Focus On Magazine, Edition 2, 2012

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Edition 2, 2012

Spice Up Your

HEALTH! PLUS: • Dangers of a Leaky Gut • Inflammation and Your Thyroid

The Power of Protein

Top 7 Natural



Your Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, All-Natural Protein Source

The importance of protein in your diet cannot be under-estimated. It is required for building cells, repairing tissues and forming antibodies to combat bacteria and viruses. It is also part of the enzyme and hormonal systems, builds genetic codes, carries oxygen and is involved in muscle activity. Since it is so vitally important we must ensure we have an adequate amount of it each day. However, rather than simply eating more animal products, many people are looking for vegetable-based protein sources in order to increase their protein intake. BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is a great-tasting pea and rice protein blend that contains all of the essential amino acids required by your body. It is a quick, easy, convenient and cheap way to increase your protein intake!

BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is: ✔ A high-quality vegetablebased protein ✔ Dairy & soy-free ✔ Low in fat & carbohydrate

✔ Low allergenic ✔ Vegan-friendly ✔ sweeteners

Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional

Body Concepts Nutritionals

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904

Top 7 natural

Anti-Ageing TIPS!


geing is a complex biological phenomenon and the factors governing the process of ageing and longevity are only just beginning to be understood. Many hypotheses of ageing have been proposed and tested, but no single hypothesis fully explains the complex intricacies of biological ageing. A popular model is the “telomere length hypothesis” of ageing. Telomeres are sections of DNA at the end of chromosomes inside the nuclei of our cells. They have been compared to the plastic tips on shoelaces and help protect our genetic data. There appears to be a link between ageing (and increased disease risk) and shortened/ dysfunctional telomeres. Longer telomeres are correlated with increased longevity (lifespan) and a reduced risk of disease. Therefore, finding ways to preserve or even lengthen telomeres means that it may be possible to prevent, delay or even minimise the effects of ageing. In this article we will examine the top 7 anti-ageing tips that can help preserve telomere length and therefore slow down the ageing process in your body.

your diet 1 Improve Nutrition is probably the most

important factor when it comes to slowing down the ageing process. Since your body is made up of the food you eat it simply makes sense that you become consciously aware of the food you’re putting into your body. Here are some simple ways to improve your nutritional habits: •  E at more natural, raw foods like, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts, herbs and spices. These foods and more specifically, berries and other ‘superfoods’, are worthwhile consuming every day because of their high

•  •

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antioxidant content. They can be easily obtained from your local IGA Supermarket. Increase your fibre intake either through foods or supplements. Fibre provides a whole range of health benefits. Consume low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods. Calorie restriction and low insulin levels are both correlated with an increased lifespan. Minimise your intake of refined carbohydrates. These tend to be concentrated, high-density sources of carbohydrates and calories. They include: sweets, bread, pasta, baked goods, fruit juices and soft drinks. Increase your intake of foods containing good fats, i.e. nuts, seeds, avocadoes, and cold water fish like, salmon, trout, etc. Decrease your intake of saturated fats, hydrogenated oils (cooking oil and margarines), and trans-fatty acids (crisps, potato chips, deep fried foods). Ensure a balanced protein intake by eating a variety of different protein sources. Here are some examples of good protein sources: lean red meat, chicken, fish, dairy foods, legumes, nuts, seeds and protein powder. Intermittent short periods of fasting and body detoxification (dietary and otherwise) may support telomere structure and function so consider having a fasting (or at least a semifasting) day at least once a month and conducting a body detoxification once or twice a year. Drink plenty of filtered water every day.

in regular 2 Engage exercise

The human body has been designed to exercise. It improves blood flow, builds muscle, oxygenates your body cells, improves hormone production, boosts energy, reduces anxiety, strengthens bones, decreases disease risk, and boosts your metabolic rate. Most importantly, it has been shown to preserve telomere length. It is important to keep in mind though exercise is very different to activity. Activity is low-intensity body movements like, walking, gardening, performing housework, etc. Whilst activity may help to burn up a few extra calories, it won’t provide you with all the benefits that exercise does. Exercise is moderate to high-intensity body movements that results in your heart rate and breathing rate increasing


dramatically. Also, your face goes red and you start to sweat. Examples of exercise include: brisk walking (you should have difficulty talking), jogging or running, swimming, cycling, performing exercise on a machine, i.e. stepper or cross trainer, and participating in an aerobics class. Exercise should be performed every day for around 20-30 minutes.

inflammation 3 Reduce in your body

Inflammation in your body results from a variety of nutritional and lifestyle factors. It causes your body cells to release cytokines into the surrounding tissues. Excessive production of these inflammatory cytokines increases free radical production, which may damage the cells in various organs including the brain, heart, and lungs. Free radicals also increase the rate of telomere shortening, which accelerates the ageing process. Here are some ways to reduce inflammation in your body: •  •  •  •

nsure you have a balanced, healthy diet. E Reduce stress levels. Maintain a healthy body weight. Avoid pro-inflammatory foods, e.g. processed foods, sugars, high allergen foods (e.g. gluten, dairy and soy). •  Increase your intake of antiinflammatory foods, especially berries, herbs, spices and other superfoods. •  Take anti-inflammatory supplements such as Relieve Turmeric Forte, SuperFood Blend, and fish oils. •  Ensure good gut health by eating healthy foods, increasing your fibre intake, consuming gut-healing herbs (e.g., those contained in BCN’s DigestEZE) and by taking pre- and probiotics e.g., GastroForte AG.

your stress 4 Reduce levels

Excessive stress can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body. While some cortisol is necessary for normal body functioning, excess levels can lead to increased free radical production and excess inflammation. This will damage cells and increase the rate of telomere shortening. Here’s some tips to reduce stress: •  Ensure good sleep patterns. •  Learn relaxation techniques and practice


slow breathing exercises. Increase your physical activity. Engage in pleasurable activities. Avoid ‘energy–draining’ people. Take stress-reducing supplements, i.e. BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced. •  Seek psychological counselling, if necessary. •  •  •  •

your 5 Improve sleeping habits

It appears that there is a direct correlation between the quality of your sleep and longevity. Research has shown that people suffering from sleep apnoea, are sleepdeprived or who have inconsistent sleeping patterns, like shift workers, tend to have higher levels of stress hormones as well as suppressed immune function. Both are strongly correlated with shorter telomeres and a reduced lifespan. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer from this information that people who sleep well are able to maintain or possibly increase their telomere length, which will help to slow down ageing. Here are some ways to improve your sleeping habits: •  Avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed. •  Avoid any stimulating drinks, i.e. coffee, less than 5 hours before bed. •  Avoid watching TV immediately before bed (it may have a stimulatory effect). •  Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. •  Keep all electronic equipment, including phones and clock radios, at least several metres away from your body. •  If you use an electric blanket during winter, turn it off at the wall before going to bed. •  Try to go to bed at the same time each night, ideally a few hours before midnight. •  Ensure a comfortable temperature when you’re sleeping. Being too hot or too cold will have a negative effect on the quality of your sleep. •  Perhaps consider using natural sleep-enhancing supplements like, L-Theanine, Melatonin or various natural sleep formulations.

supplements 6 Use Supplementation has become an

essential part of modern society. Despite what conventional dieticians and

nutritionists say, you cannot get all the nutrients your body needs just from food. The fact is much of our food is grown in minerally-deficient soils. Furthermore, many foods are picked before they are ripe so they can have a longer shelf life. This results in the food being deficient in certain nutrients. Also, if the food is packaged or processed in any way nutrients are depleted further. Finally, if a food has been sitting on a shelf for days or weeks at a time, its nutrient content becomes depleted. For these reasons supplementation becomes essential. Dr. Jonny Bowden, a famous and popular nutritionist in the US, takes over 50 supplements every day! Whilst this is not practical or affordable for most people, when an expert in nutrition is such a strong advocate of supplementation, it certainly indicates that supplementation is beneficial. Research has shown that supplements like, antioxidants and fish oils, can directly preserve telomere length. Other supplements that reduce stress, provide nutrients that may be lacking in your diet, optimise gut function and reduce inflammation may also be beneficial in slowing down ageing.

7 Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Your lifestyle habits play an extremely important role in your rate of ageing. By taking all the steps you possibly can to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will be maximising your chances of living a long, healthy, enjoyable and disease-free life. Some of these lifestyle habits have already been mentioned but here are some additional strategies that you may find beneficial: •  Reduce/ eliminate unnecessary prescription and over-the-counter medications. These can increase free radicals in your body, decrease absorption and utilisation of essential nutrients and increase the rate of ageing. Generally, the more medications someone is taking, the older they look. •  Minimise your exposure to environmental toxins, including excess sun exposure. •  Reduce alcohol and other drug exposure, including nicotine and illicit drugs. •  Consider using alkalising supplements or foods like, spirulina, wheat grass, chlorella, etc. fo

Concentrated Blend of Powerful Superfoods!

BCN’s all new SuperFood Blend is a superior combination of 19 ‘Superfoods’! It contains a range of berry and fruit extracts carefully selected to provide your body with a wide range of antioxidants and ‘phytonutrients’ (nutrients from plants). This great-tasting blend of Superfoods mixes easily in water, juice or milk and can be used every day to improve your health and well-being.

Am az i n g flavour! M o n eybac g u a ra n t k ee!

BCN’s SuperFood Blend is: ✔ A concentrated blend of 19 ‘Superfoods’ ✔ Designed to improve your health and well-being ✔ Tastes great

✔ Provides your body with a wide range of antioxidants and ‘phytonutrients’ ✔ Mixes easily

Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional

Body Concepts Nutritionals

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904 5

Health Facts! Turmeric extract more effective than drugs for arthritis suffers! A recent study published in the journal, Phytotherapy Research, has found that one of the active ingredients in turmeric, curcumin, possesses potent antiinflammatory and anti-arthritic properties that are superior to an anti-inflammatory drug and don’t have any side effects!

Ginger may be beneficial for diabetics   Researchers from the College of Medicine at the University of Lagos published a study in November 2011 which demonstrated that ginger helps to lower blood sugar, enhances insulin sensitivity and has high antioxidant activity in male rats. Even though the study was done using rats it is possible that similar effects will occur in humans when ginger is consumed regularly. This means it may be beneficial for people suffering from type 2 diabetes in helping to improve their condition.

Garlic reduces heart disease risk Researchers at the Loma Linda University in California have determined that several garlic compounds can suppress the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a strong indicator of cardiovascular disease risk. Oxidation of LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol appears to be a major contributor to an increased risk of heart disease rather than just LDL cholesterol on its own. 6

Rhodiola reduces stress after 3 days! Researchers from the UK and Germany have found that treating subjects with Rhodiola rosea is effective at reducing life-stress symptoms in as little as 3 days and were able to do so to a clinically significant degree! Furthermore, there were no adverse side effects reported. This is great news for people experiencing high levels of stress in their life and who don’t want to use medication.

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics! The results of a meta-analysis (combined results of several studies) published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in September 2011 have shown that whole cinnamon or a cinnamon extract is beneficial in lowering fasting blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. By keeping blood sugar levels stable through the daily use of cinnamon, in combination with other lifestyle factors, the symptoms associated with diabetes may be reduced significantly.

Berry fruits have a positive impact on human health A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry has stated that there is an overwhelming body of research establishing the benefits provided by the daily consumption of berry fruits. It states that these ‘superfoods’ improve human health, boost performance and prevent disease. This means that consumption of berries either fresh or in supplemental form is absolutely essential.  fo


Spice Up Your Health!


pices have been used throughout the world for centuries as flavour-enhancers for food, as a form of trade and as a traditional way to improve health and inhibit disease. In more recent times, scientific research has validated many of the health benefits offered by spices that traditional medicine has been claiming for years. It is interesting to note that in countries where spices are used on a daily basis in virtually all meals, the incidence of various diseases tends to be significantly lower than in countries where spices aren’t consumed as regularly. Of course, dietary factors, activity levels, stress and environmental factors also play roles, but it appears that the consumption of spices (or lack thereof) may be a major factor. With the massive and ever-growing body of research now demonstrating the health benefits offered by spices it simply makes sense that they are consumed on a daily basis if you have an interest in improving your health and reducing your risk of disease. Here are some of the most popular, health-promoting spices available:


Turmeric is a plant belonging to the ginger family and is native to southern Asia. It is probably one of the most well-researched spices with well over 3,500 published research studies. Curcumin, one of the active ingredients in turmeric, has been shown to offer a wide range of health benefits including: exhibiting antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-malarial, analgesic, insect-repelling, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer activities. It also has potential to offer benefits against malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic illnesses. Turmeric is often used as a spice in curries and may be added to stir-fries, rice dishes, seafood, and vegetables.


Ginger has been used throughout the world for thousands of years to help reduce the feeling of nausea resulting from a range of causes including: motion sickness, morning sickness, brain injury, Addison’s disease, medication, and food poisoning. 8

Not only does ginger offer powerful anti-nausea effects but research has also shown that it acts as an antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory effects, is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and has anti-disease effects. Studies have shown that ginger reduces the pain experienced by people suffering from osteoarthritis. There is also a solid body of research with cells and animals demonstrating that ginger is anti-cancer. Furthermore, when ginger is combined with feverfew it has been shown to reduce the severity of migraines. It has been also shown to offer clinical improvements in asthma symptoms. Since ginger has been shown to significantly reduce gastric emptying, it may also be beneficial for people who suffer from heartburn and stomach aches. For people suffering from high cholesterol levels and who may be at risk of heart disease, ginger may be just what they need! Research indicates that by taking 1 gram of ginger daily, LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol decreases and HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) increases. It also provides blood-thinning effects, which contributes to a reduced heart disease risk. Ginger may be including in sauces and dips, rubbed into meat to add flavour and tenderise it, grated over noodles, and added to desserts.


It may seem ironic that a spicy-sweet herb can help to stabilise blood sugar, but such is the main characteristic of cinnamon. The incidence of type 2 diabetes continues to increase throughout the world. This of course, may lead to a range of major health problems including: heart disease, stroke, peripheral neuropathy (damage to nerves in fingers and toes that may require amputation), blindness, kidney damage and many more. A study in the US found that taking 1 gram of cinnamon a day significantly reduced the level of glycosylated haemoglobin (red blood cells frosted by blood sugar). This is the most accurate measurement of long-term blood sugar control. Another study found that cinnamon decreased fasting blood sugar levels, LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Furthermore, Swedish researchers found that cinnamon lowered spikes in blood sugar that generally occur after a meal. This is believed to occur because it improves the insulin sensitivity of cell membranes. Cinnamon has a range of other health benefits as well. Most notably of which, is its powerful bacteria and fungi-fighting ability. It has been shown to stop the growth of strains of Candida albicans (the fungus that causes vaginal yeast infections) as well as Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers). There are several other promising areas of research on cinnamon including: cancer, whereby it has been shown to slow angiogenesis (the growth of cancer blood vessels), protection of brain cells, and improvement of wound healing. There are a countless number of ways to include cinnamon in your daily diet. Some of which are: adding it to hot chocolate, coffee or tea, sprinkling it on fruit, mixing it with ground beef, adding it to spiced wine, and including it in a stew or soup .


Cloves have always been a popular spice, particularly when used for enhancing the flavour of dishes. They can be studded to onions which are then added to stews, included in a pot roast, used as an ingredient in Christmas pudding and apple tart, and are a key ingredient in mulled wine. They also offer a variety of health benefits, particularly when it comes to pain relief. In fact, a team of researchers found that ‘oil of clove’ is just as powerful as benzocaine when it comes to numbing oral tissue before a dentist does their work. The active ingredient in cloves, eugenol, has been shown to be more effective than antibiotics in stopping the growth of Helicobacter Pylori (the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers). Plus, the patients didn’t experience any side effects and the bacteria didn’t develop a resistance to it, which is often what happens with antibiotics. Cloves also demonstrate anti-viral effects with researchers showing that it stops the replication of the virus that causes cold sores (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV-2). It has also been shown to

inhibit the hepatitis C virus. Eugenol (the active ingredient in cloves) acts as a blood-thinning agent, which is more powerful than aspirin. It has also been shown to stop cancer cells from multiplying.


Fennels seeds come from the flowers of the fennel plant and carry the scent of liquorice. They are often used in Italian sausages and pepperoni pizza and may be added to a variety of foods to enhance their flavour. There is a significant amount of research that has been conducted on fennel seed and it certainly does offer some very useful benefits. In fact, several studies have shown that fennel seeds are more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs when it comes to relieving the pain associated with menstrual cramps. Another group of studies have shown that fennel seeds can eliminate colic in the majority of treated babies and may therefore, reduce their crying time significantly. This means it offers welcome relief not only to babies but also to mothers everywhere! Since fennel seeds act as powerful anti-inflammatories and antioxidants, it may help reduce the risk of a whole range of diseases including: Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer, arthritis, heart disease, stroke, inflammatory bowel disease and glaucoma. The amazing number of health benefits offered by these spices means they should be consumed every day. However, if you find it difficult to include them in your diet on a regular basis, it may be easier to consume them in supplemental form. All of the spices mentioned in this article are found in BCN’s MultiSpice. Turmeric may also be found in BCN’s Relieve Turmeric Forte, and DigestEZE. All of these supplements are available from health food stores and pharmacies everywhere.  fo


Inflammation and Your Thyroid


he thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that lies in the neck at about the level of the Adam’s apple and weighs around 30 grams. It is responsible for producing the thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which control the metabolism (energy production) of all body cells. T4 is the ‘inactive’ thyroid hormone whilst T3 is the ‘active’ form. Most of the T4 is converted into T3 in the liver with a small portion being converted into reverse T3 (rT3), which has the effect of blocking the T3 receptors on cells. The production of thyroid hormones as well as the conversion into the active form is an extremely delicate process that requires essential nutrients to be present in addition to an ideal internal environment. If the nutrients aren’t supplied in your diet or the internal environment in your body is upset, then the production of thyroid hormones is adversely affected, which can then cause a range of problems throughout your whole body! In this article we will cover the impact inflammation has on the production of thyroid hormones in your 10

body, what causes inflammation in the first place and how you can minimise the inflammatory response. Inflammation at various locations throughout the body may have a negative impact on thyroid function. Since the healthy production of thyroid hormones is a multi-step process requiring a range of nutrients, it is easy to see how inflammation may have an impact at one or several stages throughout the process. For example, inflammation in the gut causes malabsorption of essential nutrients that are required for optimal thyroid function, and in the case of inflammation caused by intestinal dysbiosis (imbalance between the good and bad gut bacteria), the conversion of T4 into T3 may be impaired.

Here are the major causes of inflammatory responses in the body that may affect thyroid function: • Autoimmune response • ‘Leaky gut’ (intestinal hyperpermeability) • Food sensitivity/ intolerance • Liver dysfunction • Gut problems (candida, parasitic or viral infection, bacterial imbalance) • High stress

Autoimmune response

The number one cause of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This inflammatory condition results in the thyroid cells being attacked by the body’s own immune system causing destruction of the thyroid gland. It also causes chronic inflammation, which further exacerbates the thyroid problem. There are many possible causes of the initial autoimmune response including: intestinal hyperpermeability, food sensitivity (i.e. lactose or gluten intolerance), candida or other yeasts, food allergens, high stress, infections, drugs, antibiotics, poor digestion, and environmental toxins.

If the nutrients aren’t supplied in your diet or your internal environment is upset, then the production of thyroid hormones is adversely affected.” ‘Leaky gut’ (intestinal hyperpermeability)

In addition to these examples, inflammation caused by an autoimmune response may result in the body’s immune system attacking the thyroid gland. Furthermore, liver dysfunction (which often results in it being inflamed) results in impaired conversion of T4 into T3.

‘Leaky gut’ is a condition characterised by gaps opening up in the intestinal wall allowing undigested food particles and toxins to enter the bloodstream uninhibited. It is generally caused by food allergens like, dairy, gluten, soy, tomato, peanuts, corn and eggs. Continued on Page 12

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This causes an inflammatory response in the body and puts additional stress of the body’s immune system, which may result in an autoimmune response. It also causes adrenal stress, chronic fatigue and thyroid hormone imbalance.

Food sensitivity/ intolerance

A food sensitivity is where the body is unable to completely digest a certain food or food ingredient. It most often results in an allergic reaction and symptoms of ‘silent inflammation’ result. It may also cause a ‘leaky gut’.

Liver dysfunction

When the liver is inflamed, which may result from an overload of toxins and hormones, poor nutritional habits or excessive alcohol intake, its ability to convert T4 into T3 becomes impaired, resulting in hypothyroid symptoms.

Gut problems (candida, parasitic or viral infection, bacterial imbalance)

Most gut problems result in an inflammatory response that causes malabsorption of nutrients (which may be required for optimal thyroid function). Gut problems may even lead to intestinal hyperpermeability (‘leaky gut’).

High stress

Cortisol is the main stress hormone in the body. It increases inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and prevents the cells that line the tract from regenerating which increases the risk of ulcers. This leads to increased gut problems resulting from parasites, yeasts, mould, fungi, viruses, and bacteria, which then causes more inflammation. High cortisol may also lead to ‘leaky gut’, again resulting in greater inflammation in the body. Here are the most effective ways to reduce the causes of inflammation in your body and therefore improve the functioning of your thyroid gland: Remove parasitic or viral infections Antibiotics or natural alternatives like, wormwood, black walnut, barberry, garlic, and peppermint may be necessary. Garlic is the main ingredient in BCN’s 12

HemoGard and peppermint is one of the ingredients in BCN’s DigestEZE.

Rhodiola rosea, which is contained in BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced.

Repair your gut L-glutamine, aloe vera, and slippery elm all help to repair the gut lining and therefore avoid having a ‘leaky gut’. These ingredients are contained in BCN’s DigestEZE.

Improve your nutritional habits Eating more natural foods like, fruits, vegetables, seeds, good oils and lean meats are a great way to reduce the inflammation in your body. These foods can be readily obtained from your local IGA Supermarket.

Optimise gut flora This may be achieved by using both probiotics, good bacteria, as well as prebiotics, which are a soluble fibre source. Many prebiotics are contained in BCN’s DigestEZE and Gastro Forte AG. Avoid food allergens Limit your intake of dairy foods, gluten-containing foods, soy products, eggs, peanuts, tomatoes, and corn. Reduce stress Employ relaxation strategies like, meditation or breathing techniques, or perhaps use an adaptogenic herb like,

Supplement your diet There are various nutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore reduce the inflammation in your gut and body, resulting in improved thyroid function. Turmeric is one example of a powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient and is found in BCN’s Relieve Turmeric Forte, DigestEZE, and MultiSpice. Also, it may be worthwhile providing your body with all the nutrients it needs to support optimum thyroid functioning.

These are all contained in BCN’s Thyron, which is safe to use even if you’re currently taking thyroid medication.  fo 13

‘Did You Know That Over 70% of Your Immune System is in Your Gut?’

… and considering your gut comes into contact with more foreign organisms than any other organ in your body, it makes sense! Therefore, it is important that you do everything possible to support optimal gut health. BCN’s Gastro Forte AG contains a prebiotic, soluble fibre called Arabinogalactins, which is derived from the Western Larch tree.

4 4 4 4

Is a potent prebiotic A great source of soluble fibre called Arabinogalactins Mixes easily in water or juice or may be added to food Is better tolerated than many other dietary fibres

Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.


Body Concepts Nutritionals

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904

The Power Of


he importance of protein in your diet cannot be over-emphasised. It is required for building cells, repairing tissues and forming antibodies to combat bacteria and viruses. It is also part of the enzyme and hormonal systems, builds genetic codes, carries oxygen and is involved in muscle activity. Research also indicates that protein may assist fat burning in your body via a number of mechanisms. It increases the thermic effect of food, which means the body has to expend more energy in order to digest and assimilate it. Protein also increases the sensation of fullness (satiety) following a meal. Furthermore, since protein supports the maintenance of our lean tissues (organs, muscles, etc.), it helps to keep our metabolism elevated as well. Since protein is so vitally important we must ensure we have an adequate amount of it each day and ideally, in all of our meals and snacks. Protein may be obtained in the diet from a number of different sources. Animal products are the best source of protein because they supply all of the essential amino acids. These are known as ‘complete’ proteins. Examples of ‘complete’ protein sources include foods such as, red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Combinations of ‘incomplete’ proteins from plants can provide all the essential amino acids as well. Since many people find it difficult to eat small, regular whole-food meals and snacks throughout the day, shakes become a good option for their mid-morning and midafternoon snacks. [Shakes aren’t recommended for replacing main meals.] The vast majority of shakes on the market contain whey protein, which comes from milk. Whilst whey protein is definitely beneficial due to its high proportion of branchedchain amino acids (BCAAs), leucine, isoleucine and valine, it may cause some health problems in susceptible people simply because it is a dairy derivative. Here are some of the problems caused by using whey protein powders/ shakes: • • • •

Digestive problems (bloating, cramps, gas, tiredness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, irritability, etc.) Allergic responses Various health problems associated with artificial sweeteners Silent inflammation

Digestive problems (bloating, cramps, gas, tiredness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, irritability, etc.) Many whey protein powders on the market contain whey protein concentrate (WPC). WPC tends to have various levels of lactose in it (depending on the manufacturing 15

process used) and this may cause digestive problems for people who are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is a fairly common condition with most people suffering from it to some extent. It is characterised by an inability of the body to produce sufficient lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose into its individual sugars, glucose and galactose. The digestive problems associated with lactose intolerance may be overcome simply by using a more refined whey protein source like a whey protein isolate (WPI) or hydrolysed whey protein powder. Alternatively, lactose intolerance may be avoided by using another protein source like a pea and/ or rice protein powder. Another possible cause of digestive problems in some people when they consume protein powders is artificial sweeteners. These include: aspartame, neotame, sucralose, saccharin, and acesulfame potassium. Most of the protein powders on the market contain one or more artificial sweeteners. By selecting protein powders that don’t contain artificial sweeteners this potential cause of digestive problems can also be avoided. Allergic responses A food allergy, also known as food hypersensitivity, is an abnormal response to a food triggered by the immune system. Symptoms can occur within minutes after consuming the problematic food (this is known as an anaphylactic reaction). Symptoms may include: tingling sensation in the mouth, swelling of the tongue and/ or throat, difficulty breathing, hives, vomiting, acne, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, drop in blood pressure and a loss of consciousness. However, more commonly, an allergic reaction to a food occurs hours or even days after consumption and tends to result in symptoms of ‘silent inflammation’, which is discussed later in this article. Food allergies may result from a ‘leaky gut’, also known intestinal hyperpermeability. This is where a food intolerance or a parasitic infection results in damage to the intestinal wall, which leads to food particles entering the blood stream without being properly digested first. These food particles are then targeted (as antigens) by the immune system. The most common food allergens include: nuts, dairy foods (including whey),


wheat products, soy products, shellfish, corn, and eggs. The easiest way to avoid an allergic response resulting from a whey protein powder is to use an alternative protein powder source like, a pea and/ or rice protein powder.

Lactose intolerance may be avoided by using another protein source like a pea and/ or rice protein powder...” Health problems associated with artificial sweeteners Even though human studies about the health problems associated with artificial sweeteners are inconclusive at this stage, animal studies and anecdotal evidence suggests that there are numerous problems associated with the consumption of artificial sweeteners. Here are some of the potential health problems associated with the consumption of artificial sweeteners:

•  Increased cancer risk •  Negative effects on the kidneys, liver and other organs •  Headaches •  Gastrointestinal problems •  Developmental problems in children •  Increased appetite (which may lead to weight gain) •  Insulin secretion (which may result in fat storage)

Therefore, it makes sense to use protein powders that don’t contain artificial sweeteners at all (and then perhaps add some raw honey or organic maple syrup to the protein shake when it is being prepared). Alternatively, use a protein powder that contains stevia (a natural sweetener) as the sweetener. Silent inflammation Silent inflammation is a ‘low-grade’ inflammatory response in the body that doesn’t necessarily cause pain but still causes similar inflammatory effects such as, redness, heat, and swelling. It is also associated with a high degree of oxidation in the body and may lead to a range of diseases including: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, depression, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Some of the symptoms of silent inflammation include: lethargy, bloating, body aches, headaches, nausea, joint stiffness, weakness, mood problems, persistent coughing, general soreness, and skin conditions. Dietary factors are the major cause of silent inflammation and in particular, dairy foods and products containing gluten (mainly wheat products) are the most common causes. Since whey comes from dairy it may cause some degree of silent inflammation in the body and therefore should be avoided if people experience the symptoms of silent inflammation. Why a combination of vegetable protein sources is essential The main reason why using a combination of vegetable protein sources is better than using an individual source is because most vegetable protein sources are deficient in one or more of the essential amino acids. For example, rice protein (a commonly used vegetable-based protein powder) is low in lysine, one of the essential amino acids. Furthermore, it has a gritty, chalky texture making it unpalatable for many people. Pea protein, on the other hand, is a pleasant-tasting protein source but is low in the amino acids, methionine and cysteine. Therefore, a combination of pea and rice protein ensures a far more balanced amino acid profile, with pea providing high levels of lysine (which is low in rice protein) and rice protein providing high levels of methionine and cysteine (which is low in pea protein). Overall, an adequate protein intake is essential for good health and overall body functioning. Furthermore, protein shakes offer a quick, easy and convenient way to consume additional protein in the diet. However, some people experience health problems associated with whey protein (the most common source of supplemental protein available today). Therefore, an alternative must be used. BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is a high-quality, great-tasting, vegetable-based protein powder containing a combination of pea and rice protein. It is a great alternative to whey. Also, it is dairy-free, soy free, low in fat, low in carbohydrate, low allergenic, vegan- friendly, and does not contain any artificial sweeteners. It is available from health food stores and pharmacies everywhere.  fo

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Product Reviews MultiSpice

Spices offer an amazing array of health benefits, making them an essential part of your daily diet. However, not everyone can consume a range of spices every day, which means they aren’t able to receive the disease-fighting and healthpromoting benefits they offer. BCN’s MultiSpice however, provides 5 organic spices in an easy-to-use vege capsule, which means that taking a range of health-boosting spices every day is now easier than ever!

BCN’s Gastro Forte AG contains a prebiotic, soluble fibre called Arabinogalactins, which is derived from the Western Larch tree. It is a potent prebiotic and has been shown to have enormous benefits in supporting the immune system. BCN’s Gastro Forte AG mixes easily in water or juice or may be added to food. It may also be better tolerated than other dietary fibres.



Garlic has an amazing array of health benefits but its pungent odour and taste make it difficult to consume on a daily basis. Furthermore, many garlic supplements on the market have very low levels of the active ingredients. HemoGard on the other hand contains LiporolTM, a highly active liquid concentrate of fresh garlic bulb extract that has been proven to provide all the health benefits of garlic.

New Formula

Gastro Forte AG

SuperFood Blend

Our bodies are constantly being bombarded by free radicals every day. The foods we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe all contain free radicals or at least contain chemicals that generate free radicals in our bodies. Antioxidants are free radical scavengers that go around the body and ‘mop up’ free radicals, preventing them from damaging body cells. BCN’s SuperFood Blend contains a concentrated blend of 19 powerful ‘Superfoods’ all carefully selected to provide your body with a wide range of antioxidants and phytonutrients (nutrients from plants).

Turmeric has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years to help overcome a range of health issues. However, studies show that standard forms of turmeric are poorly absorbed by the body and are often excreted before they can be used. BCN’s Relieve Turmeric Forte contains a scientifically-proven bioavailable (absorbable) and fast-acting form of turmeric (Cumerone 1200 Betasorb) to help overcome pain and inflammation.

Elaine Hollingsworth’s ONE ANSWER TO CANCER

This is a story about two cancer options. One makes cancers worse, and can even kill. Yet it is legal. The other has been curing cancer for 2000 years, yet it is illegal, denounced by BIG PHARMA, BIG GOVERNMENT and BIG MEDICINE. Why? So they can hang on to their obscene profits. The information in this DVD could save your life. It could save the lives of countless others as well. To Order Your Copy Today: From Australia $10 (Plus postage: Within Australia $3, International $5)

ProBlend Dairy-Free Protein is an essential part of everyone’s diet because it serves so many functions in our body. Some of the best protein sources are animal products because they supply all of the essential amino acids. However, more people are looking for vegetable-based protein sources instead of animal products in order to ensure they consume an adequate amount of protein every day. BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is a high-quality, great-tasting vegetable-based protein powder containing a combination of pea and rice protein. It is a quick, easy and convenient way to get the extra protein your body needs every day without the problems associated with consuming dairy products or artificial sweeteners.

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Weight LOSS

Facts! Protein enhances weight loss In 2008 the CSIRO reviewed the research relating to protein and weight loss and found that high protein meals are more satiating (appetite-satisfying) compared to high-carbohydrate or highfat meals. They also noted improved body composition (more muscle, less fat) and greater lean mass retention with a higher protein intake. This means that weightloss efforts may be improved by slightly increasing the protein portion of your meals and slightly reducing the fat and carbohydrate component. Synephrine significantly increases metabolism Researchers at Creighton University have found that synphrine, either alone or with other bioflavonoids, can significantly increase metabolic rate above a placebo. Synephrine is an alkaloid which comes from Citrus aurantium (Bitter orange) and is often used in weight-loss supplements. However, since it is an expensive ingredient few companies provide it in therapeutic amounts in their products. If they have it at all, most companies only list Citrus aurantium on their ingredients panel, not the level of active ingredient, synephrine (also known as oxedrine in Australia). XLR8 Thermogenic, on the other hand, contains the maximum amount of synephrine per capsule permitted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia. 20

Prebiotics (fibre) improve health and weight-loss efforts The Life Sciences Research Organisation has published a study that explains the health and weight-loss benefits of using prebiotics (fibre), which is the food for the gut bacteria. They state that prebiotics reduce the risk of obesity by promoting satiety and weight loss. Prebiotics also reduce the risk and severity of gastrointestinal infection and inflammation, including diarrhoea, inflammatory bowel disease, and ulcerative colitis as well as bowel function disorders including, irritable bowel syndrome. Prebiotics are found in BCN’s Gastro Forte AG and DigestEZE.

Eating breakfast maintains weightloss success A study published in Obesity Research found that eating breakfast is a characteristic common to successful weight loss maintainers and may be a factor in their success. It is hypothesised that eating breakfast may have a positive impact on metabolism and may also be implicated in better control of daily calorie intake, making it easier to keep the weight off.

Black pepper (piperine) inhibits fat cell generation A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry earlier this year found that piperine strongly inhibited adipocyte (fat cell) development. Black pepper extracts are often included in thermogenic supplements, like XLR8 Thermogenic, to improve absorption of the other ingredients as well as improve users’ weight-loss efforts. Turmeric may treat obesity and obesity-related diseases Turmeric is a well-known herbal anti-inflammatory agent. Researchers from the National University in Korea have found that curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) interacts with several specific inflammatory proteins associated with obesity. They concluded that these findings may offer an additional strategy for the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity-related diseases.  fo

Dangers of a Leaky Gut


eaky gut syndrome (technically known as intestinal hyperpermeability) is a condition characterised by gaps opening up in the intestinal wall that allow far too many substances into the bloodstream. Normally, the intestinal walls forms a semipermeable barrier, only allowing properly digested nutrients into the bloodstream, while preventing the uptake of toxins and undigested food particles.

Conditions and diseases associated with Leaky Gut Syndrome • • • • •

Rheumatoid arthritis Coeliac disease Systemic lupus Crohn’s disease Irritable bowel syndrome

• • • • • • •

Mental problems such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia Autism and other learning disorders Asthma and other respiratory diseases Insomnia and sleep problems Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia Skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis Thyroid disorders

Symptoms of leaky gut include: 99 99 99 99 99

Abdominal pain (chronic) Bloating Excessive flatulence Gluten intolerance Migraines

99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

Muscle cramps Multiple chemical sensitivities Muscle pain Mood swings Poor immunity Poor memory Recurrent bladder infections Recurrent skin rashes Food allergies Constipation and/or diarrhoea Brain fog Chronic fatigue

It is obvious that the list of symptoms is far ranging and people suffering from a leaky gut can go to multiple doctors for advice. If you suspect you may be suffering from a leaky gut, try the following recommendations:

7 Tips to Treat Leaky Gut Syndrome 1. Eliminate potentially allergenic foods. Common foods include gluten-containing foods, dairy, soy, nuts, seafoods, and eggs. It can be helpful to trial an elimination diet which eliminates many of these foods. 2. Reduce stress levels – increased stress can damage the gut lining and lead to a leaky gut. 3. Take gut-healing herbs – these include, aloe vera, glutamine, slippery elm, zinc, curcumin, and peppermint. Many of these are contained in BCN’s DigestEZE 4. Increase levels of good bacteria in the gut (probiotics). This can be achieved by increasing the ‘food’ for gut bacteria (known as prebiotics) or directly taking probiotic supplements. A high-quality pre-biotic fibre with immune-enhancing effects is Arabinogalactans which are contained in BCN’s GastroForte AG. 5. Take antioxidants and anti-inflammatory herbs and spices. A leaky gut leads to increased inflammation and free radical production. To combat these effects take


herbs and spices such as turmeric (curcumin), fennel, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger. They will help combat the damaging effects of a leaky gut on the body. These herbs can be added to foods or taken in supplement form. BCN’s Multispice capsules and Relieve Turmeric Forte contain herbs that provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 6. Take supplements. A leaky gut can reduce digestion and absorption of essential nutrients. Taking fish oil capsules, a high-quality multivitamin, and even a lowallergenic protein powder (such as BCN’s ProBlend) can ensure you are receiving optimal levels of nutrients every day. 7. Seek professional advice. If you continue to experience health problems and suspect you may be suffering from a leaky gut, seek advice from a knowledgeable practitioner (usually naturopaths, nutritionists or nutritionally-trained GPs).  fo

‘Do YOU Suffer From the Discomfort of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?’

If so, BCN’s DigestEZE may help! The health of our gut plays such an important role when it comes to the health of our body. BCN’s DigestEZE is a comprehensive formula that supports gastro-intestinal health. It contains a blend of ingredients, which can provide you with relief from bloating, abdominal pain, cramping and the discomfort associated with medically-diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome.

4 Provides relief from the symptoms of medically-diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome

4 Supports gastro-intestinal health 4 Soothes the gastro-intestinal tract 4 Aids in the maintenance and repair of mucous membranes * IBS must be medically diagnosed

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.

Body Concepts Nutritionals

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904


Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

Trust the Wisdom of the Ages!

Spices have been used throughout the world for centuries as flavour-enhancers for food, as a form of trade and as a traditional way to improve health. In more recent times, scientific research has validated many of the health benefits offered by spices. Unfortunately though, many people don’t use spices on a daily basis and therefore won’t obtain the benefits they offer. However, now a range of spice can be easily consumed every day because they are available in the MultiSpice easy-to-use vege capsules! BCN’s Multispice: ✔ Contains a combination of 5 ✔ Comes in an easy-to-use organic spices (turmeric, clove, vege capsule fennel, cinnamon, ginger) ✔ Is a convenient way to ✔ Suitable for all ages consume spices

Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional

Body Concepts Nutritionals

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904

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