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BUSINESS SCHOOL: Dr. Karel Sovak, Matt Frohlich, Dr. Jennifer Wegleitner, Tanya Tapin, Caroline Kozojed, Dr. Troy Bichler & Todd Van Orman
The Gary Tharaldson School of Business is the state’s premier mission-driven business program. With over 25 years of experience in distance education and online learning, the University of Mary is a proven leader in delivering adult education. They understand that your education is about much more than a diploma—it’s about merging your past experiences with a program that fulfills you personally and professionally.
Gary Tharaldson School of Business programs are designed for working adults, offering classes taught by experienced faculty who bring real-world expertise. They offer online and evening undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs that allow working adults to balance responsibilities between work, home and school. In addition to their multiple degree opportunities, they also offer business partnerships, customized workforce training and dedicated military services.
With alums and business partners in the Bismarck-Mandan area, the University of Mary is able to cultivate relationships in the community that are focused on the development of future leaders. Graduates of the University of Mary thrive and passionately serve the community and the greater good.
University of Mary Gary Tharaldson School of Business
7500 University Drive Bismarck, ND 58504