Food categorization according to Indian Ayurveda Hey guys! I am sure you are in the best of your health, though the heat waves throughout the country is on constant try to upset it. It was actually to fight against these heat waves that I was researching what kind of food we should take and what kinda we should not take to keep ourselves cool. And it is then I came across a very nice article talking about the categorization of food according to the Indian Ayurveda Shastra. It was too interesting to not to share with you! According to Indian Ayurveda Shastra, food is categorized into three- namely Sattvik, Rajasik and Tamasik.
Sattvik food is the most healthiest category which include all the vegetables (though not onion and garlic) and fruits. It also include the cereals but only the unrefined ones. Apart from that it include all the dairy products and honey as well. Ideally the sattvik foods are either taken raw or boiled. According to the shastras, the rishis and sages in the ancient days used to consume sattvik foods which are known for providing calmness, coolness, health and happiness. Sattvik food provides the necessary nutients in the body while not overdoing it. In the present context, I think to beat the heat waves, turning to sattvik aahar (that's food) is the best option. Next comes the Rajasik category. Just as implied in the name, this kind of food were usually taken by the rajas and maharajas and kshatriyas as a whole. In present days, half of the population (including me) is on rajasik food. This category includes refined cereals and pulses, all the non-veg items like fish, meat, egg and also onion and garlic from the veggie family. This kind of food is
taken in combination with sattvik items which are cooked in too bit excess of oil and spices. In present context, this category rules the roost. A very very small population today consume pure sattvik food. Even the veggies and dairy products like paneer and all are taken care to turn into rajasik one by careful and tasteful cooking. These foods are the main culprit that the majority of the nation today suffer from hypertension, stress, restlessness, mood swings and negetive passions. Moreover, the meat products increases the body heat considerably, so better avoid it in summers. Tamasik. This category include all the items that have the capacity to intoxicate and inebriate a person. Yes. They are alchohol, tobacco and even the tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks. These are best be avoided. However we do indulge in some healthier options occassionally for fun but an excessive intake will only lead to destruction. Also tea and coffee have their own medicinal properties. Stay cool and eat well!