1 MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine Nov-Dec 2016 > Issue 20 > Vol.7 #
DRC-ZAMBIA Zambia Copper Output Projected At 800,000 Tonnes In 2017 -12
The Critical Role Of Geospatial Mapping For Mining -28
ALSO... Sandvik Enables Automation That Mines Are Ready For -19
Zambia Copper
Geospatial Mapping
Output projected at 800k ton in 2017
for mining critical
05 Africa a focus for energy solutions in mining 10 Ivanhoe Mines signi cant progress in upgrading the Kipushi zinc 14 Zambian manganese mines get a boost from Giyani Gold 16 Caterpillar to invest 1bn in Africa 34 Mining and the environment
32 FMDZ |
Sandvik enables automation that mines are ready for
Nov - Dec 2016
1st MINING Central Africa’s Premier Business To Business Mining magazine Nov-Dec 2016 > Issue 20 > Vol.7 #
We are thrilled to present you the last issue of 1st Mining DRC-Zambia for the year 2016. As we come to the end of the year, we would like to render our gratitude to all the contributors in the magazine. As 1st Mining DRC-Zambia continues to grow and evolve, we strive to give you informative articles on the mining industry, equipment, developments, innovations and technology. Heavy Minerals Mining is one of the numerous exploration activities currently being undertaken on the continent. Various African countries have huge deposits of this mineral with South Africa being the second largest producer of titanium and zircon in the world aer Australia. Mining operations require reliable power on a 24/7 basis, whether at remote locations, or in developed areas. Load shedding, poor quality power and weak grids are forcing mines to consider alternative sources of electrical energy. Hence Africa should focus on energy solutions in mining. Good news to the Zambian mining industry as copper output is projected at 800,000 tonnes next year. e increase in copper prices on the international market paves way for suspended projects to resume now that prices have stabilised. In our equipment and machinery we feature the Sandvik AutoMine Loading installations success story. More and more mines globally are discovering how Sandvik AutoMine can improve their operations. In terms of technology and innovation we look at the critical role of of geospatial mapping for mining.
DRC-ZAMBIA Zambia Copper Output Projected At 800,000 Tonnes In 2017 -12
The Critical Role Of Geospatial Mapping For Mining -28
ALSO... Sandvik Enables Automation That Mines Are Ready For -19
Cover Sandvik Lh517 Automation
Editor Bertha M.
Contributing Writers Anne Thomas, Mfuneko Jack, Lindani Mkhize and Caroline Thomas
Bertha M. Editor
Sales & Marketing Russou Billiard +27 11 044 8986
Graphic Design and Layout Que Gibson
Published By Mailing Times Media
Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd +27 11 044 8985
| Nov - Dec 2016
Africa a focus for energy solutions in mining Mining operations require reliable power on a
reduced carbon footprint and greenhouse-gas
upgrading existing diesel generators with solar power considerably.
24/7 basis, whether at remote locations, or in
emissions, lower levels of air and water
developed areas. Load shedding, poor quality
pollution, as well as less risk of fuel spills from
power and weak grids are forcing mines to
diesel trucks.
consider alternative sources of electrical
Positive social outcomes can also be achieved,
such as an improved social licence to operate
Energy efficiency measures and load shiing
e global mining industry risks wasting
a sustainable mining business, as renewables
require a thorough knowledge of mining
millions of dollars if greater emphasis is not
can contribute towards societal betterment
processes. It is obvious that the simultaneous
Complex requirements for solution
placed on the industry employing renewable-
through job creation, safer communities by
optimisation of demand and supply side are
energy solutions, such as solar photovoltaic
providing street lighting, which is known to
much more complex than the construction of
(PV) technology and biogas, according to
reduce crime, and the provision of electricity
a traditional PV power plant. A prerequisite
global non-pro t organisation Rocky
for clinics and industrial development nodes.
for nding the best solution is combining
Mountain Institute-Carbon War Room (RMI-
Typical cost savings from the PV side are in
skills from both worlds, from mining and
the range of 25%-30%, while in very remote
solar energy. In addition, many of the solutions are novel
e mines in the higher solar irradiance
locations with elevated diesel prices the
geographies in Africa can, however, bene t
reductions can amount to more than 70%.
with many improvements having been
more from solar PV, says the organisation,
Energy efficiency measures can be applied all
developed during the operation of PV-diesel-
which aims to accelerate the adoption of
along the mining value chain as well as for
hybrid power plants at mining sites. A track
business solutions, such as efficient renewable-
auxiliary applications. e main elds include
record of on-site testing helps to implement
energy solutions that reduce carbon dioxide
compressed air systems, ventilation, material
new solutions in the most efficient way.
emissions on a gigaton scale, thereby
handling, pumping, crushing and milling.
A recommendation for mining companies is
advancing a low-carbon economy.
Energy efficiency can account for electricity
to act quickly and to conceive a
e bene ts of adopting a solution where
reductions of 5% - 20% and load shiing for
comprehensive renewable energy strategy.
renewables are more cost effective than grid
energy cost savings of 5% -10%.
Beyond improvement of energy costs,
power, and which could include the increasing
Energy efficiency measures and load shiing
ambitious targets and transparency offer rst movers many advantages in communication.
likelihood that storage is more cost effective
schemes have a direct in uence on the
than diesel power generation, go well beyond
optimal design of the PV plant, while avoided
If substantial measures are taken and nancial
operational cost savings for the mine,
or shied energy consumption allows for
markets are targeted with a sustainability
extending to enhanced shareholder value.
designing the PV plant in an optimal way.
communication strategy, a positive effect on
e solution also offers environmental
Oen the integrated solution decreases the
the market evaluation and stock prices of
bene ts, such as less reliance on fossil fuels, a
amount of capital expenditure needed for
mining companies can be expected.
Nov - Dec 2016
Commodity price recovery could boost mining activity in Africa Mining commodity prices have rallied during
However, the recovery has generated hopes
2017 is the potential for valuation stabilisation
the course of this year, raising hopes that new
that delayed Central African iron ore projects
at a higher level than previously thought. A
mining projects could be sanctioned across
could nally be developed. Back in 2013, a
more positive macro backdrop and greater
the African continent. e price of iron ore
string of mines were planned, including
investor con dence has helped li metals
broke through the $80 a tonne barrier
Belinga in Gabon and Sundance Resources'
prices well above levels seen in recent years.”
yesterday, up from $38 per tonne at the end of
Mbarga and Nabeba schemes on the border of
While South Africa relies heavily on iron ore
last year, although still below the peak of $182
Cameroon and Congo, together with new
and coal exports, the situation in
in 2010.
railways to transport the ore to the coast,
neighbouring Botswana is a little different.
Similarly coking coal prices have risen more
where new dry bulk terminals would prepare
e country has the potential to export up to
than doubled this year to exceed $300 per
the ore for shipping. All were shelved, as
100m tonnes of coal a year but progress on
tonne; while copper prices are approaching
investors struggled to secure the required
$6,000 per tonne, the highest level for 18
nance in a low-revenue environment.
developing export railways to Namibian and Mozambican ports was halted in 2014.
months; and even thermal coal has rebounded
However, optimism is now rising.
Yet in November, Maputo and Gaborone
to $120 per tonne. e price rises have at least
At the end of November, Equatorial
signed an agreement to build an export line
partly been driven by investment by very
Resources' local subsidiary, Congo Mining
from the Botswana mines to the planned new
small scale Chinese investors.
Exploration Ltd, announced that it would
coal port of Technobanine in southern
e global mining industry's recent travails
invest $1.2bn in its Badondo iron ore scheme
Mozambique, buoyed by the recovery. Vale
have been well documented. e price of
in north-west Congo-Brazzaville. e
Mozambique, Botswana's Shumba Energy and
almost all mining commodities crashed in
company's CEO, John Welborn, said: “e
a handful of other mining rms that kept
2014 and 2015 as the Chinese economy slowed
recent improvement in the price of iron ore
investing in new projects during the downturn
down, causing many projects to be postponed
makes Equatorial con dent that it will nd
could now bene t by being ahead of the curve.
or cancelled.
the necessary nancing to develop the mine.”
Although prices are likely to rise further next
e impact on Africa has been enormous. Just
e situation is the same in the Mano River
year, there is little sign of a boom on the
as plummeting oil and gas prices hit the
states, where Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea
horizon. Credit Suisse said: “Underlying
continent's hydrocarbon producers hard, so
have all been badly affected by low iron ore
supply/demand fundamentals are still
falling coal, iron ore, bauxite, copper and
prices but rising demand could encourage
challenging in the case of iron ore and copper,
manganese prices have shaken the economies
ArcelorMittal and others to boost production.
and a healthy dose of speculative activity
of South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Sierra
Credit Suisse analysts said: “We believe the
leaves metals equities vulnerable to a
Leone and many other African states.
main theme for industrial metals equities into
| Nov - Dec 2016
Costcutters: Efficiency and productivity in mining passing on productivity improvements
prices. However, they can control how they
costs could help the mining industry when
compared to other industries, like building
operate. As companies refocus on becoming
market conditions are tough.
cars, where business improvement practices
lowest-quartile cost producers, they will need
As an industry whose fate is tied to the
are really established. It's only relatively
to move away from reactionary cost cutting
Increasing productivity and cutting wasteful
materials it extracts from the earth, the
recently that we're starting to see that
and towards sustainable cost management
mining business is vulnerable to uctuations
approach come in with mining.
in commodity prices. Mining operations can
So a lot of mines are very inefficient with
Productivity is about maximizing throughput
oen be shut down by sustained price dips,
working time, for example. At many mines,
per unit of time, per unit of quality and per
only to be resurrected a few years later when
the amount of time it takes workers to get to
unit of cost. Mining companies may wish to
prospects pick up again.
and from the workplace is excessive.
apply a better use of technology to achieve
Although mining companies can't entirely
e amount of time they take on breaks is
these goals:
disentangle themselves from this cycle of
excessive. ere are many avoidable losses
To improve sector productivity, companies
boom and bust, increasing productivity and
that can be saved in their production systems,
can: Refocus on high quality production by
cutting unnecessary costs can provide some
but when they're bailed out by high metal
increasing cut off grades; Reduce capital
insulation against the cold whims of the
prices they don't necessarily have to focus on
expenditures in properties with lower
production potential and shorter mine lives;
A host of technologies and logistical
To prevent this constant cycle of cost takeout
Consider the bene ts (and potential risks) of
techniques can help mine operators get the
and cost creep, miners must go beyond
reducing reserves; Optimize mine sites
most out both their deposits and their all-
traditional cost cutting measures. Instead,
through enhanced sequencing; Ramp up
important workforce. But with the mining
industry productivity (de ned as the GDP
production from lower cost mines and
industry being notoriously conservative when
value contribution an average worker creates
prioritize lower cost projects and Attract and
it comes to new innovations, is there more
in an hour of work) needs to rise before
retain experienced mine planners capable of
that companies could be doing to improve
companies can reclaim shareholder support
improving operational performance and
performance, cut costs and protect themselves
and deliver bottom line value.
tracking daily adherence to production
during the tough times?
Miners can't control the vagaries of the world
volumes, mining locations and mineral
Generally, the mining industry is very poor at
economy that shi currencies and commodity
| Nov - Dec 2016
Movers & SHAKERS
Ivanhoe Mines announces signi cant progress in upgrading the Kipushi zinc-copper mine in the DRC of the world's largest and lowest-cost zinc
Kipushi's Big Zinc Deposit has an estimated
e current mine redevelopment plan, as
10.2 million tonnes of Measured and Indicated
outlined in the May 2016 independent,
producers, while also producing signi cant
Mineral Resources grading 34.9% zinc.
preliminary economic assessment (PEA),
quantities of copper, silver and germanium.
Successful planned restoration of production
includes a two-year construction period with
We remain involved in detailed discussions with potential strategic partners and investors
would make Kipushi the world's highest-grade
a relatively quick ramp-up to a projected
major zinc mine
steady-state production of 530,000 tonnes of
relating to the company and our projects,
Robert Friedland, Executive Chairman of
zinc concentrate per annum. A pre-feasibility
including Kipushi.
Ivanhoe Mines (TSX:IVN)(OTCQX:IVPAF),
study (PFS) is underway to re ne the ndings
"We look forward to working with our
and Lars-Eric Johansson, Chief Executive
of the PEA and to optimize the mine's
partner, Gécamines, and the people of the
Officer, announced that excellent progress has
redevelopment schedule, life-of-mine
Kipushi area to return the mine to production
been made by Ivanhoe in upgrading and
operating costs and initial capital costs
and start writing the next chapter of Kipushi's
modernizing the Kipushi Mine's shas,
required to bring the mine back into
long and meaningful history. In the meantime,
pumping stations and underground
production. Ivanhoe expects to complete the
we welcome international investors and mining analysts to see rsthand the excellent
infrastructure as part of the plan to prepare
PFS in the second quarter of 2017.
the mine for the restart of commercial
"We are working hard to have the mine ready
progress our team has made in upgrading the
production. e mine now has clear and safe
to restart production," said Mr. Friedland.
mine's underground infrastructure and to
access to all of the main underground
"Given the extremely high zinc grades at
experience an exceptionally rare opportunity
workings, including the Big Zinc Deposit.
Kipushi, the mine has the potential to be one
to inspect a deposit that is 35% zinc."
| Nov - Dec 2016
Movers & SHAKERS
Rebirth of a Copperbelt legend
Mine, Sha 5, is in the process of being
e Kipushi Project is operated by Kipushi
load-out system will be upgraded to western
upgraded and re-commissioned. e main
industry standards during 2017 to fully restore
Corporation (KICO), a joint venture between
personnel and material winder has been
the sha's hoisting capacity. Sha 5 provides
Ivanhoe Mines (68%) and Gécamines (32%),
upgraded and modernized to meet western
the primary access to the lower levels of the
the state-owned mining company. e PEA
industry standards and safety criteria, and
mine, including the Big Zinc Deposit, through
and PFS focus on the mining of Kipushi's Big
new cages will be installed in 2017. e rock-
the 1,150-metre haulage level and
Zinc Deposit, which has an estimated 10.2
hoisting winder, which will have a potential
underground ramp decline.
million tonnes of Measured and Indicated
annual hoisting capacity of 1.8 million tonnes,
e planned primary mining method for the
Mineral Resources grading 34.9% zinc. is
is being upgraded and is expected to be fully
Big Zinc Deposit in the PEA and PFS is
grade is more than twice as high as the
operational in late 2017.
sublevel open stoping, with cemented back ll.
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources of
e critical path for the redevelopment of the
e crown pillars are expected to be mined
the world's next-highest-grade zinc project,
mine runs through the upgrading of the Sha
once adjacent stopes are back lled using a
according to Wood Mackenzie, a leading,
5 rock-hoisting winder, as well as the re-
pillar-retreat mining method. e Big Zinc
international industry research and consulting
commissioning of the main pumping station
Deposit is expected to be accessed via the
at Sha 5, the underground crusher at the
existing decline and without any signi cant
KICO has upgraded the operating shas,
bottom of Sha 5, the Sha 5 rock load-out
new development. e main levels are
winders and underground infrastructure at
facilities and the restoration of the main
planned to be at 60-metre vertical intervals,
the Cascade section of the mine, which are
haulage way on the 1,150-metre level between
with sublevels at 30-metre intervals.
expected to serve as alternate personnel and
the Big Zinc access decline and Sha 5 (see
e Kipushi Project includes surface mining
material shas - as well as a second egress
Figure 1).
and processing infrastructure, concentrator,
route from the mine (see Figure 1). A new
Sha 5, which is planned to be the mine's
offices, workshops and a connection to the
high-volume ventilation fan also has been
main production sha, is eight metres in
national power grid. Electricity is supplied by
installed on surface at Sha 4 to provide fresh
diameter, 1,240 metres deep and
the DRC's state power company, Société
air to the underground workings.
approximately 1.5 kilometres from the
Nationale d'Electricité (SNEL), from two
planned main mining area. e rock hoist and
transmission lines from Lubumbashi.
e main production sha for the Kipushi
Johannes Holzapfel
Nov - Dec 2016
Zambia copper output projected at 800,000 tonnes next year THE new mining projects and stability in
He said this when he presented a paper on
Mr Banda said only two companies which
copper prices on the international market will
Zambia's mining industry history during the
include Ferro Alloys limited in Laverne and
push copper production to over 800,000
media training workshop organised by his
Southern Africa Ferro Alloys limited in
tonnes in 2017.
ministry and the European Union (EU) in
Serenje were currently processing manganese.
Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development
Chisamba at the weekend.
In a related development, Mine Workers
chief mining engineer Fred Banda projected
"Zambia's copper production will increase to
Union of Zambia (MUZ) has challenged
that Zambia's copper production would
about 850,000 tonnes in 2017. î ˘e increase
mining rms in the country to increase
increase to about 850,000 tonnes due to
will come from new projects that will be
copper production now that prices seem to be
increased projects that will be operational next
operational next year," Mr Banda said.
He said the Lubambe Copper Mines phase
Copper prices on the London Metal Exchange
Recently the Zambia Chamber of Mines
two will ramp up production to more than
(LME) rose last week by 0.5 per cent to
(ZCM) projected that copper production
45,000 tonnes with the development of the
US$5,808 a tonne with projections to climb by
would this year close at about 750,000 tonnes.
South East Limb would also contribute to the
1.2 per cent last this week.
Mr Banda said the increase in production
overall output of copper next year.
MUZ president Nkole Chishimba said in an
would be necessitated by the new projects
Mr Banda noted that as at 2015, mining
interview that with copper price stability on
such as the Mopani Copper Mine (MCM)
contributed about 70 per cent of export
the international market, the union expected
Nkana synclinorium project, NFC Africa
earnings and that the industry's contribution
mining companies to start full production.
Mining Limited South East Ore Body (SEOB)
to Gross Domestic Product of the country was
"î ˘e increase in copper prices on the
and Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) Nchanga
13.5 per cent in 2014.
international market paves way for suspended
Upper Ore Body among others, which were
He said manganese production had reduced
projects to resume now that prices have
expected to start operating next year.
due to low manganese prices globally.
stabilised," Mr Chisamba said.
| Nov - Dec 2016
Movers & SHAKERS
Zambian manganese mines get a boost from Giyani Gold Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange dual-listed Giyani Gold has signed a letter of intent (LoI) with Menzi Battery Metals to acquire a 70% interest in two past-producing high-grade manganese mines in Zambia. e Kampumba and Chiwefwe open pit manganese mines were operated between 1954 and 1968 and produced an estimated 360 000 t at grades exceeding 50% manganese. Under the terms of the LoI, Giyani will pay Menzi $200 000 cash, as well as contribute $1-million to work commitment over ve years upon completion of due diligence, title review and the completion of a de nitive agreement. e mines are close to gravel roads and rail, power and labour infrastructure. Geophysical survey data and historical resource estimates indicate signi cant manganese potential. Giyani has engaged Boswell Projects as the project manager for its portfolio of assets in Southern Africa. During the effective period of the LoI and subsequent agreements, Boswell will complete a due diligence review of the assets to assess the potential for near-term production from these mines. is acquisition will expand the company's portfolio of manganese assets – it already owns manganese assets in Botswana – and continue to advance Giyani's strategy to acquire raw materials for the growing battery industry.
| Nov - Dec 2016
Health & SAFETY
Hydration is essential
for the body in hot working environments Working in hot conditions poses special hazards to safety and health. Heat illnesses combined with dehydration are a direct cause of approximately half of the heat stroke cases among South African miners. It can cause loss of concentration, lower productivity, a decrease in morale and consequently increases costs to a business operation. North exports manager Hayley Arnesen
temperature. In order to reduce the effects, the
electrolyte replacement drink, 20 minutes before possible exposure. e sodium content should be between 25 mg and 70 mg per 100 ml. Intestinal absorption is improved by small volumes of carbohydrates, between 3 g to 5 g per 100 ml. e temperature of the liquid can also impact the absorption rate – cooler drinks are absorbed more easily.” Dynaforce, which is developed by North Safety, is a rehydration drink that replenishes the body of essential nutrients for those working in hot environments. It is available in four different avours, including naartjie, tropical, blueberry and cherry grape. “e drink, which comes in a 60 g, 240 g and 25 kg
explains that during heavy work, muscles need
victim should be moved to a cool area and
bulk pack, has a potassium content that
more blood ow, which reduces the amount of
soaked in cool water, amongst other things.
exceeds that of other similar drinks. e
blood available to ow to the skin in order to
Heat cramps are painful muscle spasms that
bene t of this is the positive uid retention
release heat. “e body defends itself from
occur when a worker drinks a lot of water, but
effect that the potassium exerts at a cellular
heat through breathing, sweating and
does not replace the salts lost from sweating.
level. e powdered drink carries various
changing the blood ow. Individuals with high
Fainting can occur in someone who is not
other vitamins and minerals and has no
blood pressure or some heart conditions and
used to working in uncomfortably hot
preservatives. It is available at all North
those who take diuretics may be more
environments. Heat rash usually occurs in hot
branches,” Arnesen concludes.
sensitive to heat exposure.”
and humid environments where sweat cannot
ere are a number of conditions that can
evaporate easily. It can be prevented by resting
About North Safety Products Africa
result due to heat exposure, including heat
in a cool place, keeping skin clean and dry, as
North Safety Products Africa (NSPA) is one of
exhaustion, heat stroke, heat cramps, fainting,
well as over-the-counter lotions to ease pain
South Africa's leading designers,
or heat rash. “In order to prevent these
and itching.
manufacturers and marketers of personal
conditions, it is advisable to replace the uids
Appropriate engineering controls, personal
protection and safety equipment products in
you lose from sweating by drinking an
protective equipment and work practices are
the workplace. e company designs, develops
electrolyte solution, wearing loose tting
also imperative to reducing the risk of heat
and manufactures a comprehensive range of
clothing and a hat, and getting sufficient cool
stress. Supervisors should provide enough
safety equipment. is includes: respiratory
air. Businesses should ensure that employees
liquids and ensure that work schedules allow
equipment; hand protection; hearing
and supervisors have proper training to be
for appropriate rest periods. Employees need
protection; eye, head and face protection;
able to detect early signs of heat stress and
to choose a suitable hydration drink that is
height safety; and protective clothing and
understand the importance of replacing uids
accessible before, during and aer work. e
footwear. North also provides technical and
and salt from sweat,” she continues.
hydration drink will assist in maintaining
customer support whereby skilled
Heat exhaustion results from working up a
blood volume, which allows for efficient
professionals assist businesses with the
sweat and not replenishing the body with
delivery of oxygen to working muscles and
implementation and management of their
enough uids. Resting in a cool place and
reduces the incidence of muscular cramps.
company needs. With a global reputation for
avoiding caffeinated beverages are some of the
Arnesen warns that only providing water for
high quality protective gear, pioneering
things that will relieve the condition. Heat
hydration may lead to a low blood sodium
technology and valuable manufacturing
stroke, which can result in death, is caused by
level, as salts do not get replenished. Workers
assistance, North prides itself on exceeding
the failure of the body to regulate its core
must consume approximately 300 ml of an
client expectations.
Nov - Dec 2016
Movers & SHAKERS
Caterpillar to invest $1bn in
Africa over the next ve years US mining equipment manufacturer
countries to continue to improve their global
million by the year 2020 to organisations
Caterpillar, its independent dealers and the
working to improve lives across Africa.
Caterpillar Foundation are to invest $1-billion
“For 90 years, Caterpillar machines have
Barloworld Equipment (BWE) – the CAT
in business, education and training across
helped build critical infrastructure projects
dealer for Southern Africa – was delighted
Africa over the next ve years, chairperson
across Africa. Today, we bring not only
with the news of the investment, Barloworld
and CEO Doug Oberhelman announced at the
construction machinery to the continent but
Equipment Southern Africa CEO Emmy
US-Africa Business Forum.
also traditional and renewable-power-
Leeka said in a press statement earlier this
e news con rms Caterpillar's long-term
generation solutions, diesel-electric
commitment to Africa and is intended to
locomotives, marine engines and mining
“It is going to give a great boost to our
signi cantly improve its customer service
equipment,” Oberhelman noted at the forum.
training and development capabilities, which,
capabilities on the continent, according to the
He added that the announcement con rmed
in turn, will bene t our valued customers. It
Caterpillar's plans to make a long-term
will also enable the opening of new BWE
is will include enhanced parts distribution
investment to help build, develop and
locations and dealerships in Southern Africa
capacity, new high-tech certi ed rebuild
empower communities, and serve as an
and increase infrastructure development,” she
centres, new dealer branch locations, the
education and training partner to broaden
pointed out.
expansion of Caterpillar's Technicians for
and strengthen local workforce talent and
Leeka also welcomed the news that Caterpillar
Africa online skills development programme,
will be making further investments in social
as well as nancial investment to support
Since 2010, Caterpillar has invested about
upliment programmes on the continent and
programmes that li people out of poverty.
$50-million to support projects in Africa that
will be expanding its Technicians for Africa programme.
Technicians for Africa is a free, online
improve the lives of those living in poverty,
learning platform for Africans seeking to
speci cally girls and women, through
“We are heavily involved in this programme in
develop the technical skills needed to pursue a
training, policy work and entrepreneurship.
Mozambique and are planning to roll it out in
career as an equipment technician.
ese investments bene t Africans by
South Africa, Zambia and Angola. For
e investment will further increase
providing them with access to education,
example, BWE has set up a container
Caterpillar's signi cant footprint in the
energy, micro nance, clean water and
computer lab in Tete, Mozambique, to provide
growing African market, while boosting
computer and Internet access to those wanting
infrastructure development and the skills
Building on these investments, the Caterpillar
to gain skills through the Technicians for
training capabilities necessary for African
Foundation is committing an additional $15-
Africa programme,” she concluded.
| Nov - Dec 2016
e Importance of Real-Time Data Communication from the Mining Face that need to be implemented. RTC
Real-time data communication (RTC) refers
improving safety, operational
to a mode of communication in which all
is a critical component to ensuring a
efficiency and productivity, thus
users exchange data instantly with minimum
high degree of utilisation of the
reducing the cost of mining
mining face.
latency. ere is a purpose built RTC solution for all uses, including instantaneous transfer
of data, voice, video, and supporting
Maximum Safety & Security- RTC
RTC is especially critical right at the mine
also enhances mining security by
face, as this is where most mining activity
applications. With RTC, situational awareness
live monitoring of entry locations,
takes place and, as a result, where conditions
increases, mining efficiency improves,
mobile vehicles, and high-cost
are most likely to change. Unfortunately,
productivity grows, and above all else, the 24/7
mining equipment. Real-time data
monitoring real-time data from the face is
visibility of mining activities ensures the mine
from geotechnical instrumentation
typically also the most expensive, challenging
operates as safely as possible.
can identify stability problems and
and disruptive to mine operations. Luckily,
Apart from maximizing efficiency and
allow preventive action to be taken.
technology is starting to play a part.
productivity and ensuring mine safety, some
Likewise, real-time data from gas
In many progressive mines, low-voltage
of the other bene ts of RTC in the mining
detection sensors can trigger alarms
underground wireless networks allow data to
industry include the following:
when certain thresholds are
be transmitted quickly from the face to central
Optimum Face Utilisation- Real-
reached. And that same real-time
monitoring stations without the need for
time data communication ensures
communication can be used to send
time-consuming manual data collection. Such
optimum management of mining eets and personnel. rough better understanding of the activities at the
mining face and real-time work
evacuation signals to workers
technology was recently deployed by Barrick
underground instantaneously.
Cortez with exceptional results. e Barrick
Improves Coordination and
solution monitors over 300 instruments, both
Teamwork- Finally, real-time data
on surface and underground, using advanced
assignments, management can
communication improves
geotechnical instrumentation coupled with an
ensure efficient utilisation of the
collaboration and teamwork
ultra-long life wireless telemetry system. e
production eet and the mining
between staff located at the mine
system relays data from the face (and
face. It allows for instantaneous
face, mobile vehicles, operations
throughout the mine) to a central interface at
knowledge of problems at the face
control, processing plants, and
mine operations, virtually eliminating the
and fast reaction times to changes
various other locations. It helps in
need for manual readings.
| Nov - Dec 2016
Sandvik Enables Automation at Mines Are Ready For e rst Sandvik AutoMine Loading installations were delivered more than 10 years ago and the automation system continues its success story today. More and more mines globally are discovering how Sandvik AutoMine can improve their operations. "is year seems to be a turning point, with many new Sandvik AutoMine Loading Lite systems being ordered," says Riku Pulli, VP Automation, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. “Within this challenging business climate, mines are looking for reliable, easy-toimplement solutions that deliver higher productivity and efficiency in mining operations. We are proud that Sandvik AutoMine has already delivered well on these requirements for many customers and there are more in the pipeline.” Sandvik AutoMine Loading Lite is a simple, single-loader automation solution that helps ensure safer operation and high productivity. It is easy to set up, operate and maintain. e solution can also be easily expanded to applications that require more than one loader, operated by a single operator. Sandvik AutoMine Loading Lite works in a wide range of
mining methods including development, open stoping and sub-level caving. Sandvik AutoMine Loading Lite was recently updated with a unique new function, Automatic Bucket Loading Assistant, that completes the fully automated loading cycle by bringing in technology that enables a loader to ll its bucket without any help from the remote operator in the control room. is new feature makes the full loading cycle much
more consistent and allows operators to focus on the overall process supervision instead of a need to continuously load buckets over tele-remote connection. Operations that rely on Sandvik AutoMine Loading Lite include Boliden Garpenberg mine, Boliden Tara mine, Goldcorp Cerro Negro mine, Glencore Kidd Operations, First Quantum Pyhäsalmi mine, IAMGOLD Westwood and LKAB Kiruna mine.
Sandvik automine
Nov - Dec 2016
Rio-Carb celebrates 35 years of innova on and service excellence Founder and CEO Martin Maine has extensive
such as chutes and hoppers. Maine reveals
than traditional 400 and 500 material.” e
experience in physical metallurgy, and has
that the company has grown six-fold since it
term 'RC-700' itself was trademarked
participated in several international
was established, with an exponential increase
successfully in 2015.
conferences and seminars. Twice President of
in its customer base.
Rio-Carb has always invested in state-of-the-
the South African Institute of Welding, he has
ese include well-known local companies
art manufacture, opening its new 4 000 m2
been involved in prestigious local projects
such as Angloplats, Anglo Coal, Anglo Gold
manufacturing facility in Alrode, Gauteng in
such as Sasol ll and lll, Koeberg, and Gariep
Ashanti, Billiton Group, Columbus Stainless
2014. e OEM acquired two high-precision
Dam. Maine also established AquaJet Pro les
Steel, De Beers Group, ELB, Foskor, Afrisam
plasma cutters in 2006 in order to be able to
(Gauteng) in 2001, the largest water-jet cutting
Cement, Arcelor Mittal Steel, Ingwe Mining
cut the liner plate to high accuracies, with
centre in Africa.
Group, Impala Platinum, Lafarge Cement,
clean surface nishes. A novel application of
Aer being in the Rio-Tinto (SA) stable for 13
Lonmin Mining, Loesche (SA), Murray &
this equipment has been the plasma-engraving
years, there was a management buy-out by the
Roberts, Namakwa Sands, Palabora Copper,
of part numbers and bend lines for jobbing
then existing (and still current) shareholders.
Richards Bay Minerals, Rössing Uranium,
contracts in mild and stainless steel.
e company had been importing product
Samancor, Sasol Group, Glencore, and
In addition, the company has two
from Australia up to that point. Maine quickly
Debswana, among others.
rolling/bending machines, stud welders, eight
saw an opportunity for local manufacture, and
Maine highlights that RC-700 CrC alloy-clad
MIG welding machines, a 250 t hydraulic
established Rio-Carb in 1982.
liner plates and pipes are used for heavy
press, and water-jet cutting, zinc spraying, and
e company's main products are RC-700
materials-handling applications in the mining,
sandblasting facilities. It continues to invest in
CrC liner plates, RC-700 CrC pipes, wear-
cement, energy and petroleum industries.
state-of-the-art equipment, in addition to
resistant components manufactured from
“e main advantage here, which is a speci c
developing custom machinery. Rio-Carb also
chromium carbide alloys, and manganese
South African innovation, is that these plates
operates its own transportation eet in order
impact plates. It also refurbishes components
have an eight-to-12 times longer wear life
to guarantee on-time delivery for its
| Nov - Dec 2016
PROFILE customers.
and to assure customers of the quality of its
industry experience and expertise,” Product
Maine attributes Rio-Carb's ongoing success
products. “Our products are highly specialised
Development Manager, Luis Garcia highlights.
to its solid nancial background. “We have no
and not just off-the-shelf. We deal with many
Looking to the future, Maine says that Rio-
overdra, and all of our equipment is
major customers in the mining industry,
Carb will continue to develop new products in
amortised. We also have full redundancy built
where such accreditation is mandatory. We are
response to the changing needs of the African
into our production planning,” he notes. “is
very proud of having achieved this quality
mining industry. “e global nancial
has allowed us to price our product
assurance,” Maine comments.
downturn and rout in commodity prices has
accordingly, and to pass on the bene ts to our
“We pride ourselves on the longstanding
meant a greater emphasis on refurbishing
relationships we have forged with many of our
existing equipment. In this regard, we are
e latest feather in the cap for Rio-Carb has
key customers, in addition to the fact that we
looking at the future development of hi-tech
been achieving ISO 9001 accreditation in
have a low staff turnover, with our technical
alloys to enhance performance and increase
order to boost its manufacturing processes
personnel representing a considerable pool of
longevity,” he concludes.
Founder and CEO Martin Maine
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Embracing TECH
3D Printing and the Mining Industry – e Age of Innovation A decline in productivity in the mining
won the minds of industry and, with
optimising extraction of products, and
industry over the past decade means industry
numerous projected advantages, stand to
eliminating unnecessary time barriers to the
leaders have been forced to look into an
change the face of production as we know it. If
effective running of operations.
overhaul of existing processes as traditional
3DP evolves as anticipated, its potential will
methods are found wanting in terms of
be rather unrestricted in terms of materials
efficiency and cost. Use of technology is one
used, scale, strength, and advancement of
proposed solution, but it will be innovation
As with all evolving technologies, 3DP will
precision-manufactured items out of multiple
that will make a marked difference in streamlining the mining industry. With 3D
have to prove it can produce high quality and
printing (3DP) at the forefront of tech
As it stands, the mining industry is a sector
materials in order to withstand the rigorous
development, it is somewhat unsurprising that
plagued by the demands of high outputs and
demands of the mining industry. is will also
proposed usages of 3DP seem set to
efficiency weighed against the high cost of
have to be done in situ in some remote and
revolutionise supply chain operations in the
downtime and the contingencies made for
unforgiving environments if 3DP is to be
mining industry.
same. ese contingencies include the high
chosen over traditional manufacturing –
cost of material inputs, excess inventory and
something technology observers believe to be
associated warehousing and storage costs on-
attainable in the next ve to ten years.
3DP is an additive process whereby layers of
site, or logistical costs of urgently transporting
However, proposed adaptations of 3DP in the
raw materials are successively laid down to
parts when operations have come to a
mining industry claim to counteract the
create a tangible object from a digital model.
problems associated with traditional
A digital image is looked at as thousands of
Mining operations rely heavily on original
manufacturing methods.
layers, which are then recreated by printers. In
equipment manufacturers to produce
“Mining operators should not put off
the last decade, 3DP has grown enormously
precision-engineered parts. is, oen at great
experimenting with various applications of
and is now utilised in the medical, automotive,
cost. It is against this backdrop that industry
3DP in their facilities. Developing knowledge
and aerospace industries to name a few. Rapid
leaders are tasked with nding solutions that
and skills, and testing the impact these
prototyping and rapid manufacturing have
will have the practical effect of reducing costs,
technologies can have on their current
| Nov - Dec 2016
Embracing TECH
operational strategies, will certainly stand
suit the needs of a particular operation. is
Simpli cation across the supply chain
them in good stead in the future.” says David
comes off the back of the ease with which 3DP
e proposals made in terms of 3DP will
Bullock, MD of Rapid 3D, resellers of
can be used to replicate an item from a digital
mean simultaneous changes to the supply
professional and industrial grade 3D printers
copy on-site to suit the operation's unique
chain operations of the mines using the
and Rapid 3D Parts, a full service 3D printing
requirements. Predictive maintenance has also
technology. ese changes to the point of
bureau service.
been proposed whereby a printer could be
manufacture, inventory, equipment, labour,
attached to equipment to x components,
transportation, and products stand to be
Parts failures and maintenance
increasing the life span of that component and
signi cantly simpli ed, seeing a far more
Where downtime is related to parts failures,
addressing wear and tear.
efficient use of nancial and material
existing supply chains gives way to true on-
resources in future. As the complexity of the
3DP offers a facility to produce parts on-site and on-demand, allowing for effective insourcing of parts as and when they are
3DP addresses many questions of
demand in-sourcing of parts, operations
needed. With access to a digital spare parts
sustainability that have become so topical of
strategies and policies would need to be
library and the requisite printing technology,
late. Not only would transportation costs be
adapted in order to ensure effectiveness.
the remoteness of a site becomes
reduced as alluded to above, but evolution of
inconsequential and the high cost and
the technology could make the designs
environmental impact of transportation and
themselves, more energy and fuel efficient.
In the coming years, we are bound to see 3DP
warehousing of inventory is drastically
Unlike traditional manufacturing where raw
disseminated and normalised in our daily
reduced. Furthermore, the raw materials used
materials are subtracted resulting in waste, the
lives, but not before it radically rede nes
for 3DP are usually in powder form and are
process of additive manufacturing in itself
various stages of production and
thus easier to transport and store. A self-
sees reduced waste in terms of energy used for
manufacturing. In the mining industry, where
sustaining picture emerges where the
production and that of raw materials. It is also
the focus is output and productivity, 3DP
operation itself is responsible for identifying
foreseen that used or faulty parts can be
stands to hold the answer to driving efficiency
an equipment failure and printing the
recycled allowing for the re-use of their raw
and creating mining-speci c solutions in a
materials further adding to the sustainability
largely sustainable manner.
3DP also allows designs to be customised to
of 3DP.
Nov - Dec 2016
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Embracing TECH
e critical role of
geospatial mapping for mining e mining industry undeniably impacts the natural landscape, both directly in terms of physical change and indirectly by in uencing surrounding areas such as water and air quality. It also changes local population dynamics, serving as a catalyst for infrastructure development and job creation. Having an awareness and understanding of these impacts is becoming increasingly critical for the sector to operate in a responsible manner and should be incorporated into major decision-making processes, writes Laura Cornish.
| Nov - Dec 2016
e ability to spatially quantify the current extent of mining activity in a regional context is an important component and oen a prerequisite in many regional assessment or monitoring procedures where spatial intelligence is required in support of decision making. In response to this, privately owned geospatial mapping and remote sensing specialist GeoTerraImage has released a new geospatial dataset tool called 'Mining in southern Africa' which provides precise locational intelligence on current mining
activity across twelve countries, from the gold mines in South Africa to the Copperbelt mines in the southern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It speci cally covers Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – in addition to South Africa and southern DRC. Mark ompson, director at GeoTerraImage, explains that the data generated was completed over a 24 month timeframe using the latest generation of 30 m resolution, Landsat 8 satellite imagery. e
Embracing TECH
information is available as a geospatial mapbased product, suitable for GIS (geographic information systems) applications or as an Excel spreadsheetbased database. It has captured all mining-related activity across the sub-continent, from mine water ( ooded pits and tailing dams), (evaporative) 'salt mines', (road-side) 'borrow-pits and small quarries' and all 'other' mines, mainly representative of the larger commercial operations. (No distinction has been made between active or decommissioned mines, although the occurrence of ooded pits may be an indirect indicator of activity status.) Ultimately, it represents the baseline for present mining extents which can be used in understanding historical change and future growth potential of mining activity. “Converging business with this location intelligence can reveal important insights and also provide users a competitive advantage. It is a validation tool,” ompson highlights.
It is important to note that this mining speci c information is an update and expansion of an existing baseline landscape analysis that started in South Africa and has been expanded across the southern African region. “is regional landscape analysis is completely independent and self-funded by GeoTerraImage”, explains ompson. “e mining-speci c data tool was created as a modi cation and upgrade following interest for this speci c data from environmental groups and the sector itself; and we are currently enhancing the tool by adding information on agriculture and human settlement patterns.” But it is in combination with GeoTerraImage's additional geospatial tools that the mining industry truly starts to see bene ts. “We can overlap our mining dataset with other in-house maps that highlight supplementary equally important mining related information – such as populations and their proximity to a mine, or the
presence of wetlands or even artisanal activity,” ompson explains. is information is highly valuable to a mining company and can help it make informative decisions that can secure government buyin/consent as well as the highly critical social licence to operate. Governments would also bene t immensely from such information when looking to award new licences or verify mining activity in their own countries. “We want to add value to the mining industry and further support those businesses that track the industry as well by providing comparative information and information that can help make strategic decisions. Our new tool in particular can be used as a reference base on which to converge end-user business with location intelligence to help reveal or con rm important regional insights on current mining activity and impact,” ompson concludes.
Movers & SHAKERS
Heavy Minerals Mining Africa is a continent richly endowed with a
while other countries like Namibia,
variety of economically viable mineral
Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Sierra Leone,
deposits. e continued discoveries of these
Gambia and Mauritania also have heavy
sapphire, garnet and occasionally gemstones. Application
mineral deposits have made the continent a
mineral potential.
Heavy minerals have vital economic
beehive of activity in the recent past with
Heavy mineral sands are an accumulation of
applications. Even though the strength and
multinational mining companies seeking to
valuable minerals, normally called placer
chemical inertness of titanium allows it to be
have a piece of the pie.
deposits, formed by gravity separation during
used in defense, medical and aerospace
Heavy Minerals Mining is one of the
sedimentary processes.
industries more than 95 per cent of total
numerous exploration activities currently
Upon depositing of sand on the coastline by
titanium supply is for pigment production.
being undertaken on the continent. ey are
waves heavy minerals are concentrated as
Zircon is used in TV screens due to its ability
called heavy minerals because they have a
backwash carries some of the lighter minerals
to absorb X-rays. Its hardness, high melting
density greater than 2.9 g/cm3. 75 percent of
back to sea. Onshore winds which
point and low expansion coefficient when
the world's titanium is produced from heavy
preferentially blow lighter grains inland
heated enables it to be used in foundry sand
mineral sands. Various African countries have
sometimes lead to higher concentrations of
and as an abrasive.
huge deposits of this mineral with South
heavy minerals at the front of coastal dunes
It is also used as a source of zirconia for the
Africa being the second largest producer of
and as a result strandlines, old fossil
chemical industry in adhesives,
titanium and zircon in the world aer
shorelines, can now be found a little distance
antiperspirants, catalysts, aqueous polymers,
inland. Heavy mineral sands are an important
gelatin hardening and dyes. Zircon is also
Kenya will see its rst bulk shipment of
source of titanium, rare earth elements,
used mostly in the ceramics industry to glaze
titanium minerals come online in January
thorium, zirconium and tungsten and
2014 from Base Titanium's Kwale project
industrial minerals such as diamond,
| Nov - Dec 2016
nishes of tiles, crockery and bathware for durability and resistance to discoloration.
Movers & SHAKERS
As a metal Zirconium is fairly so, malleable
endowed with the minerals by generating
controversies. Since most of the heavy mineral
and easily worked. Its high density and high
signi cant export and direct government
activities take place in beach environments,
melting point makes it suitable to be used in
revenues. Such countries also bene t from
the operations require the strip mining of
modern superconductors. e oxide is also
direct tax and royalty payments.
large areas. Most of the land explored is
used in fuel cells, transducers in audio
Despite all the bene ts mentioned above,
ecologically sensitive and contains fragile
equipment and oxygen sensors. In the paper
mining of these minerals have attracted
ecosystems built up on poor sandy soils.
coating industry, Zr-carbonate acts as an insolubilizer while in textiles potassium hexa uorozirconate acts as a ame retardant. Bene ts Heavy mineral mining has both economic and social bene ts to the host countries. Mining of these minerals creates employment for thousands of citizenry. is signi cantly improves the social status of the people in the third world countries. It also leads to development of various infrastructure projects such as roads, ports, dams e.t.c. An ideal example of how these mining activities can bene t the local people and play an important role in advancing the national economy well beyond the life of the mining operation is Base's Kwale project in Kenya. e mining activities also contribute signi cantly to the economies of countries
Managing water consumption in mining As water experts warn of a serious global water shortage, the need for sustainable water management within the mining industry has become critical. So what is the mining industry, a known water polluter and guzzler, doing to conserve this precious resource it can't function without? In 2010, the UN declared access to clean water a human right. ree years later, 500 water scientists from the Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Centre warned that the majority of people on Earth will be forced to live with severe pressure on fresh water supply within the space of two generations, due to over-use, climate change and pollution. Considering this sobering prediction, which could lead to death and human disaster, it's no surprise that organisations, NGOs and governments are putting increased pressure on industries, such as mining, which uses water heavily, to be more sustainable.
| Nov - Dec 2016
Not that encouragement should be needed, as for miners, no water means no business. Mining uses water primarily for mineral processing, dust suppression, slurry transport and employees' needs. In most mining operations, water is sought from groundwater, streams, rivers and lakes, or through commercial water service suppliers. But oen, mine sites are located in areas where water is already scarce and, understandably, local communities and authorities oen oppose mines using water from these sources. But it isn't just the procurement of water that's a problem; water extraction is also an issue. In many cases, especially with underground mining, water needs to be pumped away from a mine site, which can reduce the levels of ground water, deplete surface water or cause pollution to local rivers. A coherent approach should aim at
managing water for both drought and ood situations; using “lower quality” water sources not used by other sectors, such as sewage effluent, seawater, poor quality groundwater or recycled mining withdrawals; demonstrating good water stewardship by implementing accurate, consistent and transparent water accounting frameworks; and understanding environmental impacts and community concerns and cumulative impact assessment. A determination of water withdrawals that are put to bene cial use in mining operations can be difficult, especially when dewatering is necessary for extraction of the mineral. Water produced from dewatering varies in quality, from fresh to saline, and is generally disposed of through surface discharge, ponding or re-injection. Some of the less mineralised water may be reused for irrigation or livestock. e increasing cost of water has also obliged
the mining industry to be more efficient in its use, reducing losses and recycling as much as possible. is requires the development of sound and reliable water balances. e impact of mining activities and of mine waste deposits on water quality in the area surrounding the mining project is another important concern for the mining industry. e water management strategy for each mining project involves segregation of catchment types to minimise the mineaffected water inventory, wherever possible meeting project demands with locally sourced water and releasing water from mine affected catchments only when speci c ow and water quality conditions are met in the receiving environment. e key aspects could be: Diversions: Re-routing the ow path of creeks or other waterways to prevent water from entering the active mining area; Water segregation: Separation of water based on quality in order to maximise opportunities for reuse and minimise the mine water inventory;
Controlled disposal: Disposal of water from mining areas to the environment, taking into consideration ow and water quality characteristics of the receiving environment; Water demands and sources: Identifying and quantifying water demands and supply methods, and aiming for a balance of supply and demand; Recycling and reuse: Identifying the
potential wastewater that can be reused aer further treatment. Technology will continue to be developed to nd innovative solutions to the challenges of obtaining water, reducing demand on water for mining processes, and designing more efficient and effective means of water management and treatment.
July - Aug 2016
Mining and the environment e impact of the mining industry on the
and the sensitivity of the local environment.
legislation, environmental impact
environment has been a public concern, with
e environmental impacts of mining,
assessments, environmental protection
growing appreciation of the natural
although signi cant, are generally con ned to
expenditure, rehabilitation and industry self-
environment and increasing awareness of the
local areas. Apart from direct physical impacts
possible harmful effects that the industry's
of extractive activities, contamination of air,
activities can cause. e industry and
land and water may also result. However,
Impact of the mining industry on the
government have responded with a number of
mining in isolation may not be the main land
initiatives and regulations to protect and
use that upsets ecological systems, as
Mineral exploration
manage the environmental effects of mining
environmental effects are cumulative in nature
Mineral exploration can impact on the
and other past activities or events may have
environment. Its effect depends on the scale of
e extractive nature of mining operations
contributed to these effects.
exploration and what equipment is used in the
creates a variety of impacts on the
is article brie y discusses the main
exploration phase. Initial exploration may
environment before, during and aer mining
environmental impacts of mineral mining,
involve the use of satellites and aerial
operations. e extent and nature of impacts
such as wastes, and the rate of resource use
photography, with the latter impacting
can range from minimal to signi cant
(where the supply of minerals depends on the
through noise and proximity to wildlife areas
depending on a range of factors associated
rate of resource use, which is affected by the
when conducted at a low altitude. Activities at
with each mine. ese factors include: the
economic life of mineral deposits and the rate
ground level oen require the use of bore
characteristic of the ore body; the type of
at which new reserves are discovered). e
holes, excavation pits and transect lines. e
technology and extraction methods used in
article also summarises environmental
use of support equipment also leaves an
mining and the on-site processing of minerals;
management initiatives, such as the use of
impact on the environment; exploration
| Nov - Dec 2016
vehicles require access tracks, and even
Referred to as mine tailings, this type of waste
extraction process. Metals (i.e. arsenic, cobalt,
helipads, if le unrehabilitated, can have
contains signi cant concentrations of
copper, cadmium, lead, silver and zinc)
medium- to long-term effects.
minerals that are not amenable to recovery at
contained in an excavated or exposed rock
the time of initial mining. Tailings are usually
may be leached out and carried downstream
Mining operation
disposed of in specially lined tailings dams,
by owing water.
Environmental impacts may also occur
which are normally capped and revegetated to
through mine establishment, ore extraction,
prevent the release of environmentally
Processing chemical pollution - spilling,
mineral concentration and associated
harmful materials. Other wastes from mining
leaking or leaching of chemical agents (i.e.
transport, provision of infrastructure (which
may be in the form of water and air pollution.
cyanide, sulphuric acid) from the minesite
may include whole townships) and
e majority of air emissions associated with
into nearby water bodies.
downstream processing.
the mining industry include dust, oxides of
Inherent to mining and mineral processing
nitrogen, sulphur dioxide and carbon
Erosion and sedimentation - erosion of
operations is the generation of wastes. ese
monoxide. Some of these come from mining
cleared land surface and dumped waste
are mostly in the form of waste rocks,
vehicles and on-site plant machinery. Water
material resulting in sediment loadings into
including surface waste rocks, rocks between
quality may be affected by:
the adjacent water bodies, particularly during
ore bodies or layers and other unwanted
material. is form of waste contains low or
Acid mine drainage - when large quantities
Environmental impacts resulting from mining
nil concentrations of the material desired and
of excavated rock containing sulphide
are not limited to current mining operations.
is oen relatively toxic. Normally, waste rocks
minerals interact with water and oxygen to
Mining residues and scars at old mining sites
are stockpiled or dumped adjacent to or near
create sulphuric acid.
may also impact on local environments. e
during reclamation.
Heavy metal contamination and leaching -
minesites has required comprehensive
Mineral processing produces wastes in grain
heavy metals occur naturally in many ores,
remediation efforts paid for with taxpayers
sizes of ne sand, silt and clay fractions.
and are oen released in the mineral
the excavation area, to be used later as back ll
legacy of abandoned, unrehabilitated
July - Aug 2016
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July - Aug 2016
Advertisers index 02 Endress+Hauser 07 MMI Steel 09 Spectrometer Tech 13 VR Steel 14 AXIS 17 Ausco 20 Tormac Pumps 23 Scantech 26 AEL 27 Servco 27 CMS Cepcor 29 Hefer 31 MMG 33 DPI Plastics 35 Royal Corporate Clothing 36 KSB 37 BMG 37 FMDRC-Zambia 38 Wear Check 39 Shamba Lodge 40 Energyst Page38
| Nov - Dec 2016