Edition 3, 2013
Get Rid of Your
10 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism ... FAST!
Are You Always STRESSED? Best Nutrients for Your Thyroid
Contain s Rhodio Contala in!s Rhodio la!
10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism ...Fast! M
any people have difficulty losing weight and it is often due to their sluggish metabolism. Nevertheless, there are some simple steps you can take to immediately give your metabolism a boost.
Eat breakfast When you wake up in the morning your metabolism tends to stay sluggish until your first meal. Therefore, one of the best ways to kickstart your metabolism is to have breakfast soon after arising. Furthermore, try and have whole foods for breakfast rather than a ‘liquid breakfast’ because your body will have to expend more energy through the process of digestion. This will help to boost your metabolism even more. Also, researchers have found that people who ate significantly more of their daily calories early in the day tended to gain less weight over time compared
to people who ate less early in the day. 1 Therefore, it’s definitely a good idea to eat more food earlier and gradually taper off your food intake as the day progresses.
2 Add more protein to your diet Out of the 3 macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein, and fat) protein has the greatest thermic effect of food, which means it burns more energy through the process of digestion and absorption compared to carbohydrate and fat.2 The best way to add more protein to your diet is to simply try and have a small amount with each of your meals and snacks throughout the day. For example, you may want to have an omelette for breakfast, some nuts and seeds with a piece of fruit for your midmorning snack, diced chicken breast with a big garden salad for lunch, a protein shake, like BCN’s ProBlend Dairy Free, for your mid-afternoon snack, and steak
and vegetables for dinner.
3 Drink more cold water We’re always told to drink more water because of the health benefits it offers, and research from Germany has shown that drinking water, particularly cold water, can actually boost your metabolism too!3 Furthermore, researchers from the University of Utah discovered that people who drank less than the recommended 2 litres a day showed signs of dehydration and a reduction in metabolic rate.4 4 Add metabolism-boosting foods to your diet We’ve already mentioned that protein can help to speed up your metabolism, but there are many other foods that can also give your metabolism a boost. Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chilli, has been shown to be beneficial in giving your metabolism a boost so include it in your meals whenever you can.5
If you control your food intake it is impossible to ‘bulk up’ from weight training!
Also, feel free to enjoy a regular cup of coffee, tea or green tea every day. Extensive research has shown that both caffeine along with compounds in green tea, called catechins, have metabolism-boosting effects.6,7,8 That is the main reason why they are included in supplements such as BCN’s XLR8 Thermogenic.
5 Exercise regularly We all know the benefits exercise offers not only for our health but for our metabolism as well. However, there are some forms of exercise that are better than others. Interval training is a very effective form of exercise when it comes to boosting your metabolism and helping you lose weight faster.9 It involves interspersing steady-state exercise with sprints or at least higher-intensity exercise. However, interval training may not be for everyone so as long as you simply perform some aerobic exercise regularly you will still get the metabolism-boosting effects that exercise offers. 6 Lift weights Another form of exercise that is enormously beneficial in speeding up your metabolism and assisting your weight-loss efforts is resistance training (weight training). Not only do you get 4
the metabolism-boosting effects from the exercise session itself, but when your muscles are recovering and rebuilding after a weight training session your metabolism remains elevated for quite some time. Furthermore, since muscle is a metabolically-active tissue, increasing your muscle mass from lifting weights can help to keep your metabolism elevated indefinitely. Lifting weights is definitely a great way to boost your metabolism and lose weight. Plus, it is important to keep in mind that if you control your food intake it is impossible to ‘bulk up’ from weight training so don’t be afraid to go hard in the gym!
Take fish oil supplements It appears that supplementing your diet with fish oil may help to boost your metabolism via several mechanisms.10 Firstly, since the fats we consume become components of all of our cell membranes, consuming more omega-3 fats, either through our diet or supplements, has the effect of improving cell fluidity. This ultimately improves the metabolic functioning of the cells by allowing better transfer of nutrients into the cells and wastes out of the cells. Fish oil has also been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. By reducing inflammation the body is likely to function better so theoretically it will help to boost metabolism through that mechanism too.
8 Use XLR8 Thermogenic XLR8 Thermogenic is a metabolism-
boosting supplement. It contains natural, herbal ingredients that have been proven to boost metabolism, increase energy, and promote greater fat burning in the body. What makes it different from other thermogenics (fat burners) on the market is the fact that it contains therapeutic levels of active ingredients rather than simply having a long list of ingredient in ‘token’ doses. Plus, it also contains the herb, rhodiola rosea, which helps support adrenal function. It is so important to have adrenal-support herbs in thermogenics because the other ingredients promote adrenal output of the catecholamine (adrenaline and noradrenaline). Over time, if a thermogenic has this effect without nourishing the adrenals at the same time, adrenal fatigue may result.
9 Use Thyron Thyron is a thyroid and adrenal-support formula. It provides your body with the nutrients it needs to ensure optimum thyroid functioning. Since your thyroid gland controls the metabolism of all body cells it simply makes sense that you provide it with all the nutrients it needs every day. Thyron makes it easy to achieve this. 10
Improve your sleep habits People who have good quality sleep each night tend to have healthier metabolisms.11 Reduced length of sleep or irregular sleeping habits result in greater levels of stress hormones in the body (cortisol), greater leptin resistance, and high levels of ghrelin (appetite hormone). All of this contributes to a depressed metabolism, increased hunger and a greater likelihood to put on weight. If you find that you’re not sleeping as well as you would like, try BCN’s Tranquil Mind. It contains therapeutic doses of Theanine from green tea. It has been shown to increase alpha wave production in the brain and can dramatic improve sleep quality.12 In summary, if your want to give your metabolism a boost, lose weight, and improve your health overall, give these 10 tips a go! fo
Are YOU Suffering From the Pain of Arthritis?
If so, BCN’s InflammaCALM may help! Containing Meriva® a Patented Form of Curcumin Delivering Enhanced Absorption! BCN’s InflammaCALM may help to:
Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional
Body Concepts Nutritionals
For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904
4 Provide temporary relief of arthritic pain 4 Reduce joint swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis 4 Fight against free radical damage 4 Provide temporary relief of the pain of osteoarthritis 4 Increase joint mobility associated with arthritis
Your Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, All-Natural Protein Source
The importance of protein in your diet cannot be under-estimated. It is required for building cells, repairing tissues and forming antibodies to combat bacteria and viruses. It is also part of the enzyme and hormonal systems, builds genetic codes, carries oxygen and is involved in muscle activity. Since it is so vitally important we must ensure we have an adequate amount of it each day. However, rather than simply eating more animal products, many people are looking for vegetable-based protein sources in order to increase their protein intake. BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is a great-tasting pea and rice protein blend that contains all of the essential amino acids required by your body. It is a quick, easy, convenient and cheap way to increase your protein intake!
BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is: 4 A high-quality vegetablebased protein 4 Dairy & soy-free 4 Low in fat & carbohydrate
4 Low allergenic 4 Vegan-friendly 4 Free from artificial sweeteners
Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional
Body Concepts Nutritionals
For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904
Are you always
stressed? I
the body including the brain, heart, lungs, and digestive tract. That is why many physical and mental conditions are associated with stress. In fact, one of the greatest risks for heart disease is not high cholesterol (despite what drug companies tell you), but excessive, prolonged stress.
n today’s society, overflowing with regular demands and pressures, stress is commonplace. While stress can be helpful (termed eustress), if it is too high or remains elevated for too long it can have detrimental effects throughout the whole body. Excess stress levels can damage every part of
PLus: • Dangers FREofEa Leaky GutLS ICA RAD • Inflammation & YOuR and YourLTH Thyroid
Is Stress Making You
The Power of Protein
Top 7 Natural
Get Bikini Read y
7 da
ys! 5 simple steps to Improve Gu TIPs! t Health
Truth about Cholesterol Lowering Medications
to cHoLEstERoL NAtuRALLy
Edition 4, 2011
Edition 2, 2012
ps 7 stE LoWER
Dangers h of spiceHig up Your cortisol
Edition 2, 2011
Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat?
How does the stress response work? Our stress response all starts in the brain. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that responds to stressful situations and releases a hormone called corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH). This hormone then reaches another part of the brain called the pituitary gland, which then releases another hormone called adrenocorticotrophic releasing hormone (ACTH). ACTH then moves to a part of the body called the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are then responsible for releasing adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline is the fast-acting stress hormone. Cortisol, however, can remain in the body for a fair amount of time and can eventually cause damage
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every edition
throughout the whole body. This process in the body is called the HPA axis (H = hypothalamus; P = Pituitary; A = Adrenals) and is also often referred to as the ‘fight or flight stress response.’ What are the dangers associated with too much stress? Stress is certainly not always bad and is actually an important part of our survival response. Imagine never getting stressed about things. Nothing would get done! And you will be the first person to get eaten by that big ferocious lion! The problem is nowadays, many people’s stress response is turned on too often (or too intensely). Their HPA axis is too reactive, and this can lead to problems. Our bodies are just not designed to withstand too much stress hormone. Unfortunately, for some people, they are born with a very sensitive stress response (or HPA axis). This means that small triggers can set off this process. For others, long-term demands at work or school, family stresses, financial problems, social pressures and health problems can sensitise our stress response. This can lead to poor sleep, depression, headaches, muscle pain and fatigue. A hyperactive stress response is also associated with numerous medical conditions such as heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, skin conditions, and even numerous cancers. For some people, a prolonged stressed response can overwhelm the HPA axis eventually leading to a lowered stress hormone production (remember we need stress hormones to function properly). Lowered stress hormones are often associated with chronic pain conditions, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Some anxiety disorders and types of depression are also associated with a lowered stress response. How do you reduce the stress response? Minimise stresses in your life. While it is not possible to avoid all demands in life, if you are stressed all the time it will be useful to evaluate your life. Are there situations or people you should be avoiding? How can you reduce some of the pressures in your life? Do you really 10
need that shiny red Ferrari or those name brand clothes? Learn to relax. This is easier said than done, particularly for people with a reactive stress response. However, it is possible to learn relaxation. It just takes practice. Find some good relaxation CDs, attend a meditation group or see a mental health professional for support. Eat regularly. While stress can increase cortisol (our stress hormone), going a long time without food also does this. If you are suffering from too much stress, then look at your diet. Eat every three to four hours and consume good, wholesome foods. The best meals are those containing a combination of natural, unprocessed complex carbohydrate, lean protein and healthy fats. Get good-quality sleep. Our body needs to sleep. Make sure you have a good sleep routine. Poor sleep will trigger the stress response. If you need a sleep aid, try BCN’s Tranquil Mind. It contains an amino acid called theanine which can help promote sleep. Exercise regularly. While exercise initially increases the stress response,
after a few hours it eventually lowers stress hormones. Take stress-lowering nutrients. There a number of high-quality nutrients that have been found to regulate the stress response and normalise cortisol levels. One nutrient backed up by solid clinical research is theanine. This is an amino acid from green tea which lowers cortisol levels and increases alpha waves in the brain. Alpha waves are associated with calmness and usually induced during meditation exercises. Theanine can be found in BCN’s Tranquil Mind. Rhodiola rosea is an herb that is also backed by good clinical research. It can lower stress levels and improves stress-related fatigue. The problem is that there a many poorquality Rhodiola products out there so we recommend BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced, containing a European form of Rhodiola used in clinical research studies. Seek professional support. If you are suffering from chronic stress levels and feel you are unable to cope, seek support from a qualified mental health professional such as a clinical psychologist. fo
If you are stressed all the time it will be useful to evaluate your life.
Feeling Tense? Mind Racing?
BCN’s Tranquil Mind May Help to Relieve Nervous Tension and Mild Anxiety! BCN’s Tranquil Mind contains the amino acid theanine, derived from Green Tea. Theanine may have a relaxing effect on the mind and help relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety. Theanine may also help with sleep and green tea is a potent antioxidant that may assist with the body’s antioxidant defences Contain s Theanin e
BCN’s Tranquil Mind may help to: Relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety Induce relaxation Relax the mind Improve sleep Assist with the body’s antioxidant defences
Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online
For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904
4 4 4 4 4
The Best Nutrients for Your Thyroid I
t is estimated that at least 10% of the population have some degree of thyroid dysfunction (some estimations put the figure as high as 40% in Australia!). Problems with your thyroid gland may result from nutritional factors (nutritional deficiencies, anti-nutrients, allergies, food sensitivities, alcohol consumption), environmental factors (heavy metals, hormones, medications) and lifestyle factors (stress, smoking, sleep quality, lack of exercise). Since thyroid hormones affect the functioning of all body cell, thyroid dysfunction may result in a wide range of symptoms. These include:
Symptoms of Sub-Optimal Thyroid Function • “Normal” thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) results • Weight gain / inability to lose weight • Fatigue • Poor eyebrow growth, especially the outer third of the eyebrows • Menstrual abnormalities • Cold hands and feet • Constipation • Depression • Dry skin
• Hair loss • Hoarseness • Poor concentration • Nervousness • Elevated cholesterol • Brittle nails • Muscle cramps • Muscle weakness • Poor memory • Puffy eyes • Throat pain • Low basal temperature • Irritability
In this article we will examine the nutrients that are required for optimum thyroid functioning. By increasing your awareness of the required nutrients and how they are involved in thyroid function you can take the active step towards ensuring your thyroid gland functions as well as possible. Once you have taken care of this area by providing your thyroid gland with all the nutrients it requires, the next step is to examine other nutritional factors as well as environmental factors and lifestyle factors that may also be having an effect on your thyroid gland. [NOTE: If you would like information on these areas, please email: admin@bodyconcepts.] Probably the most well-known nutrient required for optimum thyroid function is iodine. The human body contains around 20-30mg of iodine with approximately 75% being stored in the thyroid gland. Iodine is essential for manufacturing thyroid hormones in the body. The best food sources of iodine are: oysters, seaweed (used for the outer coverings of sushi rolls), fish, eggs, cheese, and iodised salt. In order to get iodine into the thyroid gland a transport system is used that relies on vitamin C. Rich sources of vitamin C include: strawberries, oranges, kiwi fruits, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts), kale, spinach, thyme, parsley, chilli, and guava. The other major component of thyroid hormones is the amino acid, tyrosine. Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid (it can be made in the body). However, some people may lack the necessary enzymes required to manufacture tyrosine. Foods high in tyrosine include: chicken, turkey, fish, nuts, seeds, and dairy foods. There are various other nutrients that are required for thyroid hormone production. These include: magnesium, zinc, vitamins B2, B3, and B6. These minerals and vitamins are found in the following foods: green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, certain fruits, beef, oysters, cocoa powder, dried herbs, cheese, and garlic. 14
Supplementing your diet with all the required nutrients becomes even more important as you get older!
The thyroid gland produces two hormones: T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). Approximately 95% is T4 and 5% is T3. T3 is the ‘active’ form of thyroid hormone whilst T4 is considered to be ‘inactive’. Since T3 is considerably more biologically active than T4, it is essential that T4 is converted into T3 effectively. This process occurs primarily in our liver and relies heavily on the mineral, selenium. Selenium is found in shellfish, Brazil nuts, fish, meat, eggs, and poultry. The process of converting T4 into T3 also requires zinc, iron, magnesium, folate, B vitamins, vitamin A, and Vitamin C. These nutrients are found in: beef, green leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, grains, and cruciferous vegetables. Furthermore, the absorption of the thyroid hormones into cells requires cell membranes that function properly. This
means that an adequate intake of omega-3 fats, calcium, magnesium, and potassium is required. Therefore, consuming an adequate amount of fish, fish oil, flax, flax seed oil, and green leafy vegetables, as well as nuts, seeds, dairy products, avocadoes, and bananas is essential. All of the foods that you require for optimum thyroid functioning are available from your local IGA supermarket. Also, it seems that as we age we tend to lose our ability to convert T4 into T3. This may be due in part to our body’s inability to absorb nutrients properly in addition to a reduced efficiency of bodily functions. Therefore, supplementing your diet with all of the required nutrients for optimum thyroid functioning becomes even more important as we get older. One of the very best supplements to use in order to optimise thyroid function is BCN’s Thyron. It contains almost all of the required nutrients for optimum thyroid functioning in therapeutic dosages. The nutrients it doesn’t contain and that are required for optimum thyroid functioning, i.e. omega-3s and magnesium, are required in amounts that exceed what can be supplied in the limited space of a single tablet or capsule. Thyron is available from health food stores and pharmacies everywhere. fo
Concentrated Blend of Powerful Superfoods!
BCN’s all new SuperFood Blend is a superior combination of 19 ‘Superfoods’! It contains a range of berry and fruit extracts carefully selected to provide your body with a wide range of antioxidants and ‘phytonutrients’ (nutrients from plants). This great-tasting blend of Superfoods mixes easily in water, juice or milk and can be used every day to improve your health and well-being.
Am a z i n g f l a vo u r ! M o n eybac g u a ra n t k ee!
BCN’s SuperFood Blend is: 4 A concentrated blend of 19 ‘Superfoods’ 4 Designed to improve your health and well-being 4 Tastes great
4 Provides your body with a wide range of antioxidants and ‘phytonutrients’ 4 Mixes easily
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional
Body Concepts Nutritionals
For more information visit or call 08 9248 690415
Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online
Get Rid of Your Bloated Belly!
e all know what it feels like when we go back for a second helping of dessert even after feeling full from dinner. The ‘belt-bursting’, bloated feeling lingers for hours and it seems that the only place we feel even slightly comfortable is lying on the couch in front of the TV! However, for some people that bloated feeling is something they have to deal with on a daily basis and results from more than just over-eating. In this article we will cover some of the main causes of bloating and what you need to do in order to get rid of your bloated belly. Increase your fibre intake If you regularly consume processed foods it is highly likely that you will have a bloated belly caused by undigested food matter remaining in your gut. By consuming more fibre you can help to push everything along your digestive tract, especially if you tend to eat a lot of processed foods that are devoid of fibre. However, for some people increasing their fibre intake may need to be done gradually. This is because a suddenly increase your fibre intake may actually have the opposite effect and cause even more bloating! 16
This may be particularly noticeable if you consume high-fibre foods that tend to cause gas production in the gut. These may include broccoli, beans, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and onions. Also, increasing your fibre intake from fruit may cause abdominal bloating if there is an imbalance of bacteria in your gut or the presence of excessive yeasts, like Candida albicans. An easy way to gradually increase your fibre intake without making the bloating worse is to add ½ - 1 teaspoon of psyllium husks and 1 teaspoon of BCN’s Gastro Forte AG to your cereal each day. Pura Veda is a great example of a highquality cereal that also contains fibre. If you do this make sure you drink plenty of water because both of these supplemental sources of soluble fibre dissolve in a significant amount of water. If you don’t eat cereal then you may simply want to add a teaspoon of BCN’s Gastro Forte AG to a glass of water and drink it every day. Over a period of weeks you may want to gradually increase your intake of each of these soluble fibre sources. Another major benefit of psyllium husks and arabinogalactans (the fibre source in Gastro Forte AG) is that they are both very good prebiotics, which means they provide food for the ‘good’ bacteria in
Trust the Wisdom of the Ages!
Spices have been used throughout the world for centuries as flavour-enhancers for food, as a form of trade and as a traditional way to improve health. In more recent times, scientific research has validated many of the health benefits offered by spices. Unfortunately though, many people don’t use spices on a daily basis and therefore won’t obtain the benefits they offer. However, now a range of spices can be easily consumed every day because they are available in the MultiSpice easy-to-use vege capsules! BCN’s Multispice: 4 Contains a combination of 5 4 Comes in an easy-to-use organic spices (turmeric, clove, vege capsule fennel, cinnamon, ginger) 4 Is a convenient way to 4 Suitable for all ages consume spices
Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional
Body Concepts Nutritionals
For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904
your gut. By balancing your gut bacteria your bloating may also be reduced. Avoid foods that you have an intolerance or allergy to If you find that you’re experiencing abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, skin rashes, nasal congestion, sweating, headaches, or breathing problems after a meal then it is possible that you are intolerant or allergic to something you’ve eaten. Food intolerances tend to be far more common than food allergies, however, both may be tested for by your doctor. An even more reliable test is to eliminate the suspected food from your diet and see if it makes a difference. Gluten and dairy intolerances are very common and therefore many people can experience symptoms shortly after consuming foods containing them. Other foods that some people react to include: soy products, eggs, peanuts, tomatoes, shellfish, and corn. Food intolerances and/ or allergies may inflame and damage the delicate lining of your intestines. Therefore, if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned previously, or if you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or celiac disease (CD), then it is definitely worthwhile using a supplement like BCN’s DigestEZE once or twice a day. DigestEZE has been shown to help soothe and reduce the inflammation in the gut, promote healing of the gut lining if it is damaged, as well as provide food for the ‘good’ bacteria. Improve your digestion Poor digestion is a common cause of a bloated belly for many people. It may result from one or a combination of several factors: inadequate chewing of food, inadequate production of stomach acid, inadequate production of digestive enzymes, and stress. Chewing breaks food down into smaller particles, making it easier to be digested and absorbed into the body. Chewing also increases saliva production and since saliva contains digestive enzymes, it further breaks the food 18
particles down, which means the rest of the intestines don’t have to work as hard. Therefore, we must take time to chew our food properly. Proper production of stomach acid is also very important because not only does it assist with the digestive process itself but it also stimulates the production of digestive enzymes in the stomach. Some simple ways to ensure you produce an adequate amount of stomach acid is to manage stress, include more natural foods in your diet, avoid drinking ice-cold drinks with your meals, use spices in your cooking, or take 1-2 MultiSpice capsules with your main meals. Digestive enzymes are also essential for ensuring maximum digestion and absorption of the nutrients from your
For some people a bloated belly is something they have to deal with on a daily basis!
meals. Plus, insufficient production of digestive enzymes is the primary cause of stomach problems for many people. An enzyme deficiency results mainly from the consumption of a diet consisting of mainly processed, over-cooked, and sugary foods. By reducing your overall food intake and emphasising more natural, raw foods in your diet, you will provide your body with natural enzymes as well as the building blocks it needs in order to make its own enzymes. Finding ways to reduce your stress levels may also be beneficial in improving your digestion. Stress causes the ‘flight or fight’ response in the body. This means that blood is moved away from temporarily non-essential functions, like digestion, and is taken to the muscles to prepare for action. This physical response occurs even if the stress is of a mental nature. If you find that stress is a major cause of digestive issues for you then you may want to learn breathing or relaxation techniques, meditation exercises, or simply take an amino acid, like Theanine, which can promote a relaxed state. It is contained in BCN’s Tranquil Mind. You may also want to consider using an herb, like rhodiola rosea, that helps the body deal with stress more effectively. It is contained in BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced. Balance the bacteria in your gut An imbalance of gut bacteria is another major cause of a bloated belly. It results from a poor diet, the use of antibiotics, certain medications, and/ or high stress levels. Therefore, one of the best ways to balance the bacteria in your gut is to use a combination of probiotics and prebiotics. High-quality probiotics are available from health food stores and some pharmacies and should contain at least 20 billion colony forming units (CFUs), have a long shelf life, and must be refrigerated. Prebiotics are contained in BCN’s DigestEZE and Gastro Forte AG. Overall, if you’re willing to take these 4 steps you will be amazed at how quickly you can get rid of your bloated belly and start feeling lighter, healthier, and happier again! fo
‘Do YOU Suffer From the Discomfort of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?’
If so, BCN’s DigestEZE may help! The health of our gut plays such an important role when it comes to the health of our body. BCN’s DigestEZE is a comprehensive formula that supports gastro-intestinal health. It contains a blend of ingredients, which can provide you with relief from bloating, abdominal pain, cramping and the discomfort associated with medically-diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome.
4 Provides relief from the symptoms of medically-diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome
4 Supports gastro-intestinal health 4 Soothes the gastro-intestinal tract 4 Aids in the maintenance and repair of mucous membranes * IBS must be medically diagnosed
Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.
Body Concepts Nutritionals
For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904
Weight LOSS
Moderate weight loss may reduce the conversion of T4 into T3! Researchers from the US recently published a study in the journal, Thyroid, stating that moderate weight loss has a negative impact on the peripheral conversion (i.e. in the liver) of T4 into T3. Since T3 is the ‘active’ thyroid hormone these results mean that further weight loss may become more difficult. By providing your body with the nutrients it needs to optimise this process you may be able to enhance the conversion of T4 into T3 and improve your weight-loss efforts. A simple way to do this is by using a product like BCN’s Thyron. Cinnamon may assist weight loss Metabolic Syndrome is a condition characterised by elevated blood sugar levels, being overweight (particularly carrying excess weight around the abdomen), having high blood pressure,
Weight loss may improve sleep quality A review of all studies regarding weight loss and sleep apnoea has determined that losing weight will in fact improve a person’s quality of sleep. However, weight loss was not adequate in relieving all respiratory problems. Theanine may enhance weight loss Researchers in Japan discovered that mice fed theanine over a 16-week period had a significant reduction in bodyweight and fat mass. However, the mechanism through which it works is yet to be established. In humans it is theorised by Byron Richards, a well-known nutritionist from the US, that theanine’s ability to promote weight loss may be due to its ability to improve sleep quality (which impacts a range of hormones), and its ability to reduce the effects of stress on the body. Theanine is contained in BCN’s Tranquil Mind.
More exercise is best for long-term weight loss A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that people who are encouraged to perform a greater amount of exercise each week (2,500 calories/wk) achieved better long-term weight loss (i.e. they maintaining the exercise habit for longer) compared to people who were recommended to perform standard amounts of exercise each week (1,000 calories/ wk).
and having high triglycerides (fats in the blood stream). In one study involving people with Metabolic Syndrome, researchers found that after three months of using a cinnamon supplement, subjects had
lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure, decreased body fat, and an increase in lean tissue, i.e. muscle tissue. Cinnamon is one of the spices contained in BCN’s MultiSpice.
Product Reviews SuperFood Blend Our bodies are constantly being bombarded by free radicals every day. The foods we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe all contain free radicals or at least contain chemicals that generate free radicals in our body. Antioxidants are free radical scavengers that go around the body and ‘mop up’ free radicals, preventing them from damaging body cells. BCN’s SuperFood Blend contains a concentrated blend of 19 powerful ‘Superfoods’ all carefully selected to provide your body with a wide range of antioxidants and phytonutrients (nutrients from plants).
Pura Veda Pura Veda is a wholesome, nutritious, high-protein food source filled with unprocessed, uncut seeds and grains. It is packed with vitamins, minerals and Omega 3s and 6s. Pura Veda is sweetened with the natural goodness of sun dried raisins and contains no added sugars, salts or fats. It is free from gluten, yeast, wheat, nuts, preservatives, additives, flavourings and genetic modifications. Pura Veda is a high fibre, low GI food and may be used as a delicious breakfast cereal, on salads or on its own. HemoGard Garlic has an amazing array of health benefits but its pungent odour and taste make it difficult to consume on a daily basis. Furthermore, many garlic supplements on the market have very low levels of the active ingredients. HemoGard on the other hand contains LiporolTM, a highly active liquid concentrate of fresh garlic bulb extract that has been proven to provide all the health benefits of garlic.
XLR8 Thermogenic XLR8 Thermogenic is one of the most powerful thermogenics (fat burners) on the market today. It can help you burn off body fat and lose weight faster by: • Speeding up your metabolism • Boosting your energy level • Increasing the mobilisation of fat from the fat stores • Having a diuretic effect It also is one of the few fat burners on the market that supports adrenal function by containing the adaptogen, Rhodiola.
Gastro Forte AG BCN’s Gastro Forte AG contains a prebiotic, soluble fibre called Arabinogalactins, which is derived from the Western Larch tree. It is a potent prebiotic and has been shown to have enormous benefits in supporting the immune system. Gastro Forte AG mixes easily in water or juice or may be added to food. It may also be better tolerated than other dietary fibres. Rhodiola Advanced Stress is a common problem in today’s society and is implicated in a range of diseases and also stops our body from functioning at optimum levels. The good news is that a group of herbs, known as ‘Adaptogens’, can help the body deal with stress more effectively. Rhodiola Advanced contains one of the world’s highest-quality sources of Rhodiola, which is a scientifically-proven and powerful adaptogen. It is one of the best natural stress relievers! 21
Health Facts! Rhodiola improves memory and concentration Scientists have discovered that a moderate dose of a rhodiola supplement improved learning and retention after 24 hours. Furthermore, daily supplementation for a period of 10 days improved long-term memory. This study demonstrates rhodiola’s benefits for students preparing for exams. BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced contains standardised doses of the active ingredients in rhodiola.
Regular exercise prevents disease A review published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal stated that there is irrefutable evidence supporting the fact that regular exercise is able to prevent the development of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, obesity, depression, and osteoporosis. Furthermore, there appears to be a direct correlation between the amount of exercise being performed and health status, whereby increases in physical activity leads to further improvements in health status.
Fish oil is essential during pregnancy Several research studies now show a strong relationship between omega-3 oils, particularly DHA, which is one of the components of fish oil, and brain development. Since brain development undergoes its most rapid and complex development during the last trimester of pregnancy and the first two years after birth it is essential that a woman supplements her diet with a significant amount of fish oil. This will provide her baby with a sufficient amount of omega-3s, and DHA, in order to optimise their brain development.
Theanine reduces high blood pressure Japanese researchers have found that theanine, an amino acid from green tea, reduces blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner in subjects with elevated blood pressure. This means the larger the dose the more significant the reduction. However, in subjects with normal blood pressure there was no change. Theanine is available in BCN’s Tranquil Mind. 22
Fruit and vegetable consumption provides protection against leading diseases A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has confirmed that the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. It is believed to result from the significant amounts of bioactive compounds contained in the foods. People who don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables each day may benefit from using a supplement containing adequate amounts of fruit and vegetable extracts. BCN’s SuperFood Blend is a good example.
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