Folio 2.0: July 15, 2020

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PAGE 43: I SAW YOU, 2.0H!


JULY 15, 2020










4. From the Publisher

6. From both sides now

Saving and preserving an icon is a labor of love for the Phillips family.

Former mayor John Delaney cancels cancel culture.

By John Phillips

By John Delaney

8. Behind the Mask

10. Baking it through a pandemic

Folio honors the medical staff keeping us safe. By Folio Staff.

A Jax Beach staple celebrates its first anniversy during COVID-19.

11. We all roll on

15. Making the Movement

The Jax Roller Derby Girls face off against COVID-19.

From 1619 to 8:46, where do we go from here?

By Folio Staff

By Nikesha Elise Williams

22. At the Center

24. Building Bonds

A mural in the Baker County courthouse deserves to go.

Bail reform is necessary, but it starts with compassion.

By Lindsey Nolen

By John Phillips

3O.Written in the stars

26. Live PD Interview

Folio Weekly has obtained Mayor Curry’s Birthchart.

Deputy Craigmyle of Live PD Fame discussing BLM and police reform.

By Isa Barrientos

By Teresa Spencer

Also Inside: 07... Love in the time of COVID-19 12... Back to school, maybe? 21... Will the budget backfire? 27... Day or night, pizza with a sight 28... Still Truckin’ 29... It’s a beautiful day to be Black 31. Dear Dumbs with Terry and Shari 34. Gray’s Gridiron



36... Pride in the PGA 38... Folio Crossword 39... Kids Section 43... I Saw You 43... Folio Weed

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A QUICK NOTE ON HOW TO BEST USE THIS ISSUE To see the additional interviews and photos from this issue, you can visit or scan the QR codes within the print articles. To scan a QR code, open your phone’s camera and center the code in the screen, a link will appear. If your phone does not have this capability, a QR code app can be found in the app store.



We’re living through a movement so large in scope it is nearly impossible to capture. For the first cover of Folio 2.0, we wanted to show a moment in the movement, one that traces back to 1619, as you will read in the cover story. How will you remember 2020? We hope you hold onto this cover, like a scrapbook, to tell future generations about the year that we all wore masks and everything changed--hopefully. John Aloszka, Creative Director

PHOTO OF THE MONTH: During the Jacksonville Community Action Committee protest on June 27, staff writer Isa Barrientos captured this roller skating protester outside the Duval County Jail. For more photos from the Black Lives Matter protest, scan the code below.


FROM THE PUBLISHER My sons know who Jordan Davis is. They know he holds a special place in our lives and that he’s no longer with us. Neither they, nor I, ever met Jordan. But we know Ron Davis and Lucia McBath well. They are family. From loss came second chances.

Give a Toy. FeeL the Joy.

This is Folio Weekly’s second chance as Folio 2.0. Since 1987, Sam Taylor and his team have shaped, informed, and entertained us. They’ve shown us the best, and the worst, among us. Over 1650 issues- week after week. I’ve touched them all during the last month. The old issues will also be getting a second chance in an archive we will build for generations to read. As a lawyer who deals with significant loss and the worst, most unimaginable days of our client’s lives, my law job is not something I readily share our boys. But reading is. And storytelling is. Bennett and I have spent hours upon hours in Folio Weekly’s archives getting me ready for our first issue back... laughing and learning, preparing for this second chance. It’s been exhausting and amazing. My warmest regards to Sam Taylor. It has been my honor to learn from you and pick up where you left off. Your kindness and dedication is to be commended. I told you I’d finally get a photo of you in Folio Weekly after 33 years. Our team is small, but spectacular. Our friends have been incredible and are expanding. Our desire to find commonality and reason is limitless. We owe each other opportunity to grow and learn and to give -and get- second chances.


Now untiL JuLy 25, 2020 It’s the most wonderful time of the year at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. It’s Christmas in July, and this year, it’s 100% online to keep patients, caregivers and you safe against COVID-19. You can still help us restock toys and games, which run low this time of year, and have a huge impact on the healing process for our patients at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Toys help patients feel like kids again. Give online at or check out our Wolfson Children’s Hospital baby registry on If you are a regular Amazon shopper, please consider using AmazonSmile and choosing Wolfson Children’s Hospital as your Charity of Choice. Each time you shop, eligible purchases result in a donation to Wolfson Children’s at no cost to you.

To Jordan Davis: fighting for you taught me more about love, life and loss than I could ever imagine. I dedicate this issue to you and your family, to the lives prematurely ended. May they all provide us a second chance to be better. Excuse our dust, but it’s built with love.


© Baptist Health 2020



THE SYSTEM IS DOWN We are fighting the same battles our ancestors fought and that our descendants will fight, unless we change the system that we operate in. The wealthy have always used their influence in politics, government, and economics to make the rules to increase their wealth and influence. The lower classes are considered resources to be used to perpetuate the ruling class and its supporters, as they provide the labor to keep society producing for the upper classes. Education, health care, a living wage, and infrastructure are less important than a second or third home, vacations, a yacht, and other luxuries to the ruling class. Now, as people protest

and realize the inequalities in our country, we have an opportunity to change the balance of power. This will not be easy, as those in power are resistant to change, but a constitutional convention may be the best way to reform taxation, and to provide more resources for the lower classes. We must also address term limits, lobbying reform, and campaign finance reform. Citizens United, where the Supreme Court ruled corporations are people, must be overturned. We have an opportunity to move ahead as a nation, but we need leaders to take us there. Be a leader or support leaders that you believe in. DAVID STEARNS


WONDERWALL: WHAT’S UP WITH MEMORIAL PARK? Jacksonville natives recall the damage of Hurricane Irma, especially in the Riverside area. Residents voyaged into the storm to see the St. John’s pouring over into Memorial Park. In the aftermath, Irma left mementos; several inches of water, strewn branches, and the gorgeous balustrade that bordered the river completely destroyed. Nearly three years later, the park has mostly returned to its heyday with blossoming foliage and casual picnics in the grass. However, the balustrade has not been rebuilt, despite promises from the city for repairs over the years. Over a year ago, a gaudy chain link fence took place of the balustrade, decorated with flyers and resources for private donations to rebuild it. Earlier this year, FEMA offered to make a plan to fix the balustrade and seven marble benches. The initiative has since idled. Why should it take WE COMMENT BECAUSE WE CARE.

three years to make a relatively simple repair, let alone, for a landmark designated public space? Where did the private donations go- are they sitting in an account, waiting to match with the alleged and elusive FEMA funds? It shouldn’t be a civilian’s responsibility to save a flagship of their community. One could go on about taxpayer money and how this plays into public works, however, the city invalidates this: they were swift to tear down the Landing in the course of a year but stall with these repairs. A dead mall went down, but a popular fixture can’t be brought back up. Certainly, there are more questions than answers. Heads are scratched, optimism wanes. Maybe it’s time to make some calls or just hold out for the best. But just like the iconic bronze cast angel, our hope and initiative to return Memorial Park’s glory, perseveres. CASEY CRAIG

If you’d like to respond to something you read in Folio, please send an email (including name, number, and neighborhood) to

BRICKBATS + BOUQUETS BRICKBAT TO KIM DANIELS Rep. Kim Daniels, facing a tough primary challenge, has resorted to giving out gas gift cards to her constituients. As the old addage goes, if you can’t convince voters, buy them. BOUQUET TO RANDY DEFOOR When massive flooding struck Riverside, City Councilwoman Randy Defoor went to Willow Branch Park with her executive council assistant, Brooks Dame, to see the damage for herself. CM Defoor swore that she would work to fix the horrid infastructure issues--and we believe her. BRICKBAT TO JEA Even though COVID-19 continues to ravage our community, JEA found it appropriate to restart disconnections for customers. As a community owned utility, JEA should be focused on making sure citizens are taken care of, instead of leaving them to swelter in the July heat. BOUQUET TO THE JEA UNION The JEA Union banded together to raise funds, $18,000 to be exact, for the United Way of NE FL JEA Neighbor to Neighbor fund, which will help community members pay their JEA bills.


FROM BOTH SIDES NOW Former Mayor John Delaney isn’t afraid to change his opinions. He wants the same for you.

New to Twitter, while quarantined some weeks back, I posted something I thought was neutral and clever: That both Trump and Biden would do better if they simply stopped talking and campaigning. Trump, because nearly everything he says seems divisive, either intentionally or ignorantly. Biden, because he has a 50 year career of verbal gaffes that make George Bush look like Laurence Olivier. It is actually a universal campaign idiom: some candidates are better off leaving town so as to not blow a near certain election victory. And to prove my point, Biden stuck to his bunker with limited public comments and has seen his poll numbers skyrocket; Trump did the opposite and has botched nearly every press conference. Maybe Biden read my tweet. But in the Twitter-sphere, somehow, my comment seemed to claim some personal moral equivalency between Trump and Biden, with Trump of course some modern day Hitler. Even a long time (liberal) friend lost her cool and demanded that I condemn Trump. (She later apologized.) Some began to criticize me and demand that I condemn the “lies and abuse of public officials” among other demanded condemnations from my keystroke. That became a theme—absent responding to every societal wrong in the Twitter-sphere that I somehow supported the wrong. At one point, in exasperation, I asked if I had jumped high enough while others shot bullets at my feet, while they kept insisting that I jump higher. Then the name calling started. I was a divisive provocateur. I was part of a cult. My career as Mayor was slammed. One claimed that most of the money a referendum I had backed while Mayor went directly into politicians’ pockets. Yeah, right. Another wrote that all Republicans since Goldwater had a racist agenda, universally. Never mind that nearly all white Southern Democratic Representatives and Senators voted against the major civil rights legislation of the 1950’s and ‘60’s, and those bills only passed because of Republican votes. Other seemingly benign comments—hoping that there were

decent regulations to protect the votes from each party, was taken as intent to suppress voters. Bizarrely, even my very public support of federally convicted local African American public officials was likewise turned on its head. (Nearly all the public officials convicted by the Feds in Duval County since 1990 have been black, and I have been supportive of most of the accused.) An expressed hope that pharmaceutical companies will find a COVID vaccine led to tirades against me on health care. I felt as if I had run into some Democratic version of Trump, with the same name calling, and offensive adjectives, adverbs and nouns. Sometimes, nearly identical words to the behavior that the Democratic tweet-sphere condemns in Trump. Both a mirror image and identical at the same time. I publicly did not vote for Trump in 2016. I am a Republican, and was the first Republican elected Mayor of Jacksonville since Reconstruction, some 120 years earlier. I have voted for the Republican candidate for President since I first started voting. But I have been called by the media “famously party bucking” and worked hard to be broadly inclusive. I am left on gay rights, women’s and race issues, among others. I drafted a tax referendum for a capital plan for growth management, which passed in a landslide. I appointed the first Black Fire Chief, General Counsel, and Deputy CAO. The latter now runs the Port Authority, the second runs the city’s largest law firm, where I now work. I had more women VPs while President at UNF than men. While Mayor, we purchased about 80 square miles of park space, creating the largest city park system in the country. I remain Republican largely over economic, judicial, free speech, and religious freedom issues. I am happy to civilly debate such things. I have moved from right to left on a lot of issues, and from left to right on some others. For example, I have changed on the death penalty and abortion. When I left office, I was viewed favorably by over 80% of African Americans, Democrats and Republicans, every demographic group and from all

parts of town. After a close first election victory, I realized that I needed to, personally and professionally, understand other points of view and perspectives. I became hungry for it. But people are quick to assume and to label. What I believe the country needs now is civil debate. We no longer share common understandings of words or even facts. Compromise is viewed as selling out. There is no respect for opposing views. Frankly, I completely understand opposing views on abortion as I have been on each side. There are sincere beliefs on both sides. Really—good, well-meaning, kind, decent and warm people have opposing views on abortion. Mr. Rogers has it right: Be kind. I would add: try to understand people whose views you do not share. Call out injustice. Try and be tolerant. Drop the adjectives and adverbs, drop the name calling. Years ago, I saw the Deadwood actor Ian McShane on a talk show. He used most of the interview to condemn George W Bush. He worked it even while others on the show were being interviewed. He interrupted to add another dig at Bush. Just recently, I read an interview of the same actor. He was asked how he hoped to be remembered. “Tolerant” was his response. Many people who think they are tolerant, only tolerate those who think like themselves. As for me, I am trying to understand those that don’t think like me. John Delaney former Mayor of Jacksonville

Folio welcomes opinion pieces and musings of all kinds. To submit an opinion piece please email

LOVE IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 Coronavirus arrived through air and lungs in early 2020. Since then, we’ve cut out most nonessential interaction with strangers and loved ones. Even with loosened restrictions in Florida, many of us choose to stay home and social distance to protect ourselves, our friends and our families. Romance is resilient, though, through pain and pandemic. While we were stuck at home, alone with our thoughts or spending every waking moment with

our domestic partners, most of our economy and social scene were on pause. This has forced single people to adapt. “Dating from home” could mean keeping your new girlfriend at text message distance or quarantining with your new boyfriend. Young folks in the dating scene shared with us their experiences getting to know potential partners in these weird times.

Z, SHE/HER, 20

P, SHE/HER, 22

I have been in two flings since mid-March. I met them both through social media. I love the physicality of relationships and that’s harder with the pandemic, but it teaches me patience and value. I have gone on dates, we went camping and walked on the beach and hung out in the car by the water. The dates are different now because there are limited things to do compared to pre-COVID-19 like going to the movies, ice skating, or eating out safely. This has made me appreciate the small things. I can’t wait for this to be over, I love dressing up and going on dinner dates.

I was in a relationship when quarantine started. We tried to quarantine together, but I think it was too early in the relationship for a commitment like that, so as anything forced prematurely it crumbled around us. I then went on a few social distanced dates, they blew. Jacksonville isn’t as fun right now.

J, HE/HIM, 22 I was quarantined by myself but before the cases got higher I would hang with people more often. The people I hung out with didn’t worry about the restrictions. If we wanted to hang out we did. The difference between dating before covid and to dating after I would say is just making sure that the person you’re talking to doesn’t have it or anyone in their household.

K, THEY/THEM 21 I’ve been talking to this girl since the beginning of COVID-19, only hung out in real life twice but formed a super close bond already via internet communication. Otherwise I don’t chill with anyone and I’ve been self-isolating. I refuse to use dating apps and prefer more “organic” meetings, so most prospects are wiped out for the foreseeable future. Sort of a bummer.

G, HE/HIM, 23 COVID-19 forced a lot of would-be partners to spend a lot of quality time too soon due to things being closed, in turn it either made or broke the fling. Netflix and chill was the go-to thing, eating at my place or theirs and watching movies. I did go on one date after the state re-opened, it was not much different.

C, HE/HIM, 23 There were a lot of girls that I talked to that we probably would have gotten along but COVID-19 prevented us from doing anything but texting so interest was lost. If we did hang it was at my apartment because there was nowhere else to go. I work at an essential business but I feel I’ve stayed pretty safe. If I felt I had symptoms I would tell people and i never did, same for the people I was talking to.

M, HE/HIM, 23 I was in quarantine since the beginning of March. The last traditional date I had was in the beginning of March, other than that, I went on a walking date in mid-April. I would say, overwhelmingly, that quarantine and the pandemic has hindered those dates and flings. It was difficult to justify going on a date while people were dying from people not social distancing. And so it felt futile talking to somebody that I won’t meet for a while.

L, SHE/HER, 23 Quarantine hindered dating a little because I was hesitant to go on dates with people who were essential workers, since I work at home and am at-risk. One date I went on was outside at a park and he brought snacks and drinks instead of sitting in somewhere. We sat in close proximity but we weren’t all over each other. In another encounter, we went to a restaurant that had limited capacity and sat in an open area - it didn’t feel very different at all. We only went on a few real dates because we got paranoid with the increase in cases. Now we just meet at each other’s houses and order takeout or cook.

M, THEY/THEM, 19 The threat of getting sick helped re-evaluate the kinds of people I’m willing to break the rules for. With quarantine, my dating pool simultaneously expanded and shrunk. Everyone wants to get out, everyone feels a little braver, we all have a little more time to connect, plus the urge to connect is stronger, but the world is still on hold. I can’t even see past this year for myself, how could I add another person to that equation? That thought has held me back from dating, but the need for human interaction pushes me in the opposite direction. Dating on the phone was always an option, but human interaction is an important part of forming connections for me.




Folio reached out to health systems to nominate those who have gone above and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there may never be enough ways to honor all those who have kept us safe and healthy, we extend our thanks to all medical workers.

Christine Smith, Director of Adult Cardiovascular Services, Baptist Heart Hospital “Christine led the health system’s response on personal protective equipment (PPE) conservation and spent many hours obtaining masks and other facial barriers for more than 2,000 Baptist Heart Hospital team members. She also worked on improving other areas of PPE, particularly gowns, and partnered with Baptist Health’s Infection Control team on finding innovative ways to extend the use of gowns while maintaining safety and adequate supply.” Jennifer Malig, Director of Nursing, Baptist Medical Center Beaches “Jennifer worked with an interdisciplinary team to create a 94-bed field hospital at Baptist Medical Center Beaches. She collaborated with a Baptist Health project manager, the supply chain team, the Plant Facilities team, and the nurse executive to ensure a clinically safe environment for providing all the clinical information required to care for this population in less than three weeks.”

Eric Taylor, Medical-Surgical Nurse, Naval Hospital Jacksonville “Lt. j.g. Eric Taylor is deployed with a Navy Expeditionary Medical Facility (EMF) in Baton Rouge, La., in support of the Department of Defense’s COVID-19 response. Taylor and a team of Navy hospital corpsmen, nurses and physicians are staffing two new 30-bed units for COVID-19 patients at Baton Rouge General Medical Center’s Mid City campus. The Navy EMF is coordinating closely with state, local and public health authorities to ease the strain of the significant patient surge.” Sara Scott-Moldenhauer, Intensive Care, Memorial Hospital of Jacksonville “Sara has consistently been available and flexible with scheduling. She is always gracious with her time and is the first one to raise her hand and switch schedules to accommodate her colleagues during these unprecedented times. She constantly goes above and beyond and is naturally calm under pressure in a high-paced ICU environment. She is exceptionally caring and compassionate toward our patients and their families.”



Stefanie Buchanan, Lead Infection Preventionist, UF Health Jacksonville “In March, Stefanie took over as the lead infection preventionist during the COVID-19 crisis, when the director of the department was called to active duty with the Florida Air National Guard. Buchanan’s skills, along with those of her colleagues in infection control, have made a tremendous impact on patient and staff care, guiding leadership on best practice in every area of the hospital during this challenging time.”

Rick Croteau, Nurse Manager, Baptist He “Croteau virtually interviewed nearly 100 prospective job applicants in order to add capacity for Baptist Health’s frontline nursing staff. With assistance from Baptist Health’s Human Resources Department, he established an innovative way to onboard new team members during this emergency health crisis and also assisted in the development of a labor pool so that as many Baptist Health team members as possible could find work while their regular positions were temporarily suspended.” Matt Sheehan, Nurse Manager, Baptist Medical Center, Nassau “Matt has led the nursing team at Baptist Nassau in establishing an inpatient COVID-19 unit. In order to lift the collective spirits of Baptist Nassau’s caregiving team during this emergency health crisis, Sheehan created a YouTube video, titled “Never Give Up,” showcasing his fellow team members caring for each other as well as thanking the greater Nassau County community for its outpouring of support. One co-worker called it ‘an awesome message of compassion and faith.’”

Jodie Bisogno, Director of Critical Care, Baptist South “Jodie oversees the critical care units at Baptist South, which had the most COVID-19 positive patients and the most COVID-19 patients under investigation in Baptist’s five-hospital health system. She worked with the hospital’s Plant Facilities team to build out more COVID-19 units and negative pressure rooms to reduce exposure. Jodie is always creating special moments to support and edify patients and their families, be it checking on a grieving family or celebrating the successful recovery of a patient.”



BAKING IT THROUGH A PANDEMIC One year ago Jen and Ray Ezenbacher decided to turn their favorite late night snack into a Jacksonville Beach small business, having never anticipated the challenges coming their way. Despite dealing with a global pandemic, the couple credits devotion to improvement and a supportive local community as to what has helped them survive. Back in 2019, the Ezenbachers were simply thinking about how much they loved cookies, especially Jen’s. She grew up in a family that loved to bake, and was constantly testing recipes from friends. After meeting Ray, it turned out he didn’t mind being a taste-tester. As a married couple, homemade cookies with ice cream became their go-to treat. This mutual love of sweets got them thinking, why couldn’t they bake and sell their own cookies at the beach? Yet, as fate would have it, one day Jen passed by what appeared to be an empty shop on a corner of 13th Ave. N. Curious, she returned with Ray and a ‘for sale’ sign appeared out front. Before the property

had even been officially listed online, they decided to pursue renting the storefront and Cookies and Creme was born. “We had been talking about this idea, and it was like the very next day the big real estate sign was outside ” Jen said. “It happened so fast.” “We’ve let the business grow very organically since then. We didn’t force anything,” Ray added. Once acquainted with their new space, locals began flocking in to check out the newest dessert spot in town. The response was great, but customers began asking if the ice cream was homemade in addition to the cookies. While it wasn’t at first, Ray decided he was going to learn the art of ice cream making - and not just from Google. Instead, he found a former ice cream shop owner to mentor him for a month. “He taught me the process of putting the ice cream together, building flavors and how you work the machine. Now all of our recipes are literally ones I’ve made up myself,” Ray said. “To be quite honest, most of the ice cream flavors I make from scratch are made on a whim based on what sounds

good.” Now able to sell both homemade cookies and ice cream, Cookies and Creme has developed a long list of repeat customers. Their most popular flavor is Cookies and Creme Extreme, made with ground up frozen cookies from the day before. Delicious and sustainable. Jen and Ray say they have worked hard to create a place where all ages can go, enjoy their products and “just be.” “The response has been overwhelming,” Jen said. “People have been so encouraging and supportive. They’ll even stop by just to check on us and ask how we’re doing if they’re next door getting gas.” Although Cookies and Creme anticipated business picking up during the spring and summer months, the spread of coronavirus rapidly changed day-to-day business operations. Once bustling with playful kids and hungry patrons, the Ezenbachers say they were forced to use the virus as an opportunity to

elevate their standards and ensure they could deliver their products in the safest way possible. “It’s been scary and nerve wracking, but at the same time it’s comforting to know how unbelievably supportive the local community has been,” Ray said. “We have locals that come here five to six times a week, buy gift certificates just to get them and genuinely support us. That’s incredible to me.” Since they already wore gloves and hairnets in

the kitchen area, the onset of the coronavirus mostly meant shifting service to the door rather than from behind the counter. Everyone wears masks, everything is constantly wiped and sanitized and any employee who feels uncomfortable performing certain tasks is accommodated. Why? Because they say their shop is about more than just making a dollar, but about proving that they are a part of the community that truly cares. “I think we just do a lot of things that are different from other ice cream-type places,” Jen said. “We wake up in the morning trying to just catch up with what happened overnight. We want to know what people are thinking, talking about and what they want.” Heading into their second year of business, Ray says that he and Jen are assessing business operations daily. Along with staying on top of all coronavirusrelated mandates, they use a suggestion box and use online feedback to ensure that they’re doing all they can to promote happy customers and continued success. “When we first opened I took on the motto ‘all you’re trying to do is get a little bit better everyday,’” Ray said. “Focusing on getting a little better each day is how everything has grown into what it has. Our business is growing and it’s cool to watch, but it’s even cooler to be a part of.” Through these efforts, Cookies and Creme has survived a pandemic in its first year. Whatever comes the business’s way during year two, Jen and Ray are ready with the support of Jacksonville Beach. “We appreciate the community more than they’ll ever know,” Ray said. “What you put out you always get back.” LINDSEY NOLEN




ROLL ON The Jax Roller Derby Girls prepare for their biggest battle yet: fighting COVID-19. From rink rash, grand slams and hip whips to taking a knee and nine month injuries in the time of COVID-19, the Derby Girls have seen it all. Liz who’s derby name is “Lil Lass Kicker” and Rachel who goes by “Traumakazi” tell us all about what’s shaking these days with roller derby as they navigate how to deal with COVID-19 much like all of the worlds full-contact sports. During the Great Depression, Leo Seltzer invented a spectacle called Roller Derby. According to highrollerderby. com, at the time, it was believed that 93 percent of Americans roller skated at some point during their lives Traumakazi tells us that although skating started as a hobby, it has since elevated to being as competitive as some Olympic sports. “In the beginning they didn’t even wear helmets and it was quite rough,” said Traumakazi. “They would close line each other and even go so far as knocking each other out.” Of course in effort to make it safer and more appealing to potential members it’s not quite as rough these days, it even has its own governing body known as the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). Jacksonville Roller Derby League was founded in March 2006, and is the city’s first and only flat-track roller derby league. Ranked 17 out of nearly 400 teams in the world, the Jacksonville Roller Derby team has worked to become one of the very best. Being elite athletes, they train much like Olympians do—they should know, one of their local team members is a former Olympian. Jacksonville’s league consists of over 50 members. Derby team members balance full-time jobs along

with the full time sport of derby. Lil Lass Kicker tells us “The Jax league consists of every type of person from homemakers to doctors, food service industry workers, Olympians, archaeologists, scientists, and more.” Most might view the derby as a very diverse sport, but board members feel it needs to include more diversity and are constantly making efforts to outreach within the community. The Jacksonville League is recognized for its athleticism but they are also known for their volunteer efforts as they donate time, labor, goods and more to the community and charity organizations on the regular. Derby has been greatly changed by the COVID-19 outbreak. Currently they are working with their governing body to outline a protocol for derby returning, which includes analyzing the percentages of positive tests in certain populations, in hopes of gaining an acceptable level to be able to return to even train in a rink. In the mean time some of the members are taking a break due to a “nine month injury,” meaning taking time to work on building a family. “Our members and family members must come first and waiting will be worth it, said Tramakazi. “Next season may be a bit limited as a result of putting safety first.” So while it’s a waiting game now, soon derby will be in full force showcasing those grand slams, hip whips, and rink rashes. For more information about the Jacksonville Roller Derby go to or find them on Facebook @JacksonvilleRollerGirls. FOLIO STAFF MAIL@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM PHOTOS BY DAVID ORTIZ



BACK TO SCHOOL... MAYBE It’s July, when students are typically busy enjoying the last few weeks of summer before starting school. This year, the coronavirus pandemic has added a new level of uncertainty: will students return to class or continue distance learning at home? Local school district leaders have had to grapple with these issues, even as COVID-19 news changes daily. If teachers thought preparing for the first day of school was challenging before, they now face the added pressure of having to keep students six feet apart, in masks and ensuring proper sanitization. These likely requirements are why district superintendents began back-to-school planning initiatives soon after the previous school year ended. Duval County Public Schools released its early insights on June 23, planning to reopen schools on Aug. 10. Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene added that the proposed reopening plan offered families exactly what they asked for -options. Then on June 30, the DCPS School Board voted unanimously to install transparent screens in classrooms unable to guarantee a six-foot separation in between students. Students who choose to return to school may still be subject to temperature checks, frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing in addition to the screens, according to the district. Since June 30, DCPS held socially-distanced graduations on various dates at school football fields and TIAA Bank Field; with only two people permitted to attend per graduate. Also, First Coast High School and Frank H. Peterson Academies were added to the City of Jacksonville’s list of drive-thru, appointment-only COVID-19 testing sites from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. One major announcement came on July 6, when the Florida Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran issued an emergency order impacting school

reopening plans throughout Florida. While this announcement does not mean DCPS has to void its initial plan per say, it could mean that additional amendments to the early insights plan will be made. The possibility of more or less return-to-school options for parents and students are yet to be formally announced. While presenting options helps ensure districts are prepared for any level of COVID-19 exposure and progression, some students believe that distance learning is simply not up to par with classroom learning. Lola Olivieri, 14, is preparing for her freshman year at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. “COVID-19 caused my eighth grade graduation to be cancelled, as well as an end-of-year dance and class trip,” Olivieri said. She added that, while she was looking forward to participating in the DA theater program and making new friends, she believes elected officials need to increase restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19 so that she and her peers can return to school as soon as possible. In her words, Jacksonville was “slow to close and quick to reopen.” “We’re paying for it now with the rise in cases, and I don’t think the appropriate steps were taken to slow the spread,” Olivieri said. “[My peers and I] are absolutely devastated. We’re all going into highschool in the fall. That’s a nerve-wracking experience in itself, but to go into it largely online? That’s terrifying.” LINDSEY NOLEN MAIL@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM



“I honestly feel less comfortable being stuck at home. I didn’t like distance learning, and had very little motivation to do my schoolwork because I didn’t get to see my friends.” - Merideth Anglin, 8th grade


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MAKING THE MOVEMENT WORDS BY NIKESHA ELISE WILLIAMS DESIGN BY JOHN ALOSZKA 8:46. Eight minutes and forty-six seconds. That’s the length of time it took for former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, to kill 46-year-old George Floyd after his arrest for trying to use a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill to buy a pack of cigarettes in a convenience store. This egregious act of mercilessness captured on camera and streamed around the world via traditional news outlets and social media proved to be the final straw for tens of thousands of people; Black and white alike. 8:46 became a lightning rod in the reckoning of the weaponization of the police against Black bodies. But 8:46 is not the first of its kind. March 13. Breonna Taylor. The Louisville EMT was sleeping in her apartment when police bum-rushed the door with a no-knock warrant and were met with fire from Taylor’s boyfriend who thought an intruder was in the home. Taylor died where she lay from eight bullets fired by the police. February 23. Ahmaud Arbery ran 2.23 miles. He was followed, confronted, and killed in the Golden Isles. 2014. Mike Brown. His body was left in the middle of a Ferguson, Missouri street for four hours after he was shot and killed by a police officer. 2014. Greg Hill. Hill is shot in his home by a St. Lucie Sheriff’s Deputy. The shots were fired through his garage.

2012. Jordan Davis. Three and a half minutes and ten bullets left the 17-year-old dead, and the fleeing SUV he was in with three friends, riddled with bullets after he argued with Michael Dunn over loud music. 2012. Trayvon Martin. A trip to the convenience store for a pack of skittles and iced tea led to a deadly confrontation with George Zimmerman. 1999. Amadou Diallo. The 23-year-old Guinean immigrant reached for his wallet when he was stopped by police outside of his apartment building. The police fired 41 shots. 1969. Fred Hampton. The rising star of the Black Panther Party was asleep when police raided his apartment and killed him. 1955. Emmett Till. The 14-year-old from Chicago’s Southside was pistol-whipped and shot and a 70-pound cotton gin fan was put around his body that was subsequently dropped into the Tallahatchie River in Money, Mississippi. August 20, 1619. 20 to 30 enslaved Africans forcibly disembarked at Point Comfort in Virginia.




Though it is not taught in any history books in American classrooms today, brutality was at the heart of the creation of an official policing force in this country. Night watch volunteers in the northern colonies tasked with watching property and looking out for prostitution and gambling in the mid-to-late 17th century devolved into slave patrols in the southern colonies by the early 18th century. Time magazine reports that the first formal slave patrol was created in the Carolina colonies in 1704 for the preservation of the economic system that was chattel slavery. Following the Civil War and Reconstruction, “many local sheriffs functioned in a way analogous to the earlier slave patrols, enforcing segregation and the disenfranchisement of newly freed people.” Be it preserving slavery, enforcing segregation, or mandating “law and order,” force has always been an integral instrument the police— in all of their states of evolution—have wielded against Black people. Brutal force is built into the hegemonic ideology of every department across this country. It is the heart of what the police are even if some individual officers or entire departments no longer subscribe to such beliefs. In the words of James Baldwin, the police must “know from whence they came.” It is because of these deplorable origins that we now see this latest iteration of rebellion by Black people who refuse to submit to the life or death body politic that the police so often impose on Black communities just by the sheer nature of their presence. It is not that Black people don’t support police, or don’t want police, it is that we don’t want to be killed by the police. THE FIGHT FOR CHANGE Thus, we see national and international uprisings as an outcry against the unwarranted killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. The latest hashtags added to a litany of names of Black people, Black victims, killed by police or racist vigilantes by proxy of police, who didn’t have to die. These protests have rocked the world including our city into action. “There’s a clear need for trust, transparency, and accountability,” said Ben Frazier, Founder and President of the Northside Coalition of Jacksonville. That people would risk the life and death odds in the midst of a global pandemic to march for days and weeks across downtown Jacksonville demanding

justice for Black people, and equal treatment under the law by police, is potent. It is indicative that this time, this fight, this wave of new aged civil rights beheld by the mantra BLACK LIVES MATTER, is different. The Jacksonville Community Action Committee (JCAC) has been at the heart of organizing protests and marches in Jacksonville since 2017. Founded in part by Christina Kittle and Michael Sampson, II the mission of the JCAC is to create a Jacksonville Police Accountability Council (JPAC). “We’re trying to get community control of the police so that there actually is communication between the community and the police,” Kittle said. Sampson said a group like a JPAC is a clear solution to unchecked police power. “Part of the JPAC is this huge movement to defund the police, and part of the JPAC would have the ability to approve police budgets or disapprove them. We’ve been pushing in Jacksonville for the past couple of years for a people’s budget.” More on the movement to “defund the police” later as it is a byproduct of the larger movement to create a police accountability council. A movement that is national in scope and began in the aftermath of the arrest of political activist and feminist philosopher, Angela Davis, in 1973. The push to create police accountability councils across the country was part of the Black Panther Party’s plan


for peace and justice. Therefore it died down when the party was extinguished by the federal government led by J. Edgar Hoover at the helm of the FBI and his COINTELPRO program that feared any group that created a “Black Messiah.” However, just because the movement died down, does not mean it is dead. Most recently it has been explored in Chicago. Kittle said, “We’ve been attending [Chicago’s] meetings since 2014 but we

didn’t start it here until 2017. There’s still a lot of pushback. It’s still a lot of education. It’s still a lot of people realizing, ‘Oh, this is a problem,’ and just organizing our masses.” Those organized masses look like ten thousand people at a rally in downtown Jacksonville organized by the JCAC. Those


masses look like thousands in a march from the stadium to the sheriff’s office organized by Jaguars star running back Leonard Fournette. “If you don’t stand up for nothing you’ll fall for anything,” Fournette said to Folio 2.0 the evening before the march was to take place. “Instead of talking about it I just want to do more. Action can be taken each and every day.” In this age of social media activism the people at the forefront of marches and movements are more often than not those with the largest follower count on Instagram and Twitter. Platforms Fournette does not take for granted and is now using to educate his fans, his followers, and the masses at large on what it’s like for him as a Black man in America as much as his love for football. “I grew up in the hood so a lot of things, police brutality, I’ve been seeing that since I was young. A lot of people don’t grow up seeing that, but I’ve witnessed that since I was a child. I’ve seen it go on for years and years.” At 25-years-old, Fournette vividly recalls growing up in New Orleans and seeing his father detained for thirty minutes by the police because he was running out of a store at the behest of his son. Memories like these mark Black people. Ben Frazier, born in 1950, recalls Ax Handle Saturday— the August 1960 riot in Hemming Park where Black people demanding lunch counter integration were met by white men with baseball bats and ax handles—with the same amount of clarity. “I remember the Ku Klux Klan coming

by in a flatbed truck,” Frazier recalled. “They were dressed in full regalia; hoods and all. And [I remember] being afraid and my mother said, “Benny, boy don’t be scared. They ain’t gon’ do nothing.” Frazier has been on the frontlines of fighting for racial equality and social justice in Jacksonville nearly all of his life. He has seen the ebbs and flows of uprisings, some that have led to lasting change, and others that have not. But he remains optimistic and staunch in his belief of the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” WHAT’S DIFFERENT THIS TIME? What makes the fight for justice different this time? In its simplest form: white people. “I’m happy to see that among our people who are marching, young white people [are] carrying signs that say racism is wrong,” Frazier said. From the sheer senseless pain in George Floyd’s last living moments on Earth, to the number of white people marching in droves against such injustice, much needed and long overdue conversations are beginning to take place. “I think the white allies need to listen,” Frazier said. “There’s too much of us as races talking at each other. There’s a need for us to talk with each other.” “Just listen to us,” Fournette said. “It’s bigger than football. It’s bigger than kneeling. It goes back [hundreds] of years.” In that listening, white allies will begin to hear the stories of injustice, brutality, and killing-by-cop that activists like Michael Sampson are working to bring to the forefront. “It’s easy for somebody to read a headline like: ‘Black boy shot by neighbor, neighbor claims stand your ground.” Sampson said.


He said people may read that local headline and glance over it not knowing at the heart of that headline was a man named Keegan Roberts; a young husband and father, who was killed by his neighbor after weeks of disputes. “Our work with the families has been to bring their stories to the forefront so that the greater public could empathize with them and also believe in the accountability that they’re trying to fight for,” Sampson said. This effort to humanize Black victims of police brutality or racially motivated vigilanteism is work that stems from the first enslaved Africans brought to this country, stripped of their humanity, and deemed property; only three-fifths human. It is the reason, Sampson said, that George Floyd’s excruciating death, where he screams out to his dead mother for help, caught the country’s attention. “They saw an African-American man lose his life on camera. That caught people’s attention because they could empathize with that man.” However, being seen as human and being treated equally under the law are two entirely different tracts of the same overall goal. While telling stories and having long overdue conversations help imbue empathy, and humanize Black people to white audiences, change is still being demanded in earnest and that requires political action and power. THE DEMANDS “Power is organized people and organized money coming together,” Sampson said. “There needs to be a commitment on the part of the mayor, the strong mayoral government that we have, that he wants to see a massive Marshall plan of economic redevelopment and revitalization in the Black community,” Frazier said.



The demands for change, for justice, for equality for Black people in the city of Jacksonville are long and specific. Economic partnership and cooperative economics is only one example. A push for better education and public works programs are another. However, accomplishing these goals requires money, and the JCAC says that money should come from the police. Kittle said, “They make forty percent of the city budget. As it stands right now every dollar that’s spent in Jacksonville, 40 cents goes to JSO.” JSO has requested their 20202021 budget at nearly half a billion dollars ($487,789.855 specifically). An increase of six-million compared to what they requested and received for 2019-2020. The JCAC wants the JSO budget capped at 20 percent, with the funds that would have gone to them redistributed to the community. “If you free up money from the budget you can start a series of public works programs,” Kittle said. “You can create jobs that tend to infrastructural problems we have in our communities, while hiring the people in those communities to do those living wage jobs.” Kittle and Frazier believe this step will not only help oft-neglected communities in this city but also aid in reducing crime. “It helps with employment opportunities,” Kittle said. “It helps with the actual changes that need to get fixed that just haven’t and then you can start seeing crime reduced.” “There needs to be economic revitalization and things like culture, and health, and art, and music,” Frazier said. “We need to give people who are coming out of the penal system, returning citizens an education . . . I’m telling you that there is in fact an inextricable link between poverty, unemployment, economic degradation and gun violence and crime.” It is no secret that crime has ravaged the Black community in Jacksonville and in

“ 18










the densely packed, urban metropolitan areas of every other major city in America. Because of Jim Crow, segregation, redlining, and systematic disenfranchisement these areas are generally under-resourced and overly policed. “What JSO has done to Black people and the 280-thousand residents who are Black in this city is heinous, horrific, and absolutely appalling,” said Frazier. “They have committed acts of brutality that go back a generation. They have shot disproportionately on a racial basis more Black folks than white folks despite the fact that we’re only 29 to 31 percent of the population.” Data from the Washington Post shows that although half of the people shot and killed by police are white, Black people are killed almost twice as often by the police even though we only make up 13 percent of the country’s population. In numbers, it’s about five a week since 2015. Then to add insult to injury it’s rare if officers are ever charged, and if they are, convictions are even more few and far between. According to numbers from the Henry A. Wallace Police Crime Database between 2005 and 2014 more than 10-thousand criminal arrest cases were brought against nearly 8,500 officers. Of those cases only 110 officers nationwide were charged with murder or manslaughter, and only 42 officers were convicted. 50 were acquitted, and 18 cases are still pending. For the JCAC, overturning Florida statute 112.532: The Law Officer Bill of Rights is key to community control of the police. “It’s called their bill of rights because it is,” Kittle said. “They have their own separate due process protections on top of the constitutional Bill of Rights that every other citizen has. As long as they have extra protections under the law, under state law, that puts them above the rest of us.” This advantageous step that allows officers to claim self-defense, or that they were in fear for their lives, or a myriad of other defenses for the reason they shoot first and protect and serve later is the reason “it” keeps happening. “It” as in the number of Black people disproportionately killed by

officers with little to no recourse. June 12, 2020. Rayshard Brooks. Less than three weeks after the killing of George Floyd sparked us into this period of civil unrest, social disobedience, and demand for justice, police officers in Atlanta killed 27-year-old after he tried to flee with an officer’s taser. He was shot in the back. To those that say the police wouldn’t kill these “suspects” if they weren’t involved or suspected in a crime, your belief is loosely held together and extremely fallible. Breonna Taylor was asleep in her home and the officers had the wrong address. Furthermore, white murder suspects are easily arrested without incident and afforded the opportunity to defend themselves in a court of law. Dylann Roof (Charleston 9). Nikolas Cruz (Parkland shooting). Peter Manfredonia (UConn student accused of killing two people). Black people are only demanding the same equal treatment. If we are wrong, if we are suspect, if we are criminal, allow us the chance to live to make it to the witness stand, instead of officers serving as judge, jury, and executioner, and sending us to the graveyard. Kittle said, “You should have your chance to defend yourself in a court of law so you can say your side of the story but if the other person is dead they never have the chance to defend themselves. That’s not justice.” WHAT IS JUSTICE? So what is justice? The end of racism? Equal treatment under the law? A Jacksonville Police Accountability Council? A chance to survive a traffic stop? Justice is all of those things. It is the systematic dismantling of every institution and tool of oppression used to subdue Black people since our ancestors arrived on this continent. That requires a decolonization of everything we take for granted as not being racist: our language, our classrooms, our legal system, our laws. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me.” While I can’t speak for all Black people I feel safe in saying that at the end of the day Black

people want to live freely. This basic want, this basic right, is the fire that has fueled every uprising, insurrection, riot, mob, or movement by Black people since 1619. From some 313 slave revolts including Stono’s Rebellion and Nat Turner’s Rebellion to the Civil Rights Movement, to now, Black people have been demanding the right to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” “We hold these truths to be selfevident that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” “I remember somebody say, ‘Give me liberty, or give me death,’” Frazier said, recalling Patrick Henry’s famous speech that led in part to the American Revolution. “I’m sorry but they taught me that and I believe that.” There is not another demographic in this country who believe in the words of our nation’s founding more than Black people. Our only want is for those ideals, written in ink on parchment, to apply to us too. “What we have in microcosm is 400 years of knees on the back of Black folks necks whether it be the city, the state, or the nation, Frazier said. “We need to address this issue earnestly, sincerely, straightforwardly, but with all deliberate speed.” To address the issue means we can’t “All Lives Matter” the issue because all lives can’t matter, until Black lives matter too. The fight continues. The march goes on. Frazier said, “This is not a moment. This is in fact a movement. This is in fact a revolution and this revolution will be televised.” NIKESHA ELISE WILLIAMS NEWSWRITES@GMAIL.COM




MULTIPLE POSITIONS Software Developers- Provide tech leadership dsgn, dvlpt & deployment S/W apps using at least 3 of following tools & methodologies: .Net, VB/ASP/ADO .Net, C#.Net, AJAX, Web Services/WCF, MVC, HTML5, Bootstrap, Angular JS, SQL Server, Oracle, MS Visual Studio, MS Visio, Java, J2EE, MongoDB, hibernate,Spring, TFS. Wrk closely w/othr dvlprs, & Quality/ Biz Analysts, provide rprts to mgmt & oversee creation of EU spprt proc’s/ docs. Req’d: MS degree or equiv in Science, Math, Comp Sci, Info Tech, Info Sys, Engg (Any) or rltd degree + 2 yrs experience, or employer will accept, BS degree or equiv in Science, Math, Comp Sci, Info Tech, Info Sys, Engg (Any) or rltd + 5 yrs progressively responsible exp. Potential job sites incl Jacksonville, FL and/ or various other unanticipated locations thru out USA, thus periodic relocation &/or travel may be req’d. No Telecommuting permitted. Ref job “SDJAVA” & mail resume: SGS Technologie LLC, at 6817 Southpoint Pkwy, #2104, Jacksonville, FL 32216.

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MULTIPLE POSITIONS Software Engineers-program, test, implement & support SW apps using at least 4 of the following: .Net, VB/ASP/ADO .Net, C#.Net, AJAX, Web Services/WCF, MVC, HTML5, Bootstrap, AngularJS, SQL Server, Oracle, MS Visual Studio, MS Visio, TFS, Java Apps using Servlets, JSP, JSF, Java Beans, IBM Websphere App Srvr, IBM Purequery, Hibernate, JSON, Struts, Spring, Spring MVC, Java, J2EE, Velocity. Document s/w engg wrk, provide tech. rpts to Senior Dvlprs, comply with proj. deliverables timeline. BS degree or equiv in Sci., Math, Comp. Sci., IT, IS, Engg (Any) or related degree + 4 yrs exp. For all positions: Potential job sites incl Jacksonville, FL &/or various othr unanticipated locations throughout USA, thus periodic relocation &/or travel may be req'd. No Telecommuting permitted. Ref job "SW Engg" & mail resume:SGS Technologie LLC, at 6817 Southpoint Pkwy, #2104, Jacksonville, FL 32216.














Lenny Curry is due to propose his budget for 2020-2021 to the Jacksonville City Council this month. Balancing a colossal public health crisis and high tension in race and policing, local legislators had much to take into account in crafting this year’s budget. Residents can expect less than the usual $1.3 billion to be distributed this year as tax revenues are in decline due to coronavirus. Local activists and protesters have made demands to shrink JSO’s budget and reallocate the funds to schools and neighborhoods. In a recent campaign, the Jacksonville Community Action Committee asked city officials to bring the police budget to 20 percent, down from 35 percent of the total budget. The office of the sheriff wields the biggest chunk of Jacksonville’s budget at $481,594,597 as of the last fiscal year. Last year, Sheriff Mike Williams requested $445 million for the department - the mayor allocated $481 million to it. This year’s budget request from Williams asks for $6.1 million more to hire 40 new officers. He cites a need for increased patrolling and to fill correction officer vacancies in the jail. Having campaigned on the promise to make public safety his number one priority, Mayor Curry steadily increased the police budget by $88 million since entering office. This hasn’t yet proven to make Jacksonville any safer, as murders and violent crimes also steadily increased since 2015, per crime reports by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. “We’re looking at crime as if it happens for no reason and not as a result of someone’s surroundings,” said Danielle Woods of UNF’s Students for a Democratic Society. “When we say ‘defund the police,’ that’s why we say that. In order for us to fix our crime problem we need to fix the communities that are being neglected by the city.” Woods and other activists believe that investing in the community would remediate crime at its roots of unequal opportunity in those vulnerable neighborhoods which are targeted by police. “Budget is one of our highest priorities. Money controls everything, money controls where you do and where you don’t go. We believe in allocating money to our schools, public transport, developing roads, and mental health.” “If we reallocate the money… we have therapists, we have drug specialists. We don’t need the police to work 20 different jobs becaus, just on a human level, that’s a lot to ask someone,” said Woods. In enacting community control over police, more calls would be answered appropriately by community and social workers, preventing potential escalation by armed police. “From the perspective of how little training they have, it’s even more to ask someone. These aren’t people who sign up for this job to try and help someone who’s in the middle of a mental health crisis.” Public works, libraries, parks, and neighborhoods each received less than 4 percent of the city’s budget last year. Dollar amounts and statistics regarding the budget are sourced from the City of Jacksonville’s finance and administration annual budget documents. See Folio’s website for updates as this story develops.








The Sheriff’s Office did not fulfill our public record and media requests.




Heritage or Hate?:

A mural in the Baker County, Florida Courthouse shows horse-backed, hooded members of the Ku Klux Klan as a part of the “Baker County historical perspective.” It stands larger than life as the first thing you see in the county’s halls of justice. It even has its own “sign in” book, which includes supportive statements for the KKK. It is time to remove it. White supremacy isn’t just made up of those who want to see white people as a supreme race, like the KKK. It consists of an entire body of programming from a white-only perspective. This mural also contains offensive depictions of black people as naked with spears (imagery that never existed in Baker County), as well as demeaning stereotyped images of Native Americans. Even the artist’s own description of the scene shows his denial of the true horror inflicted by the KKK: “Lawlessness among ex-slaves and troublesome whites was the rule of the day. No relief was given by the carpetbag and scalawag government or by the Union troops. The result was the emergence of secret societies claiming to

bring law and order to the county. One of these groups was the Ku Klux Klan.” Legend? No. Horror? Yes. This mural is not a historic relic -- it was only painted in 2001. It only stands to fuel an “us” versus “them” story of whites versus nonwhites in Baker County. A story locals say still exists. Most lawyers who visit the courthouse say time to remove it. Baker County has a history of violence against black people. On October 5, 1920, four black men were jailed as possible witnesses or suspects in the death of a prominent young white farmer named John Harvey. Instead of lawfulness and justice, the Klan and what was described as 50 white men overtook the jail and seized the men from their cells, dragging their bodies across the county, then shooting and lynching them. The “Baxter Rebellion” is also heavily featured. According to the artist himself, the rebellion started when Black people boarded a train headed back home to Baker County. The whites “fingered their long bladed knives hoping for an opportunity to use them” resenting

the black people traveling by tr traveler was eventually taunted “slashed his throat, almost dec Then, “the violence mou an orgy of blood as by-stander and some members of the Mac indiscrimately (sic) slashed.” Th stop on the train and the count violence with those who helped on one side and those who did Even the deputy was killed by t while trying to restore the rule was not an unbroken bone in h was dragged from beneath the it came time for the trial of the the (pro-white) Altman-Dowling “surround(ed) the courthouse o trial. All were armed.” No jury w of fear. This mural helps keep th which is entirely inappropriate i It is a hallmark of the past that emotionally damaging, harmfu images. Why keep it there?

rain. A Black d and a white man, capitating him.” unted, becoming r black [people] con team were he violence didn’t ty erupted in d the black people dn’t on the other. the white mob of law, and “there his body when it e building.” When men responsible, g-Harvey clans, on the day of the would convict out

hat mentality alive, in a courthouse. contains many ul and insulting


Kay Harper Williams, Esq. “I am supportive of moving it.”

WHO TO CALL: James A. Croft County Commissioner District 1 386.867.3199

Christian George, Esq.

Akerman LLP and I want it gone

Obi Umunna, Esq.

but I also will add I support throwing it in the trash as well. my name to any letter moving it

ns, Esq. Markus Sermosupports the removal LC “Sermons Law, PL fensive”. of s It’ or relocation.

James Poindexter, Esq. Full support over here.

Jimmy Anderson County Commissioner District 2 904.591.2790 Cathy Rhoden County Commissioner District 3 904.259.3613 James G. Bennett - Chairman County Commissioner District 4 904.259.3613 Bobby Steele County Commissioner District 5 904.259.3613





From urging reform to making sure clients are taken care of, two Jacksonville women are changing the face of bail bonds. Bail bond company owners Joanna Peterson and Tasha Thomas have seen the reality shows about the bail bonds industry. And the terrible commercials. Those shows get ratings and those ads get clients--they also do damage to their profession. For every television advertisement selling any types of legal services, there are many in the industry who loathe the fast food model of justice. You won’t see Joanna or Tasha riding a cartoon jaguar to the jail or pretending to be something they aren’t. They have too much work to do and too many people to help. Thomas bailed out most of the people who were arrested by the police at a recent protest downtown. Nearly all of those charges were dropped, but every known case came with a bond. Santana Bernardo was filming the protests and arrests on the sidewalk across from the courthouse when he was tackled, arrested, jailed for the first time in his life. He needed to post bond to get out of a jail infected with COVID-19, and where

inmates have been brutally beaten by fellow inmates for simply wanting to make a phone call. Thomas was there to bail him out. They work all hours. “It’s about helping people reenter back into society, getting a job, moving on and being beneficial in society,” says Peterson. Thomas, a former social worker, desires to start a program to help people overcome the odds stacked against those who become involved with the criminal justice system. Refusing the stereotype made popular on reality television, “I am a listening ear. You may have a defendant on drugs or with no family,” Thomas says. She tells of a client with nowhere else to go and plenty of reasons to lose hope. She invited him over for Thanksgiving dinner. “It’s building relationships, Tasha says. “It’s building bonds… some of the people I have encountered are younger people and a majority of African American descent. I am out there in the community because I was raised in the

same community. People tend to respect you if you respect them. I just need you to make sure you go to court. The rest we can work out.” “We provide transportation. We make sure you can get to court, get a zoom [account] or a phone,” Peterson adds. The criminal justice system is imperfect. In fact, it’s quite broken. Some aspects haven’t changed since the 1800’s. Some haven’t changed in over 1000 years; monetary bail is one of those antiquities most of us don’t know much about. In its simplest form, bail is the court system’s method of assuring attendance and compliance in exchange for the privilege of not remaining in jail until trial. The concept is this: yes, you are innocent until proven guilty, but the government needs you to make a significant financial deposit in your innocence to make sure you come back to court. Making matters worse, historically, it was the sheriff who decided if you got bail or not, and for how much. Board certified criminal trial attorney


and former prosecutor, Finley Williams offered his perspective, “Unfortunately, almost all charges are given monetary bail even though the Florida Statutes call for non-monetary bail to be considered first. This results in a “debtors prison” where only people of means are able to get out of jail while they await trial.” This system is old, very old, and dates to Anglo-Saxon England. A person accused of wrongdoing would be required to find an independent third party to serve as a surety, a middle-man, who agreed to pay the victim the money if the accused disappeared. That was over 1000 years ago. In 1791, the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was adopted. It says: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” It took its words from the English Bill of Rights (1689), which says, “That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” In 1791, larceny, burglary, and forgery could in certain cases result in hanging. Many countries were still quartering, chain hanging and otherwise butchering the accused without a scintilla of the evidence standards needed today. They’d rot in disease filled jails. In their defense, if someone left town, there was no Facebook to see where they checked in. They were likely gone for good. People interchange the words bail

and bond, but they are different. The bail is the financial guarantee the court imposes. Like with the stock market, (stocks and bonds), the bond here is an instrument of debt. A person can use a bail bondsperson and only pay a fraction of the bail. The bondsperson files a bond and is responsible for making sure you come to court. According to the Burns Institute for Justice and Fairness, in 1898 an entrepreneur in San Francisco, California started the first formal bail company and the concept spread. On any day, 400,000-500,000 innocent people sit in jail awaiting trial. It is even worse with COVID-19 shuttering jury trials across the country. Nearly all of them have constitutional right to be free from detention until convicted of their crimes. Others are being held for minor charges while awaiting trial. Sure, they have a defense and are innocent, but a guilty plea may allow freedom sooner. “As a former state attorney you would see this all the time; plea now for a reduced offer or risk going to trial and getting more time. Most people don’t want to risk that and would rather get out of jail immediately for obvious reasons. Even more concerning is when a case falls apart and a prosecutor then just ‘tries to get what they can’ as opposed to just dropping a case they can no longer prove,” said Williams. Innocent people choose to falsely plea guilty for economic reasons. When Santana Bernardo’s and 53 others were arrested on Sunday May 31, 2020 six

people plead guilty, rather than paying 25 bond. Two weeks later, the state attorney “declined to file charges” against 48 protesters. They served time for crimes that the state attorney eventually dismissed. California has done away with cash bail. Washington, D.C. has, too. Money does not come into pre-trial decisions on whether someone is going to come to court. Truman Morrison, senior judge on the D.C. The Superior Court puts it like this: “money bail is a joke.” In fact, he points to statistics that excessive pretrial incarceration increases the likelihood of recidivism. Criminal behavior can be contagious and learned. Being locked up can also create more desperation and depression. In Jacksonville, the Sheriff’s Office police union President Steve Zona recently lambasted a county judge who offered a “mere $16,000 bond” to a criminal defendant who Zona claimed “seriously injured” a sheriff’s officer. No one involved in the court proceeding noted the injury at the initial appearance. The injury to the officer’s hand also appeared to occur when hitting the arrestee’s face. The post said: “Buckle up for the ride. If you are a judge in Duval County and you have a weak stomach when it comes to bonds for dirtbags who attack our officers maybe you should find a new line of work. Our officers deserve more and our community deserves more.” It harkens back to 1791. Police setting bonds by mocking and threatening judges. Indeed, the bond industry has a bad reputation. However, locally bail bonds are the primary option for pretrial release. Crime is up. Even standing on a sidewalk filming a protest in Jacksonville can get you tackled and arrested for unlawful assembly. Joanna and Tasha recognize the challenges, but strive to work well with law enforcement. The systemic racism and injustice in their professions are real. They cite example after example of unfair bonds, where a white person is released from jail while a black person is kept in jail because of unaffordable bail. And then there is the threat of death, the ultimate cruel and unusual punishment for a misdemeanor offense. Thomas’ own cousin was killed by a police officer in 2016. “He was never able to make it to court,” she says. “People say ‘all lives matter,’ and they do, but right now we are focused on the lives which are being taken.” It hits home with them as mothers, too. Both reflected on the concerns they have as parents of Black children and the



“talk,” they give regularly out of fear and love. Keep still, keep your hands still, don’t be combative, don’t say you know your rights even though you have rights. But I need you to live, so let’s fight (for) these rights a different way. Meanwhile, local governments spend more on law enforcement and less on alternatives. “There’s a lot of stuff in our communities which have been taken away. It’s a social imbalance,” Thomas scolds. By getting rid of the bail bonds industry, without addressing an alternative, Peterson points out it only increases the power of the police. “If it is not my job to bring someone in, police will have to.” When talking reform, one has to start with the options police have to institute pre-arrest diversion in the form of issuing citations or notices to appear in court, especially for misdemeanors. Why require bail on someone with ties to the community? Why require bail for someone who committed a minor offense? Pre-arrest diversion, such as issuing citations or notices to appear in court, prevents someone from being jailed. State Attorney Melissa Nelson campaigned on issuing civil citations and notices to appear in court for juvenile offenders. “This new agreement for pre-arrest diversion

will expand and enhance the juvenile civil citation program uniformly throughout the circuit,” her office said. Tasha and Joanna would like to see that adopted for more adults. However, Thomas goes further, “My whole thing with my social work background is, if you are going to take the time to issue an ROR (release on recognizance ) on simple misdemeanor crimes, why even introduce them to the jail? Give them the ticket and release them.” She points out that if the jail needs full beds or justifications for more spent tax dollars at the cost of constitutional rights, then at least let’s call it what it is- greed, not criminal justice. In some ways, society hasn’t learned from the 1700’s. The public and most vocal face of our police force is allowed to threaten judges. It seems to be working-- most of the protester’s bonds were doubled while they were in jail. Does Steve Zona get the credit or the blame? Tasha and Joanna urge reform, but also stand as a safety net and constitutional gatekeepers. When our government has the courage to finally examine the generational impact of locking people up, Tasha and Joanna will be knocking at the door, ready to help.


“Congratulations and thank you Folio 2.0 for continuing to speak truth to power on behalf of the people!” The Family of Marvin R. Edwards



V-Pizza keeps employees busy during COVID-19, and the results glow. How many bars and restaurants have a salaried artist on staff? V Pizza and its adjunct bars sure do, and he’s kept busy since the coronavirus began taking its toll on the food service industry. Steve Arflin, 37, is a Jacksonville Beach native who, after playing football at Louisiana State University, made his way back home to teach at his alma mater, Fletcher High School. Having been an art major (the first in the LSU football program’s history), his passions have led him to vast opportunities, and large canvases. While working at Fletcher High School, a fellow teacher introduced Arflin to her husband, Matt Carson, manager of all V Pizza bars, and a beautiful relationship was formed. Later, co-owner Paul Scott asked Arflin to become the chain’s go-to freelance artist, which ultimately became a salaried position. Arflin has been at work beautifying all seven locations for the past four years. “These guys are amazing. They give me creative freedom and let me do my thing, you know?” Arflin said. “My style is very surrealistic and that’s translated into my artwork.” Arflin’s work has included wooden signs and tiki cups at Flask and Cannon, the mural outside of the San Marco V Pizza location, a carving and mural at Julep and others. He’s been tasked with creating a three-sided mural outside of the Jacksonville Beach V Pizza/Flask and Cannon location. With innovative tools, one eight-legged request and a lot of artistic freedom: two lizards and a kraken now grace the bar and restaurant’s exterior walls. “Once everything really started shutting down because of the coronavirus, we figured it was the perfect time to add to the beauty of some of our restaurants,” Director of Operations David Villmow added. “Our number one goal was to keep

our staff employed as much as possible, so while we were closed during the shutdown, we were able to find ways for them to help with the project.” What makes this mural especially interesting is the fact that it glows in the dark. Achieving this result was no simple feat, as a standard glow-in-the-dark paint for exterior surfaces has yet to hit the market. Instead, Arflin used a trial-by-error approach which led to a new technique he’s developed to create the black-light effect. Utilizing materials sourced from Canada, he was able to blow sand through an airgun to obtain the mystical glow on the walls.

“I wanted there to be a contrast between the [V Pizza] side and the [Flask and Cannon] side of the business. The V pizza exterior has a white background and is extremely colorful, and the Flask and Cannon side is black and white,” Arflin said. “The one on the Flask and Cannon side is really a gift for Matt because he said he wanted a kraken on his wall.” Arflin elaborated that the different wall murals at this particular location are like “venus and mars.” He said that while the paintings depict the same images at night,

they are meant to take on a whole different vibe. “If you look at the wall during the day you notice the stark white background, and people wonder if it’s finished or not. I like that quirkiness of it,” Arflin explained. “That lends itself to the surprise that at night all of that white turns into sky and stars and all kinds of fun stuff.” As for the giant pink and purple lizard on V Pizza’s south wall, Arflin says he chose to paint it strictly based on a desired composition. He wanted something elongated and stretched, and something that would represent his ode to the power of feminism. “I wanted to make this creature really pretty and really sexy because she was strong and fierce,” Arflin said. “Doing that with a lizard sounded challenging, but I was like, ‘I can do that.’ I think I did, she’s damn pretty.” Now unveiled and on display for everyone who passes by on First Street to see, both Arflin and Villmow hope that the new mural brings a little bit of beauty and happiness to all who take it in. After all, during the dark times of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone needs a bit of light. “This has been one of the coolest experiences. I’m from the beach, this is my stomping grounds and this is my first big public artwork at the beach,” Arflin said. “Honestly, at the end of the day I just do this to try to impress my wife.” LINDSEY NOLEN MAIL@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM




The Glass Camels frontman Dave Hendershot has lived through pain and paralyzation, but his goal is to keep the music alive. Dave Hendershot started playing music in the 4th grade, but it took until his freshman year in high school for him to have the opportunity to join a band, where he started out just doing their sound and lights. He was allowed to go to rehearsal if he attended church on Sunday morning. He and his Mom sat in the front row and he “would pretend” he was paying attention. Then on the way home he would get dropped off at band practice where he would “dubiously get high and drink beer and stuff” with his friends in the garage.

When he moved to Jacksonville as a teenager in the 80’s, he met a fellow deadhead - a fan of the grateful dead - outside of a McDonald’s. Together they formed what would become the Glass Camels. Initially, they formed Chocolate George and the Glass Camels, but after realizing that a couple of biker guys knew that Chocolate George was affiliated with the Angels they shortened to the Glass Camels, which is also the name of a song from an obscure Grateful Dead album. It all started with the Dead Head night at Pier 7 and next

thing Dave know’s they were being booked four to five nights a week. The Band has changed over the years, but currently features Hendershot, Ed Richardson on bass, Charlie Bell on keys, and Jared Bell on guitar. Dave believes that the music content is what makes them able to keep going. While they play a few songs every show, the material feels new somehow, he says, “You take a fresh approach to how you look at it and let the music be the guide and try not to be so astringent in the way you play it”. Dave told Folio the ugly side of his 2020 story so far, as he has become a survivor. Not only did he become temporarily paralysed from the shoulders down, he then had to endure the face off with possibly catching Covid-19 while battling for his life in the hospital. “I survived because I refused to believe that it was going to be forever,” he said. Hendershot said how it all happened: “It was just a really strange thing. I woke up with really bad cramps and like spasms in my back. My wife could see my muscles jump around like an alien, you know what I mean. So we left for the emergency room, I had to kneel on the front seat and hold the roof, it was incredible.” However, when Hendershot got to the Emergency Room, he was forced into an MRI room--when he said he couldn’t lay down flat, the nurses didn’t cooperate. “I got in there; I started feeling this burning in my chest, in my shoulders like fire burning.. I can’t feel my toes and I am arguing with myself, you can feel your toes? No, I can’t feel my toes.” “The lady turns off the machine, she walks over to the MRI and says Mr. Hendershott, I need you to man up. I laid there and cried for another 45 minutes--when they took me out I was paralyzed from my shoulders down. Then they took me to a rehab hospital. It was six to seven hours a day of intense therapy and within a

week they had me walking.” “Being paralyzed as a musician is terrifying. I can’t even do my regular job as an insurance inspector with COVID-19.” While Hendershot tested negative, he continues to struggle with survivor’s guilt and extreme social anxiety. “I used to be somewhat of a tough guy, or at least I thought I was ... violence terrifies me right now. Protesting, I don’t want to be near all those people, not just because of COVID-19 but if something happens, and I am involved, I’d get hurt really bad or perhaps die. Honestly, I think I would rather die than be paralyzed again. Laying in that bed, not being able to move even though you are drugged up... I had a good attitude the whole time but on the inside I was f#@!ing frightened.” Hendershot is left with no feeling in his fingertips or feet for life. But his passion for living and passion for playing music will not stop him. “Even though I am f#@!ed up for life with my hands and my feet and some other shit, I have been determined to do it, to get through it. I was f#@!ing angry when it first happened.” But that has changed for him now. Time is healing the wounds and being able to play music again, even without feeling in his fingers, is the best medicine. One of his most favorite memories while playing music over all the years was being on the main stage at the Suwannee Music Festival with about 10,000 people there. “When you are playing really well and you’re walking around after and people are like ‘hey Dave,’ and they actually know your name. You feel like you are flying on top of the world, it feels so good, it’s also so humbling too when people come up and gush all over you about how you changed their life.” He laughed and said, “I can’t take on that kind of responsibility.” But he is sure glad to be able to bring people joy with his music, even through pain. TERESA SPENCER MAIL@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM



Tallia Amari Lee created an anthem out of tragedy. “Growing up, I was told that I had two strikes against me,’” said Jacksonville native Tallia Amari Lee, “being a woman and being Black.” The 24-year-old has seen the city through both ups and downs. It’s from these experiences that she has found the motivation to use her platform as a means to express herself, her beliefs and the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement. Lee believes she’s experienced just about all the Bold City has to offer. She grew up with the love of a large family and mingled with people from all walks of life, but that doesn’t mean she was blind to the challenges that stem from systematic racism in America. “I think that [my experiences] have made me into the well-rounded, cultured woman that I am.” However, these challenges never interfered with her becoming a fearless entrepreneur. Today, Lee refers to herself as an “entrepreneurial creative,” having built an entire lifestyle brand combining her personality and many passions. “The idea for my brand honestly just came to me. That’s how many of my businesses and brands start out; they’re all extensions of me,” Lee said. “I never do anything aimlessly, and I treat everything like a personal project. It gets overwhelming but it allows me to get in depth and put passion into them.” These passions have included creating a website called “All things me, Tallia Lee,” where she sells t-shirts, shares photos and designs, takes gift balloon orders, posts events, and books makeup sessions and photoshoots. Of her collections, she recently re-released a t-shirt design that reads “It’s a beautiful day to be Black,” following the death of George Floyd. “I am my brand. So I feel it’s an obligation to speak up and educate those that need it,” Lee said. “I just felt that I wanted to create

a way to remind my Black family all over the world of their greatness, while making a noteworthy statement to society.” She says the release of her “It’s a beautiful day to be Black shirt” was met with some outrage surrounding “how the statement would be perceived if it were switched.” However, Lee said that she didn’t care due to the reality of how much Black Americans endure each day, and because “it is always a beautiful day to be Black.” “The relaunch was used to generate funds for Black-progressive efforts and initiatives in the country. I wanted to use my platform to raise money and be an aide,” Lee said. “The feedback has been phenomenal, and I exceeded 300 orders very quickly.” Grateful for every purchase, Lee plans to share her design with other bloggers and influencers across the country. So far, even Jacksonville Jaguars player Leonard Fournette has been spotting sporting his own “It’s a beautiful day to be Black” t-shirt. “I hope that black people feel good while wearing [the shirt], and I hope the message becomes just as deeply embedded into the minds of racists, as racism once was,” Lee emphasized. “Being a Black, female business owner means everything [to me].” When asked what advice she would give to other black female entrepreneurs hoping to use their business as a means for positive change, Lee says she would tell them to “Just go for it, honey.” “My advice is to enlighten and educate, not only yourselves but those around you. Hold others accountable, and do your part, whatever that consists of,” Lee said. “Unify, be genuine and thorough in your dealings, listen and be a positive contributor, but don’t ever be silent.” FOLIO STAFF

“Growing up, I was

told that I had two strikes against me: being a woman and being Black.”



LENNY CURRY Lenny Curry was born under a Cancer sun - a nurturing, familyoriented placement that identifies him with his role as a husband and father before all else. With Mercury and Mars both in Leo, Cancerian family values coupled with the lion’s dramatic and domineering approach make Curry a bonafide Republican. This conjunction in the planets of communication and aggression gives him a sassy edge evident in tweets and interviews. Curry’s Aquarius moon, in charge of his emotions and inner self, gives him a spirit of rebellion: he likes to provoke and push buttons, why else would he bring the RNC to Jacksonville on Axe Handle Saturday in the midst of a pandemic? This sensitive placement is in opposition to mercury, which rules thinking and communication, so Curry often

struggles with juggling his head and heart. Ruling love and money, his Venus in Virgo brings a discerning and humanitarian element to his chart. He tends to be critical, efficient, and analytical. Virgo is the sign of service, which explains Curry’s lifetime work as a rotarian and recent work in public service. Jupiter is the planet of aspirations and expansion, with his in the idealistic sign of Libra, Curry’s inclined to a fair and people-pleasing behavior. In a happy trine with his moon sign, he is generous and good for work in public life. Being in a square aspect with his sun, though, he can tend to overdo it and promise more than he can deliver. These personality planets sum up the way Curry is, he can’t help it, it’s written in the stars. ISA BARRIENTOS

FOLIO HOROSCOPES Aries You’re in your bag (Mars) right now, and you’ll be tapping into a supernatural potency starting August 2nd. What do you have to prove? Okay, go prove it. At the end of July keep working but make time for fun. Promotions and praise are coming your way, you deserve it all as you’re more focused than ever. Channel your rage responsibly. Your energy and strength are virtues, but calm down and don’t forget to listen. In fact, rub some basil on your ears. Taurus Recently you’re all angst and ideas. You want to express yourself authentically, next month you will. Clarity of mind is coming too, it’s been foggy for so long, you stand patient and still. From the 26th forward, you’re in the right place to do and say what everyone needs to hear. Find time for your family the second week of August, stage a display of tenderness up close or six feet apart. Find a blue flower and kiss it with a mask on. Gemini Other people’s expectations haunt you. The Mercury and Venus retrogrades came at you fast last month, but the planets closest to the sun are now direct and you’ve come through the other side with great clarity of mind and heart. There’s great focus on material: your items and commas, your comfort and security. Everyone hears you and thinks you’re beautiful. Rearrange a space and light a green candle in it on July 20. Cancer From this moment

forward you’re feeling focused and decisive. Sit and think about your feelings under the stars, report back to a friend. Make them laugh, you’re good at that. Matters of love and partnership will come together for you at the end of July if you approach them in the spirit of emotional responsibility. Take care of your fingers around flames and knives, they’re at risk until August 3. Painting your nails red will bring you strength and success. Leo You’re comfortably stepping into your strength this next month. Love and career matters share the front seat, you’re dominating in these areas at full speed and force. Power struggles in the workplace might be a theme for you through the end of July but if you want to win, you’re winning. Beware of thinking too big and spending too much in August. This is an excellent time to work on long-term career goals and bask under the sun. Wear an orange mask. Virgo The stars bless you with high spirits and a big imagination starting on the July 20th new moon. Work and relationships will go swimmingly and important social connections will be made. Now is the perfect time to engage in the creative pursuits you’ve been putting off for lack of time or inspiration. You are meticulous, this is good, but watch your nerves. Put some rosemary in your pocket and breathe it in as needed. Libra You’re coming in

hot into the second half of July. embracing the weirdnes and novelty of the times. Friends and colleagues will give you special attention in the last week of July. Don’t forget about your worldly duties. The way you relate to others grows deeper and softer in August, but it may be as a consequence of disharmony and pain. Think before you act, gripping a white stone in your hand could help. Scorpio A heavy cerebral energy will wash over you at the end of July. This sets you up for the unexpected chaos that August will bring internally and externally. If you uphold honesty it will all smooth over by the 10th. You are intense and obsessive, but it’s not the time to put all your eggs in one love basket. The stars will lend you mental power and creativity, start with a pen and yellow paper and see what you make of it. Sagittarius Confidence beams from within you always, and you’re feeling it right now. Watch and listen quietly for balance. The new moon brings clarity in achieving your goals. Your domestic life is brought to new light with a gorgeous new meaning. Let your home and its inhabitants know how much they mean to you. Once that’s taken care of, consider going somewhere you’ve never been before. Clothe yourself in black garments. Capricorn Thank you for keeping everything together for all of us. Jupiter and Saturn in your sign spark a search for meaning

and responsibility through July. This next month might bring up more emotions than you’re used to having but you’ll put them to practical use like you do with everything. It will help you feel connected and inspired. You’ll pay attention to your body and how you can exercise it in August. Wear white shoes on your feet when you walk this month, we need you. Aquarius It’s been all work and activism for you this month, you take the sincere gratitude from everyone everywhere in return. From the new moon on the 20th forward, you’ll benefit from turning your energy inwards, making a lifestyle change, and spending time with your crush or your spouse. The full moon on August 3rd is in your sign - reflecting on your identity and purpose is how you’ll best serve your community at that point. We love your awkward body language, sit with it in green grass. Pisces Do you feel yourself becoming your truest self? It’s been a weird year, a weird life, but you’ve now solidified who you want to be and how you want to relate to others. The sweetness in your heart helps you out. Business matters take the backseat, keep them in line for they have great influence on your psyche. Illusions cloud your mind on the subject of a potential partner or friend. Be careful not to idealize them, see how you feel after August 5. Wear pink around them either way.


Dear Dumbs is a regular segment on the popular podcast Gang of Two - “A hilarious look at coupledom from a couple of dumbs.” Created by Terry Jaymes (of the Lex and Terry Radio Network) and his wife Shari, they recklessly give advice that has kept them together for over 27 years.

Dear Dumbs,

Terry: I just hope these guys share the same name. If you scream out the wrong one in a moment of passion there My husband suddenly passed will be a divorce in your future. That a few years ago to cancer. I loved this being said, let’s try to get you back to man completely. I have since met a new square one. I can tell you want to be wonderful guy who just asked me to with him and I don’t feel that this is a lost marry him. However, something strange cause. happened during the proposal. I had Shari: I agree it’s not a lost cause never stopped wearing my wedding ring but both of you need to take some from my previous relationship. When he responsibility here. asked me to marry him I froze because Terry: Good luck getting a guy I had never removed that ring. I just whose heart is now in the back of his couldn’t do it and he got pretty hurt. He underwear to shoulder the blame. I slipped the ring back into his jacket, and agree with Shari though, this won’t move drove me home. We’ve only exchanged forward until both of you find a way to a couple of awkward, meaningless text talk and hopefully laugh about it. But I since then. What do I do now? think you need to make the first move. Vee - in Orange Park Remember, right now he’s still hurting because he’s out the 35 bucks he spent Terry: Congrats on hooking up on a ring. That’s what I spent anyway. But with the most clueless man in the world, that was 27 years ago. Vee. How did this guy not notice that Shari: Okay, Vee, let’s be honest. It you’re still wearing your old wedding doesn’t sound like you’re ready to move ring? I know I had to get Shari’s ring size before I went shopping. By the way, it’s 4 on. And that’s okay. Maybe you’re not 1/4. People thought I was Jeffrey Epstein. finished with your grieving. The new guy should not take this so personal. You Shari: Vee - I’m surprised that you love a guy that’s not available - like being didn’t think about your ring, either. Most likely you knew the proposal was coming, in love with a priest. It’s just not gonna as these things are rarely a total surprise. happen. You should ask the new guy to give you some more time (if he’s still

around). If he cares for you as much as he professes, he’ll wait. Terry: I hate to say this, but it would be hard for anybody to date or marry a widow or widower. From his standpoint he’s in a no-win situation. He will never match up to your deceased husband. Ever. And you know that, Vee. If you want this to work, you better get used to pointing out all the great things he brings into your life. Apologize for your part in the worst proposal ever and promise him that if he ever asks you again that he’s your choice for the next phase of your life. On a side note, I think my wife has it for a priest now. Shari: Nope, not hot for a priest, I just finished watching Fleabag. Terry: Bottom line is that he’s hurt and probably a little embarrassed. However, you can save this if you want to. Reach out to him like I said and I bet all this will be behind you. Or, go to church and bag a priest. Apparently that’s a thing. Shari: We will be thinking of you. Please send us an update. We would hate to choke on our first ever Dear Dumbs advice column. TERRY AND SHARI JAYMES

The GANG OF TWO Podcast is a hilarious look at coupledom from a couple of dumbs : Shari & Terry Jaymes



On May 27, Deputy Craigmyle posted the photo and statement below on his public Facebook page regarding the murder of George Floyd:

“I’m all about brotherhood and standing for what’s right, but that applies to those who actually uphold the law,” Craigmyle said. According to the deputy, no one should have to wait “for the facts,” and there is nothing that can justify Floyd’s death. He was handcuffed, lying face down on the ground, pleading for his life and the officers did nothing, Craigmyle explained. The experienced deputy believes that the acting officer in the Floyd case let his anger control his emotions, while the other officers stood by idly without rendering aid or stopping the officer. “We cannot allow this to happen,” Craigmyle said. “Our job as officers is to obtain the facts and present those facts to the judge, [as] we are not the judge or jury. George Floyd did not deserve to die; he was pleading for his life.” Craigmyle continued by stating that all officers must adhere to an oath to protect everyone and defend the constitution. He believes that officers have to stand up and hold the “corrupt” officers accountable. “If you don’t [hold these officers accountable], you’re a part of the problem and need to find a different job,” Craigmyle said. “We must be civil about this and work together to fix the issue.” Working together to address the issues of both racial injustice and police brutality begin with three simple notions: accountability, justice, and reform. Further, the element of awareness, and realizing

that not all officers would have acted in the same manner as the ones responsible for Floyd’s death, is essential. “Whenever you have a doctor that has a malpractice, the world doesn’t go after all of the doctors out there. [These malpractice cases are] not highly scrutinized and not highly-publicized because they don’t have cameras inside the operating rooms, but malpractice happens all the time,” Craigmyle explained. “I will not put George Floyd on a pedestal, but I will condemn [the officer who killed him] and any other officer who does anything like that.” In terms of a solution, the deputy believes that getting law enforcement leaders, mayors, commissioners, governors and senators on board with creating laws to hold “bad apples” accountable is the answer. Craigmyle emphasized that laws with swift penalties are necessary, and that voting the right leaders into office is a must to make sure justice is swiftly obtained.

“Our job as officers is to obtain the facts and present those facts to the judge, [as] we are not the judge or jury. George Floyd did not deserve to die; he was pleading for his life.” Ultimately, Craigmyle believes justice shouldn’t be prolonged – especially if the evidence is on camera. Aside from wrongful deaths, and in explaining and justifying the need for officers in deterring major crimes, Craigmyle shared that he feels the biggest threat to law enforcement professionals today are the officers who do not choose to “step up” and “do what is

right whenever it needs to be done.” In addition to the officers who make poor judgement calls or take excessive action, Craigmyle worries that parents aren’t doing enough to discipline their children and teach them wrong from right. “Parents are failing their children. They are so afraid of the judicial system to discipline their children. Honoring your mother and father and teaching your children right from wrong.” He believes reform starts in the home, and if parents would discipline their children it would prevent negative outcomes resulting from law enforcement encounters later. Craigmyle shared his understanding that bad parenting can make someone more likely to engage in criminal activities as an adult, whether as a civilian or as a law enforcement officer. Yet, whatever the reason for each fatal police encounter, proper investigation should reveal who was at fault and reveal if the proper police protocols were followed. Craigmyle concluded that, in the Floyd case specifically, that the officers committed murder and must be punished according to the law. As for the Black Lives Matter supporters and protestors across the country, Craigmyle expressed his belief that any and all violent and destructive behavior should not be accepted either. “I don’t have any issue with protesting, [only with] the rioting where they are going around looting and stealing. Intentionally burning a place isn’t helping anybody,” Craigmyle said. “I understand that we need to talk. We need to raise awareness on racism and try to come to a common ground, but that’s going to start at the voting booths.” TERESA SPENCER TERESA@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM




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Quinn Gray provides his AFC predictions for this upcoming season.

Baltimore Ravens: 2019 record: 14-2 Projected 2020 record: 13-3 Notable additions: DE Calais Campbell, ILB Patrick Queen [R] Notable departures: G Marshal Yanda, TE Hayden Hurst With the addition of star pass-rusher Calais Campbell and draft steal Patrick Queen, the Ravens’ defense is only getting better. Campbell is not only a great player, but a great leader too, and will help to provide a good presence in the locker room. However, the loss of perennial Pro Bowler Marshal Yanda to retirement removes the best piece of their offensive line. Teams will most likely continue to find ways to attack Lamar Jackson’s dangerous dual-threat style of play. Expect the defense to trend up and the offense to stay about the same, maybe a little worse than last year. The Ravens will lead their division once more.




Pittsburgh Steelers: 2019 record: 8-8 Projected 2020 record: 9-7 Notable additions: TE Eric Ebron, FB Derek Watt, WR Chase Claypool [R] Notable departures: G Ramon Foster, FB Roosevelt Nix Big Ben Roethlisberger is returning from his brutal elbow injury and is receiving two new pass-catchers, Claypool and Ebron, to help fill the void created by Antonio Brown’s departure last offseason. Derek Watt, the brother of linebacker T.J. Watt and Texans edge J.J. Watt, joined the Steelers to fill the fullback position vacated by now-Colts fullback Rosie Nix. Roethlisberger isn’t getting any younger, and time will tell what damage his elbow injury will have. Cleveland Browns: 2019 record: 6-10 Projected 2020 record: 8-8 Notable additions: T Jack Conklin, TE Austin Hooper, OL Jedrick Wills Jr. [R] Notable departures: LB Christian Kirksey The Browns were one of the most hyped-up teams in football last year, but could not live up to the expectations. I predict the Browns to do better this year, but the playoff drought will continue, even as the additions of Conklin and Wills fill a huge need for the dismal offensive line. Hooper is coming off a stellar season with Atlanta, and if he stays healthy, he can make an impact on the field. However, Baker Mayfield had a woeful 2019 season and the Browns have a new head coach. If Mayfield plays poorly again, the Browns will miss the postseason for the 18th year in a row. Cincinnati Bengals:

2019 record: 2-14 Projected 2020 record: 4-12 Notable additions: QB Joe Burrow [R], DT D.J. Reader, WR Tee Higgins [R] Notable departures: QB Andy Dalton The Bengals were the worst team in football in 2019, and I don’t see them doing much better in 2020. They have their QB of the future in Joe Burrow, but I expect him to have a rocky start due to the adjustment from having a stacked college team to a weak NFL team. Reader will provide another stud to a dangerous defensive line containing Geno Atkins and Carlos Dunlap. This trio will be one of the few bright spots on the team. The Bengals will have another down year, but can land a star in next year’s draft. Kansas City Chiefs: 2019 record: 12-4 (won Super Bowl) Projected 2020 record: 13-3 Notable additions: RB Clyde Edwards-Helaire [R], DE Taco Charlton Notable departures: CB Kendall Fuller, P Dustin Colquitt The reigning world champions made sure to avoid losing too many players this offseason to avoid the dreaded “Super Bowl hangover”. Releasing Dustin Colquitt was not the best idea, as he was a very reliable punter, however, the Chiefs were able to sign a rookie to fill his place. Edwards-Helaire is a great pick reminiscent of Maurice Jones-Drew with his bowling-ball like size, and should provide an extra pair of hands. Charlton could find his mojo with Kansas City… or not. I can see the Chiefs repeating with another Super Bowl win. This team is built right. Expect Mahomes to receive a huge payday after the season (or he could take the Brady path and reduce his pay so other players can stay).

and it appears that the playoff days are returning to Denver. Los Angeles Chargers: 2019 record: 5-11 Projected 2020 record: 7-9 Notable additions: QB Justin Herbert [R], CB Chris Harris, OT Bryan Bulaga, DT Linval Joseph Notable departures: QB Philip Rivers, OT Russel Okung, RB Melvin Gordon The Chargers moved on from veteran Philip Rivers in the offseason and drafted Oregon QB Justin Herbert in the first round. From what the team has said, it appears that Tyrod Taylor will start the season at QB, and Herbert could finish it. The Chargers found a gem in 2017 UDFA running back Austin Ekeler, and he appears to be the future of the Chargers’ running backs in the wake of Gordon’s departure to the rival Broncos. I don’t see Harris making a huge impact, as he is 30 years old, an age where cornerbacks typically slow down. The Chargers have made some additions to their weak offensive line, so I can see them improving, but no playoffs this year for the Bolts. Las Vegas Raiders: 2019 record: 7-9 Projected 2020 record: 6-10 Notable additions: ILB Cory Littleton, LB Nick Kwiatkoski, WR Henry Ruggs [R] Notable departures: LB Tahir Whitehead The Raiders were able to sign former Rams star Cory Littleton, a good move that should add a solid playmaker to the front seven. They took speedy receiver Henry Ruggs in the first round, a surprising move that I disagree with. First off, both Jerry Jeudy and CeeDee Lamb, who are more complete players, were still available. In addition, Ruggs is quick but has trouble finding separation, an interesting issue for a fast player such as him. Derek Carr is starting to seem like less and less of a starting QB, and the Raiders threatened him by signing Marcus Mariota to a backup role. The Raiders also reached for CB Damon Arnette, who was expected to go in the second or third round. I think the main problem for the Raiders will be playing the Chiefs and Broncos each twice, as well as having a tougher schedule than last year.


Denver Broncos: 2019 record: 7-9 Projected 2020 record: 10-6 Notable additions: CB A.J. Bouye, DT Jurrell Casey, RB Melvin Gordon, WR Jerry Jeudy [R] Notable departures: CB Chris Harris, QB Joe Flacco, C Connor McGovern The Broncos are loading sophomore QB Drew Lock with pass-catching weapons in Jeudy and second round pick K.J. Hamler, as well as adding a solid running back in Gordon to create a one-two punch with Phillip Lindsay. They were able to steal Casey from the Titans in exchange for only a 7th round pick. Bouye will help to replace Harris, who left for the Chargers in free agency. Lock will be in great shape to take the Broncos to the postseason with Jeudy, Courtland Sutton, Hamler, and TE Noah Fant around him. Having these weapons could even put him in the top 5 for passing yards. This team did a great job this offseason,


Buffalo Bills:

2019 record: 10-6 Projected 2020 record: 11-5 Notable additions: WR Stefon Diggs, DE A.J. Epenesa [R], CB Josh Norman Notable departures: RB Frank Gore, DT Shaq Lawson The threat of the Patriots is over in the AFC East. The Bills will seize this opportunity to become the new kings of the division that


has been under Brady’s rule for 20 years. The trade for Diggs will give the Bills one of the best receiver trios in the league. Epenesa, a second-round steal, will add a huge threat to the strong Bills d-line. With Gore’s departure, late round steal Devin Singletary will become the lead rusher, with rookie Zack Moss alongside him in the backfield. I can see Josh Allen becoming a more refined passer now that he has one of the top receivers in the league at his disposal.



New England Patriots: 2019 record: 12-4 Projected 2020 record: 9-7 Notable additions: QB Cam Newton, WR Marqise Lee, LB Josh Uche [R], S Kyle Dugger [R] Notable departures: QB Tom Brady, K Stephen Gostkowski, LB Jamie Collins, DT Danny Shelton, LB Kyle Van Noy (Gronk not listed, as he would have not played if Brady was still in New England). As anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock would know, Tom Brady has left the Patriots for the Buccaneers. The Patriots signed veteran QB Cam Newton in June, and it will be interesting to see if he returns to the level of play that got him a 2015 MVP title and a Super Bowl appearance. His flashy outfits and sense of humor on and off the field should provide some fun to a normally no-nonsense Patriots team. The team also lost some pieces of their dominant defense, with their linebacker core being almost completely dismantled in the offseason. The team is much different than it was with Brady, and while still a good player when healthy, Newton is a step down from the 6-time Super Bowl champion. However, knowing Bill Belichick, the Patriots should be in for a relatively good season. They get the 3rd wild card spot in the AFC.


With Tom Brady leaving the AFC East, the Jets should do better, right? Wrong. The Bills are the new power in the division, and will make life tough for the Jets. The Dolphins are on the rise. The Patriots seem to have something out for the Jets and will probably win both of their matchups, as usual. Perriman is a huge downgrade from Anderson, and the team is missing Quincy Enunwa to injury. Rookie Denzel Mims could also help power the receiving corps, but without other good receivers, he could have less of an impact. The main goal of the Jets free agency was the offensive line, and Becton and McGovern are the main additions. I just don’t think the Jets will be able to handle the opponents in their division.

Miami Dolphins: 2019 record: 5-11 Projected 2020 record: 6-10 Notable additions: QB Tua Tagovailoa [R], CB Byron Jones, LB Kyle Van Noy, OT Ereck Flowers, RB Matt Breida Notable departures: S Reshad Jones, C Daniel Kilgore “Tank for Tua” was a success and the Dolphins have found their QB of the future. The team also signed a load of free agents to fill the holes that they created when trading players away for more picks. Tua is not expected to start the season, as he has just recovered from his brutal hip injury. Because of this, Ryan Fitzpatrick will play most of the season. The Fins could end up having another relatively high pick to help build around Tua or bolster their run game. New York Jets: 2019 record: 7-9 Projected 2020 record: 5-11 Notable additions: WR Breshad Perriman, OT Mekhi Becton [R], C Connor McGovern Notable departures: WR Robby Anderson, CB Trumaine Johnson

Philadelphia Eagles: 2019 record: 9-7 Projected 2020 record: 11-5 Notable additions: CB Darius Slay, DT Javon Hargrave, WR Jalen Reagor [R], QB Jalen Hurts [R] Notable departures: S Malcolm Jenkins, LB Nigel Bradham, WR Nelson Agholor\ The Eagles pulled off a 9-7 record despite losing so many players to injury. They made receiver the main goal of the draft and free agency, and were able to draft a good receiver in the 1st round, and traded for Marquise Goodwin. In another big move, they acquired lockdown corner Darius Slay from the Lions for only a 3rd and 5th round pick. The Hurts pick is seen as a joke by many, but I am one of the few people who sees this as a great opportunity. I expect Carson Wentz to do what he does best and get injured this season. Who will step in? A quarterback who could have been a starter had he been drafted by another team. I think Hurts is the future in Philly, and he will likely see a few starts this year when Wentz goes down again. Dallas Cowboys: 2019 record: 8-8 Projected 2020 record: 10-6 Notable additions: DT Gerald McCoy, WR CeeDee Lamb [R], K Greg Zuerlein Notable departures: DT Maliek Collins, WR Randall Cobb, TE Jason Witten When CeeDee Lamb fell all the way down to pick 17, the Cowboys turned in the card to draft the star wide receiver. Adding him gives the Cowboys the best receiver trio in the league, with Amari Cooper, Michael Gallup, and Lamb. But what’s going to happen when they have a mediocre quarterback, Dak Prescott, passing to them? Some people argue that Prescott is good, but his trouble with reading defenses makes his play sloppy. Zuerlein is an upgrade over Brett Maher and Kai Forbath at kicker. Gerald McCoy is getting old, but he could fit in nicely where Collins was. I can’t see the Cowboys making it past the wild card round. New York Giants: 2019 record: 4-12 Projected 2020 record: 5-11

Notable additions: OT Andrew Thomas [R], CB James Bradberry, ILB Blake Martinez Notable departures: WR Cody Latimer The Giants surprised many with their pick of Andrew Thomas in the first round. Some people expected them to take Isaiah Simmons, and others thought they would pick Tristan Wirfs. I, however, think Thomas was a good pick. His film shows that he rarely makes mistakes, which should mean that he won’t get many penalties. Bradberry and Martinez are solid players and should help the lackluster defense find its stride. Saquon Barkley was able to reach 1000 yards last year even while injured, and I think he can return to his OPOY form from 2 years ago. This will be the first year Daniel Jones plays a full 16 game year, meaning it could be hard to predict his play. New HC Joe Judge was also a former special teams coordinator, and I don’t know if he will end up being a good coach. Washington: 2019 record: 3-13 Projected 2020 record: 4-12 Notable additions: DE Chase Young [R], CB Kendall Fuller Notable departures: OT Trent Williams, CB Quinton Dunbar, CB Josh Norman After a long and hard-fought battle, future Hall of Famer Trent Williams was able to escape the evil wrath of Dan Snyder and leave Washington for the 49ers after the organization misdiagnosed a cancerous growth on his head. Yikes. Washington was able to draft the best player coming out of college, Chase Young, who should be able to strengthen their already strong defensive line. They are sticking with Dwayne Haskins at quarterback, but if he does not perform well again in 2020, he will most likely have to sit on the bench for a while. Dunbar was a good corner, but the team did not want to pay him his asking price and was traded to the Seahawks. Then he got arrested. Fuller is returning to Washington after a few years with the Chiefs, and he should be pretty good. This will be another tough year for Washington, as

they dig out of a very deep hole. Indianapolis Colts:

2019 record: 7-9 Projected 2020 record: 10-6 Notable additions: QB Philip Rivers, DT DeForest Buckner, CB Xavier Rhodes, WR Michael Pittman Jr. Notable departures: CB Pierre Desir, DT Margus Hunt, TE Eric Ebron Last year did not work out for the Colts with Jacoby Brisset at the helm, so they went ahead and signed veteran Philip Rivers to take his place. Rivers had a bad year with the Chargers last season, but going from one of the worst offensive lines to one of the best is any quarterback’s dream, and Rivers should do better with more protection. The team traded its first round pick for star pass-rusher DeForest Buckner, and I expect him to do great with the Colts. Pittman will add a good


second option to the pass game alongside T.Y. Hilton. While the Colts have a good amount of older players, who could be more injury prone, they should return to the playoffs.

Randall Cobb

Notable departures: WR DeAndre Hopkins, RB Carlos Hyde, LB Barkevious Mingo

The ineptitude of Bill O’Brien has finally shown itself in full Tennessee Titans: light. The head coach and 2019 record: 9-7 general manager decided Projected 2020 record: 9-7 to trade his perennial All-Pro Notable additions: LB Vic Beasley, receiver, DeAndre Hopkins, OT Isaiah Wilson [R] to the Cardinals for formerly Notable departures: OT Jack good running back Johnson Conklin, DT Jurrell Casey, CB and a 2nd round pick. Just Logan Ryan Another 9-7 record makes this move alone is enough to take a few wins off the team’s sense to me. Ryan Tannehill was record. The team traded the 7-3 in the regular season and 2-1 in the playoffs. The team lost same 2nd round pick they Conklin, one of the best tackles received from Arizona to the in the league during free agency, Rams for Cooks. So basically, and traded Casey for a 7th round they traded the best receiver pick. Wilson is a downgrade in the league for a bad running from Conklin, but should be back and a mediocre receiver. serviceable. Beasley is getting his Oops. Carlos Hyde was a second chance with the Titans, breakout player for Houston but his good seasons seem like a when RB Lamar Miller went long time ago. I think the Titans will get into the playoffs, but they down for the season, but he won’t be able to repeat last year’s is gone too. Miller may return to the Texans, but it is still “Cinderella Run”. unclear. The Texans went from Houston Texans: a playoff team to a mediocre2019 record: 10-6 at-best team. At least they still Projected 2020 record: 7-9 have Deshaun Watson…as Notable additions: RB David long as O’Brien doesn’t trade Johnson, WR Brandin Cooks, WR him for a roll of toilet paper


and a few magic beans. Jacksonville Jaguars: 2019 record: 6-10 Projected 2020 record: 3-13 Notable additions: CB C.J. Henderson [R], LB K’Lavon Chaisson [R], ILB Joe Schobert Notable departures: DE Calais Campbell, CB A.J. Bouye, QB Nick Foles, WR Marqise Lee Here we are. The team that most readers were waiting for. The Jacksonville Jaguars. First round picks Henderson and Chaisson will help to hopefully bring back the “Sacksonville” days that now seem so far away. Chaisson is also known to be a leader on and off the field, and he should become a good presence in the locker room. Head coach Doug Marrone and GM Dave Caldwell are in a make it or break it year, and need to change some things up if they would like to stay in Duval. The Jaguars wanted to free up some cap space, and to do so, began a nice flash sale. The Campbell trade was surprising and saddening. The team lost a great person and a great leader. After all,


Campbell was just given the honor of Walter Payton Man of the Year at NFL Honors. On However, the team was able to dump Foles’ contract to the Bears for a 4th round pick. It is good that the team will not have to keep his life-sucking contract and can instead use it for better players. But this brings me to the hard truth. The Jaguars are showing signs of tanking… to pick star Clemson QB Trevor Lawrence in next year’s draft. While we all love current starting QB Gardner Minshew for his fun play style, his quirky off-field actions, and his epic mustache, Lawrence is the type of player that you can’t pass up on, especially in the Jaguars’ current state. If Minshew is able to perform at a high level, then the Jags could possibly do a little better than expected and take a player to help build around Minshew, like star LSU receiver Ja’Marr Chase. Don’t worry, Minshew, the fans love you and are excited to see you lead our team this year. QUINN GRAY MAIL@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM


The PGA Tour wants to change the way you see golf, by diversifying the makeup of who plays it. Folio sat down with Director, Digital Platform Innovation for the PGA Tour, Devon Fox, to talk about her efforts to promote diversity in golf. FOLIO 2.0: What is the PGA TOUR stance on fostering diversity in sports and in the workplace? DEVON FOX: As a global organization, the TOUR aspires to reflect the regions and communities where we play. We believe diversity of thought and background is vital to our success and growth as a company. We’re always striving to create an inclusive and welcoming culture, and to be a positive example for all our constituents and partners. Historically, golf has been perceived by many as an elitist

sport with a culture that is less than welcoming to differing viewpoints and ideas. Thankfully, this stereotype has been flipped due to the new face of golf that has emerged over the last few decades. We feel that building a vibrant mix of voices and perspectives is the only way to develop the best ideas, foster innovation, and broaden the reach and impact of our sport. At the TOUR, inclusion isn’t just one person’s responsibility like it is at other companies. Instead of a Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, we have an Inclusion Leadership Council focused on strategic initiatives to help move us forward in the most inclusive ways possible. We also have six Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that form our boots on the ground approach to rally around specifics areas like people of

color, military and first responders, or employees with families. And with the unrest we’ve seen in our country recently, we’ve doubled down on our efforts to be part of the solution. TOUR employees observed

Juneteenth as a holiday for the first time ever this year, we held a moment of silence at 8:46 AM during our first week in the return to golf after a 13-week break to pay our collective respects to the memory of George Floyd and further lend our voice to the national discussion around racial and social injustices. The commissioner also sat down for a talk with Harold Varner III to discuss what it means to be Black in professional golf and the multicultural and first responder ERGs led employees through very difficult discussions this month to determine our next steps as a company. In those discussions, employees were asked to share their suggestions for how the TOUR could be part of the solution and every single one of those suggestions is being evaluated and considered as we formulate our plan to move forward. In addition to what we do inside the walls of the PGA TOUR, we also work with The First Tee and the APGA (Advocates Pro Golf Association) Tour. We help support The First Tee as it grows and diversifies the game of golf through fan engagement, diversity & inclusion, and civic responsibility efforts. The First Tee teaches nine core values along with nine healthy life Habits to help instill lifelong values and habits for youth. They’re also growing the game by transforming the experience kids and families have with the sport. The work we do with the APGA Tour over the last 4 years includes financial grants, in-kind support, and covering the costs of tournament greens fees at certain TPC courses. The APGA players also receive lessons at the PGA TOUR Performance Center and enjoy benefits on the Korn Ferry Tour. Some of the players have even earned sponsors as a result of the PGA TOUR / APGA Tour co-sponsored event at the Farmers Insurance Open. FOLIO 2.0: What led to the launch of PRISM at the PGA TOUR? DEVON FOX: We pride ourselves on the diversity of our players with over 90 international members representing 27 different countries, but something still felt like it was missing for me. PRISM is the TOUR’s first LBGTQ+ and Allies ERG. It was formed to invite, educate, and engage allies to help us achieve full inclusion for LGBTQ+ people at the PGA TOUR. I was inspired by my brother to do more in the community when he



came out as transgender more than two years ago. When I thought about what I could realistically accomplish, I felt that working to improve representation of LGBTQ+ people in the sports world was something I could directly influence. Our main focus areas right now in PRISM are employee education, policy, events and communications. We’ve also partnered with a local charity called JASMYN that provides assistance to housing insecure LGBTQ+ youth. We work with JASMYN regularly to help with events, food pantry drives and providing volunteers. We wanted a name for our group that would reflect the colorful diversity of our employees as well as something that would reference the colors and meaning of the Pride Rainbow. FOLIO 2.0: How has PRISM changed the culture at the TOUR since it was formed? DEVON FOX: I’m so proud of the work we’ve done in PRISM in just one calendar year. We went from presenting to the talent & culture leadership for approval to start the ERG to having a fully formed group in less than one year. We’ve worked hard to recruit employee members and set a strategy for the group using best practices from the Human Rights Campaign; we’ve researched and made recommendations to the company on how we can change our policies to be more inclusive as well as use more inclusive language, facilitated quarterly

meetings to engage our employees, hosted virtual cocktail-making classes featuring talented mixologists from the TPC Network and queer employees with their family members learning to make drinks, rolled out our very first training workshop called “How to be an Ally,” and we’ve even been recognized by the commissioner for helping to make the TOUR culture more inclusive. FOLIO 2.0: Has PRISM been embraced by staff? DEVON FOX: Absolutely, we launched PRISM with only 5 members and now we serve nearly 100 employees as they strive to learn how to be better allies or to find ways to contribute to our inclusion efforts. We’ve got one TPC engaged in the group right now, TPC Harding Park in San Francisco, but we’re working on plans to extend our ERGs to the entire TPC Network in the near future. In addition to the members we directly service, we offer content and training opportunities to all PGA TOUR staff globally. We’ve been thrilled to see dozens of new employees embracing us during Pride Month this year. FOLIO STAFF TEAM@FOLIOWEELY.COM










22 28












32 36


41 45











54 58

55 59









DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6

Whacks “Rumor has it...” Horse races Time periods JIA arrival Verse form




















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33 37


















7 Derek and Peep 8 “Ah...okay” 9 Scoring 100 on 10 Lone Ranger’s partner 11 Acquired kin 12 US highway that runs through Jax 13 Refusals 14 JU grads-to-be 20 Jags scoreboard figs. 22 Second-stringers 23 Wax eloquent 24 Co. that began as Control Video Corp. 25 Med. group 26 Tiny toymaker 27 Bad-check letters 29 Bonus, in adspeak 33 Quacky insurance giant 34 Move furtively 35 Watched 38 Play a part 39 “Quiet!” 40 “___ Haw” 41 Spoils 42 Architect I.M. 43 Hutson or Bean 46 ‘60s acid 47 Pool player’s request 49 Bold City Brewery supply 50 Most TIAA Bank Field events 51 Poet’s Muse 53 Folio reporters’ spots 55 Baby talk 56 IBM products 57 Key under X 58 Crab Shack guy 59 Sault ___ Marie 60 FPL unit 61 Wyo. neighbor



ACROSS 1 Moonlighter’s work 8 Part of UN 15 Start of a sailor’s riddle 16 First female Supreme Court Justice 17 Makes bubbly 18 0-and-something 19 Sidecar bar bills 20 1492 ship 21 ___ Lanka 22 Riddle, Part 2 28 Corn sugar 30 Inter Miami org. 31 Shoplift 32 Let up 36 Squealer 37 Take the high way 38 Embarrassed 42 Ballet dips 44 Señor Guevara 45 Flowery shrub 48 Riddle, Part 3 52 Actor Beatty 54 Flop-___ (like Davi) 55 Challenge 56 Nightwear 59 Handel bars? 62 Near 63 Riddle answer 64 Western hat 65 Sets sail




Fun with the Jumbo Shrimp Take a swing at this baseball & team themed crossword puzzle 1







4 5






PURPLE Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r



2. Kids can run these after every Sunday game 3. The name o n the Shrimp's red unifo rms wo rn o n Fridays. 4 . A batter hitting the ball o ver the fence to sco re a run 5 . this masco t debut in 20 17 6 . Jackso nville team name 8. Players wear this in the field

1. City where the Jumbo Play 2. Teams swing this when o n o ffense 5 . this o le masco t is always up to learning new tricks 7 . Spo rt the Jumbo Shimp plays











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Save public schools Invest in the future Political advertisement paid by Ben Marcus, Democrat, for State Representative, District 16.

FOLIO WEED: IS POT PANDEMIC PROOF? So, um, how’s it going these days? It’s been a little while now since we last checked in--81 days, to be exact, since the last edition of this column was published, on April 24. Only three months, but it feels like a lifetime ago. And it is a lifetime ago for the couple hundred-thousand who are now dead, for one reason or another. The human cost of the pandemic exceeds the financial cost, but they’ve hit in different ways. The chaos, the trauma, the uncertainty and fear is now laced through the culture like fentanyl in fairy-dust, dreams and nightmares, simultaneously. The state’s cannabis industry has mostly withstood the bulk of blowback adjacent to the global situation, but we have seen a sharp plateauing of what were exponential growth prospects over the previous three years or so. Major players have mostly retained their previous positions, but the business has been floating on a wave of disposable income that is, for the time being, not available. Black-market sales are up, because going through legal channels costs more money and takes more time, neither of

which are steady commodities for the standard patient cadre. We have also seen an alarming trend, typified by the Med Men debacle, where the kind of financial tricks that sustained corporate America for so long have been suddenly rendered impotent by the pressure of this pandemic. That trend will likely accelerate, as we get closer to the close of the fiscal year on September 30. The cannabis market had nothing but steady, prolonged expansion forecast for many years to come, and it will be just fine in the long run. This situation, however, has exposed every weakness and vulnerability in the business models of virtually every company on earth, and the sudden halt in new openings calls the sustainability of these models into question. In Florida, we can now see how the failure to secure a ballot spot for “responsible adult use” (aka recreational use) of marijuana could be potentially disastrous for profits going forward. The numbers were there; it would have passed easily, if given a chance, but that story’s been told elsewhere--here, to be specific. Tragic that

I SAW YOU Blonde about 5 6” tie dye shirt, needing an umbrella at Publix riverside. You seemed very sweet and I hated that you had to walk all the way to the back of the parking lot, because I would not want to either, I’m genuinely a nice person but I can’t say that I didn’t offer you my umbrella because I thought you were beautiful. DATE: 2020-06-08

Long black hair, almond eyes: You were in River Oaks Park with your friends in a white top and blue jeans, I could tell you were happy by your radiant smile. I watched as you walked into the sunset with flowers in your hair. I wished I was walking next to you.

personal conflicts between a small handful of people could cost many others their jobs, maybe. Well, that’s the bad news. The good news is that the market consumers have gotten used to remains (for now) almost entirely intact. The 125th edition of “Folio Weed” sits here, in the first issue of Folio 2.0, and we’ll continue covering the business as we always have. And now, a quick plug: I’ll be speaking about matters related to cannabis (and God only knows what else) on Monday, July 20, 6:30 P.M., in a Zoom session conducted by the venerable First Coast Freethought Society. “Policy and Paraphernalia: a Conversation about Cannabis” was originally timed for 4/20, and it was going to be live, but--well, you know. We’ll post the link online, if you want to participate, or you can watch the video after the fact. The more questions, and the weirder the questions, the better. That is the story of my life, and now yours, too… SHELTON HALL MAIL@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM


DATE: 2020-07-09

Blue t-shirt and shorts, white mask: We were both at the Black Lives Matter protest by the Berkman tower. You were with your friend so I didn’t want to say anything. That’s the second time we’ve run into one another at a protest. It’s a (protest) sign. DATE: 2020-06-27 EMAIL JOHNNY@FOLIOWEEKLY.COM TO RESPOND TO AN I SAW YOU

Keep it classy, Jacksonville.



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