First Mining Drc-Zambia Jan/Feb 2018

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1 MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine January- February 2018 > Issue 27 > Vol.9 #

New Mobile Tunnel Boring solution from Master Drilling p20

ALSO... The future of mining is underground p19






New invester for kitumba copper project


Becker Mining

South Africa’s proximity detection systems

FEATURED DEVELOPMENTS INNOVATION 07 Africa Infrastructure Board initiative launched at Mining Indaba 12 De Beers may look at mining in Zimbabwe and the DRC 14 Suricate Minerals seeks to unlock latent mineral wealth in Mauritania 15 Australian miner Tiger Resources to sell DRC assets for $260m Page04


Jan - Feb 2018



Energy saving solutions in the mining industry

1st MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine January- February 2018 > Issue 27 > Vol.9 #

New Mobile Tunnel Boring solution from Master Drilling p20

ALSO... The future of mining is underground p19




Cover Master Drilling

Editor Bertha M.

Contributing Writers Anne Thomas, MfunekoJack, Lindani Mkhize andCaroline Thomas

Sales & Marketing Russou Billiard +27 11 044 8986 DewardSitali +260 96 187 4888 Victor Ndlovu Cleopas M. Mandla M. mandlam@fmdrc-zambia Professor M.

FROM THE EDITOR At this time of the year we love to speculate about the challenges we are likely to face, and the opportunities that may present themselves. Organising priorities in the mining industry can be a complex balancing act especially if you covering the whole spectrum from exploration to production. Safety is always number one, but then there are competing demands to replenish resources. maximise efficiency, manage your social and environmental issues. e past 30 years have seen great changes in the way miners tackle social and environment issues. Here are some of the features in this issue: e UK government and private sector presented the Africa infrastructure Board at a round table at this year Africa Mining Indaba in Cape Town. e aim of the roundtable at Mining Indaba was to emphasise the unique proposition that UK companies and government could offer in providing a holistic approach to infrastructure development in Africa. Mines can be hazardous environments and the possibility of re, ood, explosion and collapse has the potential to simultaneously affect a large number of people. It is, thereby, crucial to be able to provide efficient and safe working conditions for miners and people in the local community. Master Drilling Group, a global provider of specialised drilling solutions, unveiled its new disruptive Mobile Tunnel Boring (MTB) solution at Investing in African Mining Indaba 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa in February. e solution will be ready for commissioning in the September quarter of this year. Glencore and Randgold Resources have come together in a bid to stop sweeping legal reforms, claiming the existing industry body poorly served their interests. Welcome to our this edition of First Mining DRC-Zambia, which targets the mining and minerals' industry for mine managers, mining engineers, investors, geologists, exploration companies, metallurgists, investors, government departments and policy makers. We hope the information will enable readers to mine more efficiently by embracing technical innovations, trends, new prospects, opportunities and other developments in this dynamic industry.

Bertha M. Editor

Graphic Design and Layout Que Gibson

Published By MailingTimes Media

Circulation/Sales +27 11 044 8985

Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd


Jan - Feb 2018



Mining NEWS

Zambia has a new mining minister Zambian president Edgar Lungu appointed new nance and mining ministers in a reshuffle that included changes in numerous other departments as well. In a press release by the government of Zambia Patriotic Front Parliamentary Chief Whip Richard Musukwa was named the new Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, taking over from Christoper Yaluma, who has been made the new Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry. Yaluma served as mining minister since 2013. Lungu also reshuffled the ministers in the departments of Commerce, Trade and Industry; Finance; Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection; General Education; Energy; Information and Broadcasting Services; Agriculture; and Fisheries and Livestock. e head of state has also swapped Copperbelt Province Minister Bowman Lusambo with his Lusaka Province counterpart Japhen Mwakalombe while the Western Province Minister swaps with the North-Western Minister. Page06


Jan - Feb 2018


Mining NEWS

Africa Infrastructure Board initiative launched at Mining Indaba e UK government and private sector

the UK whether that is government through the

“ere will be 600MW of power attached to

presented the Africa infrastructure Board at a

Department for International Development

that,” he went on to add, “and 25 000 of

round table at this year Africa Mining Indaba in

(DFID), or UK Export Finance, one of our best

agriculture land provided grow biomass to help

Cape Town. e aim of the roundtable at

kept secrets, or the deep pockets of the

provide charcoal for the smelter.” Interestingly,

Mining Indaba was to emphasise the unique

Commonwealth Development Corporation

he said that the UK was looking at partnering

p r o p o s i t i o n t h at U K c o mp a n i e s a n d

(CDC), and private sector operators, all

with China on the Simandou mine in Guinea

government could offer in providing a holistic

operating in one single place to offer an end to

once they take over the mine to help them

approach to infrastructure development in

end solution.”

develop a holistic solution to develop the local

Africa. e Africa Infrastructure Board is an initiative

infrastructure and sharing with them the Oliver Andrews, chief investment officer at the

designs they have put together to ensure a

Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) who was

sustainable project that bene ts the local

that brings together and puts the case forward

one of the panelists during the roundtable,

community as well as getting the high quality

for choosing the UK as an ideal partner not only

noted how DFID – the UK's government

iron ore to market.

to develop projects in the mining sector but to

development arm – was instrumental in

create a holistic solution that will bene t the

developing the model currently being used in

wider community by developing the associated

infrastructure project

nancing. He also

participants, “is to produce masterplans that

infrastructure around the project. e DIT

reiterated the importance of the City of

will bene t the communities not only for the

hosted a number of African delegations

London, especially as most contracts are

next four to ve years but the next 60, which is

“e approach we are taking,” Sillars told the

attending Mining Indaba to present the Africa

generally governed by UK law. e support

what we are doing in Angola, and that when the

Infrastructure Board.

network in structuring these deals, that is the

mining project is nished the infrastructure

e High Commissioner of UK to South Africa,

legal, capital raising and technical side in

will continue to bene t the whole region.”

Nigel Casey, mentioned that the UK would be

London plays a vital role.

Francis Gatare, CEO of the Rwanda Mining

Craig Sillars from the Department for

the Rwandan involvement with the UK had

increasing their efforts to work closer with African governments and private sector.

Petroleum and Gas Board, had said that most of

“Mining projects are much more than just

International Trade showcased a number of

been through government, but that private

mining,” he said, noting that they don't work

projects where opportunities in the mining

sector interest was growing.

without the associated infrastructure. Without

sector are being structured in a way that truly

naming names, he mentioned that the UK was

develops the infrastructure and act as a catalyst

It was agreed that London would continue to be

conscious that there is plenty of competition out

to develop other sectors. e UK DIT, for

an important hub for investors in mining and in

there when it comes to offering comprehensive

example, is working with a UK investor in

infrastructure, not only as a nancial centre, but

solutions to African partners.

Angola on resurrecting an iron ore mine. In

also for the legal and technical expertise it

addition to the mine they are developing a

offered, and that the resurging interest from the

“We felt the need to up our collective game,” he

smelter, which will ensure in-countr y

U K t o A f r i c a c an on ly b e a p o s it ive

said, “and create a new government industry

bene ciation of natural resources, and that will

development for both the UK and the African

partnership called the Africa Infrastructure

involve the extension of an existing railways,


Board, which brings together all the players in

and the expansion of a port.


Jan - Feb 2018



Mining NEWS

DRC revises mining code to capitalise on cobalt boom As demand for batteries drives a surge in the

to Minister of Mines Martin Kabwelulu, who

Economic patriotism

price of cobalt, the Democratic Republic of

has overseen the industry since February 2007.

e new code, passed by the National Assembly

From the Katanga provinces in the southeast to

"a broadening of the base and the raising of

North and South Kivu on the eastern border via

mining royalties", according to Muhiya.

Congo is gearing up to overhaul its mining regulations to harvest more pro t from the coveted metal.

and now in the hands of the Senate, provides for

the central Kasai region, the subsoil is rich in e global boom for smartphones and electric

gold, diamonds and coltan, another mineral

It sets out taxes of up to ve percent on "strategic

cars has pushed up the price of cobalt, a key

used for electronic products and oen cited as

metals" -- most likely including cobalt -- and six

ingredient in top-range batteries, to $75,000

an illegal source of nance for con ict.

percent on precious stones.

(more than R919,000) a ton -- an increase of 127

Aer many twists and turns, the government in

Kinshasa is introducing a form of economic

percent in one year.

December presented parliament with its

patriotism by raising the stake of the state in the

revised version of the 15-year-old mining code. e DRC is the world's leading producer of

capital of mining companies and outsourcing tasks related to the industry "only to rms in

cobalt, but authorities believe the existing

"e former code of 2002 was meant to be

which the majority of the capital is owned by

mining code favours foreign investors at the

attractive for investors because then we were in

Congolese nationals".

expense of the economy.

a state of war," Henri Muhiya of the in uential

e country is also the top African producer of

Roman Catholic episcopate told AFP, referring

DRC authorities also want to ensure the

copper, currently trading on the London Metal

to the Second Congo War of 1998-2003.

repatriation of at least 40 percent of the revenue

Exchange at more than $7,000 a tonne for the

"We've realised that the investors indeed came,

of minerals that are sold for export.

rst time in three and a half years.

but the pro ts weren't shared out in a fair way

Congo's production of copper has rocketed

between them and the country," added Muhiya,

Multinational rms have red back, charging

from 27,000 tons in 2002 to more than a million

the secretar y of the natural resources

that the new mining code would "signi cantly

tons today, according to the preamble to the

commission of the episcopal conference, which

weaken the con dence of investors", in a joint

new mining code.

has amended the text before parliament.

letter to the speakers of both houses of

"We're going to try to nd a balance," he said.


e code should "make the mines a true motor of the development of the country", according



Jan - Feb 2018

e protest was signed by the Congolese


Mining NEWS subsidiaries of giants in the sector, China Molybdenum, Rangold, the Swiss

in the mining industry are elusive in a country

company angrily rejects.


where much economic activity is unregistered

Documents released in November in the

Glencore and MMG, an Australian-Chinese

and even the size of the population is unknown,

"Paradise Papers" leak said that Swiss


given the absence of a recent census.

Glencore acquired a Congolese mine for a

In July, the British NGO Global Witness

billionaire Dan Gertler.

"Our partners have for 15 years -- these words aren't too strong -- cheated and stolen from us.

pittance in 2007 through controversial Israeli

at has to stop," the chief executive officer of

described the mining sector as the regime's

the powerful Gecamines state mining

"cash machine" and its revenues were being


Albert Yuma, stormed in November.


In 2013, the NGO Africa Progress Panel

wasted by a "toxic combination of corruption


and mismanagement".

companies linked to Gertler's rm. "Together the ve deals cost the DRC at least

ve mining sales to offshore

'Regime cash machine' e DRC should control its mineral resources

In November, US NGO the Carter Center

like "our Arab brothers have bene tted from the

estimated that $750-million generated by

$1.36-billion, an amount equal to almost twice

control of oil", said Yuma, leader of the national

mining production between 2011 and 2014

the DRC's combined annual budget for health

business community and close to President

could not be traced in any "reliable fashion" in

and education in 2012," it said.

Joseph Kabila.

Gecamines's accounts, an assertion that the

Kabila's second and last elected


mandate ended on 20 December 2016, but has been extended in a church-brokered deal at the cost of severe repression. e vast money in mining has to be seen in the context of DRC's chronic reputation for corruption and the deep poverty that afflicts most of its 80 million citizens. Reliable gures for turnover and employment

Mining NEWS

Glencore and Randgold challenges Congo law changes Glencore and Randgold Resources have come together in a bid to stop sweeping legal reforms, claiming the existing industry body poorly served their interests. In a letter sent to Congolese President Joseph Kabila on February 8 and seen by Bloomberg, investors requested a meeting “to once again put forward our positions” about changes to the mining code

Moly declined to comment. AngloGold and Zijin didn't immediately respond to requests for comment. Kabila's deputy chief of staff, Jean-Pierre Kambila, told Bloomberg to refer any questions to Mines Minister Martin Kabwelulu. “I am not aware of this letter addressed to the president,” Kabwelulu said by email February 15.

approved by lawmakers January 27.

e new code will overhaul Congo's most important economic sector if Kabila signs it, raising the cost of doing business for investors in Africa's biggest copper producer, while boosting the state's share of mining revenue.

Investors want the newly created body to replace the Chamber of Mines, which is part of Congo's main private sector lobby group, aer it “was unable to satisfactorily consolidate and communicate our wishes during the revisitation of the Mining Code,” according to the letter. China Molybdenum Co, Ivanhoe Mines, MMG, Zijin Mining Group Co and AngloGold

In December, companies including Glencore, Randgold and China Moly said they would defend their investments “by all domestic and international means at their disposal.” R andgold is considering launching international arbitration if Kabila gives his assent to the legislation.

“Watching people shoot themselves in the head, not even in the foot, is frustrating for me,” Randgold chief executive officer Mark Bristow said in an interview in Cape Town on February 5. “e mining environment in the DRC needs to be improved, but improved in consultation with the main investors, which are China Molybdenum, Glencore and ourselves,” he said.

Ashanti also signed the letter.

Glencore, Ivanhoe, MMG, Randgold and China



Jan - Feb 2018

e miners that wrote to Kabila have “decided to formalise our relationship by establishing an association of major mining companies in the


DRC,” according to the letter. e existing Chamber of Mines is a sub-committee of the Federation des Entreprises, headed by Albert Yuma, who is also chairman of state-owned mining company Gecamines.

'Not represented' “We would like to place on record that the FEC did not represent the views or analysis presented by its own Chamber of Mines, nor did it consult with our companies and at no stage did it have the mandate to represent our positions,” the letter said. Yuma said he hasn't seen the letter. “ere are procedures to withdraw from FEC, so they must respect the procedures,” he said by phone from Congo's capital, Kinshasa. Consulted by a parliamentary commission as FEC president last month, Yuma said updating the mining code was “necessary,” while FEC members such as Randgold and Glencore have argued against many of the proposed changes. “It is a pity that these companies are making a move outside FEC's Chamber of Mines,” Kabwelulu said. “e body has participated in discussions with all stakeholders since 2012.”

Mining NEWS

Underground mining activities affects 2,000 houses in Sinazongwe Over 2,000 houses in Nkandabwe in Sinazongwe

And the affected families have appealed to

“is is a ticking time bomb requiring urgent

district have development huge crack and about to

government to immediately come to their aid.

attention,” Mr. Ng'andu said.

collapse due to the effects of underground mining

Catherine Siabweene, whose family is currently

Sinazongwe District Commissioner Protacial

activity at Column Coal mine in the area.

s l e e pi ng i n a te nt , n ar r ate d t h at t h e

Mulenga has since issued a 14-day ultimatum

Chief Sinazongwe of the Tonga people in the

underground mine tunnels le in the area are

for the mine to compensate the affected families

district explained that an agreement was signed in

forming cracks which are extending to the to

or risk being closed.

October, 2017 in which the mine was supposed to

surface, thereby affecting houses.

“We do not want anyone entrusted with such a

compensate the affected families to enable them

“My family had to move out of our house as we

responsibility to dent the image of government.

relocate but this has not been done up to date.

could hear the ground shake as the cracks grew

We want all investors to ensure that the

e chief was speaking when he and the local

bigger. e tent we are now sleeping in is

communities in the areas they operate are

leadership visited the affected area.

uncomfortable when it rains,” She lamented.

protected,” he stressed.

He expressed disappointment that despite various

Meanwhile, the local authority in the district

And Column Coal Mine Safety Manager, Elvis

s t a k e h o l d e r s h av i n g e n g a g e d t h e m i n e

has called on the mine to prioritise the safety of

Ng'andu was at pains to explain why the affected

management over the agreement, the pact has not

human lives.

families have not been compensated up to date.

been honoured.

Sinazongwe District Council Secretary Herbert

Mr. Ng'andu instead referred all queries to the

“When the agreement was made, people agreed to

Ng'andu urged management to emulate other

Column Coal Mine headquarters in Lusaka.

move if compensated. It has been four months

investors in the district such as Maamba

now and the mine has not followed the

Collieries regarding mine safety guidelines

agreement,” the traditional leader said.



Jan - Feb 2018



Company NEWS

New investor for De Beers may look at mining in Zimbabwe Kitumba copper project and the DRC Australian company Weatherly has entered into a binding agreement to

De Beers may follow its resumption of exploration for diamonds in the

purchase 100% of the Kitumba copper project.

Northern Cape by looking at opportunities in Zimbabwe and in the

e AU$ 4.75 million deal is subject to certain conditions precedent

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

including intrepid shareholder approval and any regulatory approvals

"I'm excited about what I'm seeing in Zimbabwe," said Phillip Barton,

required in Zambia and Australia.

CEO of the De Beers South African unit. "If we get licences, we would

Kitumba copper development project hosts a JORC-compliant measured

have a further look."

and indicated resource of 24.9Mt at a copper grade of 2.32% containing

e company is looking for deposits in SA aer getting 16 exploration

578,000 tonnes of copper.

licences in the Northern Cape, and Barton said it wants to extend searches

Included within this resource is a JORC-compliant reserve of 21.9Mt at a copper grade of 2.20%Cu containing 492,000 tonnes of copper. In addition, the Kitumba deposit is contained within a granted mining license valid until 2029, while the wider project area also includes four exploration licenses, with a combined current mining and exploration tenure area covering more than 900 square kilometres. To date an estimated US$30 million or more has been spent on exploration, drilling, metallurgical testwork and other studies for Kitumba, and the purchase includes a fully established exploration camp on site. e development of the Kitumba mine is also already environmentally permitted based on the development plan proposed by Intrepid. Weatherly says has solid capabilities built up while operating in adjacent Namibia for over ten years, adding that members of the board and senior management team have extensive experience working in the Zambian mining sector. “Weatherly is well placed to work constructively and transparently with the Zambian authorities to maximise the bene ts of the Kitumba deposit for all stakeholders,” said the company.



Jan - Feb 2018


to the Free State, the North West and Limpopo, where De Beers is working on the $2bn Venetia project. It's natural to look into nearby Zimbabwe, he said. “We have Venetia mine that's literally 20km from the Zimbabwe border," Barton said on the sidelines of the annual Mining Indaba in Cape Town. "Why would it be just on the one side?" In addition, De Beers is considering looking for exploration licences in the DRC if the legal situation improves, as well as adding another ship to its eet of ve looking for marine deposits off Namibia.

Company NEWS

New x-ray facilities for Konkola As part of an effort to speed up radiological

“My government appreciates the long standing

number one priority for management. “By

diagnostic services for the Konkola Copper

relationship with Konkola Copper Mines and it

rstly providing our employees with the best

Mines medical services, the company has

is our desire to sustain this mutual cooperation

possible health care and ensuring that everyone

commissioned new x-ray medical facilities at it

aimed at improving the quality of life of the

is healthy and well, only then can we can focus

Nchanga South Hospital.

Zambian people,” she said.

on growing production and taking Konkola

Valued at US$135 000, the facilities will serve a

Enock Mponda acting Konkola Copper Mines


Copper Mines to even greater heights,” Mponda catchment population of over 63 000 in four

Chief Executive Office said the company is

towns - Chililabombwe, Chingola, Kitwe and

committed to the health and safety of its

Edward Chilekwa, Konkola Copper Mines


employees. He said the company would

Manager for Medical Services said the x-ray

continue to ensure that the health and safety of

machine is something the company has been

Commissioning the facilities, Mary Chibesa

its workforce remained paramount, as it

looking forward to. “I am positive that this

Chingola District Commissioner said the

embarks on its rigorous growth plan.

facilities would not only bene t mine employees.

upgrade will enable our staff to serve patients in much more efficient manner,” said Dr.

“e health and safety of our people is the


Company NEWS

Suricate Minerals seeks to unlock latent mineral wealth in Mauritania Suricate Executive Director Ahmed Hertani,

ese deposits also have considerable

who has extensive business experience in

pegmatite reserves, which contain ultra-high

Europe and Africa, and whose quali cations

purity quartz and rare earth minerals.

include an MBA, says that while the company is

Pegmatite is also the primary source of lithium,

still in the early stages of developing its

either as spodumene, lithiophilite or lepidolite.

pro s p e c t s , it h a s a l re a dy u n d e r t a ke n

Suricate is optimistic about the prospects for

considerable geophysical and geochemistry

the lithium sector, as plug-in hybrid electric

testing at its various sites, with positive results

vehicles and all-electric vehicles currently use

veri ed by German materials testing and

lithium-ion batteries. is is bolstered further

analysis company Dorfner Anzaplan.

by technology giants Tesla's $5 billion

Suricate plans to start mining at its high-purity

Gigafactory in Nevada in the US, which aims to

quartz deposits in Tasiast, in north-west

meet the needs of lithium-ion battery packs for

Mauritania, about 130 km from the Port of

emerging energy-storage technology trends.

Nouadhibou, containing around 99% silicon,

Hertani adds that the company has another

before the end of 2018. e company envisages

permit in north-west Mauritania containing an

that the project will produce both quartz lumps

alkaline intrusion with large ma c and

and sands.

ultrama c rocks, which are indicators of metals

the Chinese market,” Hertani comments. Furthermore, the project contains a large hydrothermal deposit of pure barite. is is signi cant, as the resources of the largest producers of barite worldwide, namely China and India, are being depleted rapidly. e analysis of rock collected on surface indicates a barium sulphate content of 78.9%. is surface barite is enriched with silica, comparable in quality to the Bou Ouzzal deposit in neighbouring Morocco, which is the third-largest exporter of barite in the world, producing around a million tons a year. Moreover, Hertani highlights that the company is also continuing exploration on another deposit in the north of the country that contains a felsic-alkaline intrusion. Geochemistry work

“is high-purity quartz is well-suited to the

including copper, wolframite, molybdenum,

production of photovoltaic- and electronic-

tin and gold.

grade silica, as well as for quartz engineering

“We are very excited about this discovery, as the

slabs and silicone metals, and many others

exploration for a high-grade gold deposit that,

medium-to-long term forecast for these

according to our initial studies, could be fairly large,” he notes.

industrial applications, all of which are vitally

diversi ed metals remains strong. As the

important elements for environment-friendly

project has substantial potential to be a low-cost

renewable energy technologies, Hertani

producer, this ideally places the project to take


advantage of rising demand, particularly from



Jan - Feb 2018


on the deposit has uncovered a large gold anomaly. “It is certainly a good target for

“We want to capitalise fully on our in-depth knowledge and experience of the geology where our permits are located. With the technical and

Company NEWS nancial support of partners, we are con dent of developing projects that will enhance the stature of Mauritania's mining industry, and provide high-value return-on-investment for investors,” Hertani concludes. Suricate Minerals has already signed an agreement with a public company, and is also in advanced discussion with several others. Straddling the Arab Maghreb and Western Sub-Saharan Africa, Mauritania's massive mineral resource wealth makes it an attractive prospect for resource investors. According to geological survey organisation USGS, Mauritania is an established producer of crude oil, copper, gold, and iron ore. As recently as 2013, Mauritania was reportedly the second-largest exporter and producer of iron ore in Africa aer South Africa. e International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a country report for Mauritania in October 2017, outlining the challenges the country faced, such as low and volatile metals prices. Nonetheless, the IMF also noted that growth prospects had improved along with planned public investment and structural reforms and some, albeit short-lived, recovery in metals prices. International mining and oil and gas companies have established operations in the country, including the likes of BP, Total, First

Australian miner Tiger Resources to sell DRC assets for $260m Australia-based copper miner Tiger Resources has entered a share purchase agreement (SPA) and royalty deed with Sinomine Fuhai (Hong Kong) Overseas Resource Investment to sell its assets in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for $260m.

Quantum Minerals, Kinross Gold Corp and Algold Resources, among

e deal will see the sale of Kipoi Project, Lupoto Project and La Patience


permit in DRC.

About Suricate Minerals Suricate Minerals is a Mauritanian-owned group, specialising in natural resources exploration and development. e group's tenements cover a

Under the agreement, the total consideration of $260m will include cash payments of $250m and the assumption of liabilities by Sinomine HK amounting to $10m.

broad range of strategic mineral commodities including Gold, Iron-Ore,

Since February last year, Tiger Resources is under voluntary suspension

Barite, Lithium, Copper and High Purity Quartz.

of work due to nancial difficulties.

Suricate Minerals was established with a strategy to explore, for critical

Tiger Resources intends to use the initial cash instalment of $230m to

minerals in some of the most under-explored regions of Mauritania. e

repay its outstanding banking liabilities.

group's directors have been involved in the consolidation and exploration

e second instalment of $20m will be paid three months aer the initial

of key projects for a number of years, which provides them with an

payment, subject to working capital adjustments.

important understanding of the potential of these mineral endowed tenements and the requirements for future exploration.

e deal also entitles Tiger to receive royalty payments generated from the sale of copper and cobalt by Sinomine HK up to an aggregate amount of $20m. FMDZ |

Jan - Feb 2018




Copper projects have become attractive investments for private capital Private capital is opting to invest in copper over gold for the rst time, in the mining sector as optimism about electric vehicle demand steer funds into battery metals.

Finding the base line During the course of 2017, business con dence in the base metals and fabricated metals sectors has been at very low levels, amid concerns that the base metals sector could be adversely affected by protectionist policies in the United States. is has raised the spectre of Chinese manufacturers of fabricated metal products seeking alternative markets, resulting in dumping practices, both in South Africa and elsewhere in Africa. In fact, these concerns have been such that government took the decision earlier this year to put emergency safeguard tariffs on at hot-rolled steel product imports, in an attempt to ease some of the pressure under which the local industry has been operating. On a more positive note for base metals, the continuing focus on electric vehicles in many areas of the developed world has led to a requirement for more cobalt, lithium, copper, aluminum and nickel. e outlook for greener transportation received an additional boost this year as the UK joined France and Norway in saying it would ban fossil-fuel car sales in coming decades. Also on the positive side of the scale, zinc has experienced a dramatic surge in recent months, achieving its highest price in 10 years, rising to well over $3 000 per metric ton. is is good news for SA as a whole, and Vedanta in particular. e Indian-based company is on track to begin production at its new Gamsberg Vedanta mine in South Africa in the rst half of 2018. Aer a six- to nine-month ramp-up, the operation will produce about 250 000 tonnes of metal in concentrate, helping to ease the global shortage. Moreover, in a period of widespread disaffection for South Africa's mining sector, and where regulatory uncertainty and political inscrutability dominate, this new development is a rare show of con dence. Anil Agarwal, founder and chairman of Vedanta Resources, remains sanguine in his view of South Africa's progress as an investment destination. “Culturally, there is a good t between India and Africa. I fully agree that foreign investment is not coming at the moment, due to fears around stability, but I am con dent things will improve,” he says.



Jan - Feb 2018


Private-equity deals in the mining industry bounced back in 2017 according to a new report by UK law rm Berwin Leighton Paisner with investment in the sector jumping by more than 30% to $2.3 billion. 43% of fund managers believe it has become easier to nd attractive investment opportunities in the metal and mining space Copper overtook gold as the most attractive commodity in 2017, with $1.6 billion in deals representing just shy of 70% of all money owing into the sector. Battery metals such as lithium, cobalt (which is mined as a byproduct of copper and nickel), vanadium and graphite attracted $175 million from private equity investors according to the report quoted by Bloomberg: “With the continued recovery in the sector, 2018 is expected to see an ongoing deployment of capital by the mining private equity funds,” Alexander Keepin wrote in the report. “Battery metals, copper and gold are expected to continue to be the most popular commodities.” Despite the carnage on broader nancial markets, the copper price surged this month more than 2% to a high of $3.2575 per pound ($7,182 a tonne) in New York. Copper is up 68% in value over the past two years. Gold was also in positive territory with the metal attracting safe haven buying at $1,344 per ounce. e amount was still below a peak of $3.2 billion in 2015, when many of the largest mining companies including Freeport McMoran, Barrick Gold and Anglo American were forced to sell off assets to tackle debt piles accumulated during the boom years. A new survey by private capital tracker Preqin found that 43% of fund managers in the metal and mining space believe it has become easier to nd attractive investment opportunities compared to a year ago. A third of the fund managers also say that competition for the best deals in the eld has become more competitive. As of June 2017, the latest data available, mining and metals fund managers hold $6 billion in so-called dry powder (funds ready to be invested) according to Preqin's 2018 Global Natural Resources report. Diversi ed natural resource funds have another $26 billion in dry powder, but the bulk of investment by these unlisted funds are destined for oil and gas. Unlisted mining assets under management total $15 billion according to the London-based research and Preqin identi es 16 funds which are currently raising money for mining investment with a target of $7.9 billion in new money.

Opinion Newtrax believes the future of mining is underground, not only because metals and minerals close to the surface are increasingly rare, but because underground mines have a signi cantly lower environmental footprint. Newtrax believes the future of mining is underground, not only because metals and minerals close to the surface are increasingly rare, but because underground mines have a signi cantly lower environmental footprint. With that in mind, Newtrax focuses on eliminating the current digital divide between surface mines and underground mines. How? By making underground hard-rock mining safer and more productive through the implementation of the latest Internet-of-ings (IoT) and analytics technologies to monitor and provide insights on underground operations.

e future of mining is underground

“Newtrax focuses on eliminating the current

machines are being used, how well each

utilises sub-GHz RF technology to create a

digital divide between surface mines and

individual machine is functioning, and can

peer-to-peer network of vehicles and miners.

underground mines”

offer predictive suggestions to increase both

Not only does it give out proximity warnings,

productivity and pro t.

the system can also be used to alert scoop

e Future of Mining Operations

Mobile Equipment Telemetry (MET) can be

operators that a truck is on its way even before it

Management is Real-Time

used to provide front line supervisors and mine

appears in its line of sight, enabling operators to

Newtrax develops wireless devices for people,

management with dashboards and reports such

prepare for the truck and improve mine

machines and sensors that can to connect to any


production. It can also alert light vehicles to get

network available in the mine including leaky

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

out of the way of loaded trucks going up the

feeder, Wi and LTE. To ll any gaps in network

Overall Face Utilization & Efficiency

ramp, for improved haulage efficiency. e end

connectivity, Newtrax also offers unique

Tons Extracted and Produced

result is more tons hauled to surface, every shi.

Safety As e First Step in the Digitization

e Future Mine Managers will be

purpose-built networking solutions: MineHop: A battery-powered wireless


empowered with Arti cial Intelligence

network which is the only technology simple

Newtrax productivity solutions provide a quick

With years of information gathered using our

enough for timely deployment by any worker

ROI. However, safety is our core value at

MET technologies, Newtrax has become a

underground. MineProx: A network optimized for lowlatency ad-hoc peer-to-peer communications and ranging between vehicles, pedestrians and xed hazards.

Ne w t r a x and many of ou r c ustome rs

world leader in big data collection in

implement Safety Systems rst, as a platform to

underground hard rock mines. Having access to

enhance Productivity in a second phase.

this amount of data has enabled us to position

Newtrax Personal Safety Devices are the

ourselves for success in the development of

cornerstones of our safety systems. Since the

Arti cial Intelligence (AI) and Machine

cap lamp is an essential tool that miners simply

Learning within the industry.

is ensures that data can be transmitted in

cannot leave behind, it is the preferred

is AI revolution will help Newtrax customers

real-time from underground to the surface

integrated hardware platform for most

in the mining industry in a similar manner as it

anytime anywhere.

customers.ese Newtrax-enabled integrated

does for other industries: today AI can

safety devices provide three key safety features

recognize cancer tissue faster than experts, it

to miners' underground personnel at all times:

can translate video and audio streams into

e Future of Mining Operations Management relies on access to Machine Data

Proximity Warning & Collision Avoidance

simple explanations, it can use drones for

Newtrax Mobile Equipment Telemetry (MET)

Evacuation Noti cation & Tracking

autonomous hazardous activities, and much

solutions provide mine operators with essential information and indisputable data that is pulled

Lone Worker Check-In & Man Down


Noti cation

Newtrax enthusiastically but diligently

on mining equipment. e ability to access this

Proximity Warning Bene ts for Traffic

customers towards success in harnessing the

d at a e mp owe rs m i n i ng c omp an i e s to


intelligence from new techniques and

understand the precise manner in which their

e Newtrax Proximity Warning System


directly from OEM or Newtrax add-on sensors

embraces this potential and accompanies its


Jan - Feb 2018




New Mobile Tunnel Boring solution from Master Drilling Master Drilling Group, a global provider of

opening up blocks of ground or increasing a

specialised drilling solutions, plans to unveil its

mine's footprint.”

new disruptive Mobile Tunnel Boring (MTB) solution at Investing in African Mining Indaba 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa in February.

operation of our rst MTB.” e continuous process involves excavation,

Master Drilling's MTB solution can bore out an

support and waste removal that creates a

excavation of 4.5m and/or 5.5m in diameter at a

smooth circular excavation that does not

rate that far exceeds conventional tunnel

disturb the side walls of the tunnel. In addition,

e solution will be ready for commissioning in

construction methods. e MTB can deliver

the geometry makes for a stable and strong

the September quarter of this year. Master

various infrastructure solutions such as for

tunnel and, because it is a non-explosive

Drilling's internally conceptualised design and

declines, ramps, haulages and contact tunnels

process, it increases the on-face time and

internationally patented MTB technology was

in hard rock with compressive strengths in

delivers higher production advances on a cost-

developed in response to the growing demand

excess of 300MPa.

efficient basis.

from clients, and the mining industry at large, for a cost effective mechanised tunnelling contract service offering that addresses safety and efficiency challenges on new and existing operations. e new solution may also make it possible for marginal projects to pass feasibility hurdles due to cost and time savings. Danie Pretorius, CEO of Master Drilling, said: “is disruptive technology allows continuous mining and requires no blasting, thereby signi cantly enhancing mining efficiencies. It is as advantageous at the capital stage of mining projects, with quicker deployment and access to the orebody, as it is at the production stage through substantial productivity increase when



Jan - Feb 2018

Its modular construction makes it also possible

Pretorius concluded: “As a solution driven

to retro t to existing operations and major

company delivering a fully mechanised range of

mining companies have expressed interest in

services to clients, we will continue to invest in

deploying Master Drilling's

rst MTB once

commissioned in the third quarter of 2018. Koos Jordaan, executive director of Master Drilling, commented: “e concept phase of our MTB started in April 2017 and aer consideration of various alternatives, we made

R&D as this new service is adopted and matures. We believe this solution presents substantial future growth opportunities for Master Drilling and we plan to order new MTBs on a continuous basis with the second machine planned for early 2019.”

the decision to pursue a collaborative option in

Master Drilling's MTB solution will be

the market to realise the concept. We are

deployed through a newly established and

pleased to have partnered with Italy's Seli

dedicated division, Master Tunnelling. Master

Technologies, a company with half a century's

Drilling is also exploring other opportunities in

experience principally in civil mechanised

the civil tunnelling industry.

tunnelling, to manufacture and assist us during


Health & SAFETY

Health and Safety in the Mining industry Mines can be hazardous environments and the

erosion, loss of biodiversity, imbalanced

possibility of re, ood, explosion and collapse

ecosystem, formation of sinkholes, and coal

has the potential to simultaneously affect a large

res, which all contribute to environmental

number of people.

degradation. Even some mining companies

ere are several possible causes of fatalities and

chopped down surrounding trees legislation

accidents in mining sites, not only limited to

and regulation to require mining companies to

res and explosions. Poor ventilation is one of

do proper environmental impact assessment

the main concerns. In this line of work, miners

and management. is will reduce damage and

are exposed to various gases, substances, and

enforce environmental and social

chemicals that may be harmful to them.


It is, thereby, crucial to be able to provide

Mining companies and their workers, whether

efficient and safe working conditions for miners

big or small, must be equipped, knowledgeable,

and people in the local community. Legislation

and skilled enough to practice proper safety

is also in place to improve mining sites and safe

precautions with minimal environmental

to make way for a proper mining site. Any

impact as possible.

Even though measures to prevent black lung have been legally enforced for many years now, new cases still occur among coal miners. Mining companies need to develop a dust control plan, and supervisors should ensure that dust control systems are working properly for every production shi. Mine workers should be trained on the hazards of overexposure to coal mine dust. Respiratory protection should be used when dust control protection is being installed, maintained or repaired. Medical screening and surveillance is also essential. 2. Noise

chemical leakage and improper waste management can cause harm to surrounding

7 common health risks to watch out for in the

areas and local communities. To answer such an

mining industry.

alarming issue, government has put in plenty of

cause ongoing respiratory issues,” says Clark.

Mines are noisy places, with the constant of drilling and heavy machinery, and the potential

1. Coal dust

for hearing damage is quite serious. “It can be

precautions. ere has also been great concern regarding the

Dust inhalation or coal dust is one of the most

environmental impact of mining, not just

common concerns for miners. “e ongoing

but that doesn't mean that damage isn't still

during the mining itself but its long-term

inhalation of coal dust can cause what is

being done. Many people don't notice the

impact on the environment even aer mining

colloquially known as 'miner's lung' or 'black

damage to their hearing until long aer they

easy for you to mentally get used to loud noises,

has been completed and the site has been closed.

lung'. Miner's lung is a form of the occupational

were rst exposed to the noisy environment, as

Mining pro cesses and chemicals can

lung disease group pneumoconiosis. It varies

most damage occurs very slowly. Over-

contaminate groundwater, surface water, and

in severity, but symptoms include shortness of

exposure to excessive noise can result in

soil. Other environmental issues include

breath and scarring of lung tissue, which can

tinnitus (ringing in the ears), sleep


Jan - Feb 2018



Health & SAFETY

disturbances, concentration problems and even

Symptoms of WBV include musculoskeletal

are naturally at a very high risk of developing

permanent hearing loss,” Clark explains.

disorders, reproductive damage in females,

cancer and eye problems if they are not

vision impairment, digestive problems and

adequately protected,” Clark explains.

To protect workers against noise, mining

cardiovascular changes,” Clark outlines.

companies should evaluate working conditions

Employers should conduct a risk assessment on

and noise exposure through risk assessments.

Again, reducing exposure also reduces the

outdoor work scheduled to assist in developing

Avoiding and reducing exposure can be

health risks and should be the rst step that

appropriate sun protection measures. e most

achieved by appling engineering controls at the

mining companies take. is might include

effective way of reducing UV exposure is to use

noise source or along the noise path to reduce

l ling in p ot holes on unmade ro ads,

a combination of protection methods,

exposures, such as vibration dampeners or

minimising the transport of goods or materials,

including re-organising work to avoid the UV

absorptive panels. Regular maintenance of

or replacing manned with unmanned machines

peak of the day, providing natural or arti cial

machines is also essential to reducing noise.

such as remotely controlled conveyors. Where

shade, providing appropriate protective

Employer must ensure proper use of personal

risks cannot be avoided, supervisors should

clothing, and applying sunscreen. It is also

hearing protection amongst noise-exposed

reduce the time for which the employee uses the

important that employers train employees to

employees, while providing necessary health

machine each day. Instruction and training are

raise awareness of the risks associated with

and safety training and maintaining up-to-date

critical, and symptoms of back pain in

exposure to UV and the sun protection

health surveillance records.

employees should be closely monitored.

measures required. Employers can provide skin

4. UV Exposure

cancer checks as part of regular workplace

3. Whole body vibration

medical examinations and in pre-employment Whole body vibration (WBV) is a slow forming

For open-pit miners, understanding the risk of

medical checks.

physical hazard that occurs in mining workers

over-exposure to UV (ultraviolet) radiation in

5. Musculoskeletal disorders

and other occupations that work with heavy

sunlight is essential. “Over exposure of

machinery. “In the mining environment, WBV

ultraviolet rays can put you at risk of skin

can be caused either by spending a lot of time

cancer, of which Australia has the highest rate

problems affecting your bones, muscles, blood

sitting on machinery, which is most of the time

in the world. Not only can UV rays cause

vessels and nerves. “Mine workers are exposed

in mining extraction, or by standing, such as

melanomas to form, but they can cause serious

to a variety of potential health risks that fall

working on jumbo operators. Some forms of

damage to your eyes if you are not wearing

u n d e r t h i s b r o a d c a t e g o r y. W h i l e

vibration are ok, but they become dangerous

protective eye wear. In the short-term,

musculoskeletal damage can occur due to a trip,

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) refer to any

when they involve uneven surfaces, vehicle

overexposure to the sun can cause dehydration,

fall or heavy li, the more serious ones occur

activity such as ripping versus pushing material

headaches and nausea. Mine workers oen

slowly over time. is could be due to ongoing

in a bulldozer, and engine vibrations.

spend whole days out in the baking hot sun, so

heavy liing or repetitive strains,” says Clark.



Jan - Feb 2018


Health & SAFETY

Preventing MSDs needs to be a key part of every workplace health and safety program. In safe and healthy workplaces, employers should identify and assess job-related MSD hazards and put in place controls to reduce workers' exposure to MSD hazards. Furthermore, workers should be advised and trained about MSD hazards in their job and workplace and should be encouraged to participate in health and safety programs through early reporting of M SD s y mpt oms or c on c e r ns t o t h e i r supervisors. Employers should follow up to ensure preventative measures are working. 6. ermal stress A common health risk that miners face is t h e r m a l – o r h e at – s t r e s s . “M i n i n g environments are oen very hot and humid, particularly those in outback Australia, which over time can cause thermal stress in workers. Overexposure to heat and humidity can cause the body to become fatigued and distressed. is can result in heat stroke or more serious ongoing health problems,” Clark reveals. Where there is a possibility of heat stress

protective equipment should be provided, such

chemical burns, respiratory problems and

as specialised protective clothing that

poisoning,” Clark outlines.

incorporates personal cooling systems or breathable fabrics. Furthermore, companies

Each chemical has a unique set of hazards and

should provide training for workers, especially

needs to be handled properly to ensure worker

new and young employees, and monitor the

safety, so employers need to conduct risk

health of workers at risk.

assessments to establish best practices. A standard operating procedure (SOP) that

7. Chemical hazards

addresses the use of correct personal protective

occurring, companies need to carry out a risk assessment that considers the work rate,

Mine workers are oen exposed to harmful

equipment, safe handling, safe use, and proper

working climate and worker clothing and

chemicals. “As an example, the most common

disposal should be established. Ventilation is

respiratory protective equipment. Where

group of chemicals that cause concern in a coal

also an important factor in minimizing

possible, control the temperature using

mining environment are polymeric chemicals.

exposure, as well as general housekeeping and

engineering solutions, provide mechanical aids

Regardless of the chemicals you work in close

cleanliness. orough training and drills

where possible to reduce the work rate, and

proximity to, appropriate safety wear and

should be conducted regarding the company's

regulate the length of exposure to hot

precautions need to be taken to minimise your

spill response plans and chemical hygiene

env ironments. Fur t her more, p ers ona l

body's exposure to them. Risks include


I-VAP 500 SPEC SHEET > GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS > 32,000 square meters coverage. Custom automated user-denable oscillation up to 359° option. Includes integrated turntable bearing that enables user to manually override oscillator and quickly reposition fan barrel. Adjustable angle of throw (7° to 45° height adjustment). Integrated fan and nozzle ring design. Premium efciency motor. Low energy-use to evaporation ratio. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS > 3 Phase / 37 kW fan / 525 Volt / 60 Hertz. 3 Phase / 55 kW pump / 525 Volt / 60 Hertz. 0.10 kW oscillator motor with oscillation option. 30 meters 50 mm electrical cord. Other options available. No male plug, “bare wired” is standard (any other plug is optional extra). Stainless Steel Cabinet with control panel. Wye-Delta start. WATER SPECIFICATIONS > Maximum pressure delivered by pump is 10 bar (145 PSI). Strainer is included and should be used at all times. Contact us for recommendations when using non-potable water. 1½” (40 mm) cam-and-groove quick disconnect female coupling for high pressure hose provided on machine. 38 x PVC nozzles (also available in stainless, brass and nylon). 21,3 L per minute, per nozzle, measured at 10 bar pressure. Droplet size of 150 – 180 microns. Throw distance of 80 to 110 meters. Follow us


I-VAP 500(continued) SPEC SHEET > MAINTENANCE > If using potable water, nozzles need to be inspected quarterly. Fan motor and high-pressure pump should be greased every 1,000 hours. Oscillator bearing should be greased on a regular maintenance schedule, or as needed.

NOISE LEVELS > WITHOUT BOOSTER PUMP Control Panel Side – 83 dB. Back Side of Fan – 84 dB. Opposite side – 83 dB. Discharge side – 85 dB.

DIMENSIONS > ON STANDARD SKID MOUNT. 2,105 mm Wide. 2,600 mm Long. 2,510 mm High/Tall. 1,480 kg. WARRANTY > Unit is covered by a 3-year or 3,000-hour warranty.

The I-VAP 500 is built from composite materials to prevent rust, making it light, durable and mobile.

086 112 4228

Products & SERVICES

Channel power monitor launched in Africa International manufacturer Bird Technologies

to central monitoring site and incorporated

allows for identi cation and action-taking.”

has launched the new Channel Power Monitor

into whatever network management system the

Commenting on the new tool Gary Casper,

in Africa.

end user is using, and it is also compatible with

Comtest product manager said his team has an

e tool designed for monitoring the individual


in-depth understanding of the Bird product

transmission sites and antennas of critical

e goal is to proactively look aer the remote

range, and especially the new Channel Power

communications systems, such as the TETRA

sites, so rather than users calling in faults (“My

Monitor, enabling them to recommend the

Systems is used by the various emergency

radio doesn't work!”) while responding to an

right product to customers.


emergency call, or trying to land an aircra!

Bird Technologies is an industry leading

“e system can also be used to monitor the

“ ere is now an awareness of the

provider of RF communications products,

mission-critical radio systems of Airports, Sea

situation/fault before the user becomes aware of

services, calibration, and training to the public

Ports, Coastguards and Private Security

it, and maintenance can be planned ahead. Very

safety, cellular communications, distributed

C o mp a n i e s ,” M i k e G at h e r g o o d , B i r d

frequently, these initial incidences start slowly

ante n n a s y ste ms ( DA S ) , bro a d c a st ,

Technologies' Sales Manager for Europe,

and spiral downward over a period of time

semiconductor, military, government and

Middle East and

before actually causing a failure, and this system

medical markets.

Africa (EMEA). Channel Power Monitor keeps an eye on critical communication transmissions and alerting operators to a fault, for example, if the transmitters power output has been reduced, or if there is a fault on the antenna or cable. Corrective action can be taken before the end user is even aware there is a problem, with the optimum being a “no-outage” result. e device is connected via an IP network back



Jan - Feb 2018


Products & SERVICES

Becker Mining South Africa's proximity detection systems for enhanced safety on the mines Becker Mining South Africa – a key supplier of

proximity, enhancing safety in arduous

off or the battery has been isolated. Control tags

safety and communications technologies to the


transmit speci c commands to PDS controllers

mining sector – provides turnkey proximity

Becker's latest PDS controller, which is the

and miner tags, also providing alerts when

interface between the vehicle operator and

entering a restricted or hazardous area.

detection systems (PDS), tagging and tracking and related communication systems, which

multiple detection sensors mounted around the

Advanced self-diagnostic functionality

comply with stringent mining health and safety

vehicle, provides various alert mechanisms for

provides continuous monitoring of all


operators. ese include cabin lighting and

peripherals connected to the system, to ensure

e company has developed advanced

alert tones which are selected to suit exact

equipment is functioning correctly. e

proximity detection systems for nearly 20 years,


operator is immediately warned if a device stops

is system consists of a customisable caution

responding to the PDS controller.

which have signi cantly improved safety on the mines. Becker's modular PDS solutions are

zone, warning zone and critical zone. Detection

Becker Mining's high performance,

designed to prevent potential collisions during

zone threshold distances are set according to

purpose solutions for underground and surface

the operation of vehicles in the proximity of

speci c requirements, covering small and large

mining installations, include Leaky Feeder, Wi-

personnel on the surface, or underground.


Fi, tagging and tracking, as well as

“e company's latest patented tri-technology

B e c k e r ' s a d v a n c e d s o lut i on s pre v e nt

environmental monitoring PDS solutions.

PDS solutions – which range from a simple,

electromagnetic interference, by transmitting

In addition to communications solutions,

t for

low-cost single technolog y system, to

data packets across the generated H eld. Data

B e c ke r a l s o offe r s I S an d

integrated multi-technological solutions –

received is recognised as a system tag and not an

underground electrical reticulation products,

encompass all aspects of the most advanced

environmentally generated signal that could

as well as

mining communications and technology,”

cause unnecessary warnings.

attachment systems. An important feature of

states Andrew Trentelman, senior general manager: Electronics, Becker Mining South Africa. “Becker's patented tri-technology point of detection system is the only system available globally that combines three technologies – UHF, Radar and Electromagnetic – into one scalable system.”

messaging alerts vehicle operators and personnel to the presence of each other and to stationar y or moving vehicles in close



Jan - Feb 2018

uid transfer, rigging and rope

e tri-technology tag, which supports

these systems is they are designed to facilitate

accident investigation and multi mode

future upgrades.

operation, is compatible with Becker's tagging systems and communications networks. is tri-axis electromagnetic receiver ensures reliable detection by the system, regardless of the tag or miners' position.

Bi-directional noti cation and early warning

am e pro of

Vehicle tags are self-powered RF devices that

Further information Andrew Trentelman, Senior General Manager:Electronics, Becker Mining South Africa Telephone: (011) 617 6300

ensure the presence of a vehicle continues to be


broadcast, even if the ignition has been turned



Products & SERVICES

New Continental radial tyres Te c h n o l o g y c o m p a ny C o n t i n e n t a l i s

the best tyre on so ground. In comparison to

introducing two additional EM-Master E4/L4

the E3/L3, the EM-Master E4/L4 is ideally

radial tyre sizes to the market

suited for hard and stony ground thanks to a

“is for now completes our range of radial

greater block size with less spacing between the

tyres for use on wheel loaders and dump trucks,

blocks and a deeper tread depth.

in particular for construction work and

e RDT-Master is also part of the ContiEarth

mining,” says Christian Luther, product line

series and was developed for rigid dump trucks

manager, ear thmoving at C ontinental

(RDTs). anks to its special deep tread design,

Commercial Specialty Tires (CST). “We are also

the tyre offers high resilience, cut resistance and

collaborating intensively with our customers to

self-cleaning properties.

further expand our portfolio to meet their needs and requirements.” e EM-Master is part of the ContiEarth

e DumperMaster rounds out the radial tyre product range. e tyre has an all-steel radial carcass which ensures high load capacity with

portfolio, which was developed speci cally for

low heat build-up. is makes it ideally suited

the construction sector. e tyre is ideally suited

for transporting ore onto the conveyor belt or

for articulated dump trucks (ADT), loaders and

directly from mines to the surface on dump

dozers and is available in two versions. e EM-

trucks. In addition, the tyre is well-suited for

Master E3/L3 has a normal tread depth and

tunnel construction.

wide spacing between the blocks. is makes it



Jan - Feb 2018


Products & SERVICES

Fuchs Lubricants To Showcase At Bauma FUCHS lubricants will be joining African and

sophisticated and down-time a critical factor

oils at car plants, re-resistant hydraulic uids

international construction and mining

for contractors, the quality of the product and

at the country's largest steel producer and coal

industries at Bauma Conexpo Africa in

its ability to perform to optimal levels for long

mines, mills or food processing plants.”

Johannesburg from 13 to 16 March. e company has a wide range of locally and

periods is a huge factor from an operator's point of view.”

“For FUCHS Lubricants, being at the expo for second year running shows that this is the

internationally manufactured oils and greases

“FUCHS is a major supplier of private label

correct platform to showcase our company's

that cover the entire lubricants market,

lubricants to many of the OEMs operating on

products,” he says.

including heavy-duty diesel vehicles, civils and

the sub-continent and this is an indication of

earthworks, mining, agriculture, food industry,

the quality and reliability of our products in all

automotive and heav y-duty industrial

applications, under the most strenuous

manufacturing and engineering.

operating conditions. Whether it be pressings

“FUCHS manufactures about 90% of their products locally and relies on the FUCHS global purchasing division based in Germany to source the highest-quality mineral, semisynthetic and full synthetic base oils,” says Mitch Launspach, national sales manager – Commercial, FUCHS Lubricants South Africa. “Our strength is more than just the breadth of our product range, but also the fact that most of our products carry OEM approvals. As equipment becomes more technologically



Jan - Feb 2018


e event is expected to attract more than 600 exhibitors. FUCHS Lubricants will display at stand T1.430 in the outdoor area Terrace 1.

Products & SERVICES

Energy Saving Solutions in the Mining industry Cost-effective and reliable energy sources are

greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel use.

essential to discover, extract, process and

Within the mining industry the gold mining

A number of different factors in uence energy

transport mineral resources from mine site to

sector is the largest user, consuming 47% of the

prices. Energy efficiency reduces energy costs


industry's electricity, platinum mining is

by achieving more production output with a lower energy input.

Reducing energy costs

However, despite the fundamental importance

second, taking 33% and all other mines

of energy, the day-to-day focus on meeting

consume the remaining 20%.

operational targets at a mine oen means that

In mining, energy can be saved by applying

Improving productivity

energy is not used efficiently. is creates a

efficiency solutions in the following areas:

Oen, energy waste is a sign of other problems,

number of signi cant costs. Most obvious is the

materials handling, processing, compressed air,

so energy-efficiency improvements can reduce

cost of the wasted energy.

pumping fans, industrial cooling and lighting.

maintenance costs, increase plant output,

But inefficient energy use can also be a symptom

For instance, electric motors are the heart of the

improve product quality, or any combination of

of ineffective operational practices that, in turn,

most mining and industrial process plants,

such bene ts.

affect productivity, maintenance, safety and

converting electrical to mechanical power.

It can also improve working conditions for staff,

environmental performance. Inefficiencies may

Mines are increasingly focusing ways to

for example by reducing heat from processes or

also be locked in through mine planning and

minimise their energy usage. One way in which

reducing noise.


they can achieve signi cant energy savings is by

To maximise energy performance—that is, to

using high efficiency motors.

Avoiding or deferring capital investment

to meet business objectives—a structured

Operational bene ts

expenditure on plant by improving the

approach to energy management is essential.

e most obvious operational bene t from

efficiency of existing equipment or by reducing

Over the past decade, there has been a growing

improved energy management is a reduction in

capacity requirements.

focus on energy management in the mining

energy costs. However, effective energy

use the minimum amount of energy necessary

E n e r g y e ffi c i e n c y c a n r e d u c e c ap i t a l

industry. is has been a response to rising

management can deliver a range of other

Energy contracts and pricing

energy costs on mine sites, together with

business bene ts.

Energy efficiency can signi cantly reduce costs

legislative and community pressure to reduce



Jan - Feb 2018


Products & SERVICES if opportunities are examined with a good understanding of energy

motivation for employees to identify and implement business

contracts and the way that energy is billed. For example, contracts may

improvement initiatives. e thinking and collaboration applied to

include penalties for reducing energy demand, or annual pricing linked to

energyefficiency improvements can

periods of peak demand. Additionally, more frequent and careful reviews

improvement initiatives.

ow over to other continuous

of invoices may reveal errors that have led to overpayments. Work health and safety Looking at the way that energy is used can highlight work health and safety risks in the workplace related to factors such as temperature and steam. Employee involvement and motivation Involving staff in programs to identify energy-efficiency opportunities can make them feel more involved in decision-making and contribute to improved levels of job satisfaction. Improving pro t margin Pro ts are usually a small proportion of total turnover or input costs, so the cost reductions from energy efficiency may look small relative to turnover. Since they are oen a signi cant proportion of the pro t margin, however, the results can be more visible to managers when presented in this way. Achievement of greenhouse gas reduction objectives Where energy-efficiency improvements avoid the use of fossil fuels or electricity generated from fossil fuels, they may contribute directly to a rm's greenhouse gas reduction performance. Reducing maintenance costs Achieving greater production output with less energy can also reduce

maintenance costs (for example, running one pump and pipeline system instead of two systems).

Contributing to a culture of continuous improvement e environmental bene ts of energy efficiency may provide additional


Jan - Feb 2018



Products & SERVICES

Bd50000 is high quality alternative 2. High Capacity: 17% greater capacity than the OE for longer lter life 3. Lower Flow Restriction: 40% lower restriction at cold-start improves ow and reduces wear 4. Unsurpassed Structural Integrity: superior reinforcement ensures durability and prevents contaminant leaks Baldwin does not compromise when it comes to quality construction and design. Baldwin Filters are routinely tested above and beyond industry standards, ensuring reliable performance under the toughest conditions. “I am excited to release the BD50000 to our customers” said Farrell Calcaterra, the company's Engine Mobile Group Vice President, Designed for durability and performance, the BD50000 is the rst lube lter to incorporate Baldwin's next generation of highly engineered

Research and Development. “rough a collaborative effort between resources at the company's Innovation Center and the company's

media. It is a high quality alternative to the LF14000NN.

Engine Mobile Group, we have developed a world-class lter that keeps

In overall efficiency, the Baldwin BD50000 meets or exceeds the OE

with the rich tradition of quality and performance that Baldwin Filters'

lter over the full life of the lter. Maximum protection means longer

customers have come to expect.”

life and higher performance for sophisticated modern engines. 1. High Overall Efficiency: provides superior protection against wear

When it comes to protecting your hard working equipment, choose

and extends parts life

Baldwin for products and people you can trust.



Jan - Feb 2018




Integrated Air Solu ons showcases specialist compressor engineering at bauma CONEXPO AFRICA 2018 Integrated Air Solutions will showcase its

their productivity goals.

Also on display at bauma CONEXPO AFRICA

comprehensive range of world-class compressed air solutions for customers in the

will be a large electric-driven air compressor “As rst time exhibitors at bauma CONEXPO

which is targeted at the mining segment as well

construction, mining and drilling sectors in

AFRICA, we believe that the Expo presents us

as a large diesel-driven air compressor used in

South and Sub-Saharan Africa at bauma

with the perfect platform to showcase these

water, exploration and post hole drilling

world-renowned machines,” states Integrated


CONEXPO AFRICA 2018 (stand ES 213).

Air Solutions' Group CEO, Graham Russell. Integrated Air Solutions boasts decades of

“Successfully tried and tested over 25 years in

“We are proud of being one of only a few

experience with the ELGi brand and is the sole

our harsh environment, t he ELGi air

companies that is able to offer highly

regional distributor of the ELGi range of oil-

compressors are ideally suited to the Southern

customised air compressor solutions and the

lubricated and oil-free rotary screw, high-

African climate.”

state-of-the-art JCB-derived drill and blast drill

portable air compressors. ELGi is a leading

“We will be unveiling ELGi's new PG185-100

compressor as well as a re-suppression system

global air compressor manufacturer that has

portable compressor at the Expo. is

from sister company, FOGMAKER South

pressure diesel-driven as well as centrifugal and

rig which is tted with a customised ELGi diesel

earned worldwide distinction for designing

extremely rugged and versatile machine is

Africa (Pty) Ltd, which will undoubtedly be the

sustainable solutions that contribute to

ideally suited for the construction and sand-

highlight on our stand at this year's bauma

increased uptime and lowest total cost of

blasting industries.”

CONEXPO AFRICA,” concludes Russell.

ownership, assisting end-users in achieving


Jan - Feb 2018





Live demonstra ons of FOGMAKER fire-suppression system at bauma CONEXPO AFRICA 2018 FOGMAKER South Africa (Pty) Ltd. will

most appropriate platform to showcase our

which keeps costs and downtime to the absolute

conduct live demonstrations of its innovative

FOGMAKER re-suppression system.”

minimum. Aer a discharge, it's a simple matter

triple-action re-suppression system at bauma

FOGMAKER makes use of water, the purest

of replacing the detector hose and re lling the


extinguishant, to attack all three components in

piston accummulator.”

“Our launch of FOGMAKER to the South

the re triangle namely heat, oxygen and fuel.

Russell con rms that the FOGMAKER will be

African market at BAUMA CONEXPO

Suitable for any engine compartment, the

installed on a number of their own and several

AFRICA 2015 was a huge success which

system uses high-pressure water mist (50-

customer machines (drill rigs & compressors) on display during Bauma. Visitors to bauma CONEXPO AFRICA will be able to see the FOGMAKER's impressive capabilities rst hand with frequent live demonstrations taking place at the company's outdoor stand # ES 213.

motivated us to par ticipate in bauma

micron droplets) to effectively suppress a re

CONEXPO AFRICA 2018,” explains Managing

and cool down the compartment to prevent re-

Director of FOGMAKER South Africa, John


Russell, who adds that they also walked away

“Equipped with automatic re detection, which

with the 'best small stand' award that year. “e

is independent of any power source, this low-

fact that a number of our customers are also

weight, low-maintenance system is simplicity

exhibiting this year is a clear indication to us

itself,” says Russell. “Moreover, there is no

that bauma CONEXPO AFRICA presents a

powder or mess to clean-up aer actuation,



Jan - Feb 2018




CDE South Africa to showcase latest wet processing innova ons at bauma CONEXPO AFRICA 2018 Leading materials wet processing equipment and engineering company CDE will be showcasing 25 years of international expertise to South African mine and quarry operators at bauma CONEXPO AFRICA in Johannesburg from 13 to 16 March 2018. e CDE South Africa team will introduce the company's latest modular equipment for wet processing that can be applied in mining and sand and aggregates applications, as well as its high-tech water management systems, which signi cantly reduce the necessity for fresh water usage. CDE has been rapidly growing its footprint in subSaharan Africa over the past years and bauma CONEXPO AFRICA offers a unique opportunity for the company to showcase the strength and adaptability of its wet processing solutions for mines and quarries to the 20,000 visitors expected at the event. With the global mining and construction industries showing reassuring signs of recovery, there is no better time to look to new ways of processing minerals and sand and aggregates for end products of higher quality whilst saving water, energy and money. CDE's best sellers on the global market include a sand washing plant, the EvoWash, and a thickener, the AquaCycle. e EvoWash sand



Jan - Feb 2018

washing plant can produce up to 250 tonnes of material per hour and up to two products at the same time, whilst the AquaCycle recycles up to 90% of process water for immediate reuse in the system, allowing for maximum dewatering and a product ready to be sold directly from the belt. ese two high efficiency systems are also available as a combined modular washing and recycling solution onto a single chassis, the CDE Combo, which is designed to t the smallest site footprint. CDE boasts the successful completion of over 1,000 wet processing projects globally, including the largest sand washing plant in the world in Qatar, which processes 1,200 tons per hour of dune sand. e company brings to the table a portfolio of successful projects across Southern Africa (iron ore, diamond, gold, construction and industrial sands) where it has been helping mining and sand and aggregates operators to maximise their businesses. Nicolan Govender, CDE's Regional Manager Africa says: “CDE has been completing projects in countries across sub-Saharan Africa, with unique customised solutions for each customer and with a variety of applications that show the versatility of our equipment range.


“CDE is fast growing its footprint in South Africa due to a locally-based, dedicated team that understands the particularities of market, working on a partnership basis from the rst contact with the client through to the on-site start up, and also providing comprehensive support at the aer-sales stage.” Govender concludes: “bauma CONEXPO AFRICA is the ideal platform for CDE to showcase the wealth of knowledge, innovation and experience that has already helped over 1,000 operations to grow beyond our clients' expectations over the past 25 years globally. “We look forward to discussing efficient wet processing solutions with mining and sand and aggregates operators that will help them to optimise their businesses.” Visit CDE at Stand H5 – G10 at Johannesburg Expo Centre from 13 to 16 March e CDE South Africa team will make two presentations during the show: 1. Innovations in materials handling for high efficiency mine and quarry operations 2. A new world of resource to generate value from mining waste.




Jan - Feb 2018

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