Masterpieces of Palermo

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FOESSLEITNER Espresso, Diamonds and a Masterpiece of Palermo a participatory approach to information design

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data ≥ giovedì 28 febbraio 2013 ora ≥ 12.00 aula ≥ 4.8 luogo ≥ facoltà di architettura

≥ l’incontro a cura di Cinzia Ferrara e introdotto da Viviana Trapani è rivolto a tutti gli studenti del Corso di laurea in disegno industriale e a quelli del Corso di Graphic Design dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo.


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information design is like an italian espresso

Thank you Cinzia Ferrara and all designers for these unique masterpieces and experience of creativity, style and hospitality martin foessleitner

Roberto D窶連ngelo Hey, Letツエs take a coffee together! See you soon in Palermo! :)

Marco Marcianò –

Luca Brucculeri Palermo 窶天ienna

Alexandra Dossi –

Giuseppe Avanzato The difficulty is to find the essential.

Erica Bontempo Let´s grow up together! ;)

Maria Elena & Tania Welcome to Sicily

Maria Elena & Tania welcome to sicily

Maria Lo Re & Alessandra Fazio –

Maria Lo Re & Alessandra Fazio –

Alessandra Tranchina „Data is the new oil“.

Alessio Manna Come to Palermo! we have coockies, good coffee and „milza“!


F R O M PA L E R M O Valentina, 21

Valentina Bonura Vienna

Diego Lavecchia Come taste Espresso in Palermo! :)

Carlo Librera Music is universal

Salvatore Lo Scrudato –

Giulana Lucchese –

Fabio Bruno My message was to represent mathematically, the passion and love that Italians have for the espresso. The classic Italian excellence. With the second drawing instead I wanted to give a different message that this type of coffee like many people, if not billions, then unites us into one people.

Francesco Paci Artists are like children: naive, creative, full of ideas. These small, big men, with their imagination, unite the peoples of the Earth. No matter what country they are in, because the whole world is their home.

rita di franco –

Ingrid Messina For young designer

Alessandro Lucido Di Fiore I argue that an essential skill for a designer is to be creative; For the field of graphics, the real lessons are made on the field (Company or Agency), the working world is very different from the university/academic. If you make a mistake in class doesn´t work, instead the agency can make a mistake and then lose a customer money. One thing that many teachers don´t explain is the determination that you´ve to have in the workplace and the condition to develop projects „without complaining“ about expiration dates. In my opinion a „well“ graphic/designer should be: DETERMINED (should not ever give up in front of the customer or NO teacher, continue to think about their project for themselves, adapting to the demands of others but without being influenced), SIMPLE (the idea more „trivial“ may be appropriate to customer requirements), EXACT (not to leave anything to chance, everything must have its end), HONEST (avoid doing something just to make money, but do it for the good way to meet the needs of the customer; honesty is the greatest wealth) and, above all, TIMELY (observe the due dates without any objections of any kind). The professionalism of mind can´t be acquired in time, we´ve since birth or try to gain some semblance of it.

Danila Reina information is beautiful. let the dataset change your life!

Selenia Di Bella & Federica Azzarello these pages are the proximity of our distance

Vito Lombardo –

Sergio Sofia esistono numerose tipologie di colori che solo i siciliani possono regalare, la Sicilia è terra di colori, è terra di sapere e di meraviglie.

Annalisa La Barbera hello, in my sketch very ironic I discuss the example of the dog that Martin spoke during his „conference“ and I assumed succerebbe what if you lose the rabbit instead of a dog? In the design would mean that the project is still more difficult, but that in order to find a solution as long as the designer and the client will come your way to find the best solution for the user and create a design with the D!

Ambra Terrasi citazione di una canzone:tinturia 92100 l´immagine è una copertina di un album dei tinturia, da me rivisitata, ritagliata e poggiata sopra per dare l´effetto di una maschera stilizzata, come quelle usate negli antichi teatri greci ad Agrigento, e contemporaneamente una colonna.Mentre il messaggio rivela l´amore e l´affetto che provo nei confronti della mia Sicilia

Valentina Castellano –

Domenico Antonio Flauto Coffee and students @ Palermo

Enrico Vicari There will be always someone who´ll try to stop you. Never allow him to do so. Look over, there is something waiting only for you. Because people today never do something just ´cause they want. They always look around, looking for judgments. Artist today is so important because everyday life is so monotonous. Artist, by the way, is also watched as a „stranger“, someone that´s different. I hate this definition. Everybody is an artist, if he/she just want to be itself..

Fausto Gristina –

Renato Galasso –

Paride Martorana you don´t know what you are missing... enjoy in Palermo, land of sun.

Dario La Spisa Come to Sicily

Ciro Cangialosi –

Maurizio Schifano I have found your dog

ATTENTION! this is an

information design ...and now take a coffee in Palermo!

Irene Crupi –

THIS IS THE UNIVERSITY OF DESIGN OF PALERMO. creativity development of the territory respect for the environment innovation and tradition graphic design Cultural Heritage history of design history of the place organization of cultural events visual design packaging adaptation disappointment passion sacrifice anger difficulties communication product design innovative and traditional materials information design Media use webdesign digital Applications workshop multimedia systems seminars corporate identity tourism storytelling map marketing museums

Maria Elisa Torre presentare l´università di design di palermo

Fabio Pullara –

Cinzia Ferrara –

Paulina Czucha The best places for drink coffee is in „Caffetteria Lorenzo“

Monica Picone –

Vincenzo Sandro Cusenza Il design è come il caffè.. Buoni presupposti, buone procedure, ottimi materiali, ottima attrezzatura, con tanta passione danno buoni frutti

Chiara Bonsignore Some advices for you guys!

Giuseppe Giordano Each collaboration is a choice!

Simona Lo Buono –



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