Steps to establish your own tiffin business A healthy life starts with healthy food. Everyday we hit gyms, practise power yoga and what not to keep fit. But if your food is not healthy enough, every good habits come into naught. However, in this age where everyone is damn busy, what is suffering the most is our eating habits. Most of us do not have time to cook on regular basis and thus falling prey of outside junk foods. To fill-in this gap, tiffin services has came in, and no doubt it has helped us to a great extent to maintain a healthy food habit. If we just look at it from a different angle, this industry actually provided a career opportunities to many and specially has worked a magic in female empowerment. Women, who few years back, were nothing but can cook good, are now successful enterpreneurs.
If you too are looking to use your skill and cash out this opportunity, its high time you think of establishing your own tiffin business. Check out the steps you need to follow to establish your business. Research well- Before making any move research well. Determine the location you want to cater, need of the place, what and how you want to cater. Like do you want to start a regular tiffin service or cater food to the occassional small parties and celebrations. Check if that service is in demand or not. Finally check your budget and available facilities and determine which one is suitable of you.
Draw out lists of requirements and expenditures- Once you have determined the area and type of the service you want to provide, comes the important step of listing down your requirements and expenditures. Check out the manpower you need, utensils you need, deals with the local grocers and also what is the approximate amount that will go into each category. In case you want to apply for loan, this list will help you writing the business proposal. You can write the business proposal yourself or take professional help. Register your business and get catering license- Registering your business is important for its permanency and also give it a professionalism. Get a catering license as well that is provided by the local food and health department after inspecting your business and facilities. These process will keep your business running hassle-free from legal front. Insure your business- Getting your business insured is most wise step. Keep an amount reserve from your budget for insuring your business. It provides you with peace of mind and help you rebuilding your business in case of any mishap. Get the required items and create menu- Once the official works are over, its time to do some real work. Buy whatever required items you require and listed down. Fix up the grocer and delivery person and finally create your menu. Get your business known- Once the menu is fixed, you are ready to go. Now people should know of your business. Choose the mode of advertisement, like hoardings, radio ads or create you own website and promote it digitally. Ideally choose a company that provides you the service of both digital marketing and also website design and creation. It not only keeps the costing low, but also since the two is done by the same agency, they remain in sync well and therefore giving you more penetration to the market. Make order placement system simple- Once people start knowing of your business, they will start ordering. The system of order placement should be simple and easy. Nobody has time to follow an elaborate step or make phone calls, get busy tone and then try again. It simply leads to the loss of customer. Therefore, it is important that you use a good and efficient food ordering system that not only help in order placement but also kitchen management and despatch and delivery. It will simply further smoothen your business. So now, simply receive order, cater your service and your business has started rolling. Stay Well!