FNCCI Business Journal Volume 4 (June-

Page 1

Vol. 4, June-August 2013

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Business Climate Survey





Editorial Create Conducive Climate for Business Nepal has been in a perennial political transition for the past few decades. The fluctuating government policies and programmes triggered by unstable political situation has adversely affected the business climate in the country. Besides, the issues like lack of good governance practices, difficult labor relations, power shortages, scarcity of raw material and skilled human resources for industries and lack of law and order situation has been the critical constraints for the economic growth and development of the country. Various studies and reports have suggested that the country’s business climate has been deteriorating over the past few decades. The World Bank Doing Business Report 2013 puts Nepal in the 108th position among the 185 economies. Nepal fairs poorly in indicators such as trading across the border (rank 171), enforcing contracts (rank 137) and resolving insolvency (rank 121). The Global Enabling Trade Index 2012, published by the World Economic Forum has ranked Nepal in 124th position out of 132 economies. Likewise, Nepal lies in 126th position in ‘Business Environment Sub-index’, indicating that Nepal needs to do a lot to make its business climate investor friendly. Though the recent studies: Business Confidence Index and Business Climate Survey, carried out by the FNCCI showed that the business climate was improving slightly in Nepal. It was not enough to lure huge investments, both foreign and domestic, and attain high economic growth. It is needless to reiterate that a business friendly and conducive climate provides opportunities and incentives for private sector to invest and create jobs. The investment climate shapes the costs and risks of doing business. It also determines the rule of the game including that of the competition. A more conducive business climate strongly influence the role and impact of the private sector in social and economic development, economic growth and poverty reduction. The Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), the umbrella organization of private sector and business enterprises in Nepal, has been advocating and working for creating more conducive climate for the development of private sector thereby increasing the investment in the country, which would generate employment, reduce the bourgeoning trade deficit and make country self-reliant. However, the situation could not have been in this line. Now, it is the high time that the government and concerned stakeholders ponder over creating a more conducive business climate that would bolster the business in the country increasing both foreign and domestic investment thereby creating more jobs and economic growth.



NS 124/2043

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Business Climate Survey Highlights of the Survey Findings


n environment conducive to the business is the indispensable means to foster any businesses and accelerate economic growth. If the environment is conducive enough, it provides opportunities to the creation and growth or transformation of the enterprises on a sustainable basis. It is a legitimate quest for profits and one of the key drivers of the economic growth. The business people and entrepreneurs always look for best business climate where their business booms. Proper information about the business climate of any country or state provides the business people and entrepreneurs to gauge the actual business potential in the area thereby bringing their investment. Therefore, a regular and scientific assessment of the business climate is essential to get a true picture of the business climate of the entire country.

The survey was conducted in September-October 2012 with

Recently, the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), the umbrella organization of Nepalese private sector and business enterprises, took an initiative by conducting a pilot business climate survey (BCS) in five districts of Mid and Far West of the country. The survey was conducted in five districts Mid and Far West of the country namely Dang, Pyuthan, Kailai, Surkhet and Banke with the view to identify the issues and challenges faced in doing business in these districts from a representatives sample of those involved and associated with business.

lowest proportion of women entrepreneurs while Banke has the

the technical and financial support from the joint NepaliGerman Inclusive Development of the Economy (INCLUDE) Programme. Though the survey was limited within the five districts of Mid and Far West of the country, the results of the survey will be useful to take a broad view of business climate throughout the country.

RESPONDENTS INFORMATION The business in Nepal is dominated by men. The current survey also proves it. The survey found that in all surveyed districts, number of women entrepreneurs is quite low compared to that of men. Among the five districts, Dang and Kailali have the highest proportion of women entrepreneurs. It is also noteworthy that most of the enterprises are being run by young individuals. All the districts have substantially young entrepreneurs within the age group of 20 to 40 years. However, the proportion of entrepreneurs who have an educational background of bachelor’s level and above is quite low. Pyuthan, compared to other districts, has the lowest number of both youth entrepreneurs and graduate entrepreneurs. FNCCI BUSINESS JOURNAL


Table II shows that Kailali has the highest proportion of youth entrepreneurs while Banke has the highest proportion of entrepreneurs who have received bachelor’s level degree and above. Table II: Comparison of respondents by gender, age group and education level Districts

Gender (%)

Age group (20-40) (%)

Bachelor’s level and above (%)




































shows, Pyuthan has highest number of the enterprises with PAN. Table III: Enterprises registered in IRD Districts

Registered in IRD


Of those registered with IRD Enterprise with PAN (%)

Enterprise with VAT (%)




















Almost every entrepreneur felt that market demand had motivated them to establish their business in the respective

Overall in five districts, the survey also reveals that most of the entrepreneurs belong to Brahmin/Chhetri caste followed by Janajati except in Banke, where Madhesis are also involved in business in substantial number. Only small fractions of entrepreneurs are conflict victim and people with disability.

consists of businesses from the informal sector. For practical purpose, any enterprise which is not registered in any of the government agencies is considered to be from informal sector. It is observed that lack of proper information about the registration process is one of the for



their business.

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN ENTERPRISES (IT) by the enterprises in the respective districts. As expected,

One-fifth of the respondents in each of the districts


form of wholesale & retail types, implying the small scale of

The survey tried to find out the use of information technology



district. Most of the businesses are involved in trading in the



enterprises from Banke had more IT users while those from Pyuthan had few users as is also shown in Table IV.1. However, use of information technology in all districts is quite low when compared to its importance in modern day business practices. Table IV.1: Use of information technology in the enterprises


government agencies. Nevertheless, more than half of the informal businesses indicated their willingness to


Enterprises with computer (%)

Enterprises with email/ internet service (%)





In Nepal, all businesses, have to be registered with the




Inland Revenue Department (IRD) Office. The IRD office




provides every enterprise with a unique PAN and depending







upon the annual transaction value, they also have to obtain VAT number. Surkhet has the highest percentage of enterprises registered

The survey found that most of the enterprises use rudimentary

in the IRD office followed by Banke. As Banke is one

accounting system in their business, only few enterprises use

of the major business hubs and also known as the gateway

computerized accounting system. Highest share of enterprises

to Mid and Far Western Region, it has most number

from Banke use computerized accounting system, as the district



has highest number of computers in comparison with other

The second FNCCI Business Confidence Survey conducted by

districts. Table IV.2 shows that the user of simple accounting system and computerized accounting system is lower in Pyuthan than in other districts.

the FNCCI in 2013 showed an increment in the confidence and

Table IV.2: Use of accounting system in the enterprises

high expectation regarding the economic growth of the country.

expectation level of the private sector on country’s economic growth. Consistent with this perception, the survey also showed The rise of the expectation in this survey may be attributed to the recent developments in Nepal on political front as economic

Enterprises with simple accounting system (%)

Enterprises with computerized accounting system (%)










Pyuthan also identified increase in price of raw materials and




inputs, and decrease in demand as the major constraining factors




their district. Nevertheless, the optimism of the respondents is


growth is largely affected and connected to the political stability in Nepal. However, the respondents highlighted bandha/strike, power shortage and political instability as the three major constraining factors for the business growth. Meanwhile, enterprises from

worth appreciating.

As most of the enterprises are sole proprietorships and involved

TAX ADMINISTRATION AND LEGAL businesses where entrepreneurs themselves are the employees. ISSUES in the wholesale and retail business, it indicates low scale of The survey showed that a very low percent of the enterprises are accustomed to the modern human resource management system in all districts.

In terms of paying taxes, highest proportion of businesses pay income tax to the government, as compared to other taxes. The proportion of businesses which collect and deposit VAT and rental tax is much lower. In case of Pyuthan, businesses


seemed to pay excise duty more than rental tax. As shown

The survey, as shown in Table V, found that respondents

in Table VI, the survey found that larger proportion of

from Kailali are more optimistic about overall economic

businesses from Pyuthan paid income tax than in other districts

growth of Nepal while those from Pyuthan are least optimistic

while bigger proportion of businesses from Banke paid VAT

about business performance. Meanwhile, respondents from

and rental tax. This is in line with expectation as Banke is the

Banke are least optimistic about the economic growth of Nepal.

market centre of the entire region and is likely to have bigger

Table V: Perception of entrepreneurs on business performance and country’s economic growth

Majority of respondents said that the acts and regulations

Enterprises expecting overall business performance to be better next year (%)

Enterprises with computerized accounting system (%)


















related to income tax and value added tax were unclear and inconsistent. Table VI: Types of taxes paid by entrepreneurs Income tax (%)

VAT (%)

Rental tax

Excise duty































ACCESS TO FINANCE AND SOURCE OF FINANCE The survey found that majority of the businesses used internal funds/retained earnings as their main source of finance and regarded loans from BFIs and saving and credit cooperative as secondary source of finance. Access to finance was not perceived as a major constraint to doing business in the pilot districts. Almost all the issues relating to access to finance were perceived as problems of moderate intensity or less, and interest rate appeared to top the list. The first two for each district is presented in table VII. Table VII: Major Factors constraining access to finance (Rating in a scale of 1 to 5, where 1: not a problem & 5: A major problem)

Surkhet Pyuthan Dang Banke Kailali

The respondents were of the opinion that they were taking extra financial burden due to lack of power. Entrepreneurs from Banke have to bear additional average cost of NPR 34,160 per month for using backup generators. As power cut is rare in Pyuthan, entrepreneurs from that district have to bear relatively less extra cost for power. Table VIII shows the proportion of enterprises using backup generators and the additional cost they have to spend. Table VIII: Enterprises with the captive energy and its average cost per month Enterprises using backup generators (%)

Additional average cost/month (NPR)











Interest rate


















Loan processing time






Inadequate knowledge of financial products






STARTING A BUSINESS It can be observed that market demand, possession of relevant skills and potential of market expansion are the most motivating factors to start a business. Most of the entrepreneurs were of the opinion that access to finance and cost of land or premises were the major constraining factors to start a business in the respective districts.

INFRASTRUCTURE Across the five pilot districts, respondents identified electricity, waste disposal, roads and transportation as those that needed immediate an improvement for their businesses. When asked what infrastructures were important for the district’s overall economic growth, respondents in Surkhet, Banke and Kailali gave establishment of university topmost priority. Likewise, respondents from Pyuthan identified the establishment of technical/vocational training institute and those from Dang identified regular supply of power as most important in their respective districts. 10


OVERALL EMPLOYMENT SITUATION The survey revealed that one in every four enterprises face difficulties in recruiting competent workforce as shown in Table IX. Table IX: Proportion of enterprises facing difficulties in recruitment


Enterprises facing difficulties in recruiting competent workforce (%) 25.0










OVERALL SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITION The survey revealed that despite difficulties, the socio economic condition of the people in the region is improving. Only a few indicators for socio-economic condition are presented here. Across the districts, a large number of respondents seemed to think that the number of students attending college/ schools has increased.

Table X.1: Students attending college/school Respondents who think that the Districts number of students attending college is increasing (%)

Respondents who think that the number of children going to school is increasing (%)
















Similarly respondents also viewed that women’s role in decision making at home and in the community has improved over the years. However, among the five districts, lesser percentage of respondents from Banke opined that women’s role in decision making at home as well as community level had increased. Table X.2: Women’s role in decision making at home and at community level Respondents who think that Respondents who think that women’s role in Districts women’s role in decision making at decision home has improved (%) making at community level has improved (%) Surkhet















INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL TRADE The number of respondents involved in import/export business in the districts were found to be very low. Majority of the respondents involved in trade stated that they mostly trade with India and used Nepalgunj customs as it is near to their businesses.When they were asked to identify the most constraining factors to trade across borders and within Nepal, most of the respondents identified access to finance from BFIs, unavailability of Indian currency or foreign exchange and lack of market information as the most important constraints.

POTENTIAL INVESTMENT SECTOR Regarding the potential investment sectors in their respective districts, respondents from Dang and Kailali identified education; respondents from Pyuthan and Surkhet identified agriculture/forestry and those from Banke identified construction as the most promising.



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$& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] pb\3f6g ;df/f]xnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug'{x'+b} k|d'v cltly dlGqkl/ifb\sf cWoIF lvn/fh /]UdLn] cf}Bf]lus jftfj/0fsf] k|Tofe"lt klxnf] cfjZostf ePsfn] o;df ;/sf/ k|ltj4 eP/ nfUg] ljZjf; lbnfpg' eof] . pxf+n] eGg' eof]–æcf}Bf]lus zflGtsf] jftfj/0f agfpg aGb x8\tfnsf sfo{qmd /f]Sg ;/sf/ k|ltj4 eP/ nfUg]5 . ljZjsf >lds JolQm;“u g]kfnL >ldssf] >d ldNbf]h'Nbf] b]lvP klg g]kfnLsf] x}l;ot ljZjsf >lds;+u d]n vfg g;s]sf] atfpg' eof] . æcfly{s ljsf; ;dfh ?kfGt/0fsf] dxTjk"0f{ r/0f xf] t/ xfdL cfwf/e"t cfjZostfdf dfq l;ldt x'g k'u]sf 5f}+Æ, pxf+n] eGg' eof] . dxf;+3sf] b:tfj]hn] ef]lnsf] cfly{s ;d[l4sf] ofqfnfO{ cufl8 a9fpg ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] wf/0ff pxf+n] /fVg' eof] . cfly{s ljsf;sf nflu / fhgLlts :yfloTj cfjZos /x]sf] eGb} pxf+n] /fhgLlts :yfloTjsf nflu ;/sf/ lgjf{rg ;DkGg ug{] ;xhstf{sf ?kdf cfPsf] atfpg' eof] . cfly{s ;d[l4sf] dxTjk"0f{ ljifo ;dfh ?kfGt/0f ePsf] atfp“b} pxf+n] Joj;foLnfO{ Ifl0fs gfkmfd'vL gx'g klg cfu|x ug'{eof] . pxf+n] eGg' eof]–cfly{s ;d[l4 ;dfh ?kfGt/0fsf] dxTjk"0f{ kIf xf], Joj;foLx? /sd / d"Nok|lt ;hu eP/ dfq x'“b}g, Joj;foLn] Ps kIfLo eP/ ;f]Rg'

ePg . cfly{s ljsf;sf nflu sDtLdf ;femf Ph]08f agfcf}, /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ub}{ pxf+n] cuf8L eGg' eof]—h;af6 ;/sf/ kl/jt{g x'g] lalQs} To;n] cfly{s gLltdf kl/jt{g eO{ ljsf; ca?4 gxf];\ . ;/sf/df hf] sf]xL eP klg lglZrt ;dodf ah]6 k]; ug{] ;+j}wflgs Joj:yfsf] ckl/xfo{ /x]sf] klg atfpg' eof] .

lghL If]qsf] ;t\k|of;nfO{ ;a}n] ;xof]u ug'{kg{] atfpg' eof] . cfd g]kfnLn] k|fKt u/]sf] /fhgLlts :jtGqtf, clwsf/ / pknJwLx?nfO{ ;+:yfut ug{ bLuf] ;fdflhs cfly{s ljsf; / cfly{s :jtGqtfsf] rfxgfnfO{ k'/f ug{ ul/vfg] jftfj/0f agf]; jl/i7 pkfWoIf /fhsl0f{sf/n] eGg' eof]– b08lxgtf, lgodsfg"gsf] kfngf, zflGtsf] To;cl3 :jfut dGtJo lbg'x'+b} dxf;+3sf :yfkgf, hglgjf{lrt hgk|ltlglw / l:y/ cWoIf ;'/h j}Bn] /fhgLlts dtleGgtfsf /fhgLlt cfhsf] pBdL Joj;foLsf] rfxgf sf/0fn] sfof{Gjog x'g g;s]sf d'Vo k'jf{wf/ xf] . o;k|lt jt{dfg ;/sf/n] cfkm"nfO{ s]Gb|Lt lgdf{0fsf kl/of]hgf sfof{Gjogsf nflu ug]{ xfd|f] ck]Iff 5 . ;fj{hlgs lghL ;fem]bf/Lk|lt k|lta4tf cy{tGqsf] nfe ;j} tx / tKsfsf cfd hgfpg cfu|x ug'{eof] . sf7df8f}+, t/fO{ dflg;df cfly{s ljsf;sf] nfe gk'u'Gh]n;Dd kmf:6 6«ofs, lghu9 ljdfg:yn, k"j{—klZrd g ;fdflhs cfly{s ljsf; x'g ;Sb5, gt /]ndfu{, kml6{nfOh/ KnfG6, 7"nf xfO8«f]kfj/x? ;du| ;dfh / /fi6«sf] lxt ;Dej 5, pxf+n] h:tf kl/of]hgfsf] lgdf{0fdf ;fj{hlgs eGg' eof] . lghLIf]q ;fem]bf/Ldf k|lta4tf clgjfo{ /x]sf] pxf+n] atfpg' eof] . ;d'b\3f6g sfo{qmddf dGqLx?, ;+j}wflgs c+usf k|d'vx?, g]kfn ;/sf/sf pRrkb:y dxf;+3sf cWoIf j}Bn] cfly{s ;d[l4 / sd{rf/Lx?, dxfdlxd /fhb'tx?, s'6gLlts d'n'ssf nflu pmhf{, s[lifsf] cf}Bf]lus/0f, lgof]usf k|ltlglwx?, bft[ lgsfosf k|ltlglwx?, k"jf{wf/ ljsf;, ko{6g ljsf;, lzIff tyf dxf;+3sf] sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltsf ;b:ox?, k"j{ :Jf:Yoh:tf ;]jf If]qsf] ljsf;sf nflu kbflwsf/Lx?, k|ltli7t pBdL Joj;foLx?, /fhgLlts ;xdlt clgjfo{ /x]sf] atfpg' ;+rf/ hut, k|j'4 JolQmTjx?sf] pkl:ylt eof] . lyof] . ;d'b\3f6g ;df/f]xdf dxf;+3sf ;fwf/0f ;efdf af]Nb} jl/i7 pkfWoIf ;b:o ;+3x?nfO{ dxf;+3åf/f k|bfg ul/Psf] efis//fh /fhsl0f{sf/n] cfly{s ljsf;df sb/ ;Ddfgaf6 ;Ddflgt ul/Psf] lyof] .


k|ltj4tfkqdf x:tfIf/ ug'{x'b} /fhgLlts bnsf zLif{ g]tfx?, dlGqkl/ifb\sf cWoIf / dxf;+3sf cWoIf


sb/ ;Ddfg kfpg] dxf;+3sf ;b:o ;+3 ;+:yfx? lå/fli6«o pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3x?dWo]af6 sb/ :j?k – g]kfn hd{g pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

pTs[i6 – g]kfn ef/t pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

j:t'ut ;+3x?dWo]af6 k|z+;f :j?k – g]kfn jfof]Uof; k|a4{g ;+3

sb/ :j?k – g]kfn Pzf]l;Pzg ckm 6'/ P08 6«fen Ph]G6;

pTs[i6 – g]kfn lgdf{0f Joj;foL dxf;+3



lhNnf gu/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 u ju{ dWo]af6M

k|z+;f :j?k – pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 O6x/L

sb/ :j?k – t]Xy'd pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

pTs[i6 – h'Dnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

v ju{ dWo]af6M

k|z+;f :j?k – DofUbL pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

sb/ :j?k – /Tggu/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

pTs[i6 – d]rL pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3



s ju{ dWo]af6M k|z+;f :j?k – pBf]u ;+u7g df]/+u

sb/ :j?k – a'6jn pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

pTs[i6 – lrtjg pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

;ldlt ;efkltx? ;Ddflgt

dxf;+3 cGt/ut ul7t If]qut ;ldlt dWo] ;ldltsf] sfo{ ;s[otfk"j{s ;DkGg ug{] cfkm\gf] dfkm{t dxf;+3nfO{ k'/\ofpg' ePsf] of]ubfgnfO{ sb/ u/L $ hgf ;efkltx?nfO{ ;Ddfg ul/Psf] lyof] . ;Ddfg kfpg' x'g]x?df pBf]u ;ldltsf ;efklt lbg]z >]i7, Ps lhNnf Ps pTkfbg ;ldltsf ;efklt l8=aL= a:g]t, s/ tyf /fhZj ;ldltsf ;efklt hubLz k|;fb /f7L, g]pjfdxf;+3—a|fl08Ë Pj+ cfo>f]t kl/rfng ;ldltsf ;efklt sNof0f s[i0f tfd|fsf/ x'g'x'G5 . To;}u/L ;f] cj;/df sd{rf/LnfO{ k'/:s[t ug]{ k/Dk/f cg';f/ pklgb]{zs /ltz a:g]t nfO{ k'/:s[t ul/of] .



d'Vo k|ltlglwsf] dGtJo $& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf efu lng cfPsf ljleGg ;+3sf k|ltlglw pBdL Joj;foLx?af6 JoQm wf/0ffx? a'+bfut ?kdf k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 M ;+lhj jxfb'/ sf]O/fnf, cWoIf, kf]v/f pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M  kf]v/f

cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yn lgdf{0fsf] nflu dxf;+3;+u ;xsfo{ u/L cl3 a9] sf] / pQm ljifo dxf;+3sf cWoIfHo"sf] :jfut efif0fdf pNn]v x'g'kg{] ;f] gePsf] .  :yfgLo :jfot zf;g P]g @)%$ df 3/ hUuf s/ jfkt !=% k|ltzt gu/kflnsf s/ nfUg] u/]sf] . clxn]sf] ;Gbe{df hUufsf] d'No cTolws dfqfdf a9]sf]n] ;do ;fk]If cg';f/ o;df ;'wf/ x'g'kg{] .

 ljutdf

;Ktsf]zLdf cfPsf] af9Laf6 lhNnfdf dxfljgf; ePsf] . To:tf 36gf gbf]xf]l/gsf] nflu lhNnfdf l;rfO{, phf{ h:tf dxTjk"0f{ of]hgfx? Nofpg kxn x'g'kg{] .  pbok'/ lhNnfdf vlgh kbfy{ k|z:t ePsf] . v/fj af6f]n] ubf{ dfgjLo Iflt w]/} x'g] u/]sf] . af6f]sf] :t/pGgtLsf] nflu dxf;+3n] klg kxn ul/lbg' k¥of] .  af6f]sf] sf/0fn] ubf{ g} hnljB't ;DaGwL of]hgf lgdf{0fsf] ;+efJotf gePsf] .  lhNnfdf phf{ ;DaGwL ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 kxn sbdL x'g'kg{] . e'jgnfn >]i7, cWoIf, dsjfgk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M

gu/kflnsfsf] j}7sdf lg0f{fos txdf Joj;foLx?sf] k|ltlglwTjsf] Joj:yf x'g'kg{] . pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIfnfO{ k|ltlglwTj u/fpg] Joj:yf  $& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf phf{ x'g'kg{] . ;DaGwL 5nkmn sfo{qmd /fd|f] ePsf] .  cf}Bf]lus If]q Joj:yfkg lnld6]8n]  hfh/sf]6 lhNnfdf ;8s ;+hfn gePsf]n] cf}Bf]lus If]q leqsf pBf]ux?n] lnO{/fv] ljsf; lgdf{0f sfo{df k|efj kg{ uPsf] . sf] hUufsf] ef8fb/ ck|Toflzt dfqfdf hfh/sf]6—h'Dnf af6f] lgdf{0f x''g'kg{] . j[l4 u/]sf] . o;tkm{ dxf;+3n] kxn  ;Nofg—;'v{]tdf k'n lgdf{0fdf 7]s]bf/af6 ug'{kg{] . nfkjf{xL eO{/x]sf] .  sf7df8f}+ s'n]vfgL x]6f}8f ;'?Ë dfu{  hfh/sf]6df ko{6g ljsf;sf] k|z:t lgdf{0fsf] nflu 3]/}sf] nufgL eO{;s]sf] / ;+efjgf ePsf] . /]8 kf08fnfO{ ;+/If0f o;sf] lgdf{0fsf] nflu :jLs[t lnO{ rf8} ug'{kg{] . ;'/Ë /fhdfu{ lgdf{0fsf] sfo{ cl3 a9fOg'  hfh/sf]6df g]kfn j}+s Pp6f dfq ePsf] kg{] . n] lghL If]qsf j}+sx?sf] zfvf :yfkgfsf] ;'/s[i0f j}B, dxf;lrj nflu kxn x'g' kg]{ . sfe|] pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M  hfh/sf]6df ;'ljwf ;DkGg c:ktfn lgdf{0fsf] nflu klg kxn x'g'kg{] .  ag]kfdf @=^ cj{sf] nufgLdf cfO{=l6=kfs{  hfh/sf]6 pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] ejg :yfkgf u/]sf]df ;/sf/af6 x'g'kg{] s'g} klg sfo{ gePsf] . lgdf{0fsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 cfly{s ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg' kg{] .  sfe|]df Domestic Airport sf] lgdf{0f ug{] s'/f ePsf] t/ clxn] s'/f cl3 ga9]sf]n] /fh]zrGb| >]i7, cWoIf, o; ;DaGwdf dxf;+3af6 kxn x'g'kg{] . pbok'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M  sfe|]df t/sf/L, b'w, kf]N6«Lsf j:t'x?sf]  lhNnfdf /fhZj ;DaGwL ;d:of w]/} pTkfbgsf] k|z:t ;+efjgf ePsf] . ePsf] / /fh:j ;DaGwL sfof{nox?n]  sfe|]sf] nK;L Pj+ slkm v]tLnfO{ Ps Joj;foLx?nfO{ 5fkf dfbf{ :yfgLo pBf]u lhNnf Ps pTkfbg sfo{qmd cGt/ut jfl0fHo ;+3x?nfO{ hfgsf/L lbg'kg{] . /fVg'kg{] . clxn] Ps lhNnf Ps pTkfbg  ;fgf Joj;foLx?sf] nflu ;/n cy{ sfo{qmd cGt/ut n:;L v]tLnfO{ lnPsf] gLltsf] Joj:yfsf] nflu dxf;+3n] kxn lhNnfdf n:;Lsf] pTkfbg g} gePsf] . ug'{kg{] . sdfg axfb'/ v8\sf, cWoIf, hfh/sf]6 pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M

 :yfgLo

pd]z 8fnldof, cWoIf emfkf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M  dxf;+3sf]

$& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;d'b\3f6g sfo{qmddf hnljB't ljsf;sf nflu /fhgLlts k|ltj4tfsf] nflu ;Demf}tf kqdf /fhgLlts bnx?sf] x:tfIf/ x'g' cToGt /fd|f] ePsf] / o;nfO{ sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg' kb{5 .  emfkf lhNnfdf ljz]if cfly{s IF]qsf] :yfkgf ug{] 3f]if0ff u/]sf]df xfn;Dd :yfkgf x'g g;s]sf]n] dxf;+3af6 kxn ug'{kg{] .  emfkfsf] ljdfg:ynsf] :t/pGgtLsf] nflu kxn x'g'kg{] .  d]rL dxfsfnL b|'tdfu{sf] nflu kxn x'g'kg{] . e]if axfb'/ kf}8]n, cWoIf, ndh'· pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M  ndh'Ë

lhNnf nf]8;]l8Ë d'Qm lhNnf ePsf] . o; lhNnfdf hnljB't If]qsf] ljsf;sf] k|z:t ;efjgf ePsf]n] o; lhNnfnfO{ df]8]nsf] ?kdf ;/sf/af6 hnljB't ljsf;sf] lhNnf 3f]if0ff u/L hnljB't ;DaGwL nufgL k|j4{gsf] nflu xf};nf k|bfg ug'{kg{] .  o; lhNnfdf hnljB't pTkfbg ug{ ;Sg] k|z:t ;+efjgf ePsf]n] 6«fG;ldzg nfOg h8fgsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 kxn x'g'kg{] .  3/]n' tyf ;fgf pBf]u sfof{nodf btf{ ePsf] @ jif{ k'u]sf pBf]ux?nfO{ gljs/0f gul/ lbbf j}+s tyf ljlQo ;+:yfx?af6 C0f nufgL lng ;d:of ePsf]n] o; ;DaGwdf kxn x'g'kg{] . xl//fh jfUn], dxf;lrj g]kfn ljB'tLo Joj;foL dxf;+3M  ;g\

@)!# df On]S6f]« dxf]T;j cfof]hgf ug{] 3f]if0ff u/]sf] 5 . dxf]T;jnfO{ ;kmn ug{ ;j} If]qsf] ;xof]u ck]Iff u/]sf 5f}+ .  ljB'tLo ;fdfgx?df d"No clej[l4 s/ Pj+ eG;f/ d"Nof+sgsf] ;d:of cWoflws dfqfdf /x]sf] 5 . o; ;DaGwdf ;dfwfgsf] nflu dxf;+3n] kxn ug'{kg{] .  u'0f:t/o'Qm ;fdfgsf] cfoftdf hf]8 lbg'kg{] .



a;Gt s'df/ >]i7, cWoIf, jfUn'· pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3M  dxf;+3sf]

$& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] gf/f cToGt dxTjk"0f{ /x]sf] / ;fwf/0f ;efdf dxTjk"0f{ /fli6«o d'2fsf] ?kdf /x]sf] hnljB't IF]qnfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{ /fhgLlts bnx?nfO{ k|ltj4tf ;lxt x:tfIf/ sfo{qmd dxf;+3sf] Oltxf;df g} gof+ 9+un] /fd|f] z'?jft ePsf] .  k"j{ cWoIf k|bLks'df/ >]i7nfO{ ;fs{ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 Pj+ Sof;Lsf] pkfWoIf ePsf]df awfO{ 1fkg lbg' kg{]df pxf+ cg'kl:yt /xg' ePsf]df awfO{ lbg ;lsPg . g/jL/ /fpt, cWoIf d'u' pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  d'u' pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3n] dxf;+3 k|lt cfzf / e/f];f /fv]sf] 5 . dxf;+3sf] sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltsf] j}7s c;f]h dlxgfdf d'u'df /flvof];\ eGg] k|:tfj /fVb5' .  s[lif pBd s]Gb|åf/f ;+rflnt lxdfnL kl/of]hgfn] ;]ldgf/ uf]li7 dfq u/L vf; sfo{ gu/]sf] .  d'u' lhNnfdf d'No clej[l4 s/ ;DaGwL tfnLdsf] cfjZostf ePsf] . ho axfb'/ /fO{, cWoIf ;f]n'v'Da' pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  ;f]n'v'Da' lhNnfdf s'g} klg kl/of]hgf ;+rfng gePsf] .  s[lif pBd s]Gb| cGt/ut ;+rflnt lxdfnL kl/of]hgfaf6 vf; sfo{ x'g g;s]sf] . lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 ;fIfL dfq a:g] h:tf] ePsf] w]/} ;+3x?af6 u'gf;f] cfPsf] . gGb s'df/L nD;fn, dxf;lrj :ofªhf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  :ofªhf lhNnf slkm / ;'Gtnf pTkfbgdf lrlgPsf] lhNnf xf] .  lhNnfdf sf]N8 :6f]/]hsf] cefjn] ubf{ s[lif pTkfbgx? s'lxP/ hfg] u/]sf] 5 . sf]N8:6f]/]hsf] :yfkgfsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 kxn x'g'kg{] .  :ofªhf lhNnfsf dlxnf pBdLx?sf] nflu xf]d:6] / kmdL{ sDkf]i6 ;DaGwL tfnLd cfjZos ePsf]n] pQm tfnLd ;+rfngsf] nflu dxf;+3n] ;xof]u ug'{kg{] . 18


 :ofªhf

lhNnf nf]8;]l8Ë d'Qm lhNnf x'g'kg{]df ljleGg sf/0fx?n] ubf{ ;f] x'g g;s]sf] .  kmd{ /lhi6«]zg ug{] sfo{df pjf;+3x?sf] l;kmfl/; grflxg] u/]af6 ;+3x?sf] cfo>f]t 36]sf]n] o; ;DaGwL dxf;+3n] ljif]z kxn ug'{kg{] . clvn]Zj/ kf08], cWoIf, u'NdL pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  dxf;+3sf] ;fwf/0f ;efdf If]qut / c~rnut cg';f/ j:t'l:ylt k|:t't u/fpg] kl/kf6L x'g'kg{] .  hnljB't ljsf;sf] nflu /fhgLlts k|ltj4tf ;lxt /fhgLlts bnx?;+usf] x:tfIf/ sfo{qmd cToGt ;sf/fTds sbd ePsf] .  u'NdL lhNnfsf] u'?Ë ufp+df xf]d:6] ;DaGwL tfnLd cfjZos ePsf]n] ;f] tfnLd ;+rfngsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 kxn x'g'kg{] .  u'NdL lhNnfdf Ps lhNnf Ps pTkfbg sfo{qmd cGt/ut slkmnfO{ lng' kg{] .  ko{6g ljsf; ;ldltdf lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] k|ltlglw x'g'kg{] . dx]Gb| axfb'/ lrqsf/, cWoIf g]kfn O{§f pBf]u dxf;+3  O{§f pBf]ux?nfO{ d"No clej[l4 s/sf] bfo/fdf Nofpg] ;/sf/sf] p2]Zo /x]sf] .  O{§f pBf]unfO{ d"No clej[l4 s/df Nofpg w/ks8 ug{] sfo{ ;d]t z'? u/]sf] .  O{§f pBf]usf] ;d:of ;dfwfg tkm{ ;/sf/af6 Wofg glbOPsf] .  o;sf] nflu g]kfn O{§f pBf]u dxf;+3n] cfGbf]ng ug{] tof/L u/]sf] . o;df g]pjfdxf;+3sf] ;xof]usf] ck]Iff u/]sf] . s'lj/ s'df/ >]i7, cWoIf, DofUbL pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  dxf;+3sf] $& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] pb\3f6g ;df/f]xdf pRr k|ljlwsf] dfWodaf6 ;df/f]x ;DkGg u/]sf] w]/} /fd|f] ePsf] .  ;fwf/0f ;efsf] aGb zqdf dxf;+3sf kbflwsf/L tyf sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltsf ;b:ox?n] cfzg u|x0fsf] sfo{qmd x'g'kg{] .  u'6 pku'6df gnfuL ;j} ldn]/ dxf;+3sf]

5lj pRr agfpg'kg{] . tyf gu/:t/Lo pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3x?sf] Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]{ sfo{df dxf;+3n] ljz]if kxn ug'{kg{] .  lhNnf tyf gu/:t/Lo pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3x?sf] nflu ;"rgfx? cfbfg k|bfgsf] nflu ;km\6j]o/sf] ljsf; u/L nfu" ug'{kg]{ .  DofUbL pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3nfO{ ;Ddfg k|bfg u/]sf]df dxf;+3 k|lt xflb{s wGojfb JoQm ub{5' .  lhNnf

/fds[i0f sdf{rfo{, cWoIf, kj{t pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  qm;/ pBf]usf] ;d:oftkm{ ;/sf/sf] Wofg uPsf] 5}g . o;sf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 kxn x'g'kg{] .  dxf;+3n] phf{ IF]qnfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{ cuf8L a9]sf] /fd|f] sfo{ ePsf] .  kj{t lhNnfdf hnljB't ;DaGwL kl/of] hgf ;+rfng ug{ ;DefJo /x]sf] . lbn ;'Gb/ >]i7, cWoIf, w'lnv]n pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  dxf;+3sf] $& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;d'b\3f6g sfo{qmd cToGt :d/0fLo 9+un] ;+rfng ePsf] 5 . To;sf] nflu dxf;+3sf kbflwsf/Lx? Pj+ ;Dk"0f{ sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltsf ;b:ox?, sd{rf/Lx? k|lt wGojfb 1fkg ug{ rfxfG5' .  dxf;+3sf] ljwfg ;+zf]wgsf] nflu ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef rf8} af]nfOof];\ .  lrtjg dxf]T;jsf] cj;/df cfof]hgf ePsf] nufgL k|j4{g ;DaGwL uf] i7Ldf k|:t't w'lnv]nsf] Dreamland kl/of]hgf ;+rfngsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 kxnsf] Joj:yf x'g'kg{] .  kf+rvfndf ljz]if cfly{s IF]q :yfkgfsf] nflu dxf;+3af6 kxn x'g'kg{] .  Ps lhNnf Ps pTkfbg sfo{qmd sfe|] lhNNffdf ;+rfng gePsf]n] o; tkm{klg dxf;+3n] Wofg lbg'kg{] . b]j k|ofu u'Ktf, cWoIf, /f}tx6 pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3  dxf;+3n] cfkm\gf ;b:o ;+3 ;+:yfx? ljz]if u/L ;fgf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3x?nfO{ dfly psf:g] lsl;dsf] sfo{qmdnfO{ ;xof]u ug'{kg{] .  l/Ë/f]8 lgdf{0f ug{] sfo{df dxf;+3n] kxn ug'{kg{] .

Business buoyancy boosts BCI up by 9.8 points to stand at 49.5


he overall business environment

According to the study report, a majority of

cent expect to go down. Of the three sectors---



the respondents (67 per cent) expect the cost

agriculture, industry and service---70 percent

February-July 2013 compared to

of production to go uphill in the next six

of the respondents from the agriculture sector

June-November 2012.

months. The same percentage of respondents

expect the cost of production to rise followed

According to the latest Business Confidence

foresees production/out to increase in the

by the respondents from industry (68 per cent)

Survey carried out by the Federation of

next six months. The percentage of hopeful

and services (67 per cent).

Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and

respondents was only 46 per cent in the previous BCS.

A majority of (58 per cent) respondents expect

Industries (FNCCI), the umbrella organization of the Nepalese private sector, the business

A half of the respondents (50 per cent)

months, while 15 per cent expect to decline.

anticipate that the overall business will be

Sixty-one per cent of the respondents expect



confidence index (BCI) has increased by 9.8 points to stand at 49.5 points in February-July 2013.

export volume to increase during the next six

better in the next six months while 26 per cent expect it to worsen. About 39 per cent

The BCI stood at 39.7 during the previous

respondents expect that Nepal’s overall

survey June-November 2012.

economic condition to improve in the next

Similarly, the Current Situation Index (CSI) increased by 6.6 points over the previous

six months while 31 per cent expect it to deteriorate further.

import volume to increase in the next six months. About 48 per cent of the respondents expect obtaining bank loans will be easier in the next six months while 21 per cent expect the opposite. The study found that the political instability,

survey, and the Expectation Index (EI)

Similarly, a majority of the respondents (51 per

increased by 13.6 points.

energy crisis and poor governance are the top

cent) expects the employment rate to increase

three critical constraints to private investment

The BCI is the measurement of the perception

during the next six months, and about 41 per

and growth in Nepal.

of the business on the present and future of the

cent expect to continue the current level while

economy and used to gauge its movement.

some 8 per cent think that it will decline.

It is an eagerly awaited indicator for the policy

A large number of the respondents (67

businesses throughout the country. The first

makers and businesspersons in most of the

per cent) expect it to increase the cost of

survey was conduced in June-November

developed and developing economies all over

production in the next six months while 22

2012. The FNCCI carried the study with the

the world as they set their plans accordingly.

per cent expect to remain the same and 11 per

support from the USAID, Nepal.

The index is derived from the business confidence survey covering more than 400


Business Confidence Survey Report Volume 2 Issue 1 Feb-Jul 2013



FNCCI BUSINESS JOURNAL Dr. Hemanta Dabadi, Director General of FNCCI launching Business Confidence Index report at FNCCI secretariat.


w]/} ;'emfjx? ;+jf]wg eP cf=j= @)&)–&! sf] ah]6 dfly dxf;+3sf] wf/0ff ljut s]xL jif{otf ;dodf jh]6 cfpg g;s]sf] / cfPsf] jh]6n] klg k'/} cfly{s jif{sf] cfo / Joo ;d]6\g g;ls/x]sf] l:yltdf cfly{s jif{ z'? x'g' cufj} cfly{s jif{ @)&)–&! sf nflu k'/f jif{sf] cfo / Joo ljj/0f ;fj{hlgs x'g'nfO{ g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3n] ;sf/fTds ?kdf lnPsf] 5 . jh]6 Pj+ cfly{s cWofb]zn] dxf;+3n] ;/sf/ ;dIf /fv]sf w]/} ;'emfjx?nfO{ ;+jf]wg u/]sf] 5 . lghL If]qnfO{ cfly{s j[l4sf] d'Vo ;Djfxs xf] eGg] s'/f k|i6 ?kdf jh]6 jQmJodf pNn]v x'g', dxf;+3n] lbPsf] ;'emfj cg'?k k"jf{wf/ ljsf;tkm{ k|fyldstfdf ;8s, nf]sdfu{ / hnljB't ljz]if u/L ljB't k|;f/0f nfO{g lgdf{0fdf jh]6 Joj:yf ul/g,' 3/]n' pBf]u tyf dlxnfåf/f k|jl4{t Joj;fo k|j4{gsf nflu sf]if Pj+ ljqmLsIf, kf+r} ljsf; If]qdf x:tsnf u|fd h:tf clwsf+z kl/of]hgfdf lghL If]qsf] ;xsfo{df jh]6 Joj:yf ug]{ h:tf Joj:yfn] ;/sf/n] pBf]u Joj;fosf] ljsf;df ;xof]uL e"ldsf v]Ng vf]h]sf] k|i6 x'G5 . dxf;+3n] cfkm\gf] wf/0fdf eg]sf] 5–;/sf/sf o:tf sfo{qmdsf] dxf;+3 ;/fxgf ub{5 . bL3{sflng ?kdf phf{sf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu /fd|f sfo{qmdx? NofO{P klg cNksflng ;+s6 ;dfwfg ug{ Pj+ lghL



;fy} s[lif cg';Gwfgsf nflu ah]6sf] Joj:yf ePsf] 5 . oL / lghL If]q;+usf] ;xsfo{df ul/g] 3f]if0ff ePsf sfo{qmdsf] :jfut ub}{ tL sfo{qmd oyfzSo rf8f]+ ;DkGg ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf cfJxfg ub{5f}+ . dxf;+3sf] kxndf ;+rflnt Ps ufp+ kl/of]hgf k|d'vnfO{ hjfkmb]xL agfpg] s'/f Ps pTkfbg, Ps lhNnf Ps pTkfbg ul/Psf] 5 . lzIff :jf:Yo h:tf ;fdflhs sfo{qmdsf nflu jh]6 Joj:yf ul/Psf] If]qdf pT;fx hufpg] lsl;dsf sfo{qmd 5 . ;fy} sf7df8f}+df lghL IF]q;+usf] /flvPsf]df dxf;+3n] :jfut u/]sf] 5 . ;fe]mbf/Ldf cGt/fli6«o:t/sf] k|bz{gL :yn Pj+ ;'Vvf aGb/ufxsf] ljsf;sf nflu hUuf wfld{s tyf b[Zofjnf]sgsf nflu g]kfnsf pknJw u/fOg] 3f]if0ff ePsf] 5 . lghL ljleGg :yfgx?x?sf] uGtJo klxrfg / If]qsf] k|j4{gsf nflu g]kfn O08li6«on cGtl/s ko{6g k|j4{gsf nflu sfo{qmd ;]G6/ km/ P]S;n]G;sf] :yfkgfsf] /flvg'nfO{ dxf;+3n] ;sf/fTds ?kdf lnPsf] 3f]if0ff ePsf] 5 . g]kfndf pTkflbt j:t'x? 5 . lghL If]qsf] ;xsfo{df ko{6g k"jf{wf/sf] ;/sf/L lgsfox?n] clgjfo{ ?kdf ljsf;df Wofg hfg' cem h?/L ePsf] xfdL k|of]u ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfOg] 3f]if0ff ePsf] 7fg]sf 5f}+ . 5 . gof+ cf}Bf]lus Joj;fo P]g, >d ah]6df g]kfnsf] lgof{tsf] k|j4{gsf w]/} s'/f nrstf Pj+ ;fdflhs ;'/IFf ;lxtsf] >d ul/Pklg k|j4{gsf nflu vf;} sfo{qmd cfpg P]g, sDkgL P]g, ljb]zL nufgL tyf k|ljlw ;s]gg . lgof{tsf nflu lbg] cg'bfgsf nflu x:tfGt/0f P]g, e"—pkof]u gLlt ljz]if cfly{s Hofb} Go"g /sd 5'§ofO{Paf6 lgof{tstf{df If]qsf] nflu sfg"gL Joj:yf cflbsf] th'{df ul/g] pT;fx ;+rf/ x'g ;s]g . k|ltzt / cg'bfgsf] 3f]if0ff jh]6 jQmJoaf6 ePsf] 5 . ;fy} 7"nf dfqf j[l4 u/L ef/t tkm{sf] lgsf;LnfO{ klg /fli6«o uf}/jsf cfof]hgfx?sf nflu jh]6df o; gLltaf6 ;d]6\g ;/sf/;+u hf]8bf/ cfu|x 5'§} cWofo /flvg'nfO{ xfdLn] ;sf/fTds ?kdf ub{5f}+ . lnPsf 5f}+ . s[lifsf] Joj;foLs/0f Pj+ s[lif pTkfbgsf] ;+sng, k|zf]wg, e08f/0f ljsf;sf o; jif{sf] jh]6df /fhZj ;+sng nflu ljleGg sfo{qmd 3f]if0ff ePsf 5g\ . k|lqmof Pj+ s/sf b/x?df vf; kl/jt{g If]qsf phf{ pTkfbsx?nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug]{ Jofh tyf d"=c=s/ jfkt cg'bfg lbg] s'/f cfpg g;Sg' ah]6sf] sdhf]/ kIf xf] .

kqsf/ ;Dd]ng dfkm{t ah]6 dfly dxf;+3sf] wf/0ff ;fj{hlgs ub}{ dxf;+3sf kbflwsf/Lx?

ah]6 k"j{ dxf;+3åf/f cfof]lht cGt{lqmof sfo{qmd ul/Psf] 5}g . of] lgZrog} jh]6sf] ;sf/fTds kIf xf] / o;n] b/ / k|lqmofut lg/Gt/tfsf] k|Tofe'lt ub{5 . ljut b'O{ jif{b]lv tyfslyt ld;Dofrn] jx';+Vos Joj;foLx?df 7"nf] qf; pTkGg ul//x]sf] kl/k|]Ifdf jh]6n] ;fgf Joj;foLx?n] hfg cGhfgdf s/sf] ljj/0f glbPsf] cj:yfdf nfUg] cTolws hl/jfgf, z'Ns / Jofhsf] ;d:of ;'Nemfpgsf] nflu Ps k6ssf nflu lglZrt k|ltzt ls6]/ km/km/s ug]{ / d'cs/df btf{ u/fpg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . o;n] ljz]if u/L ;fgf ahf/ Pj+ ufp+df Joj;fo ug]{ ;;fgf Joj;foLnfO{ /fxt k'u]sf] 5 . dxf;+3n] ;fgf Joj;foLsf] btf{ Pj+ s/ ljj/0f bflvnfsf sf/0f k/]sf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu ljut jif{ b]lv g} kxn ub}{ cfPsf] xf] / o; jif{sf] cfly{s cWofob]zaf6 w]/} xb;Dd ;d:of ;dfwfg ePsf]df ;/sf/k|lt cfef/ JoQm ub{5f}+ .

dxf;+3sf] ;'emfj cg'?k /fhZj k|Zff;gdf cfw'lgs k|ljlwsf] k|of]u, :jrflnt e+;f/ k|0ffnL, ljleGg s/ jSof}tf 6'+uf] nufpg sfo{ of]hgf tof/ u/L sfof{Gjog, /fhZj cg';Gwfg ljefusf] r]s kf]i6 vf/]hL h:tf sbdx?af6 lghL If]qnfO{ Joj;fo ug]{ jftfj/0fdf s]xL ;'wf/ x'g] cfzf ul/G5 . o:tf ;'wf/sf k|lqmofnfO{ cem b|'t / lghLd}qL jgfpg kb{5 .

kb{5 . jh]6df /flvPsf sfo{qmd Pj+ gLltx? sfof{Gjog x'g] xf] eg] lgZrog} cy{tGqdf ;sf/fTds c;/ kg]{ 5 . jh]6n] ;d]6\g g;s]sf w]/} s'/fx? cem}klg ;/sf/sf] ljleGg txsf] lg0f{oaf6 ;+jf]wg ug{ ;lsG5 . o;f] x'g ;s] bL3{sflng ?kdf cy{tGqn] ultlng] 5 . u}x| /fhgLlts rl/q ePsf] ;/sf/ af6 w]/} sd ck]Iff ul/Psf] j]nfdf cfPsf] o; jh]6nfO{ ;du|df xfdL :jfut ub{5f}+ / 3f]if0ff ePsf sfo{qmd Pj+ gLltnfO{ ;s];Dd rf+8f] sfof{Gjogdf ptfg{ ;/sf/ ;dIf cfu|x ;d]t ub{5f}+ .

jh]6 jQmJoaf6 cfos/ 5'6sf] l;dfdf j[l4 ul/Psf] 5 . ljut # jif{b]lv 5'6sf] l;df gj9]sf]df d'b|fl:kmtLnfO{ ;d]t Wofgdf /fvL o;df cem 7"nf] dfqfdf j[l4 x'g] dxf;+3sf] jh]6n] /fv]sf /fhZj ;+sng, j}b]lzs ;xfotf kl/rfng, k"+hLut nufgLsf nIox? ck]Iff lyof] . dxTjfsf+IfL 5g\ . oL nIox? xfl;n ug{sf ;du|df jh]6sf w]/} kIf /fd|f 5g\ . nflu ;d:t /fi6«s} b[9 k|ltj4tf cfjZos r'gf}tL eg]sf tL /fd|f kIfx?nfO{ x'G5 / o;sf nflu lghL If]q cfkm\gf] tk{maf6 sfof{Gjogdf ptfg'{ xf] . o;sf nflu cfjZos ;xof]u ug{ tof/ 5 dxf;+3n] lg/Gt/sf] cg'udg / d"Nof+sg h?/t cfkm\gf] wf/0fdf eg]sf] 5 .

dxf;+3sf yk gof+ ;b:ox? g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf cWoIf ;'/h j}Bsf] cWoIftfdf c;f/ !$ ut] ;DkGg sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltsf] !# cf}+ a}7saf6 dxf;+3sf] ;b:otf kfpg] yk gof+ ;b:o ;+3 ;+:yfx?M a:t'ut ;b:o M g]kfn jg k+}bfjf/ pBf]u Joj;foL dxf;+3 Pzf]l;P6 ;b:o – u08sL d]l8sn sn]h l6lrË xl:k6n P08 l/;r{

– – – – –

dfOqmf] a}+s/ g]kfn k|f=ln= u|Lg lxn l;6L k|f=ln= u|Lg nfO{km OghL{ k|f=ln= k"jf{~rn No"j cfon k|f=ln= :6f/ l;d]G6 pBf]u k|f=ln=

– – – – –

Gff/fo0fL /f]lnË ldN; k|f=ln= ;]G6/ k|f=ln= >Ls[i0f :6Ln O{=k|f=ln= – o"lge;{n OlG6Ho"6 ckm P8efG; :6l8h P08 dgf]h Uof; pBf]u k|f=ln= l/;r{ k|f=ln= Pe/]i6 sn]h ckm d]l8sn sn]h k|f=ln= – lvn'Ë sflnsf Ph's]zg kmfp08]zg k|f=ln= Snf]h/ l;i6d OG6/g]zgn g]kfn k|f=ln= – lxdfn /]lk|mlh/]zg P08 On]lS6«sn O08= k|f=ln=

of];+u} ca dxf;+3sf] ;b:o ;+Vof lhNnf gu/ tkm{ (^, j:t'ut tkm{ (), lå/fli6«o tkm{ @) / Pzf]l;P6 tkm{ ^@! u/L hDdf *@& k'u]sf] 5 . FNCCI BUSINESS JOURNAL


;'/Iff dfu ub{} lghL If]q dlGqkl/ifbsf cWoIf;+u e]6 ug{' cl3 pBdL, Joj;foLx?

kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf pkfWoIf k|bLk h+u kf08] / kz'klt d'/f/sf ;lxt s]xL pBdL Joj;foL dfly >[+vnfj4 ?kdf ePsf] cfqmd0faf6 lghL If]q c;'/lIft ePsf] dx;'; u/L pBdL Joj;foLx?n] ;/sf/;+u ;'/Iffsf] dfu u/]sf 5g\ . c1ft ;d"xaf6 dxf;+3sf pkfWoIf kf08]sf] l/;r{ ;]G6/ tyf csf{ pkfWoIf d'/f/sf ;jf/ uf8Ldf tf]8kmf]8 ePsf] lyof] . g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf cWoIf ;'/h j}Bsf] g]t[Tjdf lghL If]qsf @ ;oeGbf a9L pBf]uklt Joj;foL ;lDdlnt k|ltlglwd08nn] j}zfv !! ut] dlGqkl/ifbsf cWoIf lvn/fh /]UdL;+u pxf+sf] lgjf; jfn'jf6f/df e]6u/L ;'/Iffsf] plrt k|jGwsf] dfu ;lxt 1fkg kq a'emfof] . To;}u/L dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08nn] u[xdGqL dfwjk|;fb l3ld/], Pg]skf dfcf]jfbLsf cWoIf k'iksdn bfxfn, ;'/Iff lgsfosf k|d'vx?nfO{ e]6L ;'/Iffsf] dfu u/]sf] lyof] . pBdL, Joj;foL dfyL ePsf ;a} k|sf/sf cfqmd0fsf] dxf;+3n] 3f]/ lgGbf Pj+ eT;gf{ ub}+ bf]ifL pk/ s8f eGbf s8f sf/jfxLsf] dfu ;d]t u/]sf] lyof] . 22


;+lIfKt ;dfrf/ dxf;+3sf pkfWoIf /f0ffsf] g]t[Tjdf ef/t e|d0f

dxf;+3sf kbflwsf/Lx?af6 af9L k|efljt If]qsf] lg/LIf0f

g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf pkfWoIf ejfgL /f0ffsf] g]t[Tjdf dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08naf6 g]kfn / ef/t aLr låkIfLo cfly{s Joj;flos ;DaGw lj:tf/ ug]{ p2]Zon] ef/tsf] tLglbg] e|d0f ;DkGg eof] . e|d0fsf qmddf Toxf+sf] lzIff tyf s[lif dGqfnosf pRr kb:y ;/sf/L clwsf/Lx?, ef/tLo (FICCI) pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3 kbflwsf/Lx?;+u e]63f6 Pj+ 5nkmn u/]sf] lyof] .

g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf cWoIf ;'/h j}B / jl/i7 pkfWoIf ef/is//fh /fhsl0f{sf/ ;"b'/klZrdf~rnsf af9L k|efljt If]qsf] lg/LIf0f ug]{ qmddf s+rgk'/sf af9L k|efljt If]qsf] lg/LIf0f ug'{eof] . pxf+x?;+u} lg/LIf0fsf qmddf s+rgk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIfsf u0f]zbQ hf]zL nufot ;+3sf kbflwsf/Lx? ;d]tsf] pkl:ylt lyof] .

g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf cWoIf ;'/h j}Bn] h'Dnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] cf7f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef Pj+ ;+3sf] gjlgld{t ejgsf] Ps ;df/f]xsf aLr xfn} h'Dnfsf] vn+ufdf pb\3f6g ug'{eof] . ;df/f]xdf dxf;+3sf jl/i7 pkfWoIf efis//fh /fhsl0f{sf/sf] klg ;xeflutf lyof] .

;f] qmddf cWoIf j}B / jl/i7 pkfWoIf /fhsl0f{sf/ ;lxtsf] 6f]nLn] s+rgk'/sf] e'h]nf, rf}sL;f]tf, lkkl/of / cf]bfgLsf] lg/LIf0f kZrft cWoIf j}Bn] af9Llk8LtnfO{ cfkm\gf] tkm{af6 Ps nfv lbg] 3f]if0ff ;d]t ug'{eof] . cWoIf j}Bn] jf9Llk8Ltsf nflu dxf;+3n] b]zJofkL?kdf yk /fxt ;+sng u/L s+rgk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 dfkm{t ljt/0f ug]{ hfgsf/L ;d]t u/fpg' eof] . ;fy} cWoIf j}Bn] af9Ln] aufPsf] e'h]nfl:yt hgHof]lt lgdfljsf] ejg lgdf{0fsf nflu ;d]t ;Sbf] ;xof]u / kxn ug]{ ljZjf; lbnfpg' eof] . pQm ejg jufPkl5 sl/j tLg;o jfnjflnsfsf] k7gkf7g 7Kk ePsf] 5 .

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PkmPg;L;LcfO{ PS;n]G; cjf8{ ebf}df g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3n] cfkm\gf] pTkfbg Pj+ ;]jfd"ns Joj;fox?df ljlzi6tf xfl;n ug]{ k|lti7fgx? nfO{ lb+b} cfPsf] FNCCI National Excellence Award o; jif{ ebf} !! ut] lbg] sfo{qmd 5 .

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k|bfg ug]{ 3f]if0ff eP adf]lhd Ps jif{kl5 @)%& ;fn r}q @* ut] cfof]hgf ePsf] bf]>f] pBf]u jfl0fHo lbj; b]lv of] k'/:sf/sf] yfngL u/]sf] lyof] .

ejg pb\3f6g

g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf k"j{ cWoIf Pj+ Plzof k|zfGt pBf]u jfl0fHo kl/;+3 (Confederation of Asian- Pacific Chambers of Commerce & Industry -CACCI)

Sof;Lsf] sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltsf pk;efklt k|bLks'df/ >]i7 lkmlnlkG;sf] l;j'df ;DkGg Sof;L sfplG;nsf] *@ cf}+ a}7saf6 Sof;Lsf] pkfWoIfdf lgjf{lrt x'g' ePsf] 5 .

pxf+sf] klbo lhDd]jf/L o; If]qsf sf7df8f}+ / kf]v/fdf u'0f:t/ /fi6«x? aLrsf] Jofkf/ ;xhLs/0fsf Aoj:yfkg sfo{zfnf ;DkGg nflu e"ldsf lgjf{x ug'{ d'Vo lhDd]jf/L x'g]5 . o;af6 g]kfn / Sof;Lsf cGo g]kfn pBf]u afl0fHo dxf;+3åf/f ;b:o /fi6«x? aLr lghL:t/af6 ;DaGw OG6/g];gn 6]lSgsn skf]{/];g, OG6/g];gn 6]«]8 ;]G6/, lk6LaL Pj+ lhcfO{h]8sf] yk k|uf9 x'g'sf ;fy} tL b]zx?af6 ;xof]udf xfn} sf7df8f}+ / kf]v/fdf cfof]lht g]kfndf nufgL k|j4{gdf ;d]t ;xof]u k'Ug] lgof{tof]Uo a:t'sf] u'0f:t/ Aoj:yfkg ljifos dxf;+3sf] ljZjf; 5 . b'O{ lbg] sfo{zfnf ;DkGg eof] .

kf]v/f pjf;+3sf] k|d08nåf/f e]63f6 g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf pkfWoIf ejfgL /f0ff;+u kf]v/f pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf ;+lhj axfb'/ sf]O/fnfsf] g]t[Tjdf cfPsf] pBdL Joj;foLx? ;lDdlnt

k|ltlglwd08nn] xfn} dxf;+3 ;lrjfnodf e]6 u¥of] . dxf;+3sf] /f]huf/bftf kl/ifb\sf ;x;efklt dlgif cu|jfnsf] klg ;xeflutf /x]sf] ;f] cj;/df :yfgLo txdf b]vf k/]sf >d ;d:of, zflGt ;'/Iff, lhNnf pjf;+3x?sf] Ifdtf ljsf;, d]nf dxf]T;jsf] cfof]hgf, s/ /fhZj nufotsf ljifodf 5nkmn eof] . FNCCI BUSINESS JOURNAL


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Econom ic Grow th Rate

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 69 /7 0

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FNCCI BUSINESS JOURNAL 25 bf];|f] g]kfn cGt/fli6«o Jofkf/ d]nfsf] ;d'b\3f6g ;df/f]xdf lgDTofOg' ePsf g]kfn l:yt ljleGg b]zsf dxfdlxd /fhb'tx? ;lxt kfx'gfx?

Pr e s i dent Vai d y a, Senev ir athn a talk busine s s A meeting was held between the FNCCI president Suraj Vaidya and the ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to Nepal W.M. Senevirathna on June 19 at the FNCCI secretariat. During the meeting, they discussed the issues of promoting business and economic relations between the two friendly nations, exchange of technology, attraction of Sri Lankan tourists to Nepal, development of Lumbini, potential of bringing investment among others.

Business Forum that is going to be held

Dixon J. Perera and Director General at

On the occasion, discussions were held

in Sri Lanka in November. Councilor

the FNCCI Dr. Hemanta Dawadi were

on the upcoming Common Wealth

at the Embassy of Sri Lanka to Nepal

also present at the meeting.

Meeting with Australian ambassador


A meeting was held between the newly

FNCCI Dr. Hemanta Dawadi

appointed ambassador of Australia to

were present at the meeting.

Nepal Glenn White and the FNCCI

On the occasion, discussions

officials at the FNCCI secretariat on


June 18.

bilateral economic and trade

FNCCI president Suraj Vaidya, senior

relations between Nepal and




vice president Bhaskar Raj Rajkarnikar,

Australia, trade and investment

executive committee members Gyanendra

promotion and potential sectors

Lal Pradhan, Kalyan Krishna Tamrakar,

of investment in Nepal among

AG Sherpa, and Director General of the



Public-Private dialogue on the issues, challenges and potentials of export trade

Vaidya participates in ILO convention

FNCCI team visits Egypt

FNCCI president Suraj Vaidya participated in the 102nd convention of

With the view to promote bilateral economic and business relations

the International Labor Organization (ILO) held in Geneva, Switzerland.

between Nepal and Egypt, a Nepalese business delegation led by the

Vaidya was included in team led by the Minister for Labor on behalf of

senior vice-president of the FNCCI Bhaskar Raj Rajkarnikar held a

the employer. The convention was held from June 5-20.

visit of Egypt. During the visit, bilateral meeting between Cairo Chamber of Commerce and FNCCI team was also held. On the occasion, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the FNCCI and Cairo Chamber of Commerce for promoting economic and business relations.

On the occasion, Vaidya also addressed the convention on behalf of employer on June 14. He also held meetings with Director Deborah and Secretary General of International Organization of Employer (IOE) and discuss on the possibility of bilateral coordination between the two organizations. Earlier, president Vaidya also held meeting with Laurence C. BottierHeiderscheid, ATA Carnet Manager, ICC World Chambers Federation. Similarly, he also held meeting with Georges Fischer, Chair, World Chambers Network (WCN) at its secretariat in Paris.

The business entrepreneurs of the two countries also held business to business (B2B) meetings. Earlier, the delegation held separate meetings with the representatives of Egyptian Businessmen’s Association and Federation of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce.

Canadian investors set to invest in Nepal

Nepal-Canada BEC formed


isiting high level Canadian business delegation discussed

representing Canada respectively to the NCBEC. The forum will work

the issues for promoting Canadian investment in Nepal

to expand the economic relations between Nepal and Canada, attract

during the meeting with the Nepalese businesspersons at

Canadian investment and technology, and study the potential sectors

the FNCCI secretariat in Kathmandu on May 6, 2013. FNCCI President Suraj Vaidya and H.E. Ambassador of Canada to Nepal Mr. Stewart Beck led their respective teams during the meeting. On the occasion, they also formed Nepal-Canada Business Executive Committee (NCBEC) with the view to expand bilateral business relations between the business entrepreneurs of the two countries. Mr. Gyanendra Lal Pradhan, Hydro Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Om Bahadur Rajbhandari, Comfort, Housing Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Chandra

of investment in Nepal. Similarly, the FNCCI and Indo Canadian Business Chamber (ICBC) signed an agreement to expand trilateral and multilateral business relations. The ICBC is a forum established with the view to promote bilateral economic relations between Canada and India. Director General of the FNCCI Dr. Hemanta Dabadi and CEO of the ICBC Nadira Hamid signed on the document on behalf of their respective

Prasad Dhakal, Global IME Bank and Ms. Ritu Singh Vaidya, VOITH

organisations in the presence of FNCCI president Vaidya and Canadian

are representing Nepal while Mr. Pramod Radhakrishnan, IRD Inc,

Ambassador to Nepal Beck. As per the agreement, FNCCI will mobilize

Dr. M.P. Raju, Lea Associates and Ms. Alisa Kreynes, Manitoba

the forum to expand trilateral and multilateral business relations among

Hydro International of Indo Canadian Business Chamber (ICBC) are

Nepal, India and Canada. FNCCI BUSINESS JOURNAL


supply for drinking water projects, power supply to telecom tower, among others. Addressing the meeting, President Vaidya said that the formation of the NCBEC and signing of the agreement between FNCCI and the ICBC would help strengthen the bilateral business relations between Nepal and Canada. Lauding the role played by the FNCCI for the formation of the NCBEC, H.E. Ambassador Beck said that the newly formed NCBEC would be a significant means




The visiting 13-member high level Canadian delegation included

investment in Nepal. Radesh Pant,

representatives from urban transport, urban design and development

CEO of the Board of Investment (BoI) , Joint Secretary at the

(specially, hospital, college, airports, mega housing development,

Ministry of Commerce and Supply Jibaraj Koirala and Chairman

resorts and hotels), hydropower development, highway traffic

of Energy Development Forum at the FNCCI Gyanendra Lal

management, infrastructure development, equipments and machinery

Pradhan also expressed their views on the occasion.

FNCCI for bringing Italian technology A discussion held on bilateral economic relations of Nepal and Italy

Vaidya and UK envoy held talks

between the FNCCI President Suraj Vaidya and H.E. Daniele Mancini, Ambassador of Italy to Nepal at the FNCCI secretariat in Kathmandu on May 2, 2013. The meeting, attended by the former president of the FNCCI and honorary consul general of Nepal for Italy Ravibhakta Shrestha, focused on promoting private sector’s relations between the two countries for bringing Italian investment and technology to Nepal. Ambassador Mancini said that he was highly impressed by the suggestions put forth by the Nepalese private sector and expressed his commitment that he would extend his diplomatic support for expanding bilateral economic relations between the two countries.

Newly appointed ambassador of the United Kingdom to Nepal Andrew James Sparkes and President of the FNCCI Suraj Vaidya held talks at the FNCCI secretariat recently. The duo held discussion on bilateral trade and economic relations and investment promotion among others. Senior vice president of the FNCCI Bhaskar Raj Rajkarnikar, Executive Committee members Dinesh Shrestha, Gyanendra Lal Pradhan, Shankar Prasad Pandey, Chairman of Nepal-Britain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rajendra Kumar Khetan, Chairman of European Union Trade, Commerce and Industry Binayak Shah among others was present at the meeting.



ACFIC delegation focus on Nepal’s economic development FNCCI President Suraj Vaidya urged the visiting Chinese business people to invest in Nepal’s infrastructure development. During a meeting with the delegation of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) at the FNCCI secretariat on May 21, 2013, Vaidya asked the Chinese team to invest in infrastructure development projects, commercial agriculture, service sector, solar energy and minerals, among others. A delegation of ACFIC under the leadership of Zhuang Congshen, Vice-chairman of ACFIC, was in Nepal from May 19 to 21, 2013. On the occasion, the Chinese team showed interest to invest in energy,

FNCCI seeks support from UNDP A discussion held between the FNCCI President Suraj Vaidya and the newly appointed residential representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Terence D. Jones on Nepalese economy and development of private sector on April 14, 2013 at FNCCI secretariat. On the occasion, extending his congratulatory message to the newly appointed residential representative Jones, President Vaidya expressed his confidence that the private sector would get more opportunity of collaboration during his tenure. Shedding lights on the activities of the FNCCI during the past two years, President Vaidya said that the FNCCI had succeed in making common economic agenda on hydropower development of all the major political parties in Nepal.

service sector, solar energy, trade and improved agriculture productions. Chinese team also expressed their commitment that they would work to bring Chinese investment in five major sectors in Nepal such as energy, infrastructure, tourism, agriculture and minerals.

Major political parties singed on the agreement during the 47th annual general meeting (AGM) of the FNCCI. Stating that the FNCCI was working to establish the chamber of commerce of the least developed countries (LDCs) for raising the issues of the LDCs in World Economic Forum more effectively, he sought UNDP’s support for this.

A meeting held between the President of the FNCCI and former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Chairman of Trustees Executers James Brendan Bolger at the FNCCI secretariat recently. The duo held discussion on commercial agriculture and sustainable development of agriculture in Nepal. Ministry


Development preparing



Development Strategy Nepal (ADS) in the support of Asian Development Bank (ADB). The drafting of the ADS has reached final stage and the meeting with the FNCCI was organized with the view to discuss on the issue. Mr. Bolger is the advisor to the ADS.

plan to establish Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the LDCs saying that it would help improve the status of the LDCs.

Former New Zealand PM at FNCCI

Agriculture has

On the occasion, Jones said that he was positive towards the FNCCI’s

Business meeting with Chinese envoy


ewly appointed Ambassador of

Welcoming the newly appointed Chinese

China to Nepal H.E. Wu Chuntai

envoy to Nepal, President of the FNCCI

said that the promotion of Chinese

Suraj Vaidya stressed the need of attracting

tourists in Nepal could be a significant means to

Chinese investment in various sectors such

lessen the widening trade deficit of Nepal with

as tourism, infrastructure development,

China. Addressing a programme organized by the FNCCI in the capital, Ambassador Wu said that the Chinese government was ready to extend its support to Nepal. Ambassador Wu pointed that Nepal was rich in natural and cultural resources and there was huge potential of attracting Chinese tourists in Nepal. He also committed that he would play

hydropower development, minerals, industry, education, health, solar energy including alternative energy, among others. Ambassador Wu expressed great pleasure to know that the Nepalese private sector was contributing more than 70 per cent in the Nepalese economy.

the development of Mid-hill High Way and East West High Way. Stating that the position of Nepal in between the two growing economic of the world, China and India, was a great opportunity for Nepal, he stressed the need of tripartite coalition among Nepal, China and India. He also expressed that China was ready to collaborate on ‘Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership’ in Nepal’s political, economic and cultural aspects. Chinese Ambassador opined that China was ready to share its success with its neighbours and Nepal was on the top priority. Extending his vote of thanks to the ambassador, Senior Vice-president of the FNCCI Bhaskar Raj Rajkarnikar, invited the Chinese envoy to

due role on his part for promoting Nepal in

There are problems in Nepal. However, there

take part in the Nepal International Trade Fair


are opportunities within it, he said suggesting

2014 as country partner. Executive members

Stating that Chinese films were filmed in the

that Nepal should reap the opportunity

of the FNCCI, office bearers of the Nepal-

properly. Stating that the road network was

China Chambers of Commerce, tourism

started to broadcast documentaries on Nepal,

one of the significant parts of the economic

entrepreneurs, agriculture entrepreneurs and

he hoped that it would help promote tourism

development of any country, Ambassador

office bearers of commodity associations

increasing the number of Chinese visitors to

Wu said that the Chinese government had

among others were present during the


programme to extend continuous support to


Nepalese setting and Chinese televisions had



Interaction with the Chief Secretary

FNCCI-CII JEC meeting The FNCCI-CII JEC meeting concluded on

examples of many foreign investment-run

30 January 2013 in CII Headquarter in New

companies like Unilever, Dabur, Ncell, and

Delhi under the co-chairmanship of Mr.

others, Mr. Vaidya invited the Indian investors

Rajive Kaul, Past President of Confederation

to invest in Nepal. He further reiterated that

of Indian Industry (CII) and Mr. Padma Jyoti,

Nepal Government was committed and

Past President of FNCCI.

serious about the economic development in







lauded the efforts of both CII and FNCCI in

The FNCCI-CII JEC meeting decided to form

strengthening and developing India-Nepal

a taskforce headed by Mr. Badri Prasad Ojha,

economic ties and thanked the FNCCI for bringing the delegation to the CII Partnership

Former Director General of FNCCI and Mr. S. Sen, Principal Advisor of CII to conduct a


study for strengthening economic ties between

In his remark, Mr. Jyoti also shed lights on

organization will be included in the taskforce.

close and intimate relations between the people of India and Nepal and expressed his belief that the mechanism set up between

Nepal and India. Four members from each The taskforce was formed in the 1995 and its recommendations had ultimately pursued both Governments of Nepal and India to sign

the two apex bodies of Nepal and India will

a ‘watershed’ trade treaty between Nepal and

further bring tangible results for development

India in 1996.

of bilateral trade and investment relations

The JEC meeting further decided to organize

The members of CII also held a meeting with the Chief Secretary of Government of Nepal, Mr. Lilamani Poudel. During the meeting, Chief Secretary Mr. Poudel stated that Nepal Government was serious and committed for the economic development of Nepal and promoting investment in Nepal. He informed that Nepal Government was taking initiatives to create conducive environment for investment. Mr. Poudel said that various mechanisms were being put on place to quicken the decision making process. Mr. Arvind Mehta, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry of Government of India, stressed the sharing of benefits between the government and private sector to ensure the sustainable economic development. Citing the example of Himanchal Pradesh, Mr. Mehta suggested for optimum utilization of resources, timely decision and its implementation to develop the economy.

In the meeting, Mr. SurajVaidya, President

hold a roundtable conference on the investment

of the FNCCI said that the economy was

opportunities in Nepal in five other cities of

Mr. Radesh Pant, CEO of Board of Investment (BoI) presented a working paper on ‘Investment Opportunities in Nepal’ and invited the Indian investors to invest in

doing fine and growing. Citing the successful

India, including New Delhi.


between Nepal and India.

Nepal trade show in New Delhi in 2013 and



s[lif pBd s]Gb|


-!_ gLltut k}/jL • cfly{s aif{ @)&)÷&! sf] ah]6 dfkm{t ;Daf]wgsf nflu ljleGg a:t'ut ;+3x?af6 k|fKt /fo ;'emfasf cfwf/df g]kfn ;/sf/ s[lif ljsf; dGqfnodf /fo ;'emfa k7fPsf] 5 . • g]kfn ;/sf/ ag dGqfno dfkm{t hf/L x'g nfu]sf] u}/ sfi7 ag k}bfjf/df cfwf/Lt pBf]unfO{ sRrf kbfy{ pknAw u/fpg] gLlt–@)^( -d:of}bf_ dfly ljleGg ;/f]sf/jfnfx? ;+u 5nkmn u/L gLltut ;'emfa k7fPsf] . • g]kfn ;/sf/sf] kz' tyf s'v'/f Sjf/]G6fOgsf sf/0f cfoftdf eP u/]sf ;d:ofnfO{ gLltut ;'wf/ u/L Joj;fodf cfPdf ;d:ofsf] lgbfgsf nflu /fo ;'emfa lbPsf] . • s[lif oflGqs/0f lglt–@)&) d:of}bf tof/Ls} qmddf NEAT kl/of]hgfsf] cfly{s ;xof]udf a+unfb]zsf ljleGg If]qdf s[lif oflGqs/0f ;DaGwL lqmofsnfk s;/L cuf8L al9/x]sf] 5 eGg] ;Gb{esf] cWoog ug{sf] lgldQ s[lif;+u ;DaGwLt P]g, gLlt sfg'g k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltsf] b'O{ kbflwsf/L / o;} ;ldlt åf/f s[lif oflGqs lgltsf] d:of}bf agfpgsf] lglDt u7Lt pk–;ldltsf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox? ^ hgf ;lxt hDdf * hgfsf] 6f]nLn] a+unfb]z e|d0f ;DkGg u¥of] . •

NEAT kl/of]hgfsf] cfly{s ;xof]udf, s[lif ljsf; dGqfno / s[lif pBd s]Gb| gLltsf] d:of}bf agfpg qmddf s[lif;+u ;DaGwLt P]g, gLlt sfg'g k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltsf] !! j6f a}7s ;DkGg ePsf] ;fy} o;} ;ldltåf/f s[lif oflGqs gLltsf] d:of}bf agfpgsf] lglDt u7Lt pk–;ldltsf] @@ j6f a}7s ;DkGg u/L # j6f If]lqo ;fj{hlgs lghLIf]q ;+jfb (PPD) / Pp6f s]Gb|Lo:t/sf] ;fj{hlgs lghLIf]q ;+jfb (PPD) ldlt @)&) a}zfv #! ut] xf]6n cGgk"0f{ ;DkGg ul/ s[lif oflGqs/0f gLlt–@)&) clGtd d:of}bf pk/ 5nkmn u/L o; d:of}bf gLltnfO{ cem al9 kl/is[t u/L cg'df]bgsf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ a'emfOPsf] 5 .

-@_ æPs uf“p Ps pTkfbgÆ (OVOP) sfo{qmd

• cf=a=@)^(÷&)sf] n]vf kl/IF0f sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ ;f]sf] k|ltj]bg ;DalGwt lgsfox?df k]zeO{ ;a}sf] . • cf=a=@)^(÷&) sf] t]>f] rf}dfl;s ah]6 /sd ;a} lhNnfx?df k7fO{ ;s]sf] . • cf=a= @)^(÷&) af6 !) lhNnfx?df cf]=l8=cf]=kL= sfo{qmd nfu' ePsf] . • cf]=l8=cf]=kL= nfu' ePsf lhNnfx? cf]vn9'Ëf, /;'jf, l;Gw'nL, c3f{vf+rL, wflbË, af/f, /f}txt, hfh/sf]6, dgfË / Ko'7fg . • ;a} lhNnfx?sf] Business Plan tof/ ePsf] . • g]kfn ;/sf/af6 ah]6 l:js[lt eO{ lgsf;fsf] nflu clGtd r/0fdf k'u]sf] . -#_ ahf/ ;"rgf ;]jf (Market Information Service (MIS) != yf]s ahf/ d'No ;DalGw b}lgs, dfl;s k|lta]bgx? • g]kfnsf laleGg @@ j6f k|d'v ahf/x?, Ps ufp“ Ps pTkfbg sfo{qmdsf] $ j6f lhNnfx? / ^ j6f ef/lto ;Ldfjlt{ ahf/x?sf] b}lgs d'No ;'rL ;+sng, Compilation / k|jfx ug]{ sfo{ lgoldt ?kdf e}/x]sf] 5 . ;fy} ljleGg lhNnfaf6 cn}+rLsf] yf]s d"No ;fKtfxLs ?kdf k|fKt eO{ /x]sf] 5 . • o; s]Gb|n] sf7df8f}+, ljtf{df]8, s}nfnL, ;'v]{t / a'tjnsf] vfB kbfy{, bfnxg / t]nxngsf] dfl;s yf]s ahf/ d"No ;'rL ljZj vfB sfo{qmd (WFP) nfO{ pknAw u/L ;xof]u u/fp+b} cfO{ /x]sf] 5 . ;f] sfo{qmdaf6 g]kfnsf] vfB cj:yfsf] d"Nofs+g / ljZn]if0f af/] ljif]z ;'rgf k|fKt e}/x]sf] 5 . @= www.agripricenepal.com • b}lgs tyf ;fKtflxs yf]s ahf/ d'No;"rL b}lgs ?kdf lbgsf] @M)) ah] kl5 a]j;fOtdf upload e}/x]sf]5 / cGo ljleGg k|sf/sf] s[lif ;dfrf/ klg cfjZos cg';f/ lg/Gt/ ?kdf update ug]{ sfo{ e}/x]sf 5 .

• Ps ufp Ps pTkfbg sfo{qmdsf] sfo{ lgb]{lzsf ;+zf]wgsf] nflu ag] sf] pk;ldltn] ;+zf]wg ug'{ kg]{ a'bfx? tof/ u/L s]lGb|o ;ldltdf k]z ePsf] / ;ldltaf6 cfjZos sfo{jfxLsf] nflu lzkmfl/; eP cg';f/ xfn clGtd l:js[ltsf] nflu cy{ dGqfnodf k'u]sf] .

#= o; ahf/ ;'rgf ;]jfnfO{ cem k|efjsf/L ug{ o; s]Gb|n] cGo ;+3 ;+:yf;+usf] ;xsfo{df of] ;]jfnfO{ g]kfnsf] k|To]s ufp+:t/ ;Dd ;xh?kdf ;'rgf k'¥ofpg Mobile tyf Telephone Notice Board k|0ffnL k|ljlwaf6 sflndfl6, sf7df8f}+sf] b}gLs ?kdf j:t' d'No / cGo s[lif ;fdfu|L ;dfrf/ 6]lnkmf]g / df]jfO{n -sf7df8f+}sf] nflu !^!*)! $@^@@^) / ;'v]{tsf]nflu )*#%@%%!^_ af6 ;'Gg ;lsg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .

• /]Gaf] 6«fp6sf] pTkfbg nfut, nf]Stfsf] Inventory, nK;Lsf] Inventory / hf/fonf] af:dtL rfdnsf] Inventory cWoog sfo{sf] nflu $ ljleGg k/fdz{ bftfx? lgo'lQm ul/Psf] / cWoog sfo{ ;+rfng eO{ /x]sf] .

-$_ International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR) kl/of]hgf M

• cf]=le=cf]=kL= sfo{qmd ;+rflnt !) lhNnfdf Accounting Software ljsf; ug{sf] nflu Software ljsf; ug]{ sDkgLsf] 5gf}6 ePsf] .

• k"j{ k|zf]wg s]Gb| ;+rfngsf] nflu Business Scheme tof/L Pj+ d]lzg h8fg sfo{ ;DkGg .

• :ofËhf lhNnfdf ;+rflnt skmL sfo{qmdnfO{ ;3fpg Ps hgf h'lgo/ ef]nG6Lc/nfO{ :ofËhfd} a:g] u/L hfOsfaf6 ;xof]u k|fKt ePsf] .



cf]=l8=cf]=lk ;DaGwL gu/sf]6df cfof]lht sfo{zfnf

• k|zf]wg s]Gb|sf d]lzgx? cui6 !% ;Dddf gd'gf pTkfbg ug]{ nIo ;fy cl3 al9/x]sf] . • h'nfO{ !% b]lv cui6 !% ;Dd rfOgfaf6 k|fljlws 6f]nL cfO{ pBf]ux?df g} j;L d]lzgx?sf] Adjustment / Triel production ug]{ .

• ;'b'/ klZrdf+rn ljsf; If]qsf % lhNnfx? dWo] s}nfnLnflu Herbal Industry, 88]Nw'/f / a}t8L sf] nflu dx pTkfbg / 8f]6Lsf] nflu hf]/fon wfgsf] Joj;foLs of]hgf tof/ ul/Psf], cGo lhNnfsf]nflu tof/ ug]{ sfo{sf] yfngL ul/Psf] . •

• h'nfO{ !% ;Dddf nlntk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] hUufdf g]kfnL k|fljlwsx?sf] k|of]ufTds tflnd Pj+ gd'gf 3/ lgdf{0f x'g] . -%_ g]kfn PsLs[t Jofkf/ /0fgLlt kl/of]hgf (NTIS) • pQm sfo{qmdx?df s[lif pBd s]Gb|af6 o; cf=a=df ;+rfng x'g] sfo{qmdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f, sfo{ k|0ffnL, ;xeflutf, nfut ;fem]bf/L ;DalGw lj:t[t sfo{qmd ;d]t k|:t't u/L cfufdL lbgsf] nflu sfo{of]hgf ;d]t ;xeflutfTds ?kdf tof/ kfl/Psf] . • cf=a= ^(÷&) df %) yfg 8«fo/ ef]hk'/ / tfKn]h'Ë lhNnfdf @%÷@% yfg l:js[t e} ;Demf}tf u/L %) yfg 8«fo/ lgdf{0f sfo{nfO{ ljt/0fsf] nflu x:tfGt/0f ul/g] . -^_ ls;fgsf nflu pGgt lap ljhg sfo{qmd • sfo{qmddf 5gf}6df k/]sf lhNnfx? u'NdL, c3f{vfrL, /f]Nkf, ?s'd, ;Nofg / Ko'7fgdf sfo{qmd cg'lzIF0f sfo{qmd ;DkGg . -&_ pRr d"No s[lif a:t' ljsf; cfof]hgf (High Value Agriculture Project)

• s[lif pBd s]Gb| dftxtaf6 yk sd{rf/L egf{ ul/Psf] . • •

g]kfnuGh / cfof]hgf nfu' ePsf lhNnfx? -a}tl8, 88]Nw'/f / bf¨_ df cg'udg ;DkGg u/]sf] . • s]xL lhNnfsf ;+efJotfx? cWoog u/L lhNnfsf] kfZj{lrq (Profile) tof/ . •

RISMF Project sf] bf]>f] rf}dfl;s k|ult k|lta]bg tof/ul/ s[lif pBd s]Gbsf] s]lGb|o sfof{no dfk{mt cfof]hgf Joa:yfkg OsfO{ (PMU)df k]z ul/Psf] .

• sfo{qmd Joj:yfkg OsfO{ (Programme Management Unit) åf/f lhNnf tyf If]qLo :t/sf ;]jf k|bfosx?sf] nflu cfof]hgf ul/Psf cled'vLs/0f uf]i7Lx?df ;xeflutf, ;xhLs/0f Pj+ k|:t'tLs/0f ;DkGg u/]sf] . • sfo{qmd nfu' ePsf lhNnfsf ;/f]sf/jfnfx?;+u ;Dks{, ;dGjo Pj+ ;xeflutf ul/Psf] s/f/ v]lt (Contract farming) ;DalGw Template tof/ u/L a}tl8 lhNnfsf] cfj]bsx?nfO ;Demf}tfsf] ;xhLs/0f ul/Psf] . • sfo{qmd Joj:yfkg OsfO{ (Programme Management Unit) åf/f a}tl8 lhNnfsf] nflu ul/Psf]] k|:tfj cfXjfg df cfj]bsx?nfO{ s[lif pBd s]Gb|af6 ug'{ kg]{ ;xhLs/0f ul/Psf] .

Window 1

cGtu{t & j6f Joj;foLs of]hgf tof/ ul/Psf]df @ j6f kf; eO{ ;Demf}tfsf] qmddf /x]sf] .

Window 2

cGtu{t #% j6f Joj;foLs of]hgf tof/ ul/Psf]df !& j6f kf; eO{ ;Demf}tfsf] qmddf /x]sf] .

• & j6f pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf k|ltlglwx?nfO{ bfª / a'6jn pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3df cjnf]sg e|d0f tyf cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd ug'{sf ;fy} g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3df ;d]t cGtlqmof sfo{qmd ul/Psf] . • & j6f pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf k|ltlglwx?nfO{ rf/ lbg] “Commitment in Action” tflnd k|bfg ul/Psf] . • & j6f lhNnf -;'v]{t, sfnLsf]6, h'Dnf, b}n]v, c5fd, hfh/sf]6 / ;Nofg_ pBf]u afl0fHo ;+3af6 ahf/ ;'rgf ;+sng u/L s[lif pBd s]Gb|df k7fpg] sfo{ e} /x]sf] / lhNnfsf] d'Vo ahf/ s]Gb|x?sf] ;'rgf kf6Ldf /fv]/ k|;f/0f e} /x]sf] . • cfof]hgfsf lhNnfsf lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3x?df ahf/ ;'rgf k|0ffnL ljsf; / s[lif OsfO{ :yfkgf eO{ sfd cufl8 a9]sf] . •

ADB Review Mission (2-14 May, 2013) df s[lif pBd s]Gb|÷g]=p=jf= dxf;+3sf sf] tkm{ af6 ;xeflu e} cfof]hgf Joa:yfkg OsfO{ (PMU),


dftxtsf kmf“6 h:t} ;dfj]zL Joj;fo, d'No >[+vnf ljsf;, n}ËLs tyf ;fdflhs ;dfj]zLs/0f, d'Nofsg tyf cg'ud, sfo{ljlw / e"ldsf lgdf{0f tyf ljsf;sf]nflu s]Gb|n] cfkm\gf] /fo ;'emfa lbb} cfPsf] .

-*_ ;fgf tyf demf}nf ls;fgx?sf] cfo:t/ j[l4 kl/of]hgf Raising Incomes of Small and Medium Farmar Project (RISMFP)

• s[lif pBd s]Gbn] cGo cfof]hgf;+usf] Interaction / cg'ejsf] cfwf/df pRr d"Nosf s[lif j:t'x?sf] d"No >[+vnfsf] klxrfg ug]{ sfo{ cl3 a8fpg'sf] ;fy} ;'b'/ klZrdf+rn ljsf; If]qsf] Traders mapping tof/ug]{ sfo{ ul/;lsPsf] 5 .

-(_ pRr kxf8 s[lif Joj;fo tyf lhljsf]kfh{g ;'wf/ cfof]hgfM (HIMALI)

• kl/of]hgfsf lhNnfx? / lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3af6 hDdf !@ j6f lhNnf:tl/o Joj;foLs of]hgf uf]i7L ;DkGg u/Lof] h;df &^! hgf Joj;foLx? ;xefuL lyP . • lxdfnL cfof]hgf ePsf lhNnfx?df * j6f Value chain uf]li7 $%^ hgf ;xeflutfx?sf] pkl:yltdf ;DkGg u/Lof] . • Onfsf :t/Lodf Joj;foLs of]hgf uf]i7L hDdf $@ j6f ;DkGg ul/of] h;df !*@* hgf ;xeflu lyP . • bf]nvf, d':tfË, h'Dnf, x'Dnf, 8f]Nkf dgfª, / d'u'df ul/ & j6f lhNnf Jofkf/ d]nf ((%& hgfsf] ;xeflutfsf ;fy ;DkGg ul/of] . • & j6f If]qLo Jofkf/ d]nf !@(&() hgfsf] ;xeflutfsf ;fy ;DkGg ul/of] . • kl/of]hgfsf lhNnfx?af6 j6f Joj;foLs of]hgf -d:of}bf_ k|fKt eO{ cfof]hgf Joj:yfkg OsfO{ (PMU) df k]z ug{ cGtLd tof/Ldf /x]sf] . • kl/of]hgfsf lhNnfx?af6 !(% j6f Joj;foLs of]hgf k'0f{ tof/L eO{ cfof]hgf Joj:yfkg OsfO{ (PMU) df k]z ePsf] . • @* j6f Joj;foLs of]hgfx? cfof]hgf Joj:yfkg OsfO{(PMU)af6 :ljs[t ePsf] . • lxdfnL cfof]hgf;+u ;DaGwLt Joj;fox?sf] af/]df @@^@ Joj;foLx?nfO{ Joj;fo k/fd{z lbO{of] . • lxdfnL cfof]hgf;+u ;DaGwLt Joj;fo th'{df ;DaGwL %^% hgf Joj;foLx?nfO{ ;xof]u÷k/fd{z lbO{of] . FNCCI BUSINESS JOURNAL


;b:o ;+3x? ¢

eQmk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3


u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3 -Pgcf/PgP_ sf pkfWoIf /fd]Zj/ zfxn] ;d[4 g]kfn lgdf{0fsf] nflu a]/f]huf/ o'jfx?nfO{ bIf agfpg Pgcf/PgPn] nufgL ug]{ atfPsf 5g\= . eQmk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3n] xfn} cfof]hgf u/]sf] tLg dlxg] x:tsnf tflndsf] ;dfkg ;df/f]xdf zfxn] ljgf ;Lk / bIftf nfvf}+ g]kfnL o'jfx? j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf /xg'k/]sf] atfpg' eof] . sfo{qmd ;+3sf cWoIf df]xg k|;fb tfd|fsf/sf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] .

/Tggu/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

/Tggu/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] !$ cf} jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ut kmfu'g @! ut] ;DkGg eof] . dlGqkl/ifb\ sfof{nosf ;lrj s[i0fxl/ jf+:sf]6fsf] k|dv ' cfltYotfdf ;DkGg sfo{qmd ;+3sf cWoIf lbkss'df/ sdf{rfo{sf] ;efkltTjdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] .

bIf / zLk o'Qm hgzlQm cefj ePsf]n] Pgcf/Pg /l;ofn] eQmk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3;Fu ldn]/ sfi7snf tflnd lbPsf] ;f] cj;/df hfgsf/L u/fOof] .


n]vgfy pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

n]vgfy pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf] cfof]hgfdf n]vgfy gu/kflnsfsf sfo{sf/L clws[t lhjg 1jfnLsf] ;Ddfgdf :jfut tyf 5nkmn sfo{qmd xfn} n]vgfydf ;DkGg eof] . sfo{qmd ;+3sf cWoIf ;'dg e§/fO{sf] ;efkltTjdf ePsf] lyof] .


;fwf/0f ;efdf gf/fo0fu9 x]6f}8f $ n]gsf] b'|tdfu{ lgdf{0f, nufgL jif{sf] ;Gb{e cfof]hgf ePsf] Central Nepal-The Land of Opportunities ;]ldgf/df k|:t't $) kl/of]hgfx?nfO{ cl3 j9fpg, ;f}/fxfsf] bL3{sflng ko{6g ljsf; /0fgLlt tof/ ug{, /Tggu/ c:ktfnsf] :t/f]GgtL Pj+ ;]jf ;'ljwfnfO{ Jojl:yt jgfpg, dWodf~rn If]lqo /+uzfnf lgdf{0f, se8{xn, Jojl:yt awzfnf lgdf{0f, ko{6g ;'rgf s]Gb| / e08f/fdf 8«fOkf]6{sf] Joj:yfsf ljifodf ;fwf/0f ;efdf ljz]if hf]8 lbOPsf] lyof] .

jL/u+h pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3

jL/u+h pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3, jL/u+h pkdxfgu/ kflnsfsf] sfof{no, :yfgLo k|zf;g, k|x/L, gful/s ;dfh, ;+rf/sdL{ ;d]tsf] ;xeflutfdf æu'8 dlg{Ë u|]6/ jL/u+hÆ cleofg k|f/De ul/Psf] 5 . gu/nfO{ ;kmf, ;'Gb/ agfpg ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ cf–cfˆgf] bfloTj / st{Jok|lt ;r]i6 t'Nofpg] p2]Zon] jLpjf;+3n] jLpdgkf;Fu ;xsfo{ ul/ cleofg z'? ul/Psf] xf] . o; cleofgaf6 ;+3n] ut Ps jif{ cl3 cl3 ;f/]sf] æu|]6/ jL/u+hÆ sf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ ;fy{s t'Nofpg, gu/nfO{ ;kmf ;'Gb/ agfpg ;d]t d2t k'Ug] atfOPsf] 5 .

To;}u/L ;+3sf] cfof]hgfdf k;f{÷af/fsf ;/sf/L sfof{nox?sf k|d'vx? ;+u xfn} e]63f6 tyf 5nkmn sfo{qmd ;DkGg eof] .

TAAN Souvenir 2013 unveiled Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ram Kumar Shrestha unveiled ‘TAAN Historical Souvenir 2013' amid a programme organized to celebrate Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the first ascent of Mt Everest in Kathmandu on 29 May. The 190-page souvenir offers a brief insight into the history of TAAN, its difficulties through the write-ups of its former presidents and office-bearers. The souvenir contains more than 30 articles on different issues related to trekking/ mountaineering tourism.



;b:o ;+3x?df gof+ g]t[Tj -@)&) j}zfvb]lv ;fpg @( ;Dd_ /f]lxt k|;fO{+, cWoIf, O6x/L pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 !$โ !% cf} ;+o'Qm jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldltM @)&) c;f/ @!

lbn;'Gb/ >]i7, cWoIf -k'g lgjf{lrt_, w'lnv]n pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 @% cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldltM @)&) c;f/ @@ ut]

dx]Gb| k|;fb sfkm\n], cWoIf, t]x|y'd pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 !% cf} jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldltM @)&) j}zfv !$

rGb|s[i0f sd{frfo{, cWoIf, g]kfn ยฃo', rfdn tyf t]n ;+3 #* cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldlt M @)&)รท!รท@)

ch{'g eยง/fO{, cWoIF, g]kfn lgof{t kl/ifb ldltM @)&)รท!รท@&

/fh s'df/ /fO{, cWoIf, g]kfn lkmNd lgd{ftf ;+3 !@ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldltM @)&)รท!รท@!

ls/0f s'df/ 8+uf]n, cWoIF, g]kfn xft] sfuh ;+3 !@ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldltM @)&)รท@รท!)

;lGbk cu|jfn, cWoIF, g]kfn jg:klt Wo" tyf t]n pTkfbs ;+3 !^ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldlt M @)&)รท#รท&

w|'j /fh yfkf, cWoIf, l;d]G6 pTkfbs ;+3 ( cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldlt M @)&)รท@รท!@

pbo/fh kf08], cWoIf, -k'g lgjf{lrt_ g]kfn tof/L kf];fs pBf]u ;+3 @@ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldlt M @)&)รท$รท!*

z]v/ uf]N5f, cWoIf, g]kfn c6f] l8n/ ;+3 #% cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ldlt M@)&)รท#รท!@



hnljB't ljsf;sf nflu /fhgLlts k|lta4tf


dL, g]kfnsf ljleGg /fhgLlts bnsf k|ltlglwx? -æ/fhgLlts bnx?Æ_ ldlt @)^(.!@.@* df sf7df8f}+df cfof]hgf ePsf] g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf] $& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt eO{ / hnljB't ljsf;sf] qmddf b]lvPsf ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf pkfox?df 5nkmn u/L, g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# n] d''n'sdf ljBdfg hn>f]t nufot k|fs[lts >f]t ;fwg /fli6«o lxtdf k|of]u ug]{] tyf gful/sx?sf] lzIff, /f]huf/ / ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;DaGwL xsnfO{ df}lns xssf] ?kdf Joj:yf u/]sf]] s'/f dgg ub}{, cfly{s ljsf;, z}lIfs k|ult, :t/Lo :jf:Yo ;]jf, /f]huf/L tyf Joj;fodf pRr:t/sf] pTkfbsTj ljsf; u/L ul/aL lgjf/0f ug{ tyf gful/sx?sf] df}lns clwsf/ sf] /Iffsf] nflu hnljB'tsf] ljsf; cTofjZos ePsf] jf:tljstfnfO{ :jLsf/ ub}{, hn>f]t ljsf;;“u ;DalGwt sfg'gsf] sdhf]/ sfof{Gjog, cl:y/ gLlt tyf ckof{Kt ef}lts ;+/rgfx? ;d]tsf] sf/0fn] d'n'sdf /x]sf] hn>f]tsf] ck]lIft ljsf; tyf pkof]u geO{ hnljB'tdf kof{Kt kx'+r x'g g;sL gful/sx?sf] ljsf; ;DaGwL xs pkef]u ug]{ sfo{df uDeL/ cj/f]wx? l;h{gf ePsf], pBf]usf] ljsf; / k|lt:kwf{ ug]{ Ifdtfdf k|lts"n c;/ k/]sf], e'QmfgL ;Gt'ng gsf/fTds ePsf] / /fi6«sf] ;du| cfly{s pGgltsf] qmddf b]lvPsf Jojwfgk|lt uDeL/ ;/f]sf/ hgfp“b}, ;/sf/ tyf /fhgLlts bnx? nufot ;a} ;/f]sf/ jfnfx?sf] lg/Gt/ ;xof]uaf6 dfq hnljB't If]qsf] bLuf] ljsf; x'g ;Sg] s'/f dx;'; ub}{, hnljB'tnfO{ /fli6«o cu|k|fyldstfk|fKt If]q / g]kfnsf] cfly{s ljsf;sf] cfwf/e"t k"jf{wf/ tyf g]kfnL hgtfsf] ;d[l4 tyf /fli6«o ljsf;sf] dxTjk"0f{ dfWodsf] ?kdf ljsf; ug{ sl6a4 eO{, g]kfnsf] jt{dfg ;+ljwfg cg';f/ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf hgtfdf lgxLt /x]sf] / /fhgLlts bnx?sf dfWodaf6 g} pQm ;fj{ef}d;Qf tyf /fhlso ;Qfsf] k|of]u x'g] jf:tljstfnfO{ x[bo+ud ub}{, hnljB't If]qsf] bLuf] ljsf;sf nflu ;femf dfGotf tyf gLltx?df /fhgLlts bnx?sf] ;xdlt cfjZos ePsf] s'/f cfTd;ft ub}{, hnljB'tsf] ljsf;sf nflu lgDg adf]lhd k|lta4tf hfx]/ ub{5f}+ M

lgofds tyf ;+:yfut ;+/rgf ^= bLuf] / of]hgfa4 hnljB't ljsf;sf] nIo k|fKt ug{ lgDg ljifox? ;Daf]wg x'g] u/L sfg'g, lgod, ljlgod, gLlt, of]hgf lgdf{0f ug]{ sfo{df ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] -s_ Pp6f :jtGq lgofds lgsfo v8f u/L hnljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0fsf nflu v'Nnf, k|efjsf/L tyf k|lt:kwf{Tds ahf/ pknAw u/fpg], -v_ cfly{s tyf cGo ;'ljwfx? k|bfg u/L, kl/of]hgf ljsf; ;Demf}tf u/L tyf nufgLnfO{ ;'/lIft ug]{ cGo ljleGg pkfox? cjnDag ub}{ :jb]zL tyf ljb]zL b'j} k|sf/sf nufgLnfO{ k|f]T;flxt ug]{ tyf hnljB't If]qnfO{ nufgLsf] nflu cfsif{s uGtJo:yn agfpg] -u_ :jtGq, kf/bzL{, r':t tyf e]befj/lxt lg0f{osf] cfwf/df cg'dltkq, Ohfht tyf ;'ljwf k|bfg ug]{ . k"jf{wf/ ljsf; &= hnljB'tsf] ljsf; tyf o; ;DaGwL kl/of]hgfsf] ;+rfngsf nflu cTofjZos k"jf{wf/sf] ?kdf /x]sf] ;8ssf] kx'[“r, k|;f/0f nfOg, lgdf{0f ;fdu|L pTkfbg ug]{ ;xfos pBf]usf] :yfkgf, hnljB't kl/of]hgfx?sf] lgdf{0f tyf ;+rfngsf] nflu cfjZos hgzlQm tof/ ug]{ nufotsf cGo cfjZos k"jf{wf/sf] ljsf; / ;+rfng ug]{ sfo{df ;xof]u ug]{ .

lghL nufgL / ljQLo Joj:yf *= hnljB'tdf :jb]zL jf ljb]zL b'j} k|sf/sf lghL nufgLsf] ;fy} pko'Qmtf / cfjZostf cg';f/ ;/sf/L nufgLnfO{ ;d]t k|f]T;flxt ug]{ . hnljB't kl/of]hgfnfO{ sAhfdf glng] jf /fli6«os/0f gul/g] tyf ljgf cj/f]w ljb]zL nufgL lkmtf{ / x:tfGt/0f x'g] s'/fsf] ;'lglZrttf ug]{ . (= ljb]zL nufgL jf :jfldTjsf sDkgLsf lj?4 s'g} sf/jfxL gug]{ tyf hnljB't kl/of]hgfsf] ljsf; / ;+rfngsf] If]qdf nufgL ug]{ JolQm jf sDkgLsf] /fli6«otf tyf ;+:yfkgf ePsf] /fhgLlts l:y/tf d'n's h'g;'s} eP klg ;dfg Jojxf/ ug]{ . != d'n'ssf] ;+qmd0fsfnnfO{ cGTo u/L d'n'sdf /fhgLlts l:y/tf k'g:yf{kgf ug{ tyf b]zdf zflGt / Joj:yf sfod ug{ /fhgLlts ljB't lgsf;L ;xdlt ug]{ . !)= hnljB't Jofkfl/s tyf lgsf;Lof]Uo j:t' ePsf] s'/f :jLsf/ @= hnljB'tnfO{ /fli6«o cu|k|fyldstfk|fKt If]qsf] ?kdf 3f]if0ff ub}{ :jb]zdf vkt x'g] / lgsf;LnfO{ nlIft u/L lgdf{0f ul/Psf ub}{ hnljB't If]qnfO{ x8tfn, aGb h:tf lqmofsnfkaf6 d'Qm hnljB't kl/of]hgfx? b'j}nfO{ ;dfg ;xof]u ug]{ . ug]{, hnljB't kl/of]hgfsf] ljsf; tyf ;+rfngdf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf afwf pTkGg x'g] s'g} cfly{s jf cGo ;xof]u dfu !!= g]kfn / l5d]sL d'n'ssf aLrdf hnljB'tsf] ljlgdo tyf Jofkf/sf ;DaGwdf kmnbfoL ;DaGw :yflkt ug]{ / o:tf] ;DaGw gug]{ tyf nufgLstf{, kl/of]hgfdf ;+nUg dfgj ;+;fwg, d]l;g/L ljsf; ug{sf nflu ;DkGg x'g] låkIfLo jf ax'kIfLo ;lGw tyf kl/of]hgfsf] ;DklQ pk/ x'g ;Sg] hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f ug{ ;Demf}tfx? ;DkGg ug{ ;xof]u ug]{] . ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] .

;fdflhs tyf jftfj/0fLo ;/f]sf/ /fHosf] ;+3Lo ;+/rgf #= :yfgLo, /fHo / s]Gb|Lo ;/sf/sf] clwsf/If]qleq hnljB't !@= hnljB'tsf] bLuf] ljsf;sf nflu jftfj/0fLo tyf ;fdflhs ;/f]sf/x?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ub}{ pko'Qm ;fdflhs tyf jftfj/0f ljsf;sf] ljifo pko'Qm tl/sfn] ;d]6L] d'n'ssf] ;+3Lo ;DaGwL gLlt th'{df ug{sf nflu ;xof]u ug]{ . ;+/rgfnfO{ hnljB't ljsf;nfO{ ult lbg] dfWodsf] ?kdf !#= :yfgLo ;d"bfo / kl/of]hgf ;+rfns tyf nufgLstf{x?aLr pkof]u ug]{ . pTkGg x'g] ;Defljt c;dembf/L tyf ljjfbx? Go"gLs/0f ug{ $= hnljB'tsf] tLj| tyf lg/Gt/ ljsf; ug{sf] nflu hnljB't o:tf kl/of]hgfaf6 k|efljt x'g ;Sg] JolQm tyf :yfgLo ;d"bfosf] ljsf;af6 k|fKt x'g] nfe :yfgLo, k|flGto / s]Gb|Lo ;/sf/sf Gofof]lrt cfsf+Iffx? Jofjxfl/s ?kdf ;Daf]wg ug{sf nflu aLrdf Gofok"0f{ tyf ;dfg'kflts ?kdf aF“8kmF“8 x'g] sfg'gL tyf kl/of]hgf k|efljt JolQm tyf :yfgLo ;d"bfo / nufgLstf{aLr ljt/0f k|0ffnLsf] ;'lglZrttf ug]{ . hnljB't kl/of]hgfx?af6 k|fKt nfex?sf] Gofok"0f{ af“8kmF“8 %= /fHosf] ;+3Lo :j?kn] hnljB't kl/of]hgfsf] ljsf; tyf tyf pko'Qm k'gjf{;nfO{ ;d]6\g] gLlt tyf sfo{qmdx?sf] th'{df ;+rfngdf s'g} klg k|sf/sf] k|lts"n c;/ gkg]{ s'/f ;'lglZrt / sfof{Gjog ug]{ sfo{df ;xof]u ug]{ . ug]{ . 36


!$= hnljB't kl/of]hgfaf6 k|fKt x'g] /f]oN6L tyf z'Nsx? :yfgLo tx;Dd pknAw u/fpgsf nflu k|efjsf/L gLltut ;+oGq lgdf{0f ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ . /fhgLlts kl/rfng, lzIff tyf r]tgf lj:tf/ !%= hnljB't If]q /fli6«o cu|k|fyldstfsf] ljz]if If]q ePsf] s'/fnfO{ :jLsf/ u/L hnljB't kl/of]hgfsf] ljsf; tyf ;+rfngsf qmddf pTkGg x'g] :yfgLo cj/f]wx? x6fpgsf nflu cfjZos ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg] . !^= hn>f]t If]qsf] ljsf;sf] ckl/xfo{tfsf] af/]df cfk\mgf ;b:ox?, ;j{;fwf/0f tyf :yfgLo ;d"bfodf hgr]tgf km}nfpg] tyf ;f]sf] nflu >f]t ;fwgsf] kl/rfng ug]{ . !&= lgwf{l/t ;dod} hnljB't kl/of]hgf lgdf{0fsf] sfd tyf kl/of]hgf ;+rfng ;DkGg ug{sf nflu kl/of]hgf ;+rfns tyf :yfgLo ;d'bfo nufotsf ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] aLrdf ;'dw'/ ;DaGw sfod ug{ /rgfTds e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ .

sfof{Gjog ug]{ ;+oGq !*= ;/sf/, Joj:yflksf ;+;bsf] ;b:o, k|ltkIf jf :yfgLo txdf h'g;'s} x}l;otdf /x“bf klg pko'{Qm k|lta4tfx? cfTd;ft\ tyf sfof{Gjog ug]{ . !(= o; k|lta4tfkqdf JoQm k|lta4tfx? sfof{Gjog ug{sf nflu lgDg nufotsf cfjZos pkfox? canDag ug]{ M -!_ pko'{Qm k|lta4tfx?nfO{ /fhgLlts 3f]if0ffkqdf ;dfj]z ug]{ . -@_ cf–cfkm\gf] /fhgLlts bnx?sf] dxflwj]zg tyf cGo ;+oGqdf pQm k|lta4tfx?nfO{ kfl/t tyf ;dy{g ug]{ u/fpg] . -#_ /fhgLlts kl/rfng tyf hgr]tgf clej[l4sf nflu cf–cfkm\gf] /fhgLlts bnleq pko'Qm ;+oGq lgdf{0f ug]{ . -$_ pko'{Qm k|lta4tfx?nfO{ ;/sf/L gLlt tyf sfo{qmdsf] ?kdf ;dfj]z ug{] u/fpg] sfo{df ;xof]u ug]{ u/fpg] . -%_ pQm k|lta4tfx?nfO{ Joj:yflksf ;+;bdf k|:t't u/L /fli6«o ;+sNk k|:tfjsf] ?kdf kfl/t ug]{ .

k|ltj¢tf kqdf x:tfIf/ ug]{ /fhgLlts bn / bnsf zLif{:y g]tfx? ===================================== k'iksdn bfxfn ‘k|r08’ cWoIf Plss[t g]kfn sDo'lgi6 kf6L{ -dfcf]jfbL _

===================================== ;'lzn sf]O/fnf ;efklt, g]kfnL sf+u|];

===================================== ´ngfy vgfn cWoIf, g]kfn sDo'lgi6 kf6L{ -Pdfn]_

===================================== ljho s'df/ uR5bf/ cWoIf, dw]zL hgclwsf/ kmf]]/d -nf]stflGqs_

===================================== pk]Gb| ofbj cWoIf, dw]zL hgclwsf/ kmf]]/d

===================================== dxGt 7fs'/ cWoIf, t/fO{ dw]z nf]stflGqs kf6L{

===================================== ;"o{ axfb'/ yfkf cWoIf, /fli6«o hgzlQm kf6L{

ljz]if pkl:ylt ===================================== lvn/fh /]UdL dlGqkl/ifb\ cWoIf Pj+ k|d'v cltly $& cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef, g]kfn pBf] u jfl0fHo dxf;+3

===================================== ;'/h j}B cWoIf, g]]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3



5fKbf 5fKb} u}/ sfg"gL dfu / cf}Bf]lus If]q aGb x8tfnsf ultljlw

tTsfn lgoGq0f ug{ dfu kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf jl/i7 pkfWoIf efis//fh /fhsl0f{sf/sf] g]t[Tjdf uPsf] dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08nn] ;fpg @@ ut] >d dGqL xl/k|;fb Gof}kfg] ;dIf pxf+s} sfo{sIfdf e]6u/L x]6f}+8f, jL/u+h If]qdf sfdbf/ tyf 6«]8 o'lgogx?n] u}/ sfg'gL dfux? /fvL pBf]ux? aGb u/fPsf] ;DaGwdf uDeL/ Wofgfsif{0f u/fof] . u}/ sfg"gL dfu / ;f] dfunfO{ lnP/ xfn eO{ /x]sf] aGb x8tfn ug]{ lqmofsnfknfO{ t'?Gt /f]sL bLuf] cf}Bf]lus zflGt axfn ug{ ;d]t dGqL Gof}kfg] ;dIf dfu u/]sf] 5 . vf;u/L x]6f}+8f / aL/u~h IF]qdf sfdbf/ Pj+ 6«]8 o"lgogx?n] ;fd"lxs ;f}bfafhL axfn /x]s} cj:yfdf To;sf] j]jf:tf u/L ;a} txdf Psgf; kfl/>lds a[l4 kfpg' kb{5 eGg] u}/ sfg"gL dfu /fvL pBf]u aGb u/]sf] l:ylt 5 . aL/u~hdf ;a} pBf]u clgoldt ?kdf aGb ul/ x8\tfn u/]sf 5g\ . sfdbf/ kIFaf6 p7fO{Psf o:tf u}/ sfg"gL lqmofsnfkn] cf}Bf]lus zflGt vnalng] sfd eO{ r/d cfly{s bjfadf /x]sf pBf]ux? aGb x'g] l:ylt cfpg] tk{m dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08nn] >d dGqLsf] Wofgfsif{0f u/fPsf] 5 . pBf]u k|lti7fgx? xfn} g]kfn ;/sf/af6 lgwf{/0f ePsf] Go"gtd kfl/>lds nfu" ug{ tof/ /x]sf] / w]/} h;f] pBf]ux?n] of] nfu" ul/;s]sf] / s]xL pBf]ux? nfu" ug]{ qmddf 5g\ . ;f] qmddf dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08nn] clxn] sf] ;+j]bgzLn kl/l:yltdf ;/sf/n] x:tIf]k u/L pBf]u Joj;fo ug]{ jftfj/0f gjfOlbg] xf] eg] s'g} klg ;do cj pBf]ux? jGb x'g] tkm{ dGqLsf] Wofgfsif{0f u/fPsf] 5 . ;fy}



To;cl3 klg dxf;+3n] ;fpg !) ut] Ps lj1lKt hf/L u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] Go"gtd kfl/>lds sfof{Gjogdf g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3sf] k|ltj4tf hgfp+b} w]/} h:tf] pBf]u k|lti7fgx?n] Go"gtd kfl/>lds nfu" ul/;s]sf / af+sL k|lti7fgx?df nfu" ug]{ k|s[ofdf cuf8L a9L ;s]sf] cj:yfdf hj/h:tL / u}/ sfg"gL 9+uaf6 pBf]u l56km'6 s]xL pBf]ux?df sfo{/t sfdbf/ ;~rfng x'g ;Sb}g, ljlw / k|lqmofnfO{ x?af6 Go"gtd kfl/>lds nfu" ug]{ jvt ;a}n] dfGg} kb{5 . Go"gtd kfl/>ldssf] cldNbf dfux? /fvL pBf]uk|lti7fgg} aGb gfddf ;a}sf] kfl/>lds a[l4 x'g' kb{5 ug{];Ddsf] sfo{ ePsf] tkm{ cfkm\gf] uDeL/ eGg] dfu u}/ sfg"gL ePsf] / >lds Wofgfsif{0f ePsf] hgfPsf] lyof] . 6«]8 o"lgogsf] tk{maf6 eO{ /x]sf] o:tf] Go"gtd kfl/>lds ;DaGwdf dxf;+3n] ultljlwnfO{ lgoGq0f gug]{ xf] eg] g]kfndf nufgL a9\g] / /f]huf/L ;[hgf x'g] sNkgf ;/sf/n] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] Go"gtd kfl/>lds ug{ g;lsg] tkm{ dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08nn] xf] / o;nfO{ sfdbf/sf] kfl/>lds j[l4sf] dGqL Gof}kfg] ;dIf :ki6 kf/]sf] 5 . ?kdf lnOg' x'b}g eGg] s'/f :ki6 kf/]sf] lyof] . Go"gtd kfl/>lds lgwf{/0fsf jvtd} >d dGqfnosf ;lrj z'/]; dfg >]i7 / >d of] eg]sf] Go"gtd kfl/>lds xf] / of] ;j} ljefusf dxflgb]{zs ;d]t pkl:yt /xg' ePsf] kfl/>lds j[l4sf] ;Demf}tf xf]Og eGg] ;f] e]63f6df dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08nsf s'/fdf /f]huf/bftf, 6«]8 o'lgog / ;/sf/ aLr ;b:ox?df dxf;+3sf] /f]huf/bftf kl/ifb\sf ;xdtL ePsf] dxf;+3af6 :d/0f u/fOPsf] ;x;efklt dlgifs'df/ cu|jfn, sfo{sfl/0fL lyof] . ;ldlt ;b:ox? czf]s tf]bL, ljho j}b dxf;+3n] lj1lKt dfkm{t Go"gtd eGbf dflysf] / zflxn cu|jfn x'g'x'GYof] . ;f] cj;/df dGqL Gof}kfg]n] cf}Bf]lus kfl/>lds j[l4 k|lti7fgsf] Ifdtf tyf sfdbf/ If]qdf b]vf k/]sf] ;d:ofsf ljifodf cfkm" / sd{rf/L / k|lti7fg aLrsf] cfk;L ;xdltdf cfkm\gf] dGqfno uDeL/ ePsf] jtfp+b} >d, to x'g] ljifo ePsf] / sfg"gL k|fjwfg u[x / pBf]u dGqfnosf] ;dGjodf ;d:of cg';f/ Joj:yfkg / sfdbf/ aLr kfl/>lds ;dfwfgdf kxn ug]{ ljZjf; lbnfpg' ;'ljwf nufotsf ljifodf ;fd'lxs ;f}bfjfhL eof] . ;fy} pxf+n] o; ;DaGwdf cljnDj ;Demf}tf axfn /x]sf] l:yltdf ;a}sf] kfl/>lds /f]huf/bftf, 6«]8 o'lgogx? / ;/sf/ ;lDdlnt j[l4 ug{‘ k5{ eGg] dfu cfkm}df ;fd'lxs lqkIfLo a}7s af]nfO{ ;d:of ;dfwfg ug]{ klg ;f}bfjfhLsf] l;4fGtsf] k|lts'n /x]sf] ;d]t :ki6 kf/]sf] lyof] . atfpg' eof] .

k|ltlglwd08nn] ljBdfg >d P]g @)$* sf] bkmf *) sf] k|of]u u/L pBf]ux? ;+rfng ug]{ jftfj/0f agfOlbg klg dGqL ;dIf dfu u/]sf] 5 . sfdbf/ Pj+ 6«]8 o"lgogx?n] u}/ sfg'gL dfux? /fvL b]zsf k|d'v cf}Bf]lus sl/8f]/x?sf bh{g eGbf a9L pBf]ux? aGb u/fPsf 5g\ .

>d dGqL;+u dxf;+3sf] k|ltlglwd08n >d dGqfnodf

lghL If]q / g]kfnL sf+u|]; aLr cy{tGqsf ljifodf 5nkmn kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3n] ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL lghL If]qsf tkm{af6 b]z ljsf;sf nflu cfly{s Ph]08fnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg'kg]{df k|d'v /fhgLlts kf6L{x?sf] Wofgfsif{0f u/fp+b} cfPsf] 5 . /fhgLlts bnx?sf zLif{:y g]tfx?;+usf] e]63f6, cGt/lqmof Pj+ 5nkmn sfo{qmd, s'6gLlts lgof]usf kbflwsf/L, ;fj{hlgs ;df/f]xdf dxf;+3n] d'n'sleq /fhgLlts :yfloTjsf nlu cfly{s Ph]08fnfO{ d'Vo k|fyldstf lbg' kg]{df hf]8 lb+b} cfPsf] 5 .

bnx?sf] cfufdL r'gfjL 3f]if0ffkqdf p7fg ug'{kg]{ cfly{s d'4fx?sf ;DaGwdf cfkm\gf] ;'emfj Pj+ wf/0ffx? lb+b} cfPsf] 5 .

ljutdf klg dxf;+3n] gof+ ;+ljwfgdf ;d]l6g' kg]{ lghL If]qsf ;'emfjx?nfO{ /fhgLlts bnx? tyf ;+ljwfg ;ef ;dIf k]z u/]sf] lyof] . cfly{s ljsf;ljgf /fhgLlts :yfloTj gx'g] eGg] dfGotfsf] jlnof] kIfkftL g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3n] /fhgLlts

dxf;+3sf cWoIf ;'/h j}Bsf] ;efkltTjdf dxf;+3sf kbflwsf/Lx?, sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldlt ;b:ox?, jl/i7 pBdL Joj;foLx?, ;+rf/ sdL{x? nufotsf] k|ToIf ;xeflutf /x]sf] sfo{qmddf lghL If]qsf tkm{af6 g]kfnL sfu|];sf] cfufdL r'gfjL 3f]if0ffkqdf

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