Volume 3. Issue 7. January - February 2017 D A R ME R S
Alien army worms invade corn in drought-hit southern Africa -p8 SA’S POULTRY INDUSTRY ON THE VERGE OF COLLAPSE. P6
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Contents 16
Business ProďŹ les
6 Sa’s poultry industry on the verge of collapse
37 Case IH celebrates 175 years of agricultural equipment production
Market Information
New Product & Services
13 Can organic farming improve food security for SA
61 Rolls Royce to supply engines for Claas agricultural vehicles
Machinery Preview
54 New Quantum tractors bring better performance
38 Jatropha: Gold plant catalysing Nigeria's biofuel resolution
Livestock 47 How do farmers keep animals healthy?
50 January - February 2017
Volume 3. Issue 7. January - February 2017 D A R ME R S
Editors note
Alien army worms invade corn in drought-hit southern Africa -p8
farmersreviewafric .com
the year 2017
Greetings and warm welcome to our 1st issue of Framers Review Africa for
Please visit the website
We are excited to bring you yet another edition where we strive to give you
Front cover : Army worm
informative, yet exciting content so that you can be glued in the magazine. Africa is projected to have a population of about 2.7 billion by 2060, providing policymakers, Governments and the public with a tough task:
Execu ve Editor
feeding a population that will nearly triple in 50 years, and which has been
Lee Daniels
struggling to produce enough to feed its current population.
Low agricultural productivity, hunger, malnutrition and food wastage are
some of the challenges that confront the continent's agribusiness industry.
Bertha M.
e continent also lacks adequate capability to add value to its produce,
Maxin Fourie
exporting most of this in raw form, only to export it back at much higher
Adver sing Execu ve
Russou Billiard
African countries are required to boost agricultural productivity and
enhance value addition of their produce to achieve economic and social
Cleopas M.
stability. It is sad that a majority of these countries are grappling with how to
achieve these goals.
Mkhululi K.
Our edition of Farmers Review Africa has taken that into consideration,
hence we seek to help farmers in addressing some of the challenges
Project Manager
bedevilling the industry, bring in new innovations and ways to make
Victor Ndlovu
agriculture a sustainable industry.
Some of the articles include Livestock weighing and identi cation systems,
milking machines, animal husbandry, green manuring and irrigation
Deward Sitali
zambia@farmersreviewafrica.com +260 96 187 4888 Himanot Kelemu
cucumbers and has made game-changing improvements in cucumber
genetics, thus we give a detail on this development.
Hazera, the vegetable seed company, has had a long history of breeding
Graphic Design & Layout
Scientists from Kenya's Meru University of Science and Technology have
Que Gibson
come up with one way to deal with the problem: a mobile app that monitors
the need for water in elds and controls irrigation equipment to deliver just
Published by
what is needed.
Mailing Times Media
Looking ahead, Farmers Review Africa will continue to serve our readers.
+27 11 044 8986
Information about the farmer is just as important as the relationship with the
farmer. We will continue to strive for balanced reporting and earning the highest respect from our readers. We feel strongly that if our product is right for readers, then it is right for advertisers.
Bertha M.
r 20
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2. Issue Volume
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3. May
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- June 2016
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Biotec hn EDS E A new olgy: HSH FUTUR e TEC E and pl ra for pla NEW TONTH nt ant p rotect pathology 50 LIGH ODInnovativefinancin-pgne ion O ede d 4 rowthindem OFF p3forg andfor -p fautomatic farmingequipment ThefutureoCanwefeed10billion -p16 esto peopleonorganic ingcom
milk Africa farmingalone? -p26 -p12
Pleas e visit the webs
farmersrevie ite wafrica
Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd
January - February 2017
Sa’s poultry industry
on the verge of collapse e poultry industry says it's on the verge of collapse as it battles with an in ux of cheap chicken imports being dumped by European Union countries and the United States. Chicken producers, including Rainbow
of imports of frozen bone-in chicken pieces
Also represented is the sector industry association, Poultry South Africa, and
from the EU and this investigation is far advanced.
representatives of the poultry producers,
e DTI said that it is working with DAFF on
representing business. Labour is represented
opening new markets for poultry exports.
Chicken, are set to retrench more than 3,500
by the leadership of the Food and Allied
Recently new markets in the Middle East have
workers in one of the largest industry jobs
Workers Union (FAWU).
been opened and present a further opportunity
bloodbaths as they struggle under heavy
In 2013, the import duty on a number of
for export to the domestic poultry industry in
competition from cheap imported chickens
poultry products was increased signi cantly.
South Africa. Furthermore, the dti is in the
from European Union countries. About 1,350
erefore, the current import duties for
process of considering the designation of
workers will be laid off by February.
chicken imports from countries like Brazil and
domestic poultry products for purposes of
e Department of Trade and Industry (the dti)
the United States are as follows: whole bird: 82
public procurement.
has said that it has secured signi cant progress
per cent, carcasses: 31 per cent, boneless cuts:
across a number of work-streams to develop a
12 per cent, offal: 30 per cent, bone-in
common response to the complex challenges
portions: 37 per cent.
facing the industry. Authorities and other industry players will meet at a summit in the coming weeks - in a
e work-streams established by government's task team to process a range of possible short and longer-term interventions include trade
e above import duties are not applicable
measures, health and quality issues,
to imports from the European Union (EU)
competitiveness, industry growth and
since South Africa has a preferential trade
transformation, among others.
last-ditch bid to save the South African chicken
agreement with the EU. However, in 2015 anti-
e dti said the task team would submit a set of
industry. Government recently established a
dumping measures ranging from 3.86 per cent
short-term and shared interventions for nal
poultry sector task team to deal with the crisis
to 73.33 per cent were imposed on frozen
rati cation as soon as the necessary technical
in the domestic poultry industry.
bone-in chicken pieces from Germany, the
work has been completed for the short-term
e Task Team is comprised of representatives
Netherlands and the United Kingdom. e
of the dti, the departments of economic
International Trade Administration
Meanwhile, government appealed to the
development, agriculture, forestry and sheries,
Commission of South Africa has also initiated
industry to do everything possible to prevent
as well as the Industrial Development
a safeguard investigation in regard to the surge
any plant closures and retrenchments.
January - February 2017
Addressing smallholder farmers’ needs with green manure cover crops and agroforestry in Zambia In Africa, mineral fertilizer remains a scarce, expensive, and risky resource for most
Ms Phiri
diversi cation through rotation and
arrangements. “We mostly like cowpea,
intercropping) hinges on the ability of farmers
pigeonpea, and lablab, because they provide
smallholder farmers. On average, farmers use
to retain sufficient surface crop residues to
grain and soil improvement at the same time.
less than 10 kg/ha of NPK fertilizer; and many
protect the soil from erosion, runoff,
We are not sure yet about jack bean although we
do not apply it at all. e price of fertilizer is 3-
evaporation, and excessive temperatures.
have seen that maize that is grown aer jack
5 times higher in Africa than in Europe due to
However, farmers in mixed crop-livestock
bean has higher yields,” Mr Paul Mbau from
the lack of infrastructure and production
systems face competing demands for these
Chiparamba said. To increase adoption, the
facilities, oen making it unaffordable and
residues because they also feed them to their
project is using an intensive participatory
sometimes inaccessible to farmers. Fertilizer is
animals. Green manure and selected
process to adapt the green manure to the needs
primarily applied to higher value and
agroforestry species are therefore grown to
and conditions of smallholder farmers.
horticulture crops that, unlike maize, give
improve the soil, generate biomass for ground
On project sites managed and implemented
farmers a greater return on their investment.
cover, and provide fodder; some also produce
by our project partner CRS, farmers discovered
Farmers in southern Africa plant maize
high protein grain for food, feed, or for sale on
that maize intercropped with green manure has
extensively on large areas, harvest less than 2 t/ha on average, extracting already depleted
the market.
other bene ts. Mr Shadreck Sakala from Samuel
For the past six cropping seasons, CIMMYT
Camp in Chipata highlighted: “Both of the plots
nutrients from the soil while trying to become
and its partners have tested a range of species.
where maize was intercropped with cowpea and
food secure and escape from poverty an
Crops such as velvet bean, lablab, cowpea,
lablab did much better in the dry spell and they
impossible task!
sunnhemp, jack bean, pigeonpea, and
only needed one weeding as compared with two
In Eastern Province of Zambia, farmers are
Gliricidia, have been identi ed as viable
or three on other plots”.
being offered a range of solutions by Africa
options with great potential for smallholders.
COMACO, another partner under Africa
RISING that provide a way out of this poverty
In some cases, they can provide 5-50 t/ha of
RISING has gained long-term experience of up
trap. ese technologies, options, and
extra biomass for groundcover and/or fodder,
to 5 years with a maize-Gliricidia intercropping
approaches include drought- and stress-
leave up to 350 kg/ha of residual nitrogen in
system, which is now being tested to better
tolerant maize germplasm, conservation
the soil and in most cases, do not need extra
understand the dynamics and yield effects of
agriculture (CA), improved rotation and
fertilizer to grow.
intercropping with grain legumes, agroforestry, and green manure cover crops. e use of CA principles (minimum soil disturbance, crop residue retention, and
this promising intercropping system on maize.
e Africa RISING project is testing these species, in full rotation or intercropped with
CIMMYT and its partners CRS, TLC, COMACO, and Grassroots Trust will further
maize, on farmers' elds and on-station to
explore new ways of integrating green manure
identify the best possible options and
into smallholder farming systems so it becomes the status quo, not just an option!
January - February 2017
Alien army worms invade corn in drought-hit southern Africa Aer southern Africa's worst drought in more
will have devastating effects not only in those
than 35 years ravaged crops and sent food
countries, but neighboring countries too,
Provinces Invaded Regardless of how the pests got to the
prices soaring, farmers are battling a new crisis:
because the spread capacity of this pest is very
continent, their destructive capacity is clear for
alien armyworms.
high,” said David Phiri, who co-ordinates the
growers like Mwiya. His farm is part of the more
Godwin Mukenani Mwiya rst noticed caterpillars chewing through his corn eld
FAO's operations in southern Africa, where
than 10 percent of Zambia's cultivated land
corn is a staple food.
that's so far been attacked.
south of Lusaka, Zambia's capital, near the end
African armyworms, a close relative, are
of December. Two weeks later, he'd lost half his
common on the continent. Malawi fought off
In Zimbabwe, the caterpillars had already invaded seven of the eight provinces where corn
crop to the pest that's already invaded more
an invasion a year ago, while an outbreak in
is grown. It's yet to be detected in South Africa,
than 10 percent of farms in the country and
late 2012 contributed to an 11 percent
the continent's biggest producer of the grain,
spread to Zimbabwe and Malawi.
reduction in Zambia's corn production the
with the government raising an alert and
e fall armyworm that's native to the Americas has arrived in southern Africa for the rst time, wiping out tens of thousands of acres of corn elds. For a region trying to recover
following year. e fall armyworm grows to a
preparing contingency plans in case of an
similar size of about 4 centimeters (1.6 inches).
outbreak, said Jan Hendrik Venter at the
Besides preying on crops, fall armyworms can
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and
become cannibalistic, eating competitors such
Fisheries' Plant Health Early Warnings unit.
from drought, the pest brings renewed fears of
as the African variety, according to a study by
Zimbabwe and Zambia are trying to contain the
food shortages and in ation. e United
scientists including Goergen published in
outbreak, with the latter declaring it a national
Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization
crisis and deploying the air force to help
says the effects could be devastating for the area
Severe outbreaks usually arrive with the start
distribute pesticide.
if its spread isn't controlled.
of the rains, especially aer a long period of
“It's really a national disaster because as you
drought, according to the study.
can see, half of my crop is gone,” Mwiya, a 56-
How did the pest arrive in Africa? e
“ere is no doubt that the introduction of this new pest will have lasting consequences for the farmer and food security in tropical Africa,”
year-old retired teacher who's been farming for
answer isn't yet clear, though Goergen says
said Goergen. “ere is de nitively an urgent
a decade, said as he scanned his ravaged eld.
there is evidence that there were at least two
need to develop local solutions building on the
“is has hit me below the belt.” About 32 million people in the region with a
separate introductions. One of the theories
experience in the Western Hemisphere and
he's investigating is that the moths ew over
adapting them.”
population of 236 million will be food insecure
the Atlantic ocean. at would mean a journey
e drought is easing in some areas, and
from June 2016 to March this year, the Regional
of at least 3,000 kilometers between the closest
“generally good rainfall” is forecast for the
Interagency Standing Committee for southern
points of South America and Africa.
southern and central parts of the region,
Africa, which includes the United Nations, said
“Among the speculations, climate change-
increasing chances for better production, the
in a report. Prices for white corn, a staple, are
induced variations in high-altitude wind
U.S. Agency for International Development's
about 50 percent above the ve-year average in
streams may have favored the shi from one
Famine early Warning Systems Network and the
July, it said.
continent to another,” he said in reply to e-
Southern African Development Community
mailed questions.
said in December. “However, the armyworm
Cannibal Caterpillars
outbreak threatens some reversals of these
“If not controlled in the countries affected, it
January - February 2017
Waging war on the Armyworm Fall Armyworm concerns demys fied Aer con rmation by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) that the recent pest infestation is in-fact the Fall Armyworm, concerns have been raised around what the impact could be on the South African economy. Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB Business believes we are in a good
Paul Makube-FNB
position to deal with the Fall Armyworm due to early detection. He answers questions that
Emergency Plant Pest Response Plan and is
have been asked about this recent invader in
fast tracking certi cation of pesticides,
the sector.
monitoring and dissemination of technical
What are the knock-on effects given South
information on control options.
Africa is starting to edge out of a drought?
In which provinces is the armyworm present?
ere is an immediate cost to the
At the moment it is in Limpopo and the North
How will this affect maize reserves?
affected farmers due to the need to
West provinces.
e outbreak, if not contained, has potential to
source registered and effective
reduce production. However, almost 80% of
What crops have been affected?
the country's maize is Bt maize and
Presently it is in maize, potentially in tomatoes
susceptibility is minimal. e large maize
Farmers who experience another lost crop (from the drought) and income
and potatoes. e pest infestation may not be
producing areas of SA are still relatively pest
could nd themselves in the red; it
limited to these crops only.
may take them years to fully recover.
Does it have an impact on what we export,
Will this have any impact on the pricing of
could South Africa face import restrictions?
e pest is airborne, it does not need to be
Although we should monitor the situation, it is
carried in harvested products to enter the
still way too early to conclude what the overall
country and therefore restrictions of exports
impact could be on price and broader market
will be ineffective. It is a pest that has travelled
factors. is can however quickly change as it
from the Americas through North Africa and
is a pest that is airborne and can spread easily.
has found its way in Southern Africa. What should farmers do to ensure minimal What is being done to contain the spread of
the fall armyworm?
Be alert - Scout for the pest and notify the
DAFF has implemented the South African
authorities for technical information and
“It is still early days, we need to have a measured approach as the pest is new to South Africa. ere are no proven remedies available for maize in the country, however, there are other chemicals that can be recommended, DAFF has already set in motion that new remedies be registered and certi ed for use. e commercial sector has the capacity to control the pest when the pesticides become available. We just have to minimise the infestation to ensure that the Fall Armyworm does not have extensive impact on a recovering sector,” concludes Makube.
January - February 2017
Zimbabwe’s smallholder irrigation receives international funding Zimbabwe's smallholder irrigation sector has received a US$25.5mn grant from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). According to Patrick Chinamasa, Minister of Finance and Economic Development, the grant signed in Rome on 18 November, 2016 will support the Zimbabwe Smallholder Irrigation Revitalisation programme (SIRP). It is also reported that IFAD approved the grant in September 2016. e SIRP is targeting 4,000 ha of smallholder irrigation schemes in communal and old resettlement areas in the country's four provinces namely Manicaland, Matebeleland South, Masvingo and Midlands. Chinamasa said that the objective of the programme is to sustainably increase diversi ed production, productivity, income and improve
the case. In 2014, the long rains barely came at all in Kenya, triggering a huge drought, incomes and livelihoods took a massive hit with widespread crop failures and livestock deaths. Again in 2015 the long rains were poor and, surprise surprise, in 2016 too. And, it doesn't seem to be getting better any time soon, the United Nations is warning that Kenyans should brace themselves: “ere is serious drought looming in 2017” (Reuters). In summary, those previously reliable rainfall patterns are seriously messed up. ere is generally less rain, and when it does come, it's erratic (IPCC, 2014). Smallholder farmers especially are at the mercy of the climate; crops, incomes and livelihoods are all on the line – and they can do little more than try again and pray. In our small way, we hope that our solar irrigation pump will help farmers adapt to the erratic climate patterns, since the rains can no longer be relied upon. At least if there is a nearby water source farmers can guarantee a harvest in the dry season. And unlike increasingly common petrol pumps, our solar pumps won't contribute to the rapidly rising carbon emissions which are the cause of this instability. But for oods, all we can do is offer our sympathy and some sand bags to these inundated farmers. As for the new US administration, comfortable in their climate controlled buildings, blissfully ignorant to the daily battles of smallholder farmers, history will not look kindly upon them. It is each of our jobs to ensure that science, and climate friendly innovations prevail.
Agriculture resilience of households in the selected mostly dry and arid regions of
the country.
e programme also seeks to provide support to improve market access
and capacity building measures to boost food security, enhance
management capacities within government and farmers institutions and
to ensure the sustainability of the investment.
African climate goes haywire while Trump gags climate researchers
Dam Linings and Tarps Reservoir linings
Earth dam linings
Mid-dry season – Western Kenya A couple of days ago, something strange and awful happened in one of the farming communities we work with in Western Kenya: a ash ood. e strange thing about this? It's meant to be the dry season. Two huge rainstorms hit Kisumu county and a river burst its banks. e carefully planted and irrigated crops were obliterated in an instant, now they sit waterlogged and rotting. is season there will be no harvest for the farmers. Meanwhile, far away on the other side of the world, one of the rst actions by the new US President was to remove all references to climate change from the White House website, ll his cabinet with oil barons, and to instigate an apparent clampdown on climate scientists speaking to the media. To anyone paying the slightest bit of attention, it's clear to see the climate is changing. irty years ago, the rainy and dry seasons in Kenya were as reliable as clockwork. For generations, smallholder farmers planted seeds in anticipation of the rains, growing two crop cycles each year to exploit the rainy periods. However, in the ve years I've been involved in smallholder irrigation, every single African farmer I've spoken with has told me this is no longer
January - February 2017
Trailer Tarpaulins
Truck tarpaulins
Welded mesh reservoirs
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East Africa recognises AFGRI’s contribution to food security AFGRI Uganda was recognised by the East
food security and to prevent post-harvest
African people as the largest contributor
losses on grain commodities.”
towards food security at the annual East Africa
Across the African continent, AFGRI assists
the winners. Companies in East Africa have been enthusiastic about the possibilities in harnessing the unique appeal of being a record
Book of Records (EABR) awards.
farmers to develop subsistence farms into
breaker. Previous winners of the East African
At the handover ceremony recently held in
semi-commercial farms in its efforts to ensure
Award include the President of Uganda Yoweri
Uganda, attended by members of AFGRI's
food security. AFGRI Grain Management in
Museveni and other distinguished individuals
management team, EABR honoured AFGRI
Uganda incorporates Farmer assistance and
and companies.
with the award for Responsible Consumption
mentoring services, grain handling, grain
and Production in recognition of its sustainable
storage and grain marketing.
contribution to agriculture in the region.
e EABR aims to inspire ordinary people
Jacob de Villiers, Managing Director, Grain
into doing extraordinary things in line with
Management at AFGRI, says the award proves
the United Nations Sustainable Development
At the 2017 ceremony, the awards were handed over by the Burundi Ambassador to Uganda standing in for the Speaker of Parliament, Honourable Rebecca Kadaga. De Villiers concluded by saying that this is a
that AFGRI's initiatives to assist small scale
Goals. At the annual awards ceremony, the
tremendous accolade for AFGRI in support of
farmers in the region are paying off. “AFGRI's
EABR recognises ground breaking
its vision of being an enabler to food security
Grain Management business in Uganda began
achievements in various categories and records
across the continent.
in 2013 with the purpose of managing grain for
such achievement by awarding certi cates to
January - February 2017
Market Information
Can organic farming improve food
security for Sa’s poor communities? 14 million South Africans do not have access to
University of Pretoria and the University of
than did chemically-treated soils,” Auerbach
regular food supply, and seven million are
Limpopo, Professor Auerbach, who is based at
chronically hungry despite South Africa
the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University,
Although there are clear bene ts to organic
producing enough food to feed its 53 million
wanted to nd out whether smallholder
farming, initial low yields due to low soil
citizens. Produce crop yields that can provide
farmers could use organic practices to improve
phosphate pose a major hurdle for organic
food and income to families, require soils
yield and nutritional quality of their crops.
farmers. Putting grain or vegetables on the table
While chemical fertilisers increased the
or the market is ultimately all that matters to the
containing plenty of minerals and water. While commercial farmers use chemical fertilisers to
amount of phosphorus available to the plants,
farmer. Yet, organically treated crops provided
add nutrients to the soil, these fertilisers are
they also made the soil more acidic. Organic
20-40% less yield than their chemically treated
unaffordable for small-scale farmers.
treatments, meanwhile, increased phosphorus
counterparts in the rst two years. However,
Organic matter such as compost, manure, and
and potassium slightly, but also reduced soil
input costs were also signi cantly lower; usually
bone meal offers a cheaper source of both
acidity and increased soil organic matter.
by the fourth year, the soil biology has improved
nutrients and carbon, which improve the soil's
ese ndings suggest that less acidity and
enough to help with soil phosphate availability.
ability to hold precious water. is is what
greater organic matter in the organically-
“If organic farming methods are to improve
prompted Professor Raymond Auerbach, a
treated soils made more potassium available to
the wellbeing of South Africa's poorest
senior researcher affiliated to the DST-NRF
the plants.
communities, the yield-gap between organic and
Centre of Excellence in Food Security to undertake research comparing crops grown using organic and chemical fertilisers. Collaborating with researchers from the
“Importantly, for drought-prone areas like
chemical treatments will have to be closed. is
Mpumalanga, North West, Limpopo and the
is a priority for future research,” says Professor
Free State, the organically-treated soils held
more moisture aer a three-week dry spell
January - February 2017
Market Information
Global African agribusiness accelerator program launched at AGCO future farm in Lusaka, ZAmbia Global Africa Agribusiness Accelerator
young agribusiness entrepreneurs discussing
Program (GAAAP) officially launched on
the importance of technology adoption in
Wednesday, December 14, 2016, at the AGCO
modern farming and agribusiness and how
entrepreneurs in this area. Michael Sudarkasa, the founder of GAAAP, outlined the objectives of the initiative:
Future Farm in Lusaka by the Vice President of
best they can develop strategies to acquire
“We want to promote intra-African, intra-youth,
Zambia, Her Excellency Inonge Mutukwa Wina
technology they deem bene cial to the growth
knowledge and success model sharing, trade and
in the company of Gary Collar, Senior Vice
of their businesses.
investment in agriculture and agribusiness
President and General Manager for AGCO
And speaking at the same launch, Gary Collar
among platform members,” said Michael.
Asia-Paci c and Africa; Nuradin Osman,
reiterated AGCO's Future Farm vision as being
Michael added, “We further want to promote
AGCO Vice President and General Manager
a leading edge agricultural mechanization and
youth in agriculture and agribusiness by
for Africa; and Michael Sudarkasa, Chief
technology centre committed to developing
showcasing and promoting platform members,
Executive officer of the Africa Business Group-
the next generation of farmers, farm workers
creating mutually bene cial linkages between
Pioneers of GAAAP.
and agricultural entrepreneurs in Africa.
youth-owned enterprises and the growing
e Global African Agribusiness Accelerator
“e Future Farm brings the best practical
Platform identi es and works with Africa-
knowledge and services from AGCO and a
active agribusiness/agriculture enterprise
broad range of partners from across the
number of smallholder farmer transformation 'projects' on the continent.” During the event, delegates were treated to a
owners aged 40 or below who have been in
agricultural value chain to transform Africa's
tour of the AGCO Future Farm showcasing the
business at least two to three years or more, and
agricultural development. is form of
current projects and trends in technology, from
who seek to grow their enterprises by 20
collaboration builds a sustainable food
the agronomical demonstration plots that
percent year-on-year over the next three years.
production system,” Gary said.
AGCO is managing with the help of its partners
And speaking at the launch, the Vice President of Zambia encouraged young women to take up agriculture. “I am delighted to see young women taking
e two-day event equally saw delegates not involved with primary production able to
in the agribusiness value chain to the Fully Fused Future Farm operations centre which
discuss the importance of technology, beyond
showcases the current technology in machinery
the farm, in processing, packaging and
and farm management. Delegates were also
up leadership roles in agriculture and breaking
retailing. To ensure maximum exposure,
shown the GSI poultry production unit and
stereotypes that agriculture is a man's eld,”
delegates were introduced to professionals
grain storage systems and had a crash course on
said Vice President Inonge Wina.
representing various programs/projects that
tractor operations and how best mechanization
e rst session of the GAAAP was aimed at
exist across Africa who are supporting young
can bene t and upscale their businesses.
From left to right: Louisa Parker, External Affairs, AGCO; Gary Collar, Senior Vice President Asia-Pacific and Africa, AGCO; Michael Sudarkasa, CEO, Africa Business Group; Elly Mwale, CEO, Glymo Enterprises; Jason Burbidge, Director of Sales and Distribution Southern and East Africa and General Manager, AGCO Zambia.
January - February 2017
Market Information Mr. Yoav Levy, Hazera's Regional Product Manager for Cucurbits
Hazera display new cucumber developments Hazera, the vegetable seed company, has had
started specialising in the long type for non-
“is is a winter variety with excellent color,
a long history of breeding cucumbers and has
heated greenhouses, mostly in the
lenghth and shelf life and resistance to viruses.
made game-changing improvements in
Mediterranean region. Here we introduced
e developments in long cucumber breeding in
cucumber genetics.
similar innovations, including extended shelf
Spain will certainly have a positive consolidation
Hazera's Global Cucurbits product manager Mark van der Zouwen released a statement
life (many remember the Suprami variety) and
in other regions with similar growing
lately we came up with varieties combining
conditions, such as Greece, Mexico, Oceania and
outlining the company's improvements in
resistances to both powdery mildew and virus
South Africa.”
cucumber genetics, as well as embracing other
diseases such as CVYV and CYSDV.
What will the cucumber future look like for
types of cucumber, conquering new markets,
In the mini types, Hazera is now in the top 3 of
Hazera? Mark:”We will further extend our
and exploring new marketing possibilities.
breeding companies worldwide, with varieties
breeding activities to all important regions for
Mark van der Zouwen: “Hazera's heritage
that are very well adapted to the
this worldwide crop. Our rich gene pool will be
started in mini cucumber, that are mostly
Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Central
used to create genetic diversity netuned to the
grown in non-heated greenhouses in the
American markets. Mark: “Our market shares
major production areas. Disease resistances,
Mediterranean region, in the Middle East,
in mini are growing steadily, and we have
especially to root and viral diseases will be
Central Asia and in the
extended our breeding activities, locating them
crucial, and could be a way to avoid costly
Americas as well.
Today mini cucumbers are grown as well in
in the very middle of these regions. Beside
graing. We'll adapt our varieties to effective
heated greenhouses in North America and
successful varieties for spring-summer like the
high yield growing techniques. And last but not
northern Europe. Hazera now covers the
Bereket and Dennis, we now launch new
least we will develop products responding to the
complete range. We introduced many
varieties also for the more stressful cool season
needs of the entire fresh produce chain. e aim
breakthrough innovations since the nineteen
as successors to Cohiba. A very interesting
is to look for possible innovations to turn bulk
eighties. For example strong improvements in
development is the midi cucumber for heated
products into products that offer better
fruit quality (uniform shape and colour),
greenhouses like our spring-autumn variety
convenience and superior added value to
drastic yield improvement, adaptability to
Nikifor that is giving high yield and fruit
consumers. Aer all they are the ones who
different growing conditions and more recently
quality, for example in Poland where high-tech
consume the nal product and for whom we are
long shelf life. In the early eighties we also
growers are using it.”
working every day.”
January - February 2017
Market Information
Indorama powers Nigeria with petrochemicals and fertilisers As the world's population increases and the diets of the developing world continue to improve, demand for meat and crops means food production could need to increase by up to 70% by 2050. Fertilizers will undoubtedly play a major role in this production upli. Fertilisers, undoubtedly are at the forefront of modern day agricultural revolutions. ey are also key to securing the food need of a country as no country in modern times have been able to increase agricultural productivity without expanding the use of chemical industry. e emergence of Indorama Eleme Petrochemicals Limited (IEPL), Port Harcourt through the nation's privatisation programme in 2006 and the commissioning of its world-class fertilizer plant in 2016 have fueled tremendous socio-economic activities January - February 2017
in Nigeria, especially in the industrial and agricultural sectors. Indorama's fertilizer plant in Port Harcourt with capacity for 1.5 million metric tons of granular Urea is the world's largest single-line Urea facility. Right from August 2006, IEPL has been supplying highly needed petrochemicals – polyethylene, polypropylene and PET (also called polymer resins), of different grades and variants to over 450 Nigerian companies spread all over the country. ese companies use Indorama resins to manufacture items such as water tanks; automobile dashboards, bumpers and fenders; helmets, waste disposal bins, carpets, arti cial hairs, containers for healthcare products, bottles for water and beverages, plastic chairs and tables, sacks, shopping bags, industrial pipes, bread wrappers and other packaging products [16] FARMERS REVIEW AFRICA
used in the beverage, bottling, pharmaceuticals, paints, textiles and allied industries. In the area of fertilizers, Indorama Eleme Fertilizer and Chemicals Limited (IEFCL) has become Nigeria's prime fertilizer solutions provider through supplies of its granular Urea to over 20 million farmers across all the states and Abuja, as well as giving free agronomy extension services and training to the farmers. Aer satisfying all local demands for fertilizer, surplus production will be exported to earn foreign exchange for the country. Users of Indorama's Urea fertilizer and its petrochemical products as raw materials create huge employment opportunities for Nigerians --- directly and indirectly. e multiplier effect on the economy is formidable. It is not surprising why experts www.farmersreviewafrica.com
Market Information
believe strongly that, indeed, Indorama is fueling socio-economic growth in Nigeria! Improved crop management practices for sustainable production Economically, a well-managed farm is one that consistently makes greater pro ts than similarly structured, neighboring farms. Because random, localized events such as weather oen mask differences or similarities in management, it is important to observe differences in pro ts that persist over time—those which statistically differ. Indorama Agronomic Services make things grow, with fertilizers and highefficiency plant nutrient technology advisories grounded in science. By examining and understanding the science that affects crops, they create technologies that can optimize our customers/farmers' fertilizer investments, portal is a one-stop crop management information resource for the farmers. Agronomic Services provides detailed content on crops, crop management techniques, fertilizers & pesticides and a host of other agriculture related material. Generic information enriches Farmers with common topics on agriculture like Soils, Seeds, Nutrients, Fertilizers, and best
management practices for optimum crop production and pro ts. Our team of expert agronomists, working together with universities and government researchers, are committed to developing and delivering Agronomic services our customers can trust, help in problem solving mechanisms in the farmer's own situation based on the reality that considerable number of farmers has limited Agronomic information eg Knowledge in the form of crop management, pest management, water management, soil management, implements, agricultural advancement etc. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) In IEFCL. e era of corporate organizations paying lip service to social responsibility is fast coming to an end. e recent past has seen corporate social responsibility becoming a process from a concept and also organizations deriving value from this initiative. Alongside of the Group Company Indorama Eleme Petrochemicals Limited, IEFCL has implemented several CSR projects and has also signed an MOU with the hose communities on the investments in such projects.
Indorama has contributed remarkably to the wellbeing of its host communities in Rivers State through numerous community development projects and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives including enjoying the dividends of their 7.5% shares of the company. Indorama's achievements and milestones In 2012, the company built and commissioned a new PET plant, the only one in sub-Saharan Africa. ey also commenced construction of a new fertilizer plant in 2013; alongside two other complementary projects – an 84-kilometre gas pipeline and a port terminal at Onne Port in Port Harcourt. ese three projects were all completed on schedule. Indorama Corporation has invested about $3.5 billion in Nigeria since they became core investors in Eleme Petrochemicals in 2006. In the near future, we will also be investing in Methanol and NGL plants, and by 2019, they would have invested about a total of $4.7 billion to realize their vision of building the largest petrochemicals hub of Africa in Nigeria. e company has positioned itself as one of the leading suppliers of Polyole n in African continent and in US, Europe and Asia as well.
Indorama and KNARDA Team
January - February 2017
Market Information
Recognizing its outstanding contribution to the exports, the company was awarded, the prestigious Presidential Award for Exports by the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) for the year 2011. One amongst the key factors that have enabled IEPL in its strategic positioning has been its continuous efforts at ensuring total customer satisfaction by supplying highquality products consistently. Besides, the company's competitive pricing and technological capabilities to produce more than 35 customized grades of PE and PP, suiting to the speci c requirements of the customers have given a competitive edge to IEPL. Fertiliser and methonal plant design e project is constructed in the 400-acre Eleme industrial complex, which already includes ole ns, butene, polyethylene and polypropylene plants. It is well-equipped with facilities such as a captive power plant, an effluent treatment plant, storage facilities, bagging systems and warehouses. e complex also has a PET plant, which was commissioned in July 2012. “Construction of the fertiliser methanol plants is part of Indorama's aim to create the largest petrochemicals hub in the country."
Indorama's new facility at the complex is a gas-to-urea-based plant. It produces urea from natural gas feedstock using KBR's puri er technology. e project included the construction of a 2,300 metric tonnes per day (mtpd) ammonia plant and a 4,000mtpd urea plant. Feedstock is supplied by the Nigerian Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli (Agip) pipeline company through an 84km-long pipeline with a diameter of 35cm. e project also included the construction of a multipurpose jetty at Onne Port, which is located 16km away from the project site. Up to 70% of the fertilisers produced at the plant are transported to the jetty for export markets, while the remaining are lled in 50kg bags and sold within the domestic market. Technology at IEFCL's Nigerian facility KBR's puri er process system includes a feed / effluent exchanger and a column, including a condenser and an expander. e technology has very low-energy consumption and produces high-purity synthesis gas, from which ammonia can be extracted. Impurities from the synthesis gas are separated by washing it with excess nitrogen.
Project bene ts and contractors involved e new facility provides urea at an affordable price to the domestic market in Nigeria. It employs approximately 3,800 people during the construction period. It also generates 250 direct and 348 indirect jobs aer completion. Production from the new plant allows the country to reduce its reliance on urea imports and helps Nigeria become self-sufficient. e plant also exports the surplus to various countries, including Brazil, Ghana, India, South Africa, the UK and the US. Financing Nigeria's fertiliser plant e total estimated investment on the project was $1.2bn. In February 2013, IEFCL signed a long-term nancing agreement for $800m with commercial banks and 16 global developmental nancial organisations to construct the plant. International Finance Corporation (IFC) provided $375m in nancing to support the project. IEFCL received a $100m loan from the African Development Bank (AfDB) in January 2013 for the construction and operation of the new plants.
Indorama University trials
January - February 2017
Market Information
Renewable Energy and Agriculture:
A Natural Fit
Agriculture is the sole provider of human food. Most farm machines are driven by fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and, in turn, accelerate climate change. Such environmental damage can be mitigated by the promotion of renewable resources such as solar, wind, biomass, tidal, geo-thermal, small-scale hydro, biofuels and wave-generated power. ese renewable resources have a huge potential for the agriculture industry. e farmers should be encouraged by subsidies to use renewable energy technology. e concept of sustainable agriculture lies on a delicate balance of maximizing crop productivity and maintaining economic stability, while minimizing the utilization of nite natural resources and detrimental environmental impacts. Sustainable agriculture also depends on replenishing the soil while minimizing the use of non-renewable resources, such as
January - February 2017
natural gas, which is used in converting atmospheric nitrogen into synthetic fertilizer, and mineral ores, e.g. phosphate or fossil fuel used in diesel generators for water pumping for irrigation. Hence, there is a need for promoting use of renewable energy systems for sustainable agriculture, e.g. solar photovoltaic water pumps and electricity, greenhouse technologies, solar dryers for post-harvest processing, and solar hot water heaters. In remote agricultural lands, the underground submersible solar photovoltaic water pump is economically viable and also an environmentally-friendly option as compared with a diesel generator set. If there are adverse climatic conditions for the growth of particular plants in cold climatic zones then there is need for renewable energy technology such as greenhouses for maintaining the optimum plant ambient temperature conditions for
the growth of plants and vegetables. Wind Power Wind technologies provide mechanical and electrical energy. Wind turbines operate on a simple principle: Wind turns rotor blades, which drive an electric generator, turning the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy. Farms have long used wind power to pump water and generate electricity. Recently, wind developers have installed large wind turbines on farms and ranches in a number of states to provide power to electric companies and consumers. Small wind systems can serve agriculture in traditional ways, such as using mechanical energy to pump water or grind grain. As costs decrease, small systems used to generate electricity may also become economically efficient by avoiding the expense of installing transmission wires, especially in more remote applications. Where connected to the electricity distribution grid, small windmills can generate revenue through electricity sales when generation exceeds internal
Market Information
requirements. Biomass Energy Biomass energy is produced from plants and organic wastes—everything from crops, trees, and crop residues to manure. Crops grown for energy could be produced in large quantities, just as food crops are. While corn is currently the most widely used energy crop, native prairie grasses such as switchgrass or fast-growing trees such as poplar and willow are likely to become the most popular in the future. ese perennial crops require less maintenance and fewer inputs than do annual row crops such as corn, so they are cheaper and more sustainable to produce. Crops and biomass wastes can be converted to energy on the farm or sold to energy companies that produce fuel for cars and
tractors and heat and power for homes and businesses. Solar Energy e amount of energy from the sun that reaches Earth each day is enormous. All the energy stored in Earth's reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas is equal to the energy from only 20 days of sunshine. Solar energy can be used in agriculture in a number of ways, saving money, increasing self-reliance, and reducing pollution. Solar energy can cut a farm's electricity and heating bills. Solar heat collectors can be used to dry crops and warm homes, livestock buildings, and greenhouses. Solar water heaters can provide hot water for dairy operations, pen cleaning, and homes. Photovoltaics (solar electric panels) can power farm operations and remote
water pumps, lights, and electric fences. Buildings and barns can be renovated to capture natural daylight, instead of using electric lights. Solar power is oen less expensive than extending power lines. Expanding the Potential of Renewable Energy Renewable energy technologies are being used in a variety of applications on farms and ranches and there are many opportunities to expand their use in the future. For example, renewable, farm-based biomass and other renewable energy sources may be able to fuel hydrogen production; agricultural vehicles running on hydrogen could have the same efficiency and environmental bene ts planned for light-duty cars and trucks; and hydrogen fuel cell technology could provide power for remote locations and communities.
Biomass plant
January - February 2017
Market Information
The pumps are used in the dairy industry breweries and wineries and a lot of other food applications
Significant growth forecast for the food and beverage industry Growth prospects for the food and beverage
A signi cant increase in demand for
Kobus Fourie, pump specialist at Verder
industry in South Africa remain positive,
convenience products, and a growing health
South Africa, explains that Packo multi-purpose
according to Verder South Africa, which
awareness, reveals that the South African food
pumps not only optimise production process in
supplies Packo pumps to applications from
and beverage industry is in the midst of a
the food and beverage industry, but also increase
breweries and wineries to dairies.
transition. However, the industry is faced with
factory capacity, drive cost reduction, ensure
e Food Processing Machinery and
certain challenges, especially the fact that the
hygiene standards are complied with, comply
Packaging Machinery Association of the
production processes used are both energy-
with all relevant legislation, and are
German Engineering Federation (VDMA)
and water-intensive. Not only do the processes
environment-friendly and energy-efficient.
reports a 13% growth rate in the beverage
themselves require a great deal of water, but
Verder Packo pumps are available in capacities
sector over the next few years. In the case of
water is also needed to clean the plants and
of up to 40 m3/hour, with the latest addition to
non-alcoholic beverages, growth could be as
the range boasting an astonishing ow rate of 1
high as 19%, and 29% for juices, 25% for
Water shortages, electricity constraints, and
200 m3/hour, driven by a 200 kW motor. is
bottled water, 51% for concentrates, and 35%
the mooted carbon and sugar taxes will result
1.6 t pump represents an extension of the
for sport and energy drinks. e alcoholic
in increased costs for manufacturers, who are
current MCP3 and MFP3 range.
beverage market is anticipated to grow by 6%
looking increasingly to innovative
over the same period.
technological solutions to help mitigate these
Prospects for the food and beverage industry remain positive due to rapid urbanisation and a
rising costs.
“Increasing production efficiencies, more efficient processes and ever-larger food factories are the main drivers for producing bigger food-
Verder recently acquired distribution rights
grade pumps at high efficiency,” comments
growing middle class. In addition, consumer
for the Packo pump range for the food and
Fourie. is also forms part of the ongoing
behaviour is changing, with baked goods and
beverage industry. ese perfectly cleanable
development of an ideal solution to handle
confectionery gaining popularity. is points to
process pumps are used in the most
shear-sensitive products such as mash, while
a double-digit increase in per capita
demanding hygienic applications, including
reducing electricity consumption.
consumption over the next few years, according to the VDMA.
January - February 2017
ltration, pasteurisation, yeast propagation and CIP (Clean-In-Place) cleaning systems.
Market Information
Market Information
The liquid versus dry debate Striking a balance between consistency and
fertility program and potentially improve crop
through the leaves and are more readily available
cost can be difficult when choosing and
production efficiency. If all goes well, this can
for plant use than if ground applied.
applying fertilizers. Your crop will take up
result in more pro table crop production.
nutrients in either liquid or granular form.
With granular fertilizer application, the
How you decide to provide those nutrients is up to you. e liquid versus granular fertilizer debate, if there is one, is, at its core, a question of science, nances, tradition and geography. Crops need speci c nutrients during speci c stages of growth. And those nutrients need to
phosphate granules, or any other nutrient
However, the availability of foliar applied nutrients is short-lived and not continuous for the rest of the growing season. Foliar
granule, may be too far away from the plant
applications are a good way to correct mid-
when it needs it most, a problem does not exist
season de ciencies or supplement soil applied
when using liquid blends.
Granular and liquid both contain and
Unlike granular, liquid fertilizer is a
provide for the crop the needed nutrients to
homogeneous blend — every drop contains the
survive and thrive, but one main difference
desired mixture. e granular market knows
be available, whether they exist in granular or
between the two has less to do with form than
and understands the bene ts of coverage
liquid form. e bigger focus is the four Rs of
placement and coverage.
consistency and is steering research and
fertilizer: right form, right place, right time, right rate. Granular fertilizer Dry fertilizers are generally incorporated into
Banded, nitrogen and potassium granular
development dollars towards homogeneous
fertilizers may burn your seed due to a higher
salt content. And, in other cases, the growing
Many agricultural sources say liquid fertilizers
plant will steer its roots away from the
contain less salt and, as a result, are the better
nitrogen-banded granules of fertilizer. In
choice for putting down directly with the seed.
granules. Fertilizer blends can be created by
starter blends, the nitrogen component may be
e lower salt content limits potential seed burn
mixing individual granular fertilizer of known
“too hot” for the plant to access the phosphate
and tissue damage.
analysis (e.g., 46-0-0, 18-46-0 and 0-0-60) in
granules in the band.
Corn growers oen prefer liquid to start their
the proper ratio to create the desired blend. Dry fertilizers can be ground applied as a
crop, citing reasons of placement, consistency Liquid fertilisers
and “pop-up effect” giving corn a better start
broadcast; applied at planting as a band, oen
Liquid fertilizers have greatly increased in
than any form of fertilizer. Also, corn growers
placed 2 inches to the side and 2 inches below
popularity in recent years. ey can be either
oen nd alternative, more affordable means
the seed (2-by-2 placement); or applied as
ground applied or foliar applied. Liquids can
(oen manure) to top-up nitrogen levels in their
sidedress and cultivated shallowly into the soil.
be broadcast, used in a band application at
elds, making the cost of a simpler liquid
When farmers have access to custom blended
planting and as mid-season sidedress. When
formula worth the tank, pump and hose
granular fertilizer, they can ne-tune their crop
foliar applied, the plant nutrients are absorbed
infrastructure worth it.
January - February 2017
Ideas & Innovation
Kenyan irrigation app aims to cut water waste, crop losses Dressed in brown overalls, gumboots and a
placed throughout a eld to determine if soil is
employed by the university will then help the
hat, John Njeru kneels and scoops up a handful
moist enough. If it's too dry, a control unit uses
farmer remotely with instructions, or physically
of soil at his small farm in central Kenya, where
solar panels to open the valve of a water tank,
come to the farm if needed." Depending on the
he grows tomatoes, spinach, and carrots. "Not
then close it again when the soil is damp
severity of the problem, a consultation with a
only has there not been enough rain in the past
few months, it's also been unevenly
technician can cost the farmer up to 500 Kenyan
Initially tested at the university's own farm,
shillings (about $5).
distributed," he said, picking through the earth
the irrigation system is now being rolled out to
Njeru, who paid 75,000 Kenyan shillings
in his hand. "is destroys our crops."
the public - including farmers like Njeru. "We
($721) to install the app and irrigation system
Dealing with more unpredictable and irregular
can't yet quantify how many farmers are using
on his 1.5-acre farm, said that "although the app
rainfall associated with climate change is a
the app, but hope to expand it to thousands
is expensive, it's a cost worth paying when I
challenge for many farmers, and one made
across Meru County - and potentially the rest
compare my current harvest to previous years."
worse by water-wasting, inefficient irrigation
of the country if the system proves successful,"
systems, experts say.
Maitethia said.
But scientists from Kenya's Meru University of Science and Technology have come up with
"I used to lose up to 70 percent of my produce as a result of dry weather and inefficient
e combined app and irrigation system cost 50,000 Kenyan shillings ($480) per
irrigation, compared to only 10 percent now," he said.
one way to deal with the problem: a mobile app
quarter of an acre, including solar panels and
that monitors the need for water in elds and
two drip irrigation lines. e system can be
to help water his farm on a day-to-day basis.
controls irrigation equipment to deliver just
expanded to an additional quarter acre for
Now he no longer needs to do so, he said. "at
what is needed.
5,000 Kenyan shillings ($48).
"Farmers in the region traditionally water crops with cans or buckets," an inefficient way of getting water to plants, said Daniel
Njeru used to occasionally hire other farmers
saves me 20,000 Kenyan shillings ($192) per month," he said. Maitethia thinks that as more people buy the
Cost and bene ts While Maitethia acknowledges the upfront
app, its cost could reduce by more than half.
Maitethia, an electronics lecturer at Meru
cost of the system is high, he believes it will
e project was awarded 1 million Kenyan
University. "e lack of measuring also means
not only curb water waste but save labour costs
shillings ($9,600) by the Water Services Trust
they water crops unevenly - so some may get
as it does not require farmers to physically
Fund in November as the best innovation in
too much water, and others not enough," he
monitor it.
water management, he said. "is prize - and
said. e "sensor-based automatic irrigation system" app, launched last year, uses senors
"If there is a glitch in the system, the farmer
hopefully partnerships with other organisations
receives a text message notifying him of the
- should make the technology available to small
problem," he explained. "A technician
as well as large-scale farmers."
January - February 2017
Paris, 13 January 2017
SIMA World
INNOVATIVE FARMING START-UPS OUT IN FORCE AT SIMA 2017! At its upcoming 2017 edi on, SIMA (26 February – 2 March 2017 at Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibi on Centre) will be bringing together French and interna onal start-ups. Reflec ng the 2017 theme "Being a Farmer in 10 years", around fi een of them will congregate in the Start-up Village, organised in associa on with La Ferme Digitale*, a forum offering a pla orm for social networking sites, on-line comparators, management so ware, service providers, applica ons, and more. Other start -ups will have their own stands in the surrounding exhibi on aisles. Their common denominator is that they all develop innova ve solu ons in step with a profoundly-changing farming sector.
ON-BOARD ELECTRONICS, NEW TECHNOLOGY Airinov: a pioneer in farm drones offering the first measurement sensor for crop growth, developed in partnership with the French research agency INRA. Carbon Bee: a tool to assess plant health, enabling treatments to be op mised and diseases to be tracked by capturing data using a drone, a robot or a tractor. ConnectAgri.fr: a connected device aimed at agricultural equipment sharing clubs, which automa cally calculates the use of each machine to enable simple cost-alloca on. Exo c Systems: supplies vehicles, buildings and fields with connected solu ons to help achieve higher efficiency on farms and be er yield from all farm processes. Naïo Technologies: farm robots and electric tools to help farmers in their tasks by lightening their workload, improving farm profitability and reducing environmental impact. Sunibrain: an ar ficial intelligence robot which improves the precision of solar panel management in order to achieve the highest return. Visio-Green Agriculture: connected solu ons (sensors, data analysis, apps, etc.) to contribute to the improvement of opera onal efficiency on farms. Weenat: solu ons including connected sensors which supply real- me farm and weather informa on on the parcel, linking up with an app and with decision-making tools.
SERVICES AND ADVICE Agriconomie.com: the first online marketplace en rely dedicated to farmers’ supplies (seeds, parts, equipment, fer lisers, etc.). Agrifind: a social networking pla orm allowing members to offer the benefit of their exper se to other farmers in search of tangible solu ons. ComparateurAgricole.com: the first online farm comparator on which farmers can sell their harvest or buy their fer liser. E-farm.com: a supplier of a full range of services for the global resale of used farm machinery. Ekylibre: farm management so ware for the agriculture of the future, with the aim of freeing up farmers from their administra ve burdens (500 hours per year on average) . PiloterSaFerme.com: decision making informa on pla orm enabling the modelling of individual commercial strategies (buying and selling) from a proprietary algorithm.
SOCIAL PLATFORMS, MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE 365Farmnet.com: a social pla orm which connects up knowledge, informa on and resources allowing the farmer to manage their farm and work with their partners using a single so ware solu on. Easystocktyre.fr: first social pla orm developed for distributors of farm tyres (specialist wholesalers and farm equipment dealers).
January - February 2017
Meshectares.com: a website to help with farm supplies (fer lisers, spare parts, livestock equipment, etc.), provides informa on and encourages interac on between professionals. Sencrop: an agro-meteorological social pla orm connected to weather sta ons and sensors and linked up with decision-making tools VotreMachine.com: the first farm machinery rental website allowing farmers to hire machinery that they cannot afford or do not need to own. WeFarmUp.com: a pioneering website for peer-to-peer equipment rental in the farming world which today boasts 2,900 WeFarmers and 1,850 available machines.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Enerbioflex: an engineering consultancy specialising in energy overconsump on which analyses and helps to reduce direct energy consump on (electricity, hea ng fuel, gas and biomass) in farms. Diimo on: a direct injec on system, for more efficient and eco -friendly spraying, capable of working with all products, both powders and liquids, with a reac on me of barely one second.
In parallel, the Start-up Village will be hos ng several workshops organised by La Ferme Digitale* offering exchange and debate around the most topical subjects: · Green Trend, sustainable agriculture: new words have sprung up in recent years (AMAPs, local consumerism, organic, responsible consumerism, etc.). This workshop will examine their meaning and offer dialogue between consumers and producers. · Farm distribu on of tomorrow: how will it create value for the farmer, the sector’s businesses and the end consumer? · Internet of Things: new gadgets or the farmer’s best friend? · Financing in the farming sector: tradi onal players are now inves ng in intangible assets (so ware, ar ficial intelligence, innova ve ecosystems, start-ups, etc.). Why has farming remained such a long-standing investment? Start-up Village - Hall 4 - Stand H 012 and J 011 * La Ferme Digitale is an associa on made up of 12 start-ups whose aim is to promote innova on and digital technology to achieve high-performance, sustainable agriculture.
January - February 2017
Market Information
Stainless steel in the dairy industry: A sustainable solution for human diet Every dairy farmer appreciates the service of a good milking machine. In fact, every farmer NEEDS only the best portable milking machine at the farm. Milk is an emulsion containing about 87% water. e remaining 13% is made up of fatty acids, inorganic compounds, vitamins, and enzymes which do not dissolve in milk. Fresh milk is an ideal culture medium for microbial ora that can spoil the end product. us, the manufacture of milk and milk products is subject to very stringent rules. ese rules cover the way in which the livestock are kept and milked, preparation methods, additives, processing equipment, and the transport tanks that move the milk from the farm to the processing plant. On its journey from the farm to the consumer, milk comes into contact with the walls of the equipment in which it is being processed or transported. e nal product must reach the consumer meticulously clean and free from all germs. It is for this reason that the dairy industry has employed
January - February 2017
stainless steel for more than sixty years. e compact and smooth surface of stainless steel prevents bacterial contamination and facilitates cleaning and disinfection. e development of stainless steel in the food industry is explained by the fact that it corresponds exactly to the requirements expected of materials in contact with food. e requirements fall into one of the following three categories: · Chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic neutrality with regard to the food product. · Ability to be cleaned so the hygiene and appearance of the product is guaranteed. · Durability, including resistance to corrosion and aging. Other factors also contribute towards making stainless steel the preferred material for the entire food processing industry. ese include its mechanical characteristics, expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity and ease of use.
What makes stainless steel a sustainable material? People e material, in its use or in its production process, respects the human being, especially in terms of health and safety. A sustainable material does not harm the people working to produce it, or the people who handle it during its use, recycling and ultimate disposal. Stainless steel is not harmful to people during either its production or use. A protective layer forms naturally on all stainless steels because of the inclusion of chromium. e passive layer protects the steel from corrosion – ensuring a long life. As long as the correct grade of stainless is selected for an application, the steel remains inert and harmless to the people who handle it and the environment. ese characteristics have made stainless steel the primary material in medical, food processing, household and catering applications. Planet e emission footprints of the material,
especially those related to carbon, water and air, are minimised. Reuse and recyclability are at high levels. e material has low maintenance costs and a long life, both key indicators that the impact of the material on the planet is at the lowest levels possible. e electric arc furnace (EAF), the main process used to make stainless steels, is extremely efficient. An EAF has a low impact on the environment in terms of both CO2 and other emissions. e EAF is also extremely efficient at processing scrap stainless, ensuring that new stainless steel has an average recycled content of more than 60%. Stainless steels are easily recycled to produce more stainless steels and this process can be carried on inde nitely. It is estimated that about 80% of stainless steels are recycled at the end of their life. As stainless steel has a high intrinsic value, it is collected and recycled without any economic incentives from the public purse.
Pro t e industries producing the material show long-term sustainability and growth, provide excellent reliability and quality for their customers, and ensure a solid and reliable supply-chain to the end consumer. Choosing stainless steel for an application ensures that it will have low maintenance costs, a long life and be easy to recycle at the end of that life. is makes stainless an economical choice in consumer durables (such as refrigerators and washing machines) and in capital goods applications (such as transportation, chemical and process applications). Stainless steels also have better mechanical properties than most metals. Its re and corrosion resistance make stainless a good choice in transportation, building or public works such as railways, subways, tunnels and bridges. ese properties, together with stainless steels' mechanical behaviour, are of prime importance in these
applications to ensure human beings are protected and maintenance costs are kept low. Stainless also has an aesthetically pleasing appearance, making it the material of choice in demanding architectural and design projects. Taking into account its recyclability, reuse, long life, low maintenance and product safety, the emissions from the production and use of stainless steels are minimal when compared to any other alternative material. For decades, stainless steel has helped dairy farmers keep the quality of their milk at the highest level. is ensures safety in the food chain and pro tability for the dairy farmer. Stainless steels have a smooth, neutral surface which does not pick up tastes or smells. Stainless steels are extremely strong so they can withstand tough industrial environments. Today dairy equipment is made of stainless steels because it is easy to clean, disinfect and does not react with the lactic acids formed by fermenting milk.
Website: www.gerhardunger.co.za Tel: +27 11 876 3740 Email: sales@gerhardhunger.co.za 22 Makriel Road , Wadeville Germiston.
How safe are your liners? Most people would not drive their car or tractor once the tread on the tyres becomes worn. ey
swollen when the cup is removed. Discoloration of
risk of mastitis. As a general rule of thumb, if you
teats aer milking is a sign of inaccurate vacuum or
notice an improvement in milking performance aer replacing liners, the old ones were used for too long!
know that worn tyres are dangerous, increase the
pulsation settings, or poor liner function. A liner
likelihood of having an accident and reduce the
that does not correctly compress on the teat will not
handling performance and efficiency of their vehicle.
reduce uids that accumulate near the teat end
However, there is another piece of rubber on a dairy
during the milking phase.
farm that is oen not treated with such respect. e
is can lead to congestion of the teat canal,
Choosing a liner Choosing a liner is a complex and difficult task – and an extremely important one. Liners have a huge
milking liner, which is ultimately the nal point of
restricting the downward ow of milk. When liners
impact on teat-end health as well as parlor efficiency.
contact between the sensitive teat tissues of the cow
are not changed on proper intervals, the mouthpiece
Oen a particular liner is settled on by a trial-and-
and the milking machine is frequently not changed
and barrel become distorted, causing poor
error process. With so many liner designs and choices,
when worn and remains un-changed as the
massaging of the teat, which is oen combined with
this process can be quite lengthy. I will attempt to
an increase in liner slips. is, overall, results in an
describe the most popular types of liners available.
performance of the liner starts to decline. e liner is the only component of the milking
inefficient and ineffective milking performance on
Getting the best use from your milking equipment
machine that comes into direct contact with the cow's
your herd.
begins with selecting the right liner that is matched for
teat. erefore, it is one of the key components in the
Efficient milking is desired, and essential, for the
your operation, system settings and your cows. Both
process of milking cows quickly, gently and
dairy operation. ere are key performance
rubber and silicone liners have advantages.
completely. Although many people try to squeeze a
indicators in uenced by liners which can be
Rubber liners are less expensive up-front compared to
few more weeks or months from the liners in a dairy,
monitored to determine performance. Here are a few
the silicone variety, although the cost per milking
this is almost always a poor option for the most
to keep an eye on:
important component of the milking machine.
As liners age, their shape, tension and surface
calculated over time may not be signi cant. Rubber is
Peak milk ow should be 8 to 12 pounds
a more durable material, with greater resistance to
per minute within the rst two minutes
on 80 percent of the cows.
condition changes gradually. is gradual
Average milk ow of 6.5 to 8.5 pounds
dairies in need of a robust compound. Silicone liners
on their milking characteristics. Both the internal
per minute is desired on more than 80
have a longer life and improved surfaces. ey are less
surface and the milking performance of liners tend to
percent of the cows.
prone to deterioration and cracking, as they hold up
deterioration can have subtle but signi cant effects
ey deteriorate faster but can be a viable option for
Teat color change, red or blue, should
better against butterfat in the milk. But even high-
designated use-by date.
occur on less than 10 percent of the teats.
quality silicone will eventually succumb to cleaning
Quarters should milk out evenly within
chemicals and hot water. e key is a product that will
Replacing liners
1.5 minutes of each other on 90 percent
maintain consistent milkability throughout its use life.
deteriorate more quickly soon aer they reach their
If there is an improvement in milking performance when the liners are changed, it is a sign they are being
of the cows.
In summary, a reluctance to change milking liners at
Teat-end scores of 1 and 2 (healthy teat
the appropriate interval can be false economy. It can
changed too late. Visual signs of deterioration should
ends) are desired on at least 80 percent of
lead to slower milking, longer milking sessions and
lead to immediate liner replacement. If a liner is
increased liner slippage. e internal surface of the
cracked or torn, it is long past its usefulness. However, oentimes, liner deterioration signs are invisible to the naked eye, making them difficult to
Liner slips should be less than 2 percent
liner becomes harder to clean, increasing the risk of
of the quarters milked.
the transmission of mastitis pathogens and cleaning
As tempting as it may be to eke out extra milkings
related quality problems. Most sensible people would
detect and, as a result, we have to look at other cues.
from the liners, you never want to sacri ce
not put their family at risk by driving with worn tyres
Liners should milk the cow with minimal discomfort
performance or cow health.
– perhaps we should give the dairy herd the same
to the teats.
Any effect on teat end condition or any increased
Adequately massaged teats should feel so and not
liner slips are particularly signi cant for increased
January - February 2017
Choosing the right dairy liners Making an informed choice and looking at some of the latest developments in liner technology could have a dramatic and positive impact on herd health and milk quality. Milkrite | InterPuls has been introducing new technology liners over the last years that
improve milking efficiency and teat health. e triangular liner is well known to give a gentler milking action – and more recently the mouthpiece vented version that is giving efficiency and teat health improvements. Triangular liners have a much gentler milking action due to the way the liner
collapses under vacuum – see gure 1. e three-way collapse of a triangular liner exerts less pressure on the teat and can help reduce the incidence of teat-end damage - see graph 1. Triangular liners also have a greater area in contact with the teat so are less prone to slipping/squawking.
Graph 1 Test end score comparison Milkrite Impulse triangular range combines the bene ts of triangular liners with a triangular shell pro le - to give a faster response from the liner to the pulsation signals. is further improves milking efficiency. Triangular mouthpiece vented liners are revolutionary (lot less slippage on the teat, excellent speed of milking, excellent teat health). “It is the biggest improvement in milking the cow in a generation”. You can nd out more by visiting the milkrite|InterPuls website – www.milkrite-interpuls.com – Figure 1 – round versus triangular
January - February 2017
Machine milking and milking machines Machine milking is gradually being adopted in
that with time cows that are not completely
Bucket milking machines
many large farms, because it reduces labour and
milked gradually reduce milk production
ese are the simplest and least expensive to
performs a better quality milking job than hand
whereas those that are completely milked
install. is type of system is suitable for small
milking. However, because most dairy farms
increases milk yield. e importance of
and medium size herds. Cows are milked on a
have small herds sizes and cheap labour farmers
complete milking therefore cannot be over-
level oor of a stable or milking shed. e milking
do not see the need to install milking machines.
emphasized. Also note that cows cannot endure
machine is mounted on a trolley with one or two
is is also because milking machines require
delays in scheduled milking without serious
buckets at the base. About 8-10 cows per hour are
power and are more expensive to install
reductions in milk yield.
milked with one bucket type and 16-20 cows per
compared to the few equipment needed for hand milking. But milking machines have many advantages over hand milking. For high yielding dairy cows
Although the cost of installing milking machines is high, investing in a good milking
hour with 2 buckets. Simple hand driven mobile low cost milking
machine is a good decision if conditions allow.
machines powered by combustion engine are
Many types and sizes of milking machines
available in the market.
it is normally difficult to ensure all milk is
suitable for different categories of farmers are
removed from the udder within the required
available in the market. Small scale farmers with
Pipeline milking plants
time. A cow should be milked within 7 minutes.
small herds between 5 to 10 cows can invest on
Milking beyond this time is not productive
simple milking machines to replace the
which milk is transported direct from the cow's
because the hormone oxytocin that stimulates
inefficient and labor intensive method of manual
udder to a common milk reservoir. ey are
milk production will have long ceased to be
suitable for large dairy farms where the work load
effective. Machine milking on the other hand is very fast such that all the milk will have been removed by the end of this time.
is usually heavy. Types of milking machines ere are several types which can be broadly
Effective milking has a direct bearing on the long
categorized as bucket machines and pipeline
term milk yield of the cow. It has been proved
milking plants.
January - February 2017
is set up has continuous pipeline through
Parlour milking systems Parlour milking systems are usually installed in milking parlourssuch as tandem and herring
borne. All the equipment is centralized and the
the calf, in a way machine milking is different
stimulate higher milk yields it is not justi able to
cows come to the parlour for milking.
from hand milking or calf suckling. A constant
install them for a low yielding herd. Manual
vacuum is applied on the teat to create a
milking for cows that produce more than 10 litres
Basic components of milking machines
pressure difference across the teat canal and
per session is oen ineffective and milking
Vacuum system
keep the machine attached to the cow. e
machines should be considered.
is comprises of a vacuum pump and reserve tank, vacuum regulator, pipelines and long pulse tube(s) forming an enclosed space.
vacuum congests the teats and squeezes milk from the teat. Atmospheric air is allowed once per second to collapse and relieve congestion around the end of the teats creating a pulsation.
Pulsators ese alter the vacuum level around the teat so
Milking units or cluster e assembly of four teat cups connected to a
e cost of labour throughout Kenya is not high and this may not be a major consideration. Where
is pulsation is important as it massages,
the labour costs are high such as in developed
relieves and prevents damage to the teats.
countries, automation is necessary so as to cut
Factors to consider when installing milking
employed to milk do not do a good job, oen
leaving milk in the udder. Farmers can solve this
Number of cows
problem by going for the milking machines.
that milking occurs without uid congestion and edema of the teat tissues.
e cost and quality of manual labour
costs. But skilled milkers are scarce. ose
Although you can install a milking machine
claw and mounted with a valve that admits and
for just one cow, it is not an economical
cuts off the vacuum to the unit.
undertaking. If the size of the herd ranges between 5 to 10 milking cows then the single
electricity so a source of power is important. But
Milk removal system
cow milking machine is suitable. A herd size
where there is no power other alternatives are
Infrastructure Most milking machines are powered by
above 10 animals will require bigger sized
available in which simple combustion engines or
milking unit toward a storage unit.
solar energy is used to drive the vacuum and milk
How milking machines work
e level of milk production
is transports the milk away from the
pumps. Although milking machines copy suckling by
Although milking machines can be used to
Bucket milking machine
January - February 2017
Business Profile
Case IH celebrates 175 years of agricultural equipment production Global agricultural equipment manufacturer,
steam engines quickly replaced horses for
160hp to 240hp, was introduced in 1987 and
Case IH, is beginning a year of celebrations to
threshing, the JI Case reshing Machine
became the rst tractor to win the Industrial
commemorate its 175th anniversary at the
Company became the world's largest producer
Design Excellence Award. Now producing up to
brand's global headquarters in Racine,
of steam engines by 1886.
380hp, the Magnum continues to be one of the
In 1902, ve companies merged to form the
most recognizable Case IH products and more
e Brand President Andreas Klauser said that
International Harvester Company in Chicago,
than 150,000 have been sold.
the anniversary was a testament to many years
the deal being brokered, personally, by JP
“When I look at the enormous transformation
of quality, perseverance and progress.
Morgan, the American banker who dominated
which has taken place in agriculture over the last
“I nd it amazing to see just how far the
corporate nance and industrial consolidation
175 years, it is very exciting to think about what
farming industry and our company have come
at the time. Case IH was formed in 1985 when
might be achieved during the next 175 years. I
during the last 175 years especially given the
J I Case acquired the agricultural division of
am sure that will be discussed during our
fact that we are stronger than ever before
International Harvester, uniting the legacies of
celebrations with customers, dealers and
today,” Klauser stated. “e common theme
Case and IH in a single brand.
employees,” Klauser added.
which has always guided our innovative
Its rst product, the Magnum tractor from
approach is to provide customers with everimproving technologies that enable them to farm more efficiently and pro tably.” e company's beginnings were closely linked with those of the American economy, as American pioneers moved west and new farms were established there to feed the growing population centres in the East. In 1869, Case went on to manufacture the rst steam engine tractor, which though wheeledmounted was drawn by horses and used only to power other machines, then in 1876 built the rst self-propelled traction steam engine. As
January - February 2017
Jatropha: Gold plant catalysing Nigeria’s biofuel resolution Farming in Nigeria has become a serious business,
biodiesel, bio-kerosene, bio-petrol, glycerol and even
said the N500 billion fund, which should be accessed
but there are some cash crops that are still being
organic fertiliser from the cake. e cake could also
at 5 per cent interest rate, could help the country in
neglected, though they can generate huge foreign
be used to generate electricity, animal feeds, and
meeting its pledge to reduce the consumption of fossil-
exchange for both government and farmers.
poultry feeds. It can be used to produce insecticide
based diesel by blending 20 per cent of bio-diesel into
One of such cash crops is Jatropha, which farmers
and also produce candle from the latex.
every litre of fossil diesel.
call gold plant because of its value-chain which has
Farmers who want to venture into farming of
Omosebi said the fund would help in the
potential to generating about N1.5 trillion from both
Jatropha have no reason to fear because the plant can
development of Jatropha in the country and assist in
local and international market and solves the
survive anywhere and does not require any
blending 10 per cent of ethanol into every litre of
problem of poverty in Nigeria. Jatropha may sound new to some people but the
particular soil type for growth. In Nigeria, farmers
petrol consumed in the country by 2020, adding that
intercrop Jatropha with other plants like maize and
Jatropha is a plant that can grow in any part of Nigeria,
crop has been around for years although its huge
cassava in between the Jatropha trees, so farmers do
which can be used for bio-diesel production, bio-fuel,
potential is yet to be discovered and have remained
not have to look for another land to plant.
insecticides and medicines.
untapped in the country. One beautiful thing about
e market for bio-diesel and organic fertiliser is
He said since about 12 million litres of diesel are
the plant is that it could reduce importation of
growing but there are not enough raw materials to
consumed daily in Nigeria, to blend 20 per cent bio-
kerosene and diesel which could save foreign
feed the growth, which creates emerging market for
diesel, the country would need 2.4 million litres of bio-
exchange and payment of petroleum subsidy, as the
Nigeria, as there are currently commercial
diesel daily and for 365 days, it would require 876
Jatropha diesel is now a healthy source of aviation
plantations of Jatropha plants in Ghana, Mali,
million litres.
fuel in the world. e plant can survive for eight
Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and South Africa.
Also speaking the Managing Director of Boluwa
months without water and has a life lifespan of 50
Jatropha plant is widely found in Nigeria and the
Golden Solutions, Mr. Boluwajoko Gbenga, said that
years. Farmers who are committed to the cultivation of Jatropha plant are abandoning their farms for other crops because they are not getting support aer
local names are botuje pupa, lapalapa pupa,
Jatropha farming could be used to solve the
okpokporu, sherigun, among others.
unemployment problem in Nigeria because the bio-
Jatropha plant has been identi ed as a very important source of bio-fuels aer palm oil. It had
diesel from its seeds as well as other by-products are now hot cakes in the international market.
investing heavily in the plantation, following
been used as bio-diesel and organic fertiliser in
“Presently, one big telecom company uses bio-fuel to
government abandonment of initiative so far there
several European, Asian and African countries.
run its base stations all over the country. In this
has been no support or incentives to those farmers.
at explains why Stakeholders in Jatropha oil and
business, there is no waste because both oil and chaff
Farmers said the movement for the production of
bio-diesel production in Nigeria have called on the
are marketable. Besides, there are people who plant
biofuel as an alternative source of power was initiated
Federal Government to institute a N500 billion fund
and use the bio-fuel to run their generators in Oyo
during the Goodluck Jonathan administration but
for the development of all the value chains of the
State. More so, we have foreigners waiting to buy the
was abandoned along the line.
cake. Jatropha plant and seeds can last for up to 50
However, the gold plant has potential to create wealth
Speaking in Abuja the National President of Jatropha
years and the seed is ready for harvest when the plant
through the establishment of small scale industries.
Growers, Processors and Exporters Association of
is less than a year,” added.
For instance, from the seed alone one can get
Nigeria (JaGPEAN), retired Maj-Gen. J. A. Omosebi,
January - February 2017
Market Information
Agricultural technology can’t be ignored Kenya is on the brink of embracing biotechnology in agriculture. e MIT Technology Review made the claim in October: 'Kenya is thought to be on the brink of reversing its ban on GM imports.' e news and commentary website Grist said it in June: 'Kenya is on the brink of approving GMOs.' I've been saying it myself for years: On the brink. On the brink. On the brink. Now I'm ready to say something new: We've been on the brink for too long. Many Kenyan farmers, like me, had hoped that 2016 nally would be the year that the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) allows open eld trials of Bt maize - a variety of genetically modi ed crop that has become common around the world. It protects plants from certain insect pests, giving us a natural way to defend our harvests from a major threat. I've seen farmers grow it in other countries and I'd like to grow it on my farm too. It would allow me to produce more food for my family and country. And yet our Government dilly-dallies, as it has for years. On November 30, the Kenyan National Assembly slowed us down even more when they “upheld the ban imposed on importation of GMO food by the then Minister for Public Health, Beth Mugo in 2012”. Our delay comes with a consequence. It means we're choosing to
squander a promising opportunity, are still plagued with scienti c ignorance and that once again, an African nation continues to lag behind the world in everything. Of even greater concern is the reality that our university students are threatening to stop taking biotechnology classes because they fear the ongoing Government ban on the import of GMO food crops and recently upheld by the Kenyan National Assembly would render them unemployable in their own country. My hope is that we'll turn this around - and that within ve years, Kenya will become a leader among African nations in the adoption of biotechnology. e planting of GM maize and cotton should become commonplace, leading to increased production, more economic activity, and better food security. ree SubSaharan African countries already permit the planting of GMO crops: Burkina Faso, South Africa, and Sudan. ey've gone over the brink. Tanzania and Uganda appear ready to join them. On GMOs, we're poised to show the way. We know the science. We've issued the basic regulatory approvals through our National Biosafety Authority. We've set up collaborative partnerships with the Africa Agricultural Technology Foundation and the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research
Organization. Our population now numbers 46 million and it's growing. We can barely feed ourselves, as subsistence farming employs about three-quarters of the population in labourintensive, low-mechanisation, and lowproductivity farming. Famine is currently afflicting at least 2 million of our countrymen and the emerging threat of climate change suggests that our challenges will only grow. We need GMOs. ey won't make our problems vanish, but they'll help us confront the difficulties that lie ahead. We'll do better with them than without them. e African continent missed the Green Revolution - the adoption of seed technologies and other inputs that spurred large increases in food production in India, Mexico, and elsewhere in the 1960s and 1970s. Ever since, Kenya and its neighbours have suffered. Today, Africa is the only continent with more malnourished people compared with three decades ago. We cannot afford to miss the Gene Revolution as well. If we do, we'll never produce enough food and ber for our people. We won't industrialize as we should. We won't break the cycle of African desperation. We'll be doomed to our sad fate. ere is an obvious solution. It's simple and sensible. Say it with me: Let's get off the brink. By Gilbert arap Bor
Irrigation Farming
‘Only Way to Food Security' As Tanzania grapples with delayed rains that are certain to adversely affect agriculture, new analyses tout increased investment in irrigation as a solution to food insecurity. Tanzania generates its food mostly through rain-fed agriculture which is currently being threatened by drought facing East African countries. Agriculture accounts for about 25 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the sector employs nearly 70 per cent of the working population. Most parts of the country received rains below average between October and December last year and there are signs there will be insufficient harvests this agricultural season. As experts advise the government to evaluate the drought in order to have a clear picture of what the food situation will be in the next few months and take the necessary precautionary measures, irrigation farming is being suggested as the
January - February 2017
long-term intervention needed to save agriculture. Tanzania is one of the countries which have a huge potential for irrigation farming--a potential that hasn't been well exploited. e National Irrigation Master Plan (NIMP) 2002 prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Security and Cooperatives in collaboration with the government of Japan through its International Cooperation Agency (Jica) indicated that the total irrigation development potential in Tanzania Mainland stands at 29.4 million hectares. Out of those, 2.3 million hectares are classi ed as high potential, 4.8 million hectares medium potential and 22.3 million hectares as low potential. However, presently only 460,000 hectares are under irrigation. However, the government says it targets to expand irrigation farming to cover at least one million hectares come 2020. e director general of the National
Irrigation Commission, Mr Seth Luswema, says there is political will to develop irrigation in the country but more investment focus is needed from both the public and the private sector. "We are now reviewing the irrigation masterplan as part of our effort to reach the targets," he said over the phone, adding: "Funding is still a challenge and as you know, it depends on the revenue collection. Some projects are integrated to have water resources and generate power. is kind of investment is not a joke. It needs collective efforts from public and private sectors," he added. He said Tanzania needs between Sh2 trillion and Sh5 trillion to complete irrigation projects that will increase the coverage to one million hectares as planned. According to him, Tanzania has 2,800 irrigation schemes countrywide. e minister for Water and Irrigation, Mr Gerson Lwenge, was quoted by the media
last year as saying that more than Sh39 billion was allocated to the Irrigation Commission for the current budget year. Tanzania enacted the National Irrigation Act 2013 in a bid to protect farmers from the growing stresses of extreme weather and climate change, by promoting better use of irrigation. e National Irrigation Act strengthens the National Irrigation Policy of 2010. Among other things, the law establishes the Irrigation Commission, a national body with the mandate to coordinate, promote and regulate irrigation activities across the country. Researchers and experts are rooting for more investment in the irrigation farming as solution for the farmers to manage drought caused by climate change and reduce hunger. "e development of irrigated agriculture has boosted agricultural yields
and increased the number of cropping seasons to two or more in many parts of the world, thereby conserving important forest resources, contributing to price stability under climate variability, and helping to feed the world's growing population," says the deputy director of the Environment and Production Technology Division of the Washingtonbased International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Claudia Ringler in a summary of new analyses. For instance, rice production in irrigation schemes with developed infrastructure is estimated to be over 5.0 tonnes per hectare while under rain-fed agriculture the yield is less than 2 tonnes per hectare. Last October, the 2016 Global Hunger Index (GHI) of the IFPRI ranked Tanzania 96 out of 118 countries, with a "serious" level of hunger. e country has made signi cant progress in reducing
hunger, according to the report though, down from a high of 42.4 score in the "alarming" category in 2000 to 28.4 in 2016. e GHI is a tool designed for the IFPRI to comprehensively measure and track hunger globally, regionally, and by country. Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda were in the same group of "serious" level of hunger but with different scores. e analyses indicate that a combination of accelerated irrigation development with increased investments in water use efficiency at the basin scale would reduce prices of rice, wheat, and maize by 7.4 per cent, 3.6 per cent, and 1.5 per cent, respectively by 2030. "Although some of these investments might seem expensive, they would provide huge bene ts to communities in the developing world and have the potential to help millions leave poverty and hunger behind," adds Ms Ringler.
January - February 2017
Quality of grain,
Handling and Storage Grain storage allows for exibility in your grain marketing program and the proper use of storage can have a positive impact on your overall pro tability. Even if you have grain storage built, there is still other criteria that should be evaluated before storing your grain. First, evaluate your interest cost on the grain inventory. If you have a loan, the proceeds from the sale of grain can repay that loan, so your interest expense is reduced if the grain is sold at harvest; however, that interest expense remains if the grain is stored. Even if there is no money borrowed, there
January - February 2017
is still a potential opportunity cost to storing your grain. î ˘e rest of the costs associated with storing grain revolve around conditioning grain and maintaining its quality. Any time grain is put into storage, growers need to manage the grain properly to keep it from spoiling. Proper management includes drying grain to safe moisture levels and then correctly, cleaning, loading, aerating and monitoring it. î ˘is can be especially challenging in a year like this year with variability in test weights and moisture as
the storage life of this stressed corn is typically shorter than normal, thus requires the grower to be more diligent in its drying and storage management. One of the most signi cant costs related to storing grain is drying grain to safe storage levels and incurring additional fuel and power costs. While storing grain in the short-term may require drying it to a15% moisture level, storing it until next summer may require drying it to closer to 13%. With the higher moisture content grain this year; growers are likely to incur greater expenses than typical in this area.
ere is also about a penny per bushel cost in aerating dried grain stored on the farm in order to keep it in good condition. Aeration is needed to cool the temperature of the grain in the winter and warm it up in the spring so the moisture remains balanced with the outside air temperature. Operating an aeration fan may also help move moisture from wet to drier kernels. Knowing the moisture content requirements of your end user is an important factor in delivering optimum moisture content and to managing your pro tability. When storing grain, there are also potential extra costs related to extra shrinkage and grain handling. When grain is dried and the moisture is removed, the number of bushels in the bin will decline. e shrinkage for farm-stored grain is about 1.25% and will be slightly higher
than that for commercially stored grain. Another related cost that should be included in the storage cost is the electricity and labor required to move grain into and out of bins. Estimates for this cost range from 2-3 cents per bushel. e last cost to consider while storing your grain is quality deterioration. is cost can be quite variable depending on the quality of the grain that was put into storage and how well the grain is managed. Problems may erupt from moisture, hot spots, insects, or even mold in the grain that was not detected. ere are many pieces of technology available to monitor the grain quality and all elevators use these tools. For the best success in storing grain, here are recommendations: · Clean grain to remove chaff, weed seeds, and broken kernels.
Handle grain gently to minimize cracked and broken kernels. · Store grain at the recommended moisture. · Aerate stored grain to maintain a cool, uniform, recommended temperature. · Check stored grain frequently and take immediate action to eliminate problems. It is also important to note, that many of the risks associated with additional handling and loss of condition can be shied to an elevator by using commercial storage, however these costs will be covered in the elevators storage charges. Like with all areas of production and management, grain drying and storage management can be an important aspect of overall pro tability.
tsgc@TSGCinc.com www.TSGCinc.com
January - February 2017
Soils & Pastures
Green manuring Soil health degradation is one of the most important problem faced by the farmers. Due to it
of trees, shrubs and herbs collected from plants
nutrients are taken up by the green manure and
grown in wastelands, eld bunds, degraded lands
held inside the plant. When the nutrients are
the land is becoming barren. e uncontrolled use
and nearby forest. ey are turned down or
needed for the next crop the plants are dug into the
of chemical fertilizers is deteriorating the soil
mixed into the soil 15-30 days before sowing of
soil or used as a mulch on top of the soil. is helps
physical, chemical and biological properties.
the crops depending on the tenderness of the
to increase crop yields. Legumes and other
erefore, to overcome this problems the concept
foliage or plant parts is known as green leaf
nitrogen xing plants which take nitrogen from the
of organic farming came into existence. e
air to the soil are particularly bene cial.
In situ green manuring
Green manures improve soil structure, letting more
organic farming depends on organic manures like farm yard manure, compost, green manuring etc. erefore, green manuring is one of the most important type of manure used in organic
Improved soil structure In situ green manuring is also called as On–farm green manure or legume green
air into the soil and improving drainage. Green manures help sandy soil hold more water and not
farming. Green manures are fertility building
manuring. In this system, the short duration
drain so quickly.
crops and may be broadly de ned as crops grown
legume crops are grown and buried in the same
Prevention of soil erosion
for the bene t of the soil. e green manuring
site when they attain the age of 60-80 days aer
Green manures help to stop the soil being carried
crops improve the humus, organic carbon,
sowing. is system of on-site nutrient resource
away by wind and rain. e roots penetrate the soil
nitrogen and soil microbial growth. Green
generation is most prevalent in northern and
and hold it in place.
manuring can bring a number of advantages to
southern parts of India, where rice is the major
the grower. Green manuring leads to the addition
crop in the existing cropping systems. Almost any
of organic matter to the soil. Green manuring
crop can be used for green manuring, but
crops increase the biological activity in the soil.
legumes are preferred because of their ability to
ese crops improve soil structure. Green manure crops helps in reducing soil
x nitrogen from the air. Green manuring with legumes (peas, clovers, lentils, etc.) is called
Weed control Green manures help to control weeds. Bare soil can become quickly overgrown with weeds which can be difficult to remove. Green manures cover the ground well and stop weeds growing beneath
erosion. ey help to increase the supply of
legume green manuring. ese crops should be
them, by competing for nutrients, space and light.
nutrients available to plants. ese crops help in
turned into the soil before setting of seeds.
erefore, it can be concluded that green manures
reducing leaching losses. It is also reported that
Legume green manuring could be pro tably used
improve soil structure, letting more air into the soil
green manuring crops help to suppress weeds,
on lands where, it was not possible to add animal
and improving drainage. Organic matter helps
reducing pest and disease problems, providing
sandy soil hold more water and not drain so
study indicates the type and importance of green
Here are some of the bene ts of Green Manure
and porosity. Also organic matter reduces rate of
manuring on plant growth.
Greater soil fertility
supplementary animal forage. us, the present
quickly as a result of increased aggregate stability runoff and soil erosion. Change in chemical
Green manures recycle nutrients and add Green leaf manuring Where the application of green leaves and twigs
January - February 2017
property of soil could be clearly observed.
organic matter to the soil. ey help prevent
Leguminous green manure crop in soil increases
nutrients being washed out of the soil. e
nitrogen level by xation.
How do farmers keep animals healthy? Everyone gets sick from time to time, and
rubber mats at feed alleys, where animals
fans to keep air moving through barns, not only
animals are no different. But how do farmers
stand to eat their food. e grooved oors will
to provide fresh air for livestock but to keep
keep animals healthy and when they are sick,
prevent the animals from falling or slipping.
them cool. Sprinklers in barns also come in
make them better?
e rubber mats act as a cushion when the
handy when it is very hot and animals need to
e most important things a farmer can
animal is eating and causes less wear.
cool off.
provide animals are lots of clean water, feed and
Deworming is a method of protection that
Farms also work with a nutritionist and
a healthy environment. ese simple, yet
helps to prevent animals, especially those on
veterinarian, who come out to the farm to make
crucial, items allow the animals to behave
pasture, from getting parasites. Farmers can
decisions on how best to care for the animals. A
naturally and go through natural processes
give dewormers by mouth, injection or pour
nutritionist is someone who formulates the diets
such as eating, resting, growing and, for some
them onto the animal's back.
for the animals to ensure proper growth and
animals, making milk. ere are many different ways that farmers help
Some farmers may choose to dehorn their cattle, sheep or goats. Dehorning is a process
development. A veterinarian is an animal doctor who checks for illnesses and treats sick animals.
to prevent sickness and injury on their farms.
where the horn bud of the animal is removed.
Veterinarians also help to set vaccination
One way is for farmers to vaccinate their
is means that the horn is not able to grow
schedules and administer shots. When animals do have a health problem,
animals against diseases, very similar to the
back. Dehorning can protect other animals
way humans are vaccinated. Farmers work with
from being injured and farmers from being
veterinarians to develop vaccination programs
treat illnesses
that outline which vaccinations to give and at
Tail docking is when part or all of the tail is
Farmers oen buy new animals and bring them
farmers use antibiotics and other medications to
what age each is to be given.
removed from the animal. is practice most
on to the farm, but they can take preventative
Animals need their “toe nails” clipped just like
commonly occurs in sheep and pigs. Sheep
measures to avoid unwanted diseases that the
we do. But instead of using a clipper, animals
may have their tails docked because it prevents
new animal may have from entering the herd by
like cattle, horses, pigs, goats and sheep need something a bit different. ey get their hooves
ies from infesting the hind wool. Sheep may get manure on their hind wool, and it can
placing the animal in quarantine. Quarantine is the separation of newly received animals from
trimmed. It is important that livestock get their
become matted. Flies may lay their eggs here
those already in the facility until the health of
feet trimmed because it can prevent lameness.
and the maggots could infest the animal. Pigs
the new animals has been checked by a
Trimming feet also gives the producer a chance
have their tails docked because some pigs may
veterinarian and found to be disease- free.
to inspect his animals' hooves and catch
bite other pigs' tails. is is a health concern
Farmers work hard to take care of their animals
infections. Farmers can protect their animals' feet through grooving the barn oor and installing
because open wounds on the pigs could
and ensure that illness is reduced as much as
become infected.
Farmers might use a ventilation system and
January - February 2017
The role of animal nutrition in sustainable and healthy food systems e requirement of humans for protein
Although meat produced via beef cattle is the
represents on average 10–35% of the daily caloric
least efficient of all animal protein types, it is
intake. According to the Dietary Reference
ecologically important, as it utilizes a vegetable
Aquaculture Since levels of wild shing are stagnating, aquaculture has developed exponentially in order
Intakes (DRIs) issued by the Institute of
biomass which otherwise would be wasted to
to satisfy the growing demand for this type of
Medicine of the US Food and Nutrition Board,1
yield high-quality protein for human
food. Farming of aquatic species represents the
adults need to eat about 60 grams of protein per
consumption. Ruminants can digest ligno-
most diverse food-producing industry, ranging
cellulosic material in their rumen; this process
from invertebrates such as mollusks and
Protein is mainly found in meats from poultry,
results in protein (bacterial biomass) and volatile
crustaceans and a large variety of sh to reptiles
pork and beef, in sh, eggs and dairy products
fatty acids (energy) for the host animal. In most
such as crocodiles. e animals belong either to
(cheese and milk), but also in vegetable sources
countries, the dairy industry uses cattle breeds
freshwater or marine species, and rearing takes
such as legumes (soya, beans), grains, nuts and
which were genetically selected for high milk
place in tanks, ponds, rivers, lakes and the ocean.
seeds, and also in certain vegetables.
production over many generations. Dairy cows
A special requirement of carnivorous sh species
Protein that comes from animal sources is in
in highly developed production systems deliver
such as salmonids is that they need shmeal for
general nutritionally more complete, because it
on average only 2.5 lactation cycles, which is
fast growth, which is produced in enormous
contains the essential amino acids in a more
seen as a dissipation of resources, considering
quantities via the processing of wildcaught sh. As
adequate pattern than is the case with plant
the long investment required to bring a
such farming conditions might not be sustainable
calf/heifer to sexual maturity. Frequent health
in the future, research efforts are directed towards
issues in dairy cattle, which result in the culling
diet compositions which allow using more
of cows, are fertility problems, lameness due to
vegetable protein, e.g. soya. Moreover, there are
Poultry meat and eggs Several avian species have been domesticated
serious claw disorders, and chronic mastitis
for the production of food, the most important being broiler chickens and laying hens, which are currently kept all over the globe for the
indications that aquaculture could use insect protein, whose amino acid composition is largely
Pork production
similar to that of shmeal.
Today's swine industry is still less
production of high-quality meat and eggs.
concentrated and less integrated than the
Poultry meat is relatively cheap, is considered to
poultry industry, and the production of growing
be a healthy food, and is well accepted, as there
and fattening pigs is less efficient than that of
a sustainable way represents an enormous
are no restrictions on its consumption by major
broilers. Pig meat is not accepted by certain
challenge for this industry. It means nding the
religions or local traditions. Poultry meat
religious communities such as Muslims, and
land for placing the farms for the additional
production is therefore constantly on the
accordingly this industry is not present in
animals, but also increasing the production of raw
increase, and will soon become the most popular
several large countries of the Middle East and
materials for feed, particularly the main
animal-derived food worldwide. Ruminants: Beef cattle and dairy cows
January - February 2017
Opportunities to increase meat production Doubling animal-derived protein production in
Asia. Nevertheless, pork is the most widely
ingredients such as corn, cereals and soybean. For
consumed meat in the world.
the transport of both feed and animals, adequate
Livestock carriage capacity and infrastructure will be
(P) from plant-bound phytate, which could not
been banned in Europe, but is still allowed in the
needed, and new processing plants will have to
be utilized by monogastric animals in former
rest of the world. As alternatives to AGPs so-called
be constructed. Furthermore, the additional
times. By using such products, less non-digested
“Eubiotics” – which have the ability to bene cially
waste (manure, slurry, gases, slaughter offal) will
potentially pollutant P is excreted by the animal.
protects the environment (soil, water, air).
modulate the gut micro ora – are being developed. Pre- and probiotics, organic acids and
need to be handled in a way that optimally Alternative feed ingredients Another necessity for keeping a higher
essential oils have the potential to foster adequate gut health. Yet the therapeutic use of antibiotics
production rate sustainable is to nd alternative
for treating animal diseases is currently not under
feed ingredients, since the production of
scrutiny, although the approval for certain
accompany the overall rise in livestock
common crops might not be increased to the
products from human medicine has been revoked.
production. In poultry, growth and feed
necessary extent, and as the main feedstuffs
conversion rates – being the ratio of amount of
(corn, cereals, soybean) compete directly with
Breeding Increased efficiency in meat production must
feed in kg per kg live weight (typically 1.5 to 1.8)
human consumption. ere are tropical raw
– have already been massively improved, and this
materials available which could serve this
Environmental considerations Facing the massive increase in demand for animal-derived food and consequently the
development must be pursued. For swine, there
purpose. Besides vegetable sources of protein,
enormous expansion of animal husbandry, the
seems to be considerable potential for better
insects have recently been considered as
environmental emissions from this industry must
performance, but progress is slower on this front.
potential feed ingredients for livestock and
be given special attention.
Efforts to increase productivity are ongoing in
aquaculture production. e larvae of insects
e rst concern should be the sustainable
beef cattle and in dairy cows as well. Although
contain up to 60% of high-quality protein and
disposal of manure. Although animal excreta and
already rather efficient, aquaculture could still
the content of indigestible chitin is lower than in
slurry are convenient fertilizers, grasslands and
increase overall performance levels by improving
the adult stage. Insects can be grown on bio-
croplands should not be oversupplied with
the esh yield in sh. Nutrition For maximum production efficiency nutrition,
waste from the food processing industry or from
nutrients which cannot be bound by the soil
households, and certain species could even
matrix and therefore would leak out into rivers
utilize ligno-cellulosic biomass. Insects have a
and lakes, causing eutrophication of the water
more efficient feed conversion capacity than any
both in terms of macronutrients and of
other farmed animal, and the requirements for
Furthermore, trace elements such as zinc, copper
micronutrients such as vitamins, meat
management and husbandry are rather low.
and cobalt, which are essential for animal
Longevity of high-yielding livestock animals
thereby create damage to the growing crops.
performance, can accumulate in the soil and
production needs to be optimized. High-yielding breeds are delicate hybrids, and their nutrition must be carefully balanced inorder to exploit
Under production conditions, farm animals
Making animal-derived protein production more
their full genetic potential.
are prone to fatal diseases of various origins.
efficient should result in less excreta per unit of
Since supplemental vitamins, which are not
Furthermore, high productivity is rapidly
edible product. But considering the expected
instantly utilized by the metabolism, are
exhausting the metabolic resources of long-lived
expansion of production, novel concepts for
deposited in meat, eggs or transferred into the
animal categories (laying/breeder hens, breeding
processing the manure and potentially extracting
milk, they eventually improve the nutritional
sows, dairy cows) and reduces their life
valuable fractions from this material for re-use are
value of these end-products for the consumer.
expectancy. A prolongation of their lifespan
urgently required.
Feed utilization
improvement of the production efficacy, with
would contribute substantially to an To improve the sustainability of animalderived protein production, the limited resources
more eggs or day-old chicks, more piglets, and
effect and thus aggravate the global warming
more milk.
problem, should not be allowed to increase. For this environmental issue, a few feed additives are
of feedstocks must be exploited to the maximum. For this reason, feed enzymes are commonly used in monogastric animals (poultry, swine) to
Gas emissions of carbon dioxide, ammonia and methane, which contribute to the greenhouse
e elimination of antibiotics A special challenge of meat production is the
available on the market, but none of them currently seems sufficiently efficacious to allow
improve the digestibility of nutrients.
elimination of antibiotics from animal farming.
anticipated levels of production growth in poultry
Carbohydrases with different speci c activities
For a long time, antibiotic growth promotors
and swine with neutral or shrinking emissions.
can degrade brous material in cereals and
(AGPs) were added to the feed of livestock for
Methane from enteric fermentation in ruminants
thereby make energy available to the host which
the prevention of infectious diseases. Since
represents the single largest source of
otherwise would be wasted. Proteases improve
certain of these products are structurally related
anthropogenic origin. For this segment, a feed
the digestibility of protein, which is the most
to antibiotics used in human medicine, the
additive is under development which has the
expensive feed ingredient and of which the
considerable risk of inducing cross-resistance in
potential to reduce methane emissions by at least
supply might become limited in the future.
life-threatening pathogens has been recognized.
Finally, phytases release inorganic phosphorous
Consequently the prophylactic use of AGPs has
January - February 2017
Livestock weighing & animal identification systems Today's top livestock farmers state that
3. Measure feed conversion
Zealand based Gallagher livestock weighing
weighing livestock regularly is an integral part of
When you correctly monitor the weight gain,
systems in South Africa offers a fully functional
proper animal farming; procedures are simple
you will know the feed conversion rates. is
workshop, excellent sales and aer sales service.
and the modern equipment is user friendly. e
helps in determining the right feed portions.
Gallagher offers farmers a complete animal
bene ts include better livestock management
is way, you avoid overfeeding the animal
management system to help you monitor and
and increased pro ts.
when the feed is unnecessary. Actually, you can
maximize the performance of your animals and
e data collected aer weighing animals can be
set and achieve certain growth rates at certain
extract more pro t from your farm. e
used in making accurate management decisions.
Gallagher range of readers, weigh scales, loadbars
4. Decide proper weaning time
wide range of capability and a system that will
For example, you will know what animal breeds are best for rearing. At the same time, you can
and accessories are fully compatible offering a
modify your feeding patterns and approaches to
Calves should be included in proper animal
match your farm's requirements. Gallagher
improve productivity.
weighing. You can predict the future growth of
weighing and EID products are distinguished in
e following are advantages of proper
the calf by looking at the graph of its past
the market by their advanced features and tough,
performance. is information helps determine
farm ready design.
the right time to wean calves of the same breed. 1. Monitor animal health
According to Lisa Williams, Manager at Rudd, “e Gallagher range of Livestock Equipment is a
As unhealthy animals usually have decreased
5. Evaluate breeding performance
result of years of research and development into
weight gain, you can easily detect a sick animal
By weighing all animals regularly, you can easily
the changing needs of the farmer as well as the
by monitoring its weight. When you note a slight
tell those breeds that gain weight faster. Your
Feedlot and Stud industry. Gallagher offers a
change in its weight, you can have it treated early
future genetic selection relies on this data. For
range of equipment from basic easy to operate to
and avert a dangerous disease. When it is cured,
example, you can produce a cross breed of 2
a full database, electronic ID and weigh system.”
you eliminate the risk of having the disease
animals that you know grow fast.
spread to other animals. is effectively reduces losses.
“e Gallagher Livestock Management system is tough, robust equipment, designed and
6. Maximise bene ts
manufactured for on farm conditions. e best
Since each livestock scale is automatic, less
quality you can invest in”, she adds.
2. Know weights before breeding
labour is needed in the handling of the animals.
e system is made up of a weigh scale indicator
Animals should be bred at certain optimal
In addition, traditional scales may not re ect
and a set of two weight sensing loadbars or four
weights and conditions. You will make decisions
the actual animal weights. Take advantage of
weigh feet, which are usually positioned under a
that are more accurate through the regular
the modern scales, as they are error-free.
weighing of the animals. Otherwise, you may
platform or handler. ey are waterproof, dustproof, shockproof. ey have heavy duty
not be able to identify the right time to breed an
e Ghallagher Livestock Management
cables with spring wire protection, as well as
animal just by observing it.
robust waterproof plugs.
Rudd Products, sole distributor of the New
January - February 2017
Email: info@munters.co.za
order to the market hiding the rest. Instead of placing a large order on the market, an Iceberg algorithm instead breaks it into various smaller orders, to avoid telegraphing the trader's true intention. Sniper – An algorithm that never shows buy or sell orders, but instead trades against online orders in the market, taking advantage of its faster speed to find better deals than a trader can react to on their own. Sao Paulo Stock Exchange
Sniffer Dog - The algorithm that looks
for other algorithms! Also known as a “sniffer”, this algorithm rapidly fires orders into the market to “sniff-out” trading patterns and responses that would indicate not only the presence of other algorithms, but also the terms under which they operate. It is estimated that 75% of the dayto-day trading volume in today's
algorithm reacts faster to emerging
global markets is driven by
everything (and sometimes,
information than the human eye can
algorithms. Yet in the African
everyone) is being replaced by
blink – often in a timespan
commodity markets that figure hovers
electronics and computers. The
measured in microseconds - putting
at an estimated 15%. While
relentless march of automation and
the advantage square in the hands
algorithms are frequently becoming
advances in the technological realm
of the brokers and traders that craft
more common (as more and more
continue to make their presence felt
specialised execution algorithms.
brokers and traders wake up to the
in all spheres of life.
Algorithms have become increasingly
benefits of these trading tools), they
The financial industry is no
complex, requiring more and more
remain sorely under-utilised… and
effort to be devoted to
sometimes misunderstood.
Algorithms have changed the way
understanding and properly
Taking that into account, why not take
investors are trading on the stock
implementing them.
advantage of a team that not only
market and it has made the process
An algorithm is not a magical
understands the importance of
incredibly efficient… and made
incantation, an esoteric knowledge
algorithms in the modern trading
navigating the markets increasingly
hidden from mortal men. It is merely
space, but has years of experience in
difficult for even an experienced
a set of rules. Written by a human,
both their design, and their use?
an algorithm can only be as good as
Russellstone International is a
In terms of trading, what is an
the team that designs it. And in the
member of the Johannesburg Stock
algorithm? In the simplest terms, it is
modern world and in the fiercely
Exchange, a commodity broking firm,
a set of rules that a computer will
competitive environment present in
and a leader in the field of developing
today's market, this is a moving
execution algorithms, particularly in
Trading algorithms can be very
target as you constantly have to be
African markets.
simple. For example – the price of
ahead of the curve.
Our aim is to continue to improve on
maize is R 3500 for buyers, and R
Owing to their nature, algorithms
our existing knowledge, design and
3600 for sellers. You can write a set
can be as generalised or a
implementation of algorithms, and to
of rules that will tell the computer to
specialised as the trader requires,
offer you the opportunity to take
buy maize if the selling price is R
often being able to be tailored to
advantage of them yourselves.
3550. The computer will then
meet a specific need. The following
monitor the price and execute the
are very basic algorithms that
Craig Robinson
buying order if the seller price is
showcase the endless possibility that
they offer:
Russellstone International (PTY) Ltd
In these modern times, it feels as if
The main advantage of execution
Iceberg – An order-based Algorithm
algorithms is their speed. The
that only “shows” the tip of the
January - February 2017
Established in 2010, Russellstone International has since risen to become one of the leading broking firms in the South African Derivatives market.
As a registered member of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Russellstone International is the market leader in algorithmic trade execution technology in the Agricultural, Equity and Currency Derivative markets on the JSE.
Utilising the latest in trading software, we also take advantage of advances in the field, making use of drone technology to conduct crop surveys and provide you a detailed assessment of the current conditions on (and in!) the ground.
Whether you're a miller or farmer looking to diversify your portfolio, or a large corporate that requires knowledgeable trading expertise to support your business, Russellstone International has an experienced team that is ready to offer you the advice and support that you require.
If you are interested in finding out more, visit our website at www.rsitrading.co.za. You can also drop us a line at info@rsitrading.co.za or +27 12 743 5390 and we will be more than happy to assist you! Russellstone Interna onal (PTY) td is a registered member of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Reg No 2001/023483/07 A member of the Russellstone Group.
Machinery Preview
New Quantum tractors bring better performance to orchard, vineyard and vegetable sectors Distinctive Case IH family styling / New Midmount hydraulic coupler possibilities and high ow pump options / Level 4 cab ltration system
becoming damaged during work, and enable
only) to prolong Level 4 lter life when spraying is
the wheels to tuck in closely to the chassis for
not taking place.
improved turning and manoeuvrability.
maximises operator safety / Enhanced cab and
ease operation and improve operator space, and
controls / Integrated front hitch and PTO option /
Hydraulic system options enhance versatility
Stage IIIB FPT 3.4-litre CEGR engines cut fuel
and performance
Hydraulic remote levers have been redesigned to there is a new tilt/telescope steering column to enable a comfortable working position to be easily
For mid-mounted hydraulically-driven
found, plus a new analogue/electronic dashboard
implements such as pruning equipment, new
to make essential engine information easier to
Case IH has unveiled a new generation of its
Quantum options include a revised, more
read. At
Quantum specialty tractor range. In addition to
compact mid-mount valve block which is better
transmission tunnel size helps to improve operator
oor level, a signi cantly reduced
new styling, the new models offer features
integrated and provide easier and faster
including new mid-mount hydraulic coupler
coupling. Users who wish to expand the
Engine updates create cleaner, more responsive
ow pump options, a
versatility of their tractors can now specify an
power units
switchable cab ltration system from Level 2 to
integrated front linkage and PTO option,
possibilities and high
e latest 3.4-litre engines from Case IH
Level 4, improved cab interior and controls, and
offering 2600kg li capacity. ere is also a 80
partner rm FPT Industrial power the new
an integrated front hitch and PTO option. Like
litres/minute hydraulic pump option on new
Quantum models, meeting Stage IIIB emissions
their predecessors, the new Quantum models are
Quantum models, to cater for implements with a
regulations via the use of cooled exhaust gas
available in V (vineyard), N (narrow) and F
high oil ow requirement.
(fruit) versions. e minimum overall width of
recirculation (CEGR) and a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC). Oil change interval is 600 hours.
the tractor is 1,063mm for the V, 1,228mm for the
C ab c omfor t b o oste d by c ontrol and
A new Electronic Engine Speed Control provides
N and 1,382mm for the F.
ventilation enhancements
two engine speed settings and improved engine
New styling offers practical bene ts In addition to giving the tractors a fresh new
Upgrades to the operator environment include
rpm response, for an instant reaction when the
an optional unique new switchable air ltration
tractor is required to maintain power, speed
look re ecting the lines of their larger
system on cabbed models. Where optional Level
and/or PTO output when on uphill slopes, for
counterparts, the distinctive new front-end
4 ltration is speci ed to remove crop protection
example. Transmission options comprise a
Case IH family styling on new Quantum
spray particles from the incoming air, the system
16F/16R synchro shuttle, a 16F/16R power shuttle,
models has practical bene ts. Smooth lines help
can be switched between Level 4 and Level 2
and a 32F/16R power shuttle with two-speed
minimise the risk of either trees or bodywork
January - February 2017
ltration (which is designed for dust extraction
power shi.
Machinery Preview
Samart Kasetyon unveils new sugar cane harvesting machine
A development of the current SM-200, the new machine exhibits several new features, including an operator cabin that is European in
the cane hopper which maximises traction and
design. Unlike many Asian OEM companies,
carrying capacity while optimising ground
Samart has recognised the advantage of
pressure and reducing the need for extensive
providing the operator with an air conditioned
ground preparation for future cropping.
and comfortable workspace. e European
e high capacity hopper with fast
sourced cabin reduces operator noise levels
automatic unloading system means extended
substantially along with vibration. e operator
operation cycles and rapid discharge of cut
also bene ts from more ergonomic seating and
cane to transport. Ful lling its own “in eld”
adaptive controls.
transport means that road trucks do not need
“We are committed to this concept,” said
to enter the eld or follow the machine to
Samart international manager Srinaul
unload, thus minimising plant (ratoon)
Leethiranon, “Internationally customers expect
a high degree of comfort and as we are
Daily maintenance is also simpli ed by the
competing more and more on the international
integrated lubrication system which allows a
stage we will be providing European standard
single button operation to ensure that all
operating stations to ensure we ful l their
critical lubrication points receive the correct
dosage of lubricant, protecting the machine,
e SM-200 Giant is based on a half-track and the steering is via the front drive/steer
wheels with a differential track system driving from the rear. e track is positioned under
ensuring efficient operation and safeguarding the customer's investment.
January - February 2017
Machinery Preview
Husqvarna's pioneering approach to chainsaws and lawnmowers Husqvarna boasts the market's
X-Torq® engine technology
TrioBrake ®
widest, most innovative and powerful
This revolutionary technology
This chainsaw safety system allows
range of machinery and tools for the
developed for two-stroke engines
the chain break to be activated
forest, garden, park, construction
delivers more power while cutting
automatically by the inertia release
and stone industries.
fuel consumption by up to 20% and
mechanism or mechanically by the
For over 327 years Husqvarna has
emissions by up to 75% (compared
operator's right hand.
applied 'out of the box' thinking,
to similar, traditional engine
which is well exemplified by the
technology). Good for the
AutoTune TM
development of Husqvarna's first
environment as well as the user.
A technological and environmental
chainsaw. Existing chainsaws at the time caused problems with noise
breakthrough in professional LowVib®
chainsaws, which minimises exhaust
pollution. By using motorcycle
Husqvarna's anti-vibration
emissions and optimises engine
muffler technology, which was
technology is designed to make the
performance, by compensating for
developed in-house, the noise level
operator's experience a more
different fuels, altitudes, humidity and
of the Husqvarna 90 was cut down to
comfortable and ergonomic one.
temperatures and omitting the need
half that of the contemporary
to spend time on carburettor
competition. Throughout the years,
Air Injection TM
Husqvarna has proved its
Husqvarna's centrifugal air cleaning
technological leadership by
system results in reduced wear and
adjustments. Husqvarna Battery Series
introducing ground-breaking and
longer operating time between filter
We have recently added a new
award-winning solutions and
chapter to our pioneering history –
products for the forestry industry,
the Husqvarna Battery Series, which
such as:
includes chainsaws and top handle
January - February 2017
Machinery Preview
saws and offers all the power,
and slopes up to 45% and offering
cutting deck and the ability to turn on
performance and intuitive design you
immaculate results.
its own axis, the Husqvarna Zero Turn
Lawn Tractors
and speedily dispatches of large
quiet, clean, convenient operation
Husqvarna lawn tractors offer the
mowing areas.
using long-lasting lithium-ion
versatility of three cutting systems –
collecting, mulching (BioClip® ) and
P525D Front Mowers
Husqvarna's diverse range of mowing
ejection and thanks to a wide range
Husqvarna's front mowers have the
solutions further illustrates the
of attachments, your lawn tractor
smallest uncut circle in the industry.
company's commitment to
will serve as a powerful and versatile
That means you'll spend less time
technological advancement:
garden partner all year round.
trying to get out of complex areas or
Mower makes short work of tall grass
expect from Husqvarna – without the need for petrol and refuelling. Just
going back and forth to mow in tight Riders
spaces. A wide range of attachments
Our versatile cutting system allows
The front-mounted cutting deck
make this mower even more versatile,
you to collect, mulch (BioClip® ) or
reaches almost everywhere and the
all year around.
eject grass clippings.
unique articulated steering provides
Push Lawnmowers
Robotic Mowers
unsurpassed manoeuvrability and a
For more information, visit
small turning radius.
Husqvarna Automower ® silently tackles even the most complex
Zero Turn Mowers
lawns, navigating narrow passages
With an extremely high capacity
Husqvarna P525 Front Mower
Husqvarna 450X Automower ®
January - February 2017
Rapid PLUS Deboner: Now suitable for front halves up to 1.7 kilo e Meyn Rapid PLUS breast deboner is widely installed as a means of achieving precise deboning and signi cant labor savings. is capability is now signi cantly enhanced with the Rapid PLUS 4.0 version, designed and updated for the processing of bigger front halves up to 1.7 kilo wings off. “e Rapid Plus was rst introduced 10 years ago and has been hugely successful”, says Jeroen Bohm, Line of Business Product Manager for Meyn Deboning Systems. “e larger weight capability will add more exibility and productivity for poultry producers worldwide.”
Over 200 Rapid Plus systems have been sold worldwide. It is the only solution available that can harvest all let and tender products automatically at the highest capacity, resulting in a signi cant reduction of labor costs and a minimized dependency on labor skills and availability. e next generation Rapid Plus chicken breast deboner is introduced to the market during IPPE 2017 in Atlanta where also a live demonstration of the system will be held. Meyn celebrates the 10 Year Jubilee of the Rapid system technology in 2017.
Stories from the field: Geoffrey Kitale, Kenya Geoffrey's main reason for purchasing the Sf1 Solar Pump was to help
Because of this expense, he was limited to only irrigating ¼ of an acre
him irrigate his farm during the dry season (December to March).
where he grew kales, local vegetables and tomatoes for commercial
Irrigating through the droughts will allow him to continue growing
reasons. But now, with free energy from the solar pump he has been able
produce and help him increase his income during those periods. Two
to expand his cultivated area. He's already planted cabbages, kales,
months on from the pump being installed he is already seeing great
onions and is growing tomatoes in a small greenhouse.
progress on his farm.
He uses the solar pump daily, from eight in the morning till noon. e
Before purchasing the solar pump, Geoffrey hired a petrol pump for
River Kiminini that passes next to his farm is his water source. e river
irrigating his crops. e cost of hiring the pump, plus the fuel cost,
never dries out so Geoffrey knows he will have good harvest during the
would amount to 700 shillings ($7) each time. Irrigating twice a week in
droughts, especially as the amount that was being used in hiring of petrol
the dry season was therefore having a signi cant impact on his potential
pump will be diverted in other farming activities.
pro ts!
By Collins Oluoch, M&E Assistant
January - February 2017
New Products & Services
Case IH marks 175th anniversary of founding firm with unveiling of autonomous tractor at SIMA show Driverless Magnum concept makes
already helping to improve
issues and enable farmers and farm staff
Europe debut / Tractor offers potential to
circumstances for operators on
to enjoy more sociable working hours,
relieve operators of need for long hours
currently-available machines, long
thereby helping support the industry
in the eld / Latest Quantum models plus
hours in the eld are oen still
and its existing labour force. It does this
new precision technology also on display
essential, while sourcing staff
through a design which allows
/ 2017 marks 175 years since 1842
sufficiently quali ed and prepared to
programming, control and monitoring
foundation of JI Case reshing Machine
work them is becoming difficult.
of the tractor to be carried out remotely
Company in Racine, Wisconsin, today's
Designed to relieve drivers from long
via a tablet or PC. Safety is assured
home of Magnum
hours in the tractor seat and allow
through the use of in-built sensor, radar
farm businesses to make better use of
and laser-based lidar technology,
labour, while making possible
integrated into the restyled cabless
e rst major international show of its 175th anniversary year will see Case IH unveil to farmers the very latest
unmanned work around the clock, the
design. Where elds are interlinked by
from the brand's innovation team, in
Autonomous Concept Vehicle (ACV)
private tracks, the ACV can even be
the form of the autonomous Magnum
even offers the potential to
programmed to move between them,
tractor revealed at the US Farm
automatically adapt to weather events,
and has the potential to use weather data
Progress Show last autumn. While the
and can work alongside existing
to stop work if weather dictates, and
machine is currently a concept, it will
machines. e ACV has been awarded
even use that data to move to a eld with
be complemented on the Case IH stand
a silver medal in the SIMA Innovation
drier conditions. Currently, the ACV is a
at the SIMA show in Paris, France by
concept, but its technologies are suited
recent product introductions including
Retaining its conventional engine,
to integration into new conventional
the updated Quantum plus uprated
transmission, chassis and implement
tractors in the future, and are as
round and square balers and new
couplings, and using RTK GPS to
applicable to smaller tractors – those for
precision farming technology.
provide sub-2.5cm steering
orchard work, for example – as they are
While auto-steering and other
repeatability, the ACV development
to machines of the size of Magnum.
automated machine functions are
offers the potential to address these
January - February 2017
is is re ected in the more
New Products & Services imminently-available new precision
Year, the 270/300hp Optum CVX.
in Racine, Wisconsin, USA. In 1984 the
farming technology being revealed by
New are revised 65-105hp Quantum V
business was merged with the
Case IH at SIMA, including AccuTurn,
(vineyard) and F (fruit) tractors. ey
agricultural equipment division of
a new tractor option which automates
gain new styling, a revised cab interior
International Harvester to form Case
the process of turning on the headland
and controls, and options including a
IH, before JI Case became a publicly-
and entering the next chosen swath.
new mid-mount hydraulic coupler, a
owned entity, Case Corporation, in
Also on show will be the bene ts of the
high- ow hydraulic pump, switchable
1994. Fiat acquired Case Corporation
Case IH RTK+ network, designed to
cab ltration for use when spraying,
and the Case IH brand in 1999 and
provide seamless correction signal
and an integral front linkage/PTO.
formed CNH, which later became
coverage with RTK accuracy and maximum uptime. A number of new tractor models and
Meanwhile, SIMA will also see Case IH marking the rst celebrations of its
today's CNH Industrial. e coming year also marks the thirtieth anniversary
175th anniversary year. Jerome
of the introduction of the rst Magnum
updates also make their debut at the
Increase Case founded the JI Case
tractors, the latest generation of which
show, alongside the 2017 Tractor of the
reshing Machine Company in 1842
are still built in Racine today.
Rolls Royce to supply engines for Claas agricultural vehicles Rolls-Royce and Claas have signed a project agreement to supply MTU engines to be used
of the MTU Series 1000 to 1500, which will be tted into its Lexion and Tucano combine-
“With an eye, among other things, to the EU Stage V Emissions Directive, we have decided in
in its agricultural vehicles from 2019.
harvesters, its Jaguar forage harvester and its
favour of these tried-and-trusted engines from
Luxury car and aviation engine manufacturers
4x4 high-horsepower tractor Xerion. MTU's
MTU to power a large proportion of our
Rolls-Royce have signed a project agreement
Series 1000 to 1500 are based on Daimler OM
vehicles. We already have over 10 eld-trial
with agricultural vehicle experts Claas to
93x and OM 47x commercial vehicle engines
vehicles tted with EU Stage V MTU engines
supply MTU series 1000 to 1500 engines for
and cover a broad power range from 100 to
and are very satis ed with them.”
use in its combine harvesters, forage harvesters
480 kW. From 2019, 4,000 to 5,000 engines are
Bernd Krüper, Vice President Industrial
and 4x4, high horsepower tractors from 2019.
to be supplied per year across all series and
Business including Construction and
ese engines will comply with the European
emissions levels. e MTU brand is part of
Agriculture at MTU, said, “We are delighted at
Union's Stage V emissions standards which will
Rolls-Royce Power Systems.
winning one of the most renowned agricultural
come into force in 2019.
Bernd Kleffmann, Head of Systems
machinery manufacturers for the EU Stage V
e new engines to be tted into the new Claas
Engineering Development at Claas
engines we've introduced. is is a continuation
agricultural vehicles are the improved versions
Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH, said,
of our long-standing success story with Claas.”
January - February 2017
January - February 2017
ag_africa@trimble.com www.trimble.com/agriculture.