Anti smoking ads in chile 2006 - 2010

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Anti-smoking Ads in Chile Evolution of campaigns 2006 - 2010


The first anti smoking advertising that apeared on cigarrette packaging in chile around 2006. Strategy: “it happened to this guy, it could happen to you...�


The second campaign, launched in 2007 aproximately, focused on a less on health and more on social interactions. Strategy: “people don´t like bad breath, smoking is an anti social behaviour...â€?


The third campaign returned to the gravity of the health issue associated with smoking, focusing specifically on how many victims it claims annually. strategy: “don´t just be another statistic...â€? (16,000 = 0.1% tot. pop.)


The fourth campaign focused on the second hand smoke issue, specifically on the most vulnerable people amongst us. Launched in 2009 aproximately. strategy: “smokers kill babies...�


The current campagin relates smoking with reduced libido and impotence, launched in later part of 2010 aproximately. strategy: “men who smoke can´t get it up...â€?

Before & After

Belmont branding

Before the law was applied, the Belmont brand used a light blue color to call attention to their product. Some years later the company updated their corporate image (logo and colors) to offset the effects of the ads.

Pall Mall branding

The Pall Mall brand also updated their corporate image along the way, increasing the contrast between the logo and background in an attempt to direct the attention of potential buyers to the brand instead of the ad.

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