Istanbul Bosphorus Museum Handbook

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I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Table of contents Introduction Site Plan Sections Bosphorus Cloud Frames

1 2 4 8 10 Section of the Bosphorus 12 Platform 14 Additional Renders 16 Landscape 20 Industrial Design 28 Partial Plans 34

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Introduction Contrary to regular museums, Istanbul Bosphorus museum is not a building or a single space, IBM is a route which intends to create an experience built around the Bosphorus. The museum uses the city and the sea as elements of exhibition and tries to translate them into experiences for the visitors. The platform going through the trees and i=presenting information about them, the underground section of the Bosphorus illustrating a different view of the sea, the frames informing the visitors about the city and the Bosphorus cloud translating waves into a playfull matter are just some of the elements in this museum. This booklet intends to explain each of these elements in detail.


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Partial Plans

1- Platform Start 2- The City as an Exhibition ( Frames ) 3- Section of the Bosphorus 4- Stairway to the Bosphorus 5- Furniture 6- TURMEPA Headquarters 7- Pier 8- Sea Bath 9- Bosphorus Cloud 10- IBM offices and Cafe 11- The Tower 2

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Partial Plans


10 9

8 7


4 5





I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud

Section D

Section C


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud

Section E

Section B

Section A


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud

Section F

Section G







I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud

Bosphorus Cloud Bosphorus cloud is an installation as part of the Istanbul Bosphorus museum. It emphasizes the effects of the waves of the Bosphorus. This installation tries to translate the waves of Istanbul into something playful and connect to the people. As the waves hit the shore, water is moved through a pipe which leads to a reservoir. The pressure from the wave then forces the water towards the tip of the pipe which then meets the outside in the form of a water cloud.


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m


The city as an Exhibition ( Frames ) The frames are a part of the Istanbul Bosphorus Museum. The intention is to use the city itself as an exhibition. The structures frame parts of the panoramic view of the visitor and the rest of the wall is used as an information panel giving information about the part of the city it is faced towards.


FSM Bridge Anadoluhisarı





I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m



Section of the Bosphorus

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Section of the Bosphorus The structure is another part of the Istanbul Bosphorus Museum. It aims to illustrate a perspective of the Bosphorus which otherwise would be impossible. The space guides the visitor to a lower level and into the sea. Half of the space is under the sea and the other half is above it. This way the visitor is able to experience a Bosphorus section and see both the top and undeneath it.


Section of the Bosphorus

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m


Platform The Platform is another part of the Istanbul Bosphorus Museum. It starts at sea level and goes up. It intends to create a different experience and move the visitor throught the trees and give them perspectives of the Bosphorus from the top. The platforms moves according to the trees and moves through them allopwing the visitors to see and feel the trees and informs them about it. At some points where the trees are less, The platforms widens and vistas of the Bosphorus are seen.


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Bosphorus Cloud



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Gleditsia Triacanthos Liquidambar Styraciflua

Robinia Pseudoacacia Parrotia Persica



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Liriodendron Tulipifera

Tilia Tomentosa



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Liquidambar Styraciflua American red gum, Sweet gum

In its natural habitat it grows to 40 m in height but when cultivated it seldom grows taller than 25 - 30 m. The crown grows in a narrow pyramidal manner at first with an ascending, vertical trunk. When the tree is older the branches grow out wider so that the crown becomes ovoid. The grey trunk has deep grooves. Young twigs are yellowish-green and turn reddish-brown. Older branches develop thick grey corky wings that sometimes fall off. The leaves are 5-lobed (sometimes 7-lobed) and the leaf edge is serrated. They are 8 - 16 cm long and 10 20 cm wide. The intense autumn colours are varied: wine-red with yellow, orange and violet and all kinds of shades. When the tree is planted on a humid site the leaves turn more violet. The fruit capsules appear after the unremarkable flowering and they remain hanging on the tree until deep into winter. Is not resistant to long-lasting dry periods. Because the trunk is almost dead straight up to the top of the crown, the sweet gum is eminently useful as an avenue tree.

Height : 25 - 30 (40) m, fast growing Leaf : palmate lobed, 5-lobed, dark green, 8 - 16 cm long Season Colors : Fruits : round, spiky fruit capsule on a long stalk, 3 - 3.5 cm in length Wind resistance : moderate Application : avenues and broad streets, parks, squares, theme parks, cemeteries, large gardens



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Parrotia persica Persian ironwood

Usually a shrub with branches starting at ground level, growing to become a medium-large tree with a spreading, irregular branching pattern. Sometimes also cultivated as a high stemmed tree. The trunk is light grey with purplish brown spots and has flaking bark plates. This is especially decorative in more mature trees. Young twigs have remarkable lenticels. The glossy leaf is dark when it emerges and usually has a slanted shape, with the top half of the leaf edge undulating irregularly. The main decorative value is the autumn colours of red, yellow and purple. Mainly older specimens bloom. The flowers are about 2 cm big and are striking due to the bright red anthers. The bare shrub is spectacular when in full bloom. After flowering, 1-cm spiked brown fruit appears. The tree has a fine root system close to the surface.

Height : 7 - 10 (12) m Leaf : reverse ovoid to oval, green, purplish red edge, 7 -10 cm Season Colors : Fruits : spiked capsule, approx. 1 cm Wind resistance : good Application : parks, tree containers, theme parks, cemeteries, roof gardens, large gardens, small gardens



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust, Sweet Locust

In central and mid-west America this tree is found especially in swampy grounds, but can also be found in drier areas. The loose, open crown has a capriciously growing central leader. The bark is grey and has shallow fissures. In America it is an important timber producer. Trunk and branches have sharp, branched spines. The spineless variety f. inermis is a much appreciated alternative. The large, compound leaf unfolds late and turns to golden yellow in autumn. The individual leaflets are circa 3 cm in size. After the flowering the pods appear and they can grow as large as 45 cm. They are crescent-shaped, flat and usually slightly twisted. At first they are yellow green, later brown red, persisting well into winter. The tree has deep going roots with many rootlets. Tolerates hard surfacing well. Gleditsia triacanthos has dangerously sharp branched thorns both on branches and on trunk. Nowadays thornless cultivars can be obtained.

Height : 20 - 25 m, fast growing Leaf : pinnate or twice-pinnate, fresh green, 15 - 35 cm, feathered leaf Season Colors : Fruits : crescent shaped pods, 30 - 45 cm Wind resistance : very good Application : avenues and broad streets, parks, squares, tree containers, cemeteries, roof gardens, industrial areas,



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Robinia pseudoacacia Black locust, False Acacia

Fast-growing tree with an irregular oval to rounded, transparent crown. Height 20 - 25 m, width approx. 12 - 18 m. The greyish brown bark is rough and deeply grooved. Young twigs are olive-green to brown. The branches bear sharp thorns approx. 3 cm long. The imparipinnate leaves consist of 9 to 19 elliptical, dark bluish green leaf segments that are 1.5 – 4.5 cm in size. Robinia leafs out late and keeps its leaves long into the autumn. The autumn colour is yellow. Compact, pendulous clusters of creamy white, sometimes slightly pink, aromatic flowers appear in June. These are followed by flat, reddish brown, leathery pods with a winged edge that often stay on the tree throughout the entire winter. This tree has shallow roots and grows well in light, calcareous soil. It forms many underground runners.

Height : 20 - 25 m, fast growing Leaf : imparipinnate, 20 - 30 cm, 9 to 19 leaf segments, 1.5 – 4.5 cm, green, feathered Season Colors : Fruits : flat, leathery pod, reddish brown, 5 -10 cm long Wind resistance : moderate, particularly in rich soil Application : avenues and broad streets, parks, squares, theme parks,



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip tree, Tulip poplar

Fast-growing tree with a dead straight trunk. The crown is narrow early on but later develops to conical. In old specimens the branches spread to form a broad oval crown. The trunk is light grey to grey and develops shallow grooves with increasing age. The young twigs are greenish-grey, later reddishbrown. The leaves are 4-lobed and the top is straight to incised with a V. The underside is light green. In the autumn the leaves turn yellow. The tulipshaped flowers appear after the leaves have emerged. They are approximately 4 cm long and 6 cm broad, have a green exterior and a yellow plus orange interior. The conical fruit consists of many winged nutlets pressed together in a spiral. Deep loose soil is required because of the deeply penetrating fleshy taproot. Liriodendron tulipifera forms a closed crown with vigorous foliage that turns a remarkable yellow in the autumn. Because of its rough branching the tree has an open silhouette in the winter.

Height : 20 - 25 (35) m, fast growing Leaf : 4-lobed, green, 8 - 15 cm long, 9 - 18 cm wide Season Colors : Fruits : conical fruits up to 10 cm long Wind resistance : good Application : avenues and broad streets, parks, squares, theme parks, cemeteries, industrial areas, large gardens



I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Tilia tomentosa Brabant

A Dutch cultivar with a tight, broadly conical crown with a pointed top. 'Brabant' has a good, straight main branch with upwards-slanting branches that are sturdier than those of the species. Height 20 - 25 m, width up to approx. 15 m. The smooth trunk is dark grey; young twigs are greenish grey and felt-like. The leaves are more or less round, dark matt green with a remarkably thick white felty underside. In the autumn they turn light yellow and stay on the tree for a long time. In July, pendulous umbels of strongly aromatic flowers appear. 'Brabant' is used often thanks to its uniform manner of growth. Fairly unsusceptible to aphids.

Height : 20-25 m Leaf : green, greygreen Season Colors : Fruits : green, grey Wind resistance : tolerates (sea) wind Application : avenues and broad streets, parks, squares, tree containers, theme parks, cemeteries, roof gardens, coastal


Outdoor Furniture

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m


60 cm

122 cm


Outdoor Furniture

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Guiding Board

60 cm



Outdoor Furniture

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m


60 cm

65 cm


Outdoor Furniture

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Vegetation Information Panel

60 cm

65 cm


Outdoor Furniture

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Panoramic Exhibition Frames

400 cm


Outdoor Furniture

I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Illumine Bench

120 cm


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Partial Plans


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Partial Plans


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Partial Plans


I s t a n b u l B o s p h o r u s M u s u e m

Partial Plans


A project by Foad Sarsangi Special Thanks to Deniz Çalış Kural . Nazlı Tümerdem . Sinan Logie Birtan Yılmaz . Semih Erbalcı

Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture W i n t e r 2 0 1 8

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