4 minute read

Kadamba Transport Corporation Limited to Launch The 'Mhaji Bus Scheme'

Panjim route. Private bus owners will be paid an average of Rs 34 per kilometer, with a minimum distance assurance of 180 km and a minimum assured distance per year of 60,000 km. The rate per km payable will vary depending on the seating capacity of the buses.

tracking. Commuters will be able to book tickets through a QR code, and the app will provide a c c u r a t e b u s s c h e d u l e s .

Furthermore, 51 electric buses and 459 KTCL buses have already been equipped with Vehicle Location Tracking Devices (VLTD) as part of this scheme.

The government of Goa has launched the 'Mhaji Bus' (My Bus) scheme, which aims to improve public transportation by hiring private buses to connect remote areas and cities. The Kadamba Transport Corporations Limited (KTCL), a state-run transport corporation, will be hiring private buses for three routes: Cancona to Margao, Curchorem-Quepem-

Margao, and Curchorem-PondaPanjim The scheme will be implemented on a pilot basis for six months, starting from June 15 to December 31.

Under the scheme, a total of 41 buses will operate on the Cancona to Margao route, 102 buses on the CurchoremQuepem-Margao route, and 144 buses on the Curchorem-Ponda-

Vijai Sardesai’s Father and noted Scientist, Shri Jaivant Sardesai Passes away

The KTCL will review the scheme monthly and consider suggestions from the operators to make improvements Experienced drivers will be provided by the operators, while conductors will be deployed by the KTCL. Additionally, a concessional monthly pass scheme will be introduced for these buses, and late-night and early-morning services will be provided to enhance connectivity. To enhance the efficiency and accessibility of the bus service, the KTCL will launch an app for real-time bus ticketing and

The 'Mhaji Bus' scheme aims to address the public transportation issue faced in Goa by providing reliable and efficient bus services. It not only benefits Goan commuters but also makes public transportation more accessible and convenient for tourists. The pilot scheme will serve as a basis for refining the program, and a final scheme will be prepared for all routes across the state. With the integration of private buses and the implementation of technological advancements, the scheme is expected to improve the overall transportation system in Goa.

Manipal Hospitals performs Augmented Reality Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Dr. Jaivant Sardesai, a renowned b a c t e r i a l s c i e n t i s t a n d microbiologist, passed away at the age of 94 after a brief illness. He was the father of Goa Forward chief and Fatorda MLA Vijai S a r d e s a i D r S a r d e s a i , affectionately known as 'Aku,' was an accomplished entomologist who had worked at the UN and UNESCO. He was also a cricket enthusiast and had played for Trent Bridge in England. Dr.

S a r d e s a i ' s contributions to education and the environment in Goa w e r e h i g h l y r e g a r d e d . H e shared his expertise i n a g r i c u l t u r a l entomology and pest control with various countries and served as a plant protection scientist for the United Nations. He played a significant r o l e i n e a s i n g concerns during the anti-Konkan Railway agitation in Goa. Dr. Sardesai's funeral was attended by dignitaries, including the Chief Minister and Union Minister, who paid their respects to the remarkable man who had contributed greatly to Goa and the world. His legacy lives on, inspiring others to contribute to t h e s t a t e ' s g r o w t h a n d enhancement.

Dr. Rohan Dessai, a Consultant Hip & Knee Replacement Surgeon at Manipal Hospitals in Goa, has successfully performed a rare and complicated surgery known as Augmented Reality (AR) Total Knee Replacement. Dr. Dessai is the first joint replacement surgeon from Goa and one of the few in the country to have achieved this feat. The surgery was performed on a patient with a deformed femur and shin bone caused by previous fractures and surgeries. The patient developed post-traumatic arthritis in the knee, necessitating a total knee replacement.

AR-based knee replacement offers several advantages over other techniques such as computer navigation and robotic surgery. In AR surgery, the surgeon wears AR glasses and receives real-time information and navigation assistance displayed in front of their eyes This approach eliminates the need for excessive screen viewing or preoperative CT scans, making it less time-consuming and costeffective. AR allows surgeons to maintain their focus on the surgical site while accessing important data and 3D images. Dr. Dessai's successful surgery highlights the expertise and capabilities of Manipal Hospitals in handling complex cases. The patient benefited from a wellcoordinated, multidisciplinary approach, with support from trained nursing staff and clinical assistants.

This achievement marks a significant milestone for joint replacement surgery in Goa and reinforces Manipal Hospitals' c o m m i t m e n t t o p r o v i d i n g a d v a n c e d a n d e f f e c t i v e t r e a t m e n t s T h e u s e o f a u g m e n t e d r e a l i t y i n t h e operating room offers surgeons a powerful tool for precision and real-time feedback, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.

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