Focus On Magazine, Edition 1, 2014

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Edition 1, 2014

Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Potential Benefits of Curcumin

Alpha Brain Waves and Theanine

Saffron and Depression

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Are You Getting Enough



e all know the importance of sleep for our overall health and well-being, but it is interesting to note that up to 50% of people report some degree of insomnia or dissatisfaction with their sleep. Over the last 100 years there has been a noticeable decrease in sleep duration. People in the early 1900’s reportedly slept around 9 hours each night. In 1960 this reduced slightly to 8-9 hours a night. Then, in 1975 it reduced again to 7.5 hours each night. Most recently, in 2001 many people were sleeping between 5 and 6 hours a night! This apparent reduction appears to be due to the introduction of electric lights and the increased number of activities available to people after dark. Unfortunately though, a reduction in sleep duration can have a range of negative health consequences. Not only does it affect thought processes and brain function, but it also causes many problems throughout the rest of the body. In fact, researchers believe that poor sleep quality can dramatically accelerate the ageing process. Some studies found that sleep-deprived young men started

displaying profound alterations in their physiology, some of which were similar to what is seen in elderly people! As a result, the importance of sleep cannot be over-stated and in this article we will cover how sleep problems affect various aspects of our physiology. We will also cover what you can do to ensure you get a good-quality sleep each night.

case of people with insomnia or disturbed sleep, there appears to be a significant increase in the level of free radicals which can be damaging to the brain and other body tissues. Researchers have noted a significant loss of hippocampal volume (part of the brain) with reduced sleep.This area of the brain is important for memory function.

Sleep and brain function It appears that a lack of sleep is closely related to depression. In fact, over 90% of people with depression report some degree of sleep disturbance. Furthermore, sleep problems can trigger depressive episodes. Studies show that sleep problems affect several hormones and brain chemicals important for mood and brain function.

Sleep and thyroid function A lack of sleep also impairs thyroid function. This occurs because the pituitary gland decreases its secretion of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). This results in sub-optimal thyroid functioning and therefore may cause low thyroid symptoms.

Sleep and oxidative stress It is believed that free radicals accumulate in the brain during wakefulness and are removed during sleep. However, in the

Sleep and cortisol One of the biggest effects a lack of sleep has on the body is on the brain’s stress response system, known as the HPA axis (hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis). Reduced sleep affects the HPA axis by increasing several stress-related


hormones, including cortisol. Elevated levels of cortisol are associated with a large number of physical and mental disorders. Researchers have found elevated levels of cortisol in people who have any type of sleep disorder. This makes sense since cortisol is the hormone responsible for waking us up in the morning. Conversely, under normal circumstances, before we go to bed each night circulating levels of cortisol should be at their lowest point. If cortisol is elevated in the evening, perhaps as a result of some degree of stress, then it is highly likely that sleep will be negatively affected. Therefore, a lack of sleep causes cortisol to be released and cortisol itself impairs sleep! So, it may become a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle. Sleep and insulin resistance Numerous research studies show that poor sleep is a major contributor to insulin resistance, which is a symptom of type 2 diabetes. It is likely that insulin resistance primarily results from elevated cortisol (mentioned earlier). However, it may also result from an increased carbohydrate intake that tends to result from an increase in appetite that occurs as a result of a lack of sleep. Sleep and appetite Many people experience cravings, especially for high carbohydrate foods, when they lack sleep. This is caused by sleep’s effect on several appetiteregulating hormones, such as leptin and ghrelin. This explains why people with restricted sleep have greater difficulty controlling their food intake. It also means that if someone wants to lose weight they should ensure that their sleeping habits are ideal.

How you can improve your sleeping habits Have a regular bedtime One of the easiest ways to get more sleep is to simply go to bed at the same time every night. This normalises your body clock and increases sleep efficiency.



Sleeping for longer than normal is essential for good health.” Have dinner earlier (but not too early) During sleep your body ideally goes through the processes of repair, recuperation, recovery, and rebuilding, not digestion. Therefore, having dinner late forces your body to digest food during sleep. This has a negative impact on sleep quality and your body’s ability to properly complete the other essential sleep functions. Eating too early can also be a problem, because your body’s blood sugar level can get too low, causing you to wake up.


Exercise earlier Exercise stimulates the activity of the sympathetic nervous system which makes you more alert and awake and therefore can have a negative impact on sleep quality. As a result, it is best to exercise earlier in the day.


Avoid stimulants before bed In order to minimise sleep problems it is best to avoid consuming any stimulants before bed. This means avoiding drinks with caffeine (coffee, black tea, cola). It is also best to avoid smoking (contains nicotine) before bed.


Avoid stimulating mental activities before bed Intense thoughts, research, writing, and other mental activities have a stimulating effect on the brain, which can also negatively affect sleep quality.

help to relax the body and promote goodquality sleep. In particular, it contains two ingredients that have been shown to improve sleep quality and increase sleep duration. These are glycine and magnesium. Studies confirm that the ingestion of 3 grams of glycine improved sleep quality and sleep duration. Taking glycine before bed also reduced feelings of tiredness associated with sleep deprivation. Reduce the impact of stress on your body Since stress promotes the release of cortisol into the blood stream, and cortisol promotes wakefulness and impairs sleep, it is best to find ways to reduce your stress levels if it is a problem for you. Using relaxation techniques, breathing techniques, and meditation can all be effective. Products like, BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced are also effective in reducing the impact of stress on your body.


Improve your sleep environment There are several ways you can easily improve your sleep environment and therefore improve the quality and duration of your sleep. Here are some tips:


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Use sleep-enhancing supplements There are many supplements on the market that may improve your sleep quality. BCN’s Tranquil Mind helps to quiet the mind before sleep by increasing alpha wave production in the brain. Also, a new product on the market, BCN’s Rest and Replenish (R&R), has been specially formulated to improve sleep. It contains several ingredients that


• •

Make your bedroom as dark as possible by blocking light from entering the room. Distance your sleeping space from electronic equipment. This means place clock radios, mobile phones, etc. at least several metres from your body. This also means turning off electric blankets at the wall if you use one. Electromagnetic radiation negatively affects sleep. Ensure a comfortable body temperature during sleep. This means not being too hot or too cold. Minimise outside noises

Overall, getting good-quality sleep and sleeping for slightly longer than what is considered normal these days is absolutely essential for good health and reducing your risk of disease. Therefore, you must make a conscious effort to improve the quality of your sleep by using the strategies outlined here. fo

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Alpha Brain Waves & Theanine


he human brain is made up of billions of neurons (nerve cells). They communicate with each other via electrical signals. Millions of signals are sent every second. Collectively, they are known as brain waves and may be detected using an electroencephalogram (EEG). There are four different types of brain waves and they are classified based on their frequency, measured in hertz (Hz). Brain Wave type





8 – 13




0.5 - 3

Delta brain waves are the lowest frequency (0.5-3 Hz) and are detected during deep sleep. Theta brain waves (4-7 Hz) are detected during light sleep. Alpha brain waves (8-13 Hz) can be detected


during a focused, relaxed, and alert mental state. Beta brain waves (14+ Hz) are detected during a highly stressful, low concentration mental state. Beta brain waves may be induced by stimulants such as caffeine and can lead to increased stress and anxiety. A focused, relaxed, and alert mental state is the preferred mental state to have during the day for many tasks. Think for a moment about all the tasks you perform during the day that could be enhanced by being in a focused, relaxed, and alert mental state. When you’re interacting with your children, partner or co-workers, giving a presentation, driving, studying for an exam, and even exercising, a focused, relaxed, and alert mental state will definitely be beneficial. Benefits of Increased Alpha Brain Waves Increasing the production of alpha waves

in your brain can offer a range of benefits. Increases creativity. Researchers have demonstrated that people who are naturally creative tend to be able to generate alpha brain waves more readily than their non-creative counterparts. Therefore, increasing alpha brain waves may be able to increase creativity. Improves sports performance. It appears that immediately prior to a peak performance, well-trained athletes generate a surge of alpha brain waves. Furthermore, with training in the particular sport alpha brain waves increase slightly prior to performance compared with not training. Reduces depression symptoms. Increasing alpha brain wave production has been shown to improve depressive symptoms compared to a placebo. Also, since stress hormones, like cortisol, disrupt various brain chemicals, including serotonin, dopamine, and

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norepinephrine, minimising these hormones by increasing alpha wave production may help to improve mood and memory. Cortisol has also been shown to shrink the brain due to its catabolic (tissue breakdown) effects! Relaxes the mind and relieves anxiety. Alpha brain waves have been shown to have a calming and relaxing effect without causing drowsiness. Increasing alpha waves can even reduce the symptoms of anxiety in people with severe mental health disorders, such as schizophrenia. Promotes better sleep. Increasing alpha brain waves helps people to fall asleep by relaxing the mind and body prior to sleep. Reduces the body’s stress response.

Alpha waves can reduce the stimulation of the HPA (Hypothalamo- PituitaryAdrenal) axis. This means the production of cortisol (the body’s primary stress hormone) decreases. Alpha waves also lower heart rate and breathing rate; high stress levels are associated with increased levels of both. How do you increase alpha brain waves? A relaxed, alert mental state can be induced by the regular practice of meditation, breathing exercises, or relaxation techniques. In addition, it is now also possible to induce this mental state by simply taking an amino acid, L-theanine (theanine). Research shows that alpha brain

waves can be promoted within 3040 minutes after the consumption of theanine. How to obtain theanine Theanine may be obtained from drinking tea. However, the amount of theanine contained in each cup is actually quite low (6-7 mg) and is not enough to have a therapeutic effect (100-200 mg is required). Therefore, the only practical way to obtain therapeutic amounts of theanine is via supplementation. Up until recently it was too difficult and expensive to isolate theanine from tea leaves. However, advances in extraction techniques have now made available economically feasible methods of extracting theanine. Safety of theanine Since theanine offers such a wide range of enormously beneficial health benefits it is worthwhile using every day. Also, theanine has not been found to interact negatively with medications.

A theanine extract will provide you with all the benefits of thenine as well as the health benefits provided by the cathecins and polyphenols.”

How to choose the best theanine supplement The best theanine supplement to use is one that is extracted from green tea. Instead of having theanine manufactured synthetically in a laboratory, a theanine extract will not only provide you with all the health benefits of theanine, but it will also provide you with the additional health benefits provided by the green tea catechins and polyphenols, which will also be contained in the supplement. BCN’s Tranquil Mind provides 100mg of theanine per capsule and it is recommended to take 1-2 capsules twice a day, with or without food. It is interesting to note that a 2-capsule serve of a standard theanine supplement contains the same amount of theanine as approximately 25 cups of green tea! Where to get Tranquil Mind Tranquil Mind is available in supplement form from health food stores and selected pharmacies. fo


Feeling Tense? Mind Racing?

BCN’s Tranquil Mind May Help to Relieve Nervous Tension and Mild Anxiety! BCN’s Tranquil Mind contains the amino acid theanine, derived from Green Tea. Theanine may have a relaxing effect on the mind and help relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety. Theanine may also help with sleep and green tea is a potent antioxidant that may assist with the body’s antioxidant defences Contain s Theanin e

BCN’s Tranquil Mind may help to: Relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety Induce relaxation Relax the mind Improve sleep Assist with the body’s antioxidant defences

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904


4 4 4 4 4


The Natural Mood-Lifting Spice


epression is a debilitating condition that affects approximately 10-20% of Australians. It is a serious condition that is much more than the sadness that every person experiences at certain times during their life. It is characterised by greater than a two-week period of consistent sadness and lack of pleasure from daily activities. Depression is also associated with a change in sleep (too much or too little), change in appetite (increased or decreased), weight fluctuations, lowered energy, inability to concentrate, irritability, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts. Currently depression is primarily treated through a combination of pharmaceutical antidepressants and psychological therapies such as cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT). These therapies are moderately effective, however, they are far from perfect. In fact, antidepressants are only really effective for 30% of sufferers, moderately effective 10

for another 30%, and ineffective for the remaining 40%. That is why research into alternative options is important. Natural therapies are another common option for the treatment of depression, with St John’s wort being the most recognised. Unfortunately, just like psychological and pharmaceutical treatments, St John’s wort is not effective for everyone. Also, a major problem with St John’s wort is that it interacts with other medications, affecting how they work. Examples of common drug interactions include, the contraceptive pill, other pharmaceutical antidepressants, blood thinners, and anticonvulsants. Saffron is one natural spice that has been shown in over eight clinical studies to be effective for the treatment of depression and other mood problems. In fact, four clinical studies have now confirmed that is as effective as some pharmaceutical antidepressants, without the commonly experienced side effects. Some of the reasons why saffron may be

helpful for the treatment of depression are outlined in this article. Increases the effectiveness of mood-regulating neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that are associated with a whole array of functions. They are particularly important for mood regulation. Serotonin is one such neurotransmitter that is associated with depression. Levels of serotonin are commonly treated through the use of pharmaceutical antidepressants called SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). These pharmaceutical antidepressants improve mood by increasing serotonin availability in the brain. Research has shown that saffron can also affect serotonin’s effectiveness in the brain by modifying the sensitivity of serotonin receptors. Lowers the stress response People with depression often suffer from a hyperactive (excessive) or hypoactive



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Saffron is effective for the treatment of depression and mood changes associated with PMS.�

(insufficient) stress response. This stress response is associated with a part of the brain known as the HPA axis (H= hypothalamus, P= Pituitary, A=adrenal) and leads to either too much or too little cortisol in the body (our main stress hormone). A few studies have shown that saffron can regulate the stress response by lowering levels of cortisol during stressful times. Increases antioxidant defences Research over the past decade has now confirmed that people with depression have high levels of free radicals and low levels of antioxidants in their body. This creates a condition known as oxidative stress – an imbalance in free radicals to antioxidants. Too much oxidative 12

stress can be damaging to the body, especially the brain, leading to increased degeneration in the brain over time. Some studies have shown that a higher antioxidant intake is protective against depression. As saffron is a potent antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress, this may be another reason why it is helpful for the treatment of depression. Reduces inflammation Our inflammatory response is essential for health and healing. Without it we would not be able to recover from many illnesses or physical trauma. Unfortunately, when the inflammatory response is too severe or is turned on for too long it can be damaging to the body.

Increased inflammation is associated with several medical diseases, including depression. People with depression have higher levels of inflammatory markers in the body, which can affect the brain. Excess inflammation can also lower levels of serotonin and increase levels of cortisol. Some recent studies have confirmed that anti-inflammatory treatments are beneficial for the treatment of depression. For example, one study showed that depressed people taking an anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant drug did far better than those taking antidepressants on their own. The problem with pharmaceutical antiinflammatories is that long term use is associated with several side effects, including digestive problems. Saffron is a potent anti-inflammatory without the side effects. Research over the past decade has confirmed that saffron is effective for the treatment of depression and mood changes associated with PMS. Further studies are, however, required to help us better understand how saffron works, although the likely mechanisms are due to one (or a combination) of the factors detailed here. To enhance general health and wellbeing, saffron can (and should) be added to meals when appropriate. However, to improve mood it is probably best taken in capsule form. This way you can regulate the dosage. Studies show that 52.5mg twice daily is what is required. To ensure that you are taking a high-quality source of saffron make sure that the product you purchase is listed with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). All these products must have an AUSTL number listed on the label. BCN’s Saffron Ultra fulfils these criteria. fo

Suffering from mood swings? Want to maintain a positive, healthy mood?

BCN’s Saffron Ultra May Help to Maintain a Positive, Healthy Mood and May Relieve Mood Swings! Saffron has a long history of use as a medicine and has traditionally been used in Persian herbal medicine as a calming agent. Saffron may help maintain wellbeing and a positive, healthy mood, and assist in the management of mood swings. It may also be beneficial during times of stress and may help promote mood balance. Saffron may also be used as an eye formula to support healthy eye function.

BCN’s Saffron Ultra may help to: Maintain a positive and healthy mood Assist in the management of mood swings Support healthy eye function Relieve stress

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904


4 4 4 4

The Potential Benefits of



urcumin (the main active ingredient in turmeric) has been researched extensively and has been found to offer a range of health benefits. In this article we will cover what the research has discovered so far about this amazing compound. Post-Surgery Pain Curcumin was compared to a placebo and a conventional anti-inflammatory drug for the treatment of post-operative pain in 45 patients. At day 6 post-surgery, curcumin was found to be as effective as the drug in reducing the intensity of pain. Rheumatoid Arthritis The anti-inflammatory action of curcumin was compared to a conventional anti-inflammatory drug in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Curcumin significantly reduced the duration of morning stiffness, increased walking time and reduced joint swelling. It was found to be comparable to a conventional anti-inflammatory drug. Osteoarthritis In a randomised, controlled study on 42 patients with osteoarthritis, curcumin, in combination with zinc and other 14

botanicals, significantly reduced pain severity and disability scores. Ocular Conditions Anterior uveitis is a condition characterised by inflammation of the eye (including the iris) and if untreated can result in blurred vision and permanent eye damage. A clinical trial of 32 patients with anterior uveitis showed that 100 percent of patients experienced marked improvement in symptoms after two weeks of treatment with curcumin. Dyspepsia and Gastric Ulcer Curcumin was used with 45 patients suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms (25 diagnosed with peptic ulcers). Curcumin was given five times daily for 12 weeks. Ulcers were absent in half of the patients after four weeks, in 72% of patients after 8 weeks, and in 76% of patients after 12 weeks. In those patients without ulcers but who were symptomatic (erosions, gastritis, and dyspepsia), abdominal pain and other symptoms decreased significantly within 1-2 weeks of curcumin treatment. Irritable Bowel Syndrome In an eight-week pilot study of IBS

patients using curcumin, a 60 percent reduction in IBS symptoms (abdominal pain, bloating, altered bowel habits, and increased stool frequency) was reported. Curcumin also significantly reduced clinical relapse in IBS patients. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is comprised of two primary forms: Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Both diseases commonly present with symptoms of abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloody stools and weight loss. A pilot study was conducted on 10 patients with IBD who had previously received standard therapy. In all five patients with procitis (ulcerative colitis of the rectal area), symptoms improved after 8 weeks of curcumin use. Two subjects were able to eliminate all medications, another two decreased their medication dose, and all five experienced reductions in inflammatory markers. In those with Crohn’s disease, symptoms reduced significantly in all subjects. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Numerous reports have suggested that inflammation plays a major role in most CVDs. For example, atherosclerosis is


characterised by oxidative damage, which affects lipoproteins, the walls of blood vessels, and subcellular membranes. Several studies have found that curcumin has a positive effect on blood lipid profiles and may therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

activity against various neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, epilepsy, cerebral injury, age-associated neurodegeneration, and schizophrenia. Curcumin can suppress oxidative damage, inflammation, cognitive deficits, and amyloid accumulation that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Skin Diseases Curcumin was shown to be effective against different skin diseases, including skin carcinogenesis, psoriasis, scleroderma, and dermatitis. Numerous reports suggest that curcumin also accelerates wound healing. Furthermore, curcumin prevents the formation of scars and plays a role in muscle regeneration following trauma.

Depression Recent studies have suggested that curcumin is a promising natural option for the treatment of depression. In one study on people diagnosed with major depressive disorder, curcumin was as effective as a pharmaceutical antidepressant in lowering depressive symptoms. In another, Australian-based study, curcumin was more effective than a placebo in reducing depressive symptoms in people with major depressive disorder.

Diabetes In type 2 diabetes, administration of curcumin reduces blood sugar. Diabetes is a hyperglycaemic disorder that affects the brain, kidney, heart, liver, and other organs. Inflammation has been shown to play a major role in the development of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Accordingly, the anti-inflammatory characteristics of curcumin may prove to be beneficial in preventing this condition. In a randomised study of 72 people with type 2 diabetes the effects of curcumin were compared to the diabetes medication, Atorvastatin. Curcumin was found to be as effective as Atorvastatin in improving endothelial function (thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels), oxidative stress, and inflammation.

Cancer Pre-clinical cancer research on curcumin has shown that it inhibits carcinogenesis (the creation of cancer) in a number of cancer types, including colorectal, pancreatic, gastric, prostate, hepatic, breast, oral, and leukaemia. While the impact of curcumin’s anti-carcinogenesis in humans is yet to be determined, animal research demonstrates that it influences all three stages of carcinogenesis – initiation, promotion, and progression. As the research on curcumin (as well as the other components of turmeric) continues there will certainly be more health benefits discovered.

Neurodegenerative diseases The brain is a highly oxidative organ that consumes 20% of the body’s oxygen despite accounting for only 2% of the total body weight. Curcumin exhibits

Safety of Curcumin No significant toxicity has been reported following either short or long-term use of curcumin. In fact, in all clinical studies to date, curcumin was found to be extremely

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safe, even at doses up to 8 grams daily. Most studies use 1-2 grams of curcumin. Absorption problem with standard curcumin (turmeric) Studies have shown that when administered orally at a dose of 1 g/ kg, approximately 75% of the ingested curcumin is excreted in the faeces and only negligible amounts were found in the urine. This suggests that curcumin is poorly absorbed through the gut lining. This absorption problem has proven to be a major barrier to the clinical effectiveness of curcumin in humans. While in-vitro studies (studies on cell cultures) have confirmed that curcumin has numerous health-enhancing effects in the body, when ingested by mouth it is poorly absorbed. The solution is to either consume large amounts of curcumin (which then leads to gastrointestinal problems and poor compliance) or to find a way to make the curcumin better absorbed and more ‘bioavailable’ in the body. Bioavailable curcumin Advancements in food technology have now allowed us to obtain all the benefits curcumin offers by producing highly bioavailable forms of it. Scientists have been able to bond curcumin with polysaccharides or phospholipids, which are easily absorbed through the gut lining. Therefore, when curcumin is attached to these compounds they also get absorbed into the body. BCN has two forms of highly absorbable curcumin. They are contained in Relieve Turmeric Forte and InflammaCALM. Both are highly-absorbed by that body and are therefore more likely to provide the greatest benefits offered by curcumin. fo

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Product Reviews SuperFood Blend Our bodies are constantly being bombarded by free radicals every day. The foods we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe all contain free radicals or at least contain chemicals that generate free radicals in our body. Antioxidants are free radical scavengers that go around the body and ‘mop up’ free radicals, preventing them from damaging body cells. BCN’s SuperFood Blend contains a concentrated blend of 19 powerful ‘Superfoods’ all carefully selected to provide your body with a wide range of antioxidants and phytonutrients (nutrients from plants). New Formula

Pura Veda Pura Veda is a wholesome, nutritious, high-protein food source filled with unprocessed, uncut seeds and grains. It is packed with vitamins, minerals and Omega 3s and 6s. Pura Veda is sweetened with the natural goodness of sun dried raisins and contains no added sugars, salts or fats. It is free from gluten, yeast, wheat, nuts, preservatives, additives, flavourings and genetic modifications. Pura Veda is a high fibre, low GI food and may be used as a delicious breakfast cereal, on salads or on its own. It is available from health food stores everywhere.

Raw protein Amazonia’s Raw protein is the world’s first prebiotic blend. It is based on years of research, this specific formula feeds good digestive bacteria which assists with absorption of nutrients. Raw protein is a complete amino acid complex and contains over 80% raw organic protein. Never before has a protein blend been so readily absorbed and easy on the digestive system. Raw protein is certified organic and comes in three delicious flavours. Best of all, it’s made here in Australia. Head on over to to find out more or visit your local health food store.

Broad Spectrum Probiotic 10 Healthy Essentials’ Broad Spectrum Probiotic 10 has 10 strains, 35 billion organisms and a prebiotic. Scientifically formulated to deliver good bacteria to all areas of the digestive tract. Formulated using freeze dried form bacteria for a more stable product that does not require refrigeration. It contains clinically-proven strains to assist with the symptomatic relief of IBS, bloating and flatulence. Broad Spectrum Probiotic 10 is recommended for restoring the levels of friendly bacteria after taking a course of antibiotics. Taken daily may help maintain a healthy digestive tract and immune system. Available exclusively from Health Food stores in 30, 60 & 90 vege-caps.100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee


Heal Your Gut with Prebiotics


hese days many people have gut problems. A poor diet, use of antibiotics and other medications, a stressful lifestyle, and our genetic makeup are the main causes. These factors result in inflammation of the digestive tract, which cause pain, gas, bloating, and constipation, as well as an abnormal mix of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut. A condition known as ‘leaky gut’ or intestinal hyperpermeability occurs when the mix of bacteria in the gut is out of balance. This results in toxins being absorbed into the body, wreaking havoc throughout the whole body. Research has demonstrated that an imbalance of gut bacteria and in the overall health of the gut can cause problems throughout the whole body, leading to both physical and mental health problems.

Consume Spices Daily to Fight Disease!


here are so many health benefits provided by spices, making them an important food to be consumed every day. It has been demonstrated that spices are able to prevent and treat over 150 diseases including, heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. The reason why they offer so many health benefits is simply because they are super-rich sources of phytonutrients (nutrients from plants). Some of the phytonutrients include their ‘volatile’ (rapidly evaporating) oils that contribute to the spices’ unique aromas. In fact, many people believe that spices (and herbs) are just as important as fruit and vegetables as a part of a healthy diet because of the unique phytonutrients they contain. The value of spices has been demonstrated over thousands of years, even as far back as 2,600BC! For many centuries spices were more highly valued than gold! Wars have been fought over them, new lands have been discovered in search of them, and enormous wealth has been created by the people who controlled them. In fact, by the 18th century, spices had become one of the commodities of world trade. Before they were money, spices were medicines. Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, coriander and black pepper are all considered to be some of the oldest spices in recorded history and each of them offers a range of health benefits.

Prebiotics Prebiotics aid the overall health of the body by: •  improving the balance of bacteria within the gut (more ‘good’ bacteria and less ‘bad’ bacteria), •  enhancing gut function by increasing the bulk, regularity and softness of the stools •  improving the absorption of certain minerals from the digestive tract including, magnesium and calcium •  helping to increase feelings of fullness by influencing certain hormones such as, leptin and ghrelin •  slowing down the absorption of glucose from a meal, which makes it easier to keep blood sugar levels stable •  enhancing the immune system. Since over 70% of the immune system is in the gut, improving gut functioning results in an enhanced immune system. Since prebiotics improve gut functioning as well as the health of the body overall, they can also reduce the risk of disease, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and pouchitis), polyps and cancer. BCN’s Gastro Forte AG contains a prebiotic, soluble fibre called Arabinogalactins, which is derived from the Western Larch tree. It is a potent prebiotic and has been shown to have enormous benefits in supporting the immune system. Gastro Forte AG mixes easily in water or juice or may be added to food. It may also be better tolerated than other dietary fibres.

Studies exploring the link between diet and health have shown that populations eating a diet rich in spices have far lower incidences of disease. This has validated what traditional medicine has been claiming for years. For example, India, a country well-known for its generous and regular use of spices, has an incidence of colon cancer three times lower than the United States. India also has very low rates of Alzheimer’s disease. Many people believe that their high intake of turmeric is a major contributing factor. Greece has a traditional diet that is rich in onions, garlic and rosemary. They also enjoy a very low rate of heart disease. People from Spain consume more saffron per capita than any country, and interestingly enough they have some of the lowest levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the world. Of course, dietary factors, activity levels, stress and environmental factors also play roles in the incidence of disease, but it appears that the consumption of spices (or lack thereof) may be a major factor. With the massive and ever-growing body of research now demonstrating the health benefits offered by spices it simply makes sense to consume them on a daily basis. Since not everyone consumes these disease-preventing spices every day, BCN has put 5 of the most beneficial spices together in an easy-to-use vege capsule called, MultiSpice. These organic spices (turmeric, ginger, clove, fennel seed and cinnamon) have been trusted throughout the ages and now you can get obtain all the health benefits they offer. fo 19

Drop 4kgs in 7 Days!


hese days it seems that most people want to lose weight and ideally lose it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this leaves them prey to the many dubious marketers of diet and weight-loss programs/ products that are available on the market. In this article we will cover the most effective ways to lose weight quickly, but most importantly do so in a healthy way without starving or having to perform gruelling workouts. Before we cover the strategies involved in helping you drop 4 kilograms in 7 days, you first need to be aware of what you’re actually losing when you want to lose weight quickly. The fact is that most of the weight you lose in a week will NOT be fat; it will be mainly water, along with some stored carbohydrate, fat and some protein from lean tissue sources. Nevertheless, since most people’s bodies tend to be retaining excess fluid due to ‘silent inflammation’ and poor dietary habits, using strategies to help get rid of the excess water quickly will certainly go a long way towards improving their overall health. In saying this, it is possible to lose some bodyfat over the 7-day period. However, since the human body has been designed to hold onto to fat as much as possible just in case we face a famine, the actual amount will not likely be much. Now let’s consider the strategies you need to employ in order to drop 4kgs in 7 days. The 3 areas you need to consider are: nutrition, exercise, and supplementation. All of the strategies you need branch from one of these areas.

Here Are the Nutrition Strategies: Only eat natural foods This means only eating foods in their natural state, i.e. they have gone through minimal processing and/ or packaging. However, it is okay to cook the food. 20

Boiling and baking are preferable and if you need to use oil or fat only use a small amount and ideally use coconut oil, grape seed oil or butter. Avoid cooking with olive oil if possible. A small amount of olive oil on salads is fine. Avoid consuming processed foods, margarine, refined grains, dairy foods, sugar, juice, and alcohol. It is also a good idea to avoid adding salt to your food during the 7-day period. Many of these foods contain artificial chemicals (i.e. colouring, flavouring, preservatives, etc.) or compounds (i.e. gluten, lactose) that cause the body to retain fluid. Eat mainly fibrous carbohydrates One of the most effective ways to rid the body of excess fluid and drop 4kgs in 7 days is to reduce the amount of carbohydrate stored in the body. The human body stores about 500 grams of carbohydrate (glycogen). There’s about 400 grams stored in the muscles and about 100 grams in the liver. When you reduce your intake of carbohydrates your body your body gradually depletes the existing carbohydrate stores. This can occur quite quickly if you’re exercising. Since every gram of carbohydrate stored in the body is stored along with approximately 3 grams of water, up to 1.5 kilograms of water can be lost when the body becomes carbohydrate-depleted. The easiest way to do this is to reduce your intake of high-density carbohydrate sources significantly. This means avoiding food like, bread, pasta, rice, and cereals during the 7 days. In saying this, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will be on a low-carbohydrate diet because you can still consume carbohydrate-containing foods such as, fruits and vegetables. It is also worthwhile having a couple of tablespoons of Pura Veda with a teaspoon of Gastro Forte AG and 200-300mls of unsweetened almond

milk for breakfast. It is particularly beneficial to consume the more fibrous, low-density carbohydrate food such as, broccoli, cauliflower, tomato, cucumber, carrot, lettuce, capsicum, onion, green beans, etc. These are all available from your local IGA Supermarket. A major benefit of reducing your carbohydrate intake is the fact that it makes it easier to access and utilise your existing bodyfat stores as fuel. The primary mechanism through which it works is by reducing insulin production in the body. Keep your meal portions small. One of the most common ways to lose weight effectively is to simply control your portion sizes. By doing so your body will expend more energy each day than the amount of energy (kilojoules) you consume from food. This will help to create the energy deficit you need to burn fat and lose weight. Drink plenty of pure, fresh, filtered water. Drinking plenty of water, at least 3 litres a day, helps keep the body hydrated and functioning well. It also helps excrete compounds from the body that have been processed by the liver. 21

Perform aerobic exercise every day Even though aerobic exercise is sometimes mistakenly called cardiovascular exercise (which relates to the heart and blood vessels) instead of cardiorespiratory exercise (which relates to the heart and lungs- both systems are involved in getting oxygen into the body and transporting it, along with other nutrients, to the working muscles, not just the heart and blood vessels), it is definitely useful in helping you burn fat and lose weight quickly.

Here Are the Exercise Strategies: Exercise every day In order to drop 4 kilograms in 7 days it is imperative that you exercise every day. The type of exercise you perform can vary from day to day, but over the 7 days you must include a combination of both resistance exercise (weight training) and aerobic exercise (cardiorespiratory exercise). Perform at least 3 resistance exercise sessions Resistance exercise tends to be an intense form of exercise and therefore helps the body deplete the carbohydrate stores effectively. It also forces the body to maintain its existing muscle mass which is important when you’re losing weight. You see, if you don’t perform some form of resistance exercise when you want to lose weight your body will lose up to half of the weight from precious muscle tissue. This will cause your metabolism to slow down, which will make further weight loss more difficult. A minimum of 3 resistance exercise sessions a week is ideal. 22

Perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT) The best form of aerobic exercise to perform for quick weight loss is highintensity interval training (HIIT). It involves interspersing periods of high-intensity exercise with periods of lower-intensity exercise. The best way to perform this type of exercise is on a stationary bike or treadmill. The reason why HIIT is so effective is simply because it results in a large amount of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This means that the body increases its oxygen intake after the completion of an exercise session in order to clear the body’s ‘oxygen deficit’. It also means that the metabolism is elevated post-exercise, resulting in greater energy expenditure. Perform an aerobic sessions before breakfast or after a resistance training session Aerobic exercise should be performed every day, even on the days you perform resistance exercise. The best times to perform aerobic exercise are before breakfast in the morning or after the completion of your resistance exercise workout. It is best to perform at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise. Don’t eat or drink anything (except water) for 30 minutes postexercise In order to maximise the amount of fat you burn from your exercise sessions it is best to avoid eating or drinking anything (except water) for 30 minutes after your exercise session. By doing so you will be able to maximise the amount of fat you burn.

Here Are the Supplementation Strategies: Take XLR8 Thermogenic XLR8 Thermogenic is a powerful metabolism-boosting, fat-burning supplement. It contains a combination of ingredients specifically designed to help boost your metabolism, increase your energy, and burn off bodyfat faster. It is best taken twice a day; once in the morning and once early in the afternoon. Ideally, take it before any exercise sessions and no later than around 4:00pm in the afternoon because it may keep you awake at night. XLR8 Thermogenic is different from other fat burners on the market because it is not loaded with caffeine, contains therapeutic amounts of ingredients rather than token dosages, and because it contains the herb rhodiola rosea to help nourish and support the adrenal glands, which is absolutely essential when taking thermogenics. Use ProBlend Dairy Free ProBlend Dairy Free is a pea and rice protein powder that is high in protein, low in fat, and low in carbohydrates. It is an ideal option for your mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack/ meal. Add 1-2 scoops to 300-500mls of cold filtered water for a quick, easy, convenient, and cheap snack option. Take a multivitamin/ mineral supplement and a probiotic every day Amazonia’s Raw multi is the most comprehensive live formula on the market and is great to use all the time, especially when you’re dieting. It will provide your body with all the micronutrients it needs to function at optimum levels. A high-quality probiotic is also essential for optimum health. Healthy Essentials’ Probiotic 10 has 10 strains, 35 billion organisms to deliver good bacteria to all areas of the digestive tract. Overall, the strategies mentioned here are easy to incorporate into anyone’s lifestyle. All they require is a commitment to use them consistently and by doing so the results will follow. Go for it! fo

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