The Hormone-Factor Preview

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Ralph Moorman MSc






With test: how do hormones make you fat?


12th edition

These people achieved the body they wanted thanks to The Hormone Factor “I have tried every conceivable weight-loss programme and diet; however, without any lasting effect. That is, until I discovered The Hormone Factor. As a result, I lost 35 kilos. The only thing I regret is that I had not discovered the importance of hormones 20 years earlier.” Cathay Green, event manager “My body has become the body I always wanted - including a flat belly and strong chest. Moreover - my skin is smoother and I feel more energetic.” Jim Lamar, hairdresser and cosmetician “Although I was never all that overweight, I noticed that my belly flab started melting away, week after week. The results are staggering.” Partick Berger, politician “I am not dumb, unathletic, a greedy-guts or a couch potato - there is a hormonal cause for my excess weight. And there is something I can do about it! When I discovered this, I cried with joy.” Helen Maguire, former Big Diet candidate “I lost a lot of weight and - more importantly - I feel a lot better than before.” Ian Whitefield, physician and director of the Dutch Red Cross

Now it’s your turn!



Table of contents Introduction

Finally; a weight-loss method that actually works! 9

Part 1 How hormones will make you fat 17 and feeling washed-out Chapter 1 Not feeling top fit? It’s the hormones! 19 Chapter 2 How healthy hormones will keep you slim and fit 23 Chapter 3 The 9 hormones for a slim body 27­ Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Part 2

Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13

Many things can go wrong where your hormones are concerned Why is that you gain weight as you grow older

33 41

The Hormone Factor Programme 45

Do the test: which hormones are out of balance? The Hormone Factor Diet Hormone Factor recipes Balance your hormones using food supplements The Hormone Factor workout Reduce your stress hormones and lose weight Live according to the rhythm of your hormones Hormone suppletion

47 61 73 79 85 99 105 111

Appendices 116

Success stories Claudia Jackson Jim Lamar Cathay Green Eric Pierce Patrick Berger Ian Whitefield Kim Chan Helen Maguire

117 118 121 127 131

14 30 38 58 82 102 109 114


E numbers to avoid Symptoms of hormonal problems Sources Register Word of thanks




Finally, a weight-loss method that will keep you fit and slim!



o you ever won der why so many people are trying to lose weight, while so few of them actually succeed in doing so? And if they do, how come their success is usually so shortlived? Isn’t it strange that there are so many different weight-loss and dietary strategies, while a single, effective method should suffice? Do you also find it incomprehensible that it is so easy to gain weight as you grow older, even though you are not eating more or exercising less than you used to? And the most burning question of them all: what is preventing the pot belly or saddlebags from budging an inch? The answer to all of these questions is as simple as it is surprising. One crucial point is becoming more and more apparent, which has been overlooked in all current dietary strategies. It is The Hormone Factor. Hormones determine your appetite, your need to exercise, and the speed at which you burn fat. However, our modern lifestyle is greatly upsetting our hormone balance. And if your hormones are out of balance, you tend to eat more and exercise less, while it is also slowing down your fat-loss rate. And that is when you start gaining weight. Because there is no existing diet or weight-loss programme that sufficiently takes these new insights into account, it seems impossible to lose weight and keep it off.

The media, fitness experts, friends and relatives will doubtlessly have been giving you numerous tips about losing weight. And every time, it boils down to the same story: if you use more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. This sounds logical and, in theory, it is true; however, in practice, things are rather different, in a subtle way. If you eat less, and start exercising like crazy, chances are you will lose weight. Only to gain weight again, afterwards... After all, eating less and exercising more requires an iron discipline, which only a few of us will be able to maintain. This will lead to compensatory behaviour, causing you to eat even more than before in the long run. Moreover, too strict a regime will trigger the body’s survival mechanism, resulting in hormonal changes. These changes will cause a slowing down of the metabolism, loss of muscle mass, and increasing hunger pangs. In short, your slim figure is not likely to last. Did you know that people who frequently follow a strict diet will, in term, gain more weight than those who eat what they like throughout their lives? In short, the classic approach of ‘eating less and exercising more’ will upset your hormone balance. If you are striving for a permanent ideal weight and health, you will have to balance your hormones in order to help your body function in an optimum way. I will teach you how to do this using my Hormone Factor Programme. As your hormones



Maira Mariana used to be a top basketball player. As a result of various accidents and a lot of stress, Maira’s adrenal glands had been producing too much cortisol. In addition, her thyroid gland became afflicted. Thanks to the Hormone Factor Programme, she lost weight and kept it off.

become more balanced, you will find it easier to lose weight. And the weight you lose, will stay off. Don’t worry - you don’t have to take any weird action or swallow strange pills to get your hormones under control. Good food, stress management, and well-balanced workouts will do the job. You don’t have to suffer aches, pains, or hunger pangs. The Hormone Factor Programme is based on three important pillars: Food: do not eat less, but higher-quality food. Exercise: do not exercise a lot, but differently. Stress: relax your way to a slim body. In addition to losing weight, there are many other benefits resulting from well-balanced hormone levels. The Hormone Factor Programme represents a natural way to solve a variety of problems, such as skin issues, respiratory infections, intestinal complaints, and mood swings. In addition, your body may become less susceptible to infections and your immune system will improve. And - perhaps the most important benefit of all - your energy level will improve. Many of my clients have experienced this benefit first-hand.


Compared to his testosterone level, Mari van de Ven’s oestrogen level was somewhat too high before he commenced upon the Hormone Factor Programme. That is why his muscles were not as firm as he would have liked. Power training and a change in eating habits resulted in balanced hormone levels and a perfect figure.

How I discovered the importance of hormones

As a lifestyle and fitness coach, I have worked in various fitness centres and also coach clients in the comfort of their own homes. Before I started this work, I had studied Food Technology at the Wageningen University, specialising in sports nutrition. Subsequently, I obtained a number of American certificates in the area of sports and nutrition. I also attended various medical seminars focussed on the interface between health and hormones. During my studies, I noticed that lifestyle advice as covered by the media is far removed from scientific developments. While the food authorities are still counting calories, the more progressive scientists have been on the track of hormones for quite some time. That is why I have developed the Hormone ������������������������������������� Factor������������������������������� Programme, which I use to successfully coach my clients. It is not only based on scientific research, but also on my own experiences with clients and the many discussions I have conducted with physicians and therapists. In 2008, I tested my programme on a group of eight men and women, and further developed it from there. By now, I have been able to act as a personal coach to hundreds of people to help them achieve better health and a slim body. Some of them ate extremely small quantities of food and did cardio until they were blue in the



From blood tests, various hormonal shortages emerged in the case of Laetitia de Haas. That is why all of her former attempts to lose weight were bound to fail. Today, things have finally taken a turn for the better.

face – almost literally – yet without any lasting results. Thanks to the Hormone Factor Programme, these people achieved a better mind set and improved balance and managed to reach and maintain their ideal weight. My satisfied clients include housewives, managers, sportsmen and women, workaholics, lazy people, Spartans, bon vivants, models, and television personalities - people with busy agendas and high expectations. Because the Hormone Factor Programme is so successful, I usually coach my clients for a short period of time only. Not a particularly attractive programme for a personal trainer in a commercial sense, you may argue. After all, the results are permanent and clients are not likely to return. But this is just the way it should be! And that is why the time has come for me to share my programme with you as well as my clients. In the first part of the book, I will explain what hormones are and how these may help you achieve optimum health. In the second part, I will present you with a complete do-ityourself lifestyle programme based on the crucial hormone factor. Ready for your personal use. Ralph Moorman, MSc


Before Carmen Gonsalves commenced upon the Hormone Facor Programme, her muscles were flabbyand her fat percentage too high. Because she has stronger muscles now thanks to balanced hormones and power training, she is able to lose weight easily.

The success story of

Claudia Jackson*

‘Finally, I reached my dream figure!’




hen Claudia Jackson (32) commenced upon the Hormone Factor Programme, she was 20 kilos overweight. In the course of her pregnancy and the months that followed, she had gained a lot of weight and had tried various diets and forms of nutritional advice – in vain. During our intake interview I told her that the thyroid gland often works more slowly the first year after childbirth, resulting in difficulties losing weight. Moreover, her dietary pattern was such that she was ingesting a lot of hidden sugars. I gave her nutritional and fitness advice and promised her good results. “Sceptical, but ready to try anything, I started following the nutritional advice,” Claudia said. “At first, the immense quantities of food I had to eat bothered me somewhat, but after a while I got used to them and noticed that my clothes were getting rather loose. Within a period of only three weeks I had lost 6 kilos. The new dietary pattern was easy to stick to and, thanks to the corresponding training method, my condition was vastly improving as well. Because of the quick results, I started to believe I would, one day, achieve my dream

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