First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017

Page 1


1 MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine September-October 2017 > Issue 25 > Vol.8 #


Digital innovation driving growth in DRC mining sector p33

ALSO... Process Control is improved using real-time analysis p46





Accute skills shortage hits Zambia mining sector




Six smart ways mining & aggregates businesses are using drones


30 New era of production draws closer at Kipushi 14 Bell equipment brings KAMAZ trucks into Southern Africa

18 Innovations in onsite wastewater treatment by SewTreatment 29 Banfora FS demonstrates “solid project economics”

33 FMDZ |

Digital innovation driving growth in DRC mining sector

Sep - Oct 2017



FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to another edition of Africa's favourite mining publication 1st


1 MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine September-October 2017 > Issue 25 > Vol.8 #

Mining DRC-ZAMBIA. Despite challenges in the mining sector, the future holds some positivity. ere are a lot of technological inventions


and new efficient machinery and equipment being introduced in the industry. Zambian copper production remains on a positive growth trajectory due to government support for the mining sector and strong copper prices.

Digital innovation driving growth in DRC mining sector p33

According to the Zambian central bank, Zambian copper production over H2017 totalled 362 Kt, down slightly from 367 Kt in 2016. Crushing and screening specialist Pilot Crushtec International recently demonstrated the ability to assist a customer in signi cantly increasing output together with a concomitant and equally impressive reduction in

ALSO... Process Control is improved using real-time analysis p46


operating costs.


Scan Display, an exhibition, event and display specialist, has been


appointed the official exhibition contactor for Investing in African

Courtesy of GEOSCAN

Mining Indaba 2018. According to Ivanhoe, excellent progress has been made by KICO in


modernising the Kipushi mine's underground infrastructure as part of

Bertha M.

preparations for the mine to resume commercial production. With the underground upgrading programme nearing completion, KICO's focus

Contributing Writers

will now shi to modernising and upgrading Kipushi's surface

Anne Thomas, Mfuneko Jack, Lindani Mkhize and Caroline Thomas

infrastructure to handle and process Kipushi's high-grade zinc and copper resources.

Sales & Marketing

On another note, we look at how Africa's rough diamonds have been

Russou Billiard +27 11 044 8986

increasing in value but the sale proceeds do not reach the people. Instead, they bene t metropolitan elites and the mine companies, which are usually foreign-owned.

Deward Sitali +260 96 187 4888

We hope this issue will be an indispensable source of information for mining industry stakeholders and other interested parties.

Victor Ndlovu

We also are looking forward to article contribution or bits of information

Cleopas M.

relevant to the industry, or suggestions to improve the magazine, as this will help to grow this portal.

Mandla M. mandlam@fmdrc-zambia

Bertha M. Editor

Professor M.

Graphic Design and Layout Que Gibson

Published By Mailing Times Media

Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd

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Sep - Oct 2017


Mining NEWS

Acute skills shortage First Cobalt calls hits Zambian off alliance in Congo to focus on mining sector Canadian operations CHAMBER of Mines says implementation of new projects is at risk in

Zambia and other mining countries around the world due to the

increasing shortage of speci c skilled and experienced people.

According to a latest report by the Chamber of Mines titled 'Searching for First Cobalt is set to cancel the strategic alliance in seven cobalt

talent-skills and employment in the global mining industry', the world's

exploration properties in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in

mines are battling to attract skilled and experienced people.

favour of properties in Canada.

It stated the skills most in demand across the global mining industry as a result of talent shortage are those critical to the daily operations of the

e company is expected to close its previously announced mergers


with Cobalt One and CobalTech Mining later this year.

“ey are largely technical, such as engineers, geologists, metallurgists,

rough the merger, the company is set to have access to a combined

e report revealed that the immediate effect of the global mining skills

technicians, mechanics and artisans,” it stated. land position of more than 10,000ha in the Cobalt Camp.

crunch is that mines in Zambia and other countries are

nding it

increasingly difficult not just to attract skilled people, but also to retain According to the company, the opportunity to immediately begin work


on several advanced exploration targets in the Cobalt Camp offsets the potential in the DRC properties at present.

“ere was a time when you could easily nd four to ve people to ll a

"e Canadian Cobalt Camp is emerging as one of the most

Mines chief executive officer Johan Jansen is quoted in the report.

high-level position. Now you battle to nd just one,” Mopani Copper prospective targets for cobalt exploration.”

e report, compiled by mining researcher Rob Gentle, cites three major reasons for the global shortage of high-level mining skills.

First Cobalt president and CEO Trent Mell said: “Investors are very

“e massive rise in global mineral production over the past 20 years,

supportive of our vision for the Canadian Cobalt Camp and we are

mainly to meet rising demand in China, has drained much of the world's

aligned with their desire to focus on the bulk mining potential of this

mining talent pool. Secondly, the industry is experiencing its biggest

district, located in the best mining jurisdiction in the world.

retirement wave in many decades, with up to half of the people in key skill categories nearing retirement.

“e Canadian Cobalt Camp is emerging as one of the most

“In Canada, one of the world's largest mining countries, some 49,000

prospective targets for cobalt exploration.

people will be needed in the next decade to replace retiring workers,” it

“e DRC remains very appealing geologically but the investment

e report cited the third reason as harsh working conditions, remote

stated. climate has deteriorated since the strategic alliance was announced and

locations and long working hours that is making mining to be no longer

we have signi cantly expanded our footprint in Canada.”

an attractive career option as it once was.

e company does not rule out the possibility of exploring cobalt

graduates, with better work-life balance,” Barrick Lumwana general

opportunities in other parts of the world in future.

manager Sam Ash is quoted in the report.

“e truth is there are more attractive industries out there for mining


Sep - Oct 2017



Mining NEWS

Congolese block export of raw metals to China e Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has

Sinohydro and China Railway Construction

said the rm had responded to the letter.

ordered Sinohydro and China Railway

own 68% of Sicomines. e project is a key part

"We're in contact with the ministry to unblock

Construction's local mining venture to stop

of a 2007 deal under which Chinese companies

the situation," he said on October 4. "ere are

exporting unprocessed copper and cobalt and

build infrastructure, including roads and

no major problems.”

to re ne all its metals within the country.

hospitals, which is nanced by Chinese banks

e venture, called Sicomines, must ship "only

in return for metals like copper and cobalt.

e April 2008 convention that established

high-value products" as the government looked

In a September 11 letter to Sicomines director-

Sicomines says it must ship 200,000 tonnes of

to "ensure the prompt repayment" of the

general Sun Ruiwen, Kabwelulu said he

copper cathodes annually by its second year of

country's $6bn minerals-for-infrastructure

disapproved of the products the company was

commercial production and "a corresponding

deal with China, Mines Minister Martin

exporting. He said the bulk of the products

tonnage" of processed cobalt, which is obtained

Kabwelulu said on October 2 in response to

exported by Sicomines were unre ned copper

as a by-product of copper mining. Output


concentrate and cobalt hydroxide, not

should rise to 400,000 tonnes of re ned copper

processed copper cathodes and cobalt metal.

in the third year of production.

Sicomines's pro t is used to pay off the loans

Local mining authorities had been instructed to

Sicomines began production in November 2015

China provides to the DRC, which will be

"no longer authorise the export of mining

and produced 44,000 tonnes of copper cathodes

reimbursed quicker if the mine exports higher-

products other than" processed copper and

in 2016.

value, re ned metals. e $3.2bn mining

cobalt, Kabwelulu said in his letter.

project operated by Sicomines accounted for

Of 112 trucks ferrying exports of the metals,

"Sicomines must respect the convention,"

about a quarter of copper concentrate and 5% of

only 44 had been allowed to proceed because

Kabwelulu said. e company did not say why it

copper cathode exports in 2016 from the DRC,

they were already at the border, he said in a text

officially exported no cobalt in 2016 or the rst

Africa's biggest copper producer.


half of 2017.

Sicomines exported 115,000 tonnes of copper

In contact

monitoring the project, said in October 2015

Moise Ekanga, the head of the department concentrate and 20,000 tonnes of copper

Sicomines, whose Congolese shareholders

that Sicomines needed an extra 170MW of

cathodes in the rst half of 2017, according to

include state-owned Gecamines, trucks its

power to run at full capacity. Sinohydro and

the provincial division of mines in south

products to Zambia.

China Railway are nancing a 240MW, $660m

Katanga, where the mine is.

Sicomines deputy director-general Jean Nzeng

hydroelectric plant.



Sep - Oct 2017


Mining NEWS

Nine Mines migrate to the Electronic Reporting System Nine Major mines on the Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces have been migrated from manual monthly minerals production reporting to the electronic submission of reports on the Mineral Output Statistical Evaluation System (MOSES). î ˘e migration of mines to electronic reporting is a major milestone achieved under the Mineral Value Chain Monitoring Project (MVCMP) and the Mineral Production Monitoring Support Project (MPMSP) that have been tasked to develop an integrated online Mineral Output Statistical Evaluation System Speaking in Lusaka, Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development Director of Minerals Development Mooya Lumamba says the nine mines starting from September 15, 2017 will no longer submit any manual monthly production reports. î ˘e mines that have been migrated are Chibuluma Copper Mine, Chambishi Metals, Chambishi Copper Smelters, Luanshya Copper Mines, Lubambe Copper Mines, Lumwana Copper Mining, FQM Kalumbila Copper Mine, Sino Metals and NFCA Copper Mining Company. According to Mr. Lumamba, the other three major mining companies; FQM Kansanshi Copper and Gold Mine, Konkola Copper Mines, and Mopani Copper Mine will be migrated to electronic reporting in October 2017. And Z ambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) C ommissioner for Modernisation and Corporate Strategy Dingani Banda has applauded the

migration of the nine major mining companies to electronic mineral production reporting. Mr. Banda says this is a great milestone in achieving the Government's objective of having an integrated electronic system for reporting production and issuance of export permit for the mining sector.


Sep - Oct 2017



Mining NEWS

Zambia mining resumes aer power deal Zambia has agreed to provide uninterrupted

copper miners is key to the country's mining

“e tariff will be reviewed upon nalisation of a

power supplies to the Sentinel copper mine and

industry and prospects for growth.

c o s t o f s e r v i c e s t u d y, w h i c h h a s b e e n

an associated smelter at Kansanshi - both

“Resolution of the pricing and provision of

commissioned by the Energy Regulation Board.

owned by Toronto-listed First Quantum

power remain paramount to the immediate

e study is expected to be available in early 2018,”

Minerals - on condition that the rm agrees to a

future of mining in Zambia,” he said.

said the Toronto-listed copper miner.

backdated power tariff increase.

A bitter dispute had broken out between First

Although other Zambian mining officials say

Quantum and the Zambian power utility over

Despite power supplies to its Zambian copper

the power tariff increase will be a drain to the

the power tariff increase.

operations being reduced in the past few weeks,

company, it will restore power supplies to the

e Zambian government also had a dispute

First Quantum has maintained its budgeted

operations, according to First Quantum

with Glencore's copper unit in Zambia, but an

production at the mine, while production from

Minerals. “Unrestricted power is now being provided to

agreement has been reached between them to

the smelter would be much lower.

restore electricity supplies to the Mopani

e company announced in July that copper

Copper Mines.

the company's operations. First Quantum agrees to a tariff increase, to approximately

output from its Kansanshi mine would increase to 248 000 tons, compared to the previous guidance

First Quantum has since completed a four-

of 240 000 tons. Output from the Sentinel smelter

$0.09 per kilowatt hour, provided that

week scheduled maintenance of the Kansanshi

will be around 185 000 tons.

Kansanshi smelter and Sentinel mine can each

smelter and staged the restart and ramp-up

import a portion of their total power

process at the operation. Steady production is

Copper production for Zambia in 2017 is seen

requirements from alternative suppliers,” said

expected to start this week.

dipping to 753 992 tons from about 774 290 tons

Clive Newall, senior executive at the company.

 e t a r i ff i n c re a s e a g re e d t o w i l l b e

produced last year. e decline has been blamed

Zambia is among the African continent's top

implemented in two increments, with the rst

on lower production from Konkola Copper

copper producers, with exports of the mineral

commencing immediately and the second


largely accounting for the southern African

being applied once the details of power import

It's expected that Konkola's share of output will be

country's foreign currency earnings. Nathan Chishimba, president of the Zambia

arrangements are agreed and formalised.

lower by 40 percent this year, according to

“e tariff is backdated to January 2017, with a

Zambian Mining Ministry permanent secretary

portion of the arrears to be applied to

Paul Chanda. He also said production from

Chamber of Mines, believes that resolution to

improving the stability of power supplies for

Lumwana Copper mine, which is owned by

the power supply disputes involving Zambian

Kansanshi and Sentinel.

Barrick Gold, would be lower by some 15 percent.



Sep - Oct 2017


Mining NEWS

Small-scale gold miners should be regulated to curb environmental and health hazards THE EXTRACTIVE Industry Alliance (EITA)

awareness campaigns to educate the miners on

action plan when applying for a licence to

in Eastern Province has called on Government

how to manage their mining activities.

establish their business.

to regulate small-scale gold miners to curb env ironment a l and he a lt h hazards to

“It is unfortunate that small-scale mining,

He said it is necessary that the environment in


which can be carried out as a sustainable

the sites where a licensed gold miner operates

activity, is conducted by unskilled people with

be inspected officially for purposes of

EITA representative in Petauke Ledger Tembo

little knowledge on the environmental and

environmental management accreditation before an applicant's licence is renewed.

urged Government to enforce stringent laws on

health hazards related to the practice,” he said.

small-scale gold miners in Eastern Province.

Mr Tembo said mining activities have caused destruction and disturbance of ecosystems and

Mr Tembo urged Government to consider

Speaking at the sixth Zambia Alternative

habitats in some areas.

formulating a national mineral policy that will

Mining Indaba (ZAMI), held under the theme

provide a guiding framework for decision

'Mineral Development for all, Leaving No-one

He said unplanned prospecting and application

makers in the management of Zambia's mineral

Behind' last week, Mr Tembo said mining

of basic mineral extraction and processing


activities have caused destruction and

techniques has caused

disturbance of ecosystems and habitats in the

widespread land degradation.

province. “Effects of mining activities “ e Ministr y of Mines and the local

have resulted in destruction

administration should consider developing

of productive grazing and

favourable regulations that will include

crop lands,” he said.

regulatory reforms for small-scale mining,” he said.

M r

He further called on Government to conduct

scale miners be compelled to

T e m b o

a l s o

recommended that smallattach an environmental


Sep - Oct 2017



Mining NEWS

Digital patient tracking aims to tackle TB crisis in Southern Africa Every year, 500,000 men travel across southern

consistent medical care risk going undiagnosed

Africa to work in South Africa's mines. In doing

or, if they only sporadically access treatment,

so, they nd themselves triply vulnerable to

acquiring resistance to rst-line treatments.

contracting tuberculosis.

in Mexico last week.

e pilot began in September in two districts in

In response to this public health crisis, four

each of four countries: Lesotho, Malawi,

countries earlier this year launched a landmark

Mozambique, and Zambia. e system enables

Mines produce high levels of silica dust, which

electronic referral system that aims to serve as a

a patient to be traced across borders. For

renders the lungs prone to bacterial infection.

medical passport for patients. e pilot

example, if a patient is referred from South

HIV is also prevalent in the region, and those

program is funded by the Global Fund to Fight

Africa to Zambia, health care professionals in

with compromised immune systems are more

AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and was

both countries will be able to trace the patient

likely to contract TB. Finally, con ned work

developed by a multistakeholder program

and receive noti cations whenever the patient

spaces and poor living conditions facilitate

called TIMS (TB in the Mining Sector in

is sent to a health care facility.

airborne transmission.

Southern Africa) that hopes to digitize and close the gaps.

As a result, the incidence of TB among workers

Following the pilot, the World Bank hopes to scale up the system with its Southern Africa

in South Africa's mines is the highest in the

“Cross-border migration is fueling the TB

Tuberculosis and Health Systems Support

world — 10 times higher than the level of a

epidemic,” said Ivandra Chirrime, senior TB

project. It hopes the innovation will prove a new

health emergency de ned by the WHO.

control specialist at the East, Central and

way to target TB in mobile populations,

Moreover, the epidemic is mobile; men develop

Southern Africa Health Community, an

prov i d i n g s e am l e s s c are i n t h e m o s t interrupting of circumstances.

active TB and then return home and infect their

intergovernmental health organization that

communities. Each migrant worker who

promotes regional cooperation. “It's very

returns home with TB spreads the disease to an

difficult to trace paper-based information and

“It's expected that this intervention will

estimated 10 to 15 people in his community,

to make sure the miner in South Africa

improve TB treatment outcomes, reduce the

according to the Stop TB Partnership.

continues TB treatment when he goes back to

development of drug resistance due to

Lesotho or Swaziland,” she told Devex at the

treatment interruption … and reduce TB

Patients who travel across borders without

48th Union World Conference on Lung Health

infectiousness within the families and



Sep - Oct 2017


communities of these individuals,” said

In 2014, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa,

“Some patients may be diagnosed in one


and Swaziland signed the Southern African

country and then referred to another. With this

Mounting health crisis

Development Community declaration on the

system you will know where the patient belongs

TB is among the top ve causes of death in sub-

harmonization of TB management in the

and when the patient doesn't show, you can

Saharan Africa, accounting for 26 percent of the

mining sector. e framework aims to give

trace the patient and see where he is,” she said.

world's TB cases. One-third of the world's 22

mine workers and t heir communities

Strengthening laboratory systems

high-burden countries are also in southern

con dence that wherever they seek treatment

In order for the uni ed care regime to work,

Africa, according to the World Health

they will be prescribed the same interventions.

laboratory and medical facilities will also need

Organization's 2016 global TB report.

Continuity in care


“We're making some progress but, despite some

Now those medical guidelines will be

“Lab officers need to be trained in quality

results, there's still a huge burden. ere's still

complemented with digital patient tracking.

management systems so they have a good

unacceptable rates of TB and HIV co-

Next year, it will be expanded into more

understanding of health system requirements,”

infections, incidence, and deaths,” Talkmore

communities, selected for their high rates of

said Maruta, who is working through the

Maruta, senior laboratory specialist at the

migrant labor.

SATBHSS project to train lab officers to

ECSA-HC, told the conference.

“What we know is that treatment success rates

conduct quality audits of their laboratories.

Among the challenges are the region's weak

in mining communities is low and mainly

“e critical thing during audits is to identify

prevention and treatment system, limited

related to cross-border migration,” Chirrime

areas that need improvement so we can start

diagnostic capacities and quality assurance, and

said. “ey don't continue treatment.”

closing gaps,” he said.

inadequate human resources.

Chirrime expects this new project to make a

Gonzalez-Angulo agrees. She said supporting

“All patients in southern Africa should be

signi cant difference in the continuum of care

countries to achieve quality assured, accessible,

accessing TB diagnostic and all patients should

for cross-b order miners and mig rant

and sustainable TB diagnostic networks and

be tested with drug susceptibility testing,” said

populations. “We hope this will [address] the

laboratory services was one of the most

Licé Gonzalez-Angulo from the Research for

challenges currently faced, namely interruption

important interventions moving forward.

TB Elimination department at the WHO's

of treatment and communication, in terms of

“We have a lot of work to do,” Maruta added.

Global TB Program. “More than 40 percent of

the harmonization of treatment regimens

“We need to put our foot down and be more

patients aren't being diagnosed.”

across borders,” she said.

serious about controlling this monster of TB.”


Sep - Oct 2017



Mining NEWS

Zambia copper production to power on due to strong copper prices Zambian copper production remains on a

supportive of the sector and rising copper

However, BMI Research expects Zambian

positive growth trajectory due to government

prices will incentivise domestic miners to ramp

President Edgar Lungu's strong commitment to

support for the mining sector and strong copper

up production during H2017.

mining sector development in the country will

Presidential support to minimise risks

shortages on Zambia's copper production this

According to the Zambian central bank,

As BMI Research has outlined in previous


Zambian copper production over H2017

analysis, the ongoing power shortages resulting

totalled 362 Kt, down slightly from 367 Kt in

from the country's over-dependence on hydro-


likely minimise any serious impact of power

For example, following President Lungu's


power and rising power tariffs is the key risk

i nte r ve nt i on on 3 0 Au g ust , Gl e nc ore

No details have been given by the Zambian

facing the Zambian mining sector moving

announced they had reached a deal with

authorities on this decline, yet it is likely that


Zambia's ongoing power supply problems have

Copperbelt Energy Corp. that will restore full power supply to the Glencore's Mopani

been the key constraint on copper mining

In August alone, two of the country's main


copper producers, Glencoreand First Quantum Minerals (FQM), were forced to reduce power

Previously in May 2017, President Lungu also

Despite this setback, the Zambian government

at key operations due to tariff disputes with

resolved a court case involving FQM and the


expects copper production to rise from 774 Kt

electricity provider Copperbelt Energy Corp.

state investment company ZCCM Investment

in 2016 to 850 Kt in 2017, amounting to 9% y-o-

e combined copper output of mines affected,

Holdings, which has a 20% stake in FQM's

y growth.

Glencore's Mopani and FQM's Kansanshi,

Kansanshi mine.

amounted to over 400 Kt as of 2016. is is the view of BMI Research - a unit of the

ZCCM began arbitration proceedings against

Fitch Group.

is represents more than 50% of current

FQM, claiming 1.4 billion from the miner over

While not as optimistic, BMI Research is

Zambian copper production, posing serious

allegations it had wrongly used ZCCM's cash,

positive on Zambian copper and maintain its

risks to Zambia's copper production outlook

but ultimately dropped the case following

forecast of 7% growth this year as Zambian

this year.

President Lungu's intervention.

President Edgar Lungu remains personally



Sep - Oct 2017


In addition, improving rainfall and rising dam levels in the country will ease some of the power shortages which have been experienced in recent quarters. Zambia is highly dependent on hydroelectric power generation and water levels at the Kariba hydroelectric dam have already risen from 31% in May 2017 to 54% in May 20 17, which should help provide miners with ample power supply in H2017. Rising prices to boost production Another key driver of Zambian strong copper production this year will be the positive trajectory of prices in 2017 relative to last year. Since touching lows of US$4, 500/ton in June 2016 , copper prices have risen over 57% up to $6,810/ton on 30 August due to strong Chinese demand and generally tightening fundamentals. Bullish views on copper were recently con rmed in July when the metal broke above the $6,000 /ton leading to a new trading rang e between $6,000 - 7,000/ton that will prompt an upside revision to BMI Research's price forecast in the coming weeks. While it is possible that prices may unwind from current levels towards the end of the year, BMI Research thinks the gradual uptrend over the last 12 months will bode well for mining activity in Zambia as copper producers will likely raise production on the back of increased pro tability.


Sep - Oct 2017



Company NEWS

Bell Equipment brings KAMAZ Trucks into southern Africa Bell Equipment has announced it is entering the

identi ed KAMAZ as our preferred partner

endurance race, customers can rest assured that

southern African tipper truck market through a

some time ago due to the demonstrated

KAMAZ trucks are tough and reliable. is ties

partnership with KAMAZ, a Russian-based

performance and product attribute t, which

in with our Bell ethos of providing strong

industry leader in this market segment globally.

we had experienced through mutual customers

reliable machines.”

Although new to the region, KAMAZ is

and applications where Bell trucks are working

synonymous with providing purpose designed

in Russia. Further con dence was gained from

According to B ell Equipment Product

trucks to the harshest applications, and this has

other Bell partners, with a stake in KAMAZ

Marketing Manager, Brad Castle, the rst phase

been borne out by the company's consistent

held by Daimler AG, which also has a stake in

of the KAMAZ introduction will consist of four

strong performance in the challenging Dakar

Mercedes Benz, the engine supplier for the

models, which will be available as le hand or


range of Bell Articulated Dump Trucks,” adds

right hand drive vehicles. e models will

Jones. “Aer a long period of investigation we are now

include two 6x4 trucks with payloads of 15 and 20 tonnes, a 6x6 truck with a payload of 19,5

ready to take this milestone step and enter the

Established in 1969, KAMAZ manufactures out

tonnes and a 8x4 truck with a payload of 25,5

tipper truck market. By expanding our one-

of Naberezhnye Chelny in Russia and today


stop-shop offering to our southern African

accounts for half the trucks sold in that country,

customers we are able to satisfy more of their

as well as being represented in 80 countries

Across the range, well-matched engines and

needs and further our goal of being partners

across the world.

drivetrains bolster performance and the ability

Equipment's Group Marketing Director.

“KAMAZ shares our values and focuses on

structures promote durability. e trucks also

understanding applications and customer

feature air-suspended seats and cabs to create

“Finding the right partner has been key because

expectations, and designs products that speak

i ndu st r y - l e a d i ng c om for t t h at d r ive s

rather than suppliers,” says Stephen Jones, Bell

to deliver results while stronger fabricated

there have been a lot of new entrants trying to

to these,” continues Jones. “As a 14 time winner

productivity, safety and ensures driver

penetrate this hotly contested market. We

of the Dakar, the world's toughest off-road




Sep - Oct 2017


“During testing the KAMAZ trucks have presented a strong value proposition. We've been testing the trucks across numerous customer sites, where they have been extremely well received and have tackled local conditions with ease, delivering great productivity and lower fuel burn. Coupled with lower operating costs, customers can expect a favourable Rands per kilometre per tonne of material moved,” adds Castle. “KAMAZ FTC is very pleased to be teaming up with a heavy equipment company such as Bell

KAMAZ product philosophy coupled with Bell

roll off) while the Richards Bay factory gears up

Equipment who has its origin and roots rmly

Equipment's extensive distribution network of

for CKD (complete knockdown) assembly.

entrenched in southern Africa. We believe that

over 50 branches and dealers, world class

Increasing the local value add of the trucks is in

this partnership will bring great value to both

aermarket service and technical support is a

line with our commitment to increase our

companies,” says Rafail Gafeev, Director

clear recipe for success to meet the southern

investment in South Africa and create

General of KAMAZ Foreign Trade Company.

African customers' needs. We look forward to

meaningful employment opportunities. Most

growing our footprint by investing in the region

importantly we are con dent that this

“e KAMAZ products have been tried and

through Bell Equipment's product localisation

partnership will once again better position us to

tested in the most challenging environments

and distribution strategies.”

help our customers to succeed by providing

resulting in uncompromising products that are

“To ensure a smooth introduction the initial

strong reliable machines and strong reliable

uncomplicated and tough. We believe that the

KAMAZ trucks will be shipped RORO (roll on

support to the region,” concludes Jones.

Company NEWS

Sandvik: Continuous improvement drive move to reborn equipment Continuous improvement and new legislation

What's more, each piece of equipment is

reborn services save time and are less complex

have brought about an unbeatable offer from

brought up-to-date with the latest

as it cuts out the need to strip and evaluate each

equipment manufacturer Sandvik Mining and

speci cations, including operational, safety and

machine, obtain quotes for repairs or

Rock Technology.

comfort features found on new models.

replacement and then reassemble it. Reborn's are simply stripped, the frame repaired if

Sandvik's Jet Park rebuild workshop is a hive of

According to Sandvik operations manager,

necessary and a complete kit is purchased to

activity as a signi cant number of machines

Andre van der Heever, this is part of the reason

undertake the repairs including new cabs,

cross the oor to get a new lease of life.

why reborn equipment makes sense as it brings

motors, transmissions, har ness es and

is is driving unprecedented numbers of

the equipment in line with new health, safety

everything else that is required.

mines to opt for from-the-bottom-up rebuilds

and environmental legislation. With all the parts at hand the machine is simply

of equipment rather than more traditional selective rebuilding and repairs.

Equally important, productivity, efficiency and

reassembled, tested and made ready for

operational performance is also brought up to


Sandvik's strategy to rebuild machines,

the same speci cation as equivalent new

including all-new components from the frame


Where traditional rebuilds take an average of six-months to complete, the reborn route allows

up, has been a revelation and at approximately 65% of the cost of a new machine represents an

“Customers are aware that tighter standards are

customers to implement it as a scheduled

offer that simply cannot be ignored.

being applied and as a result they are mitigating

maintenance intervention and halves the time a

the risk of liability arising from accidents

machine is out for repairs.

e “reborn” strategy means that used Sandvik

involving non-compliant equipment. ey are

is obviously has a signi cant impact on their

equipment is stripped to the frame and rebuilt

opting rather for genuine OEM services instead


with all new components before being delivered

of supposedly cheaper options,” explains van

to the customer with the same warranty as a new

der Heever.

Sandvik rebuild workshop manager, Stephan

Apart from the bene ts mentioned before,

issued with a new machine warranty, all work is

Joubert, says that because the machines are




Sep - Oct 2017


carried out with the utmost professionalism by highly OEM trained workmen. ey work to the strictest standards and rebuild each piece of equipment to the original speci cations as indicated by its serial number. is takes a high degree of expertise and commitment to do things right and is something that our Sandvik team has in spadesful. “is type of service is in line with our “customer for life” approach whereby we assist them to get the most out of their equipment through appropriate support and services designed to upli their operations. “For this reason, the team also undertake

Sandvik Rebuild Workshop

is is considerably cheaper than buying

careful root cause analyses of failed components

individual parts for a selective rebuild. It is also

to provide customers with ndings that may

quicker than conventional rebuilding. In some

help them to implement improvements to

instances the turnaround time on a reborn

prevent damage in future,” says Joubert.

machine may even be quicker than buying and

Sandvik rebuild specialist, Cedric Chiloane,

waiting for delivery of a new machine.

says that reborn services are available for any

“We think that it addresses every need usually

Sandvik underground hard rock equipment.

associated with buying a new machine in terms

“It is advisable to speak to a Sandvik advisor to

of quality, safety, reliability and increased

ensure the reborn program can be undertaken

availability. Considering it is signi cantly

as a planned intervention,” says Chiloane.

cheaper and has a far shorter lead time than a

e fact that the reborn is a planned

new machine, it is de nitely a good offer. In

intervention with adequate lead times means

comparison with conventional rebuilds where

that all parts can be manufactured and sourced

the machine is only as good as its weakest part,

globally and delivered in kit form to Jet Park in

reborns have no such limitation as they make

the most cost effective manner, hence the

use of all new parts all around,” concludes

unbeatable price positioning.


According to Sandvik operations manager, Andre van der Heever, this is part of the reason why reborn equipment makes sense as it brings the equipment in line with new health, safety and environmental legislation.

Tel: +27 (0)83 2700 555 FMDZ |

Fax: 086 612 2887

Sep - Oct 2017



Company NEWS

SewTreat To Provide Eco-Friendly Innovations In Onsite Wastewater Treatment By making use of the latest advancements in

team consists of process and civil and process

the plant. “We developed this range based on a

sustainable wastewater treatment combined

engineers, microbiologists, project planners

need we saw in the market for a more cost

with the creation of their own bacterial strains

and a network of distributors with over 35 years

effective solution for sewage treatment.,”

developed in-house, SewTreat are able to

of experience in the eld.

Coetzer explains, although he notes that while

answer the needs of industrial, construction

the plastic plants are cost effective in term if

and mining operations with efficient, affordable

“We have developed our products and services

capital expenditure, the do carry very high

and eco-friendly waste water treatment

to embrace our c ustomers' op erat ing

shipping costs and so he does not recommend

environments and the ongoing demand for

them for installations outside of South Africa.


environmental, social and nancial sustainable SewTreat is a proudly South African company

solutions,” Coetzer explains. “e team at

2. Containerized Waste water treatment plant

offering specialized, modular biological waste

SewTreat has extensive expertise throughout

e containerized plant is well suited to rugged

water treatment plant designs tailor-made for

various disciplines and so we are able to offer

African conditions. e concept is based on a

the South African and African market. eir

turnkey ser vices which incorporate

'plug and play' design, Coetzer explains, saying

approach is based on return activated sludge

c onsu lt at i on , d e s i g n , manu f a c tu r i ng ,

that they are designed for ease of transport,

technology incorporating submersed aeration

installation, construction and operational

s e c u r it y an d m o du l ar it y, t a k i ng i nto

media. is enhanced bacterial action ensures a

support to our clients that meet all legal and

consideration that the plant may be moved to

highly effective treatment process boasting a

industry related compliance.”

various locations. “e complete WWTP is

very low carbon footprint, minimal capital input and low maintenance requirements.

built into ISO High Cube Containers. e Product Offering

plants are can be easily moved from site to site,

SewTreat offers several modular waste water

can be easily expanded and have a once off cost

treatment plants tailored to meet the needs of

to the client as they can be moved from site to

“Our approach is to treat nature with nature

industrial sized, mining and construction

site as needed,” says Coetzer.

through sustainable engineering solutions that


Understanding the Needs of the Market

are evident in our superior proprietary

“Our recent upgrade of our design makes this a

biological technology. e modular design of

1. Plastic HDPE Tank Waste water treatment

our treatment plants makes us a leader in


treatment. e plant is wholly constructed and

providing waste water treatment solutions for

e plastic range makes use of plastic 'Jo-Jo'

tested at our 5000m² under-roof facilities which

very competitive option for onsite waste water

the African continent,” says SewTreat Managing

type tanks that are connected in series or

ensures that all boxes are ticked in terms of

Director and spokesman, eunis Coetzer.

parallel depending on site space requirements

quality control procedures. e containerized

or layout. e plant is wholly constructed and

plant offers a life span of 15 to 20 years which is

Although the company is newly formed,

cold commissioned before delivery to client

excellent for a plug and play solution,” says

SewTreat has already become an established

premises. e installation time required onsite

Coetzer explaining that installation literally

name synonymous with international expertise

is minimal – a 50kl per day plant can be

requires only connecting of pipes to the waste

in providing quality products and services to all

assembled on site in less than

water treatment plant.

ve days. A

sectors throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and

guarantee of up to 20 years is offered on the

especially in the SADC region. e SewTreat

tanks depending on the type of tanks used in



Sep - Oct 2017


3. Civil Constructed Waste water treatment

bacteria feed on the complex substances in the

A Greener Approach


Biological waste water treatment is an accepted

wastewater, converting them into simpler

eir civil constructed plants are designed and

practice used worldwide. e process involves

substances, improving

constructed mostly for large ow industrial and

con ning naturally occurring bacteria at a very

reduced footprint.”

housing development applications. e plants

high concentration in the treatment process,

nal effluent on a

are aest het ic a l ly ple asing as t he y are

whether it is plastic type, containerized type of

He notes that globally, the composition of

constructed underground and can be covered

civil constructed type. From here this bacteria,

effluents discharged to receiving waters is

with vegetation and are entirely civil designed

together with some protozoa and other

regulated by the national environment

and constructed to exact civil engineering

microbes (collectively referred to as activated

agencies. e legislation is concerned with the

requirements. ese plants boast several

sludge) are treated in an anaerobic and an

prevention of pollution, and therefore sets

advantages for clients including the fact that the

aerobic process. ey are then returned to the

concentration limits on dissolved organic

civil construction can be subcontracted to local

a n a e ro b i c p h a s e t o e l i m i n at e s l u d g e

carbon (as BOD or COD), nitrogen and

contractors to reduce construction costs.

accumulation and waste generation.

phosphates and other compounds which cause eutrophication in receiving waters. It also

Coetzer explains that provision can also be

“In a nutshell, the bacteria digest all impurities

attempts to limit the discharge of known toxic

made for easy plant expansion through simple

and the wastewater is then cleansed. e treated

chemicals by setting allowable concentration

modular and common wall construction and

wastewater or effluent can then be discharged to

limits in the effluent. “If we consider that 100%

that if the plant is gravity-fed, the system can

receiving waters – normally a river or the sea –

of the effluent can be recycled, if done properly,

operate without electricity for up to 48 hours.

or alternatively used for irrigation, ushing of

there is no doubt that through this we are

is makes the product an effective alternative

toilets or general non-potable uses,” explains

providing large bank of water, which previously

for remote operations, for countries with

Coetzer. “SewTreat has developed a highly

may not have been considered as 'safe' for the

unreliable power supply, or where no municipal

effective multiple strain bacteria range that gets

environment or community.”

connection is available.

added to our plants, this speci cally bred


Africa is rich in diamonds but still poor For months now, Africa's rough diamonds have

Concerns about the investment climate

been increasing in value but the sale proceeds

Benedict Mahona, an economics expert from

do not reach the people. Instead, they bene t

the University of Dar-es-Salam, told DW that

the investment climate in Tanzania. Corruption on both sides

metropolitan elites and the mine companies,

the seizure of the diamonds from the

President Magufuli announced that Tanzanians

which are usually foreign-owned.

Williamson mine was lawful. He explained that

might take over the diamond mines if the

the customs laws of the E ast African

foreign companies continued to be a "problem."

Tanzanian police recently struck a blow against

Community are unambiguous: Every product

Amani Mhinda, an activist with Haki Madini,

i nt e r n at i on a l d i a m on d s mu g g l i n g . A

that is imported or exported from the area must

describes this as "pure populism." Haki Madini

consignment of diamonds worth around 28

be correctly registered and declared. "Globally

is a non-governmental organization that

million euros ($33.4 million) was seized at the

operating companies are systematically

advocates transparency in business. "at

country's main airport. Petra Diamonds, the

plundering Africa's diamond resources, and

didn't work in the past, either," says Mhinda.

biggest listed diamond company in the world,

only a fraction of the stones are properly

"Indigenous companies are at least as corrupt as

based in the tax haven of Jersey, had registered a

declared and have duty paid on them," Mahona

foreign ones.”

consignment of 14 kilos (30 pounds.) However,

said. He also commented that the the of

according to the Tanzanian authorities, it

diamonds almost always happens with the help

Tanzania is more of a mid-level player on the

actually weighed 30 kilos. e rough diamonds

of corrupt locals.

African diamond market. e East African

from the Williamson mine were intended for export to Belgium for processing.

country is ranked tenth among the continent's At the same time, with its tough approach the

biggest diamond producers. e Tanzanian

Tanzanian government runs the risk of

government hopes that by 2025 the mining

e Williamson mine in the north of Tanzania

international companies withdrawing their

industry will contribute at least twice as much

is a joint venture. 75 percent belongs to Petra

business and jobs being lost as a result,

GDP as it has to date. At the moment its

Diamonds, 25 percent to the Tanzanian

according to Rebekka Rumpel, an expert in

contribution is less than four percent.

government. Tanzania's president, John

natural resources at the London think-tank

Magufuli, has declared that combating

Chatham House. "Tanzania's tough approach is

Zimbabwe: Diamond money for the state

corruption in the mining sector is a priority for

bound to impact negatively on the country's

apparatus of repression

his government. His anti-corruption platform

image," she says. Rumpel reports that a large-

Diamonds have not brought prosperity to

played a large part in helping him to power in

scale investor from Russia who wanted to mine

Zimbabwe, either. ree quarters of people in


Tanzanian uranium has already put his project

Zimbabwe, Africa's

on hold, in part because he was worried about

producer, live in extreme poverty. e



Sep - Oct 2017


h largest diamond

Zimbabwean government does not give out

care. In addition, part of the money from

up other branches of industry as well, Ricardo

precise information about how much diamonds

diamond mining is put towards improving the

Soares de Oliveira, an Africa expert at Oxford

contribute to its revenue. "Billions have vanished before ever reaching the

road, telephone and internet networks.

University, told DW in an interview: "en it

Now all Botswana has to do is successfully

can be guaranteed that even more money will

invest pro ts from diamond mining in building

remain in the country in future."

Zimbabwean Treasury," the current report by the British anti-corruption group Global Witness states. e diamonds, it says, have not bene ted ordinary people. On the contrary: According to this report, the country's secret service and military have siphoned off a signi cant portion of the revenue for themselves, and have used it to nance their activities. "Zimbabwe's democracy has been undermined and it has led to serious human rights abuses," says Michael Gibb, who submitted the report for Global Witness. Similar structures to those in Zimbabwe are also to be found in other big diamond countries in Africa. Diamond deposits have also led to more poverty, violence and oppression in Angola or the Democratic Republic of Congo. Botswana: More transparency, more added value ings are different in Botswana. e biggest diamond producer in Africa is regarded as a model in many respects when it comes to channeling pro ts from the export of raw materials back into society. 75 percent of the country's foreign exchange revenue comes from the sale of rough diamonds. Botswana seems to have learned from the negative examples in Africa. It tries to keep the value added chain in the country for as long as possible. A large quantity of the rough diamonds are processed – divided, cut, polished, drilled – in Botswana itself. Until just a few years ago, this was done in, for example, the Belgian city of Antwerp, or in Israel. is is still the case with other African diamond producers. Using diamond money to improve the economy overall Unlike almost all the other countries in Africa, Botswana has dealt carefully with its riches. e government affords itself social programs that its African neighbors regard with envy. ese include free school education and free health


Sep - Oct 2017




Gold mining in DRC, from the ore to the bar For the people in the eastern DRC, small-scale gold mining is a key source of income. e workers risk their lives digging for the ore, which passes through many hands before it becomes a gleaming bar of pure gold. Back-breaking work Deep down, a miner in a rural artisanal gold mine chisels gold ore out of the earth. e sha team is composed mainly of excavators and bag porters. Miners spend six to eight hours down the shas each day. e work is physically demanding. At this mine, around 200 kilograms of ore must be excavated to extract one gram of gold Sacks of rocks for a gram of gold A miner maneuvers through a narrow tunnel junction, as his colleague waits in line. e bags of ore he has been heaving through the mine, in the direction of the minesha entrance, are in front of him. Aer agriculture, artisanal mining is the most important livelihood in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).



Sep - Oct 2017

30 kilos per load A bag porter carries his load downhill from the mine for processing. e porters are paid 500 Congolese Francs - about $0.35 (0.29 Euros) at current Eastern Congo exchange rates - per bag by the sha managers, and can make up to several dollars per day. ey are among the lowest earners at the mine and, at this site, are oen those who have migrated from other areas. Encased in the rock A man kneels in front of a rock slab while breaking down gold ore with a grinding stone. Next, the remaining ore is manually ground down between two rocks to release the gold. is is a slow and arduous process; one plastic basin can take several hours to work through. Water carriers and ore porters are visible moving up and down the mine hill, in the background. Valuable mud A man pours ore onto a sluice. e ne ore purchased by specialist sluice teams is mixed with water and poured


onto sluices. Due again to its high density, the remaining gold sediment sticks to the sluice blanket while the excess ows downhill. e sediment is then gathered and sieved in a plastic basin using mercury. First sales A local on-site trader assesses how much to offer for the gold a client has brought him. e gold and mercury compound seen in the trader's plastic dish is a dull metallic grey at this point in the treatment process. Many miners will look to sell these small gold quantities to on-site traders. Re ning gold A 'big trader' heats the gold and nitric acid over a hot stove to rid it of any remaining impurities. Big traders deal in far larger quantities of gold than the local traders; they frequently trade more than several kilograms of gold in one week. eir pro t margins are smaller than the local traders, but they trade in greater volume, which assures them a much higher income. Precious powder Aer heating, the gold is weighed on an

electric scale. At this stage, the gold has reached between 92 and 98 percent purity, depending on its origin. Red-hot riches Once melted, the gold is cast in an ingot mould. Aer removing the red-hot crucible from the furnace, a worker at the gold smelter pours the molten gold into a graphite ingot mould for casting. Inside the furnace, the gold reaches temperatures of 1,500 degrees Celsius. It takes around 20 minutes to melt several kilograms of gold.

Shaken Awake only 40km per hour, it will take two car

do to prevent fatigue related crashes? “IUM

lengths longer to stop.

has introduced Seeing Machine technology to

Cooling period A freshly cast gold ingot is deposited by a worker on the work surface; the ingot mould remains smoking hot.

Statistics say drivers who have not slept for

seat on which a driver is sitting if they fall

17 hours are comparable to drivers with a


Driver fatigue is a factor in 10 to 20% of

related. Of the problems faced by truck

crashes worldwide. It affects driving in

drivers, 39% were related to fatigue.”

various ways including slowed reaction time

If you encourage your drivers to take regular

and lack of concentration. If your reaction

breaks and do not place undue pressure on

time is just half a second slower while driving

drivers to make deliveries, what else can you

South Africa which uses a motor to shake the

Ready to go With a gold content of 4.163 kilograms, this ingot has a market price on the London Fixing of about $167,056 (about 145,000 euros) on the day it was produced. Annual gold production in the eastern DRC has been estimated at more than 11 tons, but most continues to be smuggled out of the country. In 2015, official artisanal gold exports for the DRC were recorded at just 254 kilograms.

0.05 blood alcohol level. Someone who has not slept for 24 hours has the same driving

“It uses algorithms, sensors and cameras to

impairment as someone with 0.10 blood

track eye and face movement and

alcohol levels. is is concerning

consequently notify an alarm system if the

considering that fatigued driving does not

driver appears to be falling asleep or if they are

receive the same attention or even legal

driving distracted. e sensors are not only

consequences as drunken driving.

linked to alarms within the cab but to a

e MD of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert,

control centre who can alert the eet manager

says fatigue amongst truck drivers in South

to take necessary steps to assess the driver's

Africa is a serious concern as they oen drive

alertness,” says Herbert.

long and monotonous routes. “Research

Driver fatigue is an issue which every driver

conducted by the Interdisciplinary Accident

and eet manager needs to take seriously. is

Research Centre in South Africa, says driver

will not only save companies money but

fatigue is one of the main causes of truck

potentially prevent the oen fatal fatigue

crashes with 41% of accidents being fatigue

related crashes.


Sep - Oct 2017




Six Smart Ways Mining and Aggregates Businesses are Using Drones e mining and aggregates industries are highly

and for good reason: drones have completely

grades through the mill. At the same time,

exposed to uctuations in price and demand. As

transformed this common work ow. e days

drones remove the risks that come with having

a result, these businesses are always on the

of 'walking a stockpile' (the traditional

survey personnel physically moving around the

lookout for new ways to increase productivity

approach whereby a sur veyor takes


while maintaining safety standards and

measurements of numerous points on the each

In short, stockpile management alone can

reducing operational costs.

pile in order to calculate stock volumes within a

amount to an effective business case for

spreadsheet) are surely numbered.

introducing drones to any mining or aggregates worksite.

In 2017, drones have emerged as a must-have

Using a drone, any trained site worker can now

worksite tool. Regular drone surveys provide

capture the entire sales yard in less than 30

up-to-date information to site managers,

minutes and see the processed dataset available

2) Planning and building

project stakeholders and contractors, helping

on Propeller's cloud platform within 24 hours.

Drone data provides an accurate and up-to-date

open-cut mines and quarries all over the world

Within the platform, accurate volume

visualization of worksites allowing for better pit

better manage their production, assets and land.

calculations and comparisons can be generated

and dump design and management. With

Here are some of the smartest ways these

in seconds, with all measurements easily

regular ights, sites can build up a visual record

industries are putting drone technology to

exported to CSV les.


of changes over time, allowing site managers to check weekly/monthly pit volumes and

e ease of surveying stockpiles with a drone

compare the current surface against previous

1) Stockpile management and reporting

means site teams can capture data much more


Stockpile management is perhaps the most

f r e q u e n t l y, i m p r o v i n g r u n o f m i n e

widely used worksite application for drones,

management and ensuring more consistent



Sep - Oct 2017


By overlaying KLM design les on a 3D model

within the Propeller platform, teams can check

4) Roads monitoring

conformance of the actual surface and

By being able to access data from various

Drone data makes it easy to assess haul road

locations, all centrally and securely stored

determine the exact volume of material that

conditions on a regular basis, and allows for

within the cloud, allows specialist teams to

needs to be extracted to meet the design.

accurate traffic planning. Advanced analytics

manage and service more sites than previously

Modeling sediment

options available within Propeller enable site


ow on drone-captured

elevation maps also allows for better planning of

personnel to calculate haul road lengths,

tailings basin operations.

measure slopes, grades, and check roads against

6) Safety checks

design and safety requirements with a few

Everyone who works in mining and aggregates


knows how important worksite safety is.

Regular drone ights are the best source of

Using drone data to improve road and traffic

Using drones to perform remote surveys and

timely, reliable information for site managers

management results in increased mobile plant

inspections reduces risks to personnel by

efficiency and reduced cycle times.

keeping them away from potentially hazardous

5) Inspections

and heavy traffic areas.

3) Drilling and blasting

responsible for planning and executing blasting

locations like the bottom of the pit, block caves,

work in an open pit mine or quarry. Any blast area can be easily and inexpensively surveyed with a drone. e Propeller platform

Drones are the perfect tool to quickly and

processes the raw data, and presents it as

inexpensively inspect hard-to-access areas.

In addition, drone data helps teams better

accurate 3D models, orthophotos and digital

High resolution images, including details and

detect and monitor worksite hazards,

point clouds, allowing for easy drill depth

aspects that may not be visible from the ground,

improving overall site safety. Using Propeller,

calculations and further analysis.

are used by multiple departments in a variety of

teams can easily check windrow heights, berms

e information that can be obtained from a

inspection work ows.

and tailings dams, and measure overall pit slope

pre-blast drone survey includes rock type

Propeller's timeline feature helps

and individual slope angles to ensure

variation in a bench, face angle, pre-blast block

environmental departments ensure that site

compliance with safety requirements.

condition and pre-blast volumes.

boundaries are preserved and protected areas

Post-blast sur veying provides data for

are not disturbed.

By comparing multiple datasets, site managers

measuring post-blast volume, and visual

Propeller's Photo Pane view helps geologists

can monitor movement of highwalls, and

assessment of blast results such as muckpile

perform accurate geotech mapping and rock

identify potential slips or rock falls before they

shape, back damage, and distribution and

face inspections, and assists in the close

happen, preventing damage to people and

monitoring of xed plant.




Sep - Oct 2017




Zambia Mining Zambia possesses the world's highest-grade

Although Zambia is currently the smallest coal

It has been forecasted that the investment in

deposits of copper and is ranked 7th largest

producer in the region, their coal output is

mining sector of Zambia will reach USD 15

copper producer in the world for producing

estimated to grow from 281,000 tons in 2014 to

billion by 2017 due to new projects under


more than 2 million tons by 2017. Investment


In Mining In Zambia. In 2013, Zambia was the sixth largest producer of copper with 800,000 tons

e Zambian government is focused on e privatization of the Zambia Consolidated

economic diversi cation to reduce its reliance

increasing from 572,793 tons production in

C opp er Mines in late 90s along wit h

on the copper industry. e diversi cation

2008. It has been projected that copper

implementation of

program includes promotion of using other

scal policies in 2004

production in Zambia will reach 1,500,000

transformed the economic performance of

components of Zambia's resource base such as

tons by the year 2018 due to new projects.

Zambia. Under the Mines and Minerals

agriculture, gemstone mining, tourism and

Development Act 2008, the government


e mining contribution of Zambia to the

simpli ed licensing procedures, created

Gross Domestic Product is forecasted to

favourable investment environment and placed

grow to USD 1.35 billion by the year 2015.

minimum constraints on mining activities.

L e a d an d z i n c are n e x t i mp or t ant

Challenges To Zambia Mining Sector Zambia Mining Power Demand And Supply With rapid economic growth and new mines

commodities produced by Zambia. With a

As a result the mining sector of Zambia in the

development in Zambia, there has been a 36%

total of 11 metric tons of ore containing zinc

last two decades has experienced tremendous

demand increase for power in the past decade.

and lead combined in 40% proportion,

growth and investment. e mining industry of

is increase in electricity demand means that

Kabwe is one of the highest-grade lead and

Zambia attracted investment of approximately

26% of Zambia is affected by load shedding

USD 8 billion since the 2000 employing 80,000

usually at peak times.

zinc deposits in the world.

in 2013 compared to 27,000 in 2000.



Sep - Oct 2017


Hydropower is the primary electricity supply

has established partnerships with local and

through the Port of Durban in South Africa.

mode for Zambia accounting for 95% power

international rms to invest USD 4.7 billon.

e Zambian government is also planning to

is investment is expected to double power

Africa with copper producers to move use rail

rainy season Zambia whereas the mining sector

capacity to 4,203MW within six years. Kafue,

as the primary mode of transportation.

of Zambia is highly productive during the

Gorge Lower Hydro Project, the largest of

invest USD120 to revamp rail line linking South

production. e height of electricity generation occurs usually in the rst half of the year during

second half of the year when the generation of

power projects is a joint venture between

hydropower is lower.

SINOHYDRO of China and ZESCO to generate 750MW of power at a cost of USD 2

e load shedding is responsible for decreasing

billion.is project will complete in 2018.

Investment Opportunities In Zambia Mining Investment prospects in the mining sector of Zambia include: ·

roughly consumed as much as 60% of total generated power of Zambia. Zambia Electricity

Uranium: In Zambia, there are various uranium deposits available

the overall efficiency of mining sectors that

in different areas. Many companies

Zambia Mining Railways Network

have carried out uranium

Rail network is very crucial for mineral-

Supply Corporation (ZESCO) is the sole

exploiting economies like Zambia, being the

explorations in Zambia with a

electricity producer. From 2005 to 2014, the

most competitive mode of transport for time

special focus on potential

demand increase has been in alignment with

insensitive and bulk commodities such as

mineralization in the Copperbelt,

ZESCO's 2006-2016 projects of further 100MW


Karoo Age sediments and the Domes region of the Northwest

per annum. ZESCO current power production capacity is however creating a persistent

However the low traffic densities of Zambia's

problem for the mining sector. Zambia ful ls

railway are below the viability threshold of at

the gap between electricity demand and


least 2 million tons per kilometer. is is

Coal: coal is mined at the Maamba mine that

making it difficult to capture the revenues

has 20 million metric tons of reserve. e coal

production by importing electricity from the

required to maintain assets. In order to develop

found in this region is sub-bituminous durain-

South African grid. Coal increasing production

a better rail network, an agreement of rail co-

fusain with relatively high ash content.

levels are expected to alleviate a larger part of

operation between Zambia, South Africa,

Carbonaceous shales and thin coal seams have

current electricity de cit of Zambia as power

Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe

also been identi ed in the eastern part of the

plants can utilize coal production. In order to

is under progress which will allow increased

Bartose Basin and lower Karoo of the Luangaw

support the mining sector of Zambia, ZESCO

export of copper by copper rich countries

a n d


L u a n o - L u k u s a s h i .

Sep - Oct 2017



Company NEWS

LOESCHE involved in new construction project with three vertical roller mills for large cement plant in Egypt Sohag – LOESCHE is involved in the new

over 6 MW of power by LOESCHE together

produced. e Chinese Chengdu Design &

construction of a large cement plant in Egypt

with the Renk company. Six or eight water-

Research Institute (CDI) functions as the

with three vertical roller mills. e end

cooled cage rotor induction engines drive the

general contractor for the project and belongs

customer is the Egyptian Cement for Cement

grinding table of the mill through a planetary

to the renowned Sinoma Group, which is

Projects Management S.A.E. e planned new

gear. e motor pinion can be engaged or

specialized in the planning and construction of

plant is located nearly 500km south of Cairo in


cement plants. CDI has not only successfully

e motors are also individually replaceable,

on many occasions worldwide, such as for the

which makes the COPE drive very

cement producer El Arish, the lines 3 & 4 as well


worked together with LOESCHE in Egypt, but

e LOESCHE scope of delivery includes a raw material mill with a capacity of 540 t/h of

maintenance-friendly. Moreover the mills can

as the Beni Suef Cement Plant, where before the

cement raw meal, a cement mill with an output

be further operated in case of a breakdown of

end of 2017, six new production lines for

of 350 t/h of clinker as well as a coal mill with an

one or several motors until the operation of a

cement clinker will be formed, each with a daily

output of

replacement is permissible. is results in a

capacity of 6,000 tons, for which LOESCHE will

45 t/h.

higher plant availability.

soon provide 18 new vertical roller mills.

e cement mill for this order is equipped with

Last but not least, the energy efficiency

the COPE drive (COmpact Planetary Electric

convinced the general contractor as well as the

Drive). e COPE drive concept was developed

end customer, that with the LOESCHE mills,

especially for powerful vertical roller mills with

cement of the highest quality could be



Sep - Oct 2017



Banfora FS demonstrates “solid project economics” Canada's Teranga Gold Corporation, listed on

000 ounces,” stated Richard Young, President

production blast hole sampling as part of the

the TSX and ASX, has produced a positive

and CEO of Teranga.

grade control strategy. e mine operations will

Feasibility Study (FS) on its permitted Banfora

As detailed in the FS, the mine will have an

emulate Sabodala, with multiple near-surface

gold project in Burkina Faso, which it acquired

average annual production of 131 koz over a

pits feeding the process plant.

last year as part of its acquisition of Australia's

nine-year mine life at an average all-in

Gryphon Minerals. Based on initial gold

sustaining cost (AISC) of US$843/oz.

e process plant design is based on a

reserves of 1,2 Moz, the FS's base case

Teranga expects an improvement in the

conventional CIL gold process

demonstrates solid project economics with a 15

project's economics following completion of an

consisting of primary crushing, SAG and ball


% internal rate of return at US$1 250 per ounce

in ll drill programme aimed at converting

milling, with a pebble crusher, CIL tanks,

gold for a 2,4 Mt/a CIL processing facility

inferred resources to reserves to be completed

elution, electro-winning and gold smelting to

modelled aer the plant located at Teranga's

later this year, with a reserve update expected in

produce doré onsite. roughput is expected to

Sabodala gold operation in Senegal.

the rst half of 2018.

range between 2,2 and 2,5 Mt/a, depending on

e project, located in the south-west corner of

e initial gold reserves are derived from four

predicted plant recovery is 92 %, with so

Burkina Faso, comprises a mine licence of 89

deposits (Nogbele, Fourkoura, Samavogo, and

material recoveries from some zones reaching

km2, and a regional exploration land package of

Stinger) within the Banfora mine licence and

as high as 95 %.

nearly 1 000 km2.

are anticipated to increase in the near term

the blend of so and hard ore. e average

e project is 90 % owned by Teranga with the

based on signi cant potential within existing

A construction readiness programme is

Government of Burkina Faso holding a 10 %

resource shells.

under way for initial engineering, site

free carried interest. It is easily accessible by

Mining will be by way of conventional open-pit

infrastructure and preparation of large vendor

road and is in close proximity to the regional

mining techniques using drill and blast with

packages. e engineering, procurement and

town of Banfora and the major city of Bobo-

material movement by hydraulic excavators

construction management (EPCM) scope is


and trucks. e project scale suits 110- to 140-

currently in a tender process amongst several

“Development of the Banfora project is an

t o n n e c l a s s e x c av at o r s i n a b a c k h o e

EPCM service providers with construction

important step towards attaining our goal of

con guration matched to 50-tonne class

experience in West Africa and Burkina Faso. An

becoming the next multi-asset, mid-tier gold

mining haul trucks operating at 5 m bench

award decision is expected shortly. Plant

producer in West Africa. It will diversify our


construction is expected to commence in Q2

production base and add signi cant scale by

Following operating procedures similar to

2018, with the rst gold pour following within

increasing our consolidated annual gold

Sabodala, an extensive reverse circulation (RC)

approximately 18 months of the construction

production by 50 % to between 300 000 and 350

drill programme is planned to supplement the

start date.


Sep - Oct 2017




New era of production draws closer at Kipushi Robert Friedland, Executive Chairman of TSX-

Built and then operated by Union Minière for

expanded the Big Zinc deposit's measured and

listed Ivanhoe Mines, and Lars-Eric Johansson,

42 years, Kipushi began mining a reported 18 %

indicated mineral resources to an estimated

Chief Executive Officer, have jointly announced

copper from a surface open pit in 1924. It was

10,2 Mt grading 34,9 % zinc, 0,65 % copper, 19

t h at n e g ot i at i on s are u n d e r w ay w it h

the world's richest copper mine at the time.

g/t silver and 51 g/t germanium, at a 7 % zinc

government agencies – Gécamines, the state-

en it transitioned to become Africa's richest

cut-off, containing an estimated 7,8 billion

owned miner and Ivanhoe's partner at Kipushi,

underground copper, zinc and germanium

pounds of zinc.

and SNCC, the DRC's national railway

mine. State-owned Gécamines gained control

company – and potential project nanciers to

of Kipushi in 1967 and operated the mine until

advance agreements to launch a new era of


commercial production at the upgraded Kipushi mine in the DRC.

Now, the planned restoration of production at Kipushi is based on initial mining that will be focused on the Big Zinc deposit.

e founding era of mining at Kipushi ended in 1993, when it was placed on care and

According to Ivanhoe, excellent progress has

e Kipushi zinc-copper-silver-germanium

maintenance due to a combination of economic

been made by KICO in modernising the

mine is owned by Kipushi Corporation (KICO),

and political factors.

Kipushi mine's underground infrastructure as

a joint venture between Ivanhoe Mines (68 %)

part of preparations for the mine to resume

and Gécamines (32 %). It is located on the

B efore Kipushi was idled, Gécamines

c om me rc i a l pro du c t i on . Wit h t he

Central African Copperbelt in the province of

discovered the Big Zinc deposit at a depth of

underground upgrading programme nearing

Haut-Katanga, approximately 30 km south-

approximately 1 250 m below surface and

completion, KICO's focus will now shi to

west of the provincial capital of Lubumbashi

adjacent to the producing Fault Zone. e Big

modernising and upgrading Kipushi's surface

and less than 1 km from the international

Zinc's mineral resources have never been

infrastructure to handle and process Kipushi's

border with Zambia.

mined. Ivanhoe's drilling has upgraded and

high-grade zinc and copper resources.



Sep - Oct 2017


e current mine redevelopment plan, as

producers, while also producing signi cant

programme at Kipushi is nearing completion.

outlined in the May 2016 independent,

quantities of copper, silver and germanium.

e programme includes six metallurgical

preliminary economic assessment (PEA), has a

With the current, long-term, bullish market

holes and 35 resource drill holes in the Fault

two-year construction period with quick ramp-

sentiment for zinc, we look forward to working

Zone, the Nord Riche and Southern Zinc zones

up to a projected, steady-state, annual

with our partner, Gécamines, prospective

to expand and upgrade inferred resources to

production of 530 000 tonnes of zinc

project nanciers and our team at Kipushi to

indicated resources. Ivanhoe expects to issue an


fast-track completion of the remaining

updated mineral resource estimate for Kipushi

development at the mine. “

later this year once all the assays have been

A pre-feasibility study (PFS) is underway to re ne the ndings of the PEA, and to optimise

received from the drilling programme. e planned primary mining method for the

the mine's redevelopment schedule, life-of-

Big Zinc deposit in the PEA and PFS is sublevel

Ivanhoe has initiated a new cooperation

mine operating costs and initial capital costs

long hole, open stoping, with cemented back ll.

agreement with SNCC to rehabilitate the

required to return the mine to production,

e crown pillars are expected to be mined once

inactive spur line that connects the Kipushi

taking into consideration the signi cant capital

adjacent stopes are back lled using a pillar-

mine to the Congolese national railway and to

already invested to date on critical

retreat mining method. e deposit is expected

the overall north-south rail corridor that links

rehabilitation work. Ivanhoe expects to

to be accessed via the existing decline and

the DRC Copperbelt to Durban in South Africa.

complete the PFS before the end of this year.

without any signi cant new development. e

“Ivanhoe and SNCC are negotiating details of

“e KICO team, which includes more than 390

main levels are planned to be at 60-m vertical

an infrastructure nancing agreement for the

Congolese nationals, has done a fantastic job in

intervals, with sublevels at 30-m intervals.

railway rehabilitation works and the terms of

safely upgrading the mine's underground

Based on recent, additional metallurgical test

operation for the spur line,” said Johansson.

infrastructure in anticipation of restarting

work and trade-off studies, Ivanhoe has revised

“is cooperation on public infrastructure

production,” said Friedland. “Given the extremely high zinc grades at Kipushi, the mine has the potential to become one of the world's largest and lowest-cost zinc

the planned process-plant design for the PFS.

projects mirrors Ivanhoe Mines' successful,

e optimised plant utilises dense media

ongoing partnership with the DRC's state-

separation (DMS), followed by milling and a

owned power company, La Société Nationale

otation recovery plant.

d'Electricité, for the rehabilitation of three

A 41-hole, 6 500-m underground drilling


hydropower plants.”

Sep - Oct 2017




Digital innovation driving growth in DRC mining sector Digital innovation is driving transformation

management. All of which requires real

this approach enables end-users to combine

within the local mining sector. is shi,

connectivity in remote areas to succeed.”

optimal speed, monthly data usage and budget:

He s ays t hat t his quest for improved

various cases that suits the speci c

according to leading converged ICT solutions provider, iWayAfrica, is driving growth and

“e mining sector can now deploy satellite for

becoming a key differentiator within the

productivity is driving the mining industry to

requirements. is includes single or multi-site

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

implement more automated systems and seek

connectivity, real-time monitoring systems,

With over 25 international mining groups

greater IT integration: “Real-time monitoring,

o cc asiona l WiFi us age or as b ack-up

active in the region, the mining sector has

health and safety systems, security services,


become signi cant as it is also widely known for

online customs clearance and access to ERP

the world's production of cobalt, copper,

applications are among the key mining issues

An integral and integrated part of the

diamond, tantalum, tin, and gold.

being addressed through digital innovation.”

iWayAfrica service portfolio, satellite last mile

Mr. Ali Bofulo, Managing Director, iWayAfrica,

While the market has responded to the

existing bre MPLS networks to provide remote

connectivity is seamlessly incorporated into says that mining accounts for the DRC's largest

changing landscape in a multitude of ways, Mr

site connectivity to regional head offices for a

source of export income and is an important

Bofulo says that iWayAfrica, together with

multitude of applications. A back-up and

and growing sector: “While the region is ripe

parent company, Gondwana International

business continuity service is also available.

with opportunity, reliable, adaptable and

Networks (GIN), launche d a s atel lite

Called Jola SOS, this is a low-cost, always-on

ubiquitous connectivity is a critical enabler for a

communications Hub in South Africa to offer

10Mbps VSAT back-up link, with xed data

digital innovation roadmap. is is especially

its new pan-regional Ku-band satellite service,

allowances that can be topped up as and when

rel e v ant to t he m i n i ng s e c tor, w he re

Jola: “is service is available across Sub-

required. Provisioned with automated

connectivity requirements are more than just

Saharan Africa via authorised partners of

switchover to and from satellite, Jola SOS is

linking a remote site to a regional or global head

iWayAfrica, and provides lower latency for

designed to complement existing

Intra-Africa traffic. is enables and improved

wireless networks.


bre or

the use of ERP applications. It also has the If the DRC is to evolve, embrace digital

potential to provide the technology boost

“Satellite has long been used as an access

innovation and increase its mining production,

mining requires to stay competitive and

technology by mining and exploration

technology issues such as connectivity need to


companies in establishing communications in

be addressed. is is becoming more relevant,

remote sites. Now these same companies can

according to Mr Bofulo, as organisations look to

Leveraging Intelsat 28 Ku-Band coverage and

leverage off enhancements in the satellite

technology as a means to differentiate: “Internet

utilising efficient and leading technology on the

industry to implement their own digital

of ings, among other digital technologies,

ground, Jola offers the widest coverage access

innovation strategies in the same remote

have started driving increased automation and

across sub-Saharan Africa with the most

locations,” says Mr Bofulo.

system reporting for performance and yield

exible service offering. Mr Bofulo says that


Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

Position Partners Intelligent Machine Soware Systems for

four key areas, namely production

machine data to enable proactive maintenance

Mine Sites

management, safety, maintenance and plant

to minimise the impact of in-service failures

Position Partners provides mining clients with


and downtime.

high-performance products such as

With instant operator feedback to optimise


management systems (FMS), high-precision

loading and haul operations, automatic data

e solution provides mine operators with a

machine guidance platforms, geospatial and

collection and immediate access to

range of capabilities, including:

survey solutions, as well as deformation

information, the FMS enables the client to take

monitoring technologies.

control of their mine site operations by: · ·

Monitoring and managing eet by

Interface to on-b oard vehicle management systems in real time


truck load cycles

Intelligent machine soware solutions for the mining sector

Automating data records for haul


Report on machine faults, temperature, pressure and more


C ompre h e ns ive d at a t h rou g h

For an integrated mining solution that

dispatch personnel and supervisors

iControl and iReport to view real-

combines FMS technology and high-precision

in real-time

time information and historic data

machine guidance, Position Partners has


Optimal truck loading with

partnered with iVolve, a leading supplier of

excavator load assistance on an in-

intelligent machine soware solutions.

cab display

By combining iVolve's strengths in FMS

for event investigation ·

Plant management systems

iVolve's plant management solutions enable

deployment with Position Partners' extensive

e iVolve FMS drastically increases safety

clients to track, monitor and control assets

experience with machine systems and in- eld

throughout the mine site with improved

across the site.

support, Australian customers can be assured of

situational awareness for machine operators of

a reliable, seamless solution that will increase

heavy, medium and light vehicles. Long-range,

Operators can able to view, monitor and

productivity and efficiency throughout mine

high-speed, GPS-based collision avoidance

remotely control site equipment, including


technology combined with short-range, low-

lighting plants and water pumps, without the

speed radar proximity detection ensures clients

need to visit the assets in person.

Fleet management systems for on-site

are covered for all scenarios. Managers are kept

Customisable con gurations enable clients to


informed with audit-ready data and full visual

set a range of parameters to suit site

playback capabilities for incident investigation.


iVolve FMS increases operational efficiency in

e FMS provides clients with instant access to



Sep - Oct 2017


High-precision machine guidance systems

Topcon's leading global navigation satellite

Position Partners offers a combination of

for real-time GPS capabilities

system (GNSS) and robotic total station range

hardware and soware components designed

With real-time accuracy of 50mm across dozer

are suitable for adverse environments.

speci cally for deformation monitoring in

and excavator

Its wide range of surveying products such as

mining and major infrastructure applications.

eets, iVolve's high-precision

systems give real-time positioning information

fully robotic systems, reliable two-person

Using the advanced Topcon MS AX II series

to operators via an easy-to-read and intuitive

optical setups, and integrated GNSS receivers,

monitoring robotic total station, along with

in-cab display.

is powered by intuitive soware solutions for

GNSS technology and sensors, the Topcon

rough incorporating an FMS solution with

the mining sector.

Delta solution also features easy-to-use

Position Partner's range of multi-rotor and


soware for data analysis, reporting and alarm

machine guidance to ensure ultimate efficiency and productivity, personnel can continue operations without waiting for supervisors or

xed-wing drones incorporate remotely piloted

surveyors to ensure reduce re-handling and

aircra system (RPAS) technology to facilitate

minimise delays. Position Partners offers Carlson machine

In addition, the Senceive FlatMesh technology

fast, efficient and safe aerial surveys for a wide

represents a world- rst development in wireless

range of applications, including stockpile

condition monitoring solutions to enable

volumes, site prog ress rep or t ing and

devices to work cooperatively and intelligently

guidance solutions, which are speci cally

environmental monitoring.

across mining sites.

designed to reduce survey costs and save time

Our series of Teledyne Optech long-range

It offers a wide range of features, including:

on mine site operations.

terrestrial laser scanners is highly accurate and


Very high precision and stability

With robust and reliable solutions for all types

ideal for mining applications.


Unique ability to provide automatic triggering of increased reporting

of on-site machinery such as graders, dozers, excavators, drill rigs and supervisor vehicles,

rates down to 15s

Providing 3D laser scanning and mobile ·

Data is available to display or

Carlson systems can signi cantly save time and

mapping capabilities, the compact and

costs in a short period of time.

uniquely portable Maverick mobile mapping

download on easy to use web-based

platform enables light vehicles to quickly and

remote visualisation

Geospatial and survey solutions for mine sites

accurately scan the site to increase safety and


Enhanced trend analysis

Position Partners offers a wide range of high-

save time.


Multi-level text and email alerts


Fast and easy deployment

which are available in robotic, remote and

Deformation monitoring solutions for


Ten-year sensor battery life

mobile-powered con gurations.

mining infrastructure

performance surveying solutions for mine sites,


Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

Abacus Engineering Solutions Liing and Winching Equipment for the


include sha sinking equipment, stage winders,

Mining Industry

uncomplicated designs that makes servicing

kibble winders, construction hoist, and lis or


easy and replacing parts without breaking any

man hoists, as well as crawl beam systems, jib

South Africa-based company, which provides

mechanical seals. No special tools are required

cranes and sheave wheels, scraper winches,

liing solutions for the mining industry

with any of the ABACUS winches.

requirements and project challenges.

pilling winches, diesel winches and custom hand winches.

through customised equipment to t unique Mining projects have a high-demand for heavyduty liing equipment. e ABACUS hand

When ordering a take-up winch through

Standard winches, conveyors and liing

winch range is suitable for conveyor tensioning


equipment for mining projects

and is robust and capable of accommodating

conveyor analysis will be done to make sure the


the requirements of industrial mining

ABACUS winch can withstand all forces

standard range includes power / electric


involved in the conveyor application that is

e ABACUS motorised hand winch offers

take-up winch range is not suitable, ABACUS

enhanced liing capabilities over standard


used. Secondly, if one of the ABACUS standard

winches, conveyor, take-up winches, and hand winches. ABACUS ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS

hand winches. It is easily operated by running

suit the application by customising it. is

conveyor take-up winches are suitable for use

the motor in either forward or reverse to move

process saves money over time.

on long overland and underground conveyors,

the load up or down. ABACUS strives to deliver high-quality

as well as automatic tensioning systems. e ABACUS take-up winches are designed to

Customised winches, winders, and sha

solutions to the marketplace through its custom

handle back electromotive force (back-EMF).

sinking liing equipment

designed product ranges, which all comply with

ABACUS take-up winches are designed to

e ABACUS custom designs products to suit

ISO 9001 standards.

eliminate oil leak problems. ABACUS

customer requirements. Customised products



Sep - Oct 2017


Bulk supplies for mining projects

feasibility studies. HOLT CONSULTING


ENGINEERS will assist with speci cation

supply equipment in bulk for a variety of

documentation in tender processes and scope

requirements, such as when a new plant is being

of work de nition, as well as assisting with

started up.

equipment speci cations. In addition, the technical tender adjudications

ABACUS provides a wide range of products,

can be reviewed, whilst specifying the

such as vertical and horizontal sheave wheels,

fabrication and installation.

conveyor take-up winches and power / electric winches.

Flow / process instrumentation diagrams and 3D plant and engineering layouts

Specialist consultation and turnkey solutions




ow and instrumentation diagrams,

its parent company, HOLT CONSULTING

engineering layouts and general arrangement

ENGINEERS provide solutions for a variety of


mining project requirements, including

e company also creates 3D plant layouts,

turnkey packages, application-speci c liing

including walk-through and

equipment, and professional consultation for


mechanical and structural engineering.




provides structural designs of industrial

house project management company with a

buildings and structures, such as conveyors,

multi-discipline engineering design office,

plan equipment support and workshop

which focuses on production optimisation and



In addition, the company also offers


e company also has drawing capabilities,

element analysis services and can design

with process and production simulation

material-handling systems.


Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

Temperature Calibration: Endress+Hauser South Africa boasts lowest uncertainty of measurement

Process automation specialist, Endress+Hauser

other labs (that is, at 0°C ± 0,008 K/°C).

accordance with the recognised International

South Africa's Temperature Calibration

“is is due to the ultramodern technology

Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to calibrate

used, which is of highest precision and is

instruments from -20°C up to 1550°C. “is

mirrored on other Endress+Hauser factories in

allows it to cover a wide scope when compared

highest performing temperature calibration

Europe,” points out Benjamin Mlangeni,

to other calibration labs,” continues Mlangeni.

laboratories in South Africa.

product manager for Temperature System

“e accreditation demonstrates technical

Components & Registration at

competency for a de ned scope and the

Endress+Hauser South Africa.

operation of a laboratory quality management

Laboratory utilises only the highest precision and state-of-the-art equipment, resulting in it achieving a SANAS accolade as one of the

e most basic criterion when it comes to temperature calibration is to always use a


reference sensor that is of higher accuracy than

To ensure that it continuously offers the lowest

the device to be calibrated.

uncertainty of measurements, the South

e reference equipment employed by the lab

African facility not only conducts inter-

includes high-precision multi-meters that are

Endress+Hauser's Temperature Calibration

laboratory comparisons (ILCs) with other local

annually sent to the National Metrology

Laboratory, located in Apex, an industrial area

labs, but also performs an annual ILC with two

Institute of South Africa (NMISA) for

in Benoni, has been named as one of the highest

European laboratories situated in Germany and

calibration, again evidencing traceability to

performing temperature calibration laboratory

Italy. e latter proves its traceability at a global

national and international standards.

in the country, boasting some of the lowest


uncertainty of measurement when compared to

e Endress+Hauser lab is accredited in



Sep - Oct 2017


Other South African labs also use the local

Endress+Hauser lab as a reference for the

also calibrate used instruments that our

uncertainty of measurements at our lab,

calibration of their master reference sensors.

customers need to calibrate periodically for

customers are assured that calibration results

“is means that other labs send their master

their internal regulatory requirements,” says

are as possible to the real deviation of the

temperature sensors to us to calibrate so that


instrument,” concludes Mlangeni.

calibrate their customers' units,” explains

A standard three-point calibration takes

For further information, please visit:


approximately 2.5 hours depending on the type

they can use them as reference sensors to

of instrument, temperature range or number of e Endress+Hauser Temperature Calibration

calibration points.

Laboratory was initially built to support production, yet over the years it has expanded

“ Te m p e r a t u r e

its offering to include re-calibrations, third

calibration is a critical

party instruments and other laboratories'

process to make certain

reference equipment.

that an instrument performs within set

“Normally we calibrate new instruments, which

speci cations. Due to

are manufactured in our factory. However, we

t h e v e r y l o w


May - Jun 2017



Products & SERVICES

Metso crusher drives up quarry input e national drive to increase housing

the production of 0-9 mm material and had

collaboration between the onsite crew and our

production has given a welcome boost to the

ramped up to maximum capacity in using the

own technical staff has seen signi cant gains on

building industry and with it an upsurge in

equipment at its disposal. As long-standing

what were already ambitious expectations,” is

demand for raw materials, a case in point being

Metso users they contacted us for advice and we

how Scherf describes a remarkable exercise in problem solution.

stone dust – an essential ingredient for the

were able to identify where the substitution of a

manufacture of bricks and concrete blocks.

larger capacity Metso product would relieve what had become a bottleneck. is was


Crushing and screening specialist Pilot

achieved by the substitution of the existing

equally impressive. e initial purchase price

nancial implications have also been

Crushtec International recently demonstrated

crusher with a new Metso HP300 static cone

has been offset by a substantial output of

the ability to assist a customer in signi cantly

crusher, a purchase decision which has had a

immediately saleable material as well as a direct

increasing output together with a concomitant

very positive effect on the customer's business,”

decrease in operating costs. e product it

and equally impressive reduction in operating

says Scherf.

costs. As the southern African distributor of Metso products, it was able to utilise its

e net result is that the quarry has been able to

extensive equipment offering and technical

increases its in-spec dust production output by

back-up to provide the required solution.

replaces is also not standing idle as it is working well earning it's keep at another of the customer's locations.

a reliable 50%, and in total terms its benchmark

e current suite of Metso equipment

plant capacity by a remarkable 40%. is in

providing world class performance at an

According to CEO Sandro Scherf, the customer

itself has seen the quarry not only comfortably

important quarry site consists of the following

– a major quarry owner with a network of

meet customer expectations but also obviated

equipment; Metso C100 Jaw Crusher with B

operations supplying producers country wide –

the need for a planned additional shi to keep

feeder, a Metso CVB1845 four deck screen, HP

had reached its maximum capacity threshold

up with a swelling order book.

using its existing plant. “Original expectations were that we would gain “is particular plant con guration is used for



Sep - Oct 2017

200 static cone crusher, HP 300 static cone crusher and CVB 1845 four deck screen with

an upli of around 30% in dust output, however


selective op gates.

Products & SERVICES

Organic load under control Endress+Hauser launched a new analyser for

chemical digestion of samples, operational and

can be carried out easily, reducing maintenance

the chemical oxygen demand. Liquiline System

occupational safety play an important role in

costs and increasing process uptime.

CA80COD is perfectly suited for environmental monitoring and applications in

the measuring process. “Liquiline System CA80COD features a soware-controlled

Saving time during commissioning and

safety cover that prevents opening of the


Reliable assessment of the organic load

digestion reactor when it is too hot or under

All Liquiline System analysers share the user-

Chemical oxygen demand is the most

pressure”, explains Endress+Hauser's product

friendly operating concept that plant personnel

commonly used parameter to determine the

manager Jan Swart. “It thus ensures the highest

already know from other online analysis

organic load of wastewater. Precise online

level of safety”. e precisely adjusted reactor

parameters such as pH or conductivity.

measurement of COD in the inlet of wastewater

temperature guarantees complete digestion of

Operating errors are virtually eliminated. e

treatment plants helps to re-direct heavily

the sample and a redundant light barrier in the

analysers can be easily upgraded to a complete

loaded water into buffer basins while

optical dosing unit provides the best level of

measuring station by connecting Memosens

measurement in the outlet enables plant


sensors. ey then adopt the transmitter

municipal and industrial wastewater.

functions, which reduces the total number of

managers to evaluate the cleaning capacity of Pre cision star ts w ith pre cis e dosing

devices in the plant. Integration of the analysers

Liquiline System CA80COD is equipped with

into the process is done fast: e self-priming

peristaltic pumps that are able to cope with

CA80COD is either directly installed without

particles which is important for the detection of

an additional sample preparation or easily

particle-bound COD. It also uses an optical

integrated in bypass installations using the

dosing unit guaranteeing precise and

optional y-strainer.

reproducible dosing of small reagent volumes.

Liquiline System COD analysers help

Automatic cleaning and calibration functions

wastewater treatment plant managers to

make sure that the analyser maintains its

document their plant's cleaning capacity while

precision over a long period of time without

supporting managers of industrial plants to

manual intervention. If disturbances should

keep their discharge fees under control.

occur, advanced diagnostics with remote access

For more information, please visit:

Safety for process and personnel

help plant managers to analyse and remedy

Since COD measurement requires thermal and

them quickly. Required maintenance measures

their plants. In industrial wastewater treatment, COD is measured in the outlet to support loadbased billing according to the polluter-pays principle. Liquiline System CA80COD is the right analyser for all plant managers that require “true” COD values to comply with regulations: It uses the established dichromate measuring method ensuring consistent comparability to lab measurements and its detailed logbooks provide all required documentation to the authorities.


Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

BASF Construction Chemicals Substances for Mining and Underground

tunnelling applications such as sprayed

development during the application process.

Construction Projects

concrete, mine back lling, mechanised

BASF provides specially formulated chemicals

tunnelling, injection, and waterproo ng.

Hydration control agents temporarily stop the

industries through its Construction Chemicals

Sprayed concrete / shotcrete for construction

'alive' from ve up to 72 hours from the time of


and mining applications

batching. Additionally, superplasticisers enable

concrete from setting, allowing it to be kept

for the mining and underground construction

For sprayed concrete or 'shotcrete' BASF

the concrete to ow and ensure a stable mix.

î ˘e BASF Underground segment also focuses

Construction Chemicals provides accelerators,

Fibres are also provided for reinforcement of

on technologies that compliment mining and

which initiate setting and strength

sprayed concrete linings to create ductile and



Sep - Oct 2017


durable linings.

e BASF approach to mine back ll is to

Workshops and technical support for the

thoroughly test material to determine whether

mining industry

Micro and micro- ne cement injection

the mix can be optimised. Savings can therefore

Technical suppor t is provided by key

BASF Construction Chemicals' Injection range

be made through reduced binder content and

exp er ience d reg iona l p ers onnel, wit h

includes micro-cement and micro- ne cement,

early strength gain.

additional support from the global technical

which are used extensively for pre-grouting

team. Close cooperation between BASF's technical

works prior to excavation.

team and the Mining Solutions divisions

Industry workshops covering key technologies

Other products include the colloidal silica

ensures that any proposals compliment to other

are held throughout the year.

series, which offers excellent penetrability and

products used within the system, with regards

Injection events are held four times per annum

has no detrimental environmental impacts; and

to mineralogy, mineral processing and tailings

at the underground test gallery in Hagerbach,

poly-urea-silicates (PUS) rapid setting two-


Switzerland. Two sprayed concrete workshops

Spray applied liners

events can also be arranged for speci c

in-sprayed liners (TSLs) are applied to

participant groups.

component products, which can be used for ground consolidation, void

lling and

permanent repairs.

are conducted at the same facility. Tailored

e poly-urea (PU) product range includes fast-

prevent further degradation of the rock strata,

reacting resins that react with water to reduce

as well as the ingress of undesirable gases into

in ow, and consolidate ground. Acrylate

the works.

e workshops are open to customers, and are used to illustrate the various products and

injection products are available in one and two-

demonstrate their application. ey are held

component varieties, and also exhibit good

Mechanised tunnel drives

both on a regional and global level. TBM and

penetrability, forming a exible gel end product

Tunnel boring machines (TBMs) use a variety

mine back ll workshops are also held, usually at

suitable for sealing structures prone to

of chemicals from the soil conditioning and

or near a site utilising those techniques.


abrasion reducing agents at the front of the cutter-head, greases for the bearings, and tail-

BASF recognises that training is a key to ensure

Mine back ll and tailings management

seals, as well as grouts for

lling the gap

that employees maintain their professional and

Mine back ll products are available to facilitate

between the excavated ground and the outer

personal development. For select technologies

the reduction of binder and water consumption,

edge of the segment.

BASF will make available online training

while increasing solids content and improving

modules, which are further supplemented by

ow characteristics.

these workshops.


Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

Superior Dust Control Solutions for the Mining Industry Recognized as a world leader in quality and

and ltration requirements are minimal. With

(3.5-8kg/cm²)], 150 series [100-550 gpm (23-

innovation, Nelson Irrigation Corporation is

completely sealed ball bearings and anodized,

150m³/h) at 50-120 psi (4-9kg/cm²)] and 200

focused on providing exceptional products -

powder-coated, or stainless steel options, the

series [250-1200 gpm (55-275m³/h) at 60-130

including Rotator® sprinklers, pressure

Nelson Big Gun sprinkler is the preferred

psi (4-9kg/cm²)].

regulators, control valves and Big Gun®

choice for tough applications. Various

sprinklers - for agricultural and industrial

trajectories and accessories are available for a


variety of needs.

ese models are available as a (F) full circle sprinkler (for 360º coverage) or (SR) part-circle sprinkler (with adjustable stops to create an

Nelson products have a solid reputation due to a

Using Nelson Big Gun sprinklers in

arc). Since trajectory is very critical in mining

rigorous quality assurance program and the

conjunction with Nelson 800 Series control

applications these products are available in

c o mp a ny ' s e n d u r i n g c o m m i t m e nt t o

valves and the TWIG™ control system

different xed trajectories and an adjustable

workmanship and customer service. State-of-

provides a complementary design that

trajectory feature (100 and 150 series only).

the-art technologies, such as CNC machinery,

uniquely improves efficiency and reliability.

Alternatively, a simple 12º wedge kit can be

robotic welding, plastic injection molding and

e 800 Series control valves have a eld-

added to increase a given trajectory.

automated assembly, provide a consistently

proven record of success operating under

superior product. A dedicated R&D team works

Nelson Big Gun sprinklers in many tough

Long-life sprinklers

closely with the customer at all levels and

environments, including mining dust

No other large sprinkler has sealed ball

develops new products while also improving

suppression, feedlot dust suppression and

bearings. Most other large sprinklers use

existing products. Nelson products are

waste water applications. In some situations

bushings instead of bearings. e water from

supported worldwide by an experienced

automation may be desired for maximum

tailings from rock crushing contains aggressive

network of distributors and dealers.

control. Nelson's TWIG control system is

particles that will cause accelerated wear in

simple, reliable, reduces labor requirements

bushings and unprotected bearings. e Nelson

Field-proven sprinklers for mines

and allows you to put the right amount of

Big Guns use sealed ball bearings that provide a

Due to the rugged durability of the Nelson Big

water where you need it most.

much longer product life.

e original Big Gun sprinklers

For some applications we recommend an

Gun sprinkler it has been used in the extreme environs of mining, time and time again. Nelson's Big Gun - the original Big Gun with

e Nelson family of Big Gun sprinklers

enhanced design that provides even more

over 40 years in the eld - is preferred because of

includes the 75 series [30-160 gpm (6.8-

protection. ese enhancements include a

the ability to move a large amount of water in a

36.30m³/h) at 25-80 psi (1.75-6kg/cm²)], 100

shroud over the lower bearing unit that

short time. e large nozzle is less likely to plug

series [50-300 gpm (10-70m³/h) at 40-110 psi

prevents water and deposits from accumulating



Sep - Oct 2017


around the brake ring surface and getting into


POWDER COATED for PH range of

assurance for adequate coverage of water in

the upper seal. e lower seal has an enhanced

4.5-8.5. Designed for industrial dust

windy conditions. Caution: if freezing

design due to changes in the geometry of the

suppression. Dust mixes with water

conditions are to occur then plan for a method

parts and a Te on impregnated spacer.

and forms a caustic paste on exterior

to drain water from all above ground pipe, stand

of sprinkler. Polyester powder

pipes and risers.

Big Gun material options

coating increases life of sprinkler and

e mining environment is notoriously unkind

minimizes pitting corrosion. Coating

Control valves for irrigation systems

to certain materials. It's important to make

is in the ow path as well as on all

Proper air and water control are essential to an

careful considerations to select the right

exterior surfaces. Same construction

efficient irrigation system. Improper hydraulic

sprinkler dependent on site water and

as anodized Big Gun; a polyester

design of your irrigation system can lead to

particulate chemistry.

powder coating is then applied inside

pressure uctuations and water hammer, which

and out to improve corrosion

can damage pumps, break pipes, and decrease


Nelson Big Gun material options include

ow efficiency. For a functional, efficient system

anodized, powder coated or stainless steel. ·

STANDARD for PH range of 4.5-8.5. Big Gun is made from aluminum,


that you can depend on, install Nelson control ·



0-14. Designed for use with sodium

yellow and red brass, 18-8 stainless

hydroxide, sulfuric acid and sodium

steel, and engineering-grade plastics;

cyanide solutions used in mining

Series control valve directly beneath the Big

seals and o-rings are buna-nitrite

heap leach and process waters. Big

Gun. e Big Gun / valve combo incorporates


Gun is made from 316 series stainless

automatic drains, which are very important.

steel; all plastics, o-rings, and seal

Experience has shown us that corrosive water

ere are many bene ts to installing an 800

ANODIZED for PH range of 4.5-8.5.

materials have been chosen to be

becomes much more corrosive when it becomes

Designed for industrial dust

c o mp at i b l e w i t h m i n i n g a n d

stagnant (loses all oxygen). e automatic drain

suppression applications where

industrial process uids.

allows the water to empty out of the Big Guns

mildly corrosive water remains

aer each operation.

infrequently stagnant in the Big Gun

Mounting considerations

during shutdown. All aluminum

Mounting design must always consider thrust

e Nelson 800 Series control valve has low

components have been class 1 brass

force and drive arm action as well as wind

friction loss. It also has a straight through

color anodized; anodizing adds a

distortion. One basic spacing rule of thumb is to

design which minimizes turbulence in the ow

thicker aluminum oxide layer than

have 100% overlap of the spray pattern. For

path. Angle or weir valves turn the water

occurs naturally.

example a sprinkler that throws 100 (30.5m)

through 90° even though the valve inlet and exit

radius would be spaced not more than 100

are in line. ese valves create turbulence in the

(30.5m) apart. Doing this will give some

ow path which can reduce the radius of throw.


Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

Process Control is improved using real-time analysis Plant control is most eective when online

control, iron ore mines in South Africa use

provide the added bene t of live data to ne

technologies measure process streams directly

analysers to measure and manage ore and

tune operational performance. Although

and preferably in real time. Sampling coarse

product quality, copper mines in central Africa

reducing variability of ore or product quality

conveyed ows is expensive and impractical at

use moisture monitors for process control,

can be expensive and time consuming,

many operations. Scantech, an Australian

cement plants in western Africa use analysers

operators know that consistency in quality is

company specialising in on-conveyor analysers,

for stockpile control, while coal mines and

desirable in products used in further

has supplied such analysis systems to the coal

power stations in southern Africa use analysers

processing. Further, in bulk mining operations

and cement industry since the early 1980s. Real

to monitor and control coal qualites.

time analysis technologies for conveyed bulk materials have been used in the minerals

Real time, non-contact, full stream, continuous

by-pass a bene ciation process to reduce treatment costs.

industry for about 15 years. For example,

analysis provides measurements used to

phosphate plants in northern Africa use on-line

control quality variability in processing

elemental analysers for phosphate rock quality

operations without physical sampling and



Sep - Oct 2017

(such as coal, iron ore, bauxite, limestone, phosphate) direct shipping quality material can


Scantech International real time analysers

incorporate full conveyed depth transmission technologies which provide representative results, as compared to surface based technologies which see only the top of the conveyed material. e COALSCAN ash and moisture monitors have been supplied to the world coal and power markets for over 30 years. GEOSCAN element a l analysers are used for cement and minera ls applications especially iron ore. TBM and CM100 conductive moisture monitors are used in many industries for moisture management. All units can be integrated with plant control systems for real time process control.

An early user of the elemental analyser technology in minerals was an iron ore mining and processing operation in South Africa. e company used an overland conveyor to transfer crushed ore to the process plant. e quality of the ore was variable and a need to effectively monitor its composition in real time was identi ed to allow a consistent product quality to be achieved. e GEOSCAN analyser was installed in 2003. e plant was then able to respond to expected changes in ore quality before the ore arrived, and improved its

dissolved copper metal. e mining operations recovered ore from several open pits where ore

XRF. ese samples had analysis turnaround

grade varied between less than 1 % Cu and up to

times of up to eight hours. As a result of the high

8 % Cu. Mine planning information was used to

turnaround time, the resulting HMP feed grade

determine the expected average copper grade

data could not be used for real-time HMP

for each blast which was then hauled to the

process control.

designated run of mine stockpile and then blended with ore from other stockpiles into a

improvements to the design led the company to purchase a number of analysers for its new larger plant. is plant was designed to treat a larger range of ore types and included a series of jig circuits to upgrade the various ore types. To maximise throughput of the bene ciation plant only ore requiring bene ciation was diverted to it.

Monitoring real-time variation of HMP feed

crusher and conveyed to a mill. A GEOSCAN

grades has enabled operations personnel to

analyser was installed on the crushed ore

make adjustments to the medium density

conveyor with the main element of interest

setpoint to maintain consistent mill feed grades.

being Cu. e Cu content in the feed is

Maintaining consistent mill feed grades allows

controlled by adjusting the blend from the run

stabilisation of mill operation, reducing mill

of mine stockpiles approximately every 30

power costs and mill grind size.

minutes as needed. Finally, the monitoring of real-time variations

performance and product quality consistency. e experience of this installation and the

autosampler and assayed on site by laboratory

In a manganese application, GEOSCAN

in HMP feed grade allows operations and

elemental analysers are used underground, for

metallurgy personnel to provide feedback to

pre-sorting or the ore before it is conveyed to

mining on the effectiveness of ore blending

the surface. At the surface, the same analysers

strategies and dilution control. e GEOSCAN

are used to ensure each delivery is produced to

outputs have also been used to support HMP

the end-users exact speci cation. In some

feed hammer sampler XRF results to report

applications, the difference in Mn content from

grades of individual orebodies and mine

one customer to the next can be 2%, which

sources during campaigns of speci c mine

means that it is important to have precise real-

sources and ore types fed to HMP.

time product control over the ore quality. As an example of a typical copper-gold

Before the GEOSCAN was installed in a Zinc-

application, the need for plant feed analysis in

Lead Concentrator Heavy Medium Plant

real time was needed to improve control of

(HMP), the feed was monitored via two-hourly

copper metal units entering its processing plant

samples collected from the HMP feed hammer

due to a limited leach circuit capacity for


Return on investment for nearly all Scantech's analysers have been demonstrated to be in the order of a few months. Scantech provides high speci cation systems to maximise measurement accuracy and develops customised soware for each application.

Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

Top-of-the-range wastewater ltration systems for mining practises Environmental compliance is being enforced

treatment, since they were rst introduced in

stringently upon industries as water becomes

the industry. A signi cant amount of research

According to Jansen van Rensburg, I-CAT

an increasingly scarce and expensive

and development goes into improving these

Environmental Solutions uses a combination

commodity. Recycling water for re-use in

technologies. Most recently mechanical

of technologies to provide its clients with the

work processes has become a viable alternative

evaporation systems, which ensure effective

best and most cost effective solutions, while

to pure treatment and discharge for many

and environmentally safe reduction in excess

maintaining a consistent awareness of the

companies required to comply with strict

wastewater for the mining industry, have also

environment, energy and social demands.

water license stipulations.

come to the forefront of water management in

“Our ltration systems are cost effective, as

recent years. services are increasing in demand for an ever

they have no recurring chemical costs, require low maintenance and are self-cleaning. e

Environmental and resource management I-CAT director of business development and

technology we use is considered world-

growing population, with deteriorating

marketing Lourens Jansen van Rensburg

leading, affordable and effective. We have

infrastructure and loss of essential skills in

indicates that the company, which caters for

developed solutions to clean process water

maintenance, as well as management. ere is

both local and international markets, has been

where many older technologies and processes

a massive demand for skills development in

awarded several contracts to monitor, manage

have failed.”

the water industry, not only in education and

and recycle water at several mining groups

social understanding about the natural

over the years. “Our methods are preferred

I-CAT Environmental Solutions distributes

resources, but also in maintenance and proper

because we do not believe in using or adding

Hy ux Kristal hollow bre ultra ltration (UF)

management of the current and existing

chemicals to wastewater to purify it or to get it

membranes and AZUD ltration systems,


to discharge standard. We make mechanical

which are industrial wastewater ltration

puri cation systems and have an excellent

solutions. e Kristal UF membrane is

Trends and technological advances in Ultra

technical and design team that is focused on

installed as a pre- ltration solution that is

ltration (UF) and Nano- ltration membranes have come a long way as solutions for water



Sep - Oct 2017

innovation and coming up with solutions for

designed to remove all suspended solids from

challenging projects.”

the water. e AZUD range of ltration


conditions. Jansen van Rensburg highlights that I-CAT ensures that no less than 2 000 litres of ambient air is discharged at a high velocity with every litre of water atomised with the system. “It is a critical ratio to achieve maximum percentage evaporation of water pumped into the air. is ensures the column of air does not become dense to the point which it resembles a sprinkler and guarantees the particles do not cluster together, forming a column of water which impacts aerial evaporation.” e I-VAP500, which is delivered within eight to 12 weeks, is offered in different scopes and options, depending on the site size. It boasts a high velocity air stream and has a large 3.2 mm ori ce water fracturing nozzle design to ensure minimal downtime from nozzle blockage, while achieving the nest possible droplet size. I-CAT aims to introduce more of its evaporation solutions to the international market. “Our aim is to become the market leader in any services related to the environment and to be the 'port-o-call' for any such services to our clients. We will start with introducing mobile, compact and autonomous drinking water plants from AZUD in Angola.

I-CAT Director of Business Development and Marketing Lourens Jansen van Rensburg

products, including the HELIX automatic disc

We will also give maintenance and training on

power efficiency. e I-VAP 500 is capable of 3

existing drinking water plants from AZUD in

and screen ltration, are used for pre- ltration

handling 500 m per 12-hour day. e

Tanzania on a gold mine, as well as scope for a

(micro- ltration) and designed to achieve the

evaporation rate is measured between 60 to

new drinking water plant to increase capacity,”

most efficient and economic water ltration in

65 percent, depending on ambient weather

Jansen van Rensburg concludes.

various applications. Hy ux Kristal hollow bre ultra ltration (UF) membranes are manufactured from reinforced PES (PolyEtherSulfone) material with a high tensile strength for improved hydrophilicity, low fouling and an asymmetric membrane structure with a high ux rate. It features a consistent high quality permeate, sharp rejection pro le, a long membrane lifespan and has a small carbon footprint. I-CAT Environmental Solutions also developed and released the I-VAP500 in June 2015. It is an evaporation system, which is used for controlled mechanical evaporation of excess waste water in the mining industries and designed to perform optimally in harsh environments. It produces the nest water droplet particles to maximise evaporation and


Sep - Oct 2017



Products & SERVICES

Kobold introduce plastic ow meters Innovative international manufacturer of ow,

model KSK are 1.5 – 11 … 100 – 1000 l/h water

e screw cap allows an easy installation in any

pressure, level, and temperature measuring,

and 0.15 – 0.45 … 20 – 105 Nm³/h air while

system and corresponding screw ttings are

Kobold has launched a plastic ow meter and a

model KSM's ranges are 15 – 150 … 8000 –

available on request.

monitor – KSK and KSM models.

60000 l/h water, 0.8 – 5 … 300 – 2500 Nm³/h air.

According to Kobold the plastic

ow meter

e company further says the maximum

e special advantages of the plastic ow meter

temperature range depends on the design and

include rugged and shock/corrosion resistant,

oat' measuring

options, and varies from max. 60 °C to max. 100

special scales can be attached, guide rails for

principle, where the oat glides up and down in

°C. while maximum pressure for KSK is PN10,

limit switches, which can be retro tted and

a conical measuring tube.

(PN16 for KSM).

nominal sizes, measuring range and measuring

e company said the plastic ow meter's light

e units, constructed of polyamide or

works on the 'suspended

tube material are all marked. weight makes it ideally suited for systems which

polysulfone material, easily handle a variety of

Kobold develops, manufactures and sells

cannot be statically loaded, for example, non-

corrosive media, as well as all neutral media.

instruments for monitoring, measuring and

stationary technical systems.

Meanwhile the percentage scale can be replaced

regulating ow, pressure, level and temperature,

by scales with other units on request and the

offering one of the broadest lines of sensors, switches and transmitters in the industry.

“e units nd application in cooling circuits,

scale length and direct readability of the oat

water treatment and plant engineering,” said the

position guarantee an accurate identi cation of

company in a statement.

the reading and a visual inspection of the measured medium.


Sep - Oct 2017

industrial applications and in Southern Africa Kobold are represented by Instrotech.

Kobold says the standard measuring ranges of


e instruments are used in countless OEM and


Products & SERVICES

Don't underestimate your motors' hunger for power, warns Zest WEG Most readers will be surprised that over 40% of

existing assets.

A WEG IE3 motor driving a pump.

global electricity is consumed by electric

He says the cost of running a motor, even

motors, and even more surprised that the gure

viewed over just 12 or 24 months, is many times

Zest WEG Group was the

rst equipment

for South Africa is higher still, according to Zest

greater than the motor's original purchase

supplier to move from IE2 compliant (high

WEG Group sales engineer Machiel de Bruyn.


efficiency) to IE3 compliant (premium

“is is an indication that most farmers are not

“Up to 90% of an electric motor's cost of

efficiency) motors, raising the bar with WEG's t-for-purpose design for the African market.

fully aware of how much their motors are

ownership relates to the power it consumes, so

Using even less electricity than the old IE2

costing them in electricity,” says De Bruyn. “In

it may not make sense to keep repairing a low-

units, WEG IE3 motors were introduced at no additional cost to Zest WEG Group customers.

turn, this explains why many farms hang on to

efficiency motor in the belief that this is a cost-

old, inefficient motors for longer than they

saving exercise,” he says. “In fact, modern high-

should, thinking they are saving money.”

efficiency motors can pay for themselves in a

De Bruyn says many farmers have also reduced

Farms incur particularly high electricity costs to

relatively short time, and then start saving the

energy costs by installing variable speed drives

drive pumps in energy-heavy functions like

farm money into the future.”

(VSDs), which control the speed at which

An effective strategy employed by some of the

output at any stage in the pumping cycle.

irrigation. While in previous decades the price of electricity was much lower and less of an

motors run depending on the required power

impact on the nancial bottom line, rocketing

country's most successful farms has been to

energy costs in recent years have meant that the

steadily replace the older, less efficient motors

“Combining VSD technology with the new

electricity bill is now a major factor in farm

whenever they fail, instead of trying to

WEG IE3 motors gives farmers two of the best

viability and pro tability.

constantly repair them. is approach provides

strategies for improving their cost structure in

an affordable way of working towards a lower-

respect of power consumption for activities like

cost operation, without having to jettison

irrigation,” De Bruyn concludes.


Sep - Oct 2017




Mining Indaba appoints Scan Display official contractor Jane Steel, Sales Manager for Scan Display

for a world class event and I look forward to

specialist, has been appointed the official

Cape Town, says, “Mining Indaba is one of the

working with them.”

exhibition contactor for Investing in African

premier events on the South African

Scan Display, an exhibition, event and display

Mining Indaba 2018.

exhibition calendar. We are excited to have the

One update for the 2018 event will be the use

Investing in African Mining Indaba, also

opportunity to work with the Mining Indaba

of Scan Display's Fabric Booth solution for the

referred to as Mining Indaba, is dedicated to

team, which has done an exceptional job of

exhibition. “is will be a departure from the

the successful capitalisation and development

managing and growing the show over the past

previously used traditional shell scheme with

of mining interests in Africa. Held in Cape

23 years.”

vinyl branding, and will give the show a different look and feel,” says Steel.

Town, South Africa for over 20 years, this event brings together investors, mining

Alex Grose, Managing Director of Mining

“Additionally, the fabric system is a reusable

companies, governments and other

Indaba, says, “Mining indaba is committed to

and lightweight branding option which

stakeholders from around the world to learn

being the very best it can be in all aspects of

encourages a more sustainable approach to

and network, and advance mining on the

the event, from our staff, to our brand, to our



speakers, venue and suppliers. Aer a thorough review, we were delighted to team

All four halls at the Cape Town International

e event has a signi cant impact on the local

up with Scan Display who we feel will provide

Convention Centre (CTICC) – over 12,000m²

economy; between 2007 and 2015, it injected

a fantastic experience for both our sponsors

of oor space – will be used for the exhibition.

R610m into the Cape region and created 5000

and delegates, in line with our ethos to


improve and reinvigorate the event. We

Mining Indaba 2018 will take place at the

believe they will provide a world class solution

CTICC from 5-8 February 2018.


Sep - Oct 2017




Advertisers index 02 Doppelmayr 07 AXIS 11 TruFlo Pumps 15 KSB 17 Nyumba 19 Azero Avenue 32 Sullivan Palatek 39 TECT 52 Ausco 55 Pilot Air 56 CDAA



Sep - Oct 2017




May - Jun 2017



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