Foad Sarsangi - CV & Selected Works 2015-2022

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Foad Sarsangi


CV & Selected Works


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hello there, My name is Foad Sarsangi. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Istanbul Bilgi University. I believe the design process should be as playful as it is thoughtful and I am interested in the stories that emerge from spatial explorations.

I look forward to making your acquaintance!

Curriculum vitae Istanbul, Turkey

Foad Sarsangi Architect / Photographer 1995

Education 2002-2005

Languages Starbanks Primary,

Birmingham, United Kingdom

English Persian Turkish


Ghalam private school,


Tehran, Iran

AutoCad Rhinoceros 3D


Medicine,Rajiv Ghandi School of Medicine, Bangalore, India

Grasshopper Revit Archicad Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator


Bachelor of Architecture, Istanbul Bilgi University, High Honors - First in Faculty /First in Department Istanbul, Turkey

Adobe InDesign Adobe Lightroom Lumion

Professional experience 2013-2015

Photographer & Graphic designer @ Iranshahr Theatre, Tehran, Iran


3D modeling & planning @ MANDRO geotechnical engineering office,Tehran, Iran


Participant @ AA visiting school summer workshop, Istanbul, Turkey


Participant @ NOPA , ETH Zürich summer workshop, Istanbul, Turkey


Founder of BILGI ATELIER student club, based in Istanbul Bilgi university


Internship @ TECE Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey


Co-founder of minusone studio


Junior Architect @ TeCe Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey


Teaching Assistant @ AA School of Architecture Visiting school Project Supervisor/Architect @ Fibrobeton - Central Bank of Iraq by Zaha Hadid Architects

2019-2021 2021-Present

Senior Architect @ Özer&Ürger Architects, Istanbul, Turkey

Competitions 2018

Participant @ “Kamu Binaları tasarim fikir yarışması” Competition


Participant @ “48 Hours” student Competition


Participant @ “Turkey Bicycle Federation Logo Design” Competition


1st Prize @ Bilgi International Photo Competition


Participant @ Theodosios Harbour Archeological Area Competition


Honorable Mention @ Kalebodur Archive Photography Competition


Participant @ Bursa Atatürk Sports Center Competition


2nd Prize @ Istanbul Municipality Social Centers Architectural Competition


3rd Prize @ Şanlıurfa Municipality Kızılay Sq. Urban Design Competition


Honorable Mention @ 2023 100th Anniversary of the Republic Monument Design Competition












A Narrow Path

a project for Ankara

JUNE 2022 Honorable Mention Ankara Municipalit y 100th Anniversar y of th Republic, Monument Competition Collaboration with Süleyman Can Çinkılıç , Sude Yılmaz, İrem Nur Öksel, Emre Söylemez, Sevda Balaban Kurmuş

The project area, which is at a point dominating Ankara, has been an important factor in the design of the monument with its location and history. When viewed from the whole city scale, hills and landmarks are of great importance in shaping the city from past to present. Hacıbayram Hill, Hıdırlıktepe and Ankara Castle in the Ulus region, which represent the city’s past; The 100th anniversary monument, designed primarily at Anıttepe, which represents the Republic and where the tomb of its founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is located, is also in a symbolic view and relationship with other hills, representing the future of the Republic. The monument and the created axis are designed in analogy with the mentioned monuments of Ankara. The fiction consisting of trees surrounding the hill in Anıtkabir, the road with lions, and the square and mausoleum reached by the road was also reflected in the centennial monument, thus it was aimed to provide continuity and integrity between the monuments of the city. The trees that turn red in the autumn surrounding the hill, the space axis defined by these trees, the travertine free slab interface on the axis, the corten struts form the general setup. Trees, plaques symbolizing 100 years between the trees and the void (monument axis).

The monument district has an important place in completing the urban green system of Ankara. Especially Eymir and Mogan natural habitats, which are becoming more and more integrated into the city day by day, form the green connection of the Dikmen Valley to the city center of Ankara. By opting for active green use as a peak, it supports the urban ecosystem and allows the “urban bowl” region of Ankara to breathe. At the same time, it creates a threshold in the south of the city and reduces the pressure of construction in the forest and lake region. On the hill, a landscape setup consisting of species that turn red in autumn, which will give the same effect as when Atatürk was welcomed, was created on the hill. While the trees were placed unevenly at the perimeter of the area, they were planted in a clear order, uniting around the republic and marching towards the target of a contiguous civilization. These trees symbolize the Turkish people who established and kept the republic together. Even though the trees follow different paths over time, there are different species among them, and they reach different heights in time, the effect they give together is unshakable clarity and harmony. It symbolizes the unity that has kept this republic alive for hundreds of years and will continue to live in brotherhood for hundreds of years.

Independence path

Visitor center

Salvation gateway

Fire of the republic


Urban Oasis

a project for Urfa

JANUARY 2022 3rd Place Şanlıur fa Kızılay Square Urban Design Competition Collaboration with Baha Yur ttaş, Süleyman Can Çinkılıç, Ferdi Inanlı

Today, there is no water in Karakoyunlu Stream except during rainy times. In the researches, it has been determined that water can be brought to the stream from the Atatürk dam. The vision put forward by the municipality in this direction was also accepted in the project. It has been designed as a new focal area that takes some of the density on Karakoyun Stream, Balıklıgöl and the bazaar with its active water presence and brings water to the city dwellers. Karakoyun Creek, which is a bridge between the historical texture and the new texture, is a meeting point of reconciliation that combines the old and new texture, and Sarayönü Square is a continuation of this focus infiltrating the city. The newly designed square is an important component of the transition from the dense urban texture to the green texture.

The decision to make the Karakoyun creek a green axis, which came from the 1/5000 zoning plan, was found positive and the project was developed in this direction. With this green corridor, Sarayönü Square first meets the Karakoyun Creek and then the Harran Plain and the Euphrates. The unqualified structures on the stream will be demolished when the construction life is over and the urban green spine will be completed in the medium term. Upper scale plan decisions aim to preserve the historical texture of the city and to create healthier and more livable urban environments.


S . O . F. A

a p r o j e c t f o r Ka d ı kö y

JUNE 2021 2nd Place Istanbul Municipality Social Centers Architectural Competition Collaboration with Cem İlhan , Sezin Beldağ, Baha Yurttaş,Birtan Yılmaz, Ayşegül Ersin

The main hall/common activity area, which is open to access from all directions, is at the center of life in the structure of the Seniors Club. Visual and auditory communication can be established with this area from the upper floors. The common activity area (main hall) can be combined with the dining room and hobby kitchen and can be separated when desired with sliding and folding movable panels. All ground spaces can be directly associated with the garden. The workshops held on the upper levels are not only limited to conventional art/craft activities but also host thematic activities such as “Do It Yourself” and “Creative Recycling Workshop”. Workshops can be combined and separated with the flexible divider panel system. Passive solar control is provided with the folding wooden shutter system on the facades of both buildings, and at the same time, a variable and mobile facade are obtained with the effect of constantly changing occupancy and space.

We interpreted our design as a social, common activity area (S.O.F.A.) within the city, placing the residents of Kadıköy at its center. We have considered the Kadıköy complex as a center that is not only content with its own program in order to be a long-term and sustainable center but also organized in a way that will establish ties with other focal areas and institutions operating in the district. Beyond the day and boarding care homes that only serve the elderly, social centers, youth centers, workshops, institutions where cultural activities take place, schools, volunteers, NGOs. It is aimed that the places where the scenario described at the beginning will take place to have a flexible setup as much as possible. All indoor spaces of S.O.F.A. Kadıköy have a plan set up that will provide direct contact with the garden on the ground floor and the terraces on the upper floors.


Atatürk Sports Center a project for Bursa

DECEMBER 2020 Bursa Atatürk Spor ts Center National Architectural Competition Collaboration with Banu Tomruk ,Baha Yurttaş Bir tan Yılmaz

Atatürk Sports Hall, since its opening in 1972, Hosted various sports competitions in Bursa, has enabled many athletes to be raised and is an important urban life feature. In the west of the area, Bursa Reşat Oyal Culture Park, one of the biggest parks, is located. Accordingly, the project settlement decisions aimed to create an urban vitality, social relations and sports pedestrian friendly spaces. Almost all of the pedestrian access points to the building are located in the southern part of the parcel where the Garden is located, The open space in front of the entrance facade of the building and the Millet Garden allows it to be perceived as a whole and used as the extension of the structure in an open space form . Throughout the main pedestrian path which leads to the building, many cırcular activity areas have been designed.

These areas aimed on promoting sports activities and the integration of residents In these areas, seating designed with ecological principles units, playgrounds, half court basketball training units and instrumented exercise areas are designed. In line with the settlement decisions, from the southern border of the project area the main pedestrian entrance axis of the building is the same within the landscape continuity. The main entrance door and the south and west of the building. It reaches the terrace area that continues along the facade. Terrace areas are accessible to all citizens, not only to the users of the building, beyond being a viewing terrace, with its facilities, an urban foyer that allows use, encounter and interaction was fictionalized. Urban foyer, with perforated mesh panels hanging on the roof canopy provides semi-open shaded areas, cafe, bookstore with openable facade system on the south side, The internal-external relationship of the building with

(1) Playground

(2) Seating Area

(3) Basketball court

(4) Skatepark

(5) Ping pong space

(6) Playground


Istanbul Opera House a project for Kadıköy

JUNE 2019 Architectural Design VI Graduation Project Instructors Assoc. Dr. Deniz Çalış Kural Prof. Sinan Logie

history Silhouette





q1. How is the shore perceived?








sunlight urban light

play? background





q2. City as a performance?

TIME mobility


changing according to usage

q3. A changing building?

The main hall/common activity area, which is open to access from all directions, is at the center of life in the structure of the Seniors Club. Visual and auditory communication can be established with this area from the upper floors. The common activity area (main hall) can be combined with the dining room and hobby kitchen and can be separated when desired with sliding and folding movable panels. All ground spaces can be directly associated with the garden. The workshops held on the upper levels are not only limited to conventional art/craft activities but also host thematic activities such as “Do It Yourself” and “Creative Recycling Workshop”. Workshops can be combined and separated with the flexible divider panel system. Passive solar control is provided with the folding wooden shutter system on the facades of both buildings, and at the same time, a variable and mobile facade are obtained with the effect of constantly changing occupancy and space.

Kadiköy Cultural Route

q4. Part of a bigger Complex?

buffer zone









Continuity of spaces

q5. Is the building an Obstacle?

landscape urban culture

continuity of the park



industrial language

familiar yet different


q5. atmosphere? senses?


Istanbul Bosphorus Museum a project for Istinye

JANUARY 2019 Architectural Design V Collaboration with Bir tan Yılmaz Instructors Assoc. Dr. Deniz Çalış Kural Prof. Sinan Logie

Contrary to regular museums, Istanbul Bosphorus museum is not a building or a single space, IBM is a route which intends to create an experience built around the Bosphorus. The museum uses the city and the sea as elements of exhibition and tries to translate them into experiences for the visitors. The platform going through the trees and presenting information about them, the underground section of the Bosphorus illustrating a different view of the sea, the frames informing the visitors about the city and the Bosphorus cloud translating waves into a playfull matter are just some of the elements in this museum. The IBM booklet available on ISUU, intends to explain each of these elements in detail.


10 9

1- Platform Start 2- The City as an Exhibition ( Frames ) 3- Section of the Bosphorus 4- Stairway to the Bosphorus 5- Furniture 6- TURMEPA Headquarters 7- Pier 8- Sea Bath 9- Bosphorus Cloud 10- IBM offices and Cafe 11- The Tower

8 7


4 5




Gleditsia Triacanthos Liquidambar Styraciflua Liriodendron Tulipifera

Robinia Pseudoacacia Parrotia Persica

Tilia Tomentosa


Conservation & Restoration Center a project for Balat

DECEMBER 2018 Principles of Conservation and Restoration Collaboration with Birtan Yılmaz Instructors Prof. Kutay Karabağ Prof. Sürey ya Topaloğlu

Being located in the Historical Peninsula of Istanbul ,Balat holds a specific cultural identity. This identity causes the neighbourhood’s street-oriented social life and the district. After the gentrification movement began to conquer the neighbourhood after mid-2010’s, the historical identity that exists in Balat started to change and the cultural idenfiy started to alter as well. Balat Preservation & Restoration Center is a project that aims to protect the cultural assets of Balat. It preserves what the district holds most important and still tries to create an approach that belongs to the 21st century. The program consits of an exhibition area on the ground floor, an auditorium & workshop in the first floor, a library on the second and an office area on the third floor.


The Capsule

a project for Kıyıköy

JANUARY 2016 Architectural Design I

Instructors Prof. Dr. Elif Kendir Beraha Prof. Ceren Balkır

The capsule is an accommodation unit designed to be placed on the shore of the Kazan river, Kiyikoy, Turkey. This unit holds up to two people andas its name reveals has the characteristics of capsule units commonly seen in Eastern architecture. the simplicity of this capsule gives it a convenientfeature. A bath unit, a sleeping unit and the magnific ent view of the, river is all that c an be seen. The entrance is located on the top so that anyone entering at first would not anticipate the change o f atmosphere they are the change of atmosphere they are about to encoun-ter. After going down the burnt Cherry stairs the individual slowly goes passed a dark and claustrophobic atmosphere into a space with a wide view of the nature. The bed component also looks up to a ceiling window for a sight of the night sky.


IMM Library & Dormitory

a p r o j e c t f o r Va t a n S t .

MAY 2022 Istanbul Metropolitan Municipalit y Vatan Street Student Dormitor y & Librar y Office Project Özer/Ürger Architects Librar y Interior Design Collaboration with Ali Özer, Ahmet Mucip Ürger İsmet Güngör, Sude Yılmaz

Being located in the Historical Peninsula of Istanbul ,Vatan Street is one of the most important streets in Istanbul bith c and historically. The project is a student dormitory and public library. The tension between these two programs, one being a private sp the other a public area is what laid the foundation of designing this building. As seen below the design process started with maximizing the number of rooms within the allowed boundary. Then the gap added in the middle for social spaces, hence the front facade moved. Instead of adding a library to either the grou or the upper floors, it was decided to design the library as a stairway or circulation. By doing this we were able to sepe public and private areas and also create a vista from the last floor of the library which overlooks the historical pen Istanbul. The library was designed with a certain hierarchy. The lowest floors being the most public and noisiest spaces the last floor would be a quiet space as a conventional library would be.


pace and

ere was a und floor erate the ninsula of whereas


The Square

a project for Izmit

DECEMBER 2021 Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipalit y Izmit Cultural Center Office Project Özer/Ürger Architects Interior Design Collaboration with Ali Özer, Ahmet Mucip Ürger

The Square is for Everyone! Large area that anyone can enter... The strength of the square is that it does not appeal to a single focus. The square is where generations meet, where they build society er. The Square can be a place that focuses on programs that appeal to young people rather than youth. Addressing singular profiles of spaces causes problems. They cease to be a generic venue. The Square is the Stage of the City! An open space large enough to accommodate anyone who wants it. The square is the area where the shows of the important days of the city are exhibited. It’s not just space. Service infrastructures are flexible activities. The Square is the Eaves of the City! An area to escape from the chaos and speed of the city! An area to be protected from rain, snow and sun! The Square is the Refreshing of the City! with the spaces around and within itself. Provides infrastructure for activities.

y togeth-

ready for

Other Works

Urcembilitism NOVEMBER 2017 Production of space and the Urban condition Collaboration with Selcen Fidan, Muhammet Ali Atmaca, Onurcan Oktay Are cemeteries urban stables? Cemeteries being traced back to ancient times, are places where groups of the same ethnic are buried. These grounds ( Necropolis ) morphologically point out to cities and demand a order whithin thmselves. In the first steps of being built, cemeteries, which represent a different dimention of living were placed outside the cities and has almost been able to protect that feature. Being kept far from humans, cemeteries created a symbol of fright and horror especially in night times. Cities and the humans after going through many developments and adding many urban elements and changing definitions, the cemeteries have found new positions. Nowadays the cemeteries can be seen inside the city. What does this represent? How does having a surrounding affect it? And what does the communication between the cemetery and its surrounding define? These were the main questions that started this project. At first the contradiction between the answers we expected and the answers we got were a clear sign that a city is not predictable and has many changing factor. An important finding was that the sense of what we had about a cemetery was nothing like the result that we got. Cemeteries despite what is thought by people has a planning and is somewhat a city simulation whithin itself. In this exhibition elements of the city and the cemetery are shown to illustrate the similarity between the two. These elements are grouped by words that define that exact situation.

NonOrthogonal Planar Assemblies ETH Zurich JUNE 2017 Tutors: Selen Ercan, Cemal Koray Bingöl, Gamze Gündüz, David Jenny, Luka Piskorec

NOPA was a 10 day workshop on robotıc fabrication held by ETH Zurich at İstanbul Bilgi University for graduate students and acceptance for undergraduate students were done by scholarship. The first stage of the workshop was an introduction to robotic fabrication with lectures by Selen Ercan, Orkun Kasap, Ralph Bartschi and Hannes Mayer. After the first stage, the designing started. The objective was to use pieces of wood in an orthogonal matter to create an unorthogonal structure. After deciding on the design the fabrication started. The team used the KUKA robot for cutting the wood and for assembling them. The code for the robot was written in Grasshopper. The result was a pavillion exhibited in the front yard of the faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Bilgi University.

Architectural Association School of Architecture Visiting School JULY 2016 Tutors: Elif Erdine, Cemal Koray Bingöl, Gamze Gündüz, Benay Gürsoy, Alexandros Kallegias, Efe Gözen

The workshop under the name of Tectonic Symbiosis was a workshop with the intention of investigating the design and fabrication of a self-standing structure through the integration of computational and robotic process’. The main aim was to focus on a combination of structural, morphological and contextual factors that the design would be able to respond to so to differentiate the material and geometrical organization. The final design was a self supporting structure made out of foam. The design was made of smaller units which were cut by the robot. The KUKA was a mechanical arm which had a hot wire cutter attached. The codes were written using the KUKA PRC plugin in Grasshopper.

Personal Photography Experience Since 2014

Publications Since 2015

Is ta nbul Bosphoru Musuem


Improving the public r ealm

JUN 2018 Improving the public realm Collaboration with Aylin Güler, Emre Çincaner

JAN 2019 Urcembilitism comic book Collaboration with Selcen Fidan, Muhammet Ali Atmaca, Onurcan Oktay

JAN 2018 Cemetery Handbook Collaboration with Selcen Fidan, Muhammet Ali Atmaca, Onurcan Oktay

AUG 2016-2019 Curves of IRAN Travel journal on Persian Architecture

JAN 2018 Urcembilitism Handbook Collaboration with Selcen Fidan, Muhammet Ali Atmaca, Onurcan Oktay

Poster Design Production of Space & the Urban condition Film Series 2018

OCT 2018 Play Time

NOV 2018 Neighbouring sounds

NOV 2018 Wild wild country

DEC 2018 Ekümenopolis



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