Incredible Goa June 2023 Issue

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FEATURES INTERVIEWS STORIES EVENTS FITNESS TECH STARTUP TOURISM AWARENESS OPINION NEWS BUSINESS FOCUS VOL 8 ISSUE 8, PANAJI GOA, RNI : GOAENG/2016/66434 WWW.INCREDIBLEGOA.ORG GOA’SONLYSOCIETYMAGAZINE Rs 100 JUNE2023 COVER STORY Although it's worth noting that while Goa offers backwater tourism, it is not as extensively developed as in other states like Kerala. However, just like every coin has two sides, this relative simplicity can be appealing to travellers seeking a more offbeat and less crowded experience.
festivals in the Rainy Season in Goa
Waterfalls that are
the Hike TOURISM
THE MOPA AIRPORT Dr Pramod Sawant's Vision for a Sustainable Goa Takes Flight with the Inauguration of Mopa Airport WOMAN EMPOWERMENT ANURADHA BALIVADA Shaping the Future of Indian Single Malt YOUNG GOA ERICA J. DE SEQUEIRA A thirteen-year-old Martial Arts Phenom GOAN TALENT ANANT KAMAT BAMBOLKAR A journey of Artistic Exploration
Exploring the
Goan Folk Dances IN FOCUS @foodandhospitalitymagazine @foodandhospitalitymagazine
Dr Celso Fernandes GOA’S ONLYSOCIETYMAGAZINE JUNE 2023 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023 08 CONTENT incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa INTERVIEW ANURADHA BALIVADA COVER STORY FEATURE CULTURE FESTIVAL TOURISM INSIDE 12 GOA BUZZ 36 FOOD & HOSPITALITY 46 BUSINESS 48 EVENTS & HAPPENING 52 COLUMNS FINANCE FITNESS INCREDIBLE PROPERTIES The Best Properties Available in Goa for the Best Bargains - Check out here... 18 30 32 34 40 42 44 DON'T CHASE MONEY, INSTEAD LET MONEY CHASE YOU THE DANCES OF GOA New Tourism Services to be Run by Impaneled Private Agencies -Tourism Minister Goa Branch of WIRC of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Hosts Conference at Taj Bni Foundation Signs Mou With 21 Colleges In Goa Kadamba Transport Corporation Limited to Launch The 'Mhaji Bus Scheme' Vijai Sardesai’s Father and noted Scientist, Shri Jaivant Sardesai Passes away O u t s i d e r s a r e R e s p o n s i b l e F o r Heinous Crimes in The State Says Goa CM 26 FOCUS DR PRAMOD SAWANT'S VISION FOR A S U S T A I N A B L E G O A Spearheaded by Dr Pramod Sawant, the youngest Chief Minister in the history of Goa, this ambitious project has transcended from mere conception to tangible reality. SHAPING THE FUTURE OF INDIAN SINGLE-MALTS THE MARTIAL ARTS PHENOM A JOURNEY OF ARTISTIC EXPLORATION ERICA J. DE SEQUEIRA ANANT KAMAT BAMBOLKAR AT G O A’ S BACKWATER O F F B E A T EXPERIENCE FAME - VEGETARIAN VEGAN JAIN AUTHENTIC INTERNATIONAL & INDIAN CUISINE A Z AYA B E AC H R E S O R T G OA A LUXURIOUS HAVEN OF TRANQUILITY THINGS TO DO IN MONSOON IN GOA MONSOON FESTIVALS OF GOA Panasonic Explores Collaboration with Goa-Based Startup for Energy-Efficient BLDC Motors
Unveils Ambitious Plans for
Hubs and Design Villages, to Boost The Economy
Luxury Real Estate Market
in Demand for Second Homes
CM Dr Pramod Sawant Unveiled
National Game Mascot MOGA
Aaj aur Kal: Musical Tribute to The Legendary Kapoors in Goa Important Compliances To Be Completed Before 30.06.2023 Importance Of Exercise For Seniors
Sees Surge

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The Monsoon has arrived right on time in Goa this year, with early showers and thunderstorms in May signalling its arrival. As we transition to the off-season, beach tourism is expected to stagnate for the next four months, opening up new avenues for tourism activities such as backwater tourism.

Backwater tourism is not a novel idea in the state; however, its implementation has received r e l a t i v e l y l e s s a t t e n t i o n compared to beach tourism. This concept may be unfamiliar to many individuals due to its limited promotion compared to the pristine beaches. Despite the understanding that beach tourism lasts for only six months of the year, it has remained a primary focus for tourism stakeholders in Goa. Nonetheless, with the evolving concept of yearround tourism in Goa, backwater tourism is expected to gain increasing popularity in the near future.

While I was unable to obtain a written statement from the Minister due to his busy schedule, it is clear that he shares a keen interest in aggressively promoting backwater tourism across different tourism sectors and promotional activities.

As part of our ongoing efforts to create the most comprehensive and informative publication, we have ensured that all other sections are well-curated with content that can be improved further. Our goal is to provide r e a d e r s w i t h a v a l u a b l e information guide that covers various aspects of interest. In line with this objective, we have plans to introduce additional sections to the magazine in the near future, expanding its scope and enhancing its usefulness By continuously evolving and incorporating new content, we aim to create a publication that remains relevant and engaging for our readers.

Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.

Aakash Ghadge Team Incredible Goa


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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.

The cover story of this issue primarily focuses on Backwater Tourism and explores strategies to maximize its potential during the monsoon season By shedding light on various aspects, I aim to bring attention to this lesserk n o w n f o r m o f t o u r i s m , encouraging both stakeholders and the state government to take further steps in promoting it and making it more popular in the near future.

One significant development in this regard is the inclusion of Backwater Tourism in the New Tourism Policy, a testament to the Tourism Minister of Goa's commitment to its promotion.

In conclusion, the cover story d e l v e s i n t o t h e r e a l m o f Backwater Tourism, emphasizing the need for its promotion and exploring strategies to make it more popular. With the support of stakeholders, including the Tourism Minister's inclination towards its aggressive promotion, backwater tourism can thrive and contribute to the year-round tourism potential of Goa. By embracing the monsoon season and showcasing the beauty of Goa's waterways, we can unlock the full potential of backwater tourism and offer visitors a truly m e m o r a b l e a n d d i v e r s e experience in the picturesque state.

Rajesh Ghadge





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Printek Printers, and Published at Alfran Plaza, M G Road, Panaji – Goa. 403001 India. Editor & Publisher: Rajesh Ghadge
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INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023 10 EDITORIAL incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Image by Wirestockon Kalyani Merawade Gauri Ghadge Sejal Gupta

New Tourism Services to be Run by Impaneled Private Agencies -Tourism Minister

agencies for running new services.

It has been

F o r t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n a n d operation of new tourism services in the months to come, the tourism department wants to impanel private agencies. The tourism department has invited an indication of interest. Some of the services offered by the tourism department are also implemented through private individuals and agencies. In May, Rohan Khaunte, tourism minister hinted at the possibility of bringing in private

t w o y e a r s since a new t o u r i s m service was introduced in G o a , a n d c u r r e n t services like b u n g e e jumping, hotair ballooning, monsoon treks, and white-water rafting were introduced more than five years ago. The only exception is the helicopter rides that were introduced last year. The tourism department said that the hop-on-hop-off can’t be called a new service because it was introduced 8 years ago but had to be stopped after there was some trouble. The hop-on-

Goa Branch of WIRC of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Hosts Conference at Taj

t h e S u b R e g i o n a l conference for the region.

Other office Bearers of WIRC, CA Ketan Saiya, Treasurer, WIRC and CA. Yashwant Kasar, Regional Council Member, WIRC & Goa Branch Nominee also addressed the delegates at the conference.

Eminent faculty CA

hop-off bus service is set to be restarted shortly. The plan to reestablish the seaplane services has been on hold even after the routes were finalized a few years ago.

The officials said that Goa needs to offer more activities to tourists.

T h e y s a i d t h a t t h e y o u t h especially wants to spend quality time in the state. The tourism minister shared the same opinion as the department. The tourism minister also said that with Goa tourism expanding its reach to hinterlands, ecotourism, and wellness tourism, there is going to be a lot of scope for agencies and individuals specializing in these tourism segments. Expanding the tourism segments to other services will allow the department to improve the tourism industry and also increase employment opportunities for private service providers.

When talking about the chance of tourists getting cheated, the officials said that the operators will be under their watchful gaze and ensure that it does not happen. Khaunte said that the department has not received any major complaints against the services provided by agencies that are impaneled with the tourism department. He added that the quality of services and the safety of the tourists are the priorities when selecting a service provider.

The tourism department will be impaneling private agencies to run new tourism services. Private agencies and individuals will be invited to provide tourists with new services that appeal to the youth. The department will also be keeping a close eye on the private agencies to make sure that they do not cheat the tourists.

Bni Foundation Signs Mou With 21 Colleges In Goa

Every year, Goa Branch of WIRC of ICAI hosts its Sub Regional Conference, with great aplomb wherein CAs from Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra come to Goa for a learning extravaganza This year, Goa Branch of WIRC of ICAI has hosted a Conference on 16th & 17th June 2023 at Vivanta By Taj, Panaji, Goa.

Chairperson of Goa Branch CA.

Thomas Andrade, welcomed the delegates from the Western Region CA Chandrashekhar Chitale, Central Council Member of ICAI addressed the delegates at the conference. Dignitaries from Western Region addressed t h e d e l e g a t e s o n v a r i o u s initiatives taken by ICAI, WIRC Vice Chairman CA. Hitesh Pomal thanked Goa Branch for hosting

Pradip Kapasi covered Finance Act 2023- Important amendments including MSME a n d T a x A u d i t , C A . C h a n d r a s h e k a r C h i t a l e addressed delegates on Code of Ethics, CA Sushrut Chitale delivered a lecture on Companies Act - provisions pertaining to Deposits, legal structure and start-ups, CA. Harshal Bhuta addressed the New Overseas Investment Framework under FEMA and CA. Aditya Kulkarni on the topic Non-compliance with Audit Standards: A Discussion based on NFRA Audit Quality Reviews.The Conference was compared by CA. Sonal D'Silva and concluded with closing remarks and vote of thanks by Secretary, Goa Branch CA Vinayak Dhumatkar.

The "Leading the Change" event organized by BNI Goa Region and Business Voices BNI Foundation in Goa was a highly successful business gathering. Held on June 20, 2023, the event brought together entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals for empowerment and education. Distinguished guests included Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant, Dr. Ivan Misner (Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI Global), Mr. Mac Srinivasan (Global Markets President of BNI), Ms Meena Srinivasan (Chief Digital Officer of BNI), and Mr. Hemu Savarna (India National Director of BNI).

The event began with registration and a networking Hi-Tea session, followed by Dr. Ivan Misner's k e y n o t e s p e e c h o n t h e significance of networking in business success. Dr. Pramod S a w a n t h i g h l i g h t e d t h e government's focus on skilling the youth and expressed support for the BNI Foundation Mr Mac Srinivasan provided insights into the broader business landscape,

while Mr. Rajkumar Kamat e m p h a s i z e d t h e r o l e o f entrepreneurship in driving economic growth in Goa.

The event also showcased the BNI Foundation's Business Voices initiative, promoting corporate s o c i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with 21 institutions to support entrepreneurship and innovation The outstanding performances of participating chapters were recognized, and the BNI Voices Coordinator Team was acknowledged.

Overall, the Leading the Change event successfully empowered and educated entrepreneurs in Goa, offering networking opportunities and valuable k n o w l e d g e s h a r i n g T h e organizers are looking forward to the next edition, aiming for an even more impactful experience. The event demonstrated the power of networking and entrepreneurship in Goa's business landscape, while emphasizing the importance of skilling the youth and corporate social responsibility.

12 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023 GOABUZZ incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa

Kadamba Transport Corporation Limited to Launch The 'Mhaji Bus Scheme'

Panjim route. Private bus owners will be paid an average of Rs 34 per kilometer, with a minimum distance assurance of 180 km and a minimum assured distance per year of 60,000 km. The rate per km payable will vary depending on the seating capacity of the buses.

tracking. Commuters will be able to book tickets through a QR code, and the app will provide a c c u r a t e b u s s c h e d u l e s .

Furthermore, 51 electric buses and 459 KTCL buses have already been equipped with Vehicle Location Tracking Devices (VLTD) as part of this scheme.

The government of Goa has launched the 'Mhaji Bus' (My Bus) scheme, which aims to improve public transportation by hiring private buses to connect remote areas and cities. The Kadamba Transport Corporations Limited (KTCL), a state-run transport corporation, will be hiring private buses for three routes: Cancona to Margao, Curchorem-Quepem-

Margao, and Curchorem-PondaPanjim The scheme will be implemented on a pilot basis for six months, starting from June 15 to December 31.

Under the scheme, a total of 41 buses will operate on the Cancona to Margao route, 102 buses on the CurchoremQuepem-Margao route, and 144 buses on the Curchorem-Ponda-

Vijai Sardesai’s Father and noted Scientist, Shri Jaivant Sardesai Passes away

The KTCL will review the scheme monthly and consider suggestions from the operators to make improvements Experienced drivers will be provided by the operators, while conductors will be deployed by the KTCL. Additionally, a concessional monthly pass scheme will be introduced for these buses, and late-night and early-morning services will be provided to enhance connectivity. To enhance the efficiency and accessibility of the bus service, the KTCL will launch an app for real-time bus ticketing and

The 'Mhaji Bus' scheme aims to address the public transportation issue faced in Goa by providing reliable and efficient bus services. It not only benefits Goan commuters but also makes public transportation more accessible and convenient for tourists. The pilot scheme will serve as a basis for refining the program, and a final scheme will be prepared for all routes across the state. With the integration of private buses and the implementation of technological advancements, the scheme is expected to improve the overall transportation system in Goa.

Manipal Hospitals performs Augmented Reality Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Dr. Jaivant Sardesai, a renowned b a c t e r i a l s c i e n t i s t a n d microbiologist, passed away at the age of 94 after a brief illness. He was the father of Goa Forward chief and Fatorda MLA Vijai S a r d e s a i D r S a r d e s a i , affectionately known as 'Aku,' was an accomplished entomologist who had worked at the UN and UNESCO. He was also a cricket enthusiast and had played for Trent Bridge in England. Dr.

S a r d e s a i ' s contributions to education and the environment in Goa w e r e h i g h l y r e g a r d e d . H e shared his expertise i n a g r i c u l t u r a l entomology and pest control with various countries and served as a plant protection scientist for the United Nations. He played a significant r o l e i n e a s i n g concerns during the anti-Konkan Railway agitation in Goa. Dr. Sardesai's funeral was attended by dignitaries, including the Chief Minister and Union Minister, who paid their respects to the remarkable man who had contributed greatly to Goa and the world. His legacy lives on, inspiring others to contribute to t h e s t a t e ' s g r o w t h a n d enhancement.

Dr. Rohan Dessai, a Consultant Hip & Knee Replacement Surgeon at Manipal Hospitals in Goa, has successfully performed a rare and complicated surgery known as Augmented Reality (AR) Total Knee Replacement. Dr. Dessai is the first joint replacement surgeon from Goa and one of the few in the country to have achieved this feat. The surgery was performed on a patient with a deformed femur and shin bone caused by previous fractures and surgeries. The patient developed post-traumatic arthritis in the knee, necessitating a total knee replacement.

AR-based knee replacement offers several advantages over other techniques such as computer navigation and robotic surgery. In AR surgery, the surgeon wears AR glasses and receives real-time information and navigation assistance displayed in front of their eyes This approach eliminates the need for excessive screen viewing or preoperative CT scans, making it less

time-consuming and costeffective. AR allows surgeons to maintain their focus on the surgical site while accessing important data and 3D images. Dr. Dessai's successful surgery highlights the expertise and capabilities of Manipal Hospitals in handling complex cases. The patient benefited from a wellcoordinated, multidisciplinary approach, with support from trained nursing staff and clinical assistants.

This achievement marks a significant milestone for joint replacement surgery in Goa and reinforces Manipal Hospitals' c o m m i t m e n t t o p r o v i d i n g a d v a n c e d a n d e f f e c t i v e t r e a t m e n t s T h e u s e o f a u g m e n t e d r e a l i t y i n t h e operating room offers surgeons a powerful tool for precision and real-time feedback, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.

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Outsiders are Responsible For Heinous Crimes in The State Says Goa CM

a c c u s e d o f crimes in other states often come to Goa

as this could help deter criminal activities.

Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, who previously stated that 90% of crimes in the state were committed by migrants, clarified his statement, saying that the majority of crimes in Goa are actually committed by people from outside the state. Sawant cited a detailed analysis of crime data, revealing that most crimes involving Goans are related to familial property disputes or family fights, which rarely escalate to murder cases. According to him, individuals

a n d c o m m i t offenses while r e s i d i n g i n r e n t e d premises The Chief Minister did not specify the states from which these criminals originate.

To address the rising crime rate and recent incidents of murder, Sawant urged Goan citizens to take responsibility by conducting tenant verification and reducing crime in the state. He expressed concern that the lack of tenant verification allows potential criminals to find refuge in Goa. S a w a n t a l s o e n c o u r a g e d contractors to ensure that their workers possess labor cards issued by the labor department,

GCCI Education Committee organizes the Big Idea Project Competition

The GCCI Education Committee, in collaboration with the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) and the Goa Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association (GPMA), organized the Finals of the BIG Idea Project Competition for students from architecture, engineering, and pharmacy colleges in Goa. The competition took place on May 27, 2023, at G C C I ( G o a C h a m b e r o f

C o m m e r c e a n d I n d u s t r y ) . College-level competitions were held in April to select the finalists. During the event, Prof Raghuveer Vernekar, Chairman of the GCCI Education Committee, welcomed the attendees, while Mr. Sachin Mirajkar, the Project Coordinator, explained the concept and objectives of the competition. The winners of the competition were the 'SMART SHOE FOR

B L I N D ' t e a m f r o m P a d r e

C o n c e i c a o C o l l e g e o f Engineering, Verna, who received a cash prize of Rs. 30,000. The runners-up were the 'NEURAL KISSAN' team from Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda, who received a trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 20,000. The second

runners-up were the 'AUTO JUNCTION' team from Padre C o n c e i c a o C o l l e g e o f Engineering, who received a trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 Additionally, four encouragement prizes of Rs 5,000 each were awarded to selected projects from various colleges.

The valedictory function had Mr. Ralph de Sousa, President of GCCI, as the chief guest He encouraged the participants to adapt to the changing times and focus on upskilling, innovation, and creativity in their careers. Dr. Praveen Khullar, President of GPMA, and Dr Gopal Krishna Rao, President of IPA, also shared valuable insights and advice with the students.

The jury panel comprised esteemed professionals from different fields, including manufacturing, entrepreneurship, and healthcare Mr Vaman Gaitonde, a member of the GCCI Education Committee, delivered the vote of thanks.

Overall, the competition provided a platform for students to showcase their innovative ideas and talents while fostering collaboration between academia and industry.

Furthermore, the Chief Minister emphasized the need for public awareness regarding crimes occurring in the state and how to avoid becoming victims He assured the public that the police now have a more public-friendly image and urged residents not to hesitate in approaching police stations Sawant highlighted several initiatives launched by the Goan Police, including programs such as 'know your neighbor,' 'connect with senior citizens,' and 'Samadhan,' aimed at improving the relationship between citizens and law enforcement. Schools were also involved in raising awareness about crimes in the state. Sawant restated his belief that most serious crimes in Goa are committed by non-Goans, while Goans are predominantly

involved in family disputes and related assault cases. He called on the people of Goa to exercise caution when renting out properties to outsiders and stressed the importance of conducting tenant verification The Chief Minister also claimed that the Goa police have the highest crime detection rate in India, with a success rate of over 94%.

In summary, Pramod Sawant revised his previous statement regarding the involvement of migrants in crimes in Goa, asserting that the majority of serious offenses are actually committed by individuals from outside the state. He emphasized the need for tenant verification and labor card compliance to mitigate criminal activities. The Chief Minister also emphasized public awareness and launched various programs to foster a stronger relationship between citizens and the police.

Goa Shipyard Limited Celebrated World Environment Day

World Environment Day is the Annual Event celebrated on June 5th, dedicated to promote environmental awareness and encouraging global action to protect the planet. This day serves as a crucial platform to address pressing environmental issues and advocate for sustainable practices.

The World Environment Day 2023 was celebrated by Goa Shipyard with great fervor. The event started with 'Cycle Rally' on 4th June 2023 to promote the concept of LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) as introduced by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India at COP26 in Glasgow as an international mass movement towards “mindful and deliberate utilisation, instead of mindless and destructive consumption” to protect and preserve the environment. Shri Brajesh Kumar U p a d h y a y , C h a i r m a n & Managing Director, Goa Shipyard Limited, flagged off the rally in the presence of Director (Finance) and senior management. Over

h u n d r e d s o f e n t h u s i a s t i c participants, including local community, school students, CISF personnel and GSL employees took part in 10 Kilometres cycle rally began from GSL Mogara Gate to Sao Jacinto Island, making it a successful event.

A Pledge on Environment Day was also administered among GSL employees to keep up the spirit of 2023 theme to “Beat Plastic Pollution”. The pledge was further followed by a tree plantation drive and awareness talk on LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) by Shri Vithal Shelke, Environmentalist. This day reminds us that each individual has a role to play in safeguarding the environment. It emphasizes the importance of making sustainable choices in our daily lives and encourages us to become responsible towards Mother Earth. By our combined efforts and implementing environment friendly practices, we hope to create greener and cleaner environment.

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18 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023 COVER STORY incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa

Although it's worth noting that while Goa offers backwater tourism, it is not as extensively developed as in other states like Kerala. However, just like every coin has two sides, this relative simplicity can be appealing to travellers seeking a more offbeat and less crowded experience.

When we are talking so much about backwater tourism then let's first understand what Backwater Tourism is all about and how it can be explored to derive maximum satisfaction from it.

Backwater tourism refers to a type of tourism that focuses on exploring and experiencing the serene and scenic waterways, usually rivers, estuaries, and interconnected canals, that flow through coastal or inland areas

Backwaters are typically characterized by calm and still waters, surrounded by lush vegetation, mangroves, and often dotted with traditional villages. But in Goa backwater tourism goes beyond the scenic waterways and encompasses a myriad of experiences, including village visits, spice plantation tours, waterfall explorations, wildlife encounters, and opportunities for yoga and wellness activities.

Backwater tourism offers a unique opportunity for travelers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty, tranquility, and cultural heritage of the regions where these water bodies are located. It provides a contrast to the bustling beachfront areas and urban centers, allowing visitors to unwind and connect with nature.

The backwaters of Goa primarily consist of the Zuari and Mandovi rivers, which flow through the state, creating a network of picturesque waterways. Here are some key aspects of backwater tourism in Goa.

Here are some of the most sought after backwater tourism activities that you can engage in during the monsoon season in Goa.

Image Credits

Tourism in Goa has long been centered around its beaches, nightlife, and more recently, casinos However, there is much more to the authentic essence of Goa that goes beyond these attractions.

Recognizing this, stakeholders in the tourism industry, as well as some lawmakers, have embraced a new vision and mission They have foreseen the untapped potential of diversifying tourism activities and moving away from the traditional beach and nightlife focus. It is within this context that the concept of backwater tourism in Goa emerged, aiming to showcase a different side of the state's offerings.

B a c k w a t e r M a n g r o v e s


Exploring the backwater mangroves is one of the most fascinating and immersive e x p e r i e n c e d u r i n g t h e monsoon season in Goa.

Mangroves are unique coastal ecosystems that thrive in brackish water and provide vital habitats for a wide range

of plant and animal species. Embarking on a backwater mangrove exploration allows you to witness the natural beauty and biodiversity of these intriguing ecosystems

As you glide through the calm and winding waterways, you'll be surrounded by a dense canopy of mangrove trees, their twisted roots intertwining and creating a mesmerizing landscape.

Kayaking in the backwaters of Goa is one of the exhilarating and popular activity that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the serene beauty of the waterways

Kayaking offers a unique and up-close experience, allowing you to explore the hidden corners and tranquil stretches of the backwaters at your own pace.

As you embark on a kayaking a d v e n t u r e , y o u ' l l b e surrounded by the lush greenery, mangrove forests, and picturesque landscapes that line the backwaters. The calm and gentle waters

p r o v i d e t h e p e r f e c t environment for kayaking, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced paddlers.

Gliding through the water on a kayak, you can navigate through narrow channels, meandering streams, and shallow inlets that are often inaccessible to larger boats. This allows you to discover secluded spots, hidden lagoons, and serene coves that are teeming with natural beauty.

Kayaking in the backwaters also offers opportunities for wildlife sightings. Keep an eye out for various bird species that call the backwaters their home, such as kingfishers, herons, and egrets. You may also spot unique marine life, including fish, crabs, and other aquatic creatures that thrive in the mangrove ecosystems. One of the advantages of kayaking is the sense of tranquility and connection with nature it provides. The rhythmic paddling, the gentle

sounds of the water, and the immersive surroundings create a serene and meditative experience, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty of the backwaters.

Houseboat Cruises in Goa

The houseboat cruise concept originated in Kerala and and thus it is often called as " k e t t u v a l l a m s , " i t i s a houseboat widely used in the Indian state of Kerala. These have thatched roof covers over wooden hulls. The traditional kettuvallam is mainly used for promoting Kerala tourism. kettuvallams," are equipped with modern amenities and provide a comfortable and scenic journey along the river. You can relax on the deck, enjoy delicious Goan cuisine, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding mangrove forests, villages, and wildlife. Houseboat cruises in Goa offer a unique and enchanting experience for those seeking a tranquil and scenic getaway. These cruises allow you to e x p l o r e t h e s e r e n e backwaters of Goa while enjoying the comforts and l u x u r i e s o f a f l o a t i n g accommodation.

You can enjoy the backwaters of Goa a picturesque network of rivers, canals, and lagoons, lined with lush greenery, swaying palms, and diverse wildlife and as you glide along the waterways, you will witness the serene beauty of t h e m a n g r o v e f o r e s t s , charming villages, and vibrant birdlife. It's a nature lover's paradise, offering a peaceful and immersive experience. Houseboat cruises in Goa provide a range of itineraries to suit different preferences and durations. You can choose a short day cruise to explore the backwaters for a few

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hours or opt for a longer overnight journey, allowing you to spend the night on the houseboat and wake up to the tranquil surroundings. During your cruise, you will be pampered with delicious m e a l s p r e p a r e d b y t h e o n b o a r d c r e w . F r o m traditional Goan cuisine to international dishes, the culinary offerings on the h o u s e b o a t a r e s u r e t o tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy freshly caught seafood, local spices, and flavors that reflect the vibrant Goan culinary heritage. These cruises are perfect for romantic getaways, family vacations, or group excursions. Whether you ' re seeking solitude, quality time with loved ones, or a memorable celebration, houseboat cruises

in Goa provide a unique and unforgettable experience. It's important to note that houseboat cruises in Goa operate in compliance with safety regulations Trained staff members are available on board to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. It is r e c o m m e n d e d t o m a k e reservations in advance, e s p e c i a l l y d u r i n g p e a k seasons, to secure your spot on a houseboat.

Overall, houseboat cruises in G o a o f f e r a b l e n d o f relaxation, natural beauty, and cultural experiences Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the backwaters, indulge in delectable cuisine, and create lasting memories aboard these floating havens in the heart of Goa.

B i r d w a t c h i n g i n t h e

Backwaters of Goa

The backwaters of Goa are home to a diverse range of bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers

You can spot both resident and migratory birds in the wetlands and marshes along the riverbanks. As you explore the backwaters, you'll have the opportunity to spot both resident and migratory birds, making Goa a haven for avian biodiversity Some of the c o m m o n l y s i g h t e d b i r d species include herons, egrets, kingfishers, brahminy kites, terns, storks, and many more.

To make the most of your birdwatching experience, it is recommended to engage a knowledgeable guide or join a guided birdwatching tour. These experts are familiar with the local bird species, their habits, and their preferred habitats, increasing your chances of spotting and identifying various birds. You can also carry a pair of binoculars, a field guidebook, and a camera to enhance your birdwatching experience Binoculars allow you to observe birds from a distance without disturbing their natural behavior, while a field guidebook helps in identifying the species you encounter Photographing the birds you spot can also serve as a wonderful memento of your birdwatching adventure. The backwaters of Goa offer d i v e r s e b i r d w a t c h i n g locations, including the mangrove-lined creeks, wetlands, and estuaries Some popular birdwatching spots in Goa include the Carambolim Lake, Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Morjim Beach, and the Cumbarjua Canal. While birdwatching, it's essential to maintain a

respectful distance from the birds and their habitats. Avoid disturbing nesting areas, be mindful of noise and sudden movements, and follow any guidelines or restrictions set by local authorities to protect the avian species and their environment.

B i r d w a t c h i n g i n t h e backwaters of Goa provides a s e r e n e a n d r e w a r d i n g experience, allowing you to connect with nature and appreciate the diverse birdlife that calls this region home. It's a chance to immerse yourself in the beauty of Goa's landscapes while discovering the fascinating world of birds.


to Villages and Spice Plantations

Visiting villages and spice plantations in Goa during the monsoon season offers a u n i q u e a n d r e f r e s h i n g experience. While the heavy rains may limit certain outdoor activities, it adds a magical touch to the lush landscapes, making it an ideal time to explore the rural charm and agricultural treasures of the region.

During the monsoon, the villages of Goa come alive w i t h v i b r a n t g r e e n e r y , glistening paddy fields, and cascading waterfalls. It's a time when the locals engage in traditional agricultural practices, such as planting rice and tending to their crops. Witnessing these activities gives you a deeper appreciation for the close relationship between the people and the land.

E x p l o r i n g t h e s p i c e p l a n t a t i o n s d u r i n g t h e monsoon unveils a different side of the agricultural landscape. The rain-drenched earth nourishes the spice plants, resulting in lush foliage and thriving aromatic crops.

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The air is filled with the fragrant scents of the spices, creating a sensory delight.

It is recommended to plan your visits during the monsoon with the assistance of local guides or tour operators who are familiar with the conditions and can ensure your safety.

T h e y c a n a l s o p r o v i d e information on specific activities and attractions available during this time. Visiting villages and spice plantations in Goa during the monsoon offers a unique perspective on the region's agricultural heritage and cultural traditions Embrace the beauty of the rain-soaked landscapes, indulge in the aromatic wonders of the spice plantations, and immerse yourself in the authentic rural charm of Goa during this special time of the year.

Safety Tips & Precautions

Just like with any other sport, it is important to exercise caution and practice safety measures while exploring the backwaters of Goa, especially during activities like kayaking and visits to spice plantations. H e r e a r e s o m e s a f e t y precautions to keep in mind while enjoying the backwater experience.

Always wear a properly fitted and approved personal

flotation device or life jacket while kayaking. It will provide buoyancy and assist in keeping you afloat in case of an accidental capsize or emergency.

Before heading out, check the weather forecast and tidal conditions to avoid the rough weather, strong winds, or when there are high tides, as it

c a n m a k e t h e w a t e r unpredictable and potentially hazardous.

It's safer to kayak or visit spice plantation with a companion or in a group. In case of any difficulties or emergencies, having someone nearby can provide assistance and support.

Let someone know about your

The five major rivers in Goa, namely Chapora, Mandovi, Zuari, Sal, and Talpona, often remain overshadowed by the coastal tourism in the region. However, these rivers offer a unique perspective of Goa that can change one's perception once they explore them. Through these rivers, one can witness the precious nature, wildlife, and tranquility that Goa has to offer.

Gradually, as families visiting Goa seek out places away from the crowds, there has been a growing interest in backwaters tourism and education on river ecosystems. This includes activities like mangrove safaris, which have gained popularity among adventure enthusiasts, environmentally conscious individuals, and families looking for something special during their time in Goa.

The proximity of the mangroves in Goa to the estuaries and beaches is astonishing. Inside the dense mangrove forests, one is greeted with an atmosphere of peace and serenity. It feels like a journey to heaven, where glimpses of the treasures hidden within these habitats can be found. The air becomes heavy and humid, providing a unique experience to explorers.

Mangroves play a vital role in Goa's coastal protection, with 16 different species present in the region. Unfortunately, these ecosystems have been neglected, demolished, and ignored over the years, not just in India but worldwide. However, they hold tremendous value, providing livelihoods and a rich environment for fish stocks to thrive, thus supporting the fishing community. Moreover, mangroves help prevent sand erosion and act as a barrier between tides and coasts. Therefore, conservation of mangroves is crucial in finding solutions to these challenges. Additionally, mangroves absorb and store carbon while filtering water. It is estimated that mangroves can store between three to five times more carbon than a mature tropical forest.

With the increasing awareness about conservation and environmental activities, it is essential to explore how tourism can support mangrove conservation efforts. By promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices, we can contribute to the preservation of these invaluable ecosystems.

kayaking plans or spice plantation visit, including your intended route and estimated time of return. This way, if you encounter any unexpected issues, help can be alerted if needed.

R e s p e c t t h e n a t u r a l environment and avoid d i s t u r b i n g w i l d l i f e o r damaging vegetation. Keep a safe distance from any animals you encounter and refrain from littering.

I f y o u a r e a b e g i n n e r , familiarize yourself with basic kayaking techniques and practice paddling before venturing into the backwaters.

U n d e r s t a n d i n g p r o p e r p a d d l i n g s t r o k e s a n d maneuvering techniques can help you navigate more effectively and safely.

W h i l e k a y a k i n g i n t h e backwaters, be mindful of hidden obstacles such as submerged logs, rocks, or shallow areas. Keep a lookout for such hazards to avoid collisions or getting stuck.

B r i n g e s s e n t i a l s a f e t y equipment such as a whistle, signaling devices, a first aid kit, and a waterproof bag to protect your belongings.

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DR PRAMOD SAWANT'S VISION FOR A SUSTAINABLE GOA Takes Flight with the Inauguration of Mopa Airport

G o a , r e n o w n e d f o r i t s captivating shorelines and vibrant cultural heritage, is now on the threshold of a prosperous future with the completion of the magnificent Mopa International Airport Spearheaded by Dr Pramod Sawant, the youngest Chief Minister in the history of Goa, this ambitious project has transcended from mere conception to tangible reality. With cutting-edge technology a n d a c o m m i t m e n t t o sustainability ingrained in its infrastructure, Mopa Airport is poised to revolutionize air travel in the region while paving the way for a thriving tourism and trade industry. Let us embark on a journey through t h e i n c e p t i o n a n d transformation of Mopa Airport, poised to become one of the premier aviation hubs in Goa.

D r P r a m o d S a w a n t ' s Pioneering Efforts in Shaping

Mopa Airport

The visionary leadership and unwavering dedication of Dr Pramod Sawant have played a p i v o t a l r o l e i n t h e conceptualization of Mopa Airport. Guided by a steadfast commitment to progress and sustainable development, Dr Sawant has shaped the a i r p o r t ' s d e s i g n a n d infrastructure. Under his stewardship, Mopa Airport has embraced state-of-the-art technologies and world-class facilities, enabling it to accommodate some of the largest aircraft in existence. The airport's construction has n o t o n l y g e n e r a t e d employment opportunities but has also spurred the growth of the construction sector in the region. Driven by Dr Sawant's relentless efforts, Mopa Airport stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment t o t r a n s f o r m i n g G o a ' s transportation landscape.

The Advantages of Mopa Airport for Goa

Mopa Airport promises to deliver a multitude of benefits to the region and its people. Built upon the foundations of sustainable infrastructure, the airport incorporates a myriad of eco-friendly features, such as a solar power plant, green buildings, LED runway lights, rainwater harvesting systems, and an advanced sewage treatment plant equipped with recycling facilities. These initiatives highlight the commitment to environmental responsibility and ensure a minimal carbon footprint. Furthermore, Mopa Airport's strategic location in North G o a , a w a y f r o m t h e c o n g e s t i o n o f D a b o l i m Airport, will provide enhanced accessibility and convenience for travellers.

Moreover, the expanded capacity of the airport will stimulate tourism and bolster

t r a d e , c r e a t i n g n e w opportunities for the local c o m m u n i t y P r e s e n t l y , Dabolim Airport handles 70 domestic flights and a handful of international charter flights on a daily basis. However, with the operationalization of Mopa Airport, more than 30 domestic destinations and 20 global destinations will be connected to Goa, thereby amplifying the state's allure as a tourist destination and fostering economic growth.

Noteworthy Features of Mopa Airport

Mopa Airport, incorporates a Solar Power Plant, Rainwater Harvesting systems, and a state-of-the-art Sewage Treatment Plant with recycling facilities. The airport's worldclass features include 3-D Monolithic Precast buildings, Stabil Road, Robomatic Hollow precast walls, and 5G compatible IT Infrastructure, positioning it as a cutting-

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edge facility.

Mopa Airport boasts an impressive array of features designed to enhance the passenger experience and p r o m o t e s u s t a i n a b l e practices. The airport's single r u n w a y , c a p a b l e o f accommodating a Boeing 777-200, is complemented by two rapid exit ways and interconnected taxiways. The commercial aircraft parking apron, its remote aircraft stands, and service roads ensure seamless operations. Additionally, the airport's cargo apron and future provisions for general aviation exemplify its versatility and potential for growth. These features, combined with an air traffic control tower and forthcoming hangars, position Mopa Airport as a modern a n d t e c h n o l o g i c a l l y

advanced facility.

A c c o l a d e s a n d


Mopa Airport has been widely recognized for its outstanding a c h i e v e m e n t s a n d contributions. It was honoured with the prestigious "Best S u s t a i n a b l e G r e e n f i e l d Airport" award for Aviation

Sustainability and Environment

a t A S S O C H A M ' s 1 4 t h International Conferencecum-Awards for Civil Aviation in 2023. This recognition acknowledges the airport's e x c e l l e n t i n i t i a t i v e s , innovativeness, applicability, relevance, and potential impact.

The airport also received the esteemed SKOCH Award in t h e G o v e r n a n c e G o l d Category for 2022 This a w a r d c o m m e n d s t h e Department of Civil Aviation for its efforts in developing the Greenfield International Airport at Mopa.

Furthermore, at the 14th CIDC Vishwakarma Awards-2023, Goa's newly inaugurated Manohar International Airport at Mopa achieved significant recognition. The airport clinched the achievement award for Best Construction Project 2023 and the award for Construction Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)

2023. These accolades were bestowed upon Mopa Airport for its exemplary performance across various parameters, including innovative design, project management best practices, new construction methodologies, outstanding w o r k m a n s h i p , c o n t r a c t management, cost control, value engineering, safety practices, and environmental policies.

A Tapestry of Goan Culture at Mopa Airport

Mopa Airport transcends its role as a mere transportation h u b a n d e m b r a c e s t h e celebration of Goa's rich art and culture. The extensive use

of Azulejos tiles, native to Goa, immerses travelers in the vibrant heritage of the region.

A curated flea market within the airport premises provides a platform for local artisans and craftsmen to showcase and market their unique creations Moreover, the airport's food court recreates the charm of a typical Goan café, allowing passengers to savour the flavours and ambience of the state.

Aviation Skill Development Center:

To provide employment opportunities to local youth, t h e G o a G o v e r n m e n t established an Aviation Skill Development Center at the new Greenfield Airport in Mopa The centre offers training in various areas such as airside operations, landside o p e r a t i o n s , t e r m i n a l operations, and engineering, enabling students to acquire skills for job profiles such as airline cargo assistant, airside operator, forklift operator, airside driver, sales associate, vehicle drivers, gardeners, housekeeping executives, landside security, cleaners, t r a f f i c w a r d e n , a i r l i n e baggage handler, IT support staff, food and beverage s t e w a r d , a n d H V A C technicians So far, 405 students have successfully c o m p l e t e d t h e s k i l l development course, with 403 i n d i v i d u a l s r e c e i v i n g appointment letters The employment count for Goans at Manohar International Airport currently stands at 1591, showcasing the positive impact of the Aviation Skill Development Center.

A Glimpse into the Future

The inauguration of Mopa International Airport heralds the dawn of a transformative era for North Goa. As the airport reaches its full

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operational capacity, it is set to attract national and i n t e r n a t i o n a l a i r l i n e s , e s t a b l i s h i n g G o a a s a prominent hub for tourism and t r a d e T h e s e a m l e s s connectivity and enhanced

passenger experience will undoubtedly invigorate the tourism industry, further p r o p e l l i n g t h e s t a t e ' s economic growth. With Mopa A i r p o r t ' s s u s t a i n a b l e infrastructure and unwavering


t o environmental stewardship, Goa is poised to become a role model for other regions

a s p i r i n g t o

c r e a t e a greener and

m o r e

s u s t a i n a b l e future.


T h e


o f M o p a

A i r p o r t n o t o n l y o f f e r s increased air connectivity and convenience but also unlocks the potential for economic growth, job creation, and a thriving tourism industry

S e r v i n g a s t h e n e w e s t

gateway to Goa's treasures, Mopa Airport ushers in a bright and promising future for the state and its people.

Mopa International Airport is a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e transformative power of vision and dedication. Dr Pramod Sawant's relentless efforts have brought this ambitious project to life, positioning Goa on the global map as a s u s t a i n a b l e a n d technologically advanced destination. As the airport welcomes travellers from around the world, it is not only a gateway to the treasures of Goa but also a symbol of the s t a t e ' s c o m m i t m e n t t o p r o g r e s s , c u l t u r e , a n d environmental responsibility. With Mopa Airport, the sky's the limit for Goa's bright and promising future.


R e d e f i n i n g M a r k e t i n g Strategies:

In the pursuit of attracting female consumers, alcohol companies have revamped their marketing strategies. Anuradha points out that the industry has transitioned from o b j e c t i f y i n g w o m e n t o aligning brands with fun, s o p h i s t i c a t i o n , f e m a l e f r i e n d s h i p , a n d empowerment. Recognizing that whisky sales are booming, Anuradha emphasizes the need to appeal to a broader a u d i e n c e b e y o n d t h e traditional male consumer base. Her brand, Secret Island Single-Malt, has been a frontrunner in integrating women into its marketing efforts, both behind the scenes and on screen, with the introduction of a designer decanter bottle.

The Rise of Women in the Alcobev Space:

In the dynamic landscape of the liquor industry, where trends come and go, one name stands out as a trailblazer for both innovation and women

empowerment Anuradha

B a l i v a d a , a v i s i o n a r y entrepreneur, has been shaping the future of Indian single-malts through her journey with the Cheers

G r o u p A l o n g s i d e h e r husband, Dr. Mohan Krishna, t h e w o r l d ' s f i r s t l i q u o r m a r k e t i n g D o c t o r a t e , Anuradha has established herself as a force to be

reckoned with in the alcobev scene. Today, their brand, Three Monkeys Indian Single Malt whisky, is not only synonymous with quality but also represents the spirit of empowerment.

Breaking Stereotypes:

Reflecting on the past, Anuradha acknowledges the struggles women faced when i t c a m e t o a l c o h o l consumption and career opportunities. She references an iconic photograph from the Pre-Prohibition era, where ten women held a sign protesting

against liquor. Fortunately, times have changed, and women now enjoy more freedom to pursue their careers, exercise financial independence, and choose t h e i r p r e f e r r e d d r i n k s Anuradha believes that the acceptance and celebration of women ' s independence have reshaped the alcobev landscape, with bars and pubs actively embracing their female clientele through events like "Ladies Night" and other inclusive marketing strategies.

Anuradha acknowledges that the vibrant alcobev scene in India is witnessing a surge in women occupying prominent r o l e s . B r e a k i n g g e n d e r barriers as brewers, blenders, marketers, consultants, and CFOs, these women have shattered the male bastions that once dominated the industry. Their presence has infused the alcobev space with fresh perspectives and e x c i t i n g i n n o v a t i o n s . Anuradha believes that their a c t i v e p a r t i c i p a t i o n i s instrumental in making the industry a more inclusive and dynamic place in India.

The Cheers Group: An Empowering Success Story: Under Anuradha's leadership, t h e C h e e r s G r o u p h a s b l o s s o m e d i n t o a n internationally acclaimed and highly innovative beverage

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Alongside her husband, Dr. Mohan Krishna, the world's first liquor marketing Doctorate, Anuradha has established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the alcobev scene.

alcohol conglomerate. With an impressive portfolio of award-winning brands, the group has made its mark in India and international markets Anuradha's vision

and passion have positioned the group as a manufacturer and exporter of new-age beverages that captivate consumers worldwide.

Looking Ahead:

Anuradha's dedication to the s i n g l e - m a l t b u s i n e s s

c o n t i n u e s t o d r i v e h e r ambitions She envisions e x p a n d i n g t h e g l o b a l presence of her brands and surprising whisky enthusiasts with new additions to the portfolio. With peated singlemalts currently undergoing maturation in oak barrels, A n u r a d h a a n t i c i p a t e s delighting whisky fans in the coming years. Furthermore, she reveals that the group's gin range is also set to receive e x c i t i n g a d d i t i o n s , showcasing her commitment to diversifying and pushing the boundaries of the alcobev industry.


A n u r a d h a B a l i v a d a , a n inspiring figure in the drinks

i n d u s t r y , h a s d e f i e d stereotypes and contributed s i g n i f i c a n t l y t o w o m e n empowerment Through her entrepreneurial journey with the Cheers Group, she has not only made a mark in the Indian single-malt market but also championed the inclusion of women in the alcobev space. Anuradha's story serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging aspiring women to pursue their passions fearlessly and leave an indelible impact on traditionally male-dominated industries. As she continues to shape the future of Indian s i n g l e - m a l t s , A n u r a d h a Balivada's influence on the drinks industry remains unparalleled.



It was in the year 2017, at the tender age of seven, that Erica's martial arts odyssey b e g a n G u i d e d b y t h e esteemed Master Raunak Singh, an internationally renowned instructor, she embarked on a path that would shape her character and ignite her passion. It was her mother's heartfelt desire to ensure Erica's safety that led her to enroll in martial arts classes at Don Bosco Panjim. Little did they know that this

decision would set the stage for an incredible journey of self-discovery.

Under the tutelage of Master Raunak Singh, Erica found herself drawn to the world of martial arts His profound k n o w l e d g e a n d u n i q u e training style pushed her to new heights, awakening a love for the discipline that would forever define her. Not only was he a remarkable teacher, but he also possessed a remarkable ability to explain

the intricacies of the human body and the history of warriors, inspiring Erica to delve into the study of history. Specializing in Tong-il Moo-do (TIMD), a mesmerizing style of mixed martial arts from South Korea, Erica's dedication to her craft knows no bounds. TIMD, with its fusion of circular a n d l i n e a r t e c h n i q u e s , challenges practitioners to achieve a delicate balance between finesse and strength. It encompasses the best elements of various martial arts, ancient and modern alike, allowing Erica to explore a wide range of philosophies. The path to greatness is seldom without obstacles, and E r i c a ' s j o u r n e y w a s n o exception. In the early days of her martial arts training, she faced numerous challenges. As a newcomer to the world of sports, she found herself struggling to keep up with the demands of her training However, her unwavering commitment and persistence prevailed Inspired by her mother's advice to find joy in what she loved, Erica pushed forward, focusing intently on her coach's guidance and avoiding distractions along the way.

Memories are etched in our hearts when we accomplish great things, and Erica has h a d h e r f a i r s h a r e o f unforgettable moments. The road to success is paved with perseverance, and despite financial constraints and limited support, she refused to let her dreams fade away. In 2022, at the 10th Mombasa O p e n To n g - i l M o o - d o International Martial Arts

Championship, held in Kenya, E r i c a t r i u m p h a n t l y represented her nation, securing two gold medals and two bronze medals Her victory was a testament to her u n y i e l d i n g s p i r i t a n d unwavering determination. Balancing the rigorous demands of training with her s c h o o l w o r k a n d o t h e r activities has not been an easy feat for Erica. Yet, armed with her mother's sage advice, she tackles each challenge headon Erica approaches her studies with a mindset focused on understanding r a t h e r t h a n m e r e memorization, a strategy that a l l o w s h e r t o e x c e l academically Even in the f a c e o f d e m a n d i n g international competitions, she finds solace in YouTube tutorials, ensuring she never falls behind.

Erica's illustrious martial arts career is studded with remarkable accomplishments. From winning bronze in her state's national competition to securing silver and bronze medals in international tournaments, her journey has b e e n n o t h i n g s h o r t o f extraordinary Notably, she became the first woman from India to compete in the esteemed World Martial Arts Mastership Committee (WMC) competition in South Korea, earning a bronze medal in the team bon (demonstration)

c a t e g o r y . T h e s e achievements serve as a t e s t a m e n t t o E r i c a ' s unwavering dedication and tenacity.

Throughout her martial arts journey, Erica has been inspired by two incredible role models. Her coach, Master Raunak Singh, embodies the

YOUNG GOA incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 32 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023
Meet Erica J. De Sequeira, a thirteen-year-old prodigy who has captivated audiences with her extraordinary talent and unwavering determination.

true essence of martial arts, upholding its noble principles and instilling in his students the values of dedication and lifelong commitment. His words echo in Erica's mind, reminding her that martial arts is not merely a game but a way of life, a path that demands continuous learning

and self-improvement.

A n o t h e r b e a c o n o f inspiration for Erica is the i c o n i c M a r y K o m , t h e celebrated Indian boxer.

Witnessing Mary Kom's meteoric rise to prominence even after becoming a mother has left an indelible mark on Erica's mindset. Her

d e t e r m i n a t i o n a n d u n w a v e r i n g p u r s u i t o f excellence have taught Erica that one ' s dreams know no boundaries.

Erica's relentless pursuit of self-improvement fuels her d e s i r e t o c o n t i n u o u s l y challenge herself. Each day, she embarks on a quest to explore new feats, spins, and forms, constantly pushing the boundaries of her abilities. Her ultimate aspiration is to witness Tong-il Moo-do (TIMD) showcased at the Asian Games and the Olympics, an ambition driven by her unwavering patriotism and the desire to bring honor to her beloved nation. Martial arts has not only shaped Erica's physical p r o w e s s b u t h a s a l s o impacted her confidence and

personal growth. With her body and mind aligned, she exudes a newfound sense of self-assurance. Her extensive knowledge of sports and physical anatomy has also enhanced her academic pursuits, granting her a unique perspective that sets her apart from her peers. With her unwavering spirit and unrelenting dedication, she continues to forge her path in the world of martial arts, leaving an indomitable mark on the hearts of all who bear witness to her remarkable journey. The future holds boundless opportunities for this young martial arts prodigy, as she strives to take her b e l o v e d d i s c i p l i n e t o unprecedented heights and cement her legacy as an icon of inspiration for generations to come.



to delve deeper into the realm of photography, enabling him to capture the world from unique perspectives. Not content with excelling in o n e f o r m o f a r t i s t i c e x p r e s s i o n , K a l a n a n d ventured into the realm of performing arts. Directing and performing in various one-act plays, he discovered a harmonious balance between his passion for visual and performing arts. His keen eye as a visual artist infused his directorial work with a sense of colour, composition, and form, creating immersive experiences for audiences.

In the enchanting village of Bandora, nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Goa, resides an extraordinary a r t i s t w h o s e c r e a t i v e endeavours have captured the hearts of many. From an early age, Kalanand's artistic inclinations were nurtured under the watchful eye of his father, Shridhar Bambolkar, a renowned artist and theatre personality. Surrounded by the wonders of creativity, he found himself naturally drawn to the world of art. It was during his childhood that Kalanand's passion for the arts began to blossom, whether through playful interactions with colours or the exhilarating experience of attending drama rehearsals.

With a strong foundation in applied arts and advanced computer arts, Kalanand's artistic style has been shaped by a fusion of disciplines. After completing his Bachelor's in Fine Arts from the esteemed

Goa College of Art, he pursued a Post-Graduation Diploma in Mumbai, where he honed his skills in graphic design and embraced the latest trends in the industry and corporate world. Kalanand's artistic aspirations were further fueled by numerous accolades during his school days, where he triumphed in over forty individual prizes in Child Art Competitions at state and national levels These early s u c c e s s e s s e r v e d a s a catalyst, propelling him towards a dedicated career in the arts, leaving no room for doubt or alternative paths.

I n 2 0 1 2 , a s i g n i f i c a n t milestone in Kalanand's artistic journey arrived when he received an award in the A r t i s t c a t e g o r y f o r photography at the State Art Competition organized by K a l a A c a d e m y T h i s recognition bolstered his confidence and propelled him

As a staunch advocate for preserving Goa's cultural h e r i t a g e , K a l a n a n d ' s contributions to Goan folk theatre have been widely recognized and honoured with awards One of his n o t a b l e a c h i e v e m e n t s includes directing a play based on the Zagor, a fading folk form that is on the brink of extinction Through this remarkable theatrical piece, Kalanand and his team sought to revive and preserve this precious element of Goan culture, captivating audiences and shedding light on the beauty of their heritage.

Kalanand's artistic prowess extends beyond the stage and canvas. He has exhibited his artwork in solo and group e x h i b i t i o n s , e a c h o n e unveiling a chapter of his artistic exploration. His most memorable exhibition, held at the prestigious Kala Academy, showcased paintings and photography inspired by his longing for his homeland, evoking a profound sense of nostalgia and belonging.

E m b r a c i n g d i v e r s e opportunities, Kalanand has l e n t h i s s k i l l s t o t h e International Film Festival of India, where he showcased his talents as a photographer and illustrator. These experiences have allowed him to stay at the forefront of artistic trends, constantly expanding his horizons and enriching his creative palette. An active member of the renowned Antruj Lalitak theatre group, Kalanand has c u l t i v a t e d a d e e p e r understanding of theatre through his involvement. From m a n a g i n g b a c k s t a g e operations to acting, light designing, and set design, he has embraced every aspect of the theatrical world The guidance and mentorship of esteemed theatre artists within the group have played a pivotal role in his artistic growth and have opened doors to unique opportunities. In addition to his artistic p u r s u i t s , K a l a n a n d h a s dedicated himself to nurturing the creative minds of future artists as an art teacher. He approaches teaching with an open mind, exposing his s t u d e n t s t o v a r i o u s techniques, mediums, and art forms. By encouraging them to observe, reflect, and find inspiration in everyday life, he i n s t i l s i n t h e m a d e e p appreciation for the artistic process Kalanand believes that art is not merely about the final product, but also about the joy of exploration and selfexpression.

W h e n a s k e d a b o u t h i s upcoming projects and goals, Kalanand humbly expresses his preference for living in the present, focusing on the here and now. His aim is to remain

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Anant S. Kamat Bambolkar, lovingly known as Kalanand, has embarked on a remarkable journey of self-expression, blending the realms of visual and performing arts to showcase the vibrant culture and heritage of his beloved Goa.

connected to his roots, allowing the essence of Goa to infuse every stroke of his brush and every act on stage. As the arts scene in Goa continues to evolve, artists like Kalanand play a crucial role in

shaping and nurturing the artistic community. Goa has become a hub for art festivals and events that celebrate a diverse range of creative expressions The f u s i o n o f t r a d i t i o n a l ,

c o n t e m p o r a r y , a n d experimental art forms, combined with the natural s p l e n d o u r a n d c u l t u r a l richness of the state, entices artists and enthusiasts alike. To aspiring artists and performers seeking to make their mark in the world of art and theatre, Kalanand offers a piece of timeless advice. He urges them to stay connected to their love for creating and performing, to relish the artistic journey with all its highs and lows, and to find joy in the process of exploration and growth.

For Kalanand, being a Goan artist is a profound source of inspiration. He draws from the rich cultural heritage that Goa embodies, incorporating elements of its landscapes,

traditions, and vibrant colours into his artistic expression. The coastal beauty, palm-fringed beaches, and the cultural diversity of Goa find their way onto his canvas, creating a v i s u a l s y m p h o n y t h a t resonates with both locals and visitors alike.

While wrapping up this story of this captivating artist, Anant S. Kamat Bambolkar, we eagerly await his future endeavours, fully aware that his artistic journey will continue to enrich the cultural tapestry of Goa. Through his unwavering passion, Kalanand continues to bring to life the essence of Goa, weaving stories that celebrate this enchanting land's past, present, and future.


it was filled with dry nuts and dry fruits. The Tikka is cooked in the clay oven and served with the coriander mint dip.

Malai Broccoli Cutlet

Malai Broccoli Cutlet is a vegetarian appetizer made with Broccoli minced and mixed with Indian spices, fresh cream, and cheese. The mixture is shaped into small cutlets and shallow fried in butter until crispy and golden brown. The combination gives the cutlets a creamy and rich texture, while the broccoli provides a healthy twist to the dish and is served with the herbed yogurt dip. The Malai Broccoli Cutlet is also s e r v e d w i t h m i n t c h u t n e y depending on the preferences.

Bhatti da Makka

The Main course started with a dish called Bhatti da Makka. "Bhatti da Makka" is a dish that originated in the northern regions of India and is primarily made up of grilled baby corn that is cooked in a tandoor or a charcoal oven and later mixed with the Makhani Gravy. This dish is served with assorted rotis, naans, and filled kulchas.

Kolkata Style Aloo Dum Biryani

The management of Planet Hollywood Beach Resort has been working on the concept of pure vegetarian cuisine for over a year. After several trials and much brainstorming, the Fame pure vegetarian restaurant was finally opened to guests on April 25th, 2023 The Fame is not just a vegetarian restaurant; it also offers an experience that every guest will cherish even after returning home.

I was invited to The Fame to experience their food and service, and the great ambiance. Upon my arrival, I was welcomed by Ms. Charmaine, the PR and Marketing Manager, who guided me to the r e s t a u r a n t a n d o f f e r e d comfortable and cozy seating. Shortly after, Chef Rodney joined us and our journey to a new culinary experience began.

Chef Rodney shared that at The Fame, they aim to offer not just delicious food, but a holistic dining experience that combines exceptional service, a delectable

custom-curated menu, and a great ambiance. The team put a lot of effort into the planning, discussion, trials, and testing of the food to ensure that it meets t h e h i g h e s t s t a n d a r d s Additionally, The Fame also caters to guests with Jain and Vegan dietary preferences.

Chef Rodney stated that the menu options are currently limited as the restaurant is still in a trial period. The menu will be expanded gradually based on guest preferences As we progressed, the chef provided us with a brief description of each dish served during our visit to the Fame.

Salad Warm Red Quinoa in Apricot

The meal began with a serving of Warm Red Quinoa in Apricot Salad. This salad includes braised red quinoa, a protein and fiberrich grain mixed with creamy feta, topped with fresh avocados, and green salad comprising romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, rocket

lettuce, braised prunes, candied walnuts, and sliced olives. The salad is served warm and seasoned with various herbs and spices, resulting in a unique flavor It is a healthy and delectable dish that is perfect for those seeking a light and nutritious meal.


The following dish presented to us was a traditional Greek dish Spanakopita consisting of spinach, feta cheese, onions, and garlic mixed with pastry fillers. Spanakopita is a popular Greek savoury pie made of perfectly flaky phyllo dough with a comforting filling of spinach and feta cheese nestled in. The dish is accompanied by a black garlic dip and cherry tomato sauce.

Paneer Makhmali Tikka

The next item that arrived on the table was Paneer Makhmali Tikka which is a very simple dish made up of tender paneer marinated with yellow marination using Indian spices such as saffron and

The second dish in the main course that was served was Kolkata Style Aloo Dum Biryani. Kolkata Style Aloo Dum Biryani is a popular dish from the Indian city of Kolkata. It is a fragrant and flavorful rice dish made with longgrain basmati rice, potatoes, and a variety of spices The baby potatoes are cooked in Garam Masala and onion gravy tomatoes and basmati rice.

Nature Delight

After we finished the main course, we were presented with a dessert called "Nature Delight" The presentation on the plate replicated a forest scene, with a wooden log filled with cream, pistachios, and prunes. The mud was created using chocolate soil, and the bushes were fashioned from mint leaves dusted with gold dust The mushroom stem was crafted from coconut cookies dipped in white chocolate, and the raspberry mousse served on top was like a perfect mushroom umbrella Overall, it was a creative and visually appealing dessert that tasted delicious.

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Escape to Azaya Beach Resort Goa, where opulence and relaxation unite to offer the ultimate luxury getaway. It is truly the epitome of paradise, where dreams become reality and lifelong memories are crafted.


The resort offers a range of luxurious accommodations, each designed to provide the utmost comfort and style. Whether you choose spacious suites or private villas, every room is a sanctuary of r e l a x a t i o n W a k e u p t o breathtaking views of the ocean or lush gardens, immersing yourself in the beauty of Goa each morning.

When it's time to unwind and soak up the sun, Azaya Beach Resort

Goa provides a selection of sparkling swimming pools where you can take a refreshing dip or simply bask in the warmth of Goa's tropical climate. For those seeking a true beachside experience, a private stretch of pristine shoreline awaits, inviting you to lounge on the soft sand or dive into the azure waters.

Nestled on the shores of pure bliss, this hidden gem draws inspiration from the Maldivian sense of place, boasting uninterrupted sea views and powder-soft white sand that stretches deep into the resort. From the moment you arrive, the dedicated team of hospitality professionals at Azaya Beach Resort Goa ensures that your stay is extraordinary. Every tiny detail has been carefully curated to provide absolute comfort and

satisfaction, leaving no desire unfulfilled. The resort, nestled on the pristine shores of Benaulim Beach, offers an unforgettable experience that exceeds all expectations.

Whether you ' re seeking a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a moment of pure indulgence, this 5-star resort is your ultimate destination Immerse yourself in a world where luxury, beauty, and serenity

converge. Azaya Beach Resort Goa awaits, ready to surpass your every expectation. Welcome to a journey of pure indulgence. As you step into the magnificent lobby, you'll be greeted by a warm and friendly staff, dedicated to catering to your every need. The elegant surroundings and soothing ambience set the stage for an unforgettable stay. Picture yourself in a place where pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and vibrant culture come together.

Welcome to Azaya Beach Resort, your gateway to a blissful retreat in the tropical paradise of Goa. Nestled on the shores of the wondrous Arabian Sea, Azaya Beach Resort captures the essence of Goa's laid-back charm while providing a haven of opulence and tranquillity. Every detail is carefully crafted to c r e a t e a n u n f o r g e t t a b l e experience from the moment you

At Azaya, they believe in nurturing your mind, body, and soul. The world-class spa 'Prana' offers a haven of rejuvenation and relaxation. Indulge in a variety of treatments and therapies designed to restore balance and serenity. Let the skilled therapists pamper you, leaving you feeling renewed and refreshed.

Prepare to embark on a culinary journey that tantalizes your taste buds. Azaya Beach Resort boasts a collection of restaurants where skilled chefs artfully prepare a fusion of local and international f l a v o u r s . E v e r y d i s h i s a celebration of Goa's vibrant culinary heritage, from fresh seafood delicacies to exotic spices.

Azaya Beach Resort Goa is dedicated to creating moments that last a lifetime, whether you seek relaxation, exploration, or simply a retreat from the e v e r y d a y E s c a p e t o t h i s enchanting resort where the sands meet the sea, and allow them to provide you with an experience that will stay with you long after you leave. Book your stay today and let Goa cast its magical spell on you.

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Exploring the Vibrant Heritage of Goan Folk Dances

happy to learn that the music accompanying t h i s d a n c i n g s t y l e i s a beautiful fusion of rhythm and m e l o d y f r o m both Indian and Western styles.


dancers of the tribe, as far as the performers of this dance style are concerned. The female dancers donned their traditional attire for this performance.

Lamp Dance

It should come as no surprise that India, a country with many different religions and traditions, also has a great diversity of art, music, and dance. Goan folk dances have a vibrant, rich artistic past and are renowned for their upbeat displays. While Portuguese music and cotillions' impact on the home civilization helped give rise to new forms, the traditional ethnic music, and cotillions remain alive unabatedly. Attending local traditional tunes or seeing an ethnic dance event is the finest approach to fully exploring and comprehending the customs and traditions of a location in a nation. You've found the perfect link if the location you're referring to is the state of Goa. The outlook and manner of life of the locals in the state are intended to be reflected in the Goan ancient folk dances. You can practically see the Goa people's rich cultural and historical past reflected in their traditional dance performances.


One of Goa's most well-known rural folk dances is this one. The majority of the time, except on special occasions or during celebrations, the dhalo is the preferred dance of the women residing in the state's rural areas.

A starry December night is the primary opportunity for women to execute this form of dance, aside from that. After supper, a group of around a dozen ladies congregate in the garden of a residence and perform traditional songs that incorporate both social and religious themes Overall, this folk dance is a lot of frivolity and joy A fantastic decision would be to attend a live show.


You may find this Goan folk dance, which is also quite popular, all around the state Speaking regarding the dance form's unusual name, Dekhni takes its literal meaning from the Konkani tongue as "bewitching beauty " The Dekhni dance is essentially regarded as the customary cultural dance performed by those Christians who previously adhered to Hinduism but converted to Christianity during Portuguese authority. These individuals are attributed with creating this Goan traditional folk dance, based on histories and customs. This lovely Dekhni dance is solely performed by female dancers. Every time this dance is done, ghumat is included. You'll also be

T h i s G o a n dance, often referred to as " F o o g d i , " i s incredibly wellliked, especially a m o n g t h e state's female population This form of dancing i s a l l e g e d l y dedicated to the Hindu deity Lord Ganesha. Additionally, no special occasion or celebration is necessary for the formation of this dance. This dance is performed by people at any moment to convey their joy or their belief in God However, this traditional dance is mostly noted for enlivening the state's August and September months If you ' re curious about the origin of the strange name of the dancing style, it gets its name from the joyful 'foo sound that is generated when the dancers attempt to mimic the music.


One of Goa's oldest folk dances to be discovered is this one. The early inhabitants of Goa were the ones who mostly practiced this type of dancing. Even the name of this traditional dance honors the 'Kunbis', or early settlers, who lived there. They are essentially a hardy tribal group that predominately inhabits the Salcete taluka area of the state. This community's traditional music and dances often date back to the time

b e f o r e t h e a r r i v a l o f t h e Portuguese Rather than being motivated by religious feelings, they are more social. The Kunbi dance is done by the female

Could you skillfully dance to tunes while holding a lighted metal lamp on the top of your head? No, we're not joking; this is a genuine Goan folk dance. The dance style is called after the brass lamps that are used to conduct the dance because lamp balancing is an essential component of the show. In terms of the music type used to execute the Lamp Dace, it is often instrumental. The melody is brought to life by a variety of traditional instruments, including the ghumat, harmonium, cymbal, and samael. Despite how fascinating this Goan folk dance may seem, it is very challenging.

Lamp Dance performance

In a troupe of nine to eleven individuals, samai dance is performed The tunes are performed in the dialect of Goa. While dancing, the performers sing to themselves.

Samayi dancers walk slowly as they attempt to balance the lights on their heads Because the performer cannot allow the lamp to go down while dancing, this form of dance demands a lot of practice. Dancers put on a show while doing beautiful moves to folk music.


Goff dance would come as a nice surprise to you if you assumed that all of the folk dances of Goa were just about the religious festival or social feeling. The state of Goa is no exception to the fact that agriculture is one of the most important professions in the nation The hard-working farmers and laborers of Goa may celebrate their accomplishments by dancing. You may interpret the G o f f d a n c i n g s t y l e a s a celebration of a plentiful harvest that the farmers take part in V i e w i n g a G o f f d a n c e performance captures the thrill of the crowd following a successful season of a wonderful show with a variety of brightly colored clothes, a large number of people, happiness, upbeat music, and laughter.

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Delightful Festivals in the Rainy Season in Goa MONSOON FESTIVALS OF GOA

conclusion. The village's younger residents get together to create a human pyramid. Later, they break the clay butter pot that is fastened to a peepal tree limb above. This celebratory event is a vibrant and young demonstration of youth. All participants leave their everyday concerns and join in the joyful celebration, savoring the moment wholeheartedly.

To u x e a c h e m F e s t - T h e

Cucumber Festival

As alive and bright as its nightlife is Goa's cultural liveliness

C u c u m b e r i s t h e p r e c i s e translation of the Konkani term "Touxeachem," which is used to describe this festival, which is held at Talaulim in Tiswadi's magnificent Church of St. Anne. Every year, the town is decorated with brilliant colors and a happy e n v i r o n m e n t t o w e l c o m e followers from all over the world!

H o w i s To u x e a c h e m F e s t Celebrated?

Sangodd Festival- The Boat Festival

Goa is a land with a rich cultural heritage. People of various faiths celebrate unusual holidays like the Sangod. Everyone is invited to join in the celebrations, yet the spirit of the occasion never fades. This is what distinguishes Goa and keeps tourists coming in droves. Goa observes the Sangodd festival on June 29 every year. The feast days of Saints Peter and Paul are celebrated on this day This celebration is highly significant to the fishing community since Saint Peter, a fisherman by trade, is the patron saint of all fishermen. H o w i s S a n g o d d F e s t i v a l celebrated?

On this day, which marks the beginning of the "rampon" fishing season, the sea is blessed and the boats are prepared for the next f i s h i n g s e a s o n M a k i n g a "Sangodd," which is constructed by combining three to five boats, symbolizes St. Peter and St. Paul's contributions to the construction of the Catholic Church and is done to honor the celebrations. O n t h i s d a y , f i s h e r m e n memorialize their lost coworkers and give petitions to the Almighty by saying prayers and litanies.

The St. Cruz Chapel Committee, which consists of 10 individuals, organizes "Sangodd" yearly in Candolim Several Candolim residents said that Orda was home to several fishing families. Their ancestors observed the celebration of 'Sangodd', a ritual that has been around for more than 150 years. "Sangodd" begins at the Orda jetty at 3:30 p.m. and used to make six more stops in the sea so that spectators gathered in various areas could see the celebration Generations have continually continued the festival celebration custom, and with time, their devotion to the Saint has grown.

Chikal Kalo- The Mud Festival

The Marcel Devaki Krishna temple hosts the Chikal Kalo, or mud festival, in the middle of July. Wet mud is referred to as chikal. The villagers celebrate Lord Krishna's joyful nature by dancing and engaging in activities in the muddy, rainy monsoon muck. Men congregate at the temple to worship while dousing their bodies with oil. Goa is the only place where Chikal Kalo (or Chikhalkala) is a monsoon celebration. It is observed in the premises of the Devki-Krishna

temple in Marcel, a village in North Goa's Ponda Taluka. This distinctive celebration, also k n o w n a s t h e G o a M u d celebration, is similar to the celebrated tomato festival across the world.

The celebration of Chikhal Kalo is distinctive to the village of Marcel; here, everyone unites despite their differences to sing devotional songs and engage in a variety of sports to mark the occasion. It is thought that it was historically commemorated in Marcel as a representation of the young Lord Krishna, who adored playing with his pals in Vrindavan. The Devaki-Krishna temple in Marcel serves as the backdrop for the entire action. How is Chikal Kalo celebrated?

Village men start the festivities by applying oil to themselves. Then enjoyable games and pastimes are performed, evoking the games that Lord Krishna and his companions used to play when they were kids. Music played on traditional Goan instruments enhances the joyful mood Sweets, particularly puran poli, are given out to everyone at the conclusion. The playing of dahi handi marks the festival's

There is a widespread belief that couples without children who come here to pray for a child will eventually have their desires granted. Here, they venerate St. Anne, who after forty years of being infertile, was blessed with a child—Mother Mary. At the feet of the statue of St. Anne, devotees lay cucumbers Both childless couples and newlywed couples want children. People who want a male baby

Patolleanchem Feast- The festival for sweet tooth

In August, when there are several harvest celebrations, Goa is the place to come if you have a sweet t a s t e . A l o n g w i t h I n d i a ' s Independence Day, August 15 is also observed as the feast of "Mother Mary's Assumption into Heaven" by a large number of Christians worldwide. One custom followed by Goans to remember this feast is the preparation of a sweet dish called "Patolleo." In a sense, the harvest celebration is also known as patolleo, a traditional sweet dish created from the fresh paddy (rice) that the harvest delivers, coupled with shredded coconut and jaggery on turmeric leaves. How is Patolleanchem Feast celebrated?

The Patolleos are prepared and

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Image by Vincent Braganza

distributed to the locals as part of t h e f e s t i v a l ' s c u s t o m a r y celebration. Then, visitors are treated to delicious Goan cuisine and a variety of local and i n t e r n a t i o n a l a c t s T h e handmade Patolleos that are customarily served on this day are also shared with the visitors, it said Additionally, a variety of stalls are set up to exhibit local goods and handicrafts The omnipresent Goan brass band also adds color to the event with lively Konkani classics and appealing melodies, according to the department.

Bonderam- Festival Of Divar Island

Goa is vivacious day or night. But t h e B o n d e r a m F e s t i v a l i s something unique that electrifies the state even more. Every year, the event is held on the fourth Saturday of August. This event is one of the most important ones in Goa. In contrast to other days, there are long lines to board the jetty today. The event not only draws Goans but also a large number of foreign visitors, who in turn bring with them a large number of hawkers who set up shop along the Mandovi.

H o w B o n d e r a m f e s t i v a l celebrated?

The event opens with calming music. Later in the afternoon, a unique procession is planned, when both sides participate to the best of their abilities and promote their respective communities. In addition to this, there are spoof clashes that simulate the genuine wars of the past. This festival's activities and events are all fascinating. This e v e n t a n d a l l o f i t s neighborhood-based activities promote mutual understanding and cultural tolerance. Due to the river island's lack of commercialization, this festival nevertheless has a strong allure. The floats are independent of funding, and even if they lack elegance, you can still feel the youth's heart, soul, and sweat in them They have a fantastic platform to display their originality here. 2015's floats featured themes like fish and crabs, which are a staple food in Goa and without which no dinner can be complete Newlywed couples are often seen with flowers on a float showing flowers, and another

featured local artisans creating furniture out of wood.

Women also promote the Clean India initiative while holding brooms in their hands Young women danced while holding fish baskets filled with thermocolstuffed fish.

Ponsachem Fest- The Jackfruit Festival

W h e n t h e e n t i r e s t a t e i s anticipating Sao Joao, the town of Socorro in North Goa will be holding its Ponsachem festival. The jackfruit is the main focus of the event, which also showcases a range of local delicacies cooked with it The Jackfruit Festival, which was held for the first time in Goa last year, will now be in its second year. Jackfruit is referred to as panas in Konkani, which is the same word as in Sanskrit. At the Ponsachem celebration, also known as the Jackfruit Festival, residents in Goa honor the native but undervalued jackfruit tree by donning costumes that are based on the tree and consuming the fruit in a variety of ways. How is the Ponsachem festival celebrated?

The Ponsachem festival, which

was held in June, fell on the same w e e k e n d a s S a o J o a o celebrations throughout the state. The event was run entirely by volunteers and the local community; there were no main sponsors, no alcohol, and no plastics. Food and beverages were served on leaf plates and in coconut shell cups.

Ponsachem Fest, which also took place in 2022, concentrated on the fruit of the tree with live demonstrations and tastings of a wide range of goods with added value "More than a hundred different dishes can be prepared from the jackfruit, right from when it is tender and immature, to its unripe, mature stage, to when it is fully ripe," said Sunetra Talaulikar, a home scientist with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The audience at the event watched Talaulikar's crew make jackfruit halwa, bajias or fritters, and cutlets.

People from all over the world flocked to the festival to enjoy the jackfruit-based sattam, jaqad, etc. while being entertained by a lively village band. Additionally, boiling jackfruit seeds and pudding, two dishes made from jackfruit parts, are consumed.

Goa's Waterfalls That Are Worth the Hike THINGS TO DO IN MONSOON

As the summer sun beats down relentlessly, people from all over the world flock to Goa in search of its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and delectable cuisine. However, what many don't realize is that the coastal state is also home to some of the most breathtaking waterfalls in the country, making it a paradise for hiking enthusiasts. With cascading waterfalls, lush greenery, and stunning vistas, these hidden gems provide the perfect respite from the scorching heat. In this article, we'll take you on a journey to explore some of the most stunning and lesser-known waterfalls in Goa and give you a glimpse of the unforgettable summer hiking experiences they offer. So, grab your backpacks, put on your hiking boots, and get ready to embark on an adventure like no other!

Dudhsagar Waterfalls

D u d h s a g a r W a t e r f a l l s i s undoubtedly one of the most popular and breathtaking waterfalls in Goa. Located in the Sanguem district of the state, the waterfall is easily accessible by road and rail. One can take a train from Madgaon or Kulem station to

Dudhsagar station, which is just a s h o r t t r e k a w a y f r o m t h e waterfall. Alternatively, one can also reach Dudhsagar by road, which is about 60 kilometres from the capital city of Panaji. Standing tall at a height of 310 meters and stretching up to 30 meters in width, Dudhsagar Waterfalls is a sight to behold. As the milky-white water cascades down the rocky terrain, it creates a misty spray that gives the waterfall its name, which translates to "Sea of Milk" in English.

T h e s u r r o u n d i n g a r e a o f Dudhsagar is a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts

The waterfall is nestled in the heart of the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary, which is home to a variety of flora and fauna.

The lush green forests surrounding the waterfall are teeming with wildlife, including monkeys, leopards, and different species of birds.

If you ' re planning to hike to Dudhsagar Waterfalls, it's essential to wear sturdy hiking shoes and carry plenty of water and snacks. The trek to the waterfall is around 14 kilometres

and can take up to 5 hours to complete, depending on your pace. Swimming in the waterfall is not recommended during the monsoon season when the water flow is strong, but it's safe to take a dip during the other months of the year.

Tambdi Surla Waterfalls

Tambdi Surla Waterfalls, nestled in the dense jungles of the Western Ghats, is a hidden gem that only the most intrepid of adventurers have the pleasure of discovering Located about 65 kilometres from Panaji, the capital city of Goa, the waterfall can be accessed through a scenic and winding road that takes you through lush green forests and across meandering streams.

The Tambdi Surla Waterfall, with its crystal-clear waters and mosscovered rocks, is a sight to behold. The waterfall is about 50 feet high, and the water plunges down into a large pool, which is perfect for a refreshing swim on a hot summer day. The water here is said to be pristine and free of pollution, making it safe for swimming.

But the beauty of Tambdi Surla Waterfall is not just limited to its

natural characteristics

The waterfall is also home to the Tambdi Surla Temple, a 12thcentury temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple is one of the oldest surviving structures of its kind in Goa and is a testament to the region's rich cultural heritage. The temple is an architectural marvel, with intricate carvings a n d s c u l p t u r e s t h a t h a v e withstood the test of time.

However, hiking and swimming in Tambdi Surla Waterfall require caution and preparation. The hike to the waterfall is steep and challenging, and it's essential to wear sturdy shoes and carry enough water and snacks for the journey. While swimming in the pool is a great way to beat the heat, it's important to exercise caution as the rocks can be slippery, and the currents can be strong. It's also advisable to swim in the designated areas only and avoid venturing too close to the waterfall.

Arvalem Waterfalls

Located in the picturesque state of Goa, the Arvalem Waterfalls is a natural wonder that is often overlooked by tourists in favour of the more popular beaches and nightlife spots However, those who venture to this hidden gem are rewarded with a breathtaking sight that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Location and Accessibility:

The Arvalem Waterfalls are situated in the village of Sanquelim, approximately 30 kilometres from the capital city of Panaji. The falls are easily accessible by road, and visitors can reach them by hiring a taxi or driving their own vehicle. Once at the falls, visitors can park their vehicles and take a short walk to reach the viewing area.

Scenic Beauty and Serenity of the Waterfall:

The Arvalem Waterfalls is a stunning sight to behold, with water cascading down from a height of approximately 50 meters. Surrounded by lush greenery and the sound of rushing water, the falls offer a peaceful and serene environment that is perfect for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visitors can take a dip in the

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Image by PV Productions

pool at the base of the falls or simply sit back and admire the beauty of nature.

Attractions Near Arvalem Waterfalls:

I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e f a l l s themselves, there are several other attractions in the vicinity that are worth visiting. The nearby Arvalem Caves, also known as the Pandava Caves, is a group of six rock-cut caves that are believed to date back to the 6th or 7th century. The ancient caves are a testament to the rich history and culture of the region and are a must-visit for history buffs. The Rudreshwar Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is another popular attraction located close to the falls.

Hivre Waterfalls

Located in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra, Hivre Waterfalls is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts The waterfall is situated near the village of Hivre and is accessible

via a 2.5 km trek through the lush green forest.

The journey to Hivre Waterfalls is as exciting as the destination itself. The trek takes you through a dense forest filled with diverse flora and fauna. The sound of the gushing waterfalls and chirping birds add to the serenity of the surroundings.

Hivre Waterfalls is not your typical tourist spot The waterfall cascades down from a height of around 200 feet and forms a natural pool at the bottom. The unique feature of Hivre Waterfalls is that the pool is deep enough to swim and dive in, making it a perfect spot for adventure lovers.

The water in the pool is crystal clear and cold, refreshing you after a long trek. The waterfall is surrounded by huge rocks that offer a great vantage point to take in the breathtaking view of the surrounding valley. The rocks also provide a perfect platform for cliff diving for the more

adventurous visitors.

If you plan to visit Hivre Waterfalls, there are a few things to keep in mind. The trek to the waterfall can b e c h a l l e n g i n g , a n d i t i s r e c o m m e n d e d t o w e a r comfortable shoes and carry plenty of water It is also important to be cautious while swimming in the pool as the water can get deep in some areas. Hivre Waterfalls is not just a beautiful natural wonder, but it also offers great opportunities for ecotourism in the area The surrounding forest is home to a variety of wildlife, including exotic bird species like the Malabar Grey Hornbill and the White-Bellied Treepie. The area also has several organic farms and homestays that offer a glimpse into the local way of life.


The waterfalls in Goa are a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by nature lovers and adventure seekers From the Dudhsagar Waterfalls, with its

milky-white cascade, to the tranquil Arvalem Waterfalls and t h e e n c h a n t i n g K e s a r v a l Waterfalls, each waterfall has its unique charm and beauty.

However, as we enjoy these natural wonders, it is essential to recognize the importance of preserving them for future generations. Irresponsible tourism, including littering, pollution, and other harmful activities, can damage the d e l i c a t e e c o s y s t e m a n d biodiversity surrounding these waterfalls.

Therefore, it is crucial to promote responsible tourism and ensure that we leave no trace behind. As visitors, we can do our part by not littering, avoiding the use of plastic, and respecting the natural surroundings. We can also support ecotourism initiatives and responsible tour operators that prioritize sustainable practices.

Panasonic Explores Collaboration with Goa-Based Startup for Energy-Efficient BLDC Motors

Panasonic has recently sent a team of three experts to Kundaim industrial estate in Goa with the aim of forging a collaboration with local startup LitAir. LitAir specializes in the manufacturing of brushless direct current (BLDC) motors and controllers used in various home appliances The team from Panasonic was particularly impressed by the energy-saving capabilities of L i t A i r ' s B L D C m o t o r s a n d controllers, which prompted them to place an order for 100,000 components Additionally, Panasonic has expressed interest in further partnerships and suggested a tie-up for the production of more products. During their visit to LitAir, the Panasonic team sought to gain a deeper understanding of how BLDC motors work and how they

e f f e c t i v e l y r e d u c e p o w e r consumption in fans, coolers, lights, and air conditioners. Rohan Nadkarni, co-founder of LitAir, mentioned that Panasonic had approached them to explore the feasibility of an exclusive manufacturing arrangement LitAir has already established itself as a reliable supplier of components to prominent electronic firms like Panasonic, Crompton Greaves, RR Kabel, Hindware Appliances, and CG Power.

LitAir, a three-year-old startup, has experienced considerable success, having shipped 600,000 BLDC controllers and motors last year, resulting in a reported t u r n o v e r o f R s 1 6 c r o r e s Recognizing LitAir's potential, Panasonic is keen on expanding their product offerings and has expressed their desire for LitAir to

manufacture more products exclusively for them. Moreover, Panasonic sees Goa as a favorable location for production due to its proximity to their plant in Valsad, Gujarat, and its logistical advantages for both domestic and export markets. The Panasonic team also visited Tuem, where the Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) facility is situated. While LitAir's manufacturing activities currently take place in Himachal Pradesh, their research and development efforts are centered in Kundaim to cater to their North Indian clientele However, Panasonic believes that Goa would be an ideal location for manufacturing, considering its strategic advantages. LitAir's technical team consists entirely of Goan engineers who have developed seven designs that can

achieve up to 50% power consumption savings Their c o m m i t m e n t t o i m p o r t substitution and domestic manufacturing has been praised by the Electronic Industries Association for their innovative contributions.

Overall, Panasonic's interest in collaborating with LitAir reflects a significant step toward reducing import dependency and fostering d o m e s t i c m a n u f a c t u r i n g c a p a b i l i t i e s i n I n d i a . B y establishing LitAir as their manufacturer of choice for BLDC motors and controllers in Goa, Panasonic aims to leverage LitAir's expertise and contribute to the country's objective of p r o m o t i n g i n d i g e n o u s production.

Goa Unveils Ambitious Plans for Sea Hubs and Design Villages, to Boost The Economy

healthier worklife balance but

a l s o h a s t h e

p o t e n t i a l t o boost creativity, overall general health, and job

s a t i s f a c t i o n .

A s s o c i a t e

P r o f e s s o r V

Padmanabhan from the Goa

I n s t i t u t e o f

M a n a g e m e n t highlighted the

b e n e f i t s o f working within a natural setting,

a l l o w i n g employees to

Goa, one of India's top tourist destinations known for its rich history and Portuguese influence, is set to undergo a transformation with the creation of sea hubs and design villages. These initiatives, recently announced by the authorities, aim to attract professionals, artists, and tourists while revitalizing the state's economy.

At the SartUp20 Engagement Group meeting, IT and Tourism

Minister Rohan Khaunte revealed that the government plans to establish 12 sea hubs along the shoreline. These co-working spaces will serve as creative hubs, offering professionals the opportunity to work amidst the natural beauty of Goa The selected beaches will be transformed into workspaces, blending coastal landscapes with development.

This initiative not only promotes a

e n g a g e i n outdoor activities and combat work-related stress.

The establishment of co-working spaces within the sea hubs will greatly benefit those in the creative and technology sectors, providing cost-effective options for companies and empowering work environments Aaron Fernandez, founder of Kilowott, emphasized that the creation of sea hubs will enhance the co-

working system and foster a more empowering work culture. Additionally, the government plans to set up a "Design Village" t o p r o v i d e a n u r t u r i n g environment for creators and innovators to develop their skills. This community will contribute to employment opportunities in Goa a n d c r e a t e a s u p p o r t i v e ecosystem for fostering creativity. Goa's beautiful beaches and natural surroundings make it an ideal destination for nomadic employees and individuals in the creative and technology sectors seeking to work in a picturesque setting. The development of sea hubs not only attracts tourists but also provides a significant economic boost to the state. Overall, the creation of sea hubs and design villages in Goa demonstrates the government's c o m m i t m e n t t o f o s t e r i n g innovation, attracting talent, and bolstering the state's economy. By combining the beauty of Goa's c o a s t w i t h p r o f e s s i o n a l w o r k s p a c e s a n d c r e a t i v e environments, these initiatives hold immense potential for the future development and growth of the region.

BUSINESS UPDATES incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 46 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023 J
n e s e c
a p a
o n g l o m e r a t e

Goa's Luxury Real Estate Market Sees Surge in Demand for Second Homes

range of Rs 1 crore and above is evident from online search trends. However, there has been a decline in demand for housing priced below 50 lakhs. Goa's real estate market is outperforming other states in terms of second home markets.

Amit Masaldan, the business head of, believes that the increased demand for housing priced above Rs 1 crore reflects a healthy and growing market for premium housing in Goa. He attributes this growth to the

industry have established Goa as a sought-after destination for second homes. Ankita Sood, director and head of research at Housing com, highlights the acquisition of land near Manohar International Airport by major real estate firms as a preparation for the anticipated increase in demand.

The demand for second homes in Goa, particularly in the luxury segment, is witnessing significant growth, according to research conducted by a property research firm. Properties in the price range of Rs 1 crore to Rs 3 crore have been particularly sought-after by investors, with Mumbai and Bengaluru investors leading the surge. Delhi investors, on the other hand, show a preference for commercial real estate.

Goa's appeal as a tourist destination has contributed to its

rising popularity as a location for second homes and luxury living.

Areas such as Assagao, Anjuna, Porvorim, and Siolim have emerged as high-demand regions for luxury housing, as indicated by online search trends compiled by the property research firm. The research further reveals that prices in Assagao are comparable to those in Gurugram's golf course extension locality.

Analysts in the real estate industry suggest that the high demand for villas in the price

i m p a c t o f t h e C OV I D - 1 9 p a n d e m i c , w h i c h h a s accelerated the demand for homes in the region. Goa's attractive rental income potential and the long-term appreciation o f p r o p e r t y p r i c e s h a v e contributed to the expansion of the premium real estate market. The property research firm predicts that the growth trend will continue in the coming years, with investor confidence in Goan properties on the rise Factors such as the shift towards hybrid work culture, rapid infrastructure development, proximity to beaches, and thriving tourism

The emergence of farmhouses, cottages, and gated villas is reshaping the market, according to Sood Even Housing com is looking to expand its operations in Goa, recognizing the potential of the region. The upward spurt in demand for luxury housing and real estate in Goa is fueled by its coastal beauty, rich cultural heritage, and the growing number of celebrities who have chosen the state as their second home. Overall, the rising demand for second homes, particularly in the luxury segment priced above Rs 1 crore, signifies a positive trend for the Goan real estate market. The region's allure, coupled with high rental income potential and longterm property appreciation, continue to drive investor confidence and contribute to the growth of the luxury housing sector.

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Goa CM Dr Pramod Sawant Unveiled The National Game Mascot MOGA

participants and that the Games' infrastructure is in place He mentioned that he will be a n n o u n c i n g t h e d a t e o f inauguration once Prime Minister Narendra Modi indicates his availability.

“Once Prime Minister Narendra Modi gives the dates of his availability, we will announce the date of the inauguration”

Govind Gaude, the sports minister, P.T. Usha, the head of the Indian Olympic Association, M.C. Mary Kom, and others were also there. Last year Mr. Gaude stated in the House that the infrastructure needed to host the games will be ready by December and thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah for the chance.

Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant revealed the official jersey and mascot for the 37th National Games that will take place in the coastal state. The Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium in Taleigao hosted the official launch event It was conducted in conjunction with the Goa Revolution Da and organized by the Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs and the Sports Authority of Goa.

The introduction of the official mascot, "MOGA," a bison that symbolizes the unique personality of Goa, highlights the close relationship between the Games and the state's history. A sports revolution is now happening in Goa. "Youth should get ready to start a revolution here," he said. Sawant stated that Goa's administration is dedicated to fostering a vibrant sports culture in the state and that it is an honor to host the National Games. The National Games will act as a catalyst for the expansion and general improvement of the current system He said, “The National Games shall catalyze the overall refinement and growth of the existing sports ecosystem in the state,”.

He further said that the state is

In an address to the House, Mr. Gaude said, that he is extremely p l e a s e d t o m a k e t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t t h a t t h e government of Goa has recently received a message from the Indian Olympics Association in consultation with the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports confirming that Goa will be the host city for organizing the 37th National Games anytime in the year 2023.

"I am very much happy to announce that just a while ago, the government of Goa received an email from Indian Olympics Association in consultation with the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports that Goa will be the host city for organizing the 37th National Games anytime in the year 2023,”

Earlier, Mr. Govind stated during a House floor speech regarding requests for subsidies for the sports department that the necessary infrastructure for the Games will be completed by December 2022 The minister had stated, "We will have the infrastructure ready by December 2022, and Goa will be able to host the National Games the following year (2023)."

"Forget about history; let's make history in the future."

EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 48 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023
p r e p a r e d t o r e c e i v e a l l

Kal Aaj aur Kal: Musical Tribute to The Legendary Kapoors in Goa

awards to his name.

Music & U, in association with ZiyPra Ayurveda, proudly presents "Kal Aaj aur Kal - Musical Bits of the Legendary Kapoors" at Ravindra Bhavan Margao, Goa.

This captivating event is set to take place on 28th July at -6:45 PM, celebrating the extraordinary legacy of the Kapoor family.

The Kapoors, a four-generation lineage of iconic superstars, have left an indelible mark on Indian cinema Prithviraj Kapoor, the patriarch, laid the foundation by establishing Prithvi Theatre in

1 9 4 2 , w h i c h s h o w c a s e d remarkable productions across the country Raj Kapoor, a cinematic visionary, furthered the family's success by establishing RK Films, producing 21 films. Notably, two of their productions received National Awards for Best Feature Film, while three were honoured with Filmfare Awards for the same category.

The Kapoor family's multifaceted talent extends to individuals like Shashi Kapoor, who began his acting career at a tender age,

leaving an impressive body of work spanning several decades.

Shammi Kapoor, known as the Elvis Presley of India, mesmerized audiences with his energetic dance numbers from the '50s to the '70s.

Raj Kapoor's sons, Rishi Kapoor and Randhir Kapoor, dominated the film industry until the '80s.

Rishi Kapoor, starting as a child artist, earned recognition and a c c l a i m t h r o u g h o u t h i s remarkable 50-year career, with numerous National and Filmfare

With an illustrious cinematic journey spanning nine decades, the Kapoor family has created u n f o r g e t t a b l e m o v i e s , enchanting music, and timeless songs that have resonated with audiences globally. Music & U takes immense pride in presenting a three-hour musical concert, featuring the evergreen songs picturized on the late legendary actors: Prithviraj Kapoor, Raj Kapoor, Shammi Kapoor, Shashi Kapoor, and Rishi Kapoor. This grand event will showcase t h e i n c r e d i b l e t a l e n t s o f renowned singers from Goa, m e s m e r i z i n g v o i c e s f r o m Karnataka and Mumbai, and a skilled music team hailing from Goa. The lineup of performers includes Anit Chand, Sinchan Dixit, Sanjay Korgaokar, Sudhakar Shanbhag, Shakil Ahmed, and Vibha Algundgi.

Don't miss this enchanting musical extravaganza, where the timeless melodies of the Kapoor family will transport you through the golden era of Indian cinema. Join us at Ravindra Bhavan Margao, Goa, and immerse yourself in the magical world of the legendary Kapoors.

EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 50 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023


CA Gaurav Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular speaker at various professional organizations, trade bodies, MNCs and Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc.

In the previous edition we had discussed the essential ingredients which makes one liable for GST We were to continue the discussion in this edition, however there are certain important compliances which are due by the end of this month, hence we will focus on them.

Most importantly, these compliances are one-time b e n e f i t s g i v e n b y t h e Government to taxpayers who may have missed out on doing them earlier. Hence it is all the more crucial to complete them in the given time frame.

1. Registered persons who failed to furnish the annual return (GSTR-9) by the due date for any of the financial years 2017-18, 2018-19, 201920, 2020-21 or 2021-22 can avoid hefty late fees. They need to furnish the pending annual returns between 1st April 2023 to 30th June 2023. If this is done, then the total amount of late fee under section 47 of the said Act payable in respect of the said return, shall stand waived which is in excess of ten thousand rupees (Rs 10000 CGST+ Rs 10000 SGST) Therefore such people can do the compliance at reduced

late fee of only Rs 20000 in total as against much higher amounts.

2. Once GST registration is cancelled, a final return called GSTR 10 is to be filed. Sec. 45 of CGST Act states that every registered person whose registration is cancelled or surrendered, must furnish a final return in Form GSTR-10 within 3 months of the date of cancellation or the date of cancellation order, whichever is later. For registered persons who failed to furnish the final return (GSTR-10) in the past, heavy late fees apply. The current late fees are Rs

100 per day of delay, subject to maximum of Rs 5,000. Similar provisions exist in the SGST. Thus the total late fees accumulate to Rs. 200 per day subject to maximum of Rs 10,000. Now, if such persons f i l e t h e i r G S T R 1 0 b y 30.06.2023, then the late fee payable shall be restricted to Rs. 1000 only.

3. The next relief has been g i v e n t o C o m p o s i t i o n taxpayers who have not filed their annual return in FORM GSTR-4 for F.Y. 2017-18, 201819, 2019-20, 2020-21 & 202122 till date. Where there is additional tax payable as per

GSTR-4, maximum late fee is capped at Rs 500 (250+250). To avail this benefit, the taxpayer must file GSTR-4 between 1st April 2023 to 30th June 2023

4. A registered person, whose registration has been cancelled on or before 31st December 2022 for non-filing of returns and who has failed to apply for revocation of cancellation within 30 days from the date of service of cancellation order, has also been granted relief.

Such person must file all pending returns, making payment of taxes due as per such returns, along with applicable interest , penalty and late fee. Thereafter, he must apply for revocation of cancellation of registration on or before 30th June 2023. No further extension of time period for filing application for revocation of cancellation shall be available.

Above are some of the i m p o r t a n t t i m e - l i m i t extensions granted by the Government, with benefit of highly reduced late fee. It is prudent for all taxpayers to c h e c k t h e i r p e n d i n g compliances and take benefit of above schemes.

IG FINANCE incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 52 INCREDIBLE - GOA JUNE 2023
Gaurav Kenkre


Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.

MENTAL WELL-BEING: Exercise has a positive impact on mental health and well-being. It stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, leading to reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression. Regular exercise also promotes better sleep quality, cognitive function, and overall cognitive health.

S O C I A L E N G A G E M E N T : P a r t i c i p a t i n g i n e x e r c i s e programs or group activities provides opportunities for social interaction and helps combat feelings of isolation or loneliness, which can be common among seniors. Group exercises, such as group walks or fitness classes, create a sense of community and provide emotional support.

Exercise is incredibly important for seniors as it offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits Here are some key reasons why exercise is crucial for the elderly:

PHYSICAL HEALTH: Regular exercise helps maintain and improve overall physical health. It enhances cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves balance and flexibility. This, in turn, reduces the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis,

and falls.

Weight management: Exercise plays a vital role in weight management by increasing metabolism, burning calories, and maintaining a healthy body weight Maintaining a healthy weight helps prevent obesityrelated health problems and reduces strain on joints. ENHANCED MOBILITY AND

u l a r physical activity helps seniors maintain or improve their mobility and independence. It strengthens

muscles, increases joint flexibility, and improves coordination, allowing seniors to perform daily a c t i v i t i e s w i t h e a s e a n d confidence.

DISEASE PREVENTION: Exercise has been linked to a reduced risk of various chronic conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and cognitive decline. Engaging in regular physical activity can significantly lower the risk of developing these diseases.

C O G N I T I V E F U N C T I O N : Exercise has been shown to have positive effects on cognitive function and can help prevent or delay age-related cognitive decline It improves memory, attention, and problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain and promoting the growth of new brain cells. It is important for seniors to consult with their doctor before starting any exercise program to ensure it is safe and suitable for their individual needs and m e d i c a l c o n d i t i o n s . A c o m b i n a t i o n o f a e r o b i c exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and balance a c t i v i t i e s i s g e n e r a l l y recommended for older adults to achieve maximum benefits."

IG FITNESS incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
e g
ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Company Mahesh Pai - 9422446633 Email: | Website: 3rd Floor, Emerald Towers, Opp. SBI Zonal Office, MG Road, St.-Inez, Panaji, 403001 DO YOU HAVE A PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR INVESTMENTS? Financial Planning is NOT only about NEW INVESTMENTS but realigning the EXISTING ONES and alter them according to your Needs, Goals and BE CAUTIOUS AND CAREFUL B E F O R E C H O O S I N G A N Y RANDOMFINANCIALPRODUCTS. Consult Professionals and take second opinion on your existing Investments too !!!
IG PROPERTIES incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 56 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023 Farm Land Available Farm Land in Valpoi With lots of plantation, mainly Supari, Mango, Jackfruit, Natural spring flowing all around the plots Area 1,50,000 Sq mtrs - Rate 700/- sqmtr - Status- Freehold clear title - OwnerSingle Ownership Beautifully Constructed Row Villa available in Village Bastora in lush green Surrounding of Gated Complex. Swimming pool Gym, Security Villa Area 150 Sqmtrs-Price:8cr -Status:FreeHold/UnusedTitle:SingleOwner 3 BhK Row House in Assgao In Gated Complex with all amenities Area 150 sq mtrs - Price 3Cr - Status: Free Hold - Title Single Owner Old Portuguese Type house buit More than 100 years ago available just 1 Km away from Capital Town Panaji - Land Area 2000 Sq mtrs - Villa Area 4000 Sq mtrs - Price : 8cr - Status: Free Hold - Title : Single Owner Agriculture land in VALPOI With ample water, arecanut, jackfruit, coconut and other trees, ideal for farm house and small cottage industry. Rate 500/- Sq mtr INCREDIBLE FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACTUS ON Email: +91 966 518 3739 PROPERTIES *All properties are subjected to title clearance from the client's lawyers and valuer 2 x 2BHK row villas at Gera River of Joy, Kadamba Plateau, available for sale @ 1.25Cr each. Villas are 103sqm each, superbuiltup. GF-hall, bathroom and kitchen, 1st floor- two bedrooms with attached toilets. Covered parking and private garden area. Child centric homes, wide concrete roads, pool, playhouse, basketball court, other sports facilities, Gera School, all amenities, 10mins from Panjim. Hotel for Sale, Land area 6000 Sq mtrs with 40 rooms ,Swimming pool, garden Parking Old Portuguese Villa for SALE near Panaji, plot size 1900 Sq mtrs built-up 400 Sqtrd Rate 9cr Industrol Land 1700 Sq mtrs Corner plot with two side roads in Kundai industrial area Rate 10000/- Sq mtr Spice farm for sale in Ponda, area 14000 Sq mtrs with water fall and trees of different verities. More details contact. VILLA FOR SALE 3 bhk ,3 toilets, Kitchen ,2 balconies, Terrace,Parking, office with attached toilet , compounded,Clear Title located in Gogol Margao for sale. 1.15 cr PROPERTY PULSE - GOA’S BEST KEPT PROPERTIES
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