Rental May 2020

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POWER SOURCES Generators and Light Towers Utilize Alternative Technology

May 2020


Hybrid Technology Enables Shift to Lower Horsepower


Find the latest news at

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The Easy Rooter


Toughness begins with our exclusive Flexicore® cables. Heavy gauge wire is wrapped tightly around a wire rope center to give you unequaled strength for the right amount of flexibility. The Easy Rooter gets a lot of rentals with little maintenance. Just hose it down and it’s ready to go out again. Count on it to take on the toughest jobs with the least hassle to you or your customers.

Equipped with Flexicore wire rope center cable.

From the rugged steel frame, to big 10" wheels, to the tough Flexicore cable, the Easy Rooter adds up to lower maintenance costs, higher profits and happier customers. To learn more, call the Drain Brains at 800-245-6200, or visit


© 2020 General Wire Spring

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ust on rs.



MAY 2020


Manufacturers discuss the latest innovations with their air compressor offerings.


IN EVERY ISSUE 06 Everybody’s Business



Generators, Light Towers Show Power Alternatives Alternate power sources are highlighted with recent product launches.

Communicate to Bridge the Distance

08 Market Watch



Versatile Hybrid Power, Ready When You Need It The shift toward lower horsepower engines with a variety of supplementary power source options for peak demands are ensuring equipment always can perform optimally.

Market updates that impact the rental outlook

38 Industry Update 42 Eye on Rental Is Diversification an Income-Generating Brainstorming Option for Your Rental Business?



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MAY 2020


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MAY 2020

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RENTAL/inventory features the industry’s most comprehensive guide to construction-related products and equipment. Visit ForConstructionPros. com/RENTAL and click on the New Equipment Directory for the most 00 Everybody’s up-to-date list of what today’s Business leading manufacturers have to offer.


00 Manager’s Digest


00 Market Watch IPAF Welcomes International MEWP B. Operator Controls Standard The standard ISO 21455:2020 has been 00 New Products

published this April and culminates a decade C. of work from IPAF, its members and the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

00 Industry

Update The Toro CompanyD.Gives $500,000 to Global Coronavirus Relief Efforts Funds will assist nonprofits effort 00worldwide Eye oninRental to help those most vulnerable. E.

5/4/20 7:47 AM

EXPAND WHAT’S POSSIBLE. A lot can change in a year. New equipment. A plant expansion. Growing product lines. Allmand® and Briggs & Stratton® have made significant investments to improve the jobsite experience. New products create the most expansive Allmand lineup ever. Allmand’s new Night-Lite™ GR-Series Light Towers and Maxi-Heat™ 1M BTU Heater join industry-leading light, heat, power and air compressor solutions. ALLMAND. ABOVE ALL. Experience the best at

© 2020 Allmand Brothers Inc. All rights reserved.

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Becky Schultz, Editor

PRODUCT NEWS INSIGHT ■ Published by AC Business Media 201 N. Main Street, 5th Fl Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 (800) 538-5544

Publication Staff

Communicate to



estrictions put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic have made maintaining relationships more challenging. No friendly handshakes, pats on the back or faceto-face conversations allowed, at least for a time. I can only hope social distancing is on its way out by the time this reaches you. But there’s a chance that it won’t be. And even if it is, relationships will have changed, at least short term. There will be a hesitation for many to go back to the way it was, and for those directly impacted, it might never be quite the same. For others, long-distance relationships will be continued by choice. The rental industry is evolving, with transactions at some larger companies becoming increasingly impersonal. The ability to use a website or app from start to finish means no or minimal human interaction. That’s the way some companies and customers like it. Yet, on the whole, rental continues to be a relationship business. Customers come to your store for reasons beyond the fact that you have the right equipment at the right time. They are looking to you and your staff to provide both the required tools and the expertise to ensure they get what they need when they need it. Successfully delivering on this expectation — plus a friendly, helpful


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attitude — positions your business to see customers come back time and again. But how do you maintain such relationships during and immediately following a crisis such as the one we’ve been experiencing? Even if you’ve kept the doors open and maintained all or most of your staff, your volume of business has likely been impacted. You’re not interfacing with customers at the same level or rate as preCOVID. And it’s safe to presume the slowdown will continue at least for a time even once stay-in-place restrictions have been eased. A return to “normal” won’t happen overnight. This is where frequent, ongoing communication comes in. You don’t have to be face to face to communicate in today’s digital world. Websites, social media, email, e-newsletters, e-blasts all let you to “speak” to customers about your business, its services and its expertise on an regular basis. Get creative with the message. Share stories about your staff and their backgrounds. Post a blog with equipment selection tips. Feature videos on YouTube about specific equipment in your fleet. Share “how to” project tips on Facebook. Explore ways to bridge the distance and work to bring your customers back in.


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Change of Address & Subscriptions — PO Box 3605, Northbrook, IL 60065-3605, Phone: (877) 201-3915 Fax: (847) 291-4816 • List Rental — Jeff Moriarty, SVP, Business & Media Solutions Infogroup, Phone: (518) 339-4511, Email: Reprints — Eric Servais,

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5/4/20 1:48 PM

Reliability. Rentability. DONE.
















t d s SA.

The difference is clear. The difference is DEERE. Being built for rental performance means these machines tackle the toughest jobs‌again and again and again.

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5/4/20 8:02 AM


DODGE DATA GDP REFORECAST: HOW WE WILL RECOVER FROM THIS RECESSION “We are in recession. Full stop. No question,” Richard Branch, chief economist with Dodge Data & Analytics, says of the U.S. economy in the COVID-19 era. The important questions for construction businesses now are “How deep? What does the recovery look like?” Dodge’s pre-coronavirus 2020 forecast was for U.S. gross domestic product to grow 1.7% — slowing from 2.3% in 2019. Our current reality of 360 million people in 42 states under stay-athome orders reduced expectations for first-quarter GDP to a 2.5% contraction and an 18.3% plunge in Q2. “Assuming infections peak in May and begin to abate in July, and the economy begins very slowly to return to normal, we get a boost in the second half,” Branch says. “A good chunk of people that lost their jobs in the first half of the year will get rehired in the second half.” He forecast the initial thrust, following a pair of disastrous quarters, to be 11.0% growth in Q3. “But it takes a lot to restart a service economy,” Branch cautions. “That’s why you see growth in the fourth quarter slow down to 2.4% — still above the long-term potential rate for the U.S. economy. There’s strong support for infrastructure spending. “We’re not expecting something until late-Q3-Q4, but depending upon the size and the magnitude of a potential Phase 4 program, that could certainly alter those Q3 and Q4 growth rates,”notes Branch. So Dodge forecasts U.S. GDP to contract 2.2% in 2020 but then rebound in 2021, growing 2.7%. “I would offer, based on our assumptions, that that growth rate in 2021 is back-loaded,” Branch says. “So the first part of the year we’ll call maybe 2.3% to 2.4%. But once we get into the back half of the year, we’re looking at maybe mid to high 3s that could extend into early 2022 as well.” Key variables that could impact this forecast are the track of the virus and potential for any fiscal stimulus. View a more details at


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RENTAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY MIGHT HAVE BOTTOMED WITH A REBOUND ON THE HORIZON The latest American Rental Association (ARA) forecast projects a steep drop in U.S. rental revenue in the second quarter of 2020, followed by quarter-over-quarter improvement for the third and fourth quarters of 2020. In the end, however, industry revenue is predicted to show a 16.6% decline for 2020, according to the latest economic models shown by IHS Markit. Canadian rental revenue is projected to drop 11.3% in 2020. The new forecast was introduced during an ARA Rentalytics webinar on April 9. The webinar, which was the third in a series of four webinars, covered ARA’s response to coronavirus along with industry surveys to understand the impact on ARA members. The surveys of ARA members show that their businesses are reaching a state of equilibrium with many members indicating that while the situation may not be getting better, it is no longer getting worse. This may be attributed to some optimism regarding recover/stimulus funding or simply that the coronavirus outbreak has reached maximum impact on the industry. The party and event segment has been hit the hardest, with many reporting declines of more than 90% in revenue for March and April compared to last year. Construction in some areas has slowed; however, some rental stores focused on general tools for the do-it-yourself market are finding business close to usual as those staying at home look to tackle projects. Projections show growth in 2021, but it looks to be a small amount of growth, followed by more solid growth in 2022. To learn more, go to

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Dodge forecasts single-family starts to be down 10% in 2020 but begin to recover quickly with 5% growth in 2021.“Q2 home sales probably could fall by 50% compared to Q1, bringing us back to the levels we last saw during the Great Recession in 2007, 2008 and 2009,” says Richard Branch, chief economist with Dodge Data & Analytics. “And that could be optimistic, depending on how long the stay-athome and physical-distancing requirements stay in place.” Dodge forecasts multifamily starts to plunge 19% in 2020 and fall an additional 2% in 2021. “Given our assumptions of the track of the virus and macroeconomic assumptions, by the time we get to Q4 the level of (commercial building) starts activity is (expected to be) starting to return to the normal,” says Branch. Total 2020 commercial starts could be down 16% but then forge ahead in 2021. Dodge forecasts the square footage of parking garage starts this year falling 29%, office starts dropping 13%, retail space down 33%, and hotels and motels down 31%. The biggest commercial building sector — warehouses — however, is only expected to slip 1%. Total institutional building construction starts were initially forecast to decline 2%, and the pandemic pushed the Dodge Data forecast to -7%. Nonbuilding construction starts present a curious dynamic. The value of starts in the biggest sector — highways and bridges — was down 7% in 2019. The highway portion was flat and bridge construction was down sharply. “We’re expecting Q2 for highways and bridges to be down 12% from what we saw in Q1 — not as steep a drop as we saw in the building categories,” says Branch. A lot of infrastructure work has remained as an essential category. View a more details at

ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORECASTS DECLINES IN EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE INVESTMENT Due to the impact of COVID-19, investment in equipment and software is projected to contract -8.6% and -13.5% in 2020. Similarly, the U.S. economy is expected to have annual growth slowing to between -5% and -9.4%, according to the Q2 update to the 2020 Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook released by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation. While the economy will continue to suffer until the public health crisis is resolved, conditions are expected to improve in the third and fourth quarters, which should produce strong annualized growth rates after a large contraction during the first half of the year. Nonetheless, the economy will be smaller at the end of 2020 than it was at the start. The Foundation-Keybridge U.S. Equipment & Software Investment Momentum Monitor, which is released in conjunction with the Economic Outlook, tracks 12 equipment and software investment verticals. Most equipment verticals will face a difficult investment environment in 2020. Over the next three to six months: •

Agriculture machinery investment growth is expected to remain weak.

Construction machinery investment growth is expected to remain negative.

Materials handling equipment investment is likely to remain negative.

All other industrial equipment investment growth is likely to contract.

Mining and oilfield machinery investment growth is likely to severely contract. View a more detailed summary of the report at 21128574.

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Suppliers reveal the latest advancements in their air compressor products

n this Product Spotlight section, compressor suppliers discuss the latest technology advancements and the associated benefits for your rental operations. For more information, please visit and include the eight-digit code shown.

Sullair Next Generation 1600H Compressor “The next generation Sullair 1600H portable air compressor was redesigned to incorporate the features and solutions today’s customers


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are demanding,” says Russell Warner, vice president, Americas – Rental & Infratructure, Sullair LLC. “Some of the top demands we hear from customers are a need for ease of serviceability, ease of use and equipment that is environmentally friendly on the jobsite.” Sullair answered these demands in the redesign of its 1600H. “To help with serviceability, Sullair incorporated a nesting door design,” says Warner. The main access doors overlap, or “nest,” and are held secure by engagement latches connected to the top and bottom of the door

frames. This eliminates the traditional center support bar, which was on the previous design and is on most competitive units. “Without a center post, users and technicians are given significantly greater access to the engine compartment,” says Warner. The “push to close” latches also encourage safety, as they’re much less prone to pinch point injuries or the doors closing unexpectedly. “Customers consistently demand that the equipment on the jobsite is both easy to use and environmentally friendly,” says Warner. A

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new condensate management system in the Sullair 1600H addresses both requests. It removes all the condensate liquid generated when moisture is removed from the compressed air via the aftercooler system and injects it into the hot engine exhaust stream. The new condensate management system disposes of the condensate completely through evaporation and requires no effort whatsoever on the part of the operator. In some situations, a 1600 cfm compressor can produce 40 to 50 gallons of condensate during a single shift. Previously, operators had to haul away this condensate to properly dispose of it, so as not to incur regulatory punishment. Customers want their portable air compressors to be increasingly flexible so they can cover a range of applications with a single unit. This is driving manufacturers like Sullair to develop machines that produce a range of flow and pressure. On some of its compressors, such as the 375 Series, operators can shift the machine from low to high pressure with the flip of a switch. This means the same machine is suitable for numerous applications. Meeting rental customer preferences is also a priority. Different regions and different rental companies across North America have their preferred engine manufacturers. “A range of engine options is then needed to ensure there is always strong local support,” says Warner. This is one of the reasons Sullair continues to expand its engine options

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across its product portfolio. On the 1600H, Sullair offers the choice of

Caterpillar C15, Perkins 2506J and Cummins QSX15 diesel engines. All three options deliver 1600 cfm at 100 to 150 psi. Depending upon location and application, Sullair does offer options such as a cold weather kit, engine overspeed valve, engine oil fast evacuation system, or the AirLinx telematics system.

Kaeser’s M55PE Portable Compressor Kaeser’s new compressor delivers 185 cfm at 100 psig — adjustable up to 125 psig. The heavy-duty Tier 4 Final D1803CR-T Kubota diesel engine, coupled to the new Sigma 17G airend produces more air with less horsepower. With its large 21-gal. fuel tank, the M55PE can run fully loaded for 10 hours before refueling. “Rental customers expect durability and reliability in their rental equipment. Kaeser’s new M55PE introduces highly innovative doublewalled, roto-molded polyethylene gull wing doors,” says Chance Chartters, sales manager — Mobilair. “Not only do the roto-molded doors resist rust, dents and scratches, they also provide

excellent sound attenuation while reducing the overall weight of the compressor. Additionally, the new Kaeser M55PE offers larger 15-in. wheels and tires to provide excellent towing both on and off-road. All this together with Kaeser’s highly efficient Sigma Profile airend coupled with a Kubota diesel engine make for the ideal rental compressor package.” The galvanized steel chassis is topped with a scratch and dentresistant polyethylene enclosure with wideopening gull wing doors for easy access to maintenance points. “The M55PE’s polyethylene gull wing doors are available in many different color options that can be customized to a rental company’s branding. Additionally, the M55PE is available in varying pressure ranges and optional air treatment packages to accommodate the diversified applications many rental companies see today,” Chartters says. Ease of service is always important, he adds. “The easier a compressor can be serviced the more likely it will be serviced. The new Kaeser M55PE offers a spin-on compressor oil separator cartridge that can be changed in a matter minutes, not hours, while still providing superior air/oil separation.” “Another key feature our customers ask about is ease of operation. The M55PE offers a user-friendly Sigma Control Smart controller that provides easy one touch operation to start and stop the compressor as well as added flexibility in adjusting operating pressures. This controller also provides service reminders and alerts for the rental company to assist in maintenance and troubleshooting.” The eye-level, rear side instrument panel featuring the Sigma Control Smart electronic controller

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includes an intuitive user display, system monitoring and diagnostics. Another key feature is a cold start battery that assures year round reliability and Kaeser’s anti-frost valve prevents tool freezing. “At Kaeser innovation is the key to success. Along with the innovative polyethylene doors that provide superior protection and durability, Kaeser offers one of the most efficient portable compressors in the market. By engineering our own airends that deliver more air per horsepower and coupling it with highly-efficient and reliable diesel engines, such as Kubota, we offer one of the most diversely trusted portable compressors in the industry,” Chartters says.

Atlas Copco XAS 950 Air Compressor Atlas Copco’s XAS 950 singlestage, oil-injected, rotary screw-type air compressor features pressure adjusted through cognitive electronics (PACE) technology to match engine speed, power and torque with air demand, resulting in fuel savings. “The XAS 950 is built around the principals of pressure and flow. The focus of the unit is putting the controls in the operator’s hands thanks to the innovation and


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unique performance management solution, PACE,” says Clayton Jones, product manager — portable air at Atlas Copco Power Technique. “This air compressor delivers better performance in a smaller and lighter package. We believe it will be a game changer. It was our first single axle design with this much volume and also is the first in the market. The new technology in the regulation system is what we are proud of and showcase in all of our product training.” Some of the main applications for the new compressor size is geothermal drilling, horizontal directional drilling, sandblasting and shotcrete. “Being a single axle unit allows for towing the unit to jobsites and making logistics much easier,” Jones says. “The pressure and flow range allow for multiple applications in one variant. The new regulation system known as PACE puts the operator in complete control of the unit and does the work on its own to be efficient in regards to energy and fuel savings. The PACE technology helps achieve 15% to 20% fuel savings. Additionally, PACE increases the operating range with the ability to cover multiple applications with a single compressor, increasing the unit’s versatility.” The XAS 950 has variable flow and pressure settings through the PACE technology. This results in a wide range of pressure and flow

settings such as 950 cfm at 100 psi, 900 cfm at 150 psi and 750 cfm at 200 psi. “We feel we have put the customization in already, and it comes standard with the bells and whistles you might say. Items such as quality filters, after cooler and external fuel connections are built in. Although we still offer special items if needed, such as skid mounted or a custom color,” Jones adds. “For the future, sometimes it is tough to tell what will be the new game changer. Service is for sure at the forefront of technology. The less time the unit is down means more revenue as well as project completion. Footprint is the new request and how we can put as much energy into a light and small design. The machine is up to 33% lighter than competitor’s compressors with similar output,” Jones says.

Chicago Pneumatic CPS 185 Compressor With the latest rotary screw technology, the CPS 185 offers 189 cfm free air delivery at 2.37 gallons an hour. A 27-gal. fuel tank is sufficiently sized to operate the unit for more than 11 hours at full-load condition. The machine is equipped with a Kubota Tier 4 Final, turbocharged, three-cylinder, liquid-cooled diesel engine with engine output rated at 49 hp at 2,700 rpm. “This is a complete redesign of the standard 185 compressor, which we have built for many years,” says Clayton Jones, product

5/4/20 8:11 AM

Without a

Honda Engine, your customers see this:

Rental customers know reliable, easy-starting equipment by sight — it’s the equipment powered by a Honda Engine. And with legendary minimal downtime and a 3-Year Warranty,* Honda GX Series engines offer the type of durable performance that keeps customers coming back for more. Project after project, hour after hour, there’s only one name that powers the best. Honda Engines.

Learn more at *Warranty applies to all Honda GX Series engines, 100cc or larger purchased at retail or put into rental service since January 1, 2009. Warranty excludes Honda GXV140 and GXV160 models. See full warranty details at For optimum performance and safety, please read the owner’s manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. © 2020 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

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manager — portable air with Chicago Pneumatic Power Technique. “Having this prior model allowed us to listen to the market and add technology, must have features and still keep customer impact of cost at a minimum.” The improved product comes standard with new technology in a spin on oil separator filter and built in tool box. There is also a very user friendly and simple design controller to operate the unit, Jones adds. One controller regulates the entire machine. The new Xc1004 controller features a large 3.5-in. display and is easy to operate with all functions conveniently located at the user’s fingertips. While running, the panel displays hours, fuel level and outlet pressure, as well as additional measurements, such as RPM, temperatures, voltage, etc.



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185 compressor also includes a 110% spillage-free containment frame to protect the environment from spills, leaks and to avoid costly clean up. “In all reality, we are in line with this class compressor by going to the spin on filter,” Jones says. “We do a good job with the overall design and materials used to keep the unit from showing wear and tear. This allows for a high resale value once it is time to replace with newer equipment. This is definitely an added value for customers.” The CPS 185 now features a noise dampening Redrock canopy made out of a heavy double polyethylene shell. The canopy is dent and UV resistant. The engine is capable of starting the compressor at 14° F with the aid

of a standard glow plug. Cold start options are available to start the unit up to -13° F. In addition, it features a number of safety warnings and shutdowns for high temperature engine coolant and compressor oil, engine oil pressure and low fuel level. The CPS 21129626

Jenny C-series Air Compressors The C-series compressors deliver 9.8 cfm at 125 psi, and are available with 8-, 15-, 17- and 30-gal. air tanks,

TOWABLE & STATIONARY Tier 4 Final Certified Ranges from 500 - 625 kW. Can be customized to meet specification/application.


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Boss Industries MechanX 150 Portable Compressor

which are powder coated and ASME certified. For maximum durability, the newly engineered “C” pumps are constructed of cast iron and are splash lubricated with Jenny “Ultimate Blue” synthetic compressor-pump oil. “We developed the ‘C’ pump to take full advantage of the Honda 6.5-hp engine,” says Daniel Leiss, president of Jenny Products. “Durability is always a key issue for air compressors in the rental industry. Piston compressors are relatively simple machines with few moving parts, and the simpler you can keep a piece of equipment, generally the more reliable it will be. Additionally, components that are more ruggedly built will last longer and deliver a return on investment that usually outweighs a higher original price tag.” The cast iron, splash-lubricated pumps are belt driven with large flywheels for easy start-ups and extra cooling. Directional air shrouds help further reduce pump temperatures while special unloading valves are included to assist in engine starting. “Most rental centers are going to stick to standard products, although there are always some users who will want to customize with additional filtration, after-cooling features or other enhancements. One reason you


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wouldn’t want to add too many bells and whistles to an air compressor is that it can inhibit portability around the jobsite, which is an important selling point for most rental customers,” Leiss says. Standard features include a totally enclosed heavy-duty belt guard, anti-vibration feet for smoother operation, a large canister intake filter with replaceable elements, manual tank drains, a stainless-steel braided discharge hose, a pressure-release safety valve and tank, regulator and outlet pressure gauges. For mobility, the compressors have pneumatic tires and convenient lifting handles. “For the most part, compressor units are going to be offered in their standard electric or gas-powered configurations. For certain remote applications, like mining or oil drilling, it might make sense to equip a compressor with a diesel engine instead, since that might be the only fuel supply available for all the equipment on the site.”

“The MechanX 150 is a combination of simplicity and performance for the do-ityourselfers. Offering 13 cfm of air, 4.0kW of AC power and 150 welding amps. This product is ideal for the construction and tire service industry,” says Chuck Hamilton with BOSS. The MechanX 150 features a 14-hp Kohler engine with electric-start capabilities and automatic engine idle. The welder feature includes a two-pole direct-current brushes rotating welder with auto resettable thermal overload breaker for welder protection. Remote air tank options include 10, 22 and 28 gal. Additional features include: an Atmospheric Unloading System, rubber engine oil drain extension, 1/2-in. shut-off valve, finned aftercooler, stainless-steel reed valves, and a heavy-duty steel belt guard base. The heavy-duty single stage pump features a cast-iron cylinder. The MechanX 150 has an IP23 rating and an ASME safety relief valve. “The MechanX 150 is a starter or entry level product that has performance of a higher valued product, but we do offer multiple products in the MechanX line, with each one adding a feature and/or a specific product enhancement for just about any situation the product can serve,” Hamilton adds. The Multi-Function category is currently the most sought after product in the air compressor marketplace. “This is the reason we introduced different models within the MechanX line to fit multiple application requirements, from price all the way thru performance.” 21124183

5/4/20 8:13 AM




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5/4/20 8:13 AM



B By y MMI cI ch he el ll el e E Ea au uCCl al ai ri er e- K - Ko op pi ei er r


HYBRID POWER, READY WHEN YOU NEED IT 0520RPN_18-23_HybridEngines.indd 18

5/4/20 8:39 AM

The shift toward lower horsepower engines with a variety of supplementary power source options for peak demands ensures equipment always can perform optimally.


ybridization has been an ongoing conversation for a long time, so the term isn’t new, but it is still evolving as new power sources, technologies, and capacities become accessible and available. It was only a decade ago that the prevalent discussion around hybrid solutions was centered around parallel versus series hydraulic hybrid drivetrains because of the highdensity energy capture and release capabilities it has. As hybrid power sources like batteries have evolved to

The FPT Industrial F28 Hybrid pairs a diesel engine with an e-flywheel.

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allow for more rapid energy release, and have dropped in price, they have become more reasonable options for hybrid solutions being incorporated into the chassis or other areas on the machine. But more and more, engine manufacturers are seeing a compelling argument for hybrid beyond just the cleanliness and efficiency gains; hybrid engines allow for lower horsepower options and thus more compact engines to be utilized, as well as providing OEMs and customers with more options to optimize their fuel or power choice based on preference and availability.

IT’S ABOUT DOWNSIZING More recently, engine manufacturers have been highlighting their hybrid solutions. Kubota Engines, for example, released its Micro Hybrid Technology system last year, which incorporates a 48-volt motor generator in place of a traditional alternator. The purpose is to only activate the electric motor’s 10kW power boost

Kubota’s V3307 MicroHybrid system allows for engine downsizing while maintaining performance.

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A prototype design of the DEUTZ hybrid engine.

capabilities when intermittent overloads need to be handled so that engine selection doesn’t need to be based on peak energy, but rather the frequent power demands of normal work functions. According to Kotaro Shiozaki, Manager of Sales Promotion at Kubota Corp., “Some applications like forklifts and wheel loaders [have to choose engine size based] on peak load even though the amount of time they use the peak load is very limited at the start of the work. Because of that, they have to select large engines. But, by being able to take energy from batteries or electric motors, they don’t need to rely on the engine for the full power need.” At CONEXPO, Kubota highlighted a V3307 Micro-Hybrid system prototype. The system integrates with the electronic engine management control, making it compatible with many of Kubota’s existing diesel, gasoline, LPG and natural gas engines across the power ranges. Utilizing an independent driveline, the MicroHybrid system maintains accessibility to the existing PTO positions of a conventional engine, making it suitable for both existing applications and new applications that may require a more compact design.

IT’S ABOUT OPTIONS Braden Cammauf, Head of FPT Industrial Brand North America, doesn’t want to tell manufacturers what their choice in power should be. The F28 modular, multi-power engine from FPT recently introduced


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the hybrid version to North America at CONEXPO 2020, adding to the company’s previously available diesel and natural gas options. The versatile design makes the F28 prime for rental applications from telehandlers to generators. Space-wise, the 3.4-liter engine comes in closer to the size of a 2.2liter engine. How is that possible? FPT’s “light EGR” and DOC (diesel oxidation catalyst), “since we don’t have a lot of particulate matter, we don’t need a lot of filtering which is how our unit can be so small,” Cammauf explains. With filter life lasting up to 600 hours and all service points on the same

side of the engine, FPT Industrial is positioning this to be a strong engine choice for the rental market. “We were thinking of light construction equipment like telehandlers that go into the rental market when this engine was configured.” Modularity is an important asset to allow for the most versatile solution for the largest variety of applications. DEUTZ’s Advanced Configurator allows its customers to select from the company’s modular range of drive systems including diesel, gas, hybrid, electric and hydrogen-based technologies. The company’s 2019 acquisition of Germany-based Futavis was an investment in developing and leveraging battery technologies, in line with the company’s pursuit of electrified solutions. According to DEUTZ’s Chairman of the Board of Management, Dr. Frank Hiller, “When tackling the challenge of making drive solutions sustainable for the future, we always keep our minds open to all technologies. Our approach builds on intelligent combinations of electric drives and internal combustion engines that offer the potential to be operated in a carbon-neutral manner in the future using sustainable fuels.” One example is the TCG 7.8 H2 hydrogen motor offered by DEUTZ — a cost-efficient alternative to other ‘zero-emission’ technologies such as fuel cells. Again highlighting a commitment to rental markets and equipment, DEUTZ presented an electric hybrid drive system


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OF RELIABILITY, DURABILITY AND PERFORMANCE Sullair offers a full arsenal of elite compressors — from the workhorse 185 to the versatile 375 family and big air 1600H — helping you satisfy more customer demand.


© 2020 Sullair, LLC. All rights reserved.

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The DEUTZ Advanced Configurator helps operators select the right combination of powertrain components for their operation.

LEARN YOUR HYBRID HISTORY! specifically designed for aerial work platforms for low-load applications. The DEUTZ D1.2 hybrid engine combines a compact three-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 1.2 liters and a 48V electric motor. The engine (as well as the D1.7, a 1.7liter option) was designed to meet the growing demands for efficiency in small aerial platforms, trenching equipment and mini skid-steer loaders, pump applications and lawn and garden equipment. After launching several hybrid engine options at bauma 2019, Perkins has released a second-generation hybrid-electric concept to offer OEMs a zero-emissions, zeronoise, electric-only mode. “Perkins is focused on delivering more choice and increasing value to our customers. The hybrid concepts we’re showcasing are examples of future technologies that will take machine efficiency to the next level,” says Tom Nankervis, Electrification Marketing Manager. “With our range of hybrid engines, customers can choose to downsize their engine and use the hybrid power for peak-load, or they can reduce output from the diesel engine, choosing to lower fuel consumption up to 20%.” For OEMs, renters and endusers, the hybrid powered vehicle is here to stay. The variations are ever increasing, and the benefits continue to mount as engine manufacturers investigate more sophisticated pathways and strategies to squeeze more utility out of a smaller package


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Take a look back at some of the coverage of hybrid technology developments from, and our equipment technology brand, OEM Off-Highway, to see where we started with hybrid system development compared to where we are now.

2008: Joining Forces A look at the work being done by OEMs and component suppliers to bring hydraulic and electric hybrid technology to on-highway trucks. Read more at

2011: Earthmovers Get Electrified Electrical technologies are revolutionizing earthmoving equipment, and zapping away at fuel costs. Read more at

2013: Who You Calling a Hybrid?

2018: Evolution of Hybrid Powertrains in Aerial Work Platforms Aerial work platforms offer an opportunity to utilize hybrid technology in order to increase machine efficiency and reduce emissions. Read more at

2018: Embracing the Electric Transformation Engine manufacturers are evaluating and developing electric powertrains as a means of reducing emissions and fuel use, as well as providing optimized performance.

By using two or more sources of power, hybrid systems provide an opportunity to improve vehicle efficiency, fuel consumption and productivity.



The increased performance and fuel savings supplied by hybrid earthmovers can offset the increased purchase price.

2014: A Destined Hybrid of Intention and Collaboration

2018: Stage Set for Hybrid Construction Equipment to Go Mainstream

The mounting acceptance and rapid advancement of hybrid drive system technology is paving the way for energy and fuel savings that have gone unrealized until late.



Hybrid systems pairing engines with electronics or other components enable efficiency gains and the transition toward alternatively powered machines.

2015: Working Under Pressure An update on the current and future hydraulic and pneumatic hybrid market.

2019: Powertrain Optimization Via Mixed Technologies



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By Becky Schultz



Alternate power sources are highlighted with recent product launches.

Powered by three solar panels, the Generac VTS light tower combines a solar charge controller and an inverter/ charger in one product.

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lternative power sources seem to be on everyone’s minds as the construction industry appears to shift away from traditional diesel and gasoline engines. Products displayed at the American Rental Association’s (ARA) annual trade show and other industry recent events include concept, prototype and even nearproduction models incorporating battery power or other options designed to cut reliance on fossil fuels and minimize noise on the jobsite. Yet, not all players in the generator and portable light tower space are following the same path. Here’s what some of the major supplies are showcasing for 2020, including a glimpse at what may lie ahead.

Cummins Takes Advantage of Internal Resources Cummins Inc. produces over a million gensets annually for a variety of markets ranging from the military to recreational vehicles (RVs). Given this broad market reach, the company’s mobile products group saw an opportunity to capitalize on its success in other areas, leading to the introduction of a 12-kW mobile

The 12-kW Cummins C12D6RE mobile generator set has a Tier 4 Final-certified liquid-cooled diesel engine originally derived from the company’s RV business.

generator set, the C12D6RE, with a Tier 4 Final-certified, four-cycle, liquid-cooled diesel engine derived from the RV industry. The idea for the C12D6RE actually came from key rental customers who suggested Cummins take the 12-kW generator used in the RV industry and apply it to mobile generators. But to be successful, this required a revamp to meet more rigorous customer demands. “The new C12D6RE model is equipped with several features and options making it a very reliable,

Doosan’s Intelligent Load Management System option is designed to mitigate wet stacking concerns in generators powered by Tier 4 diesel engines.

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flexible and robust product, ideal for mobile power applications,” says John Gibbons, North American general manager, generators, Cummins Mobile Power. Shedding its recreational roots, it now boasts a rugged and robust design and a heavy-duty trailer suited for events, construction sites and industrial use. Cummins continues to explore new options for more efficient power generation, including incorporating smart paralleling logic into its Tier 4 Final products that turns units in parallel on and off based on demand. The result is not only lower fuel consumption but reduced maintenance requirements per power source. Given recent acquisitions of energy storage and management and fuel cell battery technology providers, as well as partnerships for other alternative power technology, rest assured that Cummins has its fingers in more power possibilities. “In growing itself and looking toward the future, we still will continue to maintain our No. 1 [global] status as a diesel engine manufacturer,” says Gibbons. “But we’re also looking at additional technologies, whether it be for power generation or whether it be for on-highway or off-highway.”

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Doosan Delivers Wet Stacking Solution Over roughly the past 18 months, Doosan Portable Power has focused specifically on adding value for its customers — for example, in the form of power density improvements in larger diesel products along with enhanced aftertreatment systems. Its entire portfolio also includes improved controller interfaces, extended maintenance intervals, longer filter life and more. Recently, the company added its proprietary Doosan engines and airends to the smaller segment of its product line, including the P185WDO portable air compressor (www.ForConstructionPros. com/12041282). The next step was to tackle the troublesome issue of wet stacking in Tier 4-compliant generators used in light load and fluctuating demand applications. Wet stacking largely stems from mis-education, says Craig Wilkens, business development, Doosan Portable Power, with customers often renting larger generators than they The VT-Hybrid has 4x150W LED floodlights powered by a rechargeable battery pack that provides up to eight hours of continuous operation.


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actually need. The result is the generator does not reach sufficient operating temperature to completely burn off all of the fuel, resulting in carbon buildup and plugging of exhaust components. To mitigate this issue, the company developed the internally packaged Intelligent Load Management System (ILMS) option. The ILMS option automatically adjusts engine and exhaust temperature with supplemental heat to ensure the generator operates at full capacity regardless of load demands. The ILMS requires no operator control or monitoring. “We call it an ‘intelligent’ load management system because it has a mind of its own,” says Wilkens. “It’s programmed to run only when needed, meaning when you’re below 30% load.” In applications with

Generac VTS-A

fluctuating power demands, the system can instantly respond to ensure full generator capacity is always available even in the event of a sudden heavy load, such as motor starting. The ILMS is compatible with any voltage output produced by the generator, meeting the needs of a variety of applications with no special setup or switching required. The option is offered across the company’s small- to mid-size generator lineup and select large generator models.

Generac Advances Toward Hybrids and Solar Power Durability and serviceability are essential in power generation, which is why Generac Mobile Products redesigned its MDG25 with this in mind (www.ForConstructionPros. com/ 21123041). The enhanced version provides reliable three-phase 25kVA power in a compact, easily towable footprint and is suited for the rigors of the work site. “In this design, we have a steel, square-bodied construction that allows for rugged durability in all the different applications,” says Matt Wiese, senior product manager — generators. “We also have the ability to remove the doors for clear maintenance within the engine and the whole system.” A wet stacking mitigation kit

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STATEMENT. Vanguard® takes a visionary approach to power. Whether it’s designing, applying or validating new technology — Vanguard is here to partner with you. We developed the new Vanguard commercial battery packs to meet the demands of a wide range of rental applications. We’re your best choice for integrating battery into your fleet — and we can prove it.


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© 2020 Briggs & Stratton Corporation. All rights reserved.

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consists of an LHD liquid heat genand with the longevity of the engine.” erator. “It allows us to provide a In addition, the MDG25 has solution for wet stacking problems a simplified controller platform when the load reaches a level that’s with fewer buttons and an easy to below 30%, ” Wiese explains. “The status screen easier oper-* BI_Rental_Half_Std_More_air_2020.psdread @ 66.7% (Layerfor 15, RGB/8) system will kick on and increase the ation (www.ForConstructionPros. load… That helps with certification com/21072260). Its larger fuel

tank enables 28 hours of run time. Extended oil change intervals enable 500 hours between services. Generac is exploring alternative power options, too, particularly in its light tower line. At the ARA show, it highlighted the VT-Hybrid light tower and the VTS solar light tower, both of which are currently available in Europe and will be launched in North America in late 2020/early 2021. The VT-Hybrid comes with 4x150W high-efficiency LED floodlights powered by a rechargeable battery pack that provides up to eight hours of continuous operation with no diesel or noise emissions. “This system is very useful if the customer has to use the [light tower] indoors or in a tunnel,” says Giovanni Paulo Licheri, product manager, Generac Mobile Products in Italy. “It has a simplified control panel that can operate in manual mode or timer mode with four- and eight-hour autonomy.”


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The concept light tower Allmand displayed at ARA is powered by Vanguard lithium ion batteries and is equipped with four LED 350W light modules for commercial grade light output.

The special dry batteries can be recharged in less than five hours from an external power source or from the built-in backup generator. The generator’s diesel engine will automatically start once the battery pack is discharged to continue powering the lights while simultaneously recharging the battery pack. Once fully charged, the engine will automatically turn off. Powered by three solar panels, the VTS light tower combines a solar charge controller and an inverter/ charger in one product. Its four AGM batteries are charged by the three 320-watt solar panels and/or through the inverter from the utility grid or an external power source. The batteries recharge in approximately six hours and can run the lights for roughly 16 hours. “There is no engine – it’s purely run by solar power,” David Keene, senior product manager, emphasizes. “This is an exciting new product that we’re bringing to market by the end

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The only time people notice an air compressor is when it’s not working. That’s why Jenny has basically gone unnoticed since 1927. It’s the hazard of offering the most reliable compressors on the market, but we wouldn’t have it any other way…nor would our customers.

›› Isn’t it time a Jenny was hiding on your customer’s jobsite?


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of this year.” The company plans to incorporate a more rugged design suited to the rigors of off-road for applications such as oil and gas and construction sites.

Allmand Highlights Battery-powered Concepts

At Mi-T-M, we pride ourselves on building mighty, damn good equipment. It’s what sets us apart from our competition. When you purchase equipment with the Mi-T-M name on it, you are buying dependable equipment that is designed, built, and tested by good people. Mighty. Damn. Good.

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Air Compressors | Portable Generators Air Compressor/Generator Combinations Air Compressor/Generator/Welder Combinations Cold and Hot Water Pressure Washers | Wet/Dry Vacuums Jobsite Boxes | Portable Heaters | Water Pumps Water Treatment Systems


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As part of Briggs & Stratton, Allmand Equipment is seeing its product portfolio continue to expand as it explores opportunities to build upon existing product lines. “The strength of having a broad product line is that instead of offering one solution for an entire market, you can offer really specific solutions that meet the needs of the different market segments that we operate in,” says Thomas Rugg, president, Allmand Equipment. This includes introducing new engine- and batterypowered products thanks in part to collaboration with sister company Vanguard. At the ARA show, Allmand showcased a Vanguard gasoline-powered light tower, the GR chain series light towers with a new air-cooled diesel engine option plus three concept fully electric models: two inverter generators and a 10-kWh light tower, all powered by Vanguard lithium ion batteries. (Learn more at www.ForConstructionPros. com/21115407.) The inverters feature 5- and 10-kWh Vanguard commercial lithium-ion battery packs and include one 120V TT-30P and two 120V duplex receptacles. A detachable inverter module allows a quick swap between battery packs. A touchscreen display gives users information on power level, run time, status indication and necessary product feedback. Other features include onboard lighting, enclosed accessory storage and powered tracks for ease of transport. “There are many gasoline and diesel-powered inverters on the market,” says Becky Fellows, marketing manager. The Allmand’s concept inverters feature advantages of battery 5- and 10-kWh Vanguard commercial lithium-ion battery packs.

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power include zero emissions and quiet operation. “It’s silent – you’re not running an engine. And it’s clean technology.” The concept light tower on display was equipped with four LED 350W light modules for commercial grade light output, a five-section mast that expands to 22+ ft. and 359 degree rotation. Built upon the Night-Lite E Series platform, the unit includes the same touch screen data display as the inverters, as well as forklift pockets, an active leveling system and auto deploy outriggers with one-button product setup. While commercial availability may be a few years away, these concepts offer the opportunity to initiate discussions that can drive new solutions in future. “We’re showcasing concept units at ARA to gain customer feedback to understand the applications for battery-powered equipment,” Fellows comments, adding. “From the standpoint of performance… Vanguard has done extensive research and the application of these products has been keeping up with gasoline and diesel engines across the board. So, it’s really just a different mindset of how to power rather than performance.”

POWR2 Seeks to Ultimately Replace Generators POWR2 started production of its hybrid power systems for the North American market in late 2018, but soon realized customers were looking for higher-voltage alternatives. It’s answering this need with an expanded lineup of lithium ion energy storage systems that includes 480V models with 125 or 250kVA power output and up to 1 MW hours of energy. The hybrid POWRBANKS are designed to integrate with diesel generators and other energy sources to maximize efficiency of power

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generation and consumption, while reducing noise, emissions and fuel use. “We work with customers that have large fleets of diesel generators for jobsite power. When they’re specifying a generator for a jobsite, it’s very

difficult to size it correctly because you have to size it based on worstcase scenario,” notes Tim Doling, director – business development. “That leads to generators being oversized, and also the actual load varies throughout the day.”

Compressed Air That Means Business

The M55’s combination of the Sigma Profile airend and Tier 4 Final diesel engine delivers superior fuel economy and reliability.

And it’s your business on the line. Kaeser’s Mobilair™ portable compressors have been powering the toughest jobs for more than 35 years. Construction, demolition, and rental use are all in a day’s work for Mobilair. Cold start batteries give reliable operation even when the temperature drops. Oversized fuel tanks and energy efficient operation mean there’s no stopping mid-job to refuel. Galvanized steel chassis take the hits from even your roughest customers.

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©2020 Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

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POWR2’s hybrid POWRBANKS are designed to integrate with diesel generators and other energy sources to maximize efficiency of power generation and consumption, while reducing noise, emissions and fuel use.

POWR2 saw the opportunity to place an energy storage system between the generator and the load that would allow the generator to run only when required and be automatically switched off — with power supplied by stored energy — once load demand fell below a specific level. The onboard energy control module constantly monitors load and automatically switches between generator power and stored energy as needed. “Primarily we’re reducing the hours on the generator. So rather than run the generator 24 hours a day, we’re probably cutting that run time to four hours a day,” Doling asserts. “That increases the service life of the generator. It also increases the resale value. It reduces fuel consumption and emissions. It’s silent power, which is very important in residential areas or events.” Less run time at low loads eliminates a critical service issue, as well. “Tier 4 Final generators are very sensitive to wet stacking; they will actually shut down or go into regen,” says Doling. “By making sure they run just when they need to, we can

eliminate wet stacking and that service problem.” Doling sees a trend to move away from generator power altogether with energy storage becoming the primary power source. “Where in the past you’ve had a large generator and a small hybrid unit, we’re seeing a trend toward using larger hybrid energy storage units and pairing them with a small generator just to recharge, or even solar,” he comments. Systems can be charged from the grid, as well, to convert that energy into more usable power. “Think of a typical construction site that has 120/240-volt power available, but they have a crane that uses 480 volts. We can use the hybrid [power system] to take that incoming singlephase power and put 480 volts out to the crane,” Doling explains. “It actually eliminates the need for a generator altogether, and that saves you more cost.”

Find More Online [PODCAST] After Celebrating 100 Years, Cummins Power Products is Looking to the Future — www. [PODCAST] Doosan Intelligent Load Management System Reduces Wet Stacking — www. [VIDEO] Generac Bringing Solar Light Tower to Market by End of 2020 — www.ForConstructionPros. com/21115491 [VIDEO] Generac Mobile Introduces World’s First Hybrid Light Tower — www.ForConstructionPros. com/21115470


[VIDEO] Powr2 Hybrid Energy Storage Systems Provide Silent Hybrid Power — www.

Ge 800

©2 Sp


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RELIABLE POWER DESIGNED TO RESIST WET STACKING KNOW THE FACTS BEFORE BUYING YOUR NEXT GENERATOR There are more than a few misconceptions about diesel engine wet stacking. Generac Mobile generators with Final Tier 4 John Deere® engines feature an innovative exhaust temperature management (ETM) system. The ETM system works by monitoring and regulating engine exhaust temperatures and providing supplemental heat when necessary to avoid wet stacking issues - eliminating the need for a supplemental load or heat device. In fact, we’ve done the testing to verify performance. See the results and learn more about proper generator sizing and maintenance by downloading our Wet Stacking Fact Sheet. To download our complete Wet Stacking Fact Sheet, visit or scan the QR code with your mobile device.

John Deere is a registered trademark of Deere & Company. 800-926-9768 | +1 920-361-4442 ©2020 Generac Power Systems. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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The E desig

ÈSullair Perkinspowered Diesel Air Compressor Line

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This comprehensive line of Tier 4 Final diesel-powered “small air” machines includes the 185, 375H, 400HH and 425H Series models.

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• 185 Series delivers 185 cfm at 100 psig, features a 14-series airend and Perkins 404F-E22T turbocharged engine to handle high altitudes

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• 375 Series family includes the 375H, 400HH and 425H providing 375, 400 and 425 cfm at 150 psig and equipped with a 16-series air end, 122-hp Perkins 1204F-E44, four-cylinder engine and oversized 65-gal. fuel tank •

Offers up to 10 hours of run time at full load •

Compact designs for easier towing and storage

www.forconstructionpros. com/21117364

ÈWacker Neuson

Enhanced G70 Mobile Generator The compact, sound-attenuated G70 provides single- and three-phase power for applications where quiet power is needed. • Features a 104-hp Kohler KDI3404 Tier 4 Final engine, variable-speed fan, Mecc Alte alternator and Deep Sea controller • Produces standby output of 63 kW/79 kVA and prime output of 58 kW/72 kVA • Separate excitation winding and Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) enhance motor starting and the ability to run non-linear loads • Optional Level Load Logic (L3) automatically activates when it senses a less than 30% load and low coolant temperature www.forconstructionpros. com/21050268

ÈMakinex SKU: GEN-23-US-480 Three-phase Generator The SKU: GEN-23-US-480 23-kW 480V three-phase generator features permanent magnet brushless alternator technology with completely independent circuits for 120V and 480V. • Can run single-phase and three-phase equipment simultaneously • Weighs 410 lb., fits through doorways and can safely be taken in internal/external elevators


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MDG25 Diesel Generator

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The MDG25 provides three-phase 25-kVA prime power in a compact cabinet that enables transport efficiency while making the generator easy to maneuver and tow.

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• Reliable, easy to maintain Isuzu Tier 4 Final diesel engine requires no diesel exhaust fluid or DPF

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• 56-gal. fuel capacity with 28-hour run time • Weighs under 3,000 lb. to allow for easy towing with no trailer brakes required • Easy to use Deep Sea DSE7310 MKII controller provides full programmability and status screens • Rugged, steel body design with 67-dBA sound rating • Optional 100% fluid containment

ÈKOHLER Command PRO Dual-Fuel CH440DF Engine The Command PRO dual-fuel CH440DF horizontalshaft, single-cylinder, four-cycle, carbureted engine is designed to operate on gasoline or propane. • Simply move a lever left or right to switch between fuels • QuadClean fourstage cyclonic air cleaner provides maximum protection against dirt and debris

• 50A, 30A and 20A outlets standard

• Includes Fuel Secure automatic fuel line shutoff, a large fuel tank and Oil Sentry protection

• Provides 10 hours of run time at 50%

• Cast-iron cylinder liners and forged-steel crankcases ensure durable operation

www.forconstructionpros. com/21114611

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ÈEGO Nexus Power Station The EGO Nexus Power Station is a battery-powered inverter, designed as a replacement for compact gas generators. • Uses anywhere from one to four batteries to deliver power, and when power is restored, it doubles as a charger for the 56V ARC Lithium batteries • With four 7.5 Ah packs, the power station will provide 1,680 watt-hours of power • Run times vary based on batteries used and devices being powered • Runtime can be monitored from the EGO POWER+ app or viewed on the LCD display • Can be controlled remotely via Wi-Fi and BLE connections and allows users to harness power from any EGO POWER+ ARC Lithium battery • 3,000 Watt Peak Output (Pure Sine)


Towable RS Generators The RS generator range includes five Tier 4 Finalcompliant models delivering prime power output of 56 to 500 kW (70 to 625 kVA). • Designed to be towed with operating weights from 7,239 to 25,209 lb. • Tier 4 Final aftertreatment consists of selective catalytic reduction and diesel exhaust fluid only • Easy to access controls with automatic mains failure (AMF) and synchronizing capability, with touchscreen controls on larger models

• 2,000 Watt Continuous Output • 50 lb. • 4 X USB Outlet • 3 X AC Outlet

• Automatic voltage regulator adjustment can be made from the front of the control panel

• 4-Port Charger • Solar Charging Compatible

• Standard JCB LiveLink advanced telematics

• Weather resistant


KOHLER® – Power Solutions Leadership Since 1920 A global force in power solutions since 1920, Kohler is committed to reliable and intelligent products, purposeful engineering and responsive after-sale support. The company manufactures complete power systems, including generators, automatic transfer switches, switchgear, and monitoring controls for emergency, prime power and energymanagement applications worldwide. Ideal for rental companies, the full line of Kohler mobile generators are built to withstand the elements and run for long hours in prime and standby applications. Kohler mobile generators also feature flexible fuel options, including both gaseous and Tier 4 Final diesel models. The gaseous models offer optional on-board LP fuel tanks and the flexibility to easily switch between the on-board LP fuel tanks and external

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LP or natural gas fuel sources. LP and Natural Gas solutions provide runtime cost savings with no ground spill risk and produce less toxins and carbon monoxide. Kohler also offers a number of support services to give rental companies and other users an edge on the competition, including a premium three-year limited warranty and customengineered specials to design a mobile generator that fits every job perfectly. From custom paint and decals to receptacle connectors and fuel tank capacity, Kohler makes it easy to get exactly what a customer needs. Kohler’s global service and support network, with more than 800 locations worldwide, also provides aftermarket support services to guarantee the satisfaction of their mobile generators and other products.

Founded in 1873 and headquartered in Kohler, Wis. Kohler Co. is one of America’s oldest and largest privately held companies. With more than 50 manufacturing locations worldwide, Kohler is a global leader in the manufacture of kitchen and bath products; engines and power systems; cabinetry and tile; and owner/operator of two of the world’s finest five-star hospitality and golf resort destinations in Kohler and St Andrews, Scotland.

For additional information, visit MAY 2020


5/4/20 9:37 AM


ÅBriggs & Stratton 8,000-watt Elite Series Portable Generator

The 8,000-watt, 120/240V Elite Series portable generator includes StatStation Wireless featuring Bluetooth technology, enabling operators to monitor the generator remotely. • StatStation Wireless app provides visibility to fuel gauge and run time left before needing to refuel, percent of available watts being consumed, maintenance reminders, hour meter and more • Free app certified for use on iPhone 6 and above running at least iOS 9 or a Samsung Galaxy S6 or above running at least Android 6.0.1


• Generator features include a Power Surge alternator, low oil shutdown, automatic voltage regulation and electric/recoil start

Kaese range

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ÈFPT F34 and F36 Stage V Engines

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The F34 3.4-liter in-line four-cylinder engine delivers 74 hp with a maximum torque of 313 ft.-lbs., while the F36 3.6-liter model provides from 75 to 141 hp and generates up to 443 ft.-lbs. of torque. •

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F34 uses a diesel oxidation catalyst and DPF aftertreatment system and offers quick engine response in variable load conditions •

F36 incorporates the Hi-eSCR2 aftertreatment package and features a wastegate turbocharger and improved piston design

• Both models include common rail fuel injection •

600-hour oil service intervals

ÆHonda GX50 Mini-Four Stroke Engine With a maximum output of 1.97 hp and a weight of just 10.4 lb., the GX50 general-purpose mini-four stroke engine offers high output and a lightweight, compact design, plus is quieter and features reduced vibration. • Easy-to-start recoil reduces pulling force required for starting • Can be inclined 360 degrees during operation and storage • Valvetrain parts installed inside the oil chamber

• For




ÇVanair Aluminum

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Reliant RC40-L and RS85

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The aluminum canopy and air end reduce the weight of the Reliant RC40-L by 40% and the Reliant RS85 by 30% over the standard model.

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• Rust-resistant and durable RC40-L offers 40 cfm of air power with hydraulic cooling assist for additional hydraulic systems

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• Includes a relocatable instrument panel for mounting flexibility on and off the unit and reversible hinged hood for flexible positioning • Easy to read display panel available as a standard mechanical gauge or optional telematics-capable LED electronic panel providing maintenance, overpressure and overtemperature alerts • Optional cold weather package

• Bridge Guard Design provides stability and helps protect engine cowling in upside down positions during maintenance intervals


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Th A

ÅKubota GL14000 LowboyPro Generator The GL14000 is a Tier 4-certified, 14-kVA single-phase generator powered by Kubota’s D902 diesel engine and offering frequencies that can switch between 50 and 60 Hz. • Triple-sealed, corrosion-resistant alternator optimized to generate more magnetic force with fewer turns • Large-capacity, built-in muffler and large-capacity radiator reduce noise, enabling noise levels as low as 65 dB • Fully enclosed, compact and houses the receptacle and terminal in one package • Standard overcurrent and engine shutoff protective devices

ÆKaeser’s Mobilair M500-2 Kaeser’s Mobilair M500-2 delivers up to 1,600 cfm with a pressure range of 60 to 150 psig. • 600-hp Caterpillar C18 Tier 4 Final diesel engine • Runs continuously for 12 hours • External fuel connection and external DEF tank • Onboard Sigma Control Mobil matches air flow to meet varying air demand while maintaining steady pressure • Standard Proemion telematics and GPS/GSM-modem • Remotely monitor operating status and maintenance conditions • Remote start with geofencing feature • Fork pockets and lifting eyes

ÆAPT 110 Air



The APT 110 delivers 110 cfm at 100 psig, enabling it to power two breakers, plus is lightweight and easy to transport. • Extra-tough polyethylene canopy protects the working parts • Standard trailer mounting with road lights • Includes a high-efficiency oil-injected airend and a Kubota Tier 4 Final diesel engine that doesn’t require aftertreatment components • Easy to service with ready access to filters, engine and air receivers • Options include cold weather kits, aftercoolers, fine air filters and more


ÈJenny Products J5A-30P Air Compressor The electric-powered J5A-30P single-stage compressor includes an ASME-certified, 30-gal. air tank. •

Suitable for running multiple tools simultaneously • Industrial-duty, 5-hp electric motor requires a single-phase, 230-volt power source •

Features four-cylinder “J” pump with high compression ratio for producing 19.4 cfm at 100 psi or 19 cfm at 125 psi • Pump temperature kept low by directional air shroud and large flywheel

Professional-duty “Ultimate Blue” synthetic pump oil protects pistons, crankshaft, bearings, rings and cylinders

The fastest-growing brand of compact lifts Call 1-844-UPequip and join the Simple Inside™ community Build your unit at

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MAY 2020


5/4/20 1:32 PM



To help address a need in their community for personal protection equipment (PPE) for medical personnel and first responders, team members from Genie, a Terex brand, headquartered in Redmond, WA, have been working on a concept to produce medical equipment for a local hospital. The effort began with a face shield design developed by Jim Donaldson, Genie Engineering design manager, Terex AWP. Donaldson shared his idea with Matt Fearon, Genie president, Terex AWP, who agreed it was a concept worth exploring. Working with team members from project management, engineering and sourcing, the initial design was refined, and long-time supplier, Allegis Corporation, stepped in to source the materials, even developing a custom tool to stamp out the shield shape. Fearon, Donaldson and a team of engineers and project managers then met with representatives from Overlake Medical Center, located in Bellevue, WA, to better understand the hospital’s needs, as well as to determine if there were other ways the Genie team could help. As a result, the Genie team expected to begin production of the face shields. Material on hand should be enough to produce 4,000 to 5,000 face shields. Whether the Genie team will produce more than the initial donation of face shields depends on material availability, as well as the need. The team also found other ways to help. It has developed a process for manufacturing face coverings using material provided by the hospital and a heatsealing process to create seams and pleats. Learn more at

UNITED RENTALS ANNOUNCES DRIVE-UP SERVICE, CLEAN EQUIPMENT United Rentals is offering drive-up service to allow customers to maintain social distancing when renting equipment, which has been disinfected. During the COVID-19 crisis, it is offering “contact-less” driveup, in addition to delivery, at one of its over 1,100 branch locations. In addition to routine checks, the company now disinfects the equipment. United Rentals uses U.S. EPA-approved disinfectants and follows manufacturers’ instructions on application to spray and/or wipe commonly-touched surfaces necessary to operate tools and machinery. In particular, United Rentals focuses on things like controls, buttons, latches,


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knobs, grab handles, operator seats and seat belts. If United Rentals is dropping the equipment off to the customer, drivers will now perform a “last touch” precautionary disinfecting of the equipment. They will use an EPA-approved disinfectant and will spray or wipe the surfaces touched by the driver when delivering the equipment. United Rentals has communicated with employees on disinfecting equipment, practicing good personal hygiene, social distancing and the proper disposal of wipes, towels and any other personal protection equipment they use. Read more at

5/4/20 9:40 AM

OCTOBER 22-23, 2020 • TALKING STICK RESORT, SCOTTSDALE, AZ The construction industry’s immediate and long-term critical issues will be the focus of two days of expert presentations that will spark new ideas and new approaches and spur action that will help companies grow and prosper more profitably.


“Small group atmosphere was great for networking” “I enjoyed speaking one-on-one with the speakers after the summit” “I think it is important that we educated our leaders and motivate our employees, and Ignite did just that” “The speakers spoke on key topics business owners are interested in” “I’ve always had something missing, and Ignite Construction Summit helped me identify and solve the missing piece” “I took a million dollars’ worth of advice out of it” “Geared toward the business side of the company” “We implemented the strategies, the day we got back”




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5/4/20 9:40 AM


IPAF REPORT GIVES NEW INSIGHT INTO MEWP ACCIDENTS WORLDWIDE The International Powered Access Federation’s (IPAF) Global Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) Safety Report 2016-2018 presents key findings from the federation’s analysis of accident statistics gathered through its worldwide accident reporting project, which has incident reporting from 25 countries around the globe. The report is now available to view or download at Accidents on construction sites account for the joint highest average number per year, but as MEWPs are used much more widely in construction than in other sectors and locations, they are in fact proportionally less likely to occur on a controlled work site than in a remote location or a public area, such as alongside a road, the report shows. As well as the increased proportional risk of an accident occurring when working away from controlled jobsites, the new report identifies recurring underlying causes of incidents involving MEWPs as falls from the platform, electrocutions, entrapments, MEWP tip-overs and MEWPs being struck by another vehicle. This is in line with previous years’ fatal accident analysis and demonstrates that the industry should focus on reducing underlying factors common to these types of incidents. All companies and individuals are encouraged to report incidents involving MEWPs, Mast Climbing Work Platforms (MCWPs) and other types of lifting equipment at; specific details such as names, location and machine brand are not required to report an incident. Reporting is available in multiple languages. Users can sign in to the IPAF portal or report anonymously with one click, and are asked to provide as much information as possible about the incident, including details such as when it occurred, who was in charge and who was affected, what was the outcome, what was the MEWP category, how was the machine being used and what happened. Learn more at 21126274.

Brad Boehler Named to Board of Hy-Brid Lifts Hy-Brid Lifts, a supplier of low-level access equipment, announces the appointment of Brad Boehler to its Board of Directors, helping guide the company’s strategic direction. In this role, Boehler will tap into his years of industry experience in both engineering and market development to help guide the strategic direction of Hy-Brid Lifts by Custom Equipment, LLC. Boehler’s career spans nearly 25 years in the equipment industry, including work as an engineer focused on product design and development. He also has experience with associations that build


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safety and training protocols. Most recently, Boehler served for eight years as president of Skyjack, where he was instrumental in growing the footprint and global distribution of the brand.

Boehler is based out of Ontario, Canada.

“Brad has held a variety of influential positions with major manufacturers and global industry organizations including IPAF and AEM,” says Terry Dolan, Hy-Brid Lifts president and CEO. “With in-depth experience in product design and development, safety and training protocols and strategic leadership, Brad brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Hy-Brid board.”

5/4/20 9:41 AM



Abbott Rubber Co. ................................................... 41 Allmand ...................................................................... 5 Boss Industries ......................................................... 28 Brave Industries ....................................................... 14


Air Hose Water Hose Suction Hose Discharge Hose Hydraulic Hose Pressure Washer Hose Plaster/Grout Hose Sand Blast Hose

Briggs & Stratton ..................................................... 27


CK Power .................................................................. 15

Generac Mobile Products ........................................ 33





FMH ........................................................................... 17


General Pipe Cleaners ................................................ 2 Honda - Engines ....................................................... 13

1700 NICHOLAS BLVD. ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL 60007 (847) 952-1800 (800) 852-1855 FAX (847) 952-0156


IGNITE Construction Summit ................................... 39 Jenny Products ......................................................... 29 John Deere.................................................................. 7

The Original.

Kaeser Compressors................................................. 31 Kohler Industrial ................................................ 35, 44 LBX ............................................................................ 23 Mi-T-M ....................................................................... 30 Precision Components ............................................. 43

Breaking up concrete, boulders, and bedrock — mix with water and pour into holes. | One product for all temperatures

Sullair ........................................................................ 21 Uline .......................................................................... 14 UP Equip ................................................................... 37 Windy Ridge ............................................................. 41

800.639.2021 This index is provided as a service. The publisher does not assume liability for errors or omissions.

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5/4/20 9:41 AM


Dick Detmer


FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Diversification can be an income-generating brainstorming option but caution is strongly advised.


’ve been asked to write about the topic of whether diversification of product lines by rental companies should be considered. I feel that now is a prime time to brainstorm all of the possibilities to increase income and to position the company for the future in an increasingly uncertain world. As you may know, the brainstorming process begins with listing all possibilities without being selective as far as the feasibility and likelihood of favorable results. Later on in the process, the most feasible and most likely to succeed options are highlighted for possible implementation. (Sometimes the brainstormed options that at first blush seemed unthinkable later show considerable promise.) However, there is a big difference between the initial brainstorming process and actually “pulling the trigger.” When brainstorming options, it is important to have select team members involved in this exercise; it is not effective if performed by just the CEO. Also have an outside, experienced facilitator lead the brainstorming exercise if possible. I was asked in particular about going from a party and event-only rental company and adding some tools and construction equipment to bring in some badly needed income. Every rental company is different and their market, competition (and opportunities) are radically different. In general, and especially with this example, I feel it is not wise to dabble


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with a totally new and different type of inventory. Many party rental companies may not have the proper processes, procedures, training or facilities to handle the additions. Also, the unintended consequences might become more than an annoyance as some customers may soon expect a broader selection of tools and equipment than you want to stock. With a few exceptions, I have found that either a company is really in the business or they proba-

ONCE THE U.S. STARTS TO “OPEN UP” FOR BUSINESS, RE-FOCUSING ON YOUR TRADITIONAL CUSTOMER TYPE CAN BE RENEWED bly shouldn’t be in it at all. Especially in the short term for immediate cash generation, adding tools and equipment without proper due diligence could be an unwise investment. Capital is also a precious commodity that must be used sparingly. Another thought is that if product line diversification puts a company into the “essential” classification, perhaps it makes more sense

to consider it. But if small businesses reopen or partially reopen soon, this would make this option far less attractive. Again, make sure that options are very well thought out. Another form of diversification involves expansion of the types of customers you typically target. (An obvious example is local hospitals and other healthcare organizations that were not on your radar before the pandemic.) But for now, it might be wise to brainstorm the “who, what, where, when and how” of new customer type acquisition. (Remember to have a structured plan for what you decide makes sense — and follow through.) Once the U.S. starts to “open up” for business, re-focusing on your traditional customer type can be renewed, though some nontraditional customers may become significant revenue generators long after the threat has ended. I feel strongly that well-managed independent rental companies that have had the financial strength to weather the worst U.S. economic storm in almost 100 years are wellpositioned for a return to growth and even greater prosperity. In my opinion, there will be plenty of pentup demand for rental equipment and the great service you provide.


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Dick Detmer is a nationally recognized consultant, lecturer and writer with 40+ years of experience in the equipment rental industry. In 2018, he celebrated the 30th anniversary of his business, Detmer Consulting Inc., and his column in Rental. Dick can be contacted at, (309) 781-3451 or by visiting his website

5/4/20 9:26 AM






Assembly, 8 ft Platform Tri LG, Blank w/Side Swing Gate


Assembly, 6 ft Platform Dual LG, Blank W/Side Swing Gate

Assembly, 8 ft Platform Tri XL, Blank w/Side Swing Gate





Platform 36 x 96 Side Gate

Platform Assembly, 6 ft Swing Gate









Field Kit, Control Box Guard

Platform, Install 36 x 96 Gate

Kit, Sky Glazier Single Cap

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0520RPN_42-44_EyeOnRental.indd 43

5/4/20 9:27 AM




Say hello to KOHLER diesel and gaseous generators. The new favorites on the rental scene, KOHLER mobile generators feature patented plug ’n’ play technology for easy paralleling. Plus, our gaseous generators are loaded with diesel-style touch points, including onboard fuel tanks for any application. Like we said, “everything.” ®

Get it all at

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5/4/20 9:27 AM

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