Restaurant Menus Manipulate Eating and Purchasing Habits -2 Let us continue from where we left. The tips and tricks used in restaurant menus to make us spend more, is worth research. Here are some more points to it.
4. Pricing Structure and Item Placement When a customer walks-in a restaurant and takes the menu in hand, the first thing he will look is at the item and then pricing. The trick here is to lure the customer to order the best selling dish. How? One way is to place it around the most expensive item in that category. Moreover, a slightly more expensive item gives them a feeling that it is better prepared than others. Advice for the restaurants: Pricing structure can definitely lure the customers to spend more. so, work had on it. 5. Intelligent Color Use Colors as we all know have a great impact on the way we think and perceive things. Blue color is used when you want to create that calming effect. Red and yellow are heavily used for branding for their close association with food. Both when used collectively draw attention towards food and stimulate appetite. Advice for the restaurants: Choose your menu colors well. Read about color psychology before choosing any colors for your restaurant either for dĂŠcor or menu.
6. Elaborated description A customer will be willing to spend more on the dish if he knows what he is going to eat. An elaborate description under the dish with the ingredients and the cooking method listed is appreciable. Even the use of words like Farm raised, organic, locally sourced are big turn-ons. Advice for the restaurants: A self explanatory menu stands better chance to be noticed and appreciated. 7. Authentic Food to make them Nostalgic Dadi ya maa ke hath ka ghar ka khana definitely has a bigger impact as you instantly fly in your childhood. Keep the recipes simple maintaining the authenticity and even the presentation should be as simple as it is there in our homes. Advice for Restaurants: Simple and original still finds demand. Create a sense of belongingness, an association with the dish. It could either be relationships, nationality or traditional. Try on these tips and let us know did they work for you. If you have some other suggestions do write in the comment section below.