from aging. Dirt in an engine from piston deposits or sludge can reduce the efficiency of a machine and

increase the fuel costs for running it, especially when it is used for extended periods of time. A high-quality lubricant removes deposits, helping keep the engine clean. LE’s Monolec® wear-reducing additive creates a single molecular lubricating film on metal surfaces, vastly increasing oil film strength without affecting clearances. It allows opposing surfaces to slide by one another, greatly reducing friction, heat and wear. Monolec® 8700 is designed to help engines to go up to 50

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000km without an oil change, while Monolec® Ultra 8800 only needs changing every 100 000km. Although it can be tempting to reduce operating costs by using cheaper products, the long-term risks are high. While inferior lubricants won’t cause immediate equipment breakdowns, they can lead to significant maintenance expenses over time. “The right lubricant helps protect equipment in all conditions, even when operating at maximum volumes. By guarding against wear, deposits and corrosion, machinery keeps functioning efficiently and the risk of costly unplanned downtime is reduced,” says Callum Ford, National Marketing Manager at LE. For axles and transmissions, a quality product will keep equipment running well by lubricating the transmission, wet brakes and hydraulic systems of agricultural machinery like tractors, diggers and combine harvesters. The correct lubricant will help to smooth brakes, improve the longevity of oil and protect against wear.

For more extreme conditions, Almagard® Vari-Purpose Lubricant 3752 is specified. It is extremely tacky and will not wash off, pound out or melt and run, even in severe conditions. It is ideal for on-and off-road agricultural equipment where high impact occurs.

LE’s Almatek® General Purpose Lubricant 1233 is designed to withstand shock loading, poundout and water washout in friction and anti-friction bearings, chassis points and other greaselubricated applications. This versatile, tacky grease is specially formulated to give superior protection and long service life.

Ford says, “The reliability and efficiency of any piece of farming equipment is dependent on how well a lubricant performs in the transmission. A reliable product simplifies maintenance, while still protecting equipment for longer, all of which helps customers improve productivity and reduce their long-term costs.”

“Agricultural producers need to partner with a lubrication supplier that can help them find the best solution for their equipment and help develop a maintenance schedule that fits in with their off season. LE’s consultants can help clients manage their lubrication for maximised effectiveness. A lubrication consultant will offer education and advice on the right way to store and handle lubrication, where to properly apply lubrication on any equipment, when to re-grease a surface, how to check lubrication is working properly and is the right type for a particular type of machinery, and how much lubrication to use for each application,” Ford concludes.

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36 |March - April 2019


11 – 13 April 2019 GART Research Centre, Chisamba, Zambia

Presented by

Do you know YOUR Grain Temperature?

Portable, Computerized & Wireless Grain Monitoring Systems See your local silo dealer for more details.

Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc.

Grain Storage Made Better

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