FOOD MATTERS Green Juice Guide 2015

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Green juice The


When looking for ways to improve your health, it can sometimes get a little overwhelming. But it really doesn’t have to be that way. For us, being healthy isn’t about deprivation or restriction, it’s about adding in so much nutrient-rich goodness, that you end up crowding out the other foods! Once you start incorporating plenty of delicious healthy food, you can’t help but get hooked because you feel so amazing! That’s why we brought back the Green Juice Challenge for another year. We received such wonderful feedback from those who participated the last couple of years that we had to do it again! From personal experience and feedback from hundreds of green juice converts, you can improve your energy levels, gain clarity, and look and feel better, just by adding one nutrient-rich green juice each day, without changing anything else! So if you’re new to juicing, or a veteran juicer back for round three, we can’t wait to get juicing with you! In good health,

JAMES COLQUHOUN & LAURENTINE TEN BOSCH Filmmakers ‘Food Matters’ & ‘Hungry For Change’ and founders of FMTV

Why Green Juice? • Green juices allow you to add a wider variety of vegetables to your diet and are the perfect way to consume the recommended daily serving of vegetables without feeling overfull. • Green juices promote alkalinity and rapidly help shift your body’s pH from acidic to alkaline. • Green juice digests in about 10 minutes, so your body gets a concentrated dose of nutrition almost instantly! • Green juices are the ultimate energy and clarity boost!

Green Juice Tips! • Where possible, always use organic produce. Otherwise peel produce before juicing, especially apples and celery as they rank top among the produce which are most sprayed with pesticides. • Always wash produce thoroughly before juicing to remove dirt, grit and bugs. • Some fibrous fruits and vegetables that are “stringy” are best pre-cut to a short length before being juiced to prevent the fibers getting wrapped around the juicers internal mechanism. • Wet leaves and herbs generally do not pass through a juicer as well as when dry, so pat the produce dry first before juicing. • Citrus fruits are best peeled when being juiced.


Super Detox Green Juice WHAT YOU NEED Serves 1

• 2 to 3 celery stalks, leaves removed • 1 small cucumber • 2 kale leaves • 1 small lemon or lime peeled • 1 pear / apple Optional: • 1 tsp Food Matters Superfood Greens

WHAT TO DO Juice all ingredients except the Superfood Greens powder. Stir in the Superfood Greens powder just before serving.

CELERY protection against inflammation of the digestive tract, 1 cup of celery provides the body with over a third of its DRI of Vitamin K (necessary for blood clotting)


Supreme Digest

Green Juice WHAT YOU NEED Serves 1

• 2 celery stalks, leaves removed • 1 small cucumber • 1/4 fennel bulb • 1/2 lime, peeled • 1 pear

WHAT TO DO Juice all ingredients.

FENNEL facilitates digestion and assists in eliminating bad breath


Super Simple Green Drink WHAT YOU NEED Serves 1

• 1 12-ounce glass spring or filtered water • 1-2 tbsp Food Matters Superfood Greens

WHAT TO DO Stir all ingredients together vigorously.

SPIRULINA POWDER protein power house containing up to 60% complete protein, oxygenates and alkalizes the blood, a good source of omega fatty acids.


Healthy Gut Green Juice WHAT YOU NEED Serves 1

• 1/4 of large green cabbage • 1 large bunch romaine lettuce leaves • 1” ginger root • 1 green apple

WHAT TO DO Juice all ingredients.

GREEN CABBAGE a compund (DIM) found in cabbage has been shown to protect against the harmful effects of radiation therapy. Cabbage juice has been used for the treatment for stomach ulcers by coating the stomach and protecting it’s lining against stomach ulcers


Salad In A

Glass Juice WHAT YOU NEED Serves 1

• 2 cups of baby spinach • 1 cup of arugula / rocket • 2 medium tomatoes • 1 handful of basil • 1 clove of raw garlic • 1 lemon, peeled

WHAT TO DO Juice all ingredients.

TOMATOES In terms of phytonutrients, few vegetables compare with tomatoes. They contain flavonones, flavonols, hydroxycinnamic acids, carotenoids, glycosides and even fatty acid derivatives. It reduces heart disease thanks to the antioxidant lycopene, reduces prostate cancer risk


Pineapple Mint Madness Juice WHAT YOU NEED Serves 1

• 2 handfuls baby spinach • 1 cucumber • A small handful of mint leaves • 1 lime, peeled • 1/4 of a medium pineapple

WHAT TO DO Juice all ingredients.

MINT relieves indigestion, kills bacteria in the mouth preventing tooth decay, beats bad breath and keeps your tongue and teeth clean naturally. It also relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including indigestion, dyspepsia, and colonic muscle spasms


Heavy Metal

Detox Juice WHAT YOU NEED Serves 1

• 3 stalks of celery • 1 cucumber • 1 handful of parsley • 1 handful of cilantro • 1 green apple • 1/2 fennel bulb • 1 lemon, peeled

WHAT TO DO Juice all ingredients.

CILANTRO Cilantro, or coriander, is a wonderful source of fiber, manganese, iron and magnesium. In addition, cilantro leaves are rich in Vitamin C, K and protein


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Take this handy guide wi

We’ve included our s shopping quantities if y





Super Detox Green Juice

Supreme Digest Green Juice

Super Simple Green Juice

Healthy Gut

1 serving: 2 to 3 celery stalks, leaves removed 1 small cucumber 2 kale leaves 1 small lemon or lime peeled 1 pear/ apple

1 serving: 2 celery stalks, leaves removed 1 small cucumber 1/4 fennel bulb 1/2 lime peeled 1 pear

1 serving: 1 12-ounce glass spring or filtered water 1-2 tbsp Food Matters Superfood Greens

1 serving: 1/4 of large gre 1 large bunch r leaves 1� ginger root 1 green apple

For 7 Days: 1 large bunch of celery 7 small cucumbers 2 small bunches of kale 7 small lemons or limes 7 pears or apples

For 7 Days: 1 large bunch of celery 7 small cucumber 2 fennel bulbs 4 small limes 7 pears

For 7 Days: 7 12-ounce glass spring or filtered water 7-14 tbsp Food Matters Superfood Greens

For 7 Days: 2 large green ca 7 bunches of ro leaves or 4 larg 1 large ginger r 7 green apple

en Juice Grocery Guide

ith you when you go shopping.

seven green juice recipes and you make that juice for the week.

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een cabbage romaine lettuce

abbages omaine lettuce ge bunches root




Salad In A Glass Juice

Pineapple Mint Madness Juice

Heavy Metal Detox Juice

1 serving: 2 cups of baby spinach 1 cup of arugula/ rocket 2 medium tomatoes 1 handful of basil 1 clove of raw garlic 1 lemon peeled

1 serving: 2 handfuls baby spinach 1 cucumber small handful of mint leaves 1 lime peeled 1/4 of a medium pineapple

1 serving: 3 stalks of celery 1 cucumber 1 handful of parsley 1 handful of cilantro 1 green apple 1/2 fennel bulb 1 lemon peeled

For 7 Days: 14 cups of baby spinach 7 cup of arugula/ rocket 14 medium tomatoes 3 bunches of basil 1 large garlic bulb 7 lemons

For 7 Days: 7 cups baby spinach 7 small cucumber 3 bunches mint leaves 7 limes 2 medium pineapples

For 7 Days: 1 large bunch of celery 7 small cucumbers 2 bunches of parsley 2 bunches of cilantro 7 green apples 2 fennel bulbs 7 lemon peeled


7 Days in May Green Juice Challenge 2015 Wall Planner MAY 2015 SUN













TO-DO LIST Like Food Matters on Facebook for daily tips and support during the 7 day challenge and share your experience with the Food Matters community. Read the Food Matters Juicer Buying Guide to understand the amazing benefits of drinking fresh green juice. Pick your juice for the 7 day challenge (choose 1 for the week or experiment and try a different one every day!) Do your grocery shopping. Juice your way to better health and track your progress on the calendar.

Green juice The



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