Foad Sarsangi 2018 Portfolio

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Music needs to be performed Architecture needs to be executed... - Peter Zumthor

Conta ct

Foad Sarsangi

Architecture Student


Contact CV Projects

Foad Sarsangi 23/09/1995 Tehran,Iran Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Bilgi university, Silahtaraga road, Eyup, Istanbul, Turkey





Starbanks Primary, Birmingham, United Kingdom


Ghalam private school, Tehran, Iran



Rajiv Ghandi School of Medicine, Bangalore, India


2015-present Architecture, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey CGPA 3.82 - First in department

Professional experience 2013-2015

Iranshahr Theatre, Photographer & Graphic designer, Tehran, Iran


Iranian Artist Forum, Head of International Affairs, Tehran, Iran


MANDRO geotechnical engineering office, 3d modeling & planning, Tehran, Iran


President of BILGI ATELIER student club, based in Istanbul Bilgi university, a club dedicated to organizing workshops by the group for the students


AutoCad Rhinoceros 3D Sketchup Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe LIghtroom Microsoft Office Final Cut Pro Freehand Sketch

T h e l i g h t l i n e

JAN 2015 Basic Design I Collaboration with Aylin Güler ,Birtan Yılmaz İbrahim Şahan,Huseyin Yıldız

The project light line is the fallout of multiple systems and ideas bundled into the form of a lantern. This project is the conclusion of various intersecting grid systems forming a soft and rigid shape, despite the angular grids. The idea was lucid. Designing a lantern to reflect the spirit and joy of the new year. When we say lantern, the first thing that emerges in our mind is a form around a lightbulb with distinct colors and materials. This project has leaped into an unorthodox part of lantern designing creating a whole new level in this field.

T h e C a p s u l e

JAN 2016 Architectural Design II

The capsule is an accommodation unit designed to be placed on the shore of the Kazan river, Kiyikoy, Turkey. This unit holds up to two people and as its name reveals has the characteristics of capsule units commonly seen in Eastern architecture. the simplicity of this capsule gives it a convenient feature. A bath unit, a sleeping unit and the magniďŹ cent view of the, river is all that can be seen. The entrance is located on the top so that anyone entering at ďŹ rst would not anticipate the change of atmosphere they are the change of atmosphere they are about to encoun- ter. After going down the burnt Cherry stairs the individual slowly goes passed a dark and claustrophobic atmosphere into a space with a wide view of the nature. The bed component also looks up to a ceiling window for a sight of the night sky.

P e r g a m o n t h e a t e r r e s e a r c h & e d u c a t i o n a l c e n t e r

May 2017 Architectural Design II

The Pergamon Theater research and educational center or PTREC is a center in the heart of B e r g a m a , I z m i r i n Tu r k e y . The main objective of this center is researching new theater and drama techniques and educating young and bright minds intrested in this ďŹ eld. The complex is located in the Domuz neighborhood of Bergama. Being located in a place which has direct communication with people and their ever yday lives, the center is a facility for people to spend time as an ever yday activity as well as students and researchers. The existing buildings in the site were removed completely to make room for a new yet familiar texture that the complex h a d t o o  e r. T h e s t r u c t u r e s b e i n g l o c a t e d o n t h e s i d e s , t h e c e n t e r o f t h e c o m p l e x w o u l d b e c o m e a o p e n a n d g r e e n s p a c e . T h e P T R E C c o n s i s t s o f 6 m a i n s t r u c t u r e s . T h e s t u d i o a n d o p e n - a i r p e r f o r m a n c e c e n t e r, t h e c a f e a n d b o o k s h o p , t h e accomodation unit, the photo exhibition passage and the radio theater showcase.

S t . O l a f C h a p e l

May 2017 Building Materials and Technologies II

The project is located on the coast of Alta, Norway, which has a cold and polar climate. The design is a field chapel on the u p p e r fl o o r s a n d t h e p r i e s t a c c o m m o d a t i o n u n i t o n t h e l o w e r fl o o r. T h i s c h a p e l w a s d e s i g n e d t o b e a r t h e c o l d c l i m a t e o f t h e pole but ironically it is also intended to be a sustainable and green building. With PV panels, heating glasses and much more integrations this would be possible. The glass would let in a smear of light into the chapel but not too much. The tall walls and t h e c o l u m n s f o l l o w i n g t h e m i n e v i t a b l y m o v e t h e e y e s u p w a r d t o t h e g l o w i n g r o o f. T h i s e x p e r i e n c e i s m o s t l y s e e n i n c h u r c h e s and chapels to emphasize the mightiness of God and the scale of mankind. The structure of the chapel is wood skeleton and was planned as a tectonic building so that the structural axes are visible from the inside and can be read. The outer shell of the chapel is dark metal. This creates a contrast and transition whilst passing through to the chapel. The stiffness, coldness and darkness of the outside material becomes a soft, warm and light wood on the inside giving a feeling of peace, serenity and safety.

E r e n k o y t r a i n s t a t i o n & u n d e r g r o u n d a r t c e n t e r

JAN 2017 Architectural Design III

The design was based on four principles. Initially the objective was to add focus to the old train station and reduce any tension between the old station and the new station. The second factor was to be able to create a space that would oer the user a change in atmosphere and a sense of seperation from the outer world. A third criteria in the design was to add what is most lacked in the area. Green spaces. And the last objective was to conserve the visual communication between the user and the train as seen in old train stations. to achieve all four of these objectives the whole complex is placed inside the ground. zmeaning no structure is above the ground level. By this way the only structure visable from eye level is the old train station. The complex consists of a library, a study hall, a multi-functional studio, a cafe and a performance art center. The entrance is located opposite the entrance of the old train station. The reason for this is to use the old station as a symbol for a train station. The main problem when designing an undergroound structure is natural light. With several openings and a common garden in the middel of the complex this problem was solved. The intention of this complex is not only to create an atmosphere for the neighbourhood but to become a center at the heart of the Kadikoy district for everyone to use.


APR 2017 KOÇTAŞ Interior space competition Collaboration with Aylin Güler

This design was a proposal for the 7th Koctas ( Acik Fikir ) Competition with a subject of designing a kitchen unit for small housing. Clausa meaning closed in latin is a multifunctional kitchen unit that opens and closes when needed. The concept was delivering maximum functionality inspite of small spaces. Chairs, a table and storage units like a refrigerator close when not being in use to save space in the kitchen.

NOV 2017 Production of Space and the Urban Condition U r c e m b i l i t i s m

Are cemeteries urban stables? Cemeteries being traced back to ancient times, are places where groups of the same ethnic are buried These grounds ( necropol ) morphologically point out to cities and demand an order whithin thmselves. In the first steps of being built, cemeteries, which represent a different dimention of living were placed outside the cities and have almost been able to protect that feature. Being kept far from humans, cemeteries created a symbol of fright and horror especially in night times. Cities and the humans after going through many developments and adding many urban elements and changing definitions, the cemeteries have found new positions. Nowadays the cemeteries can be seen inside the city. What does this represent? How does having a surrounding affect it? And what does the communication between the cemetery and its surrounding define? These were the main questions that started this project. At first the contradiction between the answers we expected and the answers we got were a clear sign that a city is not predictable and has many changing factors. An important finding was that the sense of what we had about a cemetery was nothing like the result that we got Cemeteries despite what is thought by people have a planning and are somewhat a city simulation whithin itself In this exhibition elements of the city and the cemetery are shown to illustrate the similarity between the two. These elements are grouped by words that define that exact situation.

JUN 2017


Non Orthogonal Planar Assemblies ( NOPA ) ETH Zurich - Istanbul Bilgi University Bilgi Graduate Workshop Series Tutors: Cemal Koray Bingnöl, Selen Ercan, Gamze Gündüz, David Jenny, Luka Piskorec,

NOPA was a 10 day workshop on robotic fabrication held by ETH zurich at Istanbul bilgi university for graduate students and acceptence for undergradute students were done by scholarship. The ďŹ rst stage of the workshop was an introduction to robotic fabrication with lectures by Selen Ercan, Orkun Kasap, Ralph Bartschi and Hannes Mayer. After the ďŹ rst stage, the designing started. The objective was to use pieces of wood in an orthogonal matter to create an Unorthogonal structure. After deciding on the design the fabrication started. The team used the KUKA robot for cutting the wood and for assembling them. The code for the robot to follow was written in grasshopper. The result was exhibited in the front yard of the facluty of Architecture at Istanbul bilgi university.

JUL 2016


Tectonic Symbiosis AA visiting School Istanbul Istanbul bilgi university Tutors: Aslı Aydın, Cemal Koray Bingöl, Elif Erdine, Efe Gözen, Alexandros Kallegias,

The workshop under the name of Tectonic Symbiosis was a workshop with the intention of investigating he design and fabrication of a self-standing structure through the integration f computational and robotic processes. The main aim was to focus on a combination of structural, morphological and contextual factors that the design would be able to respond to so to dierentiate the material and geometrical organization. The ďŹ nal design was a self supporting structure made out of foam. The design was made of smaller units which were cut by the robot. The robot was a mechanical hand which had a hot wire cutter attached. The codes were written using the KUKA PRC plugin in grasshopper.

JUL 2017


P h o t o g r a p h e r

Photographer of the AA visiting school Istanbul bilgi university - Architectural Association School of Architecture London

P e r s o n a l p h o t o g r a p h y e x p e r i e n c e

H a n g a r 9 4 1

Mar 2018 48 Hour Student Competition Collaboration with Birtan Yılmaz, Baha Yurttaş, Bertuğ Vural

The main concept of this competition was to design a safehouse for a bus full of people who have been forced to leave their home due to a catastrophic event. The subject of the competition was announced and the design process was to be ďŹ nished in 48 hours. With this information in mind the design process began. Our scenario illustrates a scene where a sattelite has gone out of orbit and is about to crash on earth. The approximate crash site hass been determined and the government has planned to evacuate a village on the crash site. Our proposed design was the refunctionalization of an abandoned factory. Our main approach was to create a temporary living space with minimum expences. Inide this hangar, we tried to address most of the needs of the group. This includes public spaces, rain water collection, interior farming, kitchen spaces and sleeping pods, etc.

T h i n k B I g D e s i g n S m a l l

Mar 2018 Kale Group & Istanbul Kültür University Interior Architecture Bathroom designing Competition ( Kazanmak İçin Büyük Düşün Küçük Tasarla) Collaboration with Birtan Yılmaz, Baha Yurttaş, Bertuğ Vural

The concept of this competition was to design a bathroom with “KALE” bathroom products for a one or two bedroom house. This meant making the most of the small space that was given. Here the design process started by designing the space and atmosphere, not only the placement of the bathroom products. The main approach was to redirect natural light into the space. This is best illustrated with the diagram below. The product chosing was done according to our first design concept meaning maximum usage of a small space. This competition is mainly for “Interior Architecture” students but the reason we chose to participate was to work in different scales not only architectural or urban but even smaller scales upto details.

T u r k i s h C y c l i n g f e d e r a t i o n l o g o d e s i g n

Feb 2018 Turkish Cycling Federation Logo Design Competition Collaboration with Efe Akıncıoğlu

The competition concept was to design a new logo for the Turkish cycling federation . The only design criteria was to use the main elements of the Turkish ag in the design. Below are our proposes.

SEP 2017 P u b l i c a t i o n s

Bomonti Hadisesi Publıshed book ( ISBN 978-605-399-490-9 )

Oğul Öztunç - Cansu Cürgen - Avşar Gürpınar

AUG 2016

Curves of IRAN vol.I Travel journal on Persian architecture

DEC 2017

JAN 2018

NOV 2017

collaboration with:

collaboration with:

collaboration with:

Selcen Fidan - Muhammet Ali Atmaca - Onurcan Oktay

Selcen Fidan - Muhammet Ali Atmaca - Onurcan Oktay

Birtan YÄąlmaz

URCEMBILITISM a comic book Istanbul bilgi university

Cemetery Handbook Istanbul bilgi university

Architecture of Resistance Istanbul bilgi university

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