First mining Drc-Zambia Nov/Dec 2017

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1 MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine November-December 2017 > Issue 26 > Vol.8 #

Kansanshi Mine trains local contractors p18

ALSO... Are mining companies closing the digital disconnect? p24





Congo mines say revised code threatens industry's future


Mitigating risks on elevated platforms

FEATURED DEVELOPMENTS INNOVATION 10 Sula Iron and Gold acquires DRC cobalt license 33 Twiflex selected for Zambia complex

34 Vedanta unveils mine digitalisation as key driver of Gamsberg




To Provide Eco-Friendly Innovations



Nov - Dec 2017


DINGO The Global Leader in Predictive Maintenance

1st MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine November-December 2017 > Issue 26 > Vol.8 #

FROM THE EDITOR Miners involved in exploration know this too well: aer spending so much time, manpower, effort and resources digging and looking for traces of mineral deposits, and unearthing more questions than answers, they have

Kansanshi Mine

no choice but to continue the exploration.

trains local contractors p18

As productivity remains the number one operational risk in the mining sector, digital transformation in the sector will be a critical enabler to addressing the industry's productivity and margin challenges. Mining companies will be able to better manage variability and improve productivity by merging digital with a manufacturing mindset, which focuses on productivity across the end-to-end value chain. e Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Honorable Christopher

ALSO... Are mining companies closing the digital disconnect? p24



Yaluma in Zambia, has said Government is promoting diversi cation within the mining sector and is focusing on value addition to development minerals, which are oen referred to as low value minerals.

Cover Kansanshi Mining PLC

Vedanta, a major zinc producer, is making a fresh $200m investment in its Namibian operations, as it plots a strategy to make the plant a regional hub

Editor Bertha M.

for re ning the metal. If you're involved in a mining project, you understand the importance of using the right tools for optimal results. When it comes to scoping and

Contributing Writers

mapping, drones (or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as they are officially

Anne Thomas, Mfuneko Jack, Lindani Mkhize and Caroline Thomas

called) have proven to be a viable and welcome solution.

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but drones are uniquely suited to the tasks of aerial mapping and scoping.

Russou Billiard +27 11 044 8986

Not only can they be equipped with the latest mapping (as well as tracking

Achieving an optimal bird's-eye-view of a mining site is a challenging task

and reporting) technology, drone technology brings with it a number of bene ts.

Deward Sitali +260 96 187 4888

Welcome to our last edition of 1st Mining DRC-Zambia edition for the year

Victor Ndlovu

questions, and inspire them to look for more answers.

Cleopas M.

Read more interesting stories packed in this issue, and until next time we

2017. We hope that this issue will enlighten its readers, answer some of their

Mandla M. mandlam@fmdrc-zambia

hope you love this issue!

Professor M.


Bertha M.

Graphic Design and Layout Que Gibson

Published By Mailing Times Media

Circulation/Sales +27 11 044 8985

Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd


Nov - Dec 2017



Mining NEWS

Congo mines say revised code threatens industry's future Mining companies in Democratic Republic of

Swiss-based commodities giant Glencore and

than in competitor nations such as

Congo said on Monday that proposed changes

London-listed Randgold Resources , said

neighbouring Zambia.

to the mining code adopted by the lower house

investors would look elsewhere if the code were

of parliament last week would do lasting

approved by the Senate and signed into law by

Congo's mines minister suspended

damage to investment in Africa's top copper

the president.

consideration of the revised code in March 2016


because companies had complained that its “is very heart of the DRC's economy is now

scal terms would make their projects

e process of revising the 2002 mining code in

seriously threatened while it should be

unpro table, given current low commodity

Congo has dragged on for over ve years but the

protected, supervised and strengthened,” the


National Assembly on Friday approved a bill

statement said.

that would increase taxes and royalties and sent

But the government reintroduced the proposal

it to the upper house Senate for a second vote.

“is would cause the certain death of a young industry, however it contributes to the

revenues in a country with an annual budget of

e measure would also increase the state's

achievements of the national economy.”

only around $5 billion.

in May, saying it was essential to boosting public

minimum unpaid share of new mining projects and require that Congolese investors hold at

e government and some civil society groups

least 10 percent of shares in large-scale mines.

in Congo dispute the companies'


percent of the country's export revenues and

In a statement, several of Congo's largest copper

models and argue that the proposed 3.5 percent

represents about 20 percent of national gross

and gold mines, including projects operated by

royalties on precious and base metals are lower

domestic product.

Congo's mining sector accounts for some 95



Nov - Dec 2017


Mining NEWS

Huge sums in mining revenue off the books in DRC: report Some $750m in revenue from Democratic

won by President Joseph Kabila.

e NGO Global Witness charged in July that

Republic of Congo's mines between 2011 and

the Congolese mining sector served as a

2014 "cannot be reliably tracked" in the records

"As the country faces a period in which critical

funding machine for the Kabila regime, which

of the state-owned Gecamines, the Carter

elections are supposed to take place, conditions

has been in power since 2001.

Center said.

are ripe for additional unreported sales and revenue diversion," the report warned.

"A toxic combination of corruption and

"It is troubling that Gecamines has refused to

and state mining companies is leaching a h of

e US foundation, in a report, suggested Gecamines used "its privileged position to

mismanagement in DRC's revenues agencies

generate US$1.1bn from copper and cobalt

publish contracts for several mining deals that

mining revenues away from the state budget

deals between 2011 and 2014" yet had failed to

may have generated more than half a billion

that should be used on vital public services such

reliably account for almost two-thirds of the

dollars in 2016-2017.”

as schools, hospitals and roads," Global Witness


asserted in its report. e next presidential election is overdue, for

Gecamines wields control of the vast nation's

Kabila refused to quit at the end of his second

e Carter Center said its report is based on 200

"best mining permits", enabling it "to generate

constitutional term last December, sparking

interviews, the study of more than 100 mining

substantial revenues from its partnerships,

protests, bloodshed and arrests.

contracts, more than a thousand corporate

averaging US$262m per year in royalties,

documents and data from the Extractive

bonuses and other contractual fees from 2009 to

e vote was set to take place this year under a

Industries Transparency Initiative covering

2014," the report said.

transitional deal reached on New Year's Eve, but


the electoral commission has since said that

e foundation was set up by US former

"ose revenues are not directed to the public

there can be no vote before early 2019, mainly

president Jimmy Carter to promote democracy

treasury, and they are largely beyond the realm

since a voters' roll is un nished in the troubled

and human rights around the world.

of public oversight," it said.

Kasai region.

e world's leading producer of cobalt and h largest copper producer, the DRC is one of the

It noted that signi cant income generated by

No immediate reaction could be obtained to the

world's poorest nations, where 90% of its

mining proved "difficult to trace" ahead of

report from authorities.

estimated 71 million population lives in

elections that took place in 2006 and 2011, both

extreme poverty.


Nov - Dec 2017



Mining NEWS

One Zambian mining community puts women's issues front and center D e e p i n t h e c o u nt r y s i d e o f Z a m b i a ,

about contaminated water, the mine operator,

“e coming of the mines has destroyed our

communities near Kansanshi, the largest open-

First Quantum, dug some b oreholes.

soils because crops can't grow like they used to

pit copper mine in Africa, are seeing few

Unfortunately, community members reported

in the past,” said another local woman.

bene ts from the copper that is extracted from

that two of them do not actually work and were

their ancestral lands. Worse yet, they are

insufficient to begin with.

e arrival of a mine can also mean a transition

struggling to get by with water and soil that they

to a more cash-based economy with an in ux of

believe is contaminated.

And it is not just clean water they were

transient, predominantly male mine workers.

concerned about, but also a lack of resources

Mirriam Lubinda, a young woman from Kabwela, shared with me that she is extremely

With some of the largest reserves of copper in

for their school and a health clinic.

Africa, Zambia plays a key role in the global

“It takes someone sick 5 kilometers [3 miles] to

worried about the growing trend of teenage

copper mining industry. Copper mining is one

walk to the clinic to receive health services,”

pregnancies among her peers, which derails

of the largest sources of revenue for the country.

reported a community leader.

their efforts to get an education.

Sadly, not much of this revenue is reaching the communities affected directly by mining. is

Environmental degradation and lack of

While men oen bene t from mining because

was con rmed to me on a recent visit to

community resources are, unfortunately, very

they can get paid work, women can be

Kabwela, the closest community to the mine.

frequent issues in mining communities, and

negatively affected—they oen don't get the

women (and oen girls as well) usually bear

well-paying jobs the industry can provide, or

Gathered at dusk in a circle outside the three-

the brunt of dealing with such challenges. ey

bene t from compensation (compensation is

room structure that is their school for grades

have to walk farther to get clean water and

t y p i c a l l y aw a rd e d t o m a l e h e a d s - o f households). Yet, women are the ones who care

one through seven, a number of men and

wood. ey have to deal with an increase in

women from the community described their

unpaid care work. And these are just a fraction

for the sick, take care of their families while the

challenges while their kids played nearby.

of the impacts that mining can cause.

men are at work, and deal with the mine's environmental impact.

“If we had safe, clean drinking water, our families would be healthy,” said one community

Mining affects livelihoods and family farms


that women oen manage. In Kabwela, the

Aer repeated complaints from the community



Nov - Dec 2017

What gives me hope, however, is that in

locals believe that agricultural production is

Kabwela, women are speaking up.

suffering because the soil has become acidic.

In a community where patriarchal leadership


Mining NEWS structures still prevail, both women and men

î ˘ese are not easy problems to x. But Oxfam is

Zambian government to create mechanisms

are voicing their concerns about the impact the

working with local partners to call on oil, gas,

that allow communities to bene t from mining

mine is having on the lives, livelihoods, and

and mining companies to be responsive to the

revenue proceeds. When the community is

well-being of women and girls.

communities where they operate and to make

involved, especially women, more of the

women's rights and working towards gender

bene ts are spread around.

Gender inequality is the most pervasive form of

justice a priority. We are also working to ensure

discrimination in the world, and it is no

that mining companies consult with women

coincidence that the majority of the world's

and men from local communities so that

poor are women and girls. Entrenched gender

everyone bene ts.

bias, in Zambia and around the world, not only prevents women from engaging with and

C l e an w ate r, a c c e ss to h e a lt h

accessing the economic bene ts of extractive

services—especially for pregnant women and

industries, but manifests in how companies and

children under ve, and preventing unwanted

governments engage with communities at all

pregnancies in young women still going to

stages of project activities. Gender-blind

school—would go a long way to making life

p ol i c i e s an d pr a c t i c e s i n c om mu n it y

better in these Zambian communities.

consultation and decision-making processes give rise to the systematic exclusion of women

Oxfam is also urging mining companies and

and a silencing of women's perspectives,

industry associations to adopt gender-speci c

agendas, and interests in relation to oil, gas, and

policies and to respect community rights to

mining projects.

Free, Prior, and Informed Consent and for the

One Zambian mining community puts women's issues front and center


Nov - Dec 2017



Mining NEWS

Sula Iron and Gold acquires DRC cobalt license Sula Iron and Gold has acquired a controlling

DRC; and

interest in a cobalt licence and has raised


£1,750,000 through placing 3 billion shares and

"We are very excited to announce this

for general working capital purposes

subscribing 5 billion new ones.

signi cant addition to Sula Iron and Gold's

e fundraising, which has been arranged by SP

strategy and exploration activities," comments

Angel, is conditional, inter alia, upon Sula Iron

Sula Iron and Gold CEO, Roger Murphy.

and Gold shareholders' approval of each of the

"We are bullish on the outlook for cobalt and the

resolutions and admission.

other battery metals and believe that the

e net proceeds of the fundraising will be used:

creation of African Battery Metals will provide

to capitalize a new company to be

UK equity investors with exposure to cobalt,

incorporated in the DRC which will be 70%

which some analysts see as the battery metal

owned by Sula Iron and Gold and 30% by the

with the tightest supply/demand fundamentals.

vendor which will hold the cobalt licence to

"e complementary skills of our board and the

provide working capital to commence

experience of our technical advisers, Madini, of

systematic geological exploration work under

operating within the DRC provides us with, I

the cobalt

believe, an advantage in operating in the region,

licence, so commencing the process leading to

where most of the world's cobalt is found.

the de nition of an initial JORC-compliant

"e addition of cobalt to our existing gold

cobalt and copper resource

assets in Sierra Leone, provides important


diversi cation to our exploration activities.

to buy-back the D-Beta new shares

· to provide working capital to Blue Horizon,

"We remain committed to our Ferensola gold

Sula Iron and Gold's subsidiary which carries

project and to maintaining and valorising it

out its gold and iron exploration activities in

through a joint venture or farm-out, as

Sierra Leone

previously announced," concludes Murphy.

· to assess other cobalt-copper opportunities in



Nov - Dec 2017


Mining NEWS

Vedanta invests $200m more in Namibian mining operations Vedanta, a major zinc producer, is making a

concentrate at a 50% metal grade out of SA

was an investment Vedanta group chairman

fresh $200m investment in its Namibian

made little sense and Vedanta was seriously

Anil Agarwal was not reluctant to make,

operations, as it plots a strategy to make the

contemplating building a re nery to process

Naidoo said.

plant a regional hub for re ning the metal,

it, Naidoo said.

says Vedanta Zinc International CE Deshnee Naidoo.

"e chairman of the business is all about However, if no fresh ore could be mined at

growth. We love that.... It's my job to balance

Skorpion aer the $200m investment, which

what we know what we want to do with phase

e re nery is a pivotal plant in the diversi ed

would give the mine another three-and-a-half

two and making sure all the learnings in phase

Indian mining company's base metals strategy

years of life and would more than double

one and optimisations we've put in place are

in Southern Africa, where it sees itself as a

output to 200,000 tonnes of zinc a year, then

carried into the second phase," she said.

dominant zinc and lead producer from its

the re nery there, which processes oxidised

Gamsberg and Black Mountain mines in the

material, would be converted to handle

By the middle of 2018, when the Gamsberg

Northern Cape and possibly the Skorpion

concentrate coming from sulphide deposits

concentrator begins ramping up with half a

mine in Namibia, depending on whether

like Gamsberg and others, generating 150,000

million tonnes of stockpiled freshly mined ore

another extension to the asset's life can be

tonnes of nished zinc a year, she said.

made. e Gamsberg mine, at which Vedanta is

ready to be processed, Vedanta Zinc wants to be able to make a decision on the second

e third phase could take output to 600,000

phase, whether to proceed immediately with

tonnes, but this was far in the future.

mobilising a phase two team or to delay the

investing 400m, will be a 250,000 tonnes a

project a while.

year of zinc-in-concentrate producer, selling

e Black Mountain mine, which generates

the metal to offshore buyers as the company

70,000 tonnes of lead, copper, zinc and silver a

A key factor would be the availability of

considers whether to include a re nery in a

year, would ultimately become a pure lead

power, some 300MW, and this was the best

second phase of the Gamsberg project to

mine with output of 160,000 tonnes a year.

time to begin talking to Eskom, because of

increase output to 400,000 tonnes of metal in

e cost of the second phase of Gamsberg,

new generation coming on line and an


including the re nery and an extension of the

oversupply of electricity in a moribund

concentrator plant, would be about $500m,

economy, she said.

At the 400,000 tonnes a year production level,

which would bring the total bill for the phased

the logic of shipping 1-million tonnes of

development of the mine to nearly $1bn. It


Nov - Dec 2017



Mining NEWS

Zambia is promoting diversi cation within the mining sector Minister of Mines and Minerals Development

tourmaline and aquamarine. ese minerals

than the 508,718 tonnes recorded during the

Honorable Christopher Yaluma has said

are oen referred to as low value minerals due

corresponding period in 2016.”

Government is promoting diversi cation

to their low price as a function of their weight,

within the mining sector and is focusing on

and relatively low value to international

value addition to development minerals,

commodity markets.

projected to increase to 778,379 tonnes from 770,587 tonnes in 2016. Equally, expansion

which are oen referred to as low value minerals.

“Total annual copper production in 2017 is

And Mr. Yaluma said that the vision of the Government for the mining sector is a vibrant

projects to extend mine life at Mopani and other mines continued. e performance of other minerals, emeralds in particular, also

is was in a key note speech delivered on

mining industry contributing to the

behalf of the Minister by Zambia's High

achievement of the Vision 2030 where Zambia

Commissioner to the United Kingdom His

aims to become a prosperous middle income

Excellency Mr. Muyeba Chikonde at the


exports of emeralds improved thereby

“e mining sector has continued to expand

revenue,” he said.

Mines and Money Conference in London.

improved. Production of emeralds and beryl increased from 52,833 kilograms in 2015 to 74,742 kilograms in 2016. In the same vein, increasing the contribution to Government

Mr. Yaluma said Government is focusing on

as evidenced from the increase in mineral

the promotion of value addition in order to

production and investments in expansion

e minister also invited investors to come

diversify the economy adding that

projects at existing mines and green eld

and invest in Zambia saying there were several

Development minerals provide vital inputs for

investments. Copper production, despite the

investment opportunities in the country's

challenges increased from 710,860 tonnes in

mining sector ranging from exploration and

domestic economic development.

2015 to 770,587 tonnes in 2016. At 510,856 Development minerals are minerals which

tonnes during the period January to August

include emeralds, amethyst, garnet,

2017, copper production was 0.42% more



Nov - Dec 2017


mining through to mineral processing and value addition and associated service industries.

Mining NEWS

Zambia Mining Industry Wants Better Public Understanding Of Mineral Royalty Tax (MRT) In a bid to improve public understanding of

whole subject of mining taxation, and MRT in

Among the key learning points of the report are

mining taxation, and promote informed

particular, needs to be better explained.

the following: ·

comment, the Zambia Chamber of Mines today

MRT is used by many countries

released a report entitled “A guide to

“MRT has been a hot topic. We want to set out

around the world, and always exists

understanding Mineral Royalty Tax (MRT)”.

the cold facts, so Zambians can better

alongside a tax on pro t – together,

understand a critical issue affecting the mining

the two taxes assure a stable ow of

e short, 15-page report is available free of

industry, and the wider context of tax and

tax revenue throughout the life cycle

charge from the Chamber of Mines' offices, and

investment in which the issue is situated.”

of a mine; ·

as a downloadable PDF on its website

unlike normal company tax, MRT is levied on revenue rather than pro ts;

He added: “is report signals a more proactive approach by our industry in educating the

therefore, it is payable even when

It is the rst time that the industry body has

public about important strategic issues. It is a

mines are marginal or loss-making;

proactively sought to spark public debate on an

natural follow-up to the media conference we

issue that is critical to its long-term survival,

held in December last year to explain the crisis


mines can take several years to become pro table and pay pro t-

and heralds a more proactive and strategic

facing the global copper-mining sector. ere

based tax, so MRT is an effective way

approach to communication.

will be more such initiatives as the industry

for governments to get upfront short-

continues to engage constructively with

term tax revenue; and

e release of the booklet comes barely three

stakeholders and the broader public.”


unlike a pro ts-based tax, MRT is a cost to the business. A rate that is too

weeks aer the government announced its intention to unveil a new, more accommodating

A guide to understanding Mineral Royalty Tax

high can sti e economic activity and

MRT regime for the industry.

(MRT) is designed for a lay audience, and deals

employment, discourage further

with the subject broadly rather than in complex

investment, and diminish the long-

C h amb e r of M i n e s pre s i d e nt Nat h an

detail. It covers the present situation in Zambia,

term tax pipeline.

Chishimba said: “We commended the

explains the motivations and mechanics of

Government for announcing a sliding scale for

MRT, and gives an outside view of our mining-

e report also considers Zambia's approach to

the determination of MRT rates, linked to the

tax system by the IMF and World Bank, and

MRT in comparison with other mining

prevailing copper price. For the public to really

ends with some thoughts on the future of the


appreciate the signi cance of this move, the

mining industry.


Nov - Dec 2017



Mining NEWS

What is the outlook for Africa's mining industry? Mining Indaba experts take a closer look Mining is one of Africa's most signi cant export

ese pertinent issues affecting the future of

electric vehicles (EVs). Today around 14% of

industries. Natural resources make up

African mining will be debated at next year's

lithium demand comes directly from the EV

approximately 60% of South Africa's exports

Mining Indaba, the world's largest mining

sector, with this percentage predicted to rise to

and are a substantial driver of its economic

investment event, taking place in Cape Town

38% in 2025. Zimbabwe is a key exporter of

development. ough the continent initially

from 5 – 8 February 2018.

garnered fame for its gold rushes and diamond

lithium and allegedly holds one of the world's largest known deposits of the element.

mines, the African mining industry has since

e main stage will feature a full programme of

become one of the world's largest producers of

keynote speeches and corporate presentations

Cobalt demand is also expected to rise, creating

metals such as platinum, copper, iron ore and

by CEOs and senior executives of some of the

opportunities in the Democratic Republic of

uranium, among others. But what is the forecast

world's largest international mining companies

Congo (DRC) which has an abundance of

for Africa's commodity market in 2019 and

such as Rio Tinto, Vedanta and Anglo

cobalt deposits. With this sharp rise in demand



however comes increased pressure to expand the supply side, leading to concerns over how

Real-world events and evolving market

Predicting commodity markets

this will impact the environment, worker's

conditions are shaping the landscape of the

Panel sessions will focus on in-depth analysis of

rights and local communities.

mining industry. e uranium market is

South Africa's leading commodity markets,

predicted to experience an upli due to

with Invesco Portfolio Manager Norman

e main stage will also play host to a keynote

increased demand for nuclear energy, while

Macdonald looking at the long-term outlook of

head to head debate: 'Copper vs. Gold: which is

technological innovations such as the electric

the gold market and how this might be affected

the better investment case?' Mark Bristow

car revolution are set to increase demand for

by future contracts with China.

(CEO, Randgold Resources) will be arguing the

Anthony Milewski (MD, Pala Investments) and

leading a multinational gold mining company.

battery metals, creating new opportunities in the mining sector. Unregulated mining, unsafe

case for gold, having had decades of experience

working conditions and environmental damage

William Adams (Head of research, Metal

He will be pitted against Robert Friedland

have led to increased pressure to create

Bulletin) will examine the supply and demand

(Founder, Ivanhoe Mines) who is a major player

environmentally and socially sustainable

changes of the cobalt and lithium markets, and

in the mining industry and believes that a green

mines, especially among top industry players

how these may be affected by increased demand

revolution will cause a spike in copper prices, as

who are looking to change their reputation.

from car manufacturer Tesla as they invest in

it has the highest conductivity of any non-



Nov - Dec 2017


Mining NEWS Chairman, e Brenthurst Foundation) who works with African governments to develop policies and ideas to strengthen Africa's economic performance. Collaborative action is vital for ensuring that the mining industry is responsive to the needs of the people it affects, allowing it to make a positive socio-economic impact and foster development across Africa. ough this topic will be covered in more detail during the Sustainable Development Day, the key points will be brought forward in a panel discussion with industry experts including Tom Butler (President and CEO, International Council on Mining and Metals) and the Hon. John Peter Amewu (Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Ghana). ey will be examining the tangible results already achieved and looking at which areas will require the most work to help Africa achieve its sustainable development goals. e intergovernmental summit e event's intergovernmental summit will address the sustainability issue by aiming to increase collaboration and discussion between African and international governments. is year 18 African mining minsters will be in attendance from countries including Zambia, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Sudan and Mali, amongst others, alongside a total delegation of 30 African ministers expected at the event. ey will be gathering to discuss how they can help build a successful future for African mining by aiming to enhance transparency, learning from successful case studies in South America, partnering with western precious metal and is an important element in

Mullan (President, PDAC) who will be focusing

governments to invest in new projects and

all energy production as well as in the

on junior miners and the challenges they face

using the mining industry as a tool for social

manufacturing of EVs.

when it comes to international environmental

and economic transformation across the

and social performance standards. ey will be


A sustainable future

de ning the term 'sustainable and inclusive

On the sustainability front, Roy Harvey (CEO,

investment' while looking at how managing

While technological innovations such as

Alcoa) will be discussing whether it's possible to

sustainability factors can increase

electric vehicles are set to rapidly increase

build the perfect mine that doesn't leave



demand for certain commodities and lead to

environmental or social scars. He'll be

growth in the African mining sector in the next

examining how mining companies can look

But what steps need to be taken to successfully

few years, it's also important to re ect on the

beyond pro tability to create shared value for

implement a programme of sustainable

impac t such growth will have on the

the communities that depend on them, and how

development? Many in the industry believe that

environment and local communities. e

viable this is for the industry.

partnerships between mining companies,

mining sector is essential for producing the

governments and communities are the key, a

metals and minerals we need for our way of life,

e topic will also be tackled on the nancial

theme which will be addressed in a keynote

and there will always be risk attached, but it also

side by investor Todd Warren (Head of Global

speech by Olusegun Obasanjo (Former

has the potential to do so in a way that bene ts

Resources, Colonial First State) and Glenn

president, e Republic of Nigeria and

society with more than just economic pro t.


Nov - Dec 2017



Mining NEWS

ZCCM Investments Holdings wants to increase its stakes in the country's mines Following the sharp rise in copper prices this year Zambia's state-controlled

of a mining conference in London.

owned, is suing Canadian company First


He would not be drawn on how much money

Quantum for $1.4 billion over claims that First

Investments Holdings wants to increase its

ZCCM-IH would invest in the companies or

Quantum wrongly borrowed $2.3 billion from

stakes in the country's mines and also expects

over what period.

higher dividend payments.

its local copper mining subsidiary Kansanshi Mining Plc.

“It means every single mining company in ZCCM-IH, which was formerly called Zambia

Zambia is making a pro t so we have to ask

e long-running claim by ZCCM-IH includes

Consolidated Copper Mines Investment

ourselves how do we extract that value from this

$228 million in interest on the loan as well as

Holdings, has assets of about $1 billion with

mining company,” he said.

minority stakes held in the local mine operating

20% of the principal amount, or $570 million and talks over a possible settlement began

subsidiaries of foreign miners including

e highest cost of production was around $5

Glencore, First Quantum Minerals, Vedanta

200 a tonne for a mining company in Zambia

earlier this year.

and Jinchuan Group International Resources.

against the benchmark price of around $6 700,

ZCCM-IH alleged in court papers led last year

Zambia is Africa's second largest copper

Kasolo said.

that First Quantum used the money as cheap

Congo and a 22% rise in prices this year has

“Its a matter of asking them. I can't have shares

Quantum has said the loans were granted at a

boosted pro ts for the miners.

in a company where I don't realise value. What's

fair market rate.

the value of me having shares if they never give

Kasolo said an out-of-court settlement might

“It's encouraging us to invest even more in

me value?” said Kasolo.

yet be reached but the court case would

shareholding in some of the assets we have,”

Quantum dispute

“We want a win-win situation. We don't want to

CEO Pius Kasolo told Reuters on the sidelines

Separately, ZCCM-IH, which is 77% state-

kill the mine,” he said.

producer behind the Democratic Republic of

nancing for other operations while First

copper. at's why we want to increase our

continue to run in parallel with discussions.

Company NEWS

Kansanshi Mine trains local contractors Kansanshi Mining PLC has called on local

Mr. Msiska explained that despite FQM and

quality construction works wrong by applying

contractors who have just undertaken a

HTC of South Africa being very enthusiastic in

the knowledge they have acquired during the

construction management course to prove their

equipping Zambians with various construction

training and produce excellent results in

skills, no graduates will be given special

carrying out projects.

excellence when carrying out projects.

preference to awarding of construction projects Kansanshi Mine Public Relations Manager

for Kansanshi mines.

Godfrey Msiska said the mine will not come up

Meanwhile, the best performing student Lawrence Makumbi said he was con dent that

with any deliberate policy to award contracts for

“We are pleased to have an opportunity to offer

he and his fellow graduates will be able to carry

construction projects to individuals who are

this course in construction and hope that you

out any construction projects diligently that

trained by the mining rm in various courses.

will add intrinsic value to the construction

will be awarded to them

ZANIS reports that Mr Msiska said all

industry. However, there will be no deliberate

individuals who undergo any training

policy in awarding of contracts as you are all

Mr Mukumbi said the vast knowledge they

programs offered by Kansanshi Mine will be

expected to compete with other contractors,” he

acquired from the construction courses they

expected to compete with other individuals and


were taught by HTC in conjunction with

with the mine.

Mr Msiska the graduates who successfully

competent skilled individuals.

He said this during the graduation ceremony for

potential to deliver projects on time as they

Mr. Makumbi commended FQM for taking

a construction course organized by First

have been adequately trained to meet the

time to train people in the construction

local construction companies for any contract

Kansanshi has transformed them into completed the construction course have the

Quantum Mineral (FQM)-Kansanshi Mine in

required speci cations for any road contractor.

industry in order to improve the quality of work

Solwezi last evening.

He advised them to prove people who view

that is done by local contractors in Zambia.

local contractors as being incapable of doing



Nov - Dec 2017


Company NEWS

a maximum deceleration of 2.3m/s2. To meet the hoists high rubbing speeds and provide greater thermal capacity, Twi ex engineers designed a new large pad version (174,700mm2 each pad) of its popular VMS3SPS spring-applied, hydraulically-released brake, which is widely used on mine hoists around the world. ermal capacity is a measure of the ability of the brake pad to absorb and dissipate heat. Known as the VMS3-VR the 16 off brakes (8 off on the xed drum and 8 off

New winder for Mopani copper Mine hoist manufacturer FLSmidth worked

diameter, 70 mm thick discs, producing a total braking torque of 12.2MNm.


For this application, each VMS3-VR is rated to

e double-drum BMR has a payload of 47.5

gap. At this braking force, the rated fatigue life is

240 kN braking force (µ=0.4) using a 2mm air

with Twi ex and its South African distribution partner, Tritec Sintered Products, on this

on the clutched drum) operate on two 6,800mm

installation. FLSmidth supplied a double drum

tonnes and operates at speeds up to 17.6 m/s in

over two million braking cycles. To assist with

Blair Multi-Rope (BMR) rock winder and a

a 1,278 m deep sha. A precision control system

maintenance, Twi ex brakes incorporate a

single drum BMR man / materials winder to the

designed by FLSmidth is used to achieve

monitoring system to signal brake pad wear and

Nkana project. e BMR winder is a variation

synchronous braking of all the brake units.

loss of braking force. e VMS3-VR brakes also include Twi ex's unique 'parked off ' feature:

on the double-drum winder and is used in extremely deep shas as the second drums cable

Twi ex brakes are used for parking and holding

meaning they can be adjusted under hydraulic

is used to balance the primary load. e drums

each time the mine winders stop. In exceptional

pressure so that when pressure is removed there

on both winders are identical; each measuring

conditions (i.e. power failure), the brakes can be

is no stored energy.

5.7m in diameter, with two 1.8m wide rope

used to bring the load to rest whilst maintaining

Company NEWS

Renewable energy for mines? Hybrid solar power plants can reduce the fuel

Dramatic reductions in the price of solar have

coal and nuclear‚ said Juwi's Amiran Roth-

costs of mines and industry and provide reliable

made the shi to hybrid energy attractive to


power at a predictable rate.

investors. South African and regional mining operations

Roughly a quarter (24%) of Africa's population

Greg Austin - managing director of renewable

are showing increasing interest in hybrid and

of more than a billion people currently have

energy company Juwi recently gave concrete

green power solutions‚ Juwi executives revealed

access to power through the traditional grid.

examples of where solar power plants are

during a presentation.

Increasingly African utilities are approaching

For example‚ solar PV supplies 60% of the

and the hybrid energy model is one of these solutions‚ said Austin.

working at African Utility Week in Cape Town. Juwi commissioned the world's biggest solar-

the private sector to help with generation gaps

battery-diesel hybrid system for the DeGrussa

power needed on a mine in Limpopo.

copper-gold mine in Western Australia.

e company has an installed capacity of 4‚300

e remote mine is off the country's electricity

MW in South Africa.

megawatts around the world and about 200 grid‚ thanks to solar panels that cover an area that is roughly the size of 40 football pitches. It is

Austin said: “Power prices for solar and wind

saving some 20% on its former diesel

are now cheaper than gas‚ coal and nuclear.”

consumption bill and is running smoothly.

e investment in renewable energy globally since 2015 has overtaken the investment in gas‚



Nov - Dec 2017


Company NEWS

Vibramech celebrates 40 years of excellence Vibramech celebrates its 40th year anniversary

pan feeders, tubular feeders and grease tables,

swaged fasteners.

in 2017 and further takes the opportunity to

which are all currently operating in processing

As sound dynamic behaviour is essential to

heartily congratulate the SACPS on its

plants, ocean vessels and underground mining

ensure vibrating equipment reliability, all

upcoming 50th anniversary.


equipment is built to perform within strict

In 1997, some 30 years aer the Southern

“Our success can be largely attributed to our

surfaces are machined in order to maintain

dynamic parameters. All internal mating stringent dimensional tolerances.

African Coal Processing Society (SACPS) was

design practice, which makes use of

formerly established, Vibramech was founded.

element analysis and strain gauge analysis to

In addition, the company's quality assurance

e company has over four decades unceasingly

prove structural integrity, with detailed

programme makes provision for a full 3D


built its reputation in southern Africa's mining

attention paid to wear protection and

vibration analysis to be conducted on all

industry, considered to be among the harshest

commonality of components to minimise spare

equipment prior to release. is is used as a

and most aggressive environments in the world.

parts inventories,” explains Vibramech MD

benchmark for the life of the equipment.

Today, the company has become a world leader

David Massey.

A 200 head-strong staff ensures control all

e company also understands the harsh

and manufacturing. All equipment is designed

activities, from sales through to engineering

in the manufacture and supply of high-quality vibrating equipment to the minerals processing industry. e brand is synonymous with quality,

operating conditions which vibrating screens,

and manufactured by Vibramech without the

reliability, and robust vibrating equipment.

grizzlies and feeders are subjected to in the

use of manufacturing subcontractors. is

mining industry. As such, the company is

ensures complete control over quality and

Today, Vibramech is southern Africa's largest

cognisant that its designs need to cater for both


manufacturer of vibrating minerals processing

abrasive and corrosive environments.

Furthermore, its exible and practical approach

“Our equipment needs to withstand the high

the vibrating equipment geometry, resulting in

requirements. Our current installed base of

wear associated with screening abrasive ores

tailor-made equipment.

over 9 000 pieces of equipment has positioned

such as chrome, platinum and iron ore. We also

to screen design enables the client to optimise

equipment. “We engineer solutions for each client's unique minerals processing

us as market share leader in our eld," says

have a range of speciality liner materials, paint

In addition to on-going new project contracts,

Vibramech CEO, Pieter Bellingan.

speci cations and wear prevention compounds

Vibramech constantly strives to provide clients

which are used to combat the effects of

with augmentations to their existing vibrating

"We are proud to be the preferred supplier of

corrosion in marine and re nery applications.

equipment. is enables it to retro t custom-

vibrating equipment to project houses and

Vibramech even offers the option to install a

made design enhancements to improve on the

mines in southern Africa, and we have earned

screen in stainless steel,” Massey notes.

existing mechanical, wear and process related characteristics of any componentry which may

the reputation of being an OEM that designs and manufactures robust and durable screening

e Vibramech design makes extensive use of

need replacement.


rubber lining to reduce the effect of wear and

Issues such as drive type preference (geared

impact on screen components. A range of steel,

exciters / vibrator motors), increased

e company primarily supplies its equipment

ceramic and polyurethane liners are available to

throughput, improved efficiency, reduced panel

to mining and minerals processing industries

protect screen and grizzly side plates, as well as

pegging and optimised spray con gurations are

across the globe (Africa, Europe, Asia,

feeder pans. An abrasion resistant / anti-

all addressed during the retro tting process.

Australasia, North and South America), and has

corrosion epoxy resin system is used to

In each case, a detailed speci cation for the

extensive experience in gold, diamond, coal,

minimise wear associated with

retro t unit is compiled aer focused

iron ore, manganese, platinum, chrome, nickel,


nes in wet

consultations with the client, aer which the

uranium, copper, mineral sands and aggregate

“It is imperative that stresses induced by

current installation is geometrically assessed in


welding are minimised to prevent crack

order to ensure a seamless t into the existing

formation in vibrating equipment,” Massey

plant structure. Once the retro t unit is

Over its lifespan, Vibramech has developed a

says. Vibramech therefore makes use of heat

installed and commissioned, it falls under the

comprehensive range of multi-slope (or

treatment to stress relieve all welded screen

watchful eye of the Vibramech servicing

Banana) screens, horizontal and inclined

components. e overall design philosophy is

infrastructure, providing complete peace of

screens, dewatering screens, grizzly feeders,

to minimise welding and maximise the use of

mind for the client.



Nov - Dec 2017



Are mining companies closing the digital disconnect? to-end value chain.

technology to track equipment and employees

across the world and upending industries, has

through the entire operation. It allowed them to

resulted in a digital disconnect in the mining

Closing the digital disconnect will position

optimise the utilisation of equipment, reduce

and metals sector.

mines to be

e current digital disruption that is sweeping

t for purpose for the future,

ensuring practical and sustainable solutions. e digital disconnect – a gap between the

However, many mining companies are yet to

potential from digital transformation and the

seize the advantages of digital. e current rate

stoppages, minimise bottlenecks and improve asset productivity and utilisation. ese mines show the potential that can be

poor track record of successful

of digital progress is out of sync with their scale

reached in terms of both productivity and

implementations – is not because of a lack of

of opportunity. EY's global report, 'e digital


engagement from the sector, but is rather due to

disconnect: problem or pathway?' found that

unsuccessful implementations, perceptions of

31% of 700 global respondents in the sector say

A pragmatic digital strategy starts with clarity of

high costs relating to IT spend and a disconnect

digital is high on the agenda for their

purpose and understanding where it will create

with current operating models, says Wickus

organisation, while 15% say it is not on their

value, supported by an over-arching, integrated

agenda at all.

3-5 year roadmap of digital initiatives that are

Making digital transformation work

that requires in terms of governance,

Botha, Africa Mining and Metals leader and

margin accretive. Key is understanding what

Wim Hoogedeure, Africa Advisory Mining and Metals leader at professional services rm EY. Using digital transformation to improve

An example of one of the many ways digital can

leadership, culture, capacity, capability, and

productivity, safety

transform operations can be found in a South

digital process maturity.

As productivity remains the number one

numerous structural challenges through the

Other examples where mining and metals

operational risk in the mining sector, digital

use of digital radio technology to monitor slope

companies seized digital opportunities include:

transformation in the sector will be a critical

failures. e technology used by the mine has

African mine. is operation has overcome its


Optimising production plans and productivity rates across any

e n a b l e r t o a d d re s s i n g t h e i n d u s t r y ' s

advanced to a point where it tells the mine's

productivity and margin challenges. Mining

operators where and sometimes when the slope

operation and managing variability

companies will be able to better manage

failures are likely to occur, allowing for

under any conditions. Combining

variability and improve productivity by

evacuations to take place.

merging digital with a manufacturing mindset, which focuses on productivity across the end-



Nov - Dec 2017

detailed ore body data with digitised equipment performance and

A second example is a mine that used digital


maintenance data, in a real-time


environment, allowed scenario

and schedule optimisation tools is

analysis of alternative operating


premiums via sales contracted at

Understanding true end-to-end

different points of the value chain

plans for variability.

capability and systems bottlenecks,

(e.g., on the water sales).

Enhancing asset availability and

and supporting loss elimination.

reliability. A move to digitally

is is fundamental to a

e mining and metals industry plays an

enabled predictive maintenance

manufacturing excellence mindset.

important role in South Africa's economy.

plans, and the ability to re ne these 2.

capture spot markets and price

allows for the extension of



Increasing agility and

Digital enables mining companies to increase

maintenance windows, reduced

responsiveness to changes in

productivity and also solve safety problems. It is

component and labour costs, and the

market factors, such as freight rates

less about when to go digital, more about how to

minimisation of costly breakdown

and customers' buying behaviour

successfully operate in a digital world. Mining

events. Further, once the effective

trends. is would optimise

companies that will win in the digital age are

maintenance practices are

shipping and scheduling to reduce

those that use digital to solve business

standardised, the introduction of

demurrage, maximise port


robotic process automation (RPA)

utilisation and also enable miners to


Nov - Dec 2017




Drones are a mining must-have Reasons why drones are a mining must-have

using drones for mining surveying saves time

importance on a mining site and surveying

If you're involved in a mining project, you

and energy, increasing survey speeds and,

mining landscapes, infrastructure, or stockpiles

understand the importance of using the right

ultimately, boosting productivity. Cutting

can be a dangerous business. For example,

tools for optimal results. When it comes to

down on travel time, drones can scan an area

uneven and challenging terrain can result in

scoping and mapping, drones (or Unmanned

much more quickly (and therefore cost-

hazardous working conditions for surveyors

Aerial Vehicles as they are officially called) have

effectively) than more traditional mapping

travelling on foot. With their mapping abilities

proven to be a viable and welcome solution.

methods. And, by removing the human

and ying capabilities, drones are able to avoid

element insofar as the actual survey goes,

potential hazards and remove a large amount of

Achieving an optimal bird's-eye-view of a

drones offer a fast, effective service. In addition,

the risk associated with working on a mining

mining site is a challenging task but drones are

the low staff numbers needed to operate a drone

site. is makes them useful for operations such

uniquely suited to the tasks of aerial mapping

survey leave human resources free to attend to

as blasting and means that human surveyors

and scoping. Not only can they be equipped

other, perhaps more pressing, tasks.

can spend less time on the mining site, facing potential hazards such as cave-ins.

with the latest mapping (as well as tracking and reporting) technology, drone technology brings

3. Lower operational costs. Quite simply,

with it a number of bene ts.

drones are cheaper to operate than traditional surveying equipment. ey do not have the

planning, drones are the way of the future. Need

Here are our top reasons why drones are the best

maintenance and repair costs of manned aerial

a professional drone service provider? DC

choice for mining surveying:


Geomatics offers total aerial surveying services

4. Reduced downtime: In many cases, such as

technology surveying services) to the mining

(including aerial LiDAR and hyperspectral

1. Reliability: Using the latest in 3D technology, drones are able to accurately render overviews

When it comes to mining surveying and

of any terrain, no matter how inaccessible or

stack or stockpile inspections, downtime is

sector in South Africa as well as across the

hazardous. In addition, many drones are

required for a traditional, on foot survey to take

continent of Africa, including Zambia, Angola,

capable of transferring those images (and

place. Not so in the case of a drone survey

Namibi a, and Tanzani a. O ur te am of

related data) to operators for planning and

which, taking place from an aerial perspective,

experienced surveyors are equipped to generate

tracking purposes, in a matter of minutes.

can save expensive downtime hours.

extremely accurate surveys and maps for all our clients, reducing risk and saving on cost.

2. Increased speed, reduced costs: As above,



Nov - Dec 2017

5. A premium on safety. Safety is of utmost


Health & SAFETY

Busting hearing protection myths A Safety manager hears the excuses dozens of

ticking of a clock, for example), our ears do not

time, the reasons why a worker doesn't want to

have this ability to shut down.

wear the required hearing protection in noisehazardous areas. Some of the excuses would be

responded with a number of speech-friendly hearing protectors. Some have uniform attenuation across all frequencies, so that

e ears still detect sound, even when we are

wearing the earplug reduces volume without

laughable, were it not for the reality that workers

asleep. A worker who feels he no longer needs to

distorting conversations from a co-worker --

lose hearing forever when they do not properly

wear hearing protection is falling victim to his

speech sounds more natural. Some electronic

wear hearing protection in noise-hazardous

own progressive hearing loss. is is one reason

earmuffs are designed with ampli cation


why annual audiograms are an essential part of

circuits to make speech easier to understand in

a Hearing Conservation Programme. Hearing

intermittent noise. But the best response to this

And sometimes, the excuses have just enough

loss is insidious in its slow progression, such

excuse might just be to remind the worker that a

credibility to almost sound plausible. Is a

that it's difficult for a worker to detect any drop

hearing loss causes a disruption to

worker justi ed in not wearing hearing

in hearing from month to month, much less

communication that is permanent. Protecting

protection when he claims it affects his work

year to year. Audiometric testing detects those

h e a r i n g a l l ow s g o o d c om mu n i c at i on

output, or that he's safer without the hearing

shis in hearing which may be undetectable to

throughout life.


the worker

Let's review some of the common reasons

2. I can't hear my co-workers when I wear them

3. I need to hear my machine noise and alarms Like its cousin, “I'm safer without my seatbelt,”

workers offer for not wearing their earplugs,

Several research studies have explored why

the excuse that hearing protection prevents one

and dispel some of the myths preventing good

noise-exposed workers don't wear their hearing

from hearing warning signals and alarms is very

protection. “I don't use earplugs, because...”

protection. e primary reason is oen not

short-sighted. e easy answer to this

1. My ears have grown accustomed to the noise.

comfort, rather the workers' fear that it would

complaint is to simply fast-forward a few years:

rst few

interfere with communication and job

the unprotected worker won't be hearing those

weeks on the job, but I guess my ears just

"e noise really bothered me the

performance. For a worker with normal

warning alarms very well in a few years aer

'toughened up', because the noise doesn't

hearing, communication ability actually

incurring noise-induced hearing loss. Ideally, a

bother me now like it used to." But the truth is

improves when wearing hearing protection.

worker should be wearing no more hearing

that a worker who claims his ears have grown

But for a worker with existing hearing loss,

protection than is needed to bring noise levels

accustomed to loud noise has oen just lost

wearing hearing protectors can indeed affect

below 80 dB at the eardrum, and still let the

hearing sensitivity. While the brain can indeed


worker hear what they need to hear -- warning

Fortunately, some manufacturers have

available to safety managers is

'tune-out' certain repetitive sounds (a ventilation fan, street noise, or continuous



Nov - Dec 2017

signals and alarms. A valuable tool now


t-testing of

Health & SAFETY


sound back to normal. ere is no known cure for a hearing loss due to

Rather than relying upon published rating numbers, t-testing allows a

returns a noise-induced hearing loss back to normal.

loud noise. ere is no surgery, no rehabilitation, no medication that safety manager to accurately measure how much noise is reaching a worker's eardrum. A worker in 95 dB of noise, for example, needs no more

If a safety manager addresses the common excuses that some workers use

than 15 dB of real protection from his earplugs, to be safely protected yet

to avoid good protection, the workers will understand the importance of

still be able to hear warning signals and alarms. Fit-testing allows the

hearing conservation, both on and off the job. Hearing loss due to loud

worker to select the most suitable earplug, avoiding overprotection.

noise is painless and permanent, but also very preventable.

4. ey cause infections in the ear Research shows no higher incidence of new ear infections among earplug wearers compared to the general population. A user is more likely to get an ear infection due to swimming than from earplug use. However, if a wearer has an existing infection, it is best to switch to earmuffs for awhile, rather than aggravate the ear canal by inserting earplugs. It's important to always wear some type of protection when exposed to hazardous noise -even short intervals of unprotected exposures can cause permanent damage to hearing. Keeping some earmuffs on hand, as a temporary replacement for workers with acute ear infections, is good hygiene practice. But avoiding wearing all hearing protection out of fear of contracting an ear infection is unfounded and dangerous. 5. If I lose my hearing, I can always get a hearing aid In this spin on the old “pay me now or pay me later” rationale, some workers rationalize their laziness to protect their hearing by claiming it will all be xed in the end by obtaining a hearing aid. But these workers fail to recognize that hearing aids do not restore normal hearing in the same way glasses restore normal vision. Noise-induced hearing loss doesn't just make sounds soer, rather it distorts them. e most common complaint from a worker with a noise-induced hearing loss is, “I

can hear you, but I just can't understand.” e clarity of the message is gone. While hearing aids do a good job amplifying incoming sound, they rarely restore the clarity of incoming


Nov - Dec 2017



Health & SAFETY

Kansanshi Mining and Kalumbila Minerals take steps to improve mine safety

Kansanshi Mining and Kalumbila Minerals,

e competition has three categories covering

Around the world, miners have to be prepared

together with Lumwana Mine, have taken

scenarios of vehicle on re near a building; a

to deal with emergencies that can happen at any

proactive steps to improve their mine safety

motor vehicle accident and rescue; and rescue

time and threaten the lives and safety of their


of an individual in a con ned space.


ese steps have been taken by Kansanshi

e rescue teams were expected to both rescue

Mining accidents are extremely costly, whether

Mining and Kalumbila Minerals to save lives

the “victims” – posed by volunteer actors – and

measured in terms of medical expenses and

during an emergency such as a re, explosion or

put out the re within 20 minutes.

disability compensation, lost production and wages, or damage to plant and equipment.

rock fall. Kansanshi Mine won for their prowess and e move follows from Minister of Mines

showing initiative to execute their duty within

“Looking at the enormous investments that go

Christopher Yaluma's recent emphasis on the

the speci ed time in two categories (motor

into mining, any halt in the production chain of

importance of safety in the mining industry.

vehicle accident rescue and putting out a re)

our mines costs money which in turn negatively


impacts royalty payments and taxes. So, we will

Kansanshi Mining and Kalumbila Minerals

“It is extremely important that we provide our

continue putting in place measures that will

came together recently to compete in the Morris

employees with the necessary equipment and

ensure that our mining operations remain as

Rowe Safety Trophy Inter Mine Rescue

ensure that we train them in the most pro cient

efficient as possible while maintaining the

C ompetition, which provides a safe

and realistic manner.

absolute safety of our employees,” explains Harmon.

environment for learning and sharing knowledge, realistic rescue scenarios that

“And this will also be followed by regular

stimulate and challenge the teams, as well as a

meetings that will be held between all levels of

“We also need to put in place measures that can

qu a lit y and honest apprais a l of t heir

management and employees to continually

either reduce or prevent any accidents at both

performance with the emphasis on professional

strengthen safety at all of the company's

our Kansanshi and Kalumbila mines. And this


operations,” says Harmon.

is why we introduced a fatigue monitoring

During the competition the teams were

system in the off-road haul trucks aimed at

e award is named aer the general manager

assessed in the four areas of incident command,

addressing both fatigue and traffic-related

of Sentinel mine at Kalumbila.

technical tool operation, medical care and

issues during our mining operations,” she adds.

“Our top priority as a company is to ensure that


e new system, which has been approved by

e four assessors debriefed each team

of Mines and Minerals Development, aims to

safety. Each team was given 20 minutes per the Department of Mine Safety at the Ministry

we have a safe and healthy workplace for our employees' ad part of that is rigorous regular risk assessments to identify safety hazards

following their challenge and provided them

alert drivers and their dispatch controllers of

associated with our operations and activities,”

with positive, negative and learning points. e

driver fatigue or a drop-in concentration.

explains Kalumbila Minerals public relations

objective was to obtain the highest score within

coordinator Miriam Harmon.

the allocated time given for each scenario.



Nov - Dec 2017



to rest whilst maintaining a maximum deceleration of 2.3m/s2,” the company said. Its engineers designed a large pad version of its VMS3-SPS spring-applied, hydraulically released brake – which it provides for worldwide mine hoists – to meet the site hoists' high rubbing speeds and also to provide greater thermal capacity. “Known as the VMS3-VR the 16 off brakes (eight off on the xed drum and eight off on the

Twi ex selected for Zambia complex Power transmission component group Twi ex

clutched drum) operate on two 6,800mm diameter, 70mm-thick discs, producing a total braking torque of 12.2MNm,” it added.

Twi ex said the BMR double-drum's payload is

has delivered mine hoist parking brakes for

47.5t, and its operation capacity can hit speeds

Twi ex's brakes include a monitoring system to

Mopani Copper Mines' Nkana site in Zambia

of 17.6m per second in a 1,278m-deep sha. A

monitor brake pad wear and loss of braking

Twi ex worked with FLSmidth as well as its

FLSmidth-designed precision control system

force and signal as needed. e VMS3-VRs

own South African distribution associate Tritec

will permit synchronous braking of all brake

include the company's 'parked off ' feature,

Sintered Products for the installation.


allowing them to be adjusted under hydraulic pressure – meaning no stored energy once

FLSmidth supplied a double-drum Blair Multi-

Twi ex's brakes will be used for parking and

Rope (BMR) rock winder and a single-drum

holding each time the mine winders stop.

BMR man/materials winder; the drums on both

pressure is removed. Nkana is one of Africa's largest copper and

winders are identical, measuring 5.7m in

“In exceptional conditions (such as power

cobalt mines, with four underground

diameter with two 1.8m wide rope

failure), the brakes can be used to bring the load

operations and an open pit.

compartments. e programme is aimed at both resource con rmation and resource expansion. CSA Global will prepare a Joint Ore Reserves Committee- (Jorc-) compliant mineral resource estimate in collaboration with Zambian rm GeoQuest, which is responsible for managing the drilling programme. “ is imminent drilling programme is designed to con rm a regulatory Jorc code resource and to test the potential of other nearby areas considered to be prospective,” said CEO Colin Bird. Galileo intends to start work on a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on the project once the drilling programme is completed. Galileo in August entered into an agreement with BMR Group to acquire a 51% stake in

Drilling to commence at Galileo's Star Zinc joint venture

Enviro Zambia, which holds the Star Zinc project. Under the terms of the agreement,

Drilling on the Star zinc project in Zambia, held ine drilling will provisionally encompass up to

Galileo's stake in Enviro Zambia will increase to

joint venture by Galileo Resources PLC1,750 metres and will go towards both resource (LON:GLR) and BMR Resources (LON:BMR), iscon rmation and resource enlargement.

58% on completion of a PEA.

due to start.


Nov - Dec 2017




Vedanta unveils mine digitalisation as key driver of Gamsberg D I V E R S I F I E D m i n e r Ve d a n t a Z i n c

adding that the system should improve

Discovered more than 40 years ago and held

International (VZI) plans to spend around $4m

efficiency by between 10% and 15%.

undeveloped in the asset portfolios of various

over the next three years digitalising its

MineRP executive VP of strategy John

mining companies, Gamsberg boasts a resource

green eld Gamsberg zinc project making it

Megannon said it was not the soware itself, but

of 214-million tons, with an average grade of

likely the rst local mining project in which

rather the development stage at which the

between 6% and 6.5%.

such soware will be introduced at a

system was being introduced, that made the

development stage.

digitalisation of Gamsberg unique.

VZI, which mines zinc in India, South Africa

“Around 90% of platinum and gold miners in

and Namibia, plans to start production at the

In collaboration with GE and mining soware

the country are using the soware, but its not

project in mid 2018, reaching steady-state

developer MineRP, the rst phase of digitalising

about the system in isolation. It has never been

annual production of 250,000 tonnes of zinc a

the mine will see the introduction of a soware

introduced at green elds stage. Here, it is being

year later.

system that will analyse data from the project in

used to instrument the factory before the

real time. is data and information, which relates to the

factory is even operational, whereas the system

Zinc was one of the biggest commodity price

is usually retro tted once production has

gainers on the London Metals Exchange in

already started,” he said.

concentrator and the value of the product, will

2017, Bloomberg data shows, and Vedanta is determined to bene t from the commodity

quality of the ore, the conditions of the Naidoo expressed con dence that the system

rally once Gamsberg is up and running. e

be relayed to the mine management team

would allow the company to be more

metal, which is used in alloys and in the

immediately, allowing quick adjustments to be

op erat iona l ly resp onsive to t he oen

manufacture of paints, rubber, cosmetics,

made to mining and processing activities

tempestuous commodity cycle and could,

pharmaceuticals, plastics and electrical

“e mining industry is abandoning the older

potentially, allow Vedanta to revisit projects

equipment, is currently trading at around

business model and is embracing new

and areas previously considered unmineable.


technolog y. e Gamsberg design and

“Over the years, we've gone into areas that

construction is intended to be at the forefront of

haven't b een safe to mine or are not

Con dence in the zinc market appears to be

this digitalisation,” VZI CEO Deshnee Naidoo

economically mineable. I believe that this

paying off for the miner, which posted EBITDA

told journalists at the announcement of the

technology will allow us to go back into these

of $1.69bn for the six months ended September

initiative on 27 November.

areas and make them safer and more mineable.

30, 2017. It also posted an 80% improvement in

“In the past, a zinc project with a 6% grade

operating income from its zinc business on the

“It's a rst for a green eld project in South

wasn't attractive, but our digitalisation

back of a 42.1% jump in the volume of zinc

Africa. We're not waiting for the project to come

approach to Gamsberg has made it viable,” she

produced from its Indian operation.

online and then retro t it. We're starting the


project the way we want to operate it,” she said,



Nov - Dec 2017

Vedanta hopes to achieve similar success in South Africa.



Upward swing forecast for surface mining equipment e global surface mining equipment market is

of mining activities, it is necessary to introduce

forced to follow strict environmental

expected to grow at a compounded annual

new mining equipment that emits less harmful

regulations. If and when mining companies do

growth rate (CAGR) of 3.24% during the period

particles into water, air, and land.”

not comply, their mining activities during


certain periods of each year may be banned.” e report further states that one of the biggest

is is according to a research report that covers

challenges in the mining equipment market is

Key questions answered in this report

the present scenario and the growth prospects

environment regulations for mining activities.

– What will the market size be in 2021 and what

of the market by way of study, synthesis, and

“Mining has several negative impacts on the

will the growth rate be?

summation of data from multiple sources.

e nv i ron m e nt , w h i c h n e c e s s it at e s t h e

– What are the key market trends?

application of strict environmental regulations

– What is driving this market?

Commenting on the report, titled Global

on mining companies.

– What are the challenges to market growth?

an analyst from the research team said, “One

“e environmental impacts of mining include


popular trend in the market is environment-

loss of biodiversity, contamination of water

e report contains a comprehensive market

Surface Mining Equipment Market 2017-2021,

– Who are the key vendors in this market

friendly mining activities. Mining can be made

resources, the formation of sinkholes, erosion

and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT

environment-friendly by developing new

of exposed hillsides, soil erosion, and soil

analysis of the key vendors. It has been prepared

strategies and practices, and integrating these

pollution. It is important for mining machinery

using an objective combination of primary and

practices to reduce the negative environmental

to take this into account.

secondary information based on in-depth

“Mining companies in many countries are

experts, covering the market landscape and its

impacts of mining operations.

market analysis with inputs from industry

“To reduce the negative environmental impacts

growth prospects over the coming years.


Nov - Dec 2017



Products & SERVICES

SewTreat To Provide Eco-Friendly Innovations In Onsite Wastewater Treatment By making use of the latest advancements in

are evident in our superior proprietary

SewTreat has extensive expertise throughout

sustainable wastewater treatment combined

biological technology. e modular design of

various disciplines and so we are able to offer

with the creation of their own bacterial strains

our treatment plants makes us a leader in

turnkey ser vices which incorporate

developed in-house, SewTreat are able to

providing waste water treatment solutions for

c onsu lt at i on , d e s i g n , m anu f a c tu r i ng ,

answer the needs of industrial, construction

the African continent,” says SewTreat

installation, construction and operational

and mining operations with efficient, affordable

Managing Director and spokesman, eunis

support to our clients that meet all legal and

and eco-friendly waste water treatment


industry related compliance.”


Although the company is newly formed, SewTreat has already become an established

Product Offering

SewTreat is a proudly South African company

name synonymous with international expertise

SewTreat offers several modular waste water

offering specialized, modular biological waste

in providing quality products and services to all

treatment plants tailored to meet the needs of

water treatment plant designs tailor-made for

sectors throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and

industrial sized, mining and construction

the South African and African market. eir

especially in the SADC region. e SewTreat


approach is based on return activated sludge

team consists of process and civil and process

technology incorporating submersed aeration

engineers, microbiologists, project planners

1. Plastic HDPE Tank Waste water treatment

media. is enhanced bacterial action ensures a

and a network of distributors with over 35 years


highly effective treatment process boasting a

of experience in the eld.

very low carbon footprint, minimal capital input and low maintenance requirements. Understanding the Needs of the Market

e plastic range makes use of plastic 'Jo-Jo' type tanks that are connected in series or

“We have developed our products and services

parallel depending on site space requirements

to embrace our c ustomers' op erat ing

or layout. e plant is wholly constructed and

environments and the ongoing demand for

cold commissioned before delivery to client

“Our approach is to treat nature with nature

environmental, social and nancial sustainable

premises. e installation time required onsite

through sustainable engineering solutions that

solutions,” Coetzer explains. “e team at

is minimal – a 50kl per day plant can be



Nov - Dec 2017


Products & SERVICES

assembled on site in less than

ve days. A

water treatment plant.

aerobic process. ey are then returned to the

guarantee of up to 20 years is offered on the

a n a e r o b i c p h a s e t o e l i m i n at e s l u d g e

tanks depending on the type of tanks used in the

3. Civil Constructed Waste water treatment

plant. “We developed this range based on a need


accumulation and waste generation.

we saw in the market for a more cost effective

eir civil constructed plants are designed and

“In a nutshell, the bacteria digest all impurities

solution for sewage treatment.,” Coetzer

constructed mostly for large ow industrial and

and the wastewater is then cleansed. e treated

explains, although he notes that while the

housing development applications. e plants

wastewater or effluent can then be discharged to

plastic plants are cost effective in term if capital

are aest hetically ple asing as t he y are

receiving waters – normally a river or the sea –

expenditure, the do carry very high shipping

constructed underground and can be covered

or alternatively used for irrigation, ushing of

costs and so he does not recommend them for

with vegetation and are entirely civil designed

toilets or general non-potable uses,” explains

installations outside of South Africa.

and constructed to exact civil engineering

Coetzer. “SewTreat has developed a highly

requirements. ese plants boast several

effective multiple strain bacteria range that gets

2. Containerized Waste water treatment plant

advantages for clients including the fact that the

added to our plants, this speci cally bred

e containerized plant is well suited to rugged

civil construction can be subcontracted to local

bacteria feed on the complex substances in the

African conditions. e concept is based on a

contractors to reduce construction costs.

wastewater, converting them into simpler

'plug and play' design, Coetzer explains, saying

substances, improving

that they are designed for ease of transport,

Coetzer explains that provision can also be

s e c u r it y an d m o du l ar it y, t a k i ng i nt o

made for easy plant expansion through simple

nal effluent on a

reduced footprint.”

consideration that the plant may be moved to

modular and common wall construction and

He notes that globally, the composition of

various locations. “e complete WWTP is

that if the plant is gravity-fed, the system can

effluents discharged to receiving waters is

built into ISO High Cube Containers. e

operate without electricity for up to 48 hours.

regulated by the national environment

plants are can be easily moved from site to site,

is makes the product an effective alternative

agencies. e legislation is concerned with the

can be easily expanded and have a once off cost

for remote operations, for countries with

prevention of pollution, and therefore sets

to the client as they can be moved from site to

unreliable power supply, or where no municipal

concentration limits on dissolved organic

site as needed,” says Coetzer.

connection is available.

carbon (as BOD or COD), nitrogen and phosphates and other compounds which cause

“Our recent upgrade of our design makes this a

A Greener Approach

eutrophication in receiving waters. It also

very competitive option for onsite waste water

Biological waste water treatment is an accepted

attempts to limit the discharge of known toxic

treatment. e plant is wholly constructed and

practice used worldwide. e process involves

chemicals by setting allowable concentration

tested at our 5000m² under-roof facilities which

con ning naturally occurring bacteria at a very

limits in the effluent. “If we consider that 100%

ensures that all boxes are ticked in terms of

high concentration in the treatment process,

of the effluent can be recycled, if done properly,

quality control procedures. e containerized

whether it is plastic type, containerized type of

there is no doubt that through this we are

plant offers a life span of 15 to 20 years which is

civil constructed type. From here this bacteria,

providing large bank of water, which previously

excellent for a plug and play solution,” says

together with some protozoa and other

may not have been considered as 'safe' for the

Coetzer explaining that installation literally

microbes (collectively referred to as activated

environment or community.”

requires only connecting of pipes to the waste

sludge) are treated in an anaerobic and an


Nov - Dec 2017



Products & SERVICES

Drill Pipe and Accessories for the Mining Industry Tube Technologies manufactures drill pipe,

eissen, FQML, Sandvik and many other

adaptors / subs, straight ribbed stabilisers and

organisations across six continents. ey

Moghrein copper-gold operation, which is

casing for the mining, water, horizontal

consistently manufacture a variety of original

owned by Mauritanian Copper Mines, a First

directional drilling (HDD) and construction

equipment manufacturer (OEM) drilling

Quantum subsidiary.


products on time and under budget.

ey also supply down-the-hole hammers and hammer, tricone and drag bits.

products and accessories within the Guelb

Drilling equipment for mine rescue support  e c omp a ny c ompr i s e s e x p e r i e n c e d

Tube Technologies' drilling products were used

professionals who possess a strong

successfully during the Chilean Mine Rescue,

Drill pipe and accessories for the mining

understanding of the manufacturing industry,

they engineered and manufactured drill pipe


as it relates to drilling products. It will quote any

that was selected to advance the boring utilised

Tube Technologies is ISO 9001: 2008 certi ed

sized mining project, and our products are

to establish the rescue sha. is was a highlight

and practices an ISO 9000 quality management

trusted worldwide.

for the company to be able to assist in a


humanitarian effort to save lives. eir products are currently utilised in mining

e company focuses on meeting customer

operations within Australia, Burkina Faso,

eir selection of pipe for such a perilous

exp ec tations and delivering c ustomer

Canada, Mexico, Russia, the US, and Vietnam.

mission was a testament to our product's

s a t i s f a c t i o n .  e Tu b e Te c h n o l o g i e s

ey are also a consistent supplier of drilling

quality, and the processes that we maintain to

manufacturing process involves precise

ensure quality standards.

engineering, designing to customer speci cations, and extensive quality control. ey integrate design engineering, advanced technology inertia welding, upset forging and heat treatment to enhance the product. e facility holds computer numerical control (CNC) machines, EMI MAG Particle and a high-quality control laboratory to deliver highperformance products internationally. OEM supplier of mining industry drilling products Tube Technologies supplies Atlas Copco, Epiroc



Nov - Dec 2017


Products & SERVICES

Mitigating risks on elevated platforms RCT's remote control solution is safeguarding mobile elevated work platform operators aer a near fatality at a mine site highlighted the need to reform the process e operation of mobile elevated work platforms currently requires two people: one in the basket and one operating the movements from the ground. RCT's ControlMaster MTX1000 pendant remote is mitigating the risk, giving the control to the person in the basket. is enables the person working at a hazardous height to control the liing, lowering, crowning and tilting functions. Further safeguarding this procedure is the MTX1000's safety interlock feature. is solution has already been sought aer by one mining contractor, which required a simple and cost-effective solution to ensure operator safety that wouldn't require extensive machine modi cations or ongoing service and maintenance. RCT's automation and control product manager Brendon Cullen said: “e MTX disparity checks all proportional outputs, making it safer than a conventional hardwired solution. If an incident was to occur, our remote control will shut down straight away, rather than move the basket back to its original position.” In addition, the solution provides a master control in the operator station cabin for a second operator to be able to resume control if required, further safeguarding operators. “With ultimate control moved to the operator in the basket, the risk of crushing and pinching incidents is vastly reduced,” he added. e MTX1000 is the latest addition to the ControlMaster radio remote control range. It is designed with the same operating platform as RCT's ATX2200 but conveniently packaged into an even lighter remote control.

e remote control includes a graphical display, proportional joysticks, dead-man and control buttons. It can be operated continuously for more than 16 hours before it requires recharging.


Nov - Dec 2017



Products & SERVICES

DINGO - e Global Leader in Predictive Maintenance Used by the world's leading miners to

e engine of these Asset Health programmes

100% committed to keeping your assets

increase availability, extend asset life, and

is Trakka®, the industry-leading condition

healthy and operations running smoothly.

reduce maintenance costs by millions.

management system designed to house all

DINGO unites maintenance expertise with industry-leading technology to help mines quickly and cost-effectively implement Asset Health programmes that deliver real-world results. By continuously improving the health and performance of equipment, Dingo's solutions increase availability, extend component life, and reduce operating costs, with typical payback of >3:1 within 12

your condition monitoring data under one roof. Its proprietary predictive analytics and global equipment database span operating environments, OEMs and equipment, and will provide your mine with the insights and decision-support to run a highly effective directly integrated with existing systems or operate in parallel. Either way, this practical, predictability, productivity, and performance.

Used by mines across the globe, Dingo operates with one goal in mind: to improve the health and life of mining equipment. Dingo achieves this goal by arming maintenance teams with the systems, processes and knowledge to build highly effective Asset Health programmes.



Nov - Dec 2017

asset health and extending asset life at mines across the globe, Dingo's real-world solutions have saved the mining industry hundreds of millions of dollars… and counting. Products and Services

Asset Health programme. Trakka can be

proven system will increase asset


Backed by a 25-year track record of improving

Trakka® Condition Management Soware ·

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Dingo Benchmarks™: Dingo has built

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Nov - Dec 2017



Products & SERVICES

Cooling towers and heat exchangers within the SX-EW process South African based Industrial Water Cooling

cooling towers will meet the required duty and


(IWC), along with its wholly owned subsidiary

adhere to all the necessary plant speci cations

Tektower, has been providing cooling tower and

but also need to ascertain:

In the SX process plate heat exchangers are used

heat exchanger solutions to Zambian and DRC


to control chemical temperatures within the

how readily available spare parts are

mines for many years. Solvent extraction (SX)

(in an emergency ex-stock parts will

autoclave where crushed copper ore is leached

and electrowinning (EW) processes are typical

ensure production continuity while long

with sulphuric acid to produce impure

to these mines. Heat generated by SX-EW plant

lead parts can bring production to a

solutions of copper sulphate.

processes either needs to be rejected or


exchangers can then be incorporated to recycle

harnessed and transferred back into the system. Cooling Towers Cooling towers form the heart of a plants


Spiral heat

are spare parts sourced locally or regionally,

the rich acid's low-grade heat, which in turn can

or do they need to be imported from abroad,

then be used to pre-heat the lean acid coming


back from solvent SX.

· have the full tower speci cations and spare

cooling system and provide the necessary heat

parts lists been made available by the

In the EW process plate heat exchangers can

rejection for SX-EW plants to operate

original supplier in a language that the end

deliver optimum heat recovery by recovering

effectively and efficiently. Dependant on the

user understands?

low grade heat generated during the process

design conditions and required duty, cooling

R e g u l a r c o mp r e h e n s i v e p r e v e nt at i v e

towers can either be smaller factory assembled

maintenance of cooling towers is key to cooling

package type cooling towers or large


erected cooling towers. Given the corrosive

towers delivering the duties and performance

IWC are the leaders in industrial cooling tower

they were designed for.

systems in Africa and has extensive experience

Heat Exchangers

mining industry.

environment within SX-EW plants, cooling towers need to be robust and corrosion proof to

and using it to preheat the rich electrolyte.

in providing cooling solutions for the copper IWC has successfully

ensure the maximum return on a mine's

Heat generated during SX processes can be

undertaken more than 80% of all natural

CAPEX spend; while ease of cooling tower

harnessed and transferred back into the system

draught cooling tower refurbishment work in

operation and maintenance, along with readily

using heat exchangers. Gasketed and welded

southern Africa.

available and competitively priced cooling

plate heat exchangers are arguably the most

tower spare parts, impact directly on a mine's

efficient technology for heat transfer.

OPEX spend.


Deon Fawell

offer close temperature design, large heat

Key Accounts Manager

transfer areas and are up to 90% smaller than

+27 – 11 – 466 – 0699

Procurement managers, along with engineering

equivalent shell-and-tube heat exchangers.

and maintenance teams, need to ensure that any

Plate heat exchangers are also low cost and low



Nov - Dec 2017


Products & SERVICES

Demolish and rebuild with the MB drum cutter | MB-R700 is is a stor y of demolition. And of

that made it shapeless and occupied space. And

system with an integrated Power Booster, which

construction. Or, as in the best fairy tales, we

of course, as everyone knows, on a construction

reduces the demand for hydraulic power from

might say, once upon a time in Mexico City

site gaining even an extra centimetre means less

the work vehicle, with consequent fuel savings.

there was a factory which, aer closing down,

expenditure and less work.

was due to be demolished to make room for a new shopping mall. So there was the old and the new and, in the

e direct drive twin motor system, on the other hand, is a patented system that makes it

At this point the MB-R800 drum cutter came

possible to distribute the force of the two rock

into play. Mounted on a 20 ton Cat excavator,

cutter heads in different ways. e advantage is

the drum cutter removed the excess part of the

huge, since the power of the two drums is

middle, an MB Crusher MB-R800 drum cutter,

wall in as little as two weeks. So it was not

managed on the basis of the toughness of the

operated by Pilotec SA de CV, the Mexican

necessary to construct a revetment wall, as is

material, and the vibrations transmitted to the excavator arm are absorbed.

company commissioned to do the construction

oen the case in such worksites. No further


costs were incurred and the construction of the new shopping mall was completed within the

us it is possible to cut various different kinds

e site

delivery data requested by the Client.

of material, from hard to less resistant, using the

demolished. en the basement of the new

An excavator-friendly drum cutter

low and the full set of picks to be used

building was excavated and diaphragm walls (or

e MB Crusher drum cutter enabled Pilotec

depending of the material to be cut.

First of all a part of the old factory was

same drum cutter: simply choose between the

underground bulkheads) were built, i.e. walls

SA to save time and money. But it also brought

made of reinforced concrete that prevent the

great advantages in terms of productivity, safety

So as the site manager of Pilotec con rms:

earth next to the excavated area from collapsing.

in the workplace and maintenance time. MB

“With the MB Crusher drum cutter, our

Real effective supports for the perimeter

drum cutters are equipped with an integrated

customer saved money on costs and we nished

structures. ese are usually used to protect

safety system which triggers if the excavator

the work in record time. So we are both very

areas excavated to accommodate underground

settings are not properly regulated. And that's

satis ed”.

oors (garage, car parks, etc.), or as a support of

not all. e two drums can be disassembled

bridge foundations or on the building sites for

directly on-site, without the drum cutter having

Focus on MB-R

jetties and docks, as well as for the construction

to be taken to a specialised workshop.

ere are three models in the MB-R range: the

of deep wells.

Moreover, their unique design allows them to

smallest, the MB-R700, works with excavators

work underwater as well.

from 6 to 13 tons; the MB-R800, the star of the

e excavator is thankful too when it works

adapts to excavators from 10 to 22 tons; last but

e MB Crusher drum cutter at work Aer completing the diaphragm walls, Pilotec

Mexican construction site, weighs 1 ton and

was le with a problem: how to eliminate all the

with an MB drum cutter. at's right, because

not least, the largest of the series, the MB-R900,

excess material le on the wall, inert material

the drum cutter uses an AAA+ type hydraulic

for excavators from 19 to 35 tons.



Nov - Dec 2017


Products & SERVICES

SANY is at the front end of mining with its latest wheel loader Goscor Earth Moving (GEM), part of the

e high-pressure

xed variable con uence

structural members result in an extended

Goscor Group, is making its presence felt in the

hydraulic system ramps up operating efficiency

service life of up to 10 000 hours. Safety features

mining industry with the launch of a new front

by over 12%, while total fuel consumption is

include a fully-hydraulic service brake,

end loader that offers end users the lowest total

slashed by more than 15%. e panoramic

electrically-controlled parking brake, and a cab

super-large cab has a noise level of only 75 dBa

with FOPS and ROPS functions.

cost of ownership.

for enhanced operator comfort, together with With a bucket capacity of 2.7 m3 to 4.5 m3, the

features such as an adjustable suspended seat,

SYL956H1 front-end loader is ideal for heavy-

and a multi-directional spatial air-conditioner

duty mining operations, GEM Sales Director

for both heating and cooling.

Andre Steenkamp comments. e highly efficient drive system features a rotar y

e ngertip-operation pilot system has been

automatic gearbox that boosts travel speed by

con gured with a variety of functional buttons

10% and increases towing force by over 6%. e

in the cab. Highly-reliable key components

rated load is 5 000 kg, rated power is 162 kW,

such as the DANA gearbox and heavy-duty

“We expect SANY's market share in South Africa to increase signi cantly as a result of the distribution agreement concluded with GEM,” Managing Director Barry Owen stresses. “Mining is recovering, and while the South African economy has been continuously weak for years, it should come to the point where it bounces back a little.”

and the maximum liing force is 172 kN.


Nov - Dec 2017



Products & SERVICES

Extracting more for less in Solvent Extraction Process | ENDRESS + HAUSER The target is to produce a rich and concentrated solu on to be used further in the electro winning process Copper is one of the few metals that occur in nature in a directly usable metallic form, also known as native metals, as opposed to needing extraction from an ore. is led to very early human use, from 8000 BC. It was the rst metal to be smelted from its ore 5000 BC, the rst metal to be cast into a shape in a mold 4000 BC and the rst metal to be purposefully alloyed with another metal, tin, to create bronze 3500 BC. In the middle ages, the oxidized layer of copper was naturally leached by water, depleting the upper layers of oxidised ore and revealing the rich copper laden solutions. is prompted miners to dig deeper, heap the ore and leach it out. is is known as hydrometallurgical production, the extracted solvents can be

electro-won, and almost pure copper anodes produced. e pyrometallurgical method uses commination (pulverisation), otation, smelting and converting to produce anodes. e cemented copper that is produced by precipitation in the leaching process can be added to the smelting process for further processing to anodes. During this cementation (iron precipitation) copper is produced by running the pregnant leach solution through a pile of scrap iron or steel. An electromechanical process takes place, and the copper precipitates onto the iron/steel, which in turn dissolves into the solution. It detaches as akes or powder. e pregnant leachate that is produced from the


leaching process, will contain the leaching agent, either water or H2SO4 for oxide ores. Acid cure and acid-ferric cure are used for mixed ores. Some plants use an acid/kerosene mix. e process has to remove and recover the copper from the leachate, and remove impurities. is process has to be controlled, and as we know, when we measure, we can control. Ores that have been mined, crushed and dumped on impervious pads, are usually sprinkled or sprayed with the leaching solution, in the heap leaching process. Ponding, ooding or trickle systems can be used for dump leaching. e pregnant liquor is then fed to a solvent extraction plant, which can be optimised by various methods.

Nov - Dec 2017



Products & SERVICES

Endress+Hauser suggests that by measuring the pH, Conductivity and Interface Levels, the process can be managed and optimised for maximum extraction, and minimum wastage. Level interface with ENDRESS + HAUSER Level ex FMP55 guided wave radar with Heartbeat Technology™.

into one device. It will simultaneously provide a reliable and accurate measurement of the top level and interface levels, even in emulsion layers. To accurately assure the correct metal extraction, we need to measure the conductivity of the settling chamber. is measurement will ensure that we have control of the transition stage from organic to aqueous. If not correctly controlled, this may cause “mud”, and as a result – plant downtime and wastage of additives. We use the Indumax CLS50D sensor, and a CM44x for this measurement.

Most important in the solvent extraction phase (sx) is detection and monitoring of the depth of the organic phase. e copper is trapped in the top layer. Automation is the norm in modern plants, since this does away with manual dipping, and the subsequent errors that it can produce. To this end, with the aid of Sensorfusion, Endress+Hauser has taken the reliability and accuracy of our guided wave radar and capacitance level, and combined it

e CLS50D is an inductive conductivity sensor that can withstand high temperatures

and has high chemical resistance. It has the added advantage of having Memosense digital technology. To accurately control our addition of solution, and the returned aqueous raffinate , we need to know the pH values. For this we use the CPF81D PH sensor. It is a robust, low maintenance sensor with Memosense digital technology. We scratched on the surface of the extraction processes. Uranium, gold, palladium and platinum are commodities that can go through the same process, but with differences in the re ning process. By Pieter Andjelkovic Page48


Nov - Dec 2017


Company NEWS

The rst female Marketing Manager of Endress+Hauser South Africa

Recently appointed Head of Marketing – Natlee

something happening, so it is never dull or

since. He is de nitely my better half, as well as

Chetty is the rst female Marketing Manager of

boring - every week is an adventure. I embrace

my biggest fan. We have an amazing son, Ethan,

Endress+Hauser South Africa.

Not the

the new challenges and enjoy the learning

who is eight years old. What I enjoy most about

conventional engineering prototype that you

experience, this helps me to grow. Aer all, you

him, other than his contagious laugh, is that he

wou ld exp e c t, Nat le e b ot h war m and

never know what you are capable of, until you

has allowed me the opportunity to relive my

charismatic, appeared stylish in heels, when we

take that rst step and go for it. I also love the

childhood. I now appreciate and enjoy the

sat down to chat about her success in her career.

travelling and opportunity to meet people from

things I used to do as a child so much more. To

“I started my career 14 years ago at the South

different cultures and countries. e best thing

see the world again through his eyes is the most

African breweries as a trainee in Engineering,

for me is to be part of the Endress+Hauser

precious gi in the world."

aer completing my Diploma in Electronic

family and be able to do what I love. We can be a

Engineering”. Although Natlee started her

crazy bunch at times, we work hard and play

To end I asked what advice she has for young

career in Engineering, her real passion lay in

even harder,” she laughs.

women out there in this industry, and she said,

as an External Sales Engineer in the Durban

Now I know you are all wondering just like me,

want to be. Pursue the things you love no

Office. Finally in 2013 she made her way into

how she balances family life with a career.

matter how difficult it gets because you can only

marketing. In 2007 she joined Endress+Hauser

“Have a clear vision for yourself and where you

Marketing as a Product Manager. Aer

Interestingly enough, Natlee doesn't think the

become truly accomplished at something you

obtaining a bachelor's degree in Marketing

two should be separated. “I think when work is

love doing, and then do it so well that people

Management with Cum Laude, she moved into

something you are passionate about it's not

can't take their eyes off of you. I would also say

the position of Industry Manager in 2015,

about work or life; it's just life. I have a simple

to surround yourself with a few people who

before assuming her current role as the Head of

philosophy, there is always time to do the things

believe in your dreams and always see the best


I love and that make me happy. My family is

in you. ey will help you through the tough

very important to me and I would not be where

times when you lose faith in yourself. Invest

I had to ask what is it that she enjoys most about

I am today without them. I have an older sister

your time in helping others succeed. I strongly

her new position, to which the answer came as

who is an outstanding role model to me. My

believe that when we truly and genuinely invest

no surprise. “is position provides me with a

dad was also a great source of inspiration and

into the success of others it has a boomerang

unique opportunity to bring together all of the

motivation for me. Everything I am is because

effect and comes back to you. Lastly, in the

experience I have gained over the years and to

of him. He taught me how to always strive for

famous words of Coco Chanel - Always keep

do this in an amazing family company. At

excellence, set goals and keep moving forward.

your head, heels and standards high”.

Endress+Hauser we have an incredible team

I met my husband 18 years ago when we were

that I really enjoy working with. ere is always

still teenagers and he has been my best friend


Nov - Dec 2017




Advertisers index 02 ECIC 06 TruFlo Pumps 09 Capital Drilling 10 MobyDick 16 Verni 17 Legacy Building solutions 19 Generator & Plant Hire 20 Energy Valves 21 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 23 ReMaCon 25 TECT 27 PDT 29 Brethalysers 30 Maccafferi Africa 31 Trident Refractory 35 GEFA 39 Safety Showers 41 Flowrox 43 Mpact 46 InvestMech 48 Brooklyn Engineering 51 Tillyard Nigeria 52 Trysome Page50


Nov - Dec 2017


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