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Last edited August 6, 2010

TENDENCIA DO IT YOURSELF (DIY) http://www.euromonitor.com/DIY_And_Gardening_in_Chile una breve análisis del mercado nacional en cuanto a esta tendencia.... osea el resumen ejectutivo del estudio... aunque parece que la tendencia va mas por el lado de remodelacion/mejoramiento del hogar que por muebles en si... vale la pena seguir investigando... http://www.freshplaza.com/news_detail.asp?id=68339 "The group said it saw sales rise in all the markets w here it operates, helped by a 9.6% rise in sales at its supermarkets, a 28.8% rise at its DIY outlets, and a 29.4% jump in sales at its department stores." pasted @ 22:06 16-09-2010 "For the first half, revenues rose by 7.7% to 2.87trn pesos, w ith supermarket sales grow ing by 5.5%, department store sales jumping up 21.2%, and its DIY outlets recording a 19.2% rise. The group also recorded grow th in the average ticket price, and in customer traffic. As of end-June, Cencosud operated 661 outlets across Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. This included 528 supermarkets, 79 DIY outlets, 30 department stores and 24 shopping centres. " pasted @ 22:16 16-09-2010 http://w w w .hagaloustedmismo.cl/component/hum/talleres/A/0.html

estos son talleres que se tratan de varias temas, aunque lo primero que vi fue que estaban programados para agosto, y ya estamos a mitad de septiembre... osea informacion no actualizado... (to be fair, the taller para niños esta programado para diciembre... NAVIDAD quizas donde construiran algun juguete me imagino..."decoremos la navidad"... i´m not even going to bother criticizing that one...) fortunately though... i found the september listing on FACEBOOK... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hagalo-Usted-Mismo/107235109529#!/photo.php? pid=2318183&id=107235109529&ref=fbx_album this section though is far more complete than the one from araucosoluciones.. which has to date, only one set of instructions on how to build furniture... and even less, or maybe i haven´t looked carefully enough, on how to "green your home"...

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hagalo-Usted-Mismo/107235109529#!/pages/Hagalo-Usted-Mismo/107235109529 these guys at sodimac seem to have the right idea, although 1500 members seems rather low, and it isn´t clear whether actual employees visit the site to respond people´s questions... which would seem like a natural extension of the purpose of the group... to get expert advice, not just anybody´s although that is nice...

FUENTES DE LA REVISTA CASAS http://www.rodrigoalonso.cl/HTML/newlight.html some very intersting products, although its questionable as to how sustainable they are.. but a great example of what design as art should look like... http://onceneto.blogspot.com/ some nice products as well... again another great example of design as art... and what a coincidence that there are pictures of my favorite designer.. karim rashid on the site... wonderfull... :;S http://www.recycla.cl/ interesantes videos de procesos de reciclaje de distintas materiales... ademas de otra info...

ANTECEDENTES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peel_(fruit) http://twolittlechefs.blogspot.com/ receta para "fruit leather"... cascara de huevo http://www.helium.com/items/641761-uncommon-uses-for-eggshells http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf18087851.tip.html http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/409452/nine_unique_uses_for_eggshells.html

REFERENTE http://www.gizmag.com/e-fuel-microfusion-reactor/16382/?





utm_source=Gizmag+Subscribers&utm_campaign=6394c82d06-UA-2235360-4&utm_medium=email convierte algunos desechos organicos en ethanol que se puede utilizar como benicina para autos especiales y en generadores para electricidad... ya esta a la venta parece...http://www.microfueler.com/default.aspx http://blog.ponoko.com/2010/08/11/diy-is-not-so-threatening/?utm_source=Ponoko+Studio&utm_campaign=351ef59c049_16_10_Everyone_Segment&utm_medium=email a brief article highlighting some interesting new businesses based around social networks, and making the right tools available to anybody interested in doing it themselves... DIY... an interesting trend... http://www.nakedtable.com/ this initiative is very similar to what iツエve been thinking about... and similar somewhat to the project i did back in taller de producto...its a neat package, although i still feel that the "story" aspect behind the material, where it came from, who worked on it... it hardly seems to be adecuately reflected by a mere certificate... and especially not on the underside of the table...

PROBLEMAS INDUSTRIA MADERA CHILENA google search string: problemas industria de muebles chile 2010 http://www.google.cl/#q=problemas+industria+de+muebles+chile+2010&hl=es&ei=quiQTPTaNYP_8AaA1dXTDQ&start=20&sa=N&fp=403fe2fcdbdc3028 http://www.fondef.cl/bases/fondef/PROYECTO/92/F/D92F1001.HTML este proyecto va a lo que estaba pensando.. aunque se realizo entre 1992-1996... quizas seria interesante buscar los resultados de este estudio.. http://www.dinero.com/edicion-impresa/caratula/maderas-muebles-madera_25826.aspx http://www.ignisterra.cl/news.html http://www.ignisterra.cl/muebles_otros.html

EMPRESAS NACIONALES DISEテ前 MUEBLES http://www.fernandomayer.cl/ A v. Kennedy 7 3 0 8 , V itac ura

http://www.casamia.cl/ muebles para el hogar... pero no de cocina, sino mas bien de espacios para vivir... parte de la empresa fernando mayer... http://www.ergotecmuebles.cl/?sec=contenido&id=1 tambien se especializa en muebles de oficina.. http://www.intergroupe.cl/productos principalmente muebles de oficina, contexto laboral... http://www.mueblessur.cl/ especializados en decoracion del hogar...muy buen antecedente... http://www.sodimac.cl/ http://www.easy.cl/easy/CargaInicio?mundo=1&tpCa=0&caN0=0&caN1=0 http://www.falabella.com/webapp/commerce/command/ExecMacro/falabella/macros/home.d2w/report http://www.ripley.cl/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10051&catalogId=10051 http://www.paris.cl/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/topcategory_10001_40000000577_-5_on http://www.guntermeyer.cl/ tambien son muebles un tanto mas tradicionales... http://www.mabu.cl/aninda.html este estilo de muebles no se quien las compra.. yuk yuk yuk http://cristianmontero.cl/quien_soy intersante, pero nada tan espectacular... http://www.mueblesundurraga.cl/index.php yuk yuk yuk... http://www.nativomuebles.cl/ me interesa estos muebles porque estan hechos de materiales "nobles" madera solido, piedra y otros, con terminaciones variadas... vale la pena ir a visitar esta tienda... avenida IV centenario, las condes, cerca de rotonda atenas... direccion aprox... avenida 4ツコ centenario 850, las condes





http://www.mueblesdelma.cl/web/muebles_delma_productos.php 4 lineas de muebles, de lo mas antiguo a "moderno" y rustico tambien, aunque realmente a una vista breve diria que los diseños son bastante conservadores... http://www.magasa.cl/index.php otra empresa que fabrica muebles mas bien tradicionales... http://www.moro.cl/web/index.htm interior designer, with some interesting looking pieces, although i´d have to take a closer look... this really isn´t what i´m looking for either... http://www.muzard.cl/ empresa de muebles para la oficina... http://www.arkitek.cl/index.htm una baja oferta de productos, ninguno que me parece que se asemeja al diseño para la sustentabilidad...

RED INDUSTRIA MADERA NACIONAL http://www.redmadera.cl/ http://www.asimad.cl/ vale la pena ver la historia de esta asociacion... en especial lo que pasó en 2009.... cara raja los weones... http://www.notifix.info/portal/default.aspx

http://rc.prochile.cl/ http://www.certim.cl/proyecto/cgma.htm http://www.certim.cl/index.htm

MERCADO DE MUEBLES, NACIONAL Y INTERNACIONAL http://www.certim.cl/proyecto/mercados.htm esta pagina contiene información bastante interestante respecto las importaciones, exportaciones y tendencias de muebles tanto a nivel nacional e internacional...

DESIGN PROCESS FOR INVENTORS... http://www.idc.uk.com/ although its kind of a roundabout way of looking at design, it does help me understand what´s involved... i´ve downloaded the pdfs, but haven´t gotten around to read them yet...

SUSTENTABILIDAD FUTURO... http://www.theki.net/#/explore/technology/it/ seems like an interesting site, definitely worth further study...

SEARCH STRING THAT MAY LEAD TO A ROUTE FOR MY THESIS... http://www.innovacion.cl/artículo/modulab-la-primera-empresa-chilena-de-ecodiseño http://www.accionrse.cl/app01/home/mail.asp?id=256 http://www.google.cl/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=pino+arauco+chile&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=7a034ca581e1000f http://www.arauco.cl/default.asp http://www.arauco.cl/_file/file_3420_report_2009_ingles.pdf http://www.araucosoluciones.com/informacion.asp?idq=490&parent=0 http://www.msd.cl/msdchile/informacion.asp?idq=645 http://www.fundarauco.cl/informacion.asp?idq=908 http://www.elementalchile.cl/ http://www.labuenacasa.cl/prototipos_index.html





¿CÓMO DISEÑAMOS? http://cientodiez.cl/revistas/vol09/Lyon.html en este articulo hay algunas indicadores que apuntan hacia una forma de responder esta pregunta... http://www.google.cl/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=hueristics&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=7a034ca581e1000f http://www.facebook.com/jvervaeck?ref=name#!/group.php?gid=25708120072&ref=search http://www.google.cl/webhp? hl=en#hl=en&q=eduardo+lyon+shape+grammar&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=7a034ca581e1000f


http://www.productdesignproject.com/index.php/florian-krutlis-magnetic-curtain/ este producto me parecio genial, una cortina que permite manipular su forma facilmente, me imagino que estas cortinas pudieran ayudar a dividir espacios dentro de un departamento de planta abierto... algo me hace pensar en una especie de cueva que se pudiera generar con estas cortinas...





http://www.productdesignproject.com/index.php/grower-de-jorge-valls-en-nude08/ me gustó mucho la estructura de la base de este mueble... se parece bastante tambien al sistema hidroponica que aparece en metamorphosis del design probe de philips...

http://www.productdesignproject.com/index.php/nude08-valencia-estudio-marina-68/ aunque no necesariamente me gusta la forma de este mueble modular, los materiales me encantan, la combinacion de textiles, corcho y metal debe producir una experiencia tactil orgánica encuentro...





http://www.productdesignproject.com/index.php/leverage-by-crac-design-studio/ esta repisa modular, osea con respisas modulares, me parecio una solucion muy sencilla, que con suficientes modulos puede generar una distribuciĂłn de objetos medio caotico, cosa que me parece bien interesante...





http://www.productdesignproject.com/index.php/nils-frederking-collapsible-furniture-design/ generalmente no me gustan este tipo de muebles plegables, pero despues de ver el video, entendi que el diseñador se preocupo tanto de la plegabilidad como del movimiento que se genera en el acto de plegar y desplegar el mueble, son realmente impresionante... kinetic design mas o menos...

http://www.productdesignproject.com/index.php/fulguro-design-waternetworks-drops/ aqui aparecen varias soluciones entorno al uso de agua en el hogar, son sencillas y versatil, me gustaron tambien los materiales que utilizo el diseñador... especialmente la lampara que esta diseñado para meter dentro de un macetero grande...

INTERESTING TED TALKS http://www.ted.com/talks/rachel_sussman_the_world_s_oldest_living_things.html posted on september 2010, great compilation of images of some of the planets´ oldest living organisms... very cool.. more images here http://rachelsussman.com/ http://www.ted.com/talks/nic_marks_the_happy_planet_index.html happy planet index, measuring progress as a combination of happiness and ecological footprint... making the most of our resources to bring us the most amount of happiness... sort of makes sense... having positive goals to work towards... he mentions costa rica as one of the nations that is doing this best so far... http://www.ted.com/talks/sugata_mitra_the_child_driven_education.html amazing presentation about learning as a self organizing phenomenon, children working together using the internet in groups of four, around one screen colaborate to answer questions, learn complex subjects, with higher rates of retention as time goes on... very impressive http://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_rifkin_on_the_empathic_civilization.html this is visual thinking in action, and the content is very interesting, about an empathic civilization, a coherent mix of science, philosophy and some sustainability, and religion... fused into an easy to understand narrative.... beautifull... http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html this was pretty interesting, about the pressure of being creative, and the negative impact it can have on all of us... http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pink_on_motivation.html three keys to motivation, autonomy, mastery and purpose... pink talks about the difference between what science knows about motivation and what businesses do... as examples of how things could be done, he mentions google, ROWE and allistair or allaince.. something an IT company in australia that gives employees time to work on their own projects... very positive results apparently... http://www.ted.com/talks/theo_jansen_creates_new_creatures.html this guy is a little weird, calling his inventions creatures, but he certainly seems to know what he´s doing, i mean making these creatures sensitive to water, which makes them change direction, they count their steps which gives them some sense of direction, they´re wind powered, and in some cases even store energy... impressive mechanics involved... http://www.ted.com/talks/ethan_zuckerman.html very good talk about the isolated bubbles we live in online... we talk to people similar to ourselves, flock mentality and in this way never really learn anything about the world around us.... http://www.ted.com/talks/laurie_santos.html funny talk about monkeys and economics... apparently we share some of the inherently irrational behaviour when it comes to assessing financial situations... loss apreciation or aprehention rather causes us to irrationally risk the little we have in the hope that give the choice of losing some or all... ¿i wonder how this relates to poverty...? when we feel that we have so little, does that mean we take bigger risks financially? like getting further into debt to minimize the sensation of the possibility of losing what we have...





http://www.ted.com/talks/mitchell_joachim_don_t_build_your_home_grow_it.html i´m really not liking this concept, homes grown out of meat... interesting as it may be in terms of biotech... certainly not somewhere i´d like to live... http://www.ted.com/talks/hillel_cooperman_legos_for_grownups.html a little funny video about the world of lego, adults taking part of the fun too... conventions, and lego as art/sculpture... http://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_keep_your_goals_to_yourself.html a brief video about not sharing our goals with others in casual conversation... although not necesarily a new idea, it´s nice to see that others have noticed this phenomenon...



http://inhabitat.com/2010/02/10/faltazi-envisions-the-eco-kitchen-of-the-future/ http://www.ekokook.com/ esto es bastante cerca a lo que tenia pensado hacer... el punto es que ya esta hecho la solución... ¿que hago ahora...? increible el diseño...

































http://inhabitat.com/2010/08/31/award-winning-sink-made-from-recycled-rubber/ bastante interesante este ejemplo... utilizaron una material de desecho y lo alicaron al contexto del baĂąo para generar una superficie para los lava manos... la forma resultante es bien elegante...





http://inhabitat.com/2010/06/04/light-bulbs-transformed-into-gorgeous-spice-containers/ un ejemplo de la reutilizacion de un material cotidiano, las lamparas tradicionales...

http://bambuhome.com/products/ http://inhabitat.com/2010/08/19/colorful-bowls-made-from-real-coconuts-shells/ este ejemplo tambien me gusto, aunque no es la primera vez que alguien haya contemplado el valor de las cascaras de las frutas como packaging natural.. esta aplicacion aun es interesante, pero tampoco va por aqui mi proyecto...

http://inhabitat.com/2010/06/09/electroluxs-outdoor-kitchen-integrates-with-your-garden/ este concepto me gusto mucho... la idea de generar un espacio que fusiona la cocina y el jardin es uno de los temas que me intersaria abordar con mi poroyecto de titulo... partiendo por el estudio que hice para taller mercado I... el siguiente paso seria aplicar este concepto a los departamentos que actualmente venden... es decir, en vez de que los dos espacios sean separados, generar un diseño que las une, y aprovecha del aspecto ecologico/social entorno al acto de comer...

http://inhabitat.com/2010/04/29/whirlpools-green-eco-system-kitchen-debuts-in-milan/ although this is interesting, since it does propose to reduce water use and energy use... its still based on the premise that we all have similar eating habits, namely those that involve intensive cooking and therefore produce far more "waste"...

http://inhabitat.com/2010/04/28/milan-2010-best-green-designs-from-eurocucina-and-salone-del-bagno/ bueno, en esta selección de muestras de la exposicion en milan parece, hay algunos productos que son interesantes, aunque nuevamente, los conceptos siguien siendo creado a partir del supuesto de que no tendriamos que cambiar nuestro comportamiento alimenticio... por lo tanto, encuentro que realmente aportan poco, aunque en cuanto a materiales me parecen bien interesantes algunos...

http://inhabitat.com/2010/04/20/china-made-of-open-cell-porcelain-foam-is-sustainable-and-toxin-free/ aunque no me gustaron mucho los productos resultantes, el material que utilizo este diseñador holandes, es una porcelana de celda abierta parecido al poliestireno que pareciera no tener los mismos impactos negativos al medio ambiente... me gusta el material, y potencialmente las formas organicas que se pudiera lograr con ella... vale la pena investigarlo mas...http://www.marjanvanaubel.com/NL-porseleinkast.html





http://inhabitat.com/2010/04/19/karim-rashid-unveils-corian-eco-house-at-milan-design-week/ aunque realmente odio los trabajo de este diseñador, hay algunas caracteristicas rescatables de su concepto, la integracion de la compostera dentro del mueble de cocina, superficies lisas y sinuoas que me imagino que son faciles de lavar, pero hasta alli llega... abajo hay unos extractos de texto que encontré en su página web... parece que los alumnos de diseño que exhibieron sus productos en el concurso, los ganadores, no son los unicos que sufren de la incongruencia entre lo que dicen/escriben y lo que presentan.... Smar t-ologic Cor ian Living for Dupont, Milan, Italy, 2010 The Smar t-ologic Cor ian Living exhibition gave me the oppor tunity to develop a modular holistic house - a house that can be pr oduced with minimal concave and convex panels and simple tooling. I believe that the design of Smar t-ologic Cor ian Living is a metaphor for how technology, housing, fur nishing, and space can wor k together to evoke an incr eased sense of exper ience, affect our psyche and br ing us a better living, and also enable us to r educe the envir onmental impr int of our daily decisions and actions. Client: Dupont Cor ian Facilities: Living Room, Gar den, Kitchen, Bathr oom, Bedr oom, Pr ess Ar ea Ar ea: 160 sqm Or igami Kitchen, Egypt, 2007 The Or igami is an undulating 3-dimensional r econfigur able or ganic landscape. It is a modular kitchen cabinet system consisting of a r epeated convex angular sur face. Available in wood or plastic, the units, when side by side look seamless like a continuous faceted patter n not r evealing each module. I was r eally inter ested in challenging the banalities of the kitchen with a new for mat, a dimensional pr oposal that functionally and aesthetically challenges the kitchen status quo. Client: Amr Helmy

SUSTAINABLE LIVING WEBSITES http://eartheasy.com/ aunque ofrece soluciones diversas para hacer más "sustentable" las actividades dentro del hogar, son series de parches que en su conjunto, sin duda, reduciran de manera apreciable los consumos y gastos que occuren consecuencia a las actividades cotidianos en este espacio, para acceder a estos beneficios, que no creo que se suman al 80% de reducción que es la meta de algunos activistas medioambientales, Ezio manzini entre ellos, uno tendria que gastar 1.000.000 de pesos para hacerlo, que quizas no es tanto a largo plazo, pero eso no incluye las horas de instalación, el impacto del packaging de todos estos productos, la mantención de estos productos, etc...

YOUTUBE TUTORIALS http://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademy?blend=1&ob=4 muy buen ejemplo de lo que quiero hacer para este proyecto...

EXPERTOS QUE PODRIA CONTACTAR MAS ADELANTE http://www.humusdechile.cl/comoseusa.htm no se como se llama la persona con quien me junte para un "crash course" in vermicultura, pero voy a guardar aqui el sitio web para futuro referencia... http://www.higienismo.cl/ este es mi "guru" en cuanto a los temas de alimentación/salud holistica/higienismo... mauricio de repente me podria dar una prespectiva critica en cuanto a la propuesta que voy a desarrollar.. osea, posteriormente cuando ya tenga desarrollada la propuesta quizas...

EMPRESAS ELECTRO ARTEFACTOS HOGAR http://www.cti.cl/ http://www.mademsa.cl/ http://www.fensa.cl/ http://www.somela.cl/productos.php?categoria=1 http://markets.ft.com/ft/tearsheets/businessProfile.asp?s=SOMELA:SGO breve info sobre somela... http://www.reveredata.com/reports/store/company?cid=21070816 mas info breve sobre somela... http://www.sindelen.cl/





NOTICIAS EMPRESAS http://www.edicionesespeciales.elmercurio.com/destacadas/detalle/index.asp? idnoticia=0124082007021X0010002&idcuerpo=638 noticias de mademsa http://www.edicionesespeciales.elmercurio.com/destacadas/detalle/index.asp? idnoticia=0124082007021X0020003&idcuerpo=638 noticias de mademsa

DESIGN COMPETITIONS http://www.indexaward.dk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=458&Itemid=292 diseño para la educación, lo dividen en 3 subcategorias..." Im proved Education Facilities can improve life in obvious w ays by making school an enjoyable experience w hile increasing learning ability by improving attention. Sanitation and Hygiene improve life of students w ith a healthier environment, thereby reducing illnesses and absences. Gender Parity in Education should ensure that girls get the same opportunity to go to school as boys and thereby improve their lives through equal opportunities, eliminating gender disparity in education." (copied @11:35 1-09-2010) la entrega de las propuestas es noviembre 2010... claramente ya no alcanzaré a participar, pero me parece interesante que Index decidio estudiar el ambito de la educación... talk about coincidence... http://w w w .electroluxdesignlab.com/

GREEN ARCHITECTURE http://www.gizmag.com/heliotrope-disch-plusenergy-international-exapnsion-announced/16165/? utm_source=Gizmag+Subscribers&utm_campaign=5fee4ece4d-UA-2235360-4&utm_medium=email a pretty impressive structure that apparently generates more electricity than it uses... kind of reminds me a little of buckminster fuller´s concept for home design... the architect, rolf disch has a website with more information, seminars and videos which may be worth a look... http://plusenergiehaus.de/index.php?p=home&pid=11&L=1&host=1#a502

INGENIERIA REVERSA COMO ARTE http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/disassembled-household-appliances-brittny-badger-flickr-set interesante articulo... demuestra otra forma en que podemos transformar los procesos que hacemos durante el proyecto en cuentos de diseño...

THE ART OF CONVERSATION http://muse.prettygetter.tv/dinners#1 this is a really cool concept, "dinner" type menus, which replace food with topics of conversation... a sort of guide to structuring a meaningful conversation...

TECNOLOGIA http://blog.workgames.cl/category/uncategorized/ un articulo sobre un computador que piensa comercializar el gobierno de india que tiene un valor de fabricacion de $35 USD... impresionante lo que se puede hacer...

INDUSTRIA CHILENA 2010 google search key words: ranking empresas nacionales chile http://www.asexma.cl/portal/site/artic/20100429/pags/20100429114251.html although this article doesn´t really help that much, it does indicate some areas in which chile´s exports increased relative to last year.. "Al analizar los rubros,

lideraron los embarques manufacturados al segundo mes del año los productos alimenticios al completar envíos por US$ 216 millones, seguido por Vinos y Licores con US$ 207,4 millones y manufacturas de maderas con US$ 135,1 millones."

"En tanto, al observar las variaciones se verificaron importantes alzas en las manufacturas de metal (22,7%) y textiles (20,4%), y una fuerte caída en materiales de transporte (-31,8%)." http://www.directorioschile.cl/Directorios-de-Empresas-de-Chile-home.html esta página parece ser una buena fuente de información quizas... http://www.americaeconomia.com/negocios-industrias/no-solo-se-vive-de-cobre-conozca-el-ranking-de-las-500-mayores-






¿HOW MUCH ENERGY DOES MY COMPUTER USE? http://www.wisegeek.com/how-much-electricity-does-a-computer-use.htm very brief article, not really intersting but it does point out some usefull metrics... http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html much more detailed information, although the author recommends working on heating, lighting and cooling...

SERVICIO CORTE LASER http://www.sinsay.cl/laser.asp parece que esta empresa corta metal, maderas y acrilico... aunque no estan publicado los precios... Santa Rosa 4000 San Joaquín http://www.tecnolaser.cl/servicios.html este servicio parece bastante profesional, ubicado en cerca de Nicasio Retamales 115 Estacion Central - Santiago - RM http://www.puntoacril.cl/home.html Pedro León Ugalde 1701 , Santiago http://acrilaser.blogspot.com/ no hay tanta informaciíon aqui, pero parece que esta persona tiene su propia maquina y la ha puesto al servicio de su negocio... medio informal parece ...

EXPO SHANGAI... bien interesante el tema... http://www.expo2010chile.cl/el-pabellon-de-chile/la-semilla-de-una-nueva-ciudad/ algunas proyecciones interesantes respecto la cuidad... como debiera ser...

MANDELBROT SET http://www.skytopia.com/project/fractal/2mandelbulb.html 3D images of the mandelbrot set, amazing images that make current architecture and product design look so childish, artificial, cold... ttp://www.openculture.com/2010/08/arthur_c_clarke_presents_the_colors_of_infinity.html?utm_source= feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+OpenCulture+(Open+Culture) video on the mandelbrot set... brief explanation of its importance in mathematics

SCRIBING http://www.economistconferences.co.uk/redesigningbusiness/Cognitivemedia this concept is actually pretty cool, scribing, having someone during a meeting generate a visual narrative that takes into account what people are talking about in a storybook type manner... seems rather closely related to "conceptualizacion visual"... or at least a by product of that concept... http://artlovemagic.blogspot.com/2006/07/what-is-scribing.html this guy actually does scribing for a living... very interesting concept, i wish i had heard of it before.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scribing_(graffiti) basic definition and some companies that do this professionaly http://www.wildworksgroup.com/ this company offers scribing and other "results based conversation" tecniques, as they put it, to different clients.... which seems to speed up the process of developing ideas to be implemented... http://www.griotseye.com/ another company that offers scribing services, apart from illustration and graphic design services as well... http://www.grove.com/site/wkshp.html the pioneering company in the field of graphic facilitation... although it sounds great, after watching the yes men fix the world, it dawned on me that there is definitely an ethical issue surrouding this work, a burden which is only magnified due to the interaction among the higher ups in management circles... http://www.ifvp.org/ community of visual practicioners as they call themselves, directory of practitioners world wide seems like and information on what graphic recording is all abuot... definitely worth checking out in more detail... http://web.mac.com/stephcrowley/Graphic_Recording/Welcome!.html





the personal website of one of the practitioners from the above community, not that impressive, but definitely interesting..

GOOGLE SEARCH STRING: http://www.google.cl/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&source=hp&q=graphic+recorder&aq=f&aqi=g1gm2&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=29d9edd08724ceff

ENGAGEMENT QUOTIENT (EQ) http://whitepapers.zdnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=1703893&promo=539&tag=nl.e539&cval=wit2.zdnet&ctype=default although i don´t have access to this webinar, the concept of engagement quotient is pretty intersting, at least it sounds good and psuedo scientific...

VISUAL THINKING IN THE CLASSROOM google search string: http://www.google.cl/webhp? hl=en#hl=en&source=hp&q=visual+thinking+in+the+classroom&aq=o&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=29d9edd08724ceff http://www.nancymargulies.com/learning.htm apparently this woman has already applied graphic facilitation, in some way, in the classroom, worth a close look (unread as of 9/8/2010) http://www.newhorizons.org/strategies/graphic_tools/margulies_3.htm another source of information about graphic recording in the classroom, some foundation information for my thesis maybe... (unread as of 9/8/2010)

SIBUC - VISUAL THINKING 2008 Título Visual thinking : for design / / by Colin Ware. 152.14 W267v 2008 2007 Título Uniforme

Thinking visually.. Español

741.6 W654t.E 2007 2006 Título 741.6 W654t 2006

Thinking visually / / Mark Wigan.

REFERENTE: INTERIORES http://clever.homes.it/clever/it/baby_prod.php?id=8&p=1 italian designed interiors... hate to love them...

REFERENTE: MUEBLES http://www.busyboo.com/2007/11/18/lounge-furniture-dreambag/ a flower made of cushions.. a very nice idea... swedish design....

NOTICIAS DIARIOS: PREESCOLARES la nación http://www.lanacion.cl/cgi-b10.14/prontus_search.cgi? search_prontus=noticias&search_idx=ALL&search_tmp=resultado.html&search_texto=preescolar&button=Buscar un listado de articulos que resultan de la busqueda para la palabra "preescolar"... son bastantes, aunque de lo que puedo ver de los titulares, pocas tienen que ver con los mismos niños... igual, el listado me serivira quizas para hacer un especie de jerarquización de temas importantes a nivel pais... http://www.lanacion.cl/primeros-cuatro-anos-determinan-el-desarrollo-de-los-ninos/noticias/2009-11-18/221112.html nothing new in this article from 2009, but it did make me think about some sort of "center" for women with children under 4 years old.. a special place where they can go to enjoy QT with their infant, a place where everyone around them helps to make the experience as comfortable as possible, and a place where everyone can be a member, although this idea would probably be hard to implement realisticallly, unfortunately, i can´t imagine women ABC1 enjoying the company of women C2-3 and especially not D... as adults, our predujices are just to rooted to be so easily changed, which is in fact a big obstacle in creating an "egalitarian" or better, a tolerant society, if children absorb so much from their environment, as Montessori proposes, then doesn´t it make sense they should come into contact with other children of different social



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