Fooddialer fortified with advanced features

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Food Dialer- Fortified with advanced features Hello and welcome back to our blog space. To begin with, let us wish you a very happy Independence Day! This Independence day, Food Dialer has become more advanced and fortified to unleash you further from the hassles of manual management of your tiffin business. A host of features has been added on request of one of our esteemed client, Yummy Tiffins, for whom we have inegrated the following features. 1. Place order on behalf of customer- Many a time, customers are too busy to actually log in to the website and register their orders. Also it is possible that customer is not quite well-versed with computers. In that case they prefer to call and book the order. But then again it means manual order receiving and processing which may lead to the faults and also it will be hazard to the already setup system with Food Dialer. To smoothen out the glitch, Food Dialer has added a feature that will allow the service providers to place the orders on behalf of customers. Order can be received verbally and integrated with the Food Dialer set-up from the service providers' end. 2. Reports- Food Dialer has been fortified to generate two more types of reports namely, Customer Accounts and Customer Analytics. These two reports will help the service provider to have better understanding of the customers' food and buying behavior and will help them provide more customized and specialized services leading to further customer satisfaction. 3. Daily report on quantity of meals- Food Dialer now provides daily report on the total quantity of meals and each separate items that has been ordered and required to be prepared for the day. This helps while packaging of the meals as well as the workers know exactly how many tiffins they have to pack and send for delivery. 4. Export data in Excel format- Food Dialer now allows the exportation of the reports in Excel format as well. 5. Print labels for the future dates- Now with Food Dialer, the service providers can print the labels of the food for the future dates. 6. Edit meals after placing order- With the integration of this new feature, Food Dialer will now allow the edition of the meal options even after the order is placed with the system. This gives the customer freedom to change their food plan without any worries. 7. Email notification on customer address edition- Food Dialer now shoots email notifications to the customers in case they have opted to change and edit their provided address. This helps is intimating the customers as well as the service providers in case of any possible mishandling of the account and future harassments. Know more about the features of Food Dialer:

Food Dialer is on constant mission to unburden you managing your food business. We strive hard to fulfil your expectations and desires out of Food Dialer and are always ready to further modify ourselves and also provide customized features such that you can manage your business in your own way with the aid of Food Dialer. Therefore, feel free to discuss your demands and needs with us in terms of Food Dialer and help us get better and better with each passing day.

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